Resume Build

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VitaCraft: Resume Builder




Submitted by:
Student Name:Jyoti Verma
Under the Guidance of: Roll No. : R210919106121
Mentor :- Prof Dhwani Saxena Student Name: Riyad Arshad
HOD : Monika Dixit Bajpai Roll No. : R210919106216
School of IT IMS Noida Student Name:Roshni Kumari
Roll No. : R210919106222

Student Roll No. Mobile

Name Mail ID
Jyoti R210919106121 9625299169

Riyad R210919106216 9952592901


Roshini R210919106222 6284947332


Title of the Mini Project: VitaCraft: Resume Builder

Name of the Mentor : Prof.Dhwani Saxena

For Office Use Only:

Signature of the Mentor

Date: -------------------------
Suggestions (if any): -

I am very grateful to my mini project (BCA-505P) Mentor Prof.Dhwani Saxena, for giving her
valuable time and constructive guidance in preparing the Synopsis/Mini Project (BCA 505P). It
would not have been possible to complete this mini project (BCA-505P) in such a short period
of time without her kind encouragement and valuable guidance. I would like to express my
sincere thanks to Monika Dixit Bajpai for her valuable guidance and support in completing my
project and also I would like to express my gratitude to the entire staff of SOIT for their
support and suggestions. The successful completion of our mini project would not have been
possible without the dedicated support from all our mentors, family and friends.


I hereby declare that BCA Project (BCA-505P) titled “ VitaCraft: Resume Builder” submitted to IT
Department, IMS Noida, which is affiliated with CHAUDHARY CHARAN SINGH UNIVERSITY, MEERUT
(U.P.) for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Computer Application, in Session (Year).
This has not previously formed the basis for the award of any other degree, diploma or other titles
from any other University.



S. No Description Page no

1 Introduction of the Project

2 Objective of the project

3 Analysis
3.1Feasibility Study
3.11 Technical Feasibility Study
3.12 Economical Feasibility Study
3.13 Operational Feasibility Study
3.14 Schedule Feasibility Study

4 Design
4.1 ER diagram
4.2 DFD

5 Hardware/Software Requirement

6 Tables and structure

6.1 Data Dictionary

7 Types of Report

8 Limitations of the project

9 Implementation
8.1 Form Layout
8.2Coding Conventions
8.3 Code

10 Testing
10.1 Testing Strategy
10.2 Test cases

11 Future Scope

12 References/Bibliography
VitaCraft: ResumeBuilder

A Resume Builder is a tool or software that simplifies the process of creating

a well-structured and visually appealing resume. It offers an interactive
platform where users can input their personal and professional information
to generate a professional-looking resume template.

● Convenient and Easy to Use: A Resume Builder is designed to be

user-friendly and straightforward, making it convenient for individuals
to create their resumes without the need for extensive design or
formatting skills.

● Interactive Resume Template: The tool offers pre-designed resume

templates that users can customize to suit their preferences. These
templates often come with various sections for personal information,
work experience, education, skills, and more.

● Professional Resume: The goal is to produce a resume that looks

polished and is suitable for job applications. This includes ensuring
that the formatting, layout, and content are all in line with
professional standards.

● Up-to-Date Design: Resume Builders typically offer modern and

up-to-date designs, ensuring that the user's resume looks fresh and
relevant to current job market trends.

● Online Resume Builder Sites: These tools are often available on

websites where users can access them from their web browsers. This
means that users don't need to download or install any software; they
can create their resumes online.

1)Planned approach towards working:- The working of the system will be well
planned and organized. The data will be stored properly in data stores, which will
help in retrieval of information as well as its storage.

2)Accuracy: - The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All
operations would be done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is
coming from the system is accurate.

3)Reliability:- The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above
stated reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now
there would be proper storage of information.

4)No redundancy:- In the proposed system utmost care would be that no

information is repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure
economic use of storage space and consistency in the data stored.

5)Immediate Retrieval of Information:- The main objective of the proposed

system is to provide for a quick and efficient retrieval of information. Any type of
information would be available whenever the user requires.

6)Immediate storage of information:- In a manual system there are many

problems with storing & updating a large amount of information.

3.1 Feasibility Study:- Depending on the results of the initial investigation the
survey is now expanded to a more detailed feasibility study.

Steps in Feasibility Analysis

Eight steps involved in the feasibility analysis are:

● Form a project team and appoint a project leader.

● Prepare system flowcharts.
● Enumerate potential proposed systems.
● Define and identify characteristics of the proposed system.
● Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of each proposed
● Weight system performance and cost data.
● Select the best-proposed system.
● Prepare and report the final project directive to management.

3.11 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility is the study of resource availability that may affect the ability to
achieve an acceptable system. Thisevaluation determines whether the technology
needed for the proposed system is available or not.

The Technical needs of the system may include

Front-end and back-end selection:- An important issue for the development

of a project is the selection of suitable front-end and back-end. When we decided to
develop the project we went through an extensive study to determine the most
suitable platform that suits the needs of the academy as well as helps in
development of the project. The aspects of our study included the following factors.
Front-end selection:- It must have a graphical user interface that assists users
that are not an advanced user of the computer.

