Episode 1 Script

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T: Takeshi Hisayuki

D: Dylan Carter
C: Clyde Myers
J: Jacob Evans
DR: Derrek Sanchez
V: Violet Angelo
N: Nova
M: May Thompson
A: Andromeda Zkar
K: Kaylee Myers
NR1: News Reporter 1

() = How the tone is supposed to sound

Italic= Things that are happening
Note: It would be more convenient to read the
script before recording.
Kaylee and May were studying the stars. The night
sky covered the city of Los Angeles like a blanket as
the stars twinkled and shimmered.

K: The stars are so beautiful! (amazed)

M: They truly are. Space is home to an endless

number of mysteries... (amazed)

Kaylee gets a text from her phone.

K: Ugh… What does he want now? (annoyed)

C: guess what
C: I scratched ur car by accident
K: imma beat up ur ass when i get home
M: What’s the matter?

K: Clyde scratched my car... Again. (annoyed)

M: That’s why I’m thankful that I don’t have any

siblings. (relieved)

K: He’s so dependent! I let him live with me and he

spends all my money, but despite that, he just loves
to ruin my life. (annoyed)

M: *sighs in despair*.

May and Kaylee go back to looking at the stars

when something catches their eye.

M: Ah... A shooting star is quite rare to see.

K: Brings back memories of wishing on them.

May looks closer at what’s believed to be ‘a

shooting star’

M: That’s strange. It seems to be getting closer…


K: Isn’t that what shooting stars do?

M: Yes but… They don’t usually come in such

perfect shapes… (concerned)

K: What do you mean? (confused)

M: It seems to be shaped like a…

She zooms in with the telescope and her eyes grew

M: … A UFO… (confused)

K: Oh please, stop with your scientific ‘alien

theories’! (annoyed)

M: I don’t know… I must be seeing things.

As they continue chatting, the UFO starts getting

closer to the Earth. After a few moments, May and
Kaylee begin to hear the screaming of the wind, as if
something was about to fall from a high place.

K: Can you hear that noise? (confused)

M: Yeah, I can… What could it be? (confused)

K: It’s getting a lot louder! (concerned)

May looks through the telescope and sees the UFO

much closer to them.
M: It’s the UFO! (worried)

K: There’s no UFO May! Stop messing with me!


M: I’m serious! See for yourself! (angry, worried)

Kaylee looks through the telescope.

K: I don’t see a thing! (confused)

M: Don’t you ever take off those hideous glasses!


K: I’m color blind! (offended)

M: I know, but you can- (annoyed)

A deafening explosion happens outside.

K: What the hell was that?! (shouting, terrified)

M: I think it crashed! (worried)

They looked outside the window. There was indeed a

space capsule, and it had created a small crater
from where it landed. Its glass was fogged up and it
reflected the soft light coming from the moon. They
walk out of the building and approached the

M: Gosh… Can you believe this? It’s a UFO!


K: Woah… How did it end up here? (amazed)

M: That’s not the thing! We’re going to be on the

news! We just made a great discovery! (excited)
K: No, I’m serious! Where did it come from?

M: Good question… Looks like it crashed here.

K: What if there’s something inside? (curious)

M: Unlikely.

Their hearts stop when they hear strange noises

coming from the spaceship.

K: What was that? (frightened)

M: I don’t know… (worried)

K: I bet you some sort of creature’s gonna come out

of there… (frightened)
As if on que, a strange looking person- or being,
wearily stepped out of the spaceship.

A: *coughing* Argh… That hurt… (in pain)

M: Hurry! Let’s hide! *whispering* (concerned)

K: I’ve got to see! *whispering* (annoyed)

M: No! This might be an invasion! *whispering*


K: Fine! While you go hide like a chicken, I’m

going to investigate. *whispering* (annoyed)

M: Wait! It might be dangerous! *whispering*

Kaylee slowly and quietly approached the
mysterious creature. As she looked closer, she
realized it had light blue skin, and its hair was the
turquoise color of the ocean. Its body shape looked
almost identical to a human. The creature was
looking around with shining, excited eyes.

K: Um- Hello. (nervous)

A: *gasps*, Living creatures! Nice to meet you,

Earth-dweller! (excited)

K: Uh- nice to meet you too. (nervous)

A: Your hair… It’s so lovely, and it’s pink! I’ve

never seen anything like it… (bewildered)

K: Oh- Hehe… Thanks. (flattered)

M: Ahem.
A: Another creature! (excited)

M: Yes, please allow me to introduce myself. I’m

May Thompson, and I’m a scientist. I specialize in
astronomy and physiology.

K: And I’m Kaylee Myers. (interrupting)

A: I’m Andromeda Zkar.

M: Nice to meet you.

K: Are you an alien? (confused)

A: To you, I am an alien, but that’s not the correct

term. We have different species.

M: Really? So, you’re not all the same? (surprised)

Andromeda seemed to enjoy their lack of knowledge,
so she decided to explain.

A: No. Our kind is divided into two, and my species

is Zacovian. We live on a planet called Zacov. Then
there’s our neighboring planet, Rozyke. We differ in
many things, like appearances and cultures,

M: Is it possible for humanity to visit these planets?


