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Oregun Foursquare Gospel Church was conceived by the LORD God.

And He started the process of her

birth by implanting the seed. At the expected time of delivery by divine ordination, she was given birth
to. The people who were part of the divine process are: Late Rev. (Dr) Wilson Badejo (then Agege
District Overseer) gave an invitation to Brother Tony Rev. Tony Akinyemi) late 1992 to attend an eight-
week church planting seminar, and by extension sister Tutu (now Pastor Mrs Tutu Akinyemi). Also, Sister
Oyindamola Shoyemi (now Honourable Justice (Elder) Oyindamola Oluwayemi) was invited by Rev. (Dr)
Badejo to attend the same seminar at Agege District Headquarters church. Elder Oluwayemi in turn
invited Sister Patricia Akhidenor (now Pastor (Mrs) Patricia Afolabi).

These invitations led to divine visitation as they were commissioned to pioneer a church at a location
called Oregun among the twelve new churches that were planted at the end of the seminar. Brother
Tony was chosen to lead one of the church planting teams. By divine ordination all his team members
were brethren from Agidingbi Foursquare Gospel Church. They held evening prayer meetings at sister
Oluwayemi's house (then at Pen Cinema, Agege).

Expectedly, they began with evangelism, visitation and tracts distribution at the location of their
commission. Posters were printed in black and white and strategically pasted to create awareness and
invite people to the opening and subsequent services of the church. By divine design from its
conception, Oregun Foursquare was ordained to be a model and pacesetter within the Foursquare
Movement in Nigeria.

Following divine ordination, the church held her first service on Sunday, February 14, 1993 at the garage
of Libra Hotel International, Odunukan Avenue, Oregun with 21 people in attendance (adults and
children). This step of faith led to the formal inauguration of the church on Sunday, March 7, 1993 at
4.00pm with about 200 people in attendance (adults children). The team was given only a Bible, a pulpit
and the Foursquare Constitution. The team later received #12,000 from the Agege District Planting
Ministry three months after the church had started.

Movement is one of the characteristics of living things, and because "in Him we live, and move and have
our being", the church moved from the garage to the 1" Floor of Modern Centre Supermarket building
at 43, Oregun Road (now Kudirat Abiola Way) Oregun on Sunday, August 1, 1993.

With great expectation in our good and great God, the Lord provided the church with a virgin land used
to plant cassava at that time. It was purchased at the cost of #1.1Million from Alhaji Adegbite at No. 12,
Ola Adesegha Street, Oregun. The ground breaking ceremony was done by our then Zonal
Superintendent, Rev. Adebayo Adebisi on Thursday, March 7, 1996. By Sunday, May 5, 1996, a Miracle
Service was held on the land under canopies. Heavy showers of rain drenched everyone at that first
service on the land, which connotes spiritual sign and token for good.
By divine ordination, on Thursday, 1, 1996 we moved from a rented space to a permanent place by
God's grace. We became chartered in 1998. Through the Spirit of Grace and Prophecy in June 2000, we
bought the adjacent building at No. 14, Ola Adesegha Street, Oregun and Alhaji Muili Street, Oregun.
The swampy land was sand filled with about 200 tipper loads of laterite and about 150 tipper load of
hard core, it was fenced with about half a Million Naira. To the glory of God, the three plots adjoined
one another. We became a Zone on April 1, 2000 and was inaugurated on Sunday, June 25, 2000 as
Oregun Zonal Headquarter Church with seven churches, we grew to be 15 churches in three years and
few months.

Our District Overseer that time, Rev. Felix Meduoye laid the foundation for the new auditorium on
Saturday, June 15, 2002. This was expected to seat 1,500 worshippers.

The word of faith through Rev. Tony Akinyemi, that someday our good God will give us 21 plots of land
to build a 25,000 seater auditorium with other facilities was heard, honored and made manifested by
the word of God. The whole church agreed and believed as sao by His servant.

A beloved brother who was not a worshipper in our local church purchased 18 plots of land at Billings
Way, Oregun, and God told him to donate it to Oregun Foursquare Gospel Church, which he did as the
Lord commanded him. God indeed works in mysterious ways and His wonders to perform. His name be
praised forevermore.

In continuation, there was a change in leadership as Rev. Tony Akinyemi passed the baton to Rev.
Joseph Lamidi on Sunday, January 4, 2004. Rev. and Rev. (Mrs) Lamidi had been introduced to Oregun
church on Sunday, December 7, 2003.