● Scalability and extensibility.

● Flexibility.
● Robustness.

Back-end Selection:

● Multiple user support.

● Efficient data handling.
● Provide inherent features for security.
● Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.

3.12 Economical Feasibility

Economic justification is generally the “Bottom Line''consideration for most

systems. Economic justification includes a broad range of concerns that includes
cost benefit analysis. In this we weigh the cost and the benefits associated with the
candidate system and if it suits the basic purpose of the organization i.e. profit
making, the project is made to the analysis and design phase.

3.13 Operational Feasibility

involves evaluating the system's ease of use for both job seekers and job
providers, its seamless integration with existing systems, scalability to
accommodate growing user bases, robust data security and privacy measures,
cost-effective maintenance
and updates, provision of training and support resources, consistent performance and
reliability, ongoing user feedback integration, and compliance with relevant

3.14 Schedule Feasibility

Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the development of a project.

The time schedule required for the development of this project is very important since
more development time affects machine time, cost and causes delay in the
development of other systems.
4.1 E-R Diagram
The object/relationship pair is the cornerstone of the data model. These pairs are
represented graphically using E-R diagrams. A set of primary components are
identified for theERD: data objects, attributes, relationships and various type
indicators. The primary purpose of ERD is to represent data objects and their
4.2 Data Flow Diagram(DFD)
The data flow diagram enables the software engineer to develop models
of the information domain and functional domain at the same time. As
the DFD is refined into greater levels of detail, the analyst performs an
implicit functional decomposition of the system. At the same time, the
DFDrefinement results in corresponding refinement of data as it moves
through the processes that embody the application.
5. H/W And S/W Requirement

Hardware Requirements:
❖ 233 MHz Pentium processor or other compatible
❖ Hard Disk: 400GB

❖ RAM: 4GB or more

Software Requirements:
❖ User Interface :HTML, CSS

❖ Client-side Scripting :JavaScript

❖ Programming Language: Java

❖ Web Technologies: JDBC, Servlets, JSP

❖ Database: MY SQL

❖ Application Software – Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome

❖ Mail Server – Webmail

6. Table and Structure

6.1Data Dictionary

After carefully understanding the requirements of the client the entire data storage
requirements are divided into tables. The below tables are normalized to avoid any
anomalies during the course of data entry.
Field Name Data Type Comments

User Id Varchar(30) Primary Key

First Name Varchar(30)

Last Name Varchar(30)

Address 1 Varchar(25) Not Null

Address 2 Varchar(25)
City Varchar(50) Not Null

State Varchar(2) Not Null

Postal code Number(6) Not Null

Primary phone Varchar(14) Not Null

Secondary phone Varchar(14) Not Null

URL Varchar(100)

Career level Varchar(3) Not Null

Marital status Char(1) Not Null

Gender Char(1) Not Null

Date of birth Date Not Null

Active Resume Id Number(11) FK

Passport No Varchar(10)
7. Types Of Resume
● Resume Analytics Report: This report provides insights into how often your
resume has been viewed or downloaded by potential employers. It may also
include information on which sections of your resume are receiving the most

● Application Tracking Report: This report helps you keep track of the jobs you've
applied for through the online resume builder platform. It can show the status of
your applications, including whether they are pending, rejected, or accepted.

● Resume Improvement Suggestions: Some resume builders analyze your

resume content and layout and provide suggestions for improvement. These
suggestions can help you enhance your resume's effectiveness and increase
your chances of getting noticed by employers.

● Keyword Optimization Report: Many online job application systems use

applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for specific keywords. A
keyword optimization report can highlight whether your resume includes
relevant keywords for your target job positions.

● Compatibility Report: This report checks the compatibility of your resume with
different file formats (e.g., PDF, Word, plain text). It ensures that your resume
can be easily opened and read by potential employers, regardless of the
software they use.

● Resume Performance Metrics: This report might include statistics such as the
number of times your resume has been shared on social media, the number of
times it has been viewed on the platform, and any user engagement metrics.

● Export and Sharing Reports: These reports provide information on how your
resume can be exported or shared with others. This may include options for
printing, sharing via a link, or emailing your resume directly from the
8. Limitation of the Project
● Though visually appealing, online generated resumes are ATS-unfriendly
because of complex formatting.
● Online Builders write resumes intended to appeal only to the job seekers
and not to prospective employers.
● Due to defined looks and styles, a job seeker may miss a valuable
opportunity to determine if it’s best to use an objective or
professional statement.
● Some sites only provide a PDF copy which again restricts you to further
● You will not have someone help you figure out ways to articulate your skills
and accomplishments across your career journey.
● People do not spend quality time building their resumes, so they miss out on
customizing resumes for the target role.
● Though you have a clean format, you lose on individual creativity. ● If you
are using the same template as thousand other job seekers, it leaves very
little room for expressing your own competitive personal brand.
9. Implementation

