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The Play

The Tragedy of
Romeo and
Second Semester
Extracts 4to8
Ramadan sharqawi

15 marks

Extract 4 (Act 3, Scene 1)
Benvolio Oh no, here come the Capulets[Tries to pull Mercutio away]
Mercutio I don’t care! I’m not going anywhere
Tybalt Good afternoon, gentlemen. May I speak with one of you for a moment?
Mercutio Are you sure you only want to speak? How about fighting, too?
Tybalt If you give me a reason for that, you will find that I am quite ready, sir
[Enter Romeo] Ah, here’s the man I want to talk to. Romeo, you are a villain
Romeo Tybalt, it is only because I have a reason to love you that I can control my anger at
that greeting. I am not a villain. So goodbye. You do not know me. [Turns to go]
Tybalt Nothing can right the wrong you have done me. Turn and take out your sword!
Romeo I tell you that I have never wronged you. I have more reasons to love you than you
could know. So, forget all this, good Capulet – your name is as important to me as
my own
Mercutio [Angrily] Oh how calmly and dishonorably you give in to him
[He takes out his sword] Tybalt, you rat-catcher, will you fight?
Tybalt What do you want from me?
Mercutio Your life! Now will you take out your sword? Be quick, or I shall cut off your ears
Tybalt I shall fight you. [He takes out his sword]
Romeo Gentle Mercutio, put your sword away
Mercutio [to Tybalt] Come on, sir, let’s see these clever moves everyone talks about so much.
[They fight]
Romeo Take out your sword, Benvolio. Let’s knock down their swords. Gentlemen, stop this
[Romeo tries to stop them fighting with his sword]
Tybalt, Mercutio! The Prince has told you never to fight like this in the streets of
Verona. Stop, Tybalt! Good Mercutio
[Romeo stands between them, and Tybalt steps forward and stabs Mercutio under
Romeo’s arm. Mercutio falls to the ground. Exit Tybalt]
Mercutio I am hurt. Damn both your families!1 I am dying. [Looks for Tybalt]
Has he gone? Did I not hurt him at all? [Holds his wound]
Romeo [Hurrying to Mercutio’s side:] Be brave, man. The wound cannot be too bad.
Mercutio Oh, it is enough, it will do. Ask for me tomorrow and you will find me a grave* man.
Damn both your families!
[to Romeo] Why did you stand between us? I was hurt under your arm.
Romeo I thought it was the best thing to do
Mercutio [Crying out with pain] Get me into someone’s house, Benvolio.
Damn both your families! They have made me into worms’ meat.
Romeo [Falling onto his knees, upset] This gentleman is one of the Prince’s own family,
and my great friend. He has been terribly wounded, and all for me. All because
Tybalt spoke against me – Tybalt who just an hour ago became my cousin. Oh sweet
Juliet, your beauty has made me weak. It has softened my brave spirit.
Benvolio Oh Romeo, brave Mercutio is dead
Romeo This is a black day, and there will be more black days to come. This is just the
beginning of the unhappiness that other days will bring to an end
Benvolio Here comes the furious Tybalt, back again
Romeo Well, now I throw off my gentleness! I am full of fiery anger now!
[to Tybalt] Tybalt, you called me a villain earlier. Take that back! Either you, or I, or
both of us will die with Mercutio.
[They fight. Tybalt falls to the ground, wounded.
Romeo stands shocked, not knowing what to do]
Benvolio Go, Romeo, run away! Tybalt is dead! The Prince will have you killed if he finds
you. Go! Go! [Exit Romeo]
[Enter Prince, Montague, Capulet and their wives]
Prince [Angrily] Who started this hateful fight?
Benvolio I can tell you everything, my lord. [Points to Tybalt’s body]
This man, who was killed by young Romeo, killed brave Mercutio
Lady [Falling crying upon Tybalt’s body] Tybalt, my nephew, my brother’s child!
Capulet [to the Prince] Oh, Prince, a member of my family has died. And a Montague must
die for this. Romeo killed Tybalt. Romeo must not live.
Prince Romeo killed Tybalt, Tybalt killed Mercutio. So who pays now for dear Mercutio’s
Montague Not Romeo, Prince. He was Mercutio’s friend. Tybalt should have been punished,
and Romeo has punished him for us
Prince And for what he did, I exile him from Verona at once.
[Lady Montague cries out, shocked]
I too have an interest in this bloody fight between you. A member of my family
died here today. And so I shall give you a hard punishment that will make you all
sorry for my loss.
Don’t ask me to change my mind. I shall not listen to tears or prayers.
Romeo must go from this town. If he is found here, he will die.
Extract 5
Juliet Oh Friar, tell me how I can stop this marriage. Or if you can’t help me, let me use
this knife to end it all. [Takes out a knife]
God joined my heart and Romeo’s. You joined our hands in marriage. And I would
rather kill my hand and my heart than give them to another man
Friar Wait, daughter. I have thought of something. It is a desperate thing to do. You say
Laurence that you would rather kill yourself than marry Count Paris. In that case, you are
probably strong enough to try something that is a little like death.
If you are brave enough to do it, I shall tell you how.
Juliet Oh, tell me to jump off the highest wall, or to sit in a bed of snakes. Tie me up
with roaring bears, or tell me to lie with a dead man in his new-made grave.
Before, I was frightened just to hear about such things. But now I would do them
without any fear, so that I can be a faithful wife to my sweet love
Friar Well, then, go home and tell your father that you will marry Paris. It is Wednesday
Laurence tomorrow. Make sure that you are alone in your room tomorrow night – don’t let
your Nurse stay with you. Take this bottle with you.
[He takes out a bottle of liquid] And when you are in bed, drink the mixture. It will
run through your body and make you cold and sleepy. It will seem as if you have
stopped breathing. Your lips and cheeks will go pale and your body will go cold and
hard. When Paris comes to wake you up on the morning of your marriage, he will
think you are dead. And then you will be carried to the Capulets’ tomb, dressed in
your best clothes, like a dead person. But when everyone has left, you will wake
up, feeling as if you have had a lovely sleep. And Romeo and I will be waiting there
for you. I shall write to him now and tell him what we are doing. That same night, he
will take you away to Mantua*. If you are not too frightened to do this, it will free
you from this marriage to Paris.
Juliet [Putting her hand out for the bottle, excited] Give it to me! Give it to me!
Don’t talk to me about being frightened!
Friar Here you are. [He gives her the bottle] Off you go!
Laurence Be brave, and I hope that this plan will be successful

