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Chapter 4 – Laws of Motion

In the syllabus: Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications.

Equilibrium of concurrent forces, Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction,
rolling friction, lubrication. Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Centripetal
force, examples of circular motion (vehicle on a level circular road, vehicle on
a banked road).
Deleted: Laws of Motion 10 Periods Chapter–5: Laws of Motion Intuitive
concept of force, Inertia, Newton's first law of motion; momentum and
Newton's second law of motion; impulse; Newton's third law of motion.
(recapitulation only)


• Force is an external effect in the form of a push or a pull , which (i) produces or tries
to brig about motion in a body at rest,(ii) stops or tries to stop a moving body , or
(iii) changes or tries to change the direction of motion of a body or (iv) changes
shape of a body.
• Force is an external agent capable of changing the state of rest or motion of a
particular body.
• It has a magnitude and a direction. The direction towards which the force is applied
is known as the direction of the force and the application of force .
• Some external agency is required to apply a force.i
• Its SI unit is newton (N) and its dimensional formula is [MLT-2].
What are the Effects of Force?
In physics, motion is defined as the change in position with respect to time. In simpler
words, motion refers to the movement of a body. Typically, motion can either be described
1. Change in speed
2. Change in direction
The Force has different effects and here are some of them.
• Force can make a body that is at rest to move.
• It can stop a moving body or slow it down.
• It can accelerate the speed of a moving body.
• It can also change the direction of a moving body along with its shape and size.
Forces can be categorized into two types:
• (i) Contact Forces :Frictional force, tensional force, spring force, normal force, etc
are the contact forces.
• (ii) Action at a Distance Forces Electrostatic force, gravitational force, magnetic
force, etc are action at a distance forces.
• Impulsive Force.

• A force which acts on body for a short interval of time, and produces a large change
in momentum is called an impulsive force.
Inertia is the inherent property of a body due to which it resists a change in its state
of rest or of uniform motion.
The inability of a body to change by itself its state of rest or state of uniform
motion along a straight line is called inertia of the body.
Inertia can be understood in parts, viz. inertia of rest, inertia of motion and inertia
of direction.
Mass is a measure of the inertia of a body. Heavier the object greater is the force
required to change its state of rest or state of uniform motion along a straight line .
Heavier objects have more inertia than lighter objects. SI unit of inertia is kg.
Eg. 1. A stone of size of a football has more inertia than football.
2. A cricket ball has more inertia than a rubber ball of the same size.
1. Inertia of rest:
The inability of a body to change by itself its state of rest.
Examples of Inertia of rest:
1. A passenger in a bus jerks backward when the bus starts suddenly because the
passenger tends to be in inertia of rest whereas the bus is moved away forcefully.
2. When a bed sheet is flicked away suddenly dust particles fall away as they tend to be in
inertia of rest.
3. When a branch of a tree carrying a mango is suddenly flicked mango falls off due to
inertia of rest.
2.Inertia of motion:
The inability of a body to change by itself its state of state of uniform motion along
a straight line that is it can neither accelerate nor retard is called inertia of motion.

Examples of inertia of motion:

1. A passenger in a bus jerks forward when the bus stops suddenly because the
passenger tends to be in inertia of motion whereas the bus is stopped forcefully.
2. An athlete after reaching the finishing point can not stop suddenly or if he stops
suddenly then he falls toppling head down.
3. A car takes some time and moves through some more distance before coming to rest
even after the application of brakes.
4. A rotating fan continues to do so for some more time even after the current is
switched off.
5. An oscillating simple pendulum bob does not halt at the mean position but continues
to move further.
6. When a car or bus turns around a sharp corner, we tend to fall sideways because of
our inertia to continue to move in a straight line.
7. It is dangerous to jump out of a moving bus because the jumping man’s body is in
the state of inertia of motion but the legs are suddenly stopped by the ground and
hence he topples down.
When a ball hits a wall and bounces back, the force on the ball by the wall acts for a
very short time when the two are in contact, yet the force is large enough to reverse the
momentum on the ball.
In these situations, it is difficult to ascertain the force and time duration separately.
However, the product of force and time, which is the change in momentum is a
measurable quantity. This product is called ‘impulse’.
According to this principle, the total (vector sum) linear momenta of an isolated system of
interacting particles is conserved and is not affected due to their mutual action and reaction.
When two or more bodies act upon one another, their total momentum remains constant
provided no external forces are acting on this principle.
Suppose a big and a small car move in the same direction with different velocities.
Let the mass of the bigger car be ‘m1’ and its initial velocity is ‘u1’.
Let the mass of the smaller car be ‘m2’ and its initial velocity is ‘u2’ such that u2 < u1.
Suppose both the cars collide for a short time ‘t’.
Due to the collision, the velocities will change.
Let the velocities after the collision be v1 and v2 respectively.
1. Consider the example of an air-filled balloon as described under the third law of
motion. In this case, the balloon and the air inside it form a system. Before releasing
the balloon, the system was at rest and hence the initial momentum of the system
was zero.
As soon as the balloon is set free, air escapes out of it possesses momentum.
To conserve momentum, the balloon moves in a direction opposite to that of
air rushing out.

