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DAY PLAN – At Home

1st Call – At the first Shop

Last call – At the last shop



 Only 2 days training will be done and from 3rd Day you have to be on CBO
 Attendance to be marked as per CBO only
 Leaves to be entered in CBO
 Holiday to be entered in CBO
 Expenses should be filled & select in CBO proper way and that will be finalised by CBO only
 Every5 days holiday will mean deducting 1 weekly off
 If anyone missed final submit in CBO will automatically mark leave of the person
 Minimum details is required:-
 Minimum Calls- 30 calls per day.
 Minimum Sales-5000 Rs/-
 Minimum time in field – 4 Hrs.( from 1st shop to last shop)

 All shop calls to be entered at real time

 Retail name & place should be entered in proper way example (Super store jain road)
 Mobile numbers of each shopkeepers need to be added

 Internet is not needed to select the shop and fill the order. Once your internet comes, your
data will automatically get updated in the main CBO
 Only new shops cannot be added when internet is not working

 ASMs to check all team member, if they have done final submissions or not.
 ASMs to check all ASEs and SOs working on CBO like
 Sale amount
 Working Hours
 Whether the CBO is filled as per the above guidelines
 ASMs to inform issues on daily basis in the main group

 ASEs , when doing joint working , should add the shop but not add the order amount
 ASEs should leave detailed remarks of the market when working like
 Potential of the market,
 Availability of our product,
 Delivery and payment of the distributor,
 SO performance.
Only 2 deviations per month will be allowed based on ASM approval otherwise TA/DA/Salary
deduction will be made.

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