the Friar’s plan didn’t work well, because Romeo didn’t receive the message. When
he hears from one of his friends that Juliet has died, he bought poison ( He goes back to
Verona and visits the tomb. When he sees Juliet, he too believes that she is dead. So he
decided to kill himself. he drank the poison
Extract 6 (Act 5, Scene 3)
Romeo Oh my love, my wife. Death may have taken away your sweet breath, but it has not
taken away your beauty. I can still see beauty in the redness of your lips and cheeks.
Pale Death has not covered you yet.
[Sees Tybalt’s body lying next to Juliet] There lies Tybalt. What more can I do for
you, but kill the hand* that cut off your youth? Forgive me, cousin
[Takes Juliet’s hand] Oh dear Juliet, why are you still so fair8? Is Death keeping
you here in the dark to be his lover? I will stay with you forever in this house of
night. Here will I stay, with the worms that are your maids
My body is tired of life. I want to shake off the unlucky stars* that hang around my
neck. Eyes, look for the last time. Arms, hold your love for the last time! [He takes
Juliet in his arms] And lips, you doors of breath, make your promise to Death
[He takes out the bottle of poison] Come, poison, take this tired little boat* and
throw it onto the rocks. Here’s to my love! [He drinks the poison]
Extract 7 (Act 5, Scene 3)
Juliet What’s this? A bottle in my true love’s hand?
[She takes the bottle of poison from Romeo’s hand and smells it]
Poison, I see, has brought him to his end.
[Holds the bottle up and sees that it is empty]
Oh, you have drunk it all, and not left a friendly drop to help me too
[She hears a noise] Someone is coming . Then I shall be quick.
[Sees Romeo’s knife and takes it out]
Oh happy knife, this is where you will stay now. [Holds it against her heart]
Stay there, and let me die. [Stabs herself and falls to the ground]
Extract 8 (Act 5, Scene 3)
Prince Capulet, Montague, see how your hate for each other has been punished. Love has
Escalus killed your own children. And because I let this argument go on, I have lost my
people too. We have all been punished
Capulet Oh, brother Montague, give me your hand. All I can ask you for is your hand in
Montagu [Taking his hand] But I shall give you more. I will put up a golden statue of your
e daughter. While Verona stands, nothing will be more precious than true and faithful
Capulet Romeo will be just as precious. I shall put a statue of him next to his lady. And they
will stand there – Romeo and Juliet, who died because of our long argument
Prince Morning has brought with it a sad peace. The sun is too full of sorrow to shine. Go
Escalus and we will talk more about these sad things. Some will be forgiven, and some will
be punished.
There has never been a sadder story than this story of Juliet and her Romeo
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet ( second)
Tybalt wanted to fight Romeo because Romeo came to the party . Tybalt calls
Romeo a villain. Romeo refuse to fight because he is married to his cousin Juliet. Romeo told
