Project Plan Closeout

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Author: Creation Date: Last Updated: Version:

Oracle Projects Development Team 12/09/2002 06/20/2003 1.12

Copyright (C) 2002 Oracle Corporation All Rights Reserved

Product Design and Architecture

Table of Contents

Introduction........................................................................................................................ 4
Instructions....................................................................................................................................... 4 New Features in this demo release ................................................................................................... 4

Manage to Successful Delivery.......................................................................................... 5

Project Manager ........................................................................................................................ 5
Complete Project Visibility for Project Manager ................................................................................... 6 Demo Flow: Project visibility .......................................................................................................... 7 View Project Top Priority Activities and Pending Deliverables ...................................................... 7 View Overview about the Project .................................................................................................... 8 View All Interested Parties on the Project Team ............................................................................. 9 Communicate Plans ................................................................................................................................ 9 Manage your Project Workplan ....................................................................................................... 9 Demo Flow: Workplan Management ............................................................................................. 10 Manage the Progress of your workplan.......................................................................................... 15 Demo Flow: Workplan Progress Management .............................................................................. 15 Improve Budget and Forecast Oversight .............................................................................................. 17 Demo Flow: Budgeting and Forecasting........................................................................................ 17 Create, Maintain and View Budgets and Forecasts........................................................................ 18 Manage Project Issues .......................................................................................................................... 23 Efficiently Manage Project Change...................................................................................................... 27 Demo Flow: Change Management................................................................................................. 28 Update Change Order with Financial Impact................................................................................. 29 Submit Change Order for Approval ............................................................................................... 32 Implement a Change Order ............................................................................................................ 33 Track, Collaborate and Manage Documents......................................................................................... 33 Demo Flow: Attachments............................................................................................................... 33 Communicate Status............................................................................................................................. 36 Communicate the Status of your project to project stakeholders ................................................... 36 Demo Flow: Project Status Reporting: Setup................................................................................. 37 Setup Status Reports ...................................................................................................................... 37 Demo Flow: Project Status Reporting: Creation ............................................................................ 39 Maintain Status Reports ................................................................................................................. 40 View Status Report History............................................................................................................ 42 Convenient Project Control for Project Manager ................................................................................. 44 Demo Flow: Project Setup ............................................................................................................. 44 Setup Basic Project Information in HTML .................................................................................... 45 Manage Organizations on your project .......................................................................................... 46 Rapid Project Startup............................................................................................................................ 48 Create Project................................................................................................................................. 48 Demo Flow: Create Project ............................................................................................................ 48 Group and View Projects ............................................................................................................... 50 Demo Flow: Project Search and Project Sets ................................................................................. 50 Microsoft Project Integration................................................................................................................ 51 Demo Flow: Microsoft Project Integration .................................................................................... 53

Business Development Manager............................................................................................. 56

Integrate Selling and Delivery.............................................................................................................. 56 Demo Flow..................................................................................................................................... 56 Initiate a Project from an Opportunity in Sales Online .................................................................. 58 Staff and Forecast the Profitability of a Pipeline Project ............................................................... 60

Oracle Enterprise Project Management provides project managers the visibility and control needed to drive projects to successful completion. Insight into the execution of project work--current progress, estimates to completion, issues and their priority, changes and their impact on the scope of work and the budget and forecast--afford an increased level of control over the project. Improved project control positions project managers to proactively communicate with stakeholders. Oracle Enterprise Project Management is a fully integrated component of Oracle's E-Business Suite. Instructions The following document will assist users of the Oracle Projects Directions Demo to best demonstrate Project Management functionality, by giving flow diagrams and step-by-step click sheets of how to navigate and best highlight features throughout the static demo. For more instructions and an overview of the entire Directions Demo, please see the document Demo Flow Overview and Instructions. Note: Most all pages in the Directions Demo are also accessible from an ADS demo instance, so you are encouraged to use that environment for performing detailed live demonstrations of any part of the Projects suite. All pages with a ~ symbol are designed pages for future release, and will therefore not be available on ADS or for customers yet. These pages have been marked (using shading) in the flow diagrams and click sheets to help highlight them. Thus, if you are demoing only the current functionality, your flow will not include these pages. New Features in this demo release Below is the list of new functionality added to this release of the demo: New Change and Issue Management Flows New flows for Microsoft Project Integration.

Manage to Successful Delivery

Project Manager
The following demo flows highlight some of the key features that are available to a Project Manager for managing his/her projects collaboratively. To access the tabs in the Project Workbench, youll need to do the following: 1. Sign on as a project manager from the demo launch page. First youll see the portal of key project information. Youll start from the Project Manager Portal, as shown below. Amy Marlin is a project manager in the Northeast Apps organization, who is managing the ABC Financials Implementation.


Figure 1 Project Manager Portal Once youve entered the Project Home page (by clicking on the name of a project), you are now at the Project Workbench where all the pages are in the context of a specific project. All of these project pages fit under the tabbed workbench, which consists of 6 tabs. These tabs are grouped by functional areas and process flows that are contained below the each top tab page (as shown below)

Figure 2 Project Home Page

Complete Project Visibility for Project Manager

Project Managers need to have overall visibility into the general condition of the project and need to know what they need to focus on in order to meet the overall objectives within the schedule deadlines. Project Managers need to know: ! ! ! What is outstanding on this project and what needs my immediate attention? Whats the current status of my workplan? Is my project fully staffed?

Additionally, people who may not be that close to the project such as stakeholders or reviewers of the project deliverables need to know general information regarding the project such as: ! ! ! General information regarding project dates, the organization responsible for the project and the project manager. Who are the team members, what roles they are playing and how to contact them. Key customer information such as the company, their role on the project and the contact person.

Demo Flow: Project visibility

(A) Home Start - Central access to prioritized, focused project information and what needs to be done today.

Overview (B) Overview - High level project information - Intended to give non-direct project participants the scope of the project and key contacts (C) Directory Directory - Quickly access the directory of users and organizations involved with the project.

Person Details (D) Person Details - View details about team members such as contract information.

View Project Top Priority Activities and Pending Deliverables You can get a complete picture of what is outstanding on the project and what requires the project managers immediate attention. Step Enter Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Home (A) Central access to prioritized, focused project information and what needs to be done today. Prj Header section used consistently on other pages, can choose different one in setup. Layout is configurable by choosing and ordering sections. Security on sections for displaying Shortcuts give quick access to commonly used actions. Security on links appearing. My Open Notifications is a summarized view of your notifications. Click Overview tab in horizontal navigation



Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) Open Issues and Changes Summary provides a matrix of open control items on the project. Highlighted Issues and Changes is a summarized view of Issues, Change Requests, and Change Orders that have been highlighted. Highlighted milestones identify schedule variances in your milestones against your baselined plan. Upcoming Tasks list tasks that will begin in the next 2 weeks. Open Requirements / Upcoming Resource Changes summarizes the status of resources on your project View Overview about the Project You can provide key information for your project such as contacts and date information to people who may not have complete access to your project but may need to know high-level information. This page is configurable using the page layouts architecture, which allows you to configure the content and format of the page.

Step Enter

Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Overview (B) High-level project information used to provide non-direct project participants the scope of the project and key contacts. Layout is configurable like Project Home page and is based on a page layout.

Click Directory tab in horizontal navigation

View All Interested Parties on the Project Team You can easily view the people and organizations that have a role on your project. Additionally, search for people and organizations that have access to your project. Step Enter Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Directory (C) This page allows you to quickly access the directory of users and organizations involved with the project. You can search on the name, role, and organization fields. Additionally, you can choose to see current members on the project. Person Details You are now viewing contact information for Peter End (D) Cheng. This page allows you to view details about team members such as contract information. Click Click the 2nd link - "Cheng, Mr. Peter"

Communicate Plans
Workplan management provides the project manager with the capability of creating workplans and managing the execution of that work. Team members provide timely progress updates for tasks that they are responsible for to the project manager. The typical problems experienced by both project managers and team members are: ! Project manager needs to maintain a single source of truth for all team members; everyone working on the project team needs to know the latest workplan information. All team members do not immediately know changes made to the workplan, traditionally; this has relied on communicating plans via email or through progress meetings. Changes to workplan must be approved by on a timely basis. Lack of timely progress updates across team of task managers results in outdated, inaccurate status reports and other communications

! !