2.Motion of rockets and jet engines

Rockets and jet engines also work on the law of conservation of momentum. In these hot
gases produced by burning of fuel rush out with large momentum, Due to this, these
machines gain an equal and opposite momentum. This momentum enables the rockets and
jet engines with very high velocities.
3. A system of gun and a bullet. Before firing the gun, both the gun and the bullet are at
rest, so the total momentum of the system is zero. As the gun is fired, bullet shoots out of
the gun and acquires momentum.
To conserve the momentum of the system, the gun recoils. According to the law of
conservation of momentum, the total momentum of the gun and the bullet will be zero after
the gun is fired.
Let m be the mass of the bullet and v be the velocity on firing the gun; M be the mass of the
gun and V be the velocity with which it recoils. Thus the total momentum of the gun and
the bullet after the gun is fired will be:
The total momentum of gun and bullet after the gun is fired = M V + m v ….(1)
According to the conservation of momentum law:
The total momentum of gun and bullet after the gun is fired =Total momentum of gun and
bullet after the gun is fired
Therefore we get:
M V +mv = 0
or M V = -m v
V=- v
Above equation gives the velocity V of the gun, the negative sign indicates that
the velocity of the gun is opposite to the velocity of the bullet. i .e the gun recoils. Since the
mass of the gun is much larger than the bullet, therefore, the recoil is much smaller than
the velocity of the bullet.

4. While firing the gun should be held tightly to the shoulder.

This has to be done to avoid injury to the shoulder. When the gun is held tightly against the
shoulder, the total mass to be moved by impact of firing increases. The velocity of recoil
decreaces. The chances of injury to the shoulder decrease.
According to the law of conservation of momentum ,the total momentum before firing
should be equal to total momentum after firing so according to newtons third and law of
conservation of momentum the gun should recoil in opposite direction to avoid this it is
tightly pressed to the shoulder.

6.Explosion of a bomb:
When a bomb falls vertically downwards, its horizontal velocity is zero and hence its
horizontal momentum is zero.
When the bomb explodes, its pieces are scattered in different directions so that the vector
sum of linear momenta of these pieces is zero in accordance with the law of conservation of
linear momentum.
Friction is defined as an opposing force that comes into play when one body actually moves (or
slides or rolls) or tries to move over the surface of another body.
Force of friction is the force that develops at the surface of contact of two bodies and impedes
(opposes) their relative motion.
Friction can be classified into two types:
1. EXTERNAL FRICTION: which arise when two bodies in contact with each other have
relative motion between them. It is also called Contact Friction.
2. INTERNAL FRICTION: which arise on account of relative motion between every two
layers of a liquid. It is also called Viscosity.

Static Friction
This opposing force that comes into play when one body tends to move over the surface of another
body , but the actual motion does not start is known as STATIC FRICTION.
Static friction is the force which exactly counter balances the applied force during the stationary
state of the object.
Since the body is at rest, the friction is called ‘static friction’.
As the applied force is increased, a stage comes when the body is just on the verge of moving over
the other. Since the body is at rest up to the maximum limit (fs )max, it is called the limiting value of
static friction.
Static friction opposes the impending motion.
The term ‘impending motion’ means motion that would take place (but does not actually take
place) under the applied force, if friction were absent.
When the applied force F exceeds the limit (f s )max, the body begins to move.
Laws of Limiting Friction:
Sliding or Kinetic Friction

Two types:
1) Sliding Friction: The opposing force that comes into play when one body is actually sliding
over the surface of another body.
2) Rolling friction: The opposing force that comes into play when one body is actually rolling
over the surface of another body.
Rolling Friction
The opposing force that comes into play when one body is actually rolling over the surface
of another body.
For example:
A wheel, a circular disc , a ring or a sphere or a cylinder rolls over a surface , the force of
friction that comes into play is called rolling friction.
To keep the body rolling, some applied force is needed. This indicates that there is a rolling
friction though it is much smaller (by 2 or 3 orders of magnitude) than static or sliding
Rolling friction has a complex origin.
During rolling, the surfaces in contact get momentarily deformed a little, and this results in
a finite area (not a point) of the body being in contact with the surface.
The net effect is that the component of the contact force parallel to the surface opposes the
Cause of Rolling Friction
When an object is rolled on a surface, then :
1. The area of contact is less , therefore the pressure exerted = weight / area is large.
2. The object is deformed at the point of contact with the surface.
3. The surface is deformed at the point of contact with the object which causes a depression
in the surface below and a mount or bump in front.
4. Thus a rolling wheel has to continuously pull out of the depression , goes uphill and
simultaneously detaches itself from the road which is opposed by the forces of adhesion
between the surfaces in contact.