Tybalt that he never wronged him. Romeo told Tybalt that his name is important to him.
Mercutio who is a friend of Romeo and related to the Prince wanted to defend the Montagues
honor. Mercutio called Tybalt rat catcher. Romeo was trying to stop the fight when Tybalt
stabbed Mercutio under Romeo’s arm. Mercutio damned the two families and blamed Romeo
for his wound. Mercutio blamed the two families for his death. Romeo become very angry for
the death of his friend. Romeo kills Tybalt. Benvolio told Romeo to run away because the
prince will kill him. Lady Capulate says Romeo must die because he killed her nephew
Tybalt. Prince Escalus was sad and angry because a member of his family was killed. Romeo
was punished by the Prince for his action. Romeo was sent away from Verona (exile) to
Mantua. Romeo was not killed because he didn’t start the fight
.‫ روميو يرفض القتال ألنه متزوج من ابنة عمه جولييت‬. ‫ تيبالت دعى روميو بالحقير‬. .‫أراد تيبالت محاربة روميو النه حضر الحفلة‬
‫ أراد ميركيشيو و هو صديق لروميو وذات صلة‬.‫رومو أخبر تيبالت أنه لم يخطئ في حقه روميو قال لتيبالت ان اسمه يهمه مثل اسمه‬
‫ كان روميو يحاول إيقاف القتال عندما طعن تيبالت‬. ‫ موركيشيو دعى تيبالت بصائد الفئران‬. ‫باألمير الدفاع عن شرف عائلة مونتيجيو‬
‫أصبح روميو غاضًبا جًدا بعد‬. ‫ مركيشيولعن العائلتان و الم رميو على اصابته و الم العاءلتين على مقتله‬.‫ميركوشيو تحت ذراع روميو‬
‫ تقول ليدي كوبولت إن روميو يجب أن يموت‬.‫ طلب بنفوليو من روميو الهرب ألن األمير سوف يقتله‬.‫ روميو يقتل تيبالت‬.‫وفاة صديقه‬
‫ تم إرسال روميو‬.‫ عوقب روميو من قبل األمير على فعله‬. ‫ كان االمير حزينا الن احد افراد اسرته قد قتل‬. ‫النه قتل ابن اخيها تيبالت‬
‫ لم يقتل روميو ألنه لم يبدأ القتال‬.‫بعيًدا عن فيرونا (المنفى) إلى مانتوا‬
To calm the family’s sorrow at Tybalt’s death the day for the marriage of Juliet to Paris
is brought forward. Capulet and his wife are angry that Juliet does not wish to marry Paris, not
knowing of her secret marriage with Romeo. Juliet is sad and she went to Friar Lawrence for
‫ كابوليت وزوجته غاضبون الن جولييت ال ترغب في الزواج من‬.‫لتهدئة حزن العائلة على وفاة تيبولت تم تقريب يوم زواج جولييت من باريس‬
‫ حزنت جوليت وذهبت لطلب المساعدة من رجل الدين‬.‫ ال يعرفون من زواجها السري مع روميو‬، ‫باريس‬
Friar Laurence plan
First, Juliet has to agree to marry Paris . That night, she should make sure she is alone in
her room, then drink the mixture. This will make her look as if she is dead . Her family will
take her to the family’s tomb and leave her there. Meanwhile, Friar Laurence will send a
message to Romeo, telling him about the plan. When Juliet wakes up , Romeo will be there and
he will take her to Mantua and she won’t have to marry Paris. Juliet is afraid but finally
finds the courage to drink the mixture Friar Laurence who is an expert in herbs has given her.
‫ ثم تشرب‬، ‫ يجب عليها أن تتأكد من أنها وحدها في غرفتها‬، ‫ في تلك الليلة‬.‫ يجب أن توافق جولييت على الزواج من باريس‬، ‫أوال‬
‫ سيرسل فريار لورانس رسالة‬، ‫ في هذه األثناء‬.‫ وسوف تأخذها أسرتها إلى قبر األسرة وتركها هناك‬.‫ هذا سيجعلها تبدو كما لو كانت ميتة‬.‫الخليط‬