Manage your Project Workplan You can now manage a workplan using the HTML interface. You can define a Work Breakdown Structure to track your work execution separately from the way in which you track the financial aspects of your project or choose to use the same Work Breakdown Structure to manage both costs and work execution.

You can also determine whether to use versioning for your workplans to track the workplan changes over time. Versioning your workplan also allows you to publish the workplan via email notifications to interested parties on your project. You can quickly create a Work Breakdown Structure by copying a Work Breakdown Structure from another project or copy a certain group of tasks from another project into your Work Breakdown Structure. You can view the tasks within your project using a Gantt view, a hierarchical view or using task filters. Note: from the Project Home page you can also quickly navigate to the Update Tasks page, which allows you to update key information for the tasks within your Work Breakdown Structure.

Demo Flow: Workplan Management

(A) Tasks (Hierarchy View) START -Complete visibility of the entire project workplan and rolled up values such as progress information and dates. List (B) Tasks (List View) -View task lists filtered by selection criteria, such as Milestone Tasks or At Risk and In Trouble Tasks. Task lists are configurable. (C) Tasks (Gantt View) Gantt -View the workplan using the Gantt format

Maintain Versions (D) Maintain Versions -Maintain multiple versions of your published and unpublished workplans.

(H) Task Details (Editable) Update Work Breakdown Structure -Edit the details of a task in one place, including user-defined attributes. -View schedule information and history. -View the latest progress for the task and take corrective action - Add and view task attachments - View task associations - View task dependencies (future) - View hierarchy links (future) Copy External (F) Copy External -Copy tasks from outside the project workplan to within the project workplan. - Create your workplan once and use it multiple times by copying it to other workplans. (E) Update Work Breakdown Structure - View an entire project workplan and easily navigate to a task of interest. - Create, Copy, Move, Indent, Outdent and , Delete tasks within a workplan version. Create Tasks


AIM Reference Information

(I) User-defined Task Attributes -Enter and view user-defined pages and information for the task

(G) Create Tasks -Quickly create multiple tasks and enter mandatory information in one page.

Review and Submit (J) Review and Submit -Review information for the workplan. -Submit for approval. END


Step Enter

Page Name (Reference id) Workplan Tab, Tasks (Hierarchy View) (A)

Talking Points This page represents the latest published workplan for your project. This provides the project manager with complete visibility of the entire project workplan and rolled up values such as progress information and dates. Easily identify what the current health of your work execution tasks are through intuitive red, green and yellow progress indicators. Publishing the workplan makes it visible to interested parties and members of the project team to start work on via email notifications. Additionally, you can use a lifecycle to track the progression of a project through the lifecycle phases, and to provide visibility of this progress. A lifecycle is a collection of sequential project phases and each phase represents a collection of logically related project activities. ! You can associate the workplan structure in a project or project template with a lifecycle. You can assign the phases in the lifecycle to the top tasks in the workplan structure.

Click Select List radio button and click "Go" button

Tasks (List View) (B)

As the project progresses through the phases, the Project Manager can update the project to indicate the current phase for the project. You have navigated to the Task List page Select Gantt that represents filtered views of the workplan radio button tasks in a tabular format. There are a and click "Go" number of task list views (see the drop down button list), which may be personalized and available for configurable page regions. Preconfigured task list views include: Milestones Critical Tasks Tasks Estimated to Finish Late Tasks Scheduled to Finish (scheduled to complete in userspecified time period)


Step 2

Page Name (Reference id) Tasks (Gantt View) (C)

Talking Points


You have navigated to the Gantt View that Click "Maintain allows for intuitive representation of task Versions" activity for the project. The chart graphically button displays the task schedule, progress, resource and comparison between date sets. Several chart styles are available when viewing the tasks in the Gantt graphical format. Gantt styles enable you to see a graphical comparison of dates and versions for your workplan, and include: Compare to Estimated Compare to Baseline Version Compare to Latest Published Version Compare to Prior Published Version

Several filters are also available when viewing the tasks in the Gantt graphical format. (If you select At Risk from the dropdown list and click on Go, you will see an alternative representation of a Gantt chart for a selection of tasks which are at risk). You can also select your timescale for the chart, and control how you scroll up/down/left/right through the task data. The Gantt chart regions may be included in the configurable page layouts such as Project Home. Note: Task Dependencies shown in the Gantt chart will be supported in a future release. 2 Maintain Versions (D) You are navigating to this page to maintain your workplan version. Maintain multiple versions of your published and unpublished workplans. By versioning your workplan you can obtain a historical record of the workplan over time and can use this information for analysis. At a single glance, identify what has previously been communicated to your project team, via the published workplan table. Unpublished workplans are a project managers sandbox on modifying workplans Click "Update Work Breakdown Structure" Icon



Page Name (Reference id)

Talking Points and manipulating what if scenarios, before they are communicated to the project team. ! ! Allowing creation, editing, deletion and publication of workplan versions. Change control of the workplan can be achieved through locking and unlocking a version. You can also see who has the version locked allowing collaborative workplan management.


Update Work Breakdown Structure (E)

Baseline a workplan for tracking your actual progress against your agreed plan. Select "Copy From this page, you can view an entire project workplan and easily navigate to a task External" from the Action of interest by clicking on it. dropdown list and click on the Create, Copy, Move, Indent, Outdent and Go button Delete tasks within a workplan version. The Delete action allows you to delete multiple tasks simultaneously. Other options on this page allow you to create links, dependencies and associations with other projects and tasks, to support program management functions such as schedule and progress rollup through a project hierarchy. (These relationships will be provided in a future release.) Copy tasks from outside the project to within Click "Cancel" the project workplan for rapid workplan button then creation. click "Create Tasks" button Create your workplan once and use it multiple times by copying it to other workplans. Quickly create multiple tasks and enter Click "Cancel" mandatory information in one page. button and click on the Task Details icon. Click on Aim The Task Details allows you to see and edit Reference Information link all task information conveniently in a task workbench. General information for the task includes the ability to make an association for this task to another project, and optionally task. This association allows you to navigate between related tasks and projects.

Copy External (F)

Create Tasks (G) Task Details (H)



Page Name (Reference id)

Talking Points The Schedule and Progress tabs within the task workbench show current and historical schedule and progress information for the task. The Dependencies tab allows you to define task dependencies for informational purposes so that you can be notified when predecessor tasks move or change. Dependencies for are integrated with Microsoft Project for scheduling purposes. Use the Hide/Show features to see more dependency information. (Task Dependencies is a feature which will be provided in a future release). The Attachments tab provides file management functionality at the task level, allowing you to view and add documents and workspaces for this task. You can add engineering documents with a CADView integration (This feature available for PLM Integrations only). The Relationships tab shows links to other projects and tasks that are used to build project hierarchies. Project hierarchies are used to facilitate program management, using features such as top-down specified target dates for the program, and bottom-up rollup of progress and schedule information for visibility at the program level. (Project Hierarchies is a feature that will be provided in a future release). At the bottom of the page, the Other Task Information displays user-defined task information. User-defined task information is defined on implementation, and is visible here in the form of links to new pages.


User-defined Attributes (I)

On implementation, you can define new task attributes and groupings. You can also create new HTML pages for this new information, with display options, such as multi-row or single-row formats. The new pages can be displayed as links in the Task Details page, or embedded as new regions in the configurable page layouts.

Click Cancel to return to Task Details. Click on Return to Work Breakdown Structure link. Click "Review and Submit Workplan" button


Step 8

Page Name (Reference id) Review and Submit (J)

Talking Points Review information for the workplan and submit for approval. Note: You can specify whether this project requires approval and who the approver is based on the setup information for this workplan.

Click End

Manage the Progress of your workplan You can now communicate the progress of your project workplan. Easily navigate to any task in your Work Breakdown Structure that requires progress transactions and update its progress. This can now be rolled up to the project level to get a complete picture of where your current progress is compared to your current published workplan. Specify a progress indicator (red/Yellow and green icons) to communicate the progress of the workplan to plan and add any textual information to convey the overall progress to date. Demo Flow: Workplan Progress Management

UpdateTask Progress

(B) Update Task Progress -Multi-row update f or all tasks in the project - Display s all tasks which require progress -Lowest tasks display ed with the ability to toggleto summary tasks.

(A) Progress START -Allows updates of project lev el progress by the Project Manager. -Secured page. Progress

Progress History

(D) Workplan Progress History -View progress history f or the workplan lev el.