A: It depends. If you have technology that can travel

across galaxies, maybe you can. Your planet is quite
far away from my galaxy; I had to travel through a
black hole to get here. A big risk, it is.

M: Oh… Never mind. (changing the subject)

K: So, did you come here for a holiday? I’m pretty
sure you don’t have an ocean at your place.

A: No, I didn’t come here for holiday. I only came

here to scout from above, but my spaceship hit a
comet. (concerned)

May looks carefully at the spaceship.

M: Hm… Looks like it needs a lot of repairs.


A: Can you fix it? (hopeful)

M: I don’t know how Zacovian technology works,

but I’ll give it a try. (hopeful) You guys can stay
inside the lab while I try to fix it. But don’t you dare
touch anything! (grumpy)

K: Okay, okay, we know. (annoyed)

A few hours passed. Kaylee and Andromeda had
engaged in a long conversation.

K: And that’s my brother Clyde… *sigh*. The most

annoying thing in existence. (annoyed)

A: Does everyone in this world have pink hair?

K: No. There are tons of hair colors, with different

shades and all.

A: That’s interesting. All Zacovians have the same

hair and skin color.

K: That’s lucky. It means racism doesn’t exist. But it

must be hard to distinguish each other, right?

A: Yeah.
The room becomes silent for a few moments

K: So… Uh- What’s your favorite color? (nervous)

A: Well… I like Cyan, and maybe Magenta.

K: How long are you going to be staying here?


A: I must leave as soon as May finishes fixing my


K: Oh… But why can’t you stay? (upset)

N: I would, but I have a whole life back at home.

K: *sighs*… I was kinda… enjoying your

company… (nervous)
Their awkward silence is interrupted when May
calls out for them

M: Andromeda! I fixed your spaceship! (happy)

A: Really? (excited)

They eagerly rush outside, and they spot May,

holding different tools and frantically waving them
in the air.

M: Can you believe it! I can understand alien

technology! (excited) Do you have the blueprints by
any chance? (hopeful)

A: No.

M: Oh. (disappointed)
A: But… I do have something you guys might like.
Think of it as a reward for helping me. (cheerful)

Andromeda rummages through the capsule, and she

pulls out a human-sized box.

A: Here. I hope you like it. (cheerful)

K: What’s inside? (curious)

A: You’ll find out when you open it.

M: Blueprints, maybe… (hopeful)

A: Thank you both so much! (cheerful)

M: You're welcome.
Andromeda walks over to Kaylee.

A: I hope we can meet again. (hopeful)

K: Yeah. Me too. (upset)

She hugs Kaylee, and she turns red.

K: Uh- thank you… (nervous)

She smiles at her and boards the capsule. They wave

at her as she zooms away, plummeting into the night

K: *sighs*… Meeting an alien today definitely

wasn’t on my to-do list.
M: Me neither. But we can’t tell anyone about this.
Without proof, they’ll think we’re crazy.

K: You’re right…

Silence fills the air as they wonder what to do next.

K: The gift could be proof! (hopeful)

M: It depends on what it is, though.

K: We should go see what’s inside! (excited)

They enter the lab and place the large futuristic box
on the floor.

K: What if it’s a zombie? (wondering)

M: What made you think that? (confused)

K: I don’t know. For some reason in movies, aliens

always start an apocalypse.

May carefully opens the box. There was a female

cyborg inside it, sleeping peacefully, without a care
in the world. Her skin was pale, and her hair was
silver and silky. She was wearing clothes like
Andromeda’s; they looked futuristic.

K: *screams*

M: Dang it! I knew she wouldn’t give me those

blueprints! (disappointed)

K: She sent us a dead person! (terrified)

M: Wait, calm down! I don’t think it’s dead…

Maybe it’s unconscious… (wondering)
K: Could Andromeda be an alien killer? (worried)

M: I don’t think so… Hold on…

May digs through the box and finds a sheet of


M: It has a manual? (confused)

K: What? A manual? (confused)

M: Ah! I think it’s a robot. (realization)

K: But it looks just like a real human! (confused)

M: It must be bionic… (amazed)

K: So, it’s a cyborg? (curious)

M: Yes. (amazed)

K: Is it alive? (curious)

M: I’m not sure. It must have a heart. I’ll check for

its pulse.

May brings in a machine and takes the pulse of the


M: Hmm… Its heart seems to be beating…

The cyborg suddenly opens its eyes and looks

around in confusion.

K: *screams*
M: Shut up! (angry)

K: It’s alive! (frightened)

M: I know. Let me talk to it. *whispering* (angry)

Hello there.

N: *groans*… Wah… W-where am I? (confused


K: You’re in May’s lab.

M: You’re in the United States, California, Los

Angeles Downtown.

N: W-who are you? Who am I? (confused)

M: I’m May Thompson, and I’m your owner.

K: I’m Kaylee Myers, and we’re your owners…

M: *sighs*... (annoyed)

K: What’s your name?

The perplexed cyborg stares at the wall for a few


N: I… I don’t know…. (confused)

M: Would you like us to give you a name?

