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Now how to avoid plagiarism, plagiarism can be avoided by many ways but some key strategies are to

1)cite your source it means that always credit the original author 2)paraphrarse correctly except for just
copying and pasting u should rephrase the whole thing into your own words 3)while citing ur source u
should use quotation marks which will separate it from the rest of your work 4) Keep Detailed Notes:
Track your sources meticulously. It will help u in citing your source also it will help both parties
as the orginal author will recive the credit and u will manage to avoid plagiarism. While citing
the sources u should use appropriate in text citation format such as …., Provide a comprehensive

reference list formatted according to the required citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).,

Implementing proactive measures is vital for preventing plagiarism. This includes educating
students on proper citation, using plagiarism detection tools, and promoting a culture of
academic honesty. Use tools like Turnitin, Grammarly, and Copyscape. These tools help detect
potential plagiarism and ensure your content is original. Proper citation, plagiarism detection
tools, and creating original content are key strategies for prevention. The only thing u would
need to avoid plagiarism is original ideas

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