Step Enter

Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Progress This page allows the project manager to convey subtab (A) the latest progress against the published workplan. They can enter key information such as ! The progress status (red, yellow or green indicators) Allows updates of project level progress by the Project Manager. The As of Date, ie the date that this information is compiled using. Textual comments and percent complete values. Base % Complete is derived or manually entered at lowest level tasks and is rolled up for summary tasks. Rolled Up Effective % Complete: this % Complete is used for summary tasks and is rolled up from the % Complete of subtasks.

Click Click Update Multiple Task Progress button

! ! !

You can also enter task progress transactions from here. Task weighting can be used to calculate progress values such as % complete where a weighted average is needed. The weighting can be derived based on task duration or planned effort. Click Cancel This page allows the project manager to enter button, then multiple progress transactions for tasks for the "Progress project. History" button ! Displays all tasks which require progress ! Lowest tasks displayed on default; with a button to allow you to easily switch between Summary and Lowest tasks. Easily communicate, date, health and textual information in one central page. Select the columns most commonly used by you to enter progress information through personalized views.

Update Task Progress (B)

! !


Summary level tasks rollup progress information from all their lowest level tasks. View progress history for the workplan level. End



Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Progress History (D) At a glance, get a historical snapshot of how well the workplan has progressed over time.


Improve Budget and Forecast Oversight

Budgeting and Forecasting allows you to gain a better insight into the financial status of your projects, foresee problems, and take proactive action as required. It builds on the functionality available in the existing forms based Budgets module. Budgeting and Forecasting includes: Web Based User Interface Entry Via MS-Excel Entry In Any Currency Include Change Documents Into Budgets and Forecasts

Demo Flow: Budgeting and Forecasting



Select1st PlanT ype. Click CreatePlan Version Button

(B)CreatePlanVersion Createanewbudgetorforecast version.

(C) Copy Amounts Select CopyAmounts Copyamounts from another and budgetorforecastversion,or clickGo fromactual transactions.

(F)Edit VersionDetails Editthename,descriptionand changereasonofthebudget orforecastversion.

(A) Budgetsand Forecasts Baselinedamounts foreachtypeof financial plancreatedforyourproject. SelectInclude Change Docs. ClickGO Select1st item. ClickApply

Click ApplyButton (K) Include Change Documents Selectthechangerequests and changeorders forwhichfinancial impactshouldbeincludedinthe budgetorforecastversion. (D)Maintain PlanVersions Central pagetoBudgetingand Forecasting.Lists all baselined andworkingplanversions created foraplantype. Click Details IconforV 10 ClickReturn toMaintain PlanVersions link

Click EditButton (E)VersionDetails

Click ApplyButton

Click1s tView CurrentBaselinedicon (M) View Plan (Amounts) Viewinprojectorprojectfunctional currency,ateverylevel intheWBS, theamounts plannedforaproject.

Name,descriptionandchange reasonofthebudgetor forecastversion.

Click1st EditPlan Icon

Select Returnto Maintain PlanVersions. ClickGo

Select ViewIncluded ChangeDocs ClickGO

ChoosetoViewBy PeriodandclickGo (N)ViewPlan(Periods) Viewbyperiod,inprojectorproject functional currency,atanylevel inthe WBS,amounts plannedforaproject.

(H) EditIn Excel

SelectEdit InExcel and ClickGo Click browser backbutton

(G) Edit Plan Central planversioneditingpage, fromwhereyoucaneditplanning options,enter,updateorcopy amounts.

(L) ViewIncluded Change Documents Listofthechangerequests andchangeorders includedin theselectedbudgetor forecastversion.

Enterandeditplanamounts in excel foreachtaskandresource.

ClickAdvanced DisplayOptions Button

SelectExpandAll, clickthefirst Details icon ClickReturnto ViewPlanlink

Click1st Pencil Edit icon (I) EditPlan Lines

Click ApplyButton

Clickthe Budgets andForecasts subtab

(O)View PlanLine Viewthebreakdownofanybudget orforecastplanline. ClicktheReturn toViewPlan Linelink

(Q)Adv anced DisplayOptions Selecttheamounts tobeviewed,plan versions,factor,andcurrency.

T hroughtheHT MLinterface, enterandeditplannedamounts.

Clickthe1st Details icon SelectT ransactionCurrency andClickApplyButton

Click1st Details Icon

Click ApplyButton

(P) ViewPlan LineAmount Details Viewthecurrencyconversion attributes,changereason, description,andDFFs ofany budgetorforecastplanline.

(J) Edit Plan Line Amount Details Editthedetails ofeachlineby changingthecurrencyconversion attributes orenteringDFFs.

(R)View PlanTrxCurrency Viewbudgetandforecastamounts in thecurrency,andatthelevel they wereentered.

Create, Maintain and View Budgets and Forecasts This flow demonstrates the creation, maintenance, incorporation of change document financial impact into, and viewing of, budgets and forecasts.


Page Name (Reference id)

Talking Points Plan Types (e.g. estimates, forecasts, budgets) can be selected for a project, to manage the project financially across its lifecycle. Plan versions are created from plan types.


Budgets and START Forecasts (A)

Select the Approved Budget View current baselined plan version plan type. Click the Create amounts: Labor hours, cost, revenue, margin, and Plan Version margin % for each of the plan types selected button.



Page Name (Reference id)

Talking Points for the project. Edit cost/revenue current working plan versions for each of the plan types selected for the project. View Financial Forecast From Staffing Plan.


Rapid creation of plan versions based on the planning options setup for the selected plan type. Planning options include selection of:
Whether cost and revenue will be planned together in the same plan version, or separately. Planning level (Project, Top task, lowest task, top and lowest task). Time Phase (None, PA periods, GL periods, or Date range). Resource List. Task and resource (Planning Element) pre-selection.

Plan versions may be created by:

Entering amounts into an excel Select Copy spreadsheet. Amounts from Entry through self-service application the Action poplist and click Copying an existing plan or actual Go button. transactions. Choose to copy from another plan version, or Choose to copy from actual transactions. from Forecast plan type, and Copied amounts can be increased or decreased by a percentage. increase the copied amounts Actual transactions may be copied into an by 10%. Click the existing plan version to replace planned Apply button. amounts in past periods. The created plan version is listed (#10), as are all baselined and working plan versions for the selected plan type. Click on the Multiple working versions for each plan type Details icon for are supported in Budgeting and Forecasting. version 10 to view/edit the plan Plan versions may be maintained from this version details, or skip to step 6. page: e.g. edited, viewed, exported,

Create Plan Version (B)

Copy Cost Amounts (C)

Maintain Plan Versions (D)



Page Name (Reference id)

Talking Points Click submitted, reworked, baselined, copied, compared, created, locked/unlocked, change documents included / viewed. Documents can be attached / viewed for a plan version.

Plan Version Details (E)

View the name, description and change reason of the budget or forecast version.

Edit Plan Version Edit the name, description and change Details (F) reason of the budget or forecast version. Plan versions may be maintained from this page: e.g. edited, viewed, exported, submitted, reworked, baselined, copied, compared, created, locked/unlocked, change documents included / viewed. Click on the Edit icon for version 10 Maintain Plan Documents can be attached / viewed for a to get to the Edit Versions (D) plan version. Plan page. The planning elements (tasks and resources) selected for planning are listed here, with any corresponding quantity, cost, and revenue amounts. Entry of financial plan amounts in multiple currencies is a new feature. Amounts entered in transaction currency will be automatically converted to project and project functional currencies. Entered amounts will be rolled up through the WBS to give a total at every level. The calculate amounts button allows amounts to be calculated based on a client extension. Choose to: Edit a particular line through the HTML screens. Select to Edit in Excel and click the Go button.

Click the Edit button to edit the version details. Click the Apply button to return to the Version Details page, then click the Return to Maintain Plan Versions link.

Edit Plan (G)



Page Name (Reference id)

Click the Back button of the browser to return to the Edit Plan page. In the live software, an Oracle menu option Click the Edit icon would be available in the Excel menu. for the first row of Selecting this option will upload the updated the Plan Lines table. Edit in Excel (H) plan version into Oracle Projects. Click the Details icon for Nov-02 to edit attributes for that period. Or, click the Apply button, then click Go in the Edit Plan page to skip to step 11. Click on the Apply button to get to the Edit Plan page, then click Go in the Edit Plan page to Maintain Plan Versions.