‫ تخاف‬.‫ سيكون روميو هناك وسيأخذها إلى مانتوا ولن تضطر إلى الزواج من بارس‬، ‫ عندما تستيقظ جولييت‬.‫ يخبره فيها عن الخطة‬، ‫إلى روميو‬
‫جولييت لكنها في النهاية تجد الشجاعة لشرب الخليط الذي قدمه لها الراهب لورانس الخبير في االعشاب‬
Friar Lawrence helps Juliet by providing a sleeping mixture that will make Juliet looks
cold and hard as if she is dead. When the wedding party arrives. The nurse entered the room.
She thinks Juliet is dead. Everyone think she’s dead. They take Juliet to the tomb. Friar
Lawrence send a message to Romeo to tell him about the plan. Romeo will then come to her
tomb and take her away. But the messenger didn’t reach Romeo. The message doesn’t get
through and Romeo hear from friends that Juliet is dead, he buys poison in Mantua and
returns to Verona
‫ عند دخلت‬. ‫الراهب لورانس يساعد جولييت من خالل توفير خليط النوم من شأنه أن يجعل جوليت باردة ومتصلبه كأنها ميتة‬
‫ سوف يبعث‬.‫المربية غرفة جولييت و اعتقدت المربية ان جوليت ميتة الجميع يعتقدون انها ميتة وياخذونها الى القبر‬
‫ ولكن الرسالة لم تصل‬. ‫ سوف ياتي روميو بعد ذلك إلى قبرها و يأخذها بعيدا‬. ‫الراهب رسالة الى روميو ليخبره عن الخطة‬
‫ يشتري السم في مانتوا ويقرر العودة الى‬، ‫ بدال من ذلك سمع روميو من بعض االصدقاء ان جولييت قد ماتت‬، ‫الى وروميو‬
Romeo returns to Verona and goes to the tomb. Romeo sees the bodies of Tybalt and
Juliet. He regrets killing Tybalt. He says he would cut the hands that killed Tybalt. Romeo
takes the poison and drinks all the bottle . Romeo dies just as Juliet awakes from her drugged
sleep.. Juliet takes out Romeo’s knife and stabs herself as the Friar returns with the Prince,
the Capulets and The Montague . The deaths of their four children ( tragic event) lead the
families to make peace, it was a sad peace because of the death of the four children. they
promised to put a monument (statue) in their memory. The Montague will set up a golden
statue for Juliet .and the Capulet will put a statue of Romeo next to Juliet statue to
remember them
‫ ويقول انه سوف‬. ‫ ينظر روميو الى جثة تايبلت و جوليت ويندم على قتل تايبلت‬. ‫يعود روميو إلى فيرونا ويذهب إلى القبر‬
‫ روميو يأخذ السم و يشرب كل قنينة السم ويموت و عندما تصحو جولييت من نومها بعد‬.‫يقطع اليد التي قتلت تايبلت‬
‫ وفاة أبنائهم االربعة‬. ‫ و كابوليتس و مونتيجيو‬، ‫ عاد الراهب مع األمير‬. ‫ وتاخذ سكينة روميو وتطعن نفسها‬. ‫تخديرها‬
‫ ووعد المونتيجيو بوضع‬، ‫( الحدث الماساوي) دفعت األسر لتحقيق السالم كان سالما حزينا بسبب موت االطفال االربعة‬
‫تمثال ذهبي لجوليت و ووعد الكابيولت بوضع تمثال لؤوميو بجانب تمثال جوليت تخليدا لذكراهم‬
The order of the events
The street
1. Tybalt wanted to fight Romeo
2. Romeo refused to fight because he is married to Juliet
3. Mercutio wanted to avenge the honor of the Montagues
4. Tybalt kills Mercutio under Romeo’s arm ( stabbed
5. Mercutio blamed Romeo for his wound because Romeo was standing in the middle
6. Romeo kills Tybalt. Stabbed
7. Lady Capulate asked the prince to kill Romeo
8. Romeo was punished for his deeds or actions ( exile )
9. Romeo has to leave Verona and go to Mantua
10.The day of marriage between Juliet and Paris was brought forward
11.Juliet asked for the help of Friar Laurence