Rev. Joseph Lamidi hit the ground running as soon as he was installed as the new Zonal Superintendent
and Senior Pastor of Oregun Zone and Oregun church respectively. The new building project appeared
intimidating with only steel trusses standing on German floor was in place. The Lord's intervention and
provision helped us through. The new auditorium was completed and dedicated by our General
Overseer at that time, Rev. Dr Wilson Badejo (late) on Sunday, April 19, 2009. Also, the former building
received a facelift for the Children and Teens' chapel.

Under Rev Joseph Lamidi's leadership, Haruna church became chartered on Sunday, July 17, 2011 at
their permanent site.

The Billings Way property received both spiritual and physical attention. As a choice location, it did not
lie fallow as some members were sent forth to start an annex church there, to prepare the ground as
future headquarters of Oregun church.
Pastor Moses Ayodele (late) was appointed to lead the team. This move made us to establish our
physical presence and also take spiritual possession of the land. The property was fenced and the
documents processed with the Lagos State Government.

church also commenced construction of a Cabin at our Ajebo Camp Ground in Ogun State. The cabin
serves both Oregun church and Zonal members during camping programmes. Oregun Zone gave birth to
Ilupeju Zone with eight churches, leaving Oregun with seven churches. Again, our God of increase made
us give birth to four new churches (Billings Way, Loburo, Akeran-Magboro and Adekoya Estate).

In the Spirit of Faith, the flambeau was passed on to Rev. Rotimi James Andu, becoming the new Senior
Pastor of Oregun Church and Zonal Superintendent of Oregun Zone. His installation was on Sunday,
January 8, 2012.

Immediately, accelerated progressive work was set in motion; rejigging the modus operandi and modus
vivendi of the church to soar. The church facility received facelift, the Ajebo Camp House became more
habitable, the property documentation of the Billings Way got Government Approval and work began on
site in order to establish full possession. This gave birth to revival programs and renewal drive for
evangelism. The commitment and enthusiasm of the leadership and membership led to the 20 years
celebration of the church in a grand style in 2013: our good God of grace increased us on every side as
the viability of the churches in the Zone was reappraised for effectiveness.

In less than two years, the Oregun Foursquare Gospel Church became a Missionary District, which was
inaugurated on Sunday, 7th July 2013, and Rev. Rotimi Andu installed as the first Missionary District
Overseer of Oregun District by our then General Overseer, Rev Felix Meduoye. This can only be God at
work in our midst. The ground breaking and foundation laying of our proposed worship, office and
Commercial project complex was laid by our then General Overseer, Rev. Felix Meduoye in 2014. By
August 2015, an office building was completed at the Billings Way Complex. The number of churches
under Oregun District grew from 14 to 26 and still counting. The testimony of God's faithfulness in the of
God's people are evident in salvation, healings, promotions, change of status, safe delivery of babies,
house dedications, vehicle dedications and many more. This is the reason we are celebrating God's grace
for 30 years and we are persuaded of better things to come hereafter.


THE APOSTOLIC AND PROPHETIC GRACE (Giving and Receiving. Teaching and Praying)
The Oregun Foursquare Gospel Church is ommunity-based. It follows the Apostles' doctrine of warmth
and welfare for her worshippers and neighbours. Also, she received prophetic grace in giving and
receiving like the Macedonian churches; ministering churches in other communities and countries.
Finally, the church is devoted to apostolic teaching and prophetic praying ministries as exemplified in
the scriptures.

Testimonies abound to the dynamic and robust welfare ministry with outreach and in-reach
distributions. The sacrificial and selfless service of love in graceful giving always results in the receiving
spiritual edification, profit and promotion in the marketplace, progressive family relationship and many
of which is Divinely Inspired Programmes like anniversary, crusades and Programing and revival prayers
to implant the incorruptible seed in the hearts of men. Consequently, imparting and impacting their
sphere of influence with the light of the glorious gospel. The light shall not go out: rather, it would
remain burning and shining till He comes. seminars


Though our beginning may be small, we are fully persuaded that our latter end would greatly increase:
between the beginning and the end is the expectation. This expectation is the hope that we have in Him
who holds the future. For surely there is a future we believe in and our expectation will not be cut off.
Why? Because we know the thoughts that He thinks toward us; thoughts of peace and not of evil, to
give us expected end.