Talking Points Edit the entire plan version in excel. Edit the Planning Options. The planning elements (tasks and resources) selected for planning are displayed in the spreadsheet together with any entered amounts.


Amounts may be entered / maintained for Edit Plan Line (I) all periods of the project.




Edit Plan Line Amounts Details Change conversion attributes, enter DFFs. (J) Plan versions may be maintained from this page: e.g. edited, viewed, exported, Select version #10. submitted, reworked, baselined, copied, compared, created, locked/unlocked, change Select to Include Change documents included / viewed. Documents from Documents can be attached / viewed for a the Action pop list plan version. of the Working Versions table, Maintain Plan Note the quantity and cost for version #10. and click the Go button. Versions (D) Select change order # 23. Click Include Change All change requests and change orders the Apply Documents (K) for the project are listed here. button.



Page Name (Reference id)



Maintain Plan Versions (D) View Included Change Documents (L)

Click Select version #10 in the Working Versions table. Select to View Included Change Documents from the Action pop list of the Working Notice that the quantity and cost for version Versions table, #10 have increased by the amount of the and click the Go included change document. button. Click on the All of the change documents included into Budgets and the selected plan version are displayed. Forecasts sub tab. Plan Types (e.g. estimates, forecasts, budgets) can be selected for a project, to manage the project financially across its lifecycle. Plan versions can be created from plan types View current baselined plan version labor hours, cost, revenue, margin, and margin % for each of the plan types selected for the project. Edit cost/revenue current working plan versions for each of the plan types selected for the project. Click the View Current Baselined icon for the Approved Budget View Financial Forecast From Staffing Plan. plan type. Plan amounts (hours, cost, revenue, etc) may be viewed by resource, resource group, and at any level in the WBS. The Level column icons indicate the level of the amounts being viewed. Select View By Period radio In this screen, since rolled up amounts are button and click displayed, all amounts can be viewed in either project, or project functional currency. Go. Time phased financial plans may be viewed Click the first Details icon. by period. Navigation options may be used to scroll Or, Click the

Talking Points


Budgets and Forecasts (A)


View Plan (Amounts) (M)


View Plan (Periods) (N)



Page Name (Reference id)





Talking Points Click forward / backward across the periods of the Advanced Display project. Options button to skip to step 20. Click the Details View Plan Line View the periodic details of that line of the icon for Nov-02 in (O) approved budget. the table. Click the Return to View Plan Line link. Click the Return to View Plan link View the currency attributes used to convert in the View Plan Line page. from transaction currency to project and Click the project functional currencies. View Plan Line Advanced Amount Details View DFFs, change reason, and line Display Options (P) description. button. The selections made here determine the display in the View Plan pages: Display amounts may be selected. The displayed plan versions may be changed. Amounts can be factored. Advanced Display Options The desired display currency may be Click the Apply button. selected. (Q) View Plan The amounts are displayed at the level, and (Transaction in the currency entered by the user. END Currency) (R)

Manage Project Issues

Get complete visibility of all the open issues in your project and their current status. You can easily create and update issues from this page. You can also easily navigate to the key area of an issue such as: ! Actions: Created to gather feedback from specific people, allow them to sign off on the issue, and grant them privileges to update issue details, if necessary. Interaction History: Tracks the feedback gathered from actions, and comments that project team members have added to the issue. Progress Overview: Used by the owner of the issue to periodically update the progress towards completion, displayed for management and team members. Resolution: Allows the issue resolution to be entered.

Traditional methods of tracking issues have resulted in the following common problems: ! Lack of understanding, visibility of critical issues across project team


! ! !

Team unaware of next steps; owner of next steps History/communications around issues unclear Team cant find context-sensitive documents; documents not centrally located


(A) Home Start - Central access to prioritized, focused project information and what needs to be done today. Issues

(B) Issues Central page which lists all the current open issues for the project.


(C) Actions Central page which lists all the current open actions for this issue

Step Enter

Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Home (A) Central access to prioritized, focused project information and what needs to be done today. Prj Header section used consistently on other pages, can choose different one in setup. Layout is configurable by choosing and ordering sections. Security on sections for displaying Shortcuts give quick access to commonly used actions. Security on links appearing. My Open Notifications is a summarized view of your notifications. Open Issues and Changes Summary provides a matrix of open control items on the project. Highlighted Issues and Changes is a summarized view of Issues, Change Requests, and Change Orders that have been highlighted.

Click Click Control Tab




Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Highlighted milestones identifies schedule variances in your milestones against your baselined plan. Upcoming Tasks list tasks that will begin in the next 2 weeks.



Open Requirements / Upcoming Resource Changes summarizes the status of resources on your project Click 2 in the This page lists all the Issues for this project. Open Actions column for the This page lists all the issues for your project. first issue. ! You can easily see the number of open actions that are still outstanding for this issue ! ! When the issue was last updated and, When the issue is require to be resolved by.

The application allows you to configure many different types of Issues and Change documents pertaining to your business practices. Each Issue Type can control certain processing attributes such as the Classification codes available or whether the Issue requires approval or not. You can easily manage an issue from this list by either navigating to it directly by clicking on the summary or by selecting the issue and performing an action using the pop list. The first Issue in the list page is 15 days overdue, the progress status is In Trouble and it currently has 2 open Actions. You are going to find out who owns these actions and when they last updated them so that you can contact them. 2 Actions This page lists the Actions that are currently open End for this issue. You can view who the action was assigned to, when they last updated it, whether it is overdue and if so by how many days. You can also Cancel an action if you decide that it is no longer needed for your issue.


Efficiently Manage Project Change

Get complete visibility of all the open change orders in your project and their current status. You can easily create and update change orders from this page Oracle Projects Change Management lets team members track, manage, collaboratively resolve, and implement changes. Team members can determine Impact to project scope and communicate these Impacts in a timely fashion. Consistent change management and resolution throughout the project lifecycle insures that changes to scope are completely accounted for. Traditional methods of managing projects have inherent flaws such as: ! ! ! ! ! Lack of understanding, visibility of critical change orders across project team Lack of understanding of impact (workplan, financial plan, contracts, supplier agreements, other context) Ball in court not known, who is the person responsible for this change document? History/communications around change documents unclear Team cant find context-sensitive documents

A Change Document has descriptive attributes that identify it, as well as indicate its source, priority, and urgency. In addition, it comprises of: ! Actions: Created to gather feedback from specific people, allow them to sign off on the issue, and grant them privileges to update issue details, if necessary. Interaction History: Tracks the feedback gathered from actions, and comments that project team members have added to the issue. Progress Overview: Used by the owner of the issue to periodically update the progress towards completion, displayed for management and team members. Resolution: Allows the issue resolution to be entered. Impact: Created to indicate projected impact to a project and track the date and parties involved in the impacts implementation.

! !

! !


Demo Flow: Change Management

Manage Project Change

A. Change Orders -Get a high level view of the status and progress of change orders in the system. pages. Update Details (Icon)

L. Implement Impact -Merge Financial Impact Defined with the approved budget



Implement Impact K. Implement Impact -Keep track of what, when and by whom the defined impact was implemented.

B. Update Change Order -Update the details of a change order, such as level of effort, classification, price and dates. Actions from Drop box, Go button C. Actions Create actions to allow project team members to collaboratively give input and resolve the change order.

Update Impact Icon A. Change Orders -The change order list can be customized to show different views of the data.


Impact Details from Drop Box, Go button D. Impact Details -Define the project impact caused by the change order. There can be workplan, staffing, financial, supplier, contract, or other impact.

J. Review and Submit -Get a consolidated view of the change order.

Review and Submit

Edit Planned Cost E. Edit Planned Cost -The user may choose to edit in HTML or Excel spreadsheet Edit in Excel F. Edit Plan in Excel Details icon First Line

B. Update Change Order

Update Change Order, Go button I. Update Progress Overview -Report on the progress the project team is making towards resolving the change order Progress Overview from drop box, Go button H. Impact Details -The financial impact for planned amounts are displayed in the Financial Impact table Apply Button

Back button

G. Edit Planned Cost Line Enter/edit the change order cost impact amounts

Apply button

E. Edit Planned Cost View the entered financial impact amount


Update Change Order with Financial Impact Impacts are used to specify the effect the Change Request or Change Order will have on the project. Impacts can be defined for both Change Requests and Change Orders. Change Requests are approved and then included into a Change Order to be implemented When Change Orders have been approved, you can track whether an impact has been implemented. The Impact types associated with Change Request and Change Order types are user definable Impacts can be of the following types: ! ! ! ! ! ! Step Enter Workplan Staffing Financial Supplier Contract Other Click Click Change Orders sub tab Click "Update Details" link for Scope CO

Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Youve now drilled into the Control tab of the project workbench where issues, change Change requests, and change orders are kept. Orders (A) Youre looking at a page from which you can access all the change orders associated with the project. Youre looking at a view containing all draft and open change orders. ! Table is sorted so that the high priority change orders with the closest upcoming due date displays at the top of the list. Change requests and Issues can be similarly viewed on other pages.

