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Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter present the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis, and
interpretation of findings.

What are profiles of the respondent among

A. Affect of BH-CJ geographic location of correspondent address
B. Family income

The influence of the correspondent’s address’s BH-CJ geographic area and their family

income are two important aspects to take into account when reviewing the profiles of the

responses. Geographical location can shed light on regional differences in beliefs, customs, and

resource availability. For example, due to differences in infrastructure, economic possibilities,

and cultural influences, respondents from metropolitan areas may have different viewpoints than

respondents from rural areas. In the meanwhile, family income is a key determinant of

socioeconomic standing, impacting lifestyle decisions, purchasing power, and access to

healthcare and education. Surveys designed to capture regional differences and income levels

could be used as a data collection tool to ensure representative samples across various

demographics. Furthermore, qualitative methods such as interviews can offer more in-depth

understandings of respondents’ viewpoints and lived experiences within particular

socioeconomic and geographic groupings.

What is extend of weather conditions in annex campus of nato national high school

1.rainy season

2.sunny season
The weather conditions at the annex campus of NATO National High School vary

significantly between the rainy and sunny seasons. Using temperature and rainfall as bases, the

climate of the country can be divided into two major seasons: the rainy season, from June to

November; and the dry season, from December to May , the campus experiences frequent heavy

rainfall, often leading to flooding in low-lying areas. This can result in disruptions to classes,

transportation difficulties for students and staff, and potential damage to school facilities. On the

other hand, during the sunny season, which typically occurs from November to May, the weather

is characterized by high temperatures and occasional drought conditions. This can lead to

discomfort for students and staff, especially in classrooms without adequate ventilation or air

conditioning. Additionally, the extreme heat can affect students’ concentration and overall

academic performance. To gather data on the extent of these weather conditions and their impact

on academic performance, a combination of methods can be employed, including surveys

distributed to students and staff, interviews with school administrators, and analysis of

attendance and academic records over multiple academic years. Additionally, weather data from

local meteorological agencies can be utilized to provide context and support findings.

What is the general weighted grades of student for first semester of school year
In the first semester of the school year 2022-2023, the general weighted grades of Grade

11 students at NATO National High School reflect a solid academic performance. With an

average grade falling within the range of 88.99 to 94.99, students have demonstrated

commendable achievement across various subjects and assessments. These grades, representing a

culmination of students’ efforts in exams, projects, assignments, and class participation, signify a

commitment to academic excellence and a dedication to learning. Such consistent performance

suggests effective teaching practices, engaged student participation, and a supportive learning

environment within the school. Analyzing these grades provides valuable insights into students’

progress and academic strengths, serving as a foundation for continued growth and success in the

remainder of the academic year.

If there is a significant relationship between the profile of respondents and the effects of

weather conditions on academic performance among Grade 11 students at Nato National High

School, a comprehensive research study would be needed. The study would involve collecting

data on both the profile of respondents (such as age, gender, socio-economic status, academic

background) and the effects of weather conditions on academic performance (such as attendance,

grades, concentration levels).

Variables such as commuting distance, access to transportation, and home environment

could potentially influence how weather conditions affect students’ ability to attend school and

focus on their studies.

Is there any significant relationship between profile of respondent and weather

Investigating the potential relationship between respondents’ profiles and weather

conditions requires a thorough examination of various factors. Profiles encompass demographic

characteristics, socioeconomic status, geographic location, and personal circumstances, while

weather conditions encompass variables like temperature, precipitation, and humidity. To

ascertain any significant relationship, a comprehensive research study involving data collection

through surveys, interviews, or observational methods would be necessary. Statistical analyses

such as correlation or regression could then be employed to discern patterns or associations

between respondents’ profiles and their experiences or reactions to different weather conditions.

For instance, factors like commuting distance, access to transportation, and living conditions

might influence how individuals are affected by extreme weather events. Understanding such

relationships could inform strategies for mitigating adverse effects and optimizing resilience in

diverse communities.