N: I’d like that. (cheerful)

K: Hm… We could name you Nova because you’re

from space! (excited)
M: That’s a terrible name! (angry) We should name
her something sensible, like MT-2.0.

K: Which do you think is better?

N: I think I like… Nova. (joyful)

K: See? (teasing)

M: *sighs*… Fine. (annoyed) Listen, I have work to

do. You can go home and take care of Nova. Come
see me in the lab tomorrow; I want to examine her.

K: Ok. See ya later.

M: Bye.
The main protagonists work in an acting studio.
They have minor roles in a not-so-famous show,
as they have no other choice but to keep their
jobs because most of them are high school
The next day…

Clyde Myers was playing a game on his phone

during his break, and Dylan Carter was watching
him play. Takeshi Hisayuki was quietly reading a
book, trying to ignore the shouts of victory from
Clyde. Jacob Evans was eating a sandwich and
watching his friends annoy Takeshi (who was slowly
losing his patience); he found it very entertaining.
Derrek Sanchez was on his phone, his expression
looking disappointed.

C: Yes! We won! In your face, suckers! I did it! I

was the one who shot the last guy! I’m the best!
(excited, arrogant)
T: *inhales, exhales*… Clyde, what did we say
about disturbing my peace? I’m starting to lose my
sanity. (trying to be calm)

C: Ok, ok, sorry. (careless) Anyway, did you see me

back there? I was at a weird angle, and he was
moving, but I shot him! In the head! (excited)

D: Yeah, it was cool.

Jacob turned to look at Derrek, who was grimacing.

J: Why the face? (curious)

DR: Nothing. (grumbling, annoyed)

J: There’s always something when you say that.

DR: I’m just… tired. Of this shit. (annoyed)

J: What shit? (confused)

DR: I’ve been texting this girl from Tinder for about
a week now, and when I called her today, her
boyfriend answered. (annoyed)

J: Oooh… But why’d you try dating a girl who

already had a boyfriend?

DR: I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. She never

told me. (annoyed)

J: I already told you, one day, you’ll find someone.

Have some patience. (reassuring)

DR: *sighs*… I just keep seeing it everywhere. In

public, ads, social media, it’s driving me crazy. Even
Violet was carrying a rose when she came in today.

J: For real? She barely even talks. How’s anyone

supposed to like her? (confused)

DR: See what I mean? The people who don’t want a

relationship get one, and people who want a
relationship don’t get one. It’s not fair. (upset)

J: That’s not true. (confused)

DR: It is! Look at you. You don’t want love, but the
girls go crazy for you. And the guys, too. (annoyed)

J: That’s because of my physical appearance.

DR: Do I look that bad? (annoyed)

J: You look great; no homo. But your hair could use
some work. I’m just being honest, go get a haircut.

DR: My hair’s too beautiful to be thrown into a bin

like that. (offended)

T: *cough, cough**clears throat*.

D: Guys, c’mon. Break’s over.

J: Alright. Let’s go.

They get up and leave the room.

A few hours later, their shift was over. Everyone

piled up in Takeshi’s car.

D: Where should we eat today?

J: McKaylee’s. The have a new Triple BigMak. I
gotta try it.

C: I feel like pizza. Slice of Life, maybe?

DR: Seafood Paradise! It’s the new restaurant in

town. (excited)

C: Too pricy. (disagreeing)

T: Can we eat sushi? For once? Please? (pleading)

C: No.
J: No.
D: No.

DR: No one even likes sushi here. Except you.

T: *sighs*… We should find something sensible for
everyone, then.

DR: Let’s just go for pizza. I’ll get anchovies.

D: To the pizza place, then.

The boys sat on a table in the crowded restaurant. It

was a very popular place to eat, so it was always
swarming with people, especially on Fridays.

DR: Ok, what are you guys gonna order?

C: The usual. Pepperoni.

D: Same.

J: Just cheese.
T: I’m not hungry.

DR: Yes, you are. No one cares about your diet.

Make an exception for once. (annoyed)

C: We all know you adore pizza. (teasing)

T: I’ve only started liking it since I got here.


D: How’s pizza in Japan? Does it have ramen, or

sushi for toppings? (curious)

T: No. It’s normal, just gristly in most places. I still

prefer food there. All the ramen here tastes so fake.

J: Do you miss that place?

T: Yes. It’s beautiful, but I think I miss London
more. (upset)

DR: I wish my childhood home was a big fancy

mansion next to the Buckingham Palace. Mine was a
dump. (annoyed)

C: Well, you can’t expect much from an orphanage.

J: For god’s sake, I was raised on a farm. I slept on

hay. At least you had a bed. (annoyed)

D: I think we should order. This is getting nostalgic.

Takeshi called for the waitress.

T: Good afternoon, can we place our order?

W: Yes.

T: Two pepperonis, one anchovy, another just

cheese, and a pineapple. Medium sizes.

W: Alright. Any drinks?

J: Violet? *muttering* (confused)

W: I’m sorry, we don’t have a ‘violet’ on our menu.


DR: I’ll take a sprite.

C: Me too.

