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45.1.31 aliquot with 5 mL methanol, mix, and centrifuge.

For premixes with

AOAC Official Method 974.30 different menadione levels, adjust extraction technique to obtain
Menadione Sodium Bisulfite final concentration so that equivalent menadione content is ca
(Water-Soluble Vitamin K3) in Feed Premixes 0.5 mg/mL and test solution contains 1.0 mg DEP/mL.
Gas Chromatographic Method E. Calibration
First Action 1974
Final Action 1975 Inject 2 mL 0.5 mg menadione–DEP working standard solution
into gas chromatograph. Adjust to give ³0.5 full scale deflection.
A. Principle
De ter mine menadione/DEP peak response ratio (R 1 ), us ing
Menadione is extracted as menadione×NaHSO3×3H2O with integrator or peak areas as follows:
methanol and converted to menadione by on-column pyrolytic GC.
B. Apparatus
R1 =
(a) Gas chromatograph.—With flame ionization detector.
Operating conditions: temperatures—column 135°C, injection port where PA1 and PA2 = peak areas of menadione (0.5 mg/mL) and
250°C, detector block 235°C; flow rates (mL/min)–N2 25, H2 25, air DEP (1.0 mg/mL), respectively.
300. Adjust conditions to give ³0.5 full scale deflection for 0.5 mg Inject 2 mL aliquot of each menadione standard solution and
menadione/mL. determine menadione/DEP peak response ratios. Prepare standard
(b) Column.—Pyrex or stainless steel 120 ´ 0.64 (id) cm curve by plotting mg menadione/mL against menadione/DEP peak
(4 ft ´ 14 in. id) or 180 ´ 0.32 (id) cm (6 ft ´ 18 in. id), with glass-lined response ratio for each standard solution. Adjust instrument to
or on-column injection, packed with (1) 2% OV-17 on 80–100 mesh obtain linear standard curve.
acid-washed Chromosorb W (Supelco, Inc.) silylated with BSA Prior to test solution analysis, check injection port temperature for
[N,O-bis-(trimethylsily l) acetamide]-TMCS (trimethy l on-column pyrolysis of menadione×NaHSO3×3H2O compound to
chlorosilane), 5 + 1; or (2) 3% Dexsil 300 on 100–120 mesh Gas menadione by injecting 2 mL aliquot menadione×NaHSO3×3H2O.
Chrom Q. Condition 2% OV-17 column (1) 12 h at 250°C with N2. Check stan dard so lu tion. De ter mine menadione (pyrolytic
(Caution: Silanes are toxic. Wear disposable gloves and use product)/DEP peak response ratio (R2) and calculate % menadione
effective fume removal device when handling.) in menadione×NaHSO3×3H2O check standard solution.
C. Standard Solutions = (MD1 /MSB2) ´ (R2/R1) ´ 100
( a ) M e n a d i o n e s t a n d a rd s o l u t i o n . — ( 1 ) St o c k
solution.—4 mg/mL. Dissolve 200 mg USP Menadione Reference where MD1 = mg menadione/mL in standard solution, and MSB2 =
Standard ( in methanol and dilute to 50 mL with mg menadione×NaHSO3×3H2O/mL in check standard solution.
meth a nol. Store in dark; pre pare fresh daily. (2) Working F. Determination
solutions.—Prepare standard solutions, each containing 1.0 mg Check chromatographic conditions daily by injecting 2 mL
diethyl phthalate (DEP)/mL, as shown in Table 974.30.
0.5 mg/mL standard solution ³3 times and determine average peak
(b) Menadione sodium bisulfite standard solution.—(1) Stock
response ratio, R1, which should be within ±10% of standard curve.
solution.—2 mg/mL. Dissolve 200 mg menadione×NaHSO3×3H2O If not, readjust temperatures and flow rates.
(94+%, Sigma No. M5750) in methanol and dilute to 100 mL with
Inject 2 mL test solution ³2 times and determine average
methanol. Prepare weekly. (2) Check solution.—Mix equal parts
menadione/DEP peak response ratio, Rx.
so lu tion (b)(1) and (c); fi nal con cen tra tion is 1.0 mg
menadione×NaHSO3×3H2O and 1.0 mg DEP/mL. g Menadione/g test portion = (MD1/PMx) ´ (Rx/R1)
( c ) D i e t h y l p h t h a l a t e ( D E P ) i n t e r n a l s t a n d a rd
solution.—2 mg/mL. Dissolve 1.0 g DEP (Aldrich Chemical Co., where PMx = mg product/mL test solution.
Inc., No. 49,222-1) in methanol and dilute to 500 mL with methanol. g Menadione/lb product =
D. Preparation of Test Solution (g menadione/g premix) ´ (453.7 g/lb)
Accurately weigh 5.0 g feed premix contain ing ca 5.0 g Reference: JAOAC 56, 1277(1973).
menadione/lb (16 g menadione×NaHSO3×3H2O/lb) and transfer to
200 mL glass-stoppered Erlenmeyer. Add 50 mL internal standard CAS-130-37-0 (menadione sodium bisulfite, anhydrous)
solution, C(c), mix gently 10 min, and let stand 5 min. Dilute 5 mL CAS-58-27-5 (menadione)



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