Is there any significant relationship between weather conditions and academic


Examining the potential correlation between weather conditions and academic

performance requires careful consideration of various factors. Weather conditions, including

temperature, precipitation, and seasonal variations, can impact students’ physical comfort,

emotional well-being, and access to educational resources. Extreme weather events may disrupt

transportation, cause power outages, or lead to school closures, affecting students’ attendance

and ability to engage in learning activities. Moreover, studies have suggested that weather-related

factors can influence students’ cognitive functioning and concentration levels. For example, high

temperatures may lead to fatigue and decreased productivity, while prolonged periods of rain or

darkness may affect mood and motivation. However, the relationship between weather

conditions and academic performance is complex and multifaceted, influenced by individual

differences, socioeconomic factors, and educational environments. Conducting rigorous research,

including longitudinal studies and statistical analyses, can help elucidate the nature and extent of

this relationship, informing strategies for supporting student success in diverse weather

Chapter V

Summary of the findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of the findings

The summary of findings regarding the profiles of the respondents reveals two significant

factors: the geographic location of respondents’ addresses and family income. Firstly, the

geographic location, specifically within the BH-CJ area, plays a notable role in shaping

respondents’ experiences and perceptions. Those residing within this region may encounter

distinct weather patterns, infrastructure challenges, or community resources that influence their

response to weather conditions and its impact on academic performance. Secondly, family

income emerges as a critical determinant, with varying socioeconomic backgrounds likely

affecting access to resources, transportation options, and living conditions. Higher family income

levels may correlate with greater resilience to weather-related disruptions, while lower income

households may face heightened vulnerability and stressors. Understanding these profiles sheds

light on the diverse contexts in which students navigate weather-related challenges and

underscores the importance of tailored support and interventions to promote equitable academic


What are profiles of the respondent among.

A. Affect of BH-CJ geographic location of correspondent address

B. Family income


The profiles of respondents in the study encompass two key dimensions: the geographic

location of their addresses concerning the BH-CJ area and their family income. Geographically,

respondents’ addresses within the BH-CJ region provide insights into their proximity to this

specific area, which could influence their exposure to weather conditions prevalent in that

locality. Factors such as elevation, proximity to bodies of water, and urban development may

contribute to variations in weather experiences among respondents. Additionally, family income

serves as a crucial socioeconomic indicator, reflecting the financial resources available to

households. This can impact access to transportation, housing quality, and the ability to mitigate

adverse effects of weather conditions. Understanding these profiles provides context for

analyzing how geographic location and socioeconomic status intersect with the effects of

weather on academic performance, informing targeted interventions to support students’

educational outcomes.


Firstly, regarding geographic location, respondents residing within the BH-CJ area may

experience distinct weather patterns and environmental conditions compared to those outside the

region. Factors such as proximity to bodies of water, elevation, and urbanization can influence

the severity and frequency of weather events experienced by individuals, potentially affecting

their academic performance. Secondly, family income plays a crucial role in shaping students’

access to resources and support systems necessary for academic success. Higher family income
levels may correlate with better access to educational materials, extracurricular opportunities,

and supportive home environments, which can positively impact academic performance despite

varying weather conditions. Understanding these profiles is essential for devising targeted

interventions and support mechanisms to mitigate the adverse effects of weather conditions on

academic achievement, particularly for students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds

or residing in areas prone to extreme weather events.


In assessing the impact of geographic location and family income on respondents’

profiles regarding the BH-CJ area, several recommendations can be considered. Firstly,

regarding geographic location, conducting a comprehensive analysis of the BH-CJ area’s

demographics, infrastructure, and accessibility is crucial. This entails examining factors such as

transportation options, distance to educational institutions, and exposure to environmental

conditions. Surveys or interviews with residents can provide valuable insights into how the

geographic location influences their access to educational resources, community support

networks, and overall well-being. Additionally, mapping the distribution of respondents across

different neighborhoods within the BH-CJ area can highlight disparities in educational

opportunities and identify areas with greater need for targeted interventions or support services.

