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27/12/23, 23:59 Three young people murdered during the clashes in Barinas, cradle of the revolution | International

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Three young people murdered during clashes in Barinas, cradle of the


Several opponents confront the Bolivarian National Guard. EFE


Updated Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - 04:10

See 6 comments

The day of violence unleashed in Barinas, the birthplace of Hugo

Chávez, has claimed the lives of at least three young people , Maduro's opponents try to show their strength throughout the country with the
'We are millions' demonstration
murdered during the clashes with police and military forces of
the revolution. Protests and brutal repression, civic strike and Protests in Venezuela claim two new lives
looting were once again combined in an anarchic way in a state
that is a symbol for Chavismo.

"The Maduro regime murders Barinas youth with the consent of the governor. The people repudiate them! " denounced José
Luis Machín, mayor of the capital of Barinas, a social fighter of Canarian origin.

The first young man to be murdered was schoolboy Yorman Bervecía (19 years old), whose life was taken in the morning after
receiving a hit in the chest when confronting the National Guard. The doctors, who yesterday marched throughout the country
to protest the dire state of the hospitals, tried to revive him to no avail.

His death ignited a flame that only needed a spark to burn and turn into a wave of anarchy and violence. The regional
headquarters of the National Electoral Council (CNE), the main headquarters of the governmental United Socialist Party of 1/4
27/12/23, 23:59 Three young people murdered during the clashes in Barinas, cradle of the revolution | International

Venezuela, the Barinitas mayor's office, the housing and tourism institute, and several public offices and police stations
were attacked , some even burned by the fury of the protesters.

The former home of the Chávez family was going to suffer the same fate, but the neighbors managed to contain the people's
fury and it was finally spared the flames.

Vice President Tareck El Aissami confirmed the attacks on public premises and accused the opposition of directing the
attacks of a "fascist and terrorist nature . " National Guard forces arrived in the Llanera capital in the last few hours, as they
did last week in the neighboring state of Táchira, now militarized.

Later came the violent deaths of the young people Adonis Pérez and Alfredo Carrizales , according to the Public
Ministry, which raised the number of victims during the protests to fifty , while for the Venezuelan Observatory of Social
Conflict it would have already exceeded 60. Local media and opposition deputies added one more victim in the night, not
confirmed at the moment by the Prosecutor's Office.

A hundred businesses were looted and several dozen injured people were receiving care in hospitals, as confirmed by municipal
sources to EL MUNDO. As has happened in other parts of the country, the looting of stores and establishments took place "with
the complicity of the authorities, who did nothing to prevent it." ," denounced opposition leader Simón Archila. "It is a
situation outside the law, they do nothing to prevent it," he added.

The city woke up very early as if it were still asleep, with its streets without transportation and businesses closed . The
Democratic Unity had denied any type of national strike, but the call of the 'Barinas Resistance' was heard by society.

Threats by Chavista paramilitaries against opposition leaders preceded yesterday's violence. "We are coming for you and your
families, for every police officer, guard or soldier extropated (sic), humiliated, it will be a son of every opposition leader,"
shouted the pamphlet distributed on the outskirts of the regional capital. The Mayor's Office was also aware of pressure from
those calling for the strike against merchants so that they did not open their stores yesterday.
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The looting began to follow one another, always with the same script already seen in previous weeks in Carabobo and Táchira:
criminals at the head of a crowd, a mixture of vandalism and desperation, and motorized groups related to the revolutionary
groups. Even a municipal police patrol was set on fire in the riots . "We all want to get out of Maduro's criminal regime. We
categorically reject the looting of companies and vandalism," urged Mayor Machín.

"This thing looks like a war, there are barricades in many streets," Antonio Bastidas, leader of Un Nuevo Tiempo, confirmed to
this newspaper.

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27/12/23, 23:59 Three young people murdered during the clashes in Barinas, cradle of the revolution | International

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27/12/23, 23:59 Three young people murdered during the clashes in Barinas, cradle of the revolution | International

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05/23/2017 07:10 hours
Demonstration and death go hand in hand in Venezuela every day. These events are not for fun but for the need to get rid of Maduro, because he
governs a country with hunger, and a lot of it! but he is well fed, unless they retouch the photo

05/23/2017 08:54 hours
@losutb #3 this Iosutb is missing a boil



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