Friar Laurence cell

12.The marriage of Juliet to Paris is brought forward.
13.Juliet asked for the help of Friar Laurence
14.Friar Laurence explains his plan to Juliet
15.Juliet drinks Friar Laurence’s liquid while she was alone in her room
16.Everybody thinks that Juliet died ( she looks cold and hard)
17.They took Juliet to the tomb and leave her there
18.The message didn’t reach Romeo
19.Romeo hears that Juliet is died.
20.Romeo bought a bottle of poison in Mantua and goes back to Verona .

The tomb
21.Romeo went to the tomb and saw Juliet and Tybalt bodies
22.Romeo regrets killing Tybalt
23.Romeo kills himself) poison)
24.Juliet wakes up and see Romeo’s body
25.Juliet takes out Romeo’s knife and stabs herself. ( stabbed)
26. The death of the four children made the two families have peace
27.The two families promise to put a statue in the memory of Romeo and Juliet

Read the sentences. Then decide which are TRUE or FALSE

1. ( ) Tybalt wanted to discuss the problem with Romeo
2. ( ) Romeo told Tybalt that he had never wronged him
3. ( ) Romeo didn’t want to fight Tybalt because he is married to Juliet
4. ( ) Tybalt name isn’t important to Romeo
5. ( ) Romeo’s marriage made him a softer person
6. ( ) Benvolio avenged the honour of the Montague family
7. ( ) Mercutio wanted to avenge the honor of Montague family
8. ( ) The fight between Mercutio and Tybalt was not fair
9. ( ) Tybalt killed Romeo’s cousin Mercutio
10.( ) Mercutio blamed the Montagues and Capulate for his death
11.( ) Tybalt killed Mercutio under Romeo’s arm
12.( ) Benvolio was stabbed
13.( ) Benvolio avenged the death of Mercutio
14. ( ) Romeo killed Tybalt to avenge the death of his friend Mercutio
15.( ) Lady Capulate said Romeo must die
16.( ) Mercutio is Lord Capulate nephew
17.( ) Romeo was sentenced to death
18.( ) Lord Capulet decides to punish Romeo with exile.
19.( ) Romeo was punished by leaving Mantua
20.( ) the prince punished Romeo with exile
21.( ) The prince decides to punish Romeo by prison
22.( ) Prince Escalus punished Romeo because a member of his family was killed
23.( ) According to Friar Laurence plan, Juliet has to agree to marry Paris
24.( ) the mixture will make Juliet look cold and hard
25.( ) Friar Laurence is an expert in plants and herbs
26.( ) Juliet was afraid but then she took the mixture
27.( ) Juliet drank the poison prepared by Friar Laurence
28. ( ) Juliet was poisoned by the mixture
29.( ) Juliet prevented her marriage by pretending to be dead
30.( ) the first person to think Juliet is dead was her mother
31.( ) they took Juliet body to the tomb
32.( ) The messenger didn’t reach out Romeo
33.( ) Romeo didn’t want to take the message
34.( ) The plan of Friar Laurence did not work well
35.( ) Romeo finds out that Juliet is dead from a friend
36.( ) Romeo bought the poison in Verona
37.( ) Romeo decided to kill himself with poison
38.( ) Romeo regrets killing Tybalt
39.( ) Romeo drank some of poison
40.( ) Juliet drank from the bottle of poison that Romeo left
41.( ) Juliet stabbed herself with a sward
42.( ) Juliet stabbed herself with Romeo’s knife
43.( ) The death of the four young people stopped the fight between the families
44.( ) the prince only blame himself for the tragic events
45.( ) the Capulates, the Montague and the prince lost loved ones because of the fight
46.( ) It was a sad peace because of the death of four young people
47.( ) The Capulet will put a statue of Romeo next to Juliet statue
Choose the correct answer
1. Mercutio is one of the ……………….’s own family
(Prince / Romeo Capulates )
2. Mercutio is one of the friends of……………….
(Prince Montagues Capulates )
3. Before they fight, Tybalt calls Romeo a:
a. rat-catcher b. coward c. good Montague d. villain
4. Mercutio calls Tybalt before the fight
a. rat-catcher b. coward c. good Montague d. villain
5. Romeo’s marriage to Juliet made him
a. stronger person b. softer person c. coward
6. ……………..wanted to avenge the honor of the Montagues
a. Tybalt b . Benvolio c. Mercutio
7. Mercutio was ……………by Tybalt
a. poisoned b. stabbed sent away
8. Mercutio was stabbed under ……………..arm
a. Bonvolio’s b. Capulet’s Romeo’s
9. Romeo kills Tybalt ………………
a- as Romeo is jealous of him
b- to avenge his friend Mercutio
c- because Tybalt wants to marry Juliet
10.Romeo was punished by…………….
Death exile prison )
11.Romeo must die for this? The speaker is
a. Lord Capulet b. lady Capulet c. prince
12.Tybalt is the nephew of ……………..
Lord Capulet b. lady Capulet c. prince
13.Romeo was sentenced by
a. Death b. leave Mantua leave Verona
14.Romeo was not punished by death because……
a. The prince likes him
b. He is a nice fellow
c. He didn’t start the fight
15.According to Friar Laurence plan, Juliet has to agree to marry……..
b. Tybalt b . Benvolio c. Paris
16.According to Friar Laurence plan, Juliet has to be
a. With the nurse b. with her mother c. alone
17. The liquid will make Juliet look
a. hot and warm b. clod and hard c. very alive
18. Juliet prevented her marriage to Paris by
a- running away from home
b- pretending to be dead
c- hiding at Friar Laurence cell
19.The first person who saw Joliet and think she is dead is
a. her mother b. the nurse c. Friar Laurence
20. The plan didn’t work well because
a. the messenger died the message didn’t reach Romeo c Romeo was afraid