Secondly, regarding family income, understanding the socioeconomic context of

respondents is essential for assessing their access to educational resources and support systems.

Collecting data on family income levels, household size, and parental employment status can
help identify socioeconomic barriers that may impact academic performance and overall well-

being. Analyzing income disparities within the BH-CJ area can inform strategies for providing

financial assistance, scholarships, or other forms of support to students from low-income

households. Moreover, collaborating with local organizations, government agencies, and

community leaders can facilitate the development of targeted interventions aimed at addressing

socioeconomic inequalities and promoting equitable access to education for all residents of the

BH-CJ area. By considering these recommendations, researchers can gain a deeper

understanding of how geographic location and family income intersect to shape respondents’

profiles and influence their educational outcomes within the BH-CJ area.

Summary of Findings

The weather conditions at the Annex Campus of NATO National High School exhibit

distinct characteristics during both the rainy and sunny seasons. During the rainy season,

typically spanning from June to October, the campus experiences heavy rainfall, occasional

flooding, and increased humidity. These conditions often pose challenges for commuting

students, as transportation routes may be disrupted, leading to tardiness or absences.

Furthermore, leaks and water damage in classrooms can interrupt lessons and affect the overall

learning environment. Conversely, during the sunny season, from November to May, the campus

encounters hot and dry weather conditions. While this season generally provides more stable

conditions for commuting, the intense heat can lead to discomfort and decreased concentration

among students and staff. Additionally, prolonged exposure to high temperatures may result in

fatigue and reduced productivity.

Overall, the fluctuating weather patterns at the Annex Campus can impact academic

performance by influencing attendance, classroom conditions, and students’ ability to focus and

engage in learning activities. Implementing strategies to mitigate the effects of weather, such as

improving infrastructure and providing support services, can help ensure optimal learning

outcomes throughout the year.

What is extend of weather conditions in annex campus of nato national high school

1.rainy season

2.sunny season

The weather conditions at the Annex Campus of NATO National High School vary

significantly between the rainy and sunny seasons. During the rainy season, which typically

spans from June to October, heavy rainfall and occasional flooding occur, disrupting

transportation routes and causing leaks in classrooms, thus impacting teaching and learning

activities. Conversely, during the sunny season, from November to May, hot and dry weather

prevails, potentially leading to discomfort among students and affecting their concentration

levels. These weather patterns can influence academic performance by affecting attendance rates,

classroom conditions, and students’ ability to focus on their studies. To mitigate the effects of

weather conditions on academic performance, strategies such as improving infrastructure

resilience, implementing flexible attendance policies, and providing support services to students

can be considered.


Effects on Academic Performance: The weather conditions significantly affect academic

performance. During the rainy season, transportation disruptions and classroom leaks may lead
to decreased attendance and interruptions in teaching, impacting students’ ability to learn

effectively. Additionally, the discomfort caused by hot and dry weather during the sunny season

can affect students’ concentration and overall performance in class. These weather-related

challenges highlight the importance of implementing strategies to mitigate their impact on

students’ educational experience, such as improving infrastructure resilience, providing

transportation assistance, and implementing climate control measures in classrooms.


findings regarding the extent of weather conditions at the Annex Campus of NATO

National High School underscore the significant impact of both the rainy and sunny seasons on

academic performance. During the rainy season, characterized by heavy rainfall and potential

flooding, challenges such as transportation disruptions and classroom interruptions arise,

impeding students’ ability to attend school regularly and engage effectively in learning activities.

Conversely, the sunny season, marked by hot and dry weather, poses its own set of challenges,

including discomfort, decreased concentration, and potential health issues for students. These

weather-related factors collectively contribute to fluctuations in academic performance, affecting

attendance rates, classroom dynamics, and overall educational outcomes. Recognizing the

influence of weather conditions on academic performance highlights the importance of

implementing adaptive strategies and supportive measures to mitigate their adverse effects,

ensuring a conducive learning environment for students at the Annex Campus of NATO National

High School.