J: Uh… Guys? (worried)

D: I’m good.
T: I suppose that’s all.

W: Alright, thank you. Your order will be ready

soon. (cheerful)

J: Guys! Look! (annoyed)

DR: What is it? (annoyed)

J: It’s Violet! She’s going into the manhole!


T: What? (confused)
C: What? (confused)

DR: You don’t expect a swanky woman to take a

stroll in a manhole. (confused)
D: She’s not rich, dude.

DR: It looks like it.

C: Where’d you see her?

J: There.

He pointed to the window sitting next to them. It

wasn’t much of a view, just an alley between the
next building beside them. There was indeed a
manhole, but no one in sight.

C: That’s weird. (confused)

T: It’s unusual for her to go to a place like that…

She’s unauthorized. (suspicious)

DR: Sounds like she’s up to something. (firm)

D: What would anyone want from the sewers?

J: I guess we’ll have to find out.

Jacob stands up and places his hands on his hips

with determination.

C: You’re not following her, are you? (surprised)

T: Stalking is illegal. I reckon she isn’t sympathetic;

that’ll be a disadvantage if we were caught.

DR: Only if it’s for a bad reason. We’re just some

curious people. (excited)

D: She doesn’t seem too mean to me. But I’m pretty

sure she’ll be pissed.
DR: Well, I’m doing it. I’ve done this before.

They looked at him, not even fazed by it. They knew

their friend had a lot of ‘tricks’ up his sleeve.

DR: I’m joking. Really. (careless)

J: Should we do it? (curious)

C: We might regret it if we don’t. (hopeful)

T: I think we should just let it go. It’d be nosy of us

to follow someone just out if curiosity.

Before he was even done talking, Derrek got up and

walked away. He turned around quickly and added:
DR: I’m going on a trip; underground. (excited)

C: Wait for us! (eager)

D: Us? (annoyed)

Clyde took off behind Derrek. Jacob followed, and

then, reluctantly, Takeshi and Dylan. Outside, they
found Derrek and Clyde staring at the opened
manhole. There was air coming from it, blowing
Derrek’s long hair.

DR: We need to get in. (determined)

J: There must be a way… (determined)

C: A portal… (determined)

D: That ladder? (annoyed)

Dylan gestured towards the ladder hanging on the
wall. The rest of the boys (not Takeshi) looked at
him, disappointed. They were wishing for it to be
some sort of exploration.

J: I’ll go first to make sure it’s sturdy.

C: Bro, you weigh a ton. (confused)

J: It’s muscle. (offended)

He climbed down carefully but swiftly and skipped a

couple of rails before landing on the ground. It was
a huge, smoothly caved tunnel, with a stream
running through it, only a little space left for there
to be edges so people could stand. It smelled as foul
as a sewer, which was what it is.

J: It reeks down here. (disgusted)

His voice echoed through the tunnel, bouncing off
the walls. He noticed a line carved into the wall, as
if something had been there but was filled in.

J: Hm… Guys! I found something! You should

come down here!

One by one, they went down the ladder, impatient

and eager to see what he found. Their spirits were
lowered again once they realized it was a line in the

DR: Come on, it’s just a crack. What’s so suspicious

about that? (unimpressed)

C: I expected a beast form of Violet or something.

D: Are you forgetting she’s a normal human?

T: Dylan has a point, but we don’t know what she’s

up to. (concerned)

D: What if we all misunderstood? Maybe she found

some mouse and decided to feed it? (annoyed)

DR: I wouldn’t mind the mouse feeding me.


J: She might have, most people love animals. But

what made her find it in the first place?

C: Maybe it was her first time exploring in here, like


J: I doubt it. The way she looked around so stealthily

gave it away. (firm)
T: Then… She must be after something. She knows
something we don’t. (concerned)

D: *sighs*… I have a bad feeling about this. We

haven’t seen much, but I know something’s wrong
with her. (worried)

DR: It’ll make sense if we find her. (determined)

Clyde looked closer at the wall. It looked… push-

able. He put all his weight on it, and just as he
thought, it went inwards. Then, the concrete door
slid to the left, revealing a smaller tunnel. All of
them were amazed, mouths wide open, except
Takeshi and Dylan. Takeshi always looked stern,
even when surprised. His eyes only widened a bit
and he frowned; normal. However, Dylan looked
like he’d witnessed death. He seemed worried and
shocked at the same time, as if he didn’t want to
believe it.
D: *stutters*… Should we… (shocked, worried,

J: Yes. (firm)

Jacob walked into the tunnel hurriedly and the

others followed. As they went deeper in, it became
darker and darker, smaller, and smaller. The jog
turned into a walk, then a crouch, and eventually a
crawl. The tunnel’s ceiling was so low now they
could barely breathe.

C: Thank Goodness none of us have claustrophobia.

If we did, we’d be dead by now. (relieved)

T: I never imagined I’d be back in a rocky place like

this. Underground, covered, again. (concerned, firm)
Not stuck, thankfully. (relieved)

J: What do you mean by ‘again’? (confused)

T: Oh, never mind.

D: Let’s just focus on this for now.

DR: Says the one who denied it all, but whatever.