The table can be personalized to show different kinds of change orders associated to the project. From this page you can ! ! Change the status of the change order, View the open actions and days since its been updated or until its due, or



Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) ! Navigate to the pages used to view or update change order details. Update This is the update page for change orders where Choose "Actions" from Change Order your can modify change order attributes. the drop box (B) below the ski, ! Update the details of a change order, such as level of effort, classification, price Click "Go" button and dates. ! Page is designed so that all required fields could be entered with a minimum amount of entry. Change Orders can also be duplicated to for quick creation. Classify change orders for reporting purposes. Use the source to indicate the origin of the change order. Get a view of what impacts the change order has had on the project.

! ! ! ! !

Actions (C)

Include Change Requests into the change order for processing. This page is used to view actions associated to the change order.

Choose "Update Impact" From this page, you can access the create action Details page. Click "Go" button ! Create actions to allow project team members to collaboratively give input and resolve the change order. ! Users can be assigned review actions or update actions. Action assignments will grant them temporary access to the control item. Users have the option of requiring team members to signoff on their actions before closing them.

All actions must be closed before the change order can be submitted, ensuring that all people who have been assigned take action. Impact Details Youve navigated to the Define Impact page, Click Edit (D) where you can define the project impact caused Planned Cost by the change order. button !



Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) There can be workplan, staffing, financial, supplier, contract, or other impact. ! ! ! Impacts are enabled based on the change order type. The financial impact section is integrated with financial plan.


Edit Planned Cost (E)

After impact has been defined and the change order is approved, it can then be implemented. You may choose to edit the financial impact of Click Edit in change documents through MS-Excel, or through Excel button HTML using the Edit Planned Cost page. From the Edit Planned Cost page, you can choose to edit planning options to select tasks and resources, or enter detailed financial impact information for each plan line. When the change order has been approved and implemented, these plan lines will be merged with the approved budget. Use this page to make modifications to your Click Browser financial plan using excel. Back button You may choose to edit the financial impact of Click 1st pencil change documents through MS-Excel, or through icon HTML using the Edit Planned Cost page.

5 6

Edit in Excel (F) Edit Planned Cost (E)

7 8

From the Edit Planned Cost page, you can choose to edit planning options to select tasks and resources, or enter detailed financial impact information for each plan line. When the change order has been approved and implemented, these plan lines will be merged with the approved budget. Edit Planned From the Edit Planned Cost Line page, you can Click Apply Cost Line (G) edit the amounts associated to each plan line. button Click Apply Edit Planned You may choose to edit the financial impact of Cost (E) change documents through MS-Excel, or through button HTML using the Edit Planned Cost page. From the Edit Planned Cost page, you can choose to edit planning options to select tasks and resources, or enter detailed financial impact information for each plan line. When the change order has been approved and implemented, these plan lines will be merged with the approved budget. Impact Details Now you will see that the financial impact for Choose (H) planned amounts are displayed in the Financial "Progress Impact table. Overview" from the drop box



Page Name Talking Points (Reference id)

Click below the ski, Click "Go" button Choose "Update Change Order" from the drop box below the ski, Click "Go" button


Update Progress Overview (I)

Report on the progress the project team is making towards resolving the change order You can enter textual information, or a red/green/yellow progress status.

Submit Change Order for Approval All change documents must be approved before they can be implemented. You can route the change document for approval using workflow extensions and route to approvers via a client extension. Change document approval can be carried out via email notifications, which contain a snapshot of the change document needing approval. Page Name (Reference id) Talking Points

Step Enter

Click Click Review Update This is the update page for change orders where and Submit Change Order your can modify change order attributes. button Using this page, you can get a consolidated view of the change order. ! ! Get a high level view of the project impacts Get a high level view of the signoffs obtained through actions.

When you are ready, initiate the submission workflow. 1 Review and Submit (J) Change Orders (A) Note: Since Auto approval is enabled; the change Click order will be approved automatically. "Submit" button Click "Update Impact" Notice that the view now contains the approved for Scope CO change order. button


Implement a Change Order After a Change Order has been approved, the impact of that change can be implemented. This involves tracking the date it was implemented and who it was implemented by together with any comment that was recorded. Page Name (Reference id) Talking Points Using this page, you can keep track of what, when and by whom the impact defined for the change order was implemented. Implement Impact (K) Note: Users must have financial security privileges to implement financial impact. You have now merged the projected financial impact of the change order with the project's financial plan.


Click Click on Implement Financial Impact button

Implement Impact (K)

You can add any textual information to what has been implemented using the Implementation END Comment field.

Track, Collaborate and Manage Documents

Demo Flow: Attachments

Note you may also enter this flow from Team Member Home with the following flow:


1. Enter Team Member Home. 2. Click the Full List button for the Upcoming Tasks region. 3. Select the ABC-Financials task, choose View Project Documents (in the poplist) and click the Go button.

Step Enter

Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) Attachments Youve selected the Attachments tab within the Click ABC(A) context of your project. Financial You can search for an attachment as well Folder Icon as the ability to Detach, Delete, and Add an Attachment. Lists Attachments made at the Project Level Attachments may be Files, URLs, Text, Workspaces, and Folders Attachments may be organized into attachment categories

Oracle Files Online (B)

You will now show a workspace folder. Youve now launched Oracle Files Online, currently displaying your ABC-Financial folder. ! ! ! You can search for folders and files in the folder and all subfolders. From Workspace Properties you can set security access for this Workspace. New Folder, Upload, Copy, Move, Delete allows you to do basic File Management actions. Unlock, Lock, and New Version allows you to use version control on your files. Email provides an easy way to let other users quickly access your files.

Close the Oracle Files Online Window.

! !

Attachments (A)

You will now close Oracle Files Online and Add Project Attachments Now you want to add an attachment to your Click Add project. You will go to the Add Attachment pages. Attachment


Step 4

Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) Add You now will select from where you will attach the Choose OFAttachment (C) file. North America ! You select the repository to utilize for Repository, this attachment. Attach Desktop Files ! Note that Oracle Projects integrates Attachment with multiple repositories. Oracle Projects Type and click can integrate with any repository Continue supporting WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers). You select the type of Attachment you want to make. ! You can choose multiple files to upload from Click Finish Attach Desktop your local desktop and the category to use for button. Files (D) the attachment. Then you select the destination folder in the repository you chose on the Add Attachment page. Attachments Now you want to add an attachment to your (A) and Add project from a file repository. You will go to the Attachment (C) Add Attachment pages. ! From there you choose to Attach Repository Files.


Click Add Attachment. Choose OFNorth America Repository, Attach Repository Files Attachment Type and click Continue Click Finish.

Attach Repository Files (E)

You can browse and choose multiple files to upload from the repository you chose on the Add Attachment page.

Attachments (A)

You select the category to use for the attachment and finish your attachments. Now you want look at your CAD files using Click on CadViewer Motorcycle CADView Markup or Floorplan CADView markup


Step 10

Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) You see the 3D image of the CAD drawing. CADView (F) ! !


Click the Browsers Back You can tell other colleagues to open the file button. as well and instantly start collaborating on it. Click on the You can chat with the other users viewing the Team Member file, and communicate by marking up the Home design. Breadcrumb or Global Icon

Communicate Status
Every project manager needs to communicate a the status of a project to many different people. They need to provide information to the Project Steering committee so that decisions can be made that will affect the project. They need to communicate status to their own internal management such that decisions can be made to control costs, schedule and control risk exposure. They need to communicate current status to the project team so that they are aware of any changes to the project. Traditional methods of communicating the status of the project has resulted in: ! ! ! ! Lack of visibility of overall status of project, in all phases of lifecycle, by all stakeholders (internal and external to organization) Control over recipients, who gets to see what. Control over timeliness, when is the Customer Status Report due? Administrative effort involved in creating status report in a consistent format, with accurate information.