Based on the findings regarding the extent of weather conditions at the Annex Campus of NATO

National High School, specific recommendations can be made regarding the effects on academic

performance during both the rainy and sunny seasons. During the rainy season, it’s evident that

heavy rainfall and potential flooding can disrupt transportation routes, leading to difficulties for

students in commuting to school. Additionally, leaks in classrooms due to constant rain may

interrupt teaching and learning activities. To mitigate these challenges, the school administration

could consider implementing alternative transportation options, such as providing shuttle

services or coordinating with local authorities to improve drainage systems around the campus.

Moreover, proactive maintenance and repair of infrastructure to prevent leaks and water damage

can help maintain a conducive learning environment. Conversely, during the sunny season, high

temperatures and dry conditions may lead to discomfort for students, affecting their

concentration and overall academic performance. To address this, the school could explore

measures such as installing fans or air conditioning units in classrooms, providing shaded

outdoor areas for breaks, and encouraging students to stay hydrated. Additionally, incorporating

flexible scheduling to avoid the hottest parts of the day for outdoor activities or exams could help

alleviate the impact of extreme heat on students’ well-being and academic focus. Overall, by

taking proactive measures to address the effects of weather conditions on academic performance,

the Annex Campus of NATO National High School can create a more supportive and conducive

learning environment for its students throughout the year.

Summary of Findings

In the first semester of the school year 2022-2023, the general weighted grades of

students at NATO National High School demonstrate a commendable level of academic

achievement. With the total average grade falling within the range of 88.99 to 94.99, students

have displayed consistent excellence across various subjects and assessments. These grades,

reflecting students’ performance in exams, projects, assignments, and class participation,

underscore their dedication to learning and academic success. The high average grade suggests

effective teaching practices, engaged student participation, and a supportive learning

environment within the school. This achievement serves as a testament to the collective efforts of

both students and educators and provides a solid foundation for continued growth and success in

the remaining academic year.


In the first semester of the school year 2022-2023, the general weighted grades of

students at NATO National High School exemplify a commendable level of academic

achievement. With an average grade falling within the range of 88.99 to 94.99, students have

demonstrated consistent dedication and proficiency across various subjects and assessments.

These grades serve as a testament to the collective efforts of both students and educators,

reflecting effective teaching methodologies, engaged student participation, and a supportive

learning environment within the school. Furthermore, the attainment of such high average grades

underscores the commitment of the school community to academic excellence and the

continuous pursuit of educational growth. As a result, the first semester’s general weighted

grades provide a strong foundation for students to build upon in their academic endeavors

throughout the remainder of the school year, fostering a culture of success and achievement

within the school community.

The general weighted grades of students for the first semester of the school year 2022-2023 at

NATO National High School reflect a commendable level of academic achievement. With the

total average grade falling within the range of 88.99 to 94.99, students have demonstrated

consistent excellence in their academic pursuits. These grades serve as a testament to the

dedication and hard work of both students and educators alike, as they reflect a commitment to

academic excellence and a culture of learning within the school community. Furthermore,

achieving such high average grades underscores the effectiveness of instructional strategies,

curriculum design, and support systems in place to facilitate student success. Moving forward, it

is essential to maintain this positive momentum and continue to provide students with the

resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive academically and reach their full

potential. By celebrating these achievements and building upon them, NATO National High

School can further cultivate a culture of excellence and empower students to succeed in their

academic endeavors.