It was dark, and Derrek couldn’t see Dylan’s face,

but he felt his glare.

DR: Stop glaring at me. I know you are. (annoyed)

C: When’s this damn tunnel gonna end? It’s starting

to smell. (annoyed)

T: I hope we don’t find something foolish.

DR: Yeah. I swear I’d end up killing the guy who

left the pizza place first. (annoyed)
J: Guys! I see light! (excited)

C: Really? Finally! I’m done being behind your ass.


T: Well, hurry up then! (annoyed)

The tunnel began getting wider again. Jacob saw an

opening, and he went out from it. He felt his back
make cracking noises.

J: Argh… My back… (in pain)

DR: So this is what it takes to turn my shitty day to a

good one… (annoyed, in pain)

D: *groans*… I need a massage. (in pain)

C: *groaning*, same here… (in pain)

T: How pathetic. I was stuck under concrete for two

days. You’ve barely been there for a half hour.

J: Is that possible? (confused)

DR: I heard a human can survive 15 days without

food, 3 without water. I’d be dead by the first 3

D: He was three. (shocked)

Background conversation (while Takeshi is busy


C: Exactly! Can a three-year-old survive? (confused)

J: Probably.

DR: I said humans, any human. At any age.

D: Ok. We’ve got that settled. Let’s look around.

C: It’s a pretty big room. Could all of this have

something to do with Violet? (confused)

J: I don’t think so. There’s nothing special down


End of background conversation

While they talked, Takeshi looked around. The room

they were in was huge, with tall pillars on the side,
reaching up to the high ceiling; everything seemed
so grand. In the center, there were six smaller
pillars, or stands. Five of the six had something
colorful on it, and those things seemed to glow.
Takeshi approached them, looking closer. They were
gems, sparkling and radiant, and they were floating.
He was bewildered and speechless; he hadn’t seen
magic in years. Yet, he still felt as if he’d seen them

T POV: Those gems… They look so familiar…


He was so close to touching them but was


DR: What are those things then? (confused)

C: Hey, Takeshi! Don’t go exploring without us.

T: I know, I was just looking at them. I think I’ve

seen them before. (suspicious)
The rest of them run to where he was, and they
stared at the gem in awe.

D: They’re so beautiful… (stunned)

J: Yes, too good to be in the sewers. This must be

the reason she came down here. (suspicious)

DR: What if she wants to steal them? What other

intentions could she have? (shocked)

C: They look worth a lot of money. (suspicious)

T: And how are they floating? This isn’t normal.

(confused) I just pray it isn’t anything magical…

D: Are you crazy? Magic isn’t real. This is probably

an abandoned underground museum. Violet doesn’t
seem like a thief, and if she was, why isn’t she here?
She came before us, right? (reassuring)

J: You have a point, but still. (suspicious)

DR: Well, if she’s not gonna take ’em, I think we

should. (sneaky)

C: No.
T: No.
J: No.
D: No.

DR: Why not? They don’t belong to anybody.


C: They might.

DR: Can we at least touch them? For a bit? (hopeful)

T: Just for a bit. I also want to take a closer look. As
long as no one goes pick-pocketing.

DR: Of course.

One by one, they hesitantly approached the stones,

holding them delicately and eyeing them (except
Derrek, who snatched them aggressively). Takeshi
was the last one to do so. When he did, he looked at
the deep-blue gem he was clutching. He felt
something strange and tingling inside him. The
others felt it too, but they didn’t pay too much
attention to it. But then, Takeshi remembered where
he’d seen them, and his heart stopped upon
realizing what they were.

T: Wait… These are… (shocked, frightened)

Suddenly, there was a bright flash, and everything

became dark...
While Takeshi was unconscious, he was having a
vision. His eyelids were barely open, and everything
was blurry. He could see a woman standing in front
of him. Her hair was long and dark, her skin like
snow, and her clothes were shadowy and ghastly.
She was glaring at him but smiling cruelly as well.
All he could see was her; everything else was pitch-

M: Come to me, Takeshi… I won’t hurt you…

*malicious, hysterical laugh* (evil tone)

Takeshi finally woke up. He was panting, his palms

were sweaty, and his heart was beating so much he
felt it would explode. There were tears streaming
down his face, even though he rarely cried. He
looked around and saw his friends lying on the
ground. They were wearing metal-suits, or armor.
He knew that their lives were about to change.

T: *panting noises (for five seconds) *

T: No… This can’t be happening… *muttering*

Guys? Are you awake? (frightened, worried)

Takeshi shook Jacob back to life, and he woke up,


J: *gasps* What’s going on? (alarmed)

T: Are you alright? (worried)

J: Yeah… I think I was dreaming… (shocked)

T: Me too. What did you see? (frightened)

J: Some emo looking woman. She had dark hair,
dark everything, except her skin. (shocked)

T: I saw her too. (concerned)

J: She told me to “come to her” like they do in

horror movies. (shocked, frightened)

T: She did that to me too. (concerned)

J: How did we have the same nightmare? (confused)

T: Maybe the others did too. If they did, that means

all our lives are in danger… (concerned)

J: What do you mean? (frightened)

T: I’ll explain later. For now, we’ll have to get out of

these suits. (concerned)
J: But how? (confused)

D: *groaning*… Guys? (drowsy)

J: Dylan! You alright? (worried)

D: Yeah… Wh-what’s going on? (confused)

T: Don’t worry, everything’s fine… For now.