This is the reason we look forward to and focus on the Lord who controls the variable that leads to the
desired deliverables. The strategy and synergy of operation results in the outcomes we have spiritually
and numerically. The journey to our expected destiny is still in progress. Spiritual and Numerical Growth
The command in the beginning

is for us to be fruitful, replenish the earth and subdue it. An aspect fruitfulness is giving birth, which is
the story and testimony of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in our midst. The Oregun Foursquare
Gospel Church was given birth to by The Foursquare Gospel Church, Agidingbi, and as expected, we
began to give birth to daughter churches and the growth continues. There is no growth process without
its peculiar challenges which may be noticed in our case but the exception is that we are neither
stagnant nor stunted. His grace has sustained us through-out the years and we are where we are by the
grace of God. Enjoy the flow of His grace from one dispensation to another and one generation to

REV. ANTHONY AKINYEMI – 1993 to 2003 (The man and the pioneering work - Oregun Church and Zone)

Rev. Akinpelumi Anthony Babatunde Akinyemi was born on May 1, 1961 in Ghana to Nigerian parents.
He completed his primary education in 1973 but could not proceed for lack of funds. Tony took to
domestic servant work for four years before his admission to secondary school in 1977. He got born
again in April 1978 at a crusade organized by Foursquare Church. He was discipled by Rev. Isaiah Ola

Tony had his Water and Holy Spirit baptism at the Nigerian Youth Camp (now Foursquare Camp), Ajebo
on Tuesday, August 12, 1978. He began to serve the Lord in his local church as a Sunday school teacher,
superintendent abd Church secretary before his admission to University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolono
University) where he studied Computer Engineering in 1982.

Tony's Christian service continues all through his university days as chairman, Unife Joint Christian
Mission (UJCM) 1984, Bible Study Secretary, Evangelical Christian Union (ECU) 1986 and in other
capacities. He was the best graduating student in Computer Engineering, 1987 Set. He became the
President, Lagos State Christian Corpers' Fellowship (1987-1988 Set).

He joined Chams Nigeria Limited in Lagos as a Trainee Engineer in October 1988 and resigned as the
Chief Engineer in 1993. Within the 5 years of his corporate experience as a computer engineer, he
travelled to United States twice for training in Data Communication and Computer Networking. Thus he
became one of the few Nigerians to become Certified Netware Engineer (CNE) in 1992.

Pastor Tony enrolled at the LIFE Theological Seminary, Ikorodu for his Bachelor in Theology degree
programme in 1997. He completed a 3-year programme in one year, graduated in 1998 (fastest ever in
the school's history), was the best student in Hebrew course of his set and was ordained a reverend one
week after graduation - a feat not common in the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria.

Having pioneered and pastored Oregun Foursquare Gospel Church for 11 years and an author of many
books; he is now the General Overseer of The Shepherd's Flock International Church, Ikeja, Lagos.
Tony got married to Adetutu Oluwayemisi Adeola ADENIYI on Saturday, April 20, 1991 at the Oritamefa
Baptist Church, total garden, Ibadan and the union is blessed with three great children; Melody, Lovelyn
and David.

She completed her secondary education in 1981 from St. Theresa College, Ibadan and graduated as an
Accountant in 1986 from The Polytechnic, Ibadan. She became chartered in 1989, retired as the
Assistant Chief Accountant of NTA Channel 10 in November, 1999 and bagged her Master in Business
Administration (MBA) in April 2000 from University of Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State.

REV JOSEPHLAMIDI-2004 10 2011 (The man and the continuity work - Oregun Church and Zone)

Rev. Joseph Akanbi Lamidi was born on January 16, luse at faalu village in Ogun State. He had his
secundary education at Ado-Ode in 1976 thereafter secured an employment with Skyway Press (a sister
company of The Punch Newspaper at that time).

He became born again in 1978, left Skyway to join Everyone Crusade in 1979, where he served the Lord
in various capacities such as Editor, Field Supervisor and trained as a journalist; having enrolled at the
Bible College in 1978.

Rev, Lamidi joined the service of the Lord a year after his graduation from the Bible College. He applied
to serve as a Pastor in the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria and was posted to Ijebu Ode in Ogun
State by October 1982.

He joined the LIFE Theological Seminary as a tutor in 1986, He served as Class Teacher, Faculty Adviser
to Students' Journal, Director of TEE programme, ete. His influence on the students and colleagues are
memorable reference points till today, ministry in the Foursquare Movement in Nigeria is so also his
career in the seminary was remarkable, His Pastoral very inspiring: he has pioneered and pastored many
Foursquare Gospel churches.