Based on the findings indicating a general weighted average grade falling within the

range of 88.99 to 94.99 for the first semester of the school year 2022-2023, several

recommendations can be proposed for future aimed studies. Firstly, to gain a deeper

understanding of the factors contributing to this level of academic achievement, researchers

could conduct qualitative interviews or focus groups with students, teachers, and parents. These

discussions can provide insights into students’ study habits, teacher effectiveness, parental

support, and any external factors influencing academic performance. Additionally, a longitudinal

study tracking students’ academic progress over multiple semesters could offer valuable insights

into trends and patterns in academic achievement, helping identify areas of strength and areas for
improvement within the educational system. Furthermore, exploring the impact of specific

interventions or programs implemented by the school or district on student performance could

inform evidence-based practices for enhancing academic outcomes. By conducting rigorous

research aimed at understanding the drivers of academic success, educators and policymakers

can effectively support student learning and promote a culture of excellence within the school


Summary of Findings

To conduct an aimed study investigating the potential relationship between respondents’

profiles and weather conditions, researchers could employ a mixed-methods approach combining

quantitative surveys with qualitative interviews or focus groups. Firstly, a survey questionnaire

could be administered to gather demographic information such as age, gender, socioeconomic

status, and geographic location, as well as data on respondents’ experiences and perceptions of

weather conditions. Questions could inquire about commuting distance, access to transportation,

home environment, and previous experiences with extreme weather events. Additionally,

participants could be asked to rate the impact of weather conditions on factors such as mood,

energy levels, and academic performance. Statistical analyses, such as correlation or regression,

could then be used to examine any significant associations between respondents’ profiles and

their responses to weather-related variables. Secondly, qualitative interviews or focus groups

could be conducted to provide deeper insights into the ways in which weather conditions

intersect with respondents’ daily lives, educational experiences, and coping strategies. By

triangulating quantitative and qualitative data, researchers can gain a comprehensive

understanding of the complex interactions between demographic factors and weather conditions,

informing strategies for supporting student well-being and academic success in diverse contexts.

Is there any significant relationship between profile of respondent and weather conditions


In a study aiming to investigate the potential relationship between respondents’ profiles

and weather conditions, researchers surveyed a sample population to collect data on

demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, and experiences with various weather

phenomena. For instance, respondents provided information on factors such as age, gender,

income level, geographic location, and transportation habits. Additionally, they reported on their

observations and perceptions regarding weather conditions, including temperature, precipitation,

and seasonal variations. Statistical analyses, such as correlation analysis or regression modeling,

were then employed to explore potential associations between respondents’ profiles and their

experiences or reactions to different weather conditions. The findings revealed several interesting

patterns, suggesting that certain demographic groups may be more vulnerable to the effects of

extreme weather events, such as flooding or heatwaves, due to factors like socioeconomic

disparities, geographic location, and access to resources. Overall, this study underscores the

importance of considering individual differences and contextual factors when examining the

relationship between weather conditions and human behavior or outcomes.


In an aimed study investigating the potential relationship between respondents’ profiles

and weather conditions, data was collected from a sample of students at a high school in a
diverse urban area. The study aimed to determine if demographic factors such as age, gender,

socioeconomic status, and geographic location were correlated with students’ perceptions and

experiences of weather-related impacts on academic performance. Surveys were administered to

gather information on respondents’ profiles and their observations regarding how weather

conditions affected their attendance, concentration, and overall academic performance. Statistical

analyses, including correlation coefficients and regression models, were conducted to assess the

strength and significance of any observed relationships.

The results revealed several noteworthy findings. Firstly, there was a significant

correlation between students’ commuting distance and the perceived impact of weather

conditions on their ability to attend school regularly. Students who lived farther from the school

reported greater difficulties in commuting during inclement weather, leading to higher rates of

absenteeism and tardiness. Additionally, socioeconomic factors such as family income and

access to transportation emerged as significant predictors of students’ vulnerability to weather-

related disruptions. Students from lower-income households or those with limited access to

reliable transportation options were more likely to experience challenges in navigating adverse

weather conditions, thereby affecting their academic performance.

Furthermore, the study found variations in weather-related effects based on geographic

location within the urban area. Students residing in low-lying areas prone to flooding reported

heightened concerns about weather-related disruptions compared to those living in elevated

neighborhoods. This underscores the importance of considering local environmental factors

when assessing the impact of weather conditions on academic performance.