21.Romeo didn’t know about the plan because ………….

a. He is afraid to be caught He didn’t get the massage
b. He didn’t want the prince to be angry
22. Romeo hears that Juliet is dead from
a. strangers b. Friar Laurence c. friend
23.Romeo decided to end his life with
a. knife b. sward c. poison
24.When Romeo saw Tybalt body , he
a. was happy b. surprised c. regret and sad
25.Romeo kills himself by
a. knife b. sward c. poison
26. When Juliet saw Romeo's body , she decided
a- To go and ask for help
b- to kill her self
c- to run away
27.Juliet kills himself by
A .knife b. sward c. poison
28.The Capulate and Montague decided to
a. keep fighting b. make peace d. to kill the prince
29.Morning has brought with it a sad peace”. It’s “a sad peace” because:
a- Tybalt died
b- Prince Escalus sent Romeo to the exile
c- the two families are no longer fighting as a result of tragic events
30.Promised to put up a statue for Romeo
a. The prince b. The Montague c. The Capulet

Complete the sentences

1. Mercutio is one of the …Prince ….’s own family
2. Mercutio is one of the ……friends…. of Romeo
3. Tybalt wanted to fight Romeo because …Romeo came to the party……………
4. Before they fight, Tybalt calls Romeo…villain …..
5. Romeo’s marriage to Juliet made him……a softer person………
6. Mercutio wanted to fight Tybalt to defend the honor of the Montagues
7. Mercutio calls Tybalt before the fight… rat catcher ……………………………..
8. The fight between Tybalt and Mercutio was not fair because Romeo was standing
between them.
9. Mercutio was stabbed under…Romeo's arm ……
10.Mercutio blamed …Romeo ..for …his wound…. because was standing between them.
11.Romeo kills Tybalt to avenge the death of his friend Mercutio …
12.Romeo was punished by exile (sent away)
13.Romeo was not punished by death because he didn’t start the fight..
14.Tybalt is the nephew of…Lady Capulate
15.The day of …marriage….between …Juliet...and …Paris….. is brought forwards
16.According to Friar Laurence plan, Juliet has to agree to marry…Paris..
17.According to Friar Laurence plan, Juliet has to be …alone .when she drink the mixture.
18.The liquid (mixture) will make Juliet look…cold..and … if she is dead
19.Juliet prevented her marriage to Paris by…pretending to be dead..
20.Juliet decided to do dangerous thing to prevent her marriage..
21.The first person who saw Joliet and think she is dead is…the nurse..
22.The Friar Laurence plan didn’t work well because…the messenger didn’t reach Romeo
23.Romeo didn’t know about the plan because…he didn’t get the message …
24.Romeo hears that Juliet is dead from…friends….
25.After hearing that Juliet died, Romeo decided to …kill himself….by …poison
26.Romeo bought the bottle of poison from …Mantua..
27. When Romeo returned to …Verona .he went straight to…the tomb
28.When Romeo saw Tybalt body he …sad and regrets killing him..
29.Romeo ended his life by …poison…
30.When Juliet saw Romeo's body, she decided to kill herself by Romeo's knife.
31.Juliet stabbed herself with … Romeo's knife..
32.The Capulate and Montague decided to…make peace..and put up a monument
33. It was a sad peace because of …the death of four children ( tragic events)
34.The price blame himself , the Capulate and Montagues for the death of the four
35.The Capulate and Montague decided to put up statues to remember Romeo and Juliet

Match the following characters with their descriptions. (2 points)

1- Tybalt. ____ a- wise
2- Old Capulet and Old Montague ____ b- aggressive
3- Friar Laurence ____ c- silly
4- Lady Capulet and lady Montague ____ d- expert in plants
5- Juliet. _____ e – well behaved
6- Romeo _____f- a jewel