Communicate the Status of your project to project stakeholders You can create many different types of reports for your project to communicate the status to all your project stakeholders. Examples of Report Types include Internal Management Reports for your Project Executive committee, Customer Reports for your Project Steering committee and Team Reports for your project team. The content of each report type is configurable based on Page Layouts. You can control who has access to the Status Report and whether they receive the report via email based on Access Lists you can define for each Report Type. Note: You can view the latest published Status Report for this project by clicking on the Progress Status icon on the Project Managers portal page for this project.


Demo Flow: Project Status Reporting: Setup

Reporting > Status Reports Version 1.1
(G) Setup (A) Status Reports See a high-level view of project health by viewing information from the latest published reports you have Project Manager access to in a project. Access separate reports within a project, each reporting its own status. Different kinds of reports in the system will have different types of content. For a given kind of report, you have the option of standardizing the type of content across all users in the organization. Implementation teams can also customize their own content types to be used within the organization. Determine when next reports will be published. Information from Reports which you have do not have access to will not be visible on this page. Quick access to all pages related to setup of reporting functionality 1)"Setup" Subtab Quick access to setup pages for other functionalities within in the system. (H) Status Report Setup Associate different kinds of reports to the project and define the reporting attributes. Determine which reports have been associated to the project. Get to the status report setup details pages for each kind of report. Get to the access control setup page for each kind of report. (K) Select Project Roles When A project Role is selected, all team members with that project role will be granted access Access can also be granted to specific team members, and non-team members 6)"Go" button next to "Add" choice box 3)"Details" Icon for Internal Mgmt Report START

2)"Status Reports" Link

4) Cancel Button

(I) Status Report Details Modify individual setup attributes for each kind of report associated with the project. Modify attributes such as effective dates, reporting cycle, and approval options. Designate the approver for reports of that kind.

(J) Status Report Access Grant View and Update access to people within your project team by role or individual. If view access is granted to team members, they will receive email notifications when the report is published. Indicate which people outside your project team will recieve Email notifications

7)"Cancel" Button

8)"Review Expanded" Button

5) "Access List" Icon for Internal Mgmt Report

(L) Review Expanded Access List View the expanded version of the access list. 9)Return to Link


Setup Status Reports You can associate many Report Types to your project. Each Report Type can be due at different intervals such as weekly, first day of the month, daily and the implementation team defines these. A Status Report can also be setup such that it requires approval and Reminder Rules can be configured to notify the person responsible for the report that a status report is due, hence increasing awareness and accountability. Step Enter Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) Status Reports See a high-level view of project health by viewing Click Setup (A) information from the latest published reports you Subtab have access to in a project. Access separate reports within a project, with each reporting its own status.



Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Different kinds of reports in the system will have different types of content. For a given kind of report, you have the option of standardizing the type of content across all users in the organization. Implementation teams can also customize their own content types to be used within the organization. Determine when next reports will be published.


Setup (G)

Information from Reports which you have do not have access to will not be visible on this page. Quick access to all pages related to setup of Click Status reporting functionality Reports Link

Quick access to setup pages for other functionalities within in the system. Status Report Associate different kinds of reports to the project Click Details Icon for Internal Setup (H) and define the reporting attributes. Management Determine which reports have been associated to Report the project. Get to the status report setup details pages for each kind of report. Get to the access control setup page for each kind of report. Status Report Modify individual setup attributes for each kind of Click Cancel Setup Details report associated with the project. Button (I) Modify attributes such as effective dates, reporting cycle, and approval options. Designate the approver for reports of that kind. Status Report Associate different kinds of reports to the project Click Access Setup (H) and define the reporting attributes. List Icon for Internal Mgmt Report Status Report Grant View and Update access to people within Click "Go" Access List (J) your project team by role or individual. button next to "Add" choice If view access is granted to team members, they box will receive email notifications when the report is published. Indicate which people outside your project team will receive Email notifications Select Project When A project Role is selected, all team Roles (K) members with that project role will be granted access

Click Cancel button



Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Access can also be granted to specific team members, and non-team members Status Report Grant View and Update access to people within Access List (J) your project team by role or individual. Review View the expanded version of the access list. Expanded Access List (L) Status Report Grant View and Update access to people within Access List (J) your project team by role or individual. Status Reports (A)


8 9 10

Click Review Expanded Access List button Click Return to Link Click Status Reports Sub tab END

Demo Flow: Project Status Reporting: Creation

Reporting > Status Reports Version 1.1
Project Manager
START 1) Update Icon next to Internal Management Report

(B) Status Report: Internal Management Report View the published status report for a project and quickly navigate to the section of interest. Status reports can be published and sent via email to the interested parties and members of the project team. Status reports are configured using page layouts, which determine what sections need to be reported on and the display order. Status reports can be setup to generate reminders to the project manager. A status report can be for a specific period of time, for example, monthly, weekly every fortnight etc, this is set at the project level. Approval workflows can enable powerful status reporting business practices. Status report indicators appear on Project Lists so that key members of the project and interested parties can be able to view the status of that project at a glance. (A) Status Reports See a high-level view of project health by viewing information from the latest published reports you have access to in a project. Access separate reports within a project, with each reporting its own status. Different kinds of reports in the system will have different types of content. For a given kind of report, you have the option of standardizing the type of content across all users in the organization. 9)Status Icon for Internal Management Report Implementation teams can also customize their own content types to be used within the organization. Determine when next reports will be published. Information from Reports which you have do not have access to will not be visible on this page.

(E) General Progress (D)Maintain Status Report Maintain multiple versions of your published and unpublished status reports. Maintain unpublished status report versions, allowing creation, editing, deletion, and publication of status reports. Editable sections are displayed depending on the status report page layout that is used. When reports are created, the last published status report is copied over into a new report for you to edit. Select a project's status to report. Enter textual data such as accomplishments, plans, etc. You have the ability to create a report for another person 2) Update Icon in Unpublished Reports table (F) Phases 8) Status Reports Subtab 7) Publish Button View the Phases of the Project and add comments to the reporting audience 4) In Trouble and At Risk Tasks 3rd Level Menu Link (G) In Trouble and At Risk Tasks View the In Trouble and At Risk Tasks in the project, add a comment to the reporting audience 5) In Trouble Issues 3rd Level Menu Link (H) In Trouble Issues View the In Trouble Issues for the project, add a comment to the reporting audience

3) Phases 3rd Level Menu Link

(I) Review and Publish Review the report for correctness before publishing. Use the 3rd level menu if changes are required. Pages will continue to update with new information each time they are entered, until the report is published. Once published, the data contained within the report will no longer change and cannot be edited. END

(C) Report History Status reports are historical snapshots of the project. Once a status report is published it appears as part of the historical view of the project. 10) Report History Button You can use status reports to track the general trend of a project over time.

6) Review and Publish 3rd Level Menu Link


Step Enter

Maintain Status Reports Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Status Reports See a high-level view of project health by viewing (A) information from the latest published reports you have access to in a project. Access separate reports within a project, with each reporting its own status. Different kinds of reports in the system will have different types of content. For a given kind of report, you have the option of standardizing the type of content across all users in the organization. Implementation teams can also customize their own content types to be used within the organization. Determine when next reports will be published. Information from Reports which you have do not have access to will not be visible on this page. Maintain Maintain multiple versions of your published and Status Reports unpublished status reports. (D) Maintain unpublished status report versions, allowing creation, editing, deletion, and publication of status reports.

Click Click Update Icon next to Internal Management Report

Click Update Icon in Unpublished Reports table

General Progress (E)

Editable sections are displayed depending on the status report page layout that is used. When reports are created, the last published Click Phases status report is copied over into a new report for link, 3rd level you to edit. menu Select a project's status to report. Enter textual data such as accomplishments, plans, etc. You have the ability to create a report for another person View the Phases of the Project and add Click In Trouble comments to the reporting audience and At Risk Tasks 3rd Level Page will refresh each time its entered with the Menu latest project information. Link Click In Trouble Issues 3rd Level Menu Link

Phases (F)

In Trouble and View the In Trouble and At Risk Tasks in the At Risk Tasks project, add a comment to the reporting audience (G) Page will refresh each time its entered with the latest project information.