In the Foursquare organization, by the working of the word of grace and his skill set, he has worked in
various administrative and ministerial assignments. He was the Personal Assistant to Rev. Dr Gabrie
Farombi (General Overseer emeritus, Foursquare Gospel Church, Nigeria); a former National Director of
the Youth Ministry, former National Secretary, former Zonal Superintendent, author of many books and
now District Overseer of Lagos Island District; and Lekki Axis Coordinator.

He is married to Pastor (Mrs) Ibironke Lamidi. Their family is blessed with lovely children who are doing
great in life.

(The man and the work in progress - Oregun Church, Zone and District)


Oluwarotimi James Ishola Andu, was born on the 22nd February, 1961. A former Muslim turned
Christian on Saturday 15th May 1976. He openly declared his faith on Sunday, May 16, 1976 at the
Oritamefa Baptist Church in Ibadan, Oyo State. This was about five months before his admission to the
secondary school. The experience marked the beginning of his bright future. Hence he has the unique
opportunity to have known the Lord for over four decades now.

By 1981 he obtained his Secondary School Certificate. While in the school he was the Librarian for the
Scripture Union from 1977 to 1978, President of the School's Scriptures Union from 1978 to 1980. He
was the Chapel from 1979 to 1980.

He worked briefly with Oyo State Central Schools Board as Account Clerk/Bursar designate from 1982 to
1984, in Ibadan. He went to University of Ibadan where he his Higher School Certificate through extra
mural classes in 1983 and obtained Advanced General Certificate in Economics and Geography.

Before his admission to the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), he was the Youth
Leader in New Life Baptist Church, Oluyole Estate in Ibadan, as well as member of the Royal
Ambassador, a Youth Deacon and Assistant Church Secretary. While in the University he served God
within the Evangelical Christian Union (ECU) family as an Assistant Bible Study Secretary and Transport
Secretary. After he left the University he served as National Treasurer of the Alumni Body of the
Fellowship of Evangelical Union from 1999 to 2001. He later served the Lord as the National President
from 2001 to 2003.
He did his National Youth Service Corps in Kaduna State, Set. Thereafter, he worked briefly with a
consulting firm in Kaduna before relocating to Lagos in 1991. While he was in the University, whenever
he was in Lagos he attended Yaba Foursquare Gospel Church, National headquarters. When he
relocated to Lagos, he joined Foursquare Yaba in 1991 as a card member.

While in Lagos he worked as head of Finance and Administration with Meclcom Technology Nigeria Ltd.
When he recognized the call of God upon his life, and that he needed to set himself apart for God's use
in August 1993 established his own companies. He operated these outfits in partnership with other
Christians whe outfied the same conviction. He was also a Director in other financial institutions.

He was called into pastoral ministry in October 1994, under the leadership of Rev Tony Akinyemi in
Oregun Foursquare. While with the Oregun Foursquare Gospel Church, he was the Family Life Pastor. He
was also overseeing the Home and Life Centers. He was at a time the Treasurer of the Church and Fund
raising Committee Chairman for both the purchase of the first land and erecting of the building of
Oregun Foursquare Church. He was also Chairman for the first year anniversary of the Oregun
Foursquare Church. He was at a time Chairman, Zonal Rally of the old Ikeja Zone in the late nineties. He
was later posted to Adeniyi Jones after the completion of his theological training at the LIFE Theological
Seminary, Ikorodu.

Rotimi Andu was the District Treasurer for Ikeja District from 2000 to 2007 under the leadership of our
former General Overseer, Rev. Felix Meduoуе ;then District overseer) and Rev. Richard Oloidi. He was
one time Chairman of Ikeja District Convocation. He was privileged to serve the Lord as the Chairman
National Director of Youths of the Foursquare Gospel Chonal in Nigeria. He served as the Holy Spirit
Refreshing Vigil Chairman at a time.

While in Adeniyi Jones Church, he sees himself as a selfless missionary and Church planter. With this
aim, by faith he spread the gifts of God in him beyond the four walls of his immediate physical duty post.
This faith, the Lord honoured by assisting him to pioneer first, the Bukuru Foursquare Gospel Church, in
Jos along with Rev Joe Dada and Jos District. Secondly, God's grace allowed him to pioneer Ila -Orangun
(Mission) Foursquare Gospel Church alongside with Ila Orangun Brethren in Osun State and thirdly,
Adekoya Estate Foursquare Gospel Church (now Haruna) pioneered in 2003 around Ifako Ogba axis in
Lagos. To the glory of God all these are doing well and they are all on their own properties. God has
endowed him with the gifts of creative virtue, this same grace and favour often him to birth great things
out of nothing. As a Director of Youth, God bestowed grace pioneer a youth based Church in Ikorodu in
so10, which has taken possession of her place of worship, He joined full time ministry in October 1, 2010
wi Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria. himto
He holds a B.Sc in Accounting (University of Ife), B.Th (LIFE Theological Seminary, Ikorodu), ACNIM, CPIN,
and SMA. He was a subsistent farmer in action, a finance expert by training in the market place, and now
a fisher of men into God's kingdom (by calling) with passion.

