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TEST 3 (Module 3)

NAME ................................................................................................. DATE .....................................

CLASS ................................................................................................. MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

Vocabulary Grammar
A Underline the correct word. C Put the verbs in brackets into the
1 The technician is coming tomorrow to connect/ correct future form.
install some new programs on the computer. 16 Be careful! You ............................ (step)
2 He has a(n) fake/artificial leg so he can walk. on the dog’s tail.
3 Robots don’t have human/living feelings. 17 Don’t worry. I .......................... (pick up)
They can’t feel happy or sad. the children from school.
4 He likes playing online games in a false/ 18 Hurry up! Randy’s flight .........................
virtual world. (land) in half an hour.
5 Brian lost/missed his arm in an accident. 19 We ................................. (meet) the girls
Marks ____ outside the cinema at 6:00 pm.
51 5 Marks ____
41 4
B Complete the sentences with the
D Underline the correct item.
words: passion, download, tool, addiction,
20 When Nathan is/will be ready, we can leave.
hooked, developing, companion, rule,
21 Before Harry will go/goes home tonight,
disability, effect.
he will lock all the windows and doors.
6 Listening to loud music may have a 22 By the time we finish cleaning up, it is/will
negative ......................... on a child’s hearing. be too late to go to the cinema.
7 He has a mild learning ............................ 23 Please see me as soon as you will get/
so he spends more time doing homework. get here. Marks ____
8 Many teenagers nowadays have a(n) ............ 41 4
to interactive computer games.
9 It’s illegal to ......................... music or films E Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct future form.
from the Internet.
10 My dog is not only a perfect ........................ 24 This time next week we ..........................
but also a great watch dog. (ski) in the Alps.
11 Teens should not let their gadgets ............. 25 Mum ......................... (finish) preparing
their lives. the meal by the time the guests arrive.
12 Harry is ................... on his game console. 26 The presentation for the promotion of the
13 David has a ...................... for model making new gadgets ..........................................
and is always making new planes and ships. (start) at 10 am.
14 Scientists are ......................... technology for 27 Now that I have saved up the money, I
the deaf and blind. ..................................... (buy) a new flat
15 The email is a fantastic communication screen monitor.
.............................................. nowadays. 28 Do you think violence on television
Marks ____ ........................................ (affect) teens’
101 10 behaviour in the future?
Marks ____
51 5
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1
TEST 3 (Module 3)

F Read the text and for questions 29-33 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

29 The Microsoft Home is

A only an idea in Craig Mundie’s mind.
B an example of a home run by digital
C in a natural environment.
The Microsoft Home is a place where we D suitable for living in now.
can explore the home of the future. It is a full-scale
model in the company’s Executive Briefing centre. Craig 30 Homeowners will
Mundie, the Chief research officer came up with this A send messages to their computers
innovative idea in order to show what life will be like in an
with a keyboard.
environment where we can interact with computers in a
more natural way. B recognise their computer’s voice.
Homeowners will be able to experience new ways to C use different means to communicate
communicate with computers that go beyond commands with their computers.
typed on a keyboard or sent by the clicking of a mouse.
D be able to redecorate their children’s
This technology will include gestures, touch, voice
recognition and cues taken from the environment to create bedrooms.
3D experiences. For instance, the design of a teenager’s 31 In the kitchen of the Microsoft House
room can change depending on the child’s mood or the
dining room can convert to an exciting party scene ideal for
computers will
a children’s party. The young guests will have personalised A cook a meal.
seats and will be able to control a virtual toy like a plane B display the ingredients needed on a
flying around the table, using their hand movements alone. screen.
By asking the house “What’s up?” it will respond and
C decide on the day’s menu.
give us up-to-date information on the weather, traffic
reports and even reminders about appointments and D give advice on healthy and unhealthy
important messages. In the kitchen it will assist the cook by food.
projecting a recipe on the counter and reading it aloud and
also give details about how many calories the meal 32 Technology in the future home will
contains. A larger screen will display our health history and A plant and water our flowers.
enable us to connect with top medical experts in an B make all decisions for us.
emergency. C make it easier to travel abroad.
Technology in the home today works at our command,
but in the future it will work on our behalf helping us to
D transform entertainment into a 3D
make better decisions. One such example is informing us experience.
when our plants need watering or more sunlight. In the
33 The future home
entertainment room families will be able to visit their
favourite places abroad such as an art gallery or museum A will look like the houses we live in
and choose to experience a virtual tour of the place. 3D today.
images of the exhibits will appear on the screen, they will B will have too many devices in it.
even be able to talk with the gallery curator and pick up any
C will have a high-tech and natural
of the pieces on display.
All these devices will mix in with the environment and looking appearance.
the physical and digital world will come together to provide D won’t need humans to control it.
a whole new experience nothing like the homes of today. Marks ____
54 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

TEST 3 (Module 3)

Everyday English Writing

G Fill in: H Downloading music and games from the Internet is

 How long will it take illegal. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay
 I’ve got a problem expressing your opinion (120 – 180 words). Follow
with the plan.
 What seems to be
the problem  Paragraph 1: Introduce topic and your opinion on it
 We’ll call you when downloading – easier – takes less time – more affordable –
it’s ready however – I believe – should not do it – illegal
 Can I have a look  Paragraph 2: Write your viewpoints and provide
 we’ll have to send it examples
away to be repaired  illegal and dishonest  musicians don’t receive royalties
– ignore copyright laws
 get a virus – destroy PC – lose important documents –
A: Hello. Can I help you,
expensive to replace computer
B: Yes, 34) ....................  Paragraph 3: Write the opposing arguments and
provide examples
my digital camera. I
simple – quick  download specific songs or games – don’t
bought it here last week buy entire CD
and I think it’s faulty.
 Paragraph 4: Restate your opinion
A: 35) ..............................
even though – downloading – more practical – convenient
...................................? – I feel – pay – download – songs and games – legal site –
B: I think the zoom button benefits musicians – and individuals
is broken. It won’t zoom
in or zoom out. Marks ____
A: 36) ..............................
at it, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here it I Listen to five people talking about technology. Match
is. each speaker to the sentence that best describes
A: Well, 37) ..................... what they say. There is one extra sentence.
.................................. . Speaker 1 40
B: 38) .............................. Speaker 2 41 This person ...
...................................? A is describing how to use the Internet for study.
Speaker 3 42
A: About a week. 39) ....... B is complaining about a faulty device.
Speaker 4 43 C has difficulty using a device.
................................... .
Speaker 5 44 D is discussing the negative effects of computers.
B: That’s fine. Thank you
E is buying a wireless laptop.
very much.
F is very keen on modern technology.
A: You’re welcome.
Marks ____
54 20
Marks ____
62 12

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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