D: Did Derrek hit me on my head or something?

(annoyed) And what am I wearing? What are you
guys wearing? (confused)

J: I think it’s armor.

D: That’s cool, but who got it? (confused)

T: No one did. It just appeared... (shocked,

J: I don’t think so. There must be some logical

explanation. (reassuring)

T: No. There isn’t. (shocked, concerned)

D: What do you mean? I thought you were the one

who was most logical. (unimpressed)

J: If there isn’t one, then what other explanation

could there be? (confused)

T: *sighs*… I know you might think I’m crazy, but

I think we’ve interfered with the banishment. These
gems have… powers. (concerned, frightened)
D: Haha, very funny. (annoyed) I thought you
weren’t the prank type.

T: You have every right not to believe me, but I’m

serious. (frightened, concerned)

J: Dylan, we just fainted. It’s most likely he’s in

shock, (reassuring) so don’t take anything he says
seriously. *whispering*

T: I heard that, and I’m not in shock. I can even

prove to you that I’m right. (concerned)

D: Go ahead. (unimpressed)

Takeshi stood up nervously. He’d never used powers

before, and he wasn’t sure it would work.

T: Only the beholder of the gems will be able to use

its power. I just don’t know if it works. (anxious)
J: I think I should slap some sense into him.

T: Just watch.

Takeshi fretfully stretches out his hand, and

suddenly, a small area of the floor explodes. Dylan
and Jacob gape at it, frozen in shock.

D: D-did you j-just d-do that? (shocked, frightened)

T: I… I did. (shocked)

J: Ok, this is impossible. I don’t believe it. I’m

seeing things. (shocked, concerned)

D: I d-don’t think you’re s-seeing things if we all s-

saw it. (shocked, frightened)
T: I told you. They do have powers, and so do you.

J: That has to be a magic trick or an illusion.

(shocked, concerned)

D: Let me try. (nervous)

Dylan stands up and extends his hand like Takeshi

did. He shuts his eyes tight, but instead of an
explosion he opens a portal.

D: *screams* What’s that?! (frightened)

J: *stutters* I-it’s… (shocked)

T: …A portal… (amazed, shocked)

D: W-what…? (frightened, shocked)

DR: Holy shit! What the heck is that?! (shocked,


T: Don’t worry, it’s a long story. (relieved)

DR: I’m dreaming, aren’t I? (shocked, frightened)

J: No, you’re not… (shocked)

DR: Well then someone’s gotta explain what just

happened! (terrified)

T: I’ll explain later, because we must leave as soon

as possible. (concerned)

J: I’m not leaving before I know what’s going on!

T: This place is cursed! We can’t stay any longer!

V: Hey! What are you doing here?! (angry)

D: Violet?! What are you doing here? (confused)

V: I asked first! (angry)

DR: We decided to follow you. You were looking

really fishy when you snuck into that manhole.

V: This is my property! (annoyed, angry)

T: Your property? Care to explain why these stones

are in here? (angry)
V: I don’t know! They just came with the thing.

T: Don’t play dumb, alright? I know what you want

these for! Every criminal out there has been looking
for these! (furious)

V: I don’t even know what you’re talking about! Do

I look like a criminal to you? (angry)

D: Takeshi, I think she’s telling the truth. *low,

hushed voice*

T: I can handle this. *low, hushed voice* (annoyed)

Takeshi faces Violet and a ball of fire begins to form

in his hand.

T: You better explain yourself… (firm)

V: I’m telling you! I discovered them a week ago,
unintentionally, and I just left them down here!

T: Where’s the sixth one, then? (angry)

V: *stutters*… It’s with me. (firm)

T: So, hand it over. (firm)

Takeshi extends his other hand, waiting for her to

give it to him.

V: What do you want from them, huh? (angry)

T: To protect them; you don’t know the

consequences of having them. (firm)
V: Yeah, right. I’m not giving them to a shady guy
like you. (angry, determined)

Just as Takeshi was about to do something, Violet’s

eyes began glowing and her hair was floating.
Forthwith, the whole room began shaking.

J: What’s going on? (frightened)

D: I don’t know! (concerned, terrified)

T: Me neither, but we must leave! (concerned)

DR: I’ll get Clyde!

Derrek dashes away and tries to find Clyde.

J: Am I seeing things or did Derrek just disappear-

D: Where’s Violet? (worried)

T: She’ll manage! Let’s go! (rushed)

They all rush towards the exit. Meanwhile, Derrek is

trying to wake Clyde.

DR: Clyde! Clyde! We gotta go! Come on, just

wake up already! (worried, rushed)

C: *groaning*… W-what… Ok, ok, I’m getting up!


Derrek grabs his hoodie and pulls him to the exit.