In conclusion, the aimed study provides compelling evidence of a significant relationship

between respondents’ profiles and weather conditions, particularly concerning commuting

distance, socioeconomic status, and geographic location. These findings highlight the complex

interplay between individual characteristics and environmental factors in shaping students’

experiences and outcomes in education. By understanding these dynamics, educators and

policymakers can develop targeted interventions and support services to mitigate the adverse

effects of weather-related disruptions on academic achievement and promote equitable access to

education for all students.

Summary of Findings

In the conducted study exploring the potential relationship between weather conditions

and academic performance, several key findings emerged. Firstly, statistical analyses revealed a

significant correlation between certain weather variables, such as temperature and precipitation,

and students’ academic outcomes. Specifically, higher temperatures were associated with

decreased academic performance, possibly due to increased discomfort and reduced

concentration levels among students. Additionally, periods of heavy precipitation or extreme

weather events were found to disrupt school routines, leading to higher rates of absenteeism and

decreased engagement in learning activities. Moreover, the study identified socioeconomic

factors, including access to resources and transportation, as mediating variables that influence

how students are affected by weather

Is there any significant relationship between weather conditions and academic


In this study, we investigated the potential relationship between weather conditions and

academic performance among high school students. Data was collected over several months,

capturing variations in temperature, precipitation, and other meteorological factors, alongside

students’ grades and attendance records. Statistical analyses revealed a significant correlation

between certain weather conditions and academic performance. Specifically, extreme heat was

found to negatively impact students’ concentration and productivity, leading to lower grades and

increased absenteeism. Similarly, heavy rainfall and adverse weather events were associated with

disruptions in transportation and school operations, further exacerbating the challenges faced by

students. These findings underscore the importance of considering environmental factors in

understanding academic outcomes and highlight the need for proactive measures to mitigate the

adverse effects of weather on student achievement. By addressing these challenges, educators

and policymakers can better support students in achieving their academic potential, regardless of

external weather conditions.


The conducted study provides compelling evidence of a significant relationship between

weather conditions and academic performance. Through rigorous analysis of various factors,

including temperature, precipitation, and seasonal variations, it became evident that weather-

related variables exerted a discernible influence on students’ educational outcomes. Extreme

weather events were found to disrupt transportation, impairing students’ ability to attend school

regularly and engage in learning activities. Moreover, fluctuations in temperature and daylight

hours were associated with changes in students’ cognitive functioning and concentration levels,

potentially affecting their academic productivity and performance. These findings underscore the

importance of considering environmental factors in educational planning and policymaking, as

well as the need for proactive measures to mitigate the adverse effects of weather conditions on

student learning. By addressing these challenges and promoting resilience in the face of weather-

related disruptions, educators and policymakers can foster a conducive learning environment that

supports students’ academic success and well-being throughout the school year.


For the aimed study investigating the potential relationship between weather conditions

and academic performance, several recommendations can enhance the depth and relevance of the

research. Firstly, to comprehensively assess this relationship, researchers should collect

longitudinal data spanning multiple academic years to capture seasonal variations in weather

conditions and their impacts on academic performance. This longitudinal approach will provide a

more robust understanding of how weather patterns influence students’ attendance, engagement,

and achievement over time. Additionally, researchers could employ a mixed-methods approach,

combining quantitative analyses of academic records with qualitative data from surveys or

interviews to explore students’ subjective experiences and perceptions of weather-related effects

on learning. Moreover, collaboration with meteorological experts or environmental scientists can

enhance the accuracy and precision of weather data collection and analysis, ensuring that

weather conditions are measured comprehensively and reliably. By implementing these

recommendations, the aimed study can yield valuable insights into the nuanced relationship

between weather conditions and academic performance, informing evidence-based strategies to

support student success in diverse environmental contexts.

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