Step 8

Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) In Trouble View the In Trouble Issues for the project, add a Click Review Issues (H) comment to the reporting audience and Publish 3rd Level Menu Page will refresh each time its entered with the Link latest project information. Review and Review the report for correctness before Click Publish Publish (I) publishing. Button Use the 3rd level menu if changes are required. Pages will continue to update with new information each time they are entered, until the report is published. Once published, the data contained within the report will no longer change and cannot be edited.


Maintain The report has now been published and does not Click Status Reports Subtab Status Report display in the unpublished reports table. (D) Maintain multiple versions of your published and unpublished status reports. Maintain unpublished status report versions, allowing creation, editing, deletion, and publication of status reports. Editable sections are displayed depending on the status report page layout that is used


Status Reports See a high-level view of project health by viewing Click Status (A) information from the latest published reports you Icon for Internal have access to in a project. Management Report Click Report Status Report: History Button Internal Management View the published status report for a project and Report (B) quickly navigate to the section of interest. Status reports can be published and sent via email to the interested parties and members of the project team. Status reports are configured using page layouts, which determine what sections need to be reported on and the display order. Status reports can be setup to generate reminders to the project manager. A status report can be for a specific period of




Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) time, for example, monthly, weekly every fortnight etc, this is set at the project level. Approval workflows can enable powerful status reporting business practices. Status report indicators appear on Project Lists so that key members of the project and interested parties can be able to view the status of that project at a glance.


Report History Status reports are historical snapshots of the (C) project. Once a status report is published it appears as part of the historical view of the project. You can use status reports to track the general trend of a project over time.


Step Enter

View Status Report History Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Status Reports See a high-level view of project health by viewing (A) information from the latest published reports you have access to in a project. Access separate reports within a project, with each reporting its own status. Different kinds of reports in the system will have different types of content. For a given kind of report, you have the option of standardizing the type of content across all users in the organization. Implementation teams can also customize their own content types to be used within the organization. Determine when next reports will be published.

Click Click Status Icon for Internal Management Report

Information from Reports which you have do not have access to will not be visible on this page. Status Report: View the published status report for a project and Click "Report Internal quickly navigate to the section of interest. History" button Management Report (B) Status reports can be published and sent via email to the interested parties and members of the project team.



Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) Status reports are configured using page layouts, which determine what sections need to be reported on and the display order. Status reports can be setup to generate reminders to the project manager. A status report can be for a specific period of time, for example, monthly; weekly every fortnight etc, this is set at the project level. Approval workflows can enable powerful status reporting business practices. Status report indicators appear on Project Lists so that key members of the project and interested parties can be able to view the status of that project at a glance. Report History Status reports are historical snapshots of the END (C) project. Once a status report is published it appears as part of the historical view of the project. You can use status reports to track the general trend of a project over time.


Convenient Project Control for Project Manager

Demo Flow: Project Setup


(A) Setup - A single page which contains all the Basic Information for the project, and that links you to all setup options related directly to the project. - Provides quick access to related Setup pages for Costing, Billing, Resources, etc. - User-defined Attributes can also be defined for the project and appear as additional setup pages

(B) Page Layouts - Select a different Project Header Section, Project Home Layout, Project Overview Layout

Page Layouts


(C) Organizations Associate Organizations with the Project. Add Organization

(D) Add Organization - Add an Organization to the Project. Details

(E) Organization Details - Displays Organization details as it pertains to the Project including Team Members and Billing Accounts.

Details for "ABC Corporation"

(F) Add Team Members (I) Billing Account Details - Displays details for a billing account associated with the project. - This page allows you to add team members to the project from this organization.

Add Team Members

Team Members

(H) Organization Details - Displays the details for an organization already added to the project.

Item Associations


Add Billing Account

Resources (J) Team Members Add Team Members (K) Add Team Members - Add team members to the project.

(G) Add Billing Account - Add a billing account to this project from this organization.

- Both Internal and External Team Members are shown here.

(L) Item Associations Associate items with the Project.

(M) User-defined Attributes Navigate to new pages using Userdefined Attributes Links such as AIM Project Complexity and AIM Estimating Factors are user-defined on implementation.

(N) Setup - A single page that links you to all setup options related directly to the Functionality Provided by PRM and the "Resources" tab. Financials setup

(O) Setup - A single page that links you to all setup options related directly to the Functionality Provided by Costing and Billing.

(P) Billing Information - Setup Billing Information for use in this project.

Billing Information



Setup Basic Project Information in HTML You can have access to key setup information using the HTML interface and easily navigate between different setup options for your project. Step Enter Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) Click Page Setup (A) Layouts link This is a single page that links you to all setup options related directly to the project. Provides quick access to related Setup pages for Costing, Billing, Resources, etc. Also provides all Basic Information for the project, and allows the user to setup information directly about the Project such as Status, Project Type, Priority, and Organization etc. Priority field used to identify important projects. Note the additional sets of Dates we can support: Target Dates Communicates the approximate lifespan of the project Transaction Controls when Transactions can be charged to a project or task. Schedule Indicates when work is to start and finish for a project or task. Baseline Indicates the baselined schedule of the project or task. Actual Indicates when work on the task or project actually started and finished. Page Layouts This page allows you to choose a different Project Click Cancel (B) Header Section, Project Home Layout, Project button, then Overview Layout for your project. Item Associations link Item Project Managers can associate items or item Click Setup Associations revisions with the project for various purposes. sub tab then (L) For example, a consulting project to implement a Click AIM product or item, can record the association Project between the project and that item. Team members can view the item associations, and can Complexity link use them to navigate between the project and the item, and view further details. (Note: this feature is currently only available for Product Lifecycle Implementations). User-defined Click Cancel You can extend your projects with user-defined Attributes (M) then information, using the User-defined Attributes Resource link feature. You can define new attributes with in related setup appropriate validation, and you can aggregate the new attributes into groups, for displaying in userdefined page regions. These new page regions



Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) can be included in the existing configurable page layouts. You can choose to display the new project information in a single-row or a multi-row format. You can also set up actions and functions which allow you to extend the processing for certain attributes. The actions can be defined as new links or buttons that appear when you enter the extended information, and which are used to trigger user-defined business logic for the attributes. Project information may be extended based on the project type, project class category, or class code that is entered for the project.

Click Financial A single page that allows you to navigate to all link in related setup options related directly to the Functionality setup Provided by PJRM and the "Resources" tab. Setup (O) Billing A single page that allows you to navigate to all Information link setup options related to the functionality provided by Costing and Billing. As well as other features provided under the "Financials" tab. Billing This Page allows you to setup Billing Information End Information (P) for use in this project.

Setup (N)

Manage Organizations on your project You can now manage what role an organization plays on your project. An organization can play either a Partner or Customer Role. This allows you to get a complete view of all the key players on your project and what their role is. It also allows you to assign team members from that organization onto your project so that they can also have role-based access to the project. Step Enter Page Name Talking Points (Reference id) Organizations This is a list of organizations involved with the (C) project. Additionally, it allows you to associate Organizations with the Project. You are now going to add a Customer Organization to your project. 1 Add Organization (D) This page allows the user to add an Organization Click Continue and to specify their role on the project. button Type "XYZ Company" for Organization and "Customer Organization" for Role Click Click Add Organization button.



Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) A "Partner Organization" role allows you to add External Team members for the Organization to the Project. A "Customer Organization" role allows you to add Billing Accounts as well as Team Members for the Organization to the Project. This page shows Organization details as it pertains to the Project. The Team Members on the project from this organization are listed.

Organization Details (E)

Click Add Team Members button

Add Team Members (F)

Add Billing Account (G)

The Billing Accounts on the project from this organization are listed. (This is only available for Organizations with the "Customer Organization" role) This page allows you to add team members to the Click Cancel project from this organization. button then "Add Team Members added here will show up on the Billing Project Directory. Account" button You can add a billing account to this project from Click Cancel this organization. button. This billing account will also appear in Financial Setup pages. Click Cancel button.

From the Organizations page, click the Details" Icon for "ABC Corporation" Organization This page shows the details for an organization In Billing Info Table, click Details (H) already added to the project. "Update" icon for You can see details for team members and billing "ABC Corporation" accounts. Account This page also allows you to easily navigate to the details of the team member or organization by clicking on their name. Billing Account This page shows details for a billing account Click Project Details (I) associated with the project. Setup tab Account specific information such as Bill Site / Work Site and Contacts specific to this account This page allows you to setup team members for the project. Click on Team Members link Click Add Team Members

Team Members (J)



Page Name Talking Points Click (Reference id) Both Internal and External Team Members are button shown here. Add Team This page allows you to add team members to the Members (K) project. End You also choose a role that they will be playing on the project and the start date. These Team Members may be from the either internal or external organizations.