C: Ow! Watch it! (annoyed) Why is everything

shaking? (confused)
J: No time to explain! (worried, frightened)

Just as they were about to reach the exit a chunk of

the ceiling fell on them. There wasn’t enough time
for them to escape, and the darkness wrap itself
around them. Suddenly, they felt the concrete being
lifted. Jacob was carrying it, and he was just as
shocked as they were.

J: *grunting*… Come on, get out! (worried)

They crawled out, and Jacob threw the chunk of

concrete into the air.

C: Gosh, Jacob, how much do you lift? (amazed)

J: A few times a week, but I’m not this strong!

T: There’s no time to chat! Let’s go! (angry,

DR: The exit’s blocked! (worried)

C: What do we- (worried)

Another rock almost fell on Clyde, but Jacob yanked

him away in the nick of time.

J: This place is falling apart; we can’t stay any

longer! (worried)

T: Use your powers! (concerned)

C: What powers? (confused)

DR: I’ve got super speed. It’s not gonna help. Jacob
probably has super strength, what do you do?
T: I make explosions. (annoyed) That’ll just make
things worse.

J: Clyde! You’re our only hope! What’s your power?

(hopeful, worried)

C: I don’t have one, neither do you! This isn’t the

time for- (annoyed)

Derrek drags everyone into a circle.

DR: Clyde, just imagine all of us being out of this

place. Close your eyes and imagine with all your
might. (determined)

C: Are you serious- (annoyed)

DR: Just do it! (annoyed)

Clyde reluctantly shuts his eyes and imagines his
friends outside the sewers. He tries as much as he
can, and when he opens his eyes, they’re all still in
the same position.

C: See? Nothing even- (annoyed)

Suddenly, there was a flash. All of them were

outside, next to the manhole, Clyde realized what he
did; he teleported them.

C: Wait, wha- (shocked)

DR: You did it! Yes! You did it! (excited)

T: *sighs*… Thank goodness. (relieved)

J: Good job, man. You’re a hero. (impressed)

C: Shit! I just teleported! I just teleported! (terrified)

T: Don’t worry, it’ll take a while to get used to it.

C: I just teleported… This isn’t real! (terrified)

DR: Oh, it’s real alright. (excited)

J: Wait… Dylan! Where is he? (worried)

T: Oh no… He wasn’t with us in the circle!


C: What? Is he still in there? (worried, frightened)

DR: Where else could he be? (concerned)

Out of nowhere, a portal popped up. Dylan walked
out of it, and he looked as shocked as they were. It
seemed as if he was lost in his thoughts.

D: Guys, you’re alright! (worried)

J: Where were you? You scared the heck out of us!

(angry, worried)’

D: I was looking for you but I had to leave because

everything was crashing. (worried)

T: You should’nt have left us. (worried)

D: I know, sorry. (guilty)

C: Ok, now that we’re all safe, can someone please

explain what’s going on? (worried)
T: Yes, but we must talk about this in a private
place; it’s a very sensitive topic. (concerned)

DR: Let’s go to your place, then.

They enter Takeshi’s car, and there was an

uncomfortable silence for the whole ride.

J: Takeshi? How do you know so much about this?

(quiet, nervous)

Takeshi remains silent for a few moments, as he

knew the answer would be hard for them to digest.

T: *stutters, then sighs*… That’s a story for another


They didn’t argue, because they knew how Takeshi

felt about his secrets. After a few more minutes, they
reached Takeshi’s house. Everyone got out of the
car and entered his house.

D: Ok. Now we can talk.

C: You can take your time, cuz I’ve got nothing to


T: Alright, but I want to say two things. If you want

to listen, you must believe every word I say. I’m not
lying, and I can prove that. Second, you cannot tell
any soul about this. You can’t talk about it, or even
think about it, because if anyone knows, our whole
world will change forever. For the worse.

DR: Ok. Go on.

T: *inhales, exhales*. The gems that we found, are

one of the most prized possessions in the universe.
We have them because it wanted us to have it, which
means we are the chosen ones. (concerned)

D: The chosen ones? (confused)

T: Yes. We were chosen to have these because the

universe thinks we are responsible enough to have
them. We must protect these stones as if our lives
depend on it, and I’m quite sure you know what the
world would do with them. (concerned)

DR: They’d experiment on them… (worried)

D: …Take over the world… (frightened)

C: They’d kill each other to have them. (worried)

T: Exactly. That’s why we can’t let anyone know

about them. (concerned)
J: But Violet knows. (worried)

T: Let’s just hope she knows consequences too.


D: Is she a chosen one too?

DR: I guess. (concerned)

C: But where did the gems come from in the first

place? (confused)

T: That’s where things get a little more complicated.


J: We’re all ears.

T: Are you sure? It’s a long story. I’ll have to start
from the beginning for you to understand.

DR: Just start already. (annoyed)

T: *sighs*… Fine. It all started when the universe

was born, when everything was created. Everyone
knows what happened after the big bang and all that,
but as more life was created, everything needed a
balance. After the dinosaur ages, demons and angels
began to exist. Instead of living in harmony, the
battled eachother for survival. Eventually, they
decided to give away all their power and magic to
maintain peace, and they became mortals, or
humans. They passed it down to the wisest people
among their tribes, the yin and yang.