Fill in the table

The way died person

A- Arrange the events in the correct order. Number them from 1-6 ( 3 points)
1. __________ Romeo kills Tybalt.
2. __________ Juliet kills herself.
3. __________ Romeo has to leave Verona.
4. __________ Romeo kills himself.
5. __________ Juliet drinks Friar Laurence’s liquid.
6. __________Tybalt kills Mercutio

B: Put these events in the correct order. Number them 1 to 6 (3 points)

________Juliet goes to see Friar Laurance to stop this marriage.
________Romeo kills Tybalt and the Prince exiles him from Verna.
________Friar Laurance marries Romeo and Juliet secretly.
________Lord Capulate wants Juliet to marry Count Paris.
________Romeo goes to the party wearing a mask.
________Romeo and Juliet make a vow of love to each other.

Answer the questions

1. What does Romeo mean when he tells Tybalt, ‘I have a reason to love you’ and
‘your name is as important to me as my own’?
because he has secretly married Juliet, Tybalt is now his cousin.
2. Why does Mercutio fight Tybalt?
Because he thinks Romeo is disgracing the Montagues by trying to be friendly to
Tybalt, and someone must avenge their honor.
3. How does Tybalt kill Mercutio?
He kills Mercutio by stabbing him under Romeo’s arm
4. Is the killing of Mercutio fair?
It’s not fair, because Mercutio wasn’t actually fighting at that moment.
5. Why didn’t Romeo want to fight? How is this connected with his love for Juliet?
he says that Juliet’s love has made him hate fighting. It made him soft
6. Why doesn't Romeo fight Tybalt?
Because he (Romeo) has a reason to love him (Tybalt).
7. What makes Romeo change his mind and decide to fight
He wanted to avenge the death of his friend Mercutio
8. How does Mercutio die?
Tybalt stabs him under Romeo's arm
9. How does Tybalt die?
Romeo kills him.
10. How was Romeo punished ?
He was sent away ( exile)
11.Why does the Prince decide not to punish Romeo with death?
because Romeo was trying to avenge Mercutio’s death; Romeo didn’t start the fight
12.How does the Prince punish Romeo instead?
He exiles him from Verona. ( he sent him away)
13.What do you think Juliet is afraid of when she thought about the mixture?
She’s probably afraid that it will really kill her
14.Do you think she is brave or foolish to drink the mixture?
brave because she is risking death,
foolish because she might die or be seriously harmed by the mixture
15.What did Juliet said she would do to stop the marriage to Paris
tell me to jump off the highest wall, or to sit in a bed of snakes. Tie me up with
roaring bears, or tell me to lie with a dead man in his new-made grave
16.Friar Laurence plan is desperate thing to do’. Does it seem like a good plan?
It seems very risky, but there isn’t an easier solution
17.What does Juliet think about the idea?
She wants to do it
18.What do you think might go wrong?
The mixture might kill her, or it might not work
19.How would the mixture make Juliet look like
She will look dead ( cold and hard)
20.Why didn’t Romeo know about Friar’s plan?
Because the messenger who carried the letter didn’t reach Romeo
21.What did the two families decide to do?
a. They decided to put up a statue for Romeo and Juliet
b. They decided to end the fight ( make peace)
Quotations ‫اقتباسات‬
1-It is only because I have a reason to love you that I can control my anger
1. Who is the speaker?.Romeo .
2. Who is the addressee ? Tybalt
3. What is the reason? because Romeo is married to Juliet. Tybalt is a cousin now

2-I have a reason to love you’ and ‘your name is as important to me as my own’?
1. Who is the speaker?.Romeo .
2. Who is the addressee ? Tybalt
3. What is the reason? because Romeo is married to Juliet. Tybalt is a cousin now

3-Nothing can right the wrong you have done me.

