D'Jellies Cepheus

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The SHS product exposition event can be labeled as one of the most awaited activities

in your SHS journey. The preparation for this event took a lot of effort and time on the

students, teachers, and the school. The preparation started when Ma’am Mondejar, our

Entrepreneurship teacher, grouped our section (Cepheus) into 8 groups. For the sake of the

section to be grouped fairly, she based our group numbers in the attendance sheet. After the

groupings, we were tasked to do a meeting with our groupmates so that we could discuss on

what products we are going to sell in the product exposition. Our group decided to sell a

Choco Jelly Fudge, because we realized that this product can be sold cheap, is easy to make,

and is doable based on our skills. One week passed since the meeting day, when our

Entrepreneurship teacher told us that the product exposition will be on April 11-12, 2024,

Thursday. With the sudden news, our team decided to buy the ingredients that we needed for

our product. It took us a while to decide on where to cook our product since our households

are not available, it was a good thing that one of our classmates told us that it was okay to

cook in their house. On April 10, 2024, Wednesday, we went to school so that we could

prepare the table that we will be using when selling our product. When we already had a

table to use, we decorated the table with cloths so that it would be appealing. After the cloth

decoration (table skirting), we decided to go home and rest, so that we would have energy for

tomorrow’s event. April 11, 2024, Thursday morning, there were still some things that are

not done with our decoration, we blew some ballons and added them to our table so that it

would look fun, and many kids would be interested on coming to our table. After that, the
preparation for the product exposition is done, and now, the D’Jellies group are ready to sell

our yummy and affordable Choco Jelly Fudge!


April 11, 2024, Thursday. Since we are now done with the preparation, the D’Jellies are

now up for the selling of the Choco Jelly Fudge. After setting up our table and our product, we

were given a chance to sell a bit of our product before the program started. We sold at least 40

products before the event started, it was quite fun, especially when it comes to sales talking and

handling our customers. When the event started, an invocation was played and followed by the

national anthem and the municipal hymn. The opening speaker was Ma’am Grace, our very own

principal. She welcomed us all in the product exposition and had declared the official start of the

event. After her quick speech, she was followed by Ma’am Peligones, that would give us a

motivational speech. She shared to us her life, how she conquered her struggles financially,

physically, and in her romantic relationship. Her speech was indeed inspiring and it’s amazing to

see a successful alumnus from PNHS. After her speech, there were two girls who called up stage,

they were from Australia, and they made a small speech and told us a bit of their impression on

the environment of PNHS. After the program, the teachers who were tasked to grade our

products came and we interacted with them, as well as answer their questions. It was 12 noon

when we were instructed to take a break from selling and have our lunches. In the afternoon,

most of our products were sold, that’s why we decided to take a rest and just plan on what will be

our product tomorrow since our product is already sold out. April 12, 2024, Friday. In this day,

we decided to sell fruit shakes, we made it affordable for our customers, but also appealing and

aesthetic. Another program started during that day, and we were all busy since we will also take

part in the program. We sold an average amount of shakes that day since it was only half a day
that we were required to sell our products. It was quite refreshing to realize that we had finally

survived the product exposition. We learned a lot from that activity, and it was great to

experience it.


The exposition of our product was successful. We gained money and gained

knowledge to. It was quite hectic and overwhelming, but after experiencing it, it was quite

fun, and we enjoyed it a lot.

Our total capital was 600 pesos, where we paid 150 pesos for each (4 members). This

capital was used for the budget in raw materials that will be used in our product making,

such as, food (Jelly, Condensed milk, Fudge Bar, Chocolate Yahoo, and White Sugar), and

the container etc. (Salad Cups, Popsicle Sticks).

We are happy that our customers loved our products and told us that they tasted

amazing despite being sold at cheap price. Even if it was indeed pretty tiring, we had so

much fun because we enjoyed selling and interacting with the customers as well as the

learning that we had acquired throughout the activity. We realized that it’s not easy being an

entrepreneur, you must consider a lot of things, such as competitors, product aesthetic, and

customers’ wants. Upon facing these challenges, the D’Jellies group had become stronger

and wiser by the time we will be needing our entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.






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