This causes rolling friction.

The primary cause of this friction is that the energy of deformation is greater than the
energy of recovery. Also, there is an adhesive force between the two surfaces which needs to
be overcome constantly. The amount of friction is based on a variety of factors such as:
• The quality of the sliding body.
• The quality of the surface.
• Load.
• The diameter of the rolling object.
• The surface area of the body.
Coefficient of Rolling Friction
Determining the coefficient of this friction is considerably more complex than that of sliding
“Coefficient of Rolling Friction is the ratio of the force of rolling friction to the total weight of the
f r = μr W
In empirical terms, the coefficient of rolling resistance can be expressed as above:

• f r is the resistive force of rolling resistance

• μr is the coefficient of rolling resistance

• W is the weight of the rolling body

Rolling Friction Examples

• A basketball rolled on the court will eventually come to a halt because of rolling
• A bike with a broad tire will burn more fuel because of the increased rolling
• A ball rolled on a field will go lesser distance than a ball rolling on a concrete floor
because it will experience greater rolling friction on the former surface.

What is the difference between Rolling Friction and Sliding Friction?

Friction is a Necessary Evil
In many situations, friction has a negative role.
1. It opposes relative motion and hence dissipates more power in the form of heat like
in a machine with different moving parts.
2. It causes wear and tear of machinery parts in contact and the tyre of automobiles.
In many practical situations, however, friction is critically needed.
1. Brakes in machines and automobiles use friction to stop the motion of them.
2. We can not walk without sufficient friction.
3. It is impossible for a car to move on slippery roads.
4. On an ordinary road, the friction between the tyre and the road provides the
necessary external force to accelerate the car.
CENTRIPETAL FORCE: It is the force required to move a body uniformly in a circle.
This force acts along the radius and towards the centre of the circle.
The unit of centripetal force is Newton.
The centripetal force is always directed perpendicular to the direction of the
displacement of the object.
An object accelerates due to the changes of velocity, which can be due to change
either in its speed or direction of motion. In simple terms, if any moving object in a circular
path is constantly changing its direction means it is constantly accelerating.
If an object is travelling in a circular path, it is found that the centripetal force of an
object moving in a circular path always acts towards the centre of the circle.
Calculating Centripetal Force
The Centripetal Force Formula is given as the product of mass (in kg) and
tangential velocity (in meters per second) squared, divided by the radius (in meters). Which
implies that on doubling the tangential velocity, the centripetal force will be quadrupled.
Mathematically it is written as:
F c = m a c = mv
Centripetal Force Examples in Daily Life

• The force that pulls or pushes an object toward the centre of a circle as it travels,
causing angular or circular motion is called a Centripetal Force. Some examples of
Centripetal Force is given below.
• Spinning a ball on a string : Here the centripetal force is provided by the force of
tension on the rope pulls the object in toward the centre.
• Turning a car: Here the centripetal force is provided by the frictional force between
the ground and the wheels.
• Going through a loop on a roller coaster: The force is provided by the Normal Force
as the seat or wall pushes you toward the centre.
• Planets orbiting around the Sun: Centripetal Force is provided by Gravity.

What is Centrifugal Force?

Centrifugal force is a force which arises when a body is moving along a circular path , by
virtue of tendency of the body to regain its natural straight line path.
If an object is moving in a circle and experiences an outward force then this force is called
the centrifugal force.
However, this force also depends on the mass of the object, the distance from the centre of
the circle and also the speed of rotation.

❖ If the object has more mass, the force of the movement and the speed of the object
will be greater.

❖ If the distance is far from the centre of the circle the force of the movement will be

❖ Centrifugal force can be regarded as a reaction of centripetal force.

❖ It acts along the radius but away from the centre of the circle.

Since centripetal and centrifugal force are action and reaction forces , therefore, the
magnitude of Centrifugal force is given by:
F c = m a c = mv
Centripetal and Centrifugal forces being action and reaction forces act on different bodies.
Examples in Daily Life
Centrifugal Force acts on every object moving in a circular path when viewed from a
rotating frame of reference.
Some examples of Centrifugal Force are given below.
• A bike making a turn.
• Vehicle driving around a curve.



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