9.1Coding Conventions
​ 1.Consistent Naming Conventions:
● Use a consistent naming convention for variables, functions, and classes. This
makes your code more readable and maintainable.
​ 2.Code Indentation:
● Follow a consistent indentation style. Whether you prefer tabs or spaces, make
sure it's uniform throughout your codebase.
​ 3.Comments:
● Add comments to explain complex sections of your code. However, strive to write
code that is self-explanatory so that comments are supplementary.
​ 4.Modular Code:
● Break your code into smaller, modular functions or classes. This makes it easier
to understand, test, and maintain.
​ 5.Error Handling:
● Implement proper error handling to make your application robust. Provide
meaningful error messages to assist users or developers in identifying issues.
​ 6.Documentation:
● Document your code. Include high-level explanations, especially for complex
algorithms or decision-making processes.
​ 7.Testing:
● Implement unit tests to ensure that each component of your resume builder
functions as expected. This helps catch bugs early and makes it easier to make
changes later.
​ 8.Version Control:
● Use version control systems like Git to keep track of changes and collaborate
with others. Follow best practices for branching, committing, and merging.
​ 9.Security:
● If your application deals with sensitive data (such as personal information from
resumes), ensure that you follow security best practices. Encrypt sensitive data,
sanitize inputs, and protect against common vulnerabilities.
​ 10.Performance:
● Optimize your code for performance, especially if dealing with large datasets or
complex operations. Consider issues like time complexity and memory usage.
9.2 Form Layout
10. Testing

10.1 Testing Strategies

​ 1.Unit Testing:
● Test individual components and functions to ensure they produce the expected
output. This includes functions responsible for parsing, formatting, and storing
resume data.
​ 2.Integration Testing:
● Test the interactions between different modules of your resume builder to ensure
that they work together seamlessly. This includes testing the integration between
the user interface and the backend logic.
​ 3.Functional Testing:
● Verify that each feature of the resume builder works according to the
specifications. This includes creating a resume, editing it, saving changes, and
exporting the resume in different formats.
​ 4.User Interface Testing:
● Ensure that the user interface is intuitive and user-friendly. Test navigation, form
validation, and responsiveness on different devices and screen sizes.
​ 5.End-to-End Testing:
● Test the entire resume creation process from start to finish. This includes
entering data, saving, editing, and exporting the resume. End-to-end testing can
identify issues that may arise when different components interact.
​ 6.Data Validation Testing:
● Validate that the resume builder handles different types of input data correctly.
Test scenarios with varying lengths of text, different file formats, and special
​ 7.Performance Testing:
● Evaluate the performance of your resume builder, especially if dealing with a large
number of users or resumes. Test the application under various load conditions
to identify potential bottlenecks.
​ 8.Compatibility Testing:
● Ensure that your resume builder works correctly on different web browsers,
operating systems, and devices. Test compatibility with popular browsers such
as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
​ 9.Security Testing:
● Test the application for security vulnerabilities. Ensure that user data is handled
securely, and there are no vulnerabilities that could expose sensitive information.
​ 10.Error Handling Testing:
● Verify that the application gracefully handles errors. Test scenarios where users
input incorrect data, upload invalid file formats, or encounter network issues.

10.2 Test Cases
Login Module
● Verify that the login page is displayed when a user wants to attempt to access a
protected page without logging in.
● Test that users can't log in with invalid credentials (i.e., incorrect id or password).
● Verify that users are redirected to the voting page after successful login.
● Verify that users are logged out after a period of inactivity.
● Test that users can log in using their registered id and password.

Registration Module


● Customization for Customers: The future scope of the Online Resume Builder
lies in its ability to adapt and cater to the unique requirements of individual
customers. This means that users can have more control over the content and
design of their resumes.

● User Empowerment: The service aims to empower users by allowing them to

shape their resumes according to their vision.

● Competitive Advantage: The statement suggests that the Online Resume

Builder believes its services are hard to be defeated by competitors. This could
be due to several reasons:
○ User-Friendly Interface: If the system is easy to use and intuitive, it can
attract and retain users more effectively than less user-friendly
○ Diverse Themes and Details: Offering a wide range of themes and
customization options can make the service more attractive, as it allows
users to create resumes that match their personal branding.

● Continuous Innovation: To maintain a competitive edge, the Online Resume

Builder must commit to continuous innovation. This could involve regularly
adding new features, improving user experience, staying updated with the latest
resume trends, and incorporating emerging technologies like AI for personalized

● Customer Feedback and Engagement: To thrive in the future, the service should
actively seek feedback from its users and use it to drive improvements.
Engaging with customers and addressing their needs and concerns can foster
loyalty and encourage word-of-mouth referrals.

● Market Expansion: As the service evolves, it can explore opportunities to

expand its market presence. This might involve targeting new user segments,
exploring international markets, or offering additional services related to job
searching and career development.

1. HTML: Complete Reference

4. Various e-books and tutorials provided on Internet

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