1. Who is the speaker? Tybalt. .
2. Who is the addressee ? Romeo
3. What is the wrong that the speaker mean? Because Romeo went to the party (insult)

4-Let’s knock down their swords

1. Who is the speaker? Romeo .
2. Who is the addressee ? Benvolio
3. When was it said? Romeo tries to stop Tybalt and Mercutio fighting

5-Damn both your families! They have made me into worms’ meat
1. Who is the speaker? Mercutio.
2. Who is the addressee ? Benvolio
3. What does the speaker mean worms’ meat? He will die

6-This is a black day, and there will be more black days to come
1. Who is the speaker? Romeo
2. What does the speaker mean by black day? Because Mercutio was killed
3. How does the speaker feel? Pessimistic
7-The Prince will have you killed if he finds you. Go! Go
1. Who is the speaker? . Benvolio
2. Who is the addressee ? Romeo
3. When was it said? After Romeo had killed Tybalt
8- a member of my family has died. And a Montague must die for this
1. Who is the speaker? . Lady Capulate
2. Who is the addressee ? Prince
3. What does the pronoun this refer to : the death of Tybalt
9-I too have an interest in this bloody fight between you. A member of my family died here today
1. Who is the speaker? Prince Escalus
2. What does the pronoun you refer to? Capulet and Montague
3. Who is the dead member? Mercutio
10-If he is found here, he will die
1. Who is the speaker? The Prince
2. Who is the addressee? Lady Montague
3. The pronoun he refers to ? Romeo
4. The pronoun here refers : Verona
11-It is a desperate thing to do
1. Who is the speaker? Friar Laurence.
2. Who is the addressee ? Juliet
3. What does the pronoun it refer to? the plan
12-Give it to me! Don’t talk to me about being frightened!
1. Who is the speaker?. Juliet
2. Who is the addressee ? Friar Laurence
3. What does the pronoun it refer to? bottle of liquid or mixture

13-What more can I do for you, but kill the hand that cut off your youth? Forgive me my
1. Who said these words? Romeo
2. Who was the addressee? Tybalt
3. When was it said? When he saw Juliet and thought she was dead.
4. Which hand did the speaker mean? Romeo
14-Oh, you have drunk it all, and not left a friendly drop to help me too
1. Who said these words? Juliet
2. Who was the addressee? To Romeos body
3. What does the pronoun it refer to ? bottle of poison
4. What is the speaker planning? To kill her self
15-Oh happy knife, this is where you will stay now.
1. Who said these words………………………………..
2. When was it said……………………………………..
3. What is the speaker planning to do?..............................
16-‘Morning has brought with it a sad peace.’
1.Who said these words? Prince Escalus
2.Who was the addressee? the two fathers, Capulet and Montague
3. why it’s sad peace? Because four young people died
1. In what situation were the characters when it was said?
They have just heard that Romeo and Juliet have killed themselves; they are all deeply
sad, and Capulet and Montague have just made peace with each other
2. What do you think ‘a sad peace’ means?
It means that now Verona is more peaceful than it has been for a long time,
because the Capulets and Montagues are no longer fighting;
this peace was the result of tragic events, which have made everyone sad
3. How do you think the characters feel at this point?
They all feel very sad because they did not stop the fighting between the two families,
and this fighting has had terrible and tragic consequences

Test sample as in Tawjihi 2023 ( 15 points)
Choose the correct answer (5) points
1. The prince said any one who start the fight will be……………….
a-Sent to jail b- Exiled c-Killed
2. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet to end the fight…………..
a-He likes them b-to end the fight c-to do his job
3. Juliet will drink ………….prepared by Friar Laurence
a. poison b. mixture c. tea
4. Juliet prevented her marriage by …………….
a. hiding b. pretending to be dead c. running away
5. Romeo finds out that Juliet is dead from
a. Nurse b servant d. friend
Decide if the following sentences are True or False
1. ………..Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy play
2. ……….Romeo wanted to give up his name for Juliet's love
3. ……….Mercutio blames Romeo for his wound
4. ………..It was a sad peace because of the death of four young people
Answer these questions
1. When did they act the plays at the time of Shakespeare?
2. What will the messenger carry for Juliet?
3. How do the Capulets and Montagues plan to honor their dead children?
Because I let this argument go on, I have lost my people too. We have all been punished
1. Who said that? …………………………….
2. To whom it was said?. …………………………..
3. Who has the speaker lost ………………………………
4. When were these words said ………………………
5. Who does the speaker blame? ……………………………
Arrange the events in order: (2)
……………. Romeo told Juliet that he hates his name
……………. Romeo got angry and killed Tybalt
……………. Juliet will go home and agree to marry Paris
…………….. Lord Capulate plans a party
………………the prince said he will punish anyone breaks the peace
Write the name of the character that matches the given description:
Character Description
1. Damns the two families: Capulet and Montague.
2. Performs Romeo and Juliet’s marriage.
3. Discovers Juliet after taking the mixture.
4. Loves to see young people dancing to remind him when he was young.
5. acted in a childish manner
6. well behaved and gentleman
7. was angry and shouted to stop the fight
8. asked to prince to kill Romeo
9. would be the best man to marry Juliet


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