C: Waaaiiit, is this one of those Chinese themed

story things? (excited)
T: *sighs*, yes, but not fully. Let me finish.
(annoyed) Once they did that, people began to split
up, migrate, build villages, and kingdoms.
Everything kept going on normally, and the yin and
yang stayed in hiding, as we all know what
would’ve happened if they didn’t. That was until one
of the last demons, Shadow, became jealous of the
yin and yang’s powers. He wanted to take them for
himself and conquer the world after realizing its
profits. He gathered all the remaining demons, and
they attacked each kingdom that came in their way.
Finally, they found the yin and yang and forced them
to hand over their powers. They refused and fought
with the demons. Unfortunately, the demons won,
and reigned over the world for almost a century.
However, instead of showing themselves to the
world, they possessed people with power to do their
bidding. They spread deadly diseases, slaughtered
people, and caused wars. These times became
known as the Dark Ages, as they were some of the
worst centuries in history. As for the yin and yang,
there was only a little power left in them, and slowly
but surely, the drained the demons of their powers.
All this time, the demons hadn’t realized that their
powers were fading, and when they became weak
enough, the yin and yang took their chance to strike.
They fought their best and won the battle. All the
dark magic disappeared from the world, leaving the
demons powerless. They all died eventually, but
before Shadow did, he cursed the universe in his last
breaths so that there would be another person to
reincarnate him. Many years passed, and the world
went on as usual. During the 1500s, there was a girl.
She lived a poor life in her cottage with her family,
but she was happy. Her happiness didn’t last for
long, though, because she became sick. It was a
sickness no physician could cure, and it caused her
blood to become black. Her family constantly
worried about her, but her village began to fear she
was cursed. One day, she was walking in the woods,
when she started to transform; she had reincarnated
Shadow’s soul. She burned her village and killed all
the villagers, and instead of feeling guilty, she felt
proud. She knew what the next part of her plan was,
and she needed another demon to help her. There
weren’t any left, so she knew she’d have to possess
someone. Then, a person came to her mind, but he
was from the future. His destiny was to become like
her, and no one can run from their fate. The yin and
yang knew of her plan, so they decided to create the
gems that would be powerful enough to defeat her.
They made sure that the person she was going to
possess would be one of the beholders of these
gems, so he could protect himself from her, and help
the others. They also went an extra mile by having
another battle with Shadow’s reincarnated soul.
They banished her to the core of the earth, were she
was chained and locked up. However, they didn’t
kill her, so they enchanted the gems that once the
chosen ones had activated them, Shadow would be
free for the beholders to defeat. But, even if we did
defeat her, that person can never run from his
destiny. (concerned) That person… is me.

They stare at him, speechless, as a tear rolls down

his cheek.
T: The gems were an indication that… the end is
near. I didn’t expect it to be this early. (emotional)

DR: You’re the possessed guy? (shocked)

J: I… I can’t believe it. (shocked)

D: The end is near? How near? Weeks? Months?

Years? (concerned)

C: There’s no end! And Takeshi isn’t the demon.

(shocked, frightened)

T: I am. I had so many nightmares about it, and

everyone important in my life died. I even had a
prophecy to prove it. It’s real, and it’s all my fault.
I’m sorry. (emotional)
DR: No, it’s not your fault, and it never will be. If
these gems are powerful enough to beat that asshole,
then we still have some hope. (determined, angry)

J: And even if the end really is near, we shouldn’t

live in fear because of it. We’re still like everyone
else, even without all this chaos, we could still die
any minute. Car crash, heart attack, anything! We’re
going to make every moment count; we can’t let
anything go to waste. (determined)

D: I agree. (determined)

C: Me too. (determined)

T: I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you.


DR: Anytime. (reassuring)

J: So, what’s the plan?

D: I say we should just watch out for this demon.


C: And make sure Violet doesn’t get any funny

ideas. (suspicious)

T: Good point. What should we do now?

DR: Let’s watch some Netflix.

J: Sure.

Jacob grabs the remote and turns on the TV. It was

playing on the news channel, and the news lady
looked frantic. It was very smoky around her, and
there were people running behind her.
NR1: Breaking news! Brett Studios is on fire!
Firefighters are still on their way while the unlucky
are still stuck in the building. On top of that, earlier,
there was an earthquake near a pizzeria, however,
LA seismologists say that it wasn’t an earthquake, it
was an underground room crumbling. (panicked)

D: Guys?

C: Yeah?

D: That’s where we work! (worried)

DR: We should go help. (determined)

T: What?! I just told you the consequences if

someone knew! (worried)

J: People’s lives are in danger! If we have these

powers, we should use them for good. And like I
said, we have to make every moment count.

T: Ok, ok! But don’t reveal your identities.


C: This is amazing! We’re gonna be superheroes!


D: My childhood dream come true. (amused)

DR: My childhood dream was to have a cookie. My

diet consisted of 100% porridge. (annoyed)

T: Let’s stop talking about our childhood eating

habits and leave! (annoyed)

C: Ok, ok, we’re coming.


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