Silently he is an author, he has about twenty books published and in circulation. He has published and
distributed literature tracts. He sometimes distributes Bible and literatures to meet the needs of the
body of Christ. He was ordained in the year 2001.

Under two years of being the Senior Pastor and Zonal Superintendent of Oregun Church, it became a
Missionary District.

Presently, he is the District Overseer of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Oregun District, Lagos - Nigeria,
anf Magodo axis secretary. He is happily married to Pastor (Mrs) Olanike Andu. In life and ministry the
Lord has blessed him and his wife with Frioluwa Joshua and has raised sons and daughters for the
Kingdom assignments. His pastoralhters teaching ministry has taken him beyond the shores of Nigeria,
up to United Kingdom, USA, Singapore and West Coast of Africa.



GOSPEL CHURCH FOURSQUARE HISTORICALTREE 1) Oregun church pioneered Adeniyi Jones church

with Pastor Justice Ngwama as the pioneering pastor on Sunday January 8, 1994, while Maryland 1
church was pioneered by Rev. Joe Mekiluwa and Sabo church was pioneered by Rev. Richard Udoh. The
arrow head who started Cameroun church was Pastor Ablam and Olusosun church was led by Brother
Ndubuisi Aso and Rev. (Mrs) Rashidi. All these happened under Rev. Tony Akinyemi leadership with Rev.
Aganran as Zonal Missionary Coordinator.

church under Rev. Joseph Lamidi Loburo church and Billings Way church with Pastor Abayomi Ayodele
as the pioneer pastor.

Oregun church under Rev. Rotimi Andu pioneered Opic church with pioneering Pastor Tam
Tamunokombia, while Mowe Atala church was led by Pastor Dere Adewole, Maryland Youth church was
led by Pastor Yinka Adebiyi, while Gberigbe church is being Pastored by Progress Banwa, Otuo church in
Edo state was pastored by Pastor Peter with Deacon Bello as Oregun Zonal Missionary Co-ordinator,
while Agura church in Ikorodu was coordinated by Brother Emmanuel Alaoye as Missionary coordinator
but now by Pastor Bamawa.

4) Adeniyi Jones church as a daughter of Oregun Church under Rev. Rotimi Andu pioneered Bukuru ZH/Q
church in Jos with Pastor Jonah as pioneer pastor, Ila-Orangan church, Adekoya Estate / Haruna ZH/Q
church with Rev. Yomi Oyinloye as the pioneer pastor.

5) Haruna ZH/Q Church under Rev. Yomi Oyinloye pioneered Seliat Estate Church, Likosi 2 church, Ilaje
Church, Adekoya Estate church, Ewu-Owa church in Ikorodu.

6) Sabo church as a daughter of Oregun Church under Rev. Richard Udoh pioneered Yenegoa church,
church, Abule-Egba church, Mowe church, Baale Olori church and Akinode.

7. Maryland 1 church as a daughter of Oregun church under Pastor Bode Newo pioneered Mende



Oregun Foursquare Gospel Church became a Missionary District, which was inaugurated on Sunday, 7
July, 2013, and Rev. Rotimi Andu was installed as the first Missionary District Overseer of Oregun District
by our then General Overseer, Rev. Felix Meduoye. The District is made up of four zones: Oregun Zone,
Agidingbi Zone, Haruna Zone and Magodo-Isheri Zone and commenced with 14 churches.
The Work of God in Progress

Oregun District became a full fledge District on 5th July, 2022

The District has four Zonal Headquarters

The administrative building was dedicated on

5th July, 2022 by our General Overseer, Rev. Sam Aboyeji. The number of churches under Oregun
Districtgrew from 14 to 33 and still counting.

A model church was pioneered by the District at Parafa, Ikorodu

A mission work at Adamo, Ikorodu with Agidingbi zone.

The first Grand Assembly in Lagos was pioneered at Okota, Isolo

McPherson University Lagos Study Centre also commenced at the District

Oregun District has an Extension of LIFE Theological Seminary Centre

Some of the Churches in the District have moved to their landed property

Testimonies of promotions, healings, babies and many more of God's faithfulness abound in our midst.


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