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Pretty in pink

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Znanstvenici sa sveučilišta Newcestle nedavno napravili

istraživanja u kojem su pitali mlade Britance u njihovim
dvadesetima koju boju preferiraju između dvije opcije. Njihov
rezultat pokazuje da žene općenito preferiraju ružičastu boju, a
muški plavu. Onda su ponovili istraživanja s mladim Kinezima i
rezultati su bili vrlo slični. Zaključak znanstvenika je taj da naše
preferiranje za drugačije boje mora biti rezultat evulacije i nešto s
cime smo rođeni. Zaključili su da žene možda preferiraju ružičastu
boju zato sto su u prednosti morali biti u identifikaciji crvenih
bobica i ostalih voća suma. Muški možda preferiraju plavu zato
sto su lovili i plavo nebo je znatno dobro vrijeme za lov.


Scientists from Newcastle University conducted an

experiment in which young people were asked which color
they prefer. The conclusion is that women prefer pink and
boys prefer blue. Maybe the woman had to be good at
freezing torest fruit and the men hunted the blue sky gool
weeuther in hunting.

1. What kind of experiment did Scientist at Newcestle

University did?
- They did of experiment in which they asked young British in
Chienese what color they preferd.

2. What was scintist conclusion?

- The scintist conlusion was that our preferens 4 different
colors must be a result of evulation in something we are all
born with.

3. What was results at experiment?

- Their results showed that women generally prefer pink a
men blue.

4. Why does i women prefer pink color?

- Women perheps prefer pink color be in the post they had to
identhing red earies in other fruits of the forest.

5. Why does men prefer blue color?

- Men perrheps prefer blue color be they used to hunti n blue
sky ment good weather for hunting.

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