Rapid Project Startup

From the portal, there are several shortcuts that a Project Manager can link on to integrate Oracle Projects with Microsoft Project to create, update, and send projects between the applications. Create Project You can quickly create a project using Templates or by copying from an existing project. Project Templates allow organizations to define a standard project definition and control. Demo Flow: Create Project


Project Manager Portal


Create Project

"Create Project"

Create Project : Select Source ( A) - Quickly create projects using templates or projects def ined in the sy stem. "Create f rom Template"

Create Project: Details (B) Quick entry f ields f or rapid project creation and control.


Page Name (Reference id) Talking Points Project Manager Portal Page This page allows you to choose the source for the new project. Quickly create projects using templates or projects defined in the system.


Click Click "Create Project" link in Upper right hand corner of the "Links" portlet

Choose "Create from Template" and "Time & Materials Template" Create Project: Select Source Use an Existing Project as a template for a and click "Continue" new Project. button (A) The quick entry fields applicable to the Time and Materials template are displayed for you to enter. Templates contain predefined information to propagate to a project. Create Project Note: These are configurable based upon Details (B) the Project Template options. End



Group and View Projects You can group selected projects using project sets. For example, you may create a project set to group projects that you are tracking for a related deliverable, or track set of projects across multiple organizations that interest you. You can also create a personalized view of the project list based on a project set. Demo Flow: Project Search and Project Sets


Project Manager Portal D. Maintain Project Sets View the list of project sets that belong to you and the ones that have been marked as shared.

Project List link

A. Project List View list of projects using pre-defined search criteria

East Apps Implementation link

E. View Project Set View the details of a project set. Also view the list of projects in the set.

Simple Search button Maintain Project Sets button B. Search Projects: Simple Search Search for projects using the Project keyword or the additional search options Update button

F. Update Project Set Update the information for a project set. Also, add or remove projects from the set. Given proper authority, you can mark a project set as Shared. Add Projects to Project Set button

Advanced Search button

C. Search Projects: Advanced Search Search for projects using advanced search conditions

G. Add Projects Search for projects using simple or advanced criteria and add the selected projects to the project set. END


Step Enter 1

Page Name (Reference id) Talking Points Project Manager Portal Page View list of projects based on pre-defined search criteria. The columns displayed in Project List (A) the table can be changed as desired. Search Projects: Quickly search for a project using the Simple Search Project keyword or specify additional (B) search options to narrow the search. Search Projects: Perform complex searches for projects using advanced search criteria and Advanced conditions. Search (C) View the list your projects sets and also the project sets marked as shared to all. Maintain Project Sets (D)

Click Click "Project List" link in "Links" portlet Click Simple Search button Click Advanced Search button Click Maintain Project Sets button

You can update or delete your project set or view information about any of the listed Click the link for East Apps Implementation project sets. View the details of the project set. Also, view the list of the projects that are included in the project set.

View Project Sets (E)

6 7

You can update the project set if you own Click the Update the project set or are a super user. button Update the details of the project set including making the project set as shared to all. Click the Add Update Project Projects to Project Sets (F) Add/Remove projects from the set. Set button Perform simple or advanced search for Add Projects projects and add the selected projects to (G) End the project set.

Microsoft Project Integration

Microsoft Project Integration is a web based feature which allows you to perform the following: ! ! ! ! Rapidly deploy Microsoft Project Integration across your enterprise using the web requiring no client side installation. Create or update your project and send this information to Oracle Projects. Receive an existing project from Oracle Projects into Microsoft Project. Create a budget in Microsoft Project and Send this to Oracle Projects.


! !

Collect Actuals in Oracle Projects and receive this information into Microsoft Project. Track Progress in Oracle Projects and receive this in Microsoft Project or alternatively, track progress in Microsoft Project and send this to Oracle Projects.


Demo Flow: Microsoft Project Integration

Project Manager Portal


D. Send Project: Enter Details Open Microsof t Project - Quick Entry f or creating a project.

A. Microsoft Project Schedule y our work using Microsof t Project.

Structur e

E. Send Project: Select Structure - Y ou can choose which structure to send the project plan to.

EnterDetails Options B. Microsoft Project This menu is installed once when Microsof t Project Integration is installed. F. Send Project: Options -Control what inf ormation y ou send to Oracle Projects


Conf irm G. Send Project: Confirm When sending inf ormation to Oracle Projects, y ou can see any Oracle Projects messages online.

C. Send Project: Select Destination - Y ou can send to a new project or existing project or project template

Initiate Send Process

H. Send Project: Confirm E ND - Y ou can sav e the messages to a text f ile.


Step Enter

Page Name (Reference id) Project Manager Portal

Talking Points

Click Click link on Microsoft Project Integration Installation under top-left Shortcuts portlet Click on Yes Then Click on Oracle Projects menu (entire image is clickable)

Microsoft Project (A)

Clicking on Microsoft Project Integration Installation will initiate the installation process. You can easily install Microsoft Project Integration via the web using your web browser (IE). ! Installation does not require any client side configuration.

Installation is not very time consuming and is over within a few minutes. You are now within Microsoft Project, that you can use to create your Workplan. Note: that installation creates a menu called Oracle Projects in your Microsoft Project application. 3 Microsoft Project (B) You can use Microsoft Project 2000 or 2002. Oracle Projects menu is open. You can Send Click Project information to Oracle Projects such as Send Project Budgets and Project (including the Workplan). menu (entire image is You can also receive Project information from clickable) Oracle Projects such as a Project and the Actuals recorded against it. You can send your workplan or financial structure to a new project or existing project or project template. Choose New Project radio button and Cost Plus template. Then If you have previously sent the Microsoft Project file to a project in Oracle Projects, this click Next page will not be displayed. button. You are sending this workplan to a New Project, in which case you will select a Template.

Send Project: Select Destination (C)


Step 5

Page Name (Reference id) Send Project: Enter Details (D)

Talking Points


Depending on the template you choose, you Click Next can enter quick entry information. button Enter the following: Project Number: 532221 Project name: !Play Mobile Implementation Organization: Northeast-Apps Customer: ABC Corporation. You can choose which structure to send the project plan to. ! ! If you were updating an existing project, you could update existing versions or create new versions from here as well.

Send Project: Select Structure (E)

Click Next button

Send Project: Options (F)

You are sending your Microsoft Project to a Workplan Structure. Depending on the options a user chooses, you can decide ! ! ! Whether you want to send only progress information, The work breakdown structure and dates and, Whether you want to publish the workplan or not.

Click Next button

Send Project: Confirm (G)

Publishing the project workplan sends an email to interested parties highlighting the changes to the workplan. This page indicates that all the steps have been completed in order to send the project information to Oracle Projects. You click on the Confirm button to initiate the process that sends this information and validates it with Oracle Projects.

Click Send button

Send Project: Confirm (H)

Any messages that are sent by Oracle Projects are also displayed within this page. If you have any error messages, these will be Click Close displayed on this page. button ! You can save messaged to a text file, which can then be brought up using Notepad. Your Project was successfully sent to Oracle Projects and has been created.


Business Development Manager

The following demo flows highlight some of the key features that are available to a Business Development Manager for planning his/her projects during the sales cycle. To access the Business Development Manager flow, youll need to do the following: Sign on as a Business Development Manager from the demo launch page. First youll see the portal of key sales information. Youll start from the Sales Online home page, as shown below. Background Information: Tom Jackson is the Business Dev Mgr is responsible for selling in the Northeast region.

Figure 3 Sales Online Home Page

Integrate Selling and Delivery

Demo Flow The Business Development Manager role can be used to show the flow to create a project directly from an existing opportunity in Sales Online that is being used to track a project-related sales deal. It can also be extended to show how the


budgeting and forecasting features can be used during the bid and proposal process to help plan the financials aspects of a project during the sales cycle. Note: Projects can also be created from opportunities using the Project Requests feature, which is available as a link from the Operations Manager portal.

Business Development Manager

(A) Oracle Sales Online - View the Home Page with customizable Graphs and Bins - Sales Online is integrated with Projects and includes functionality for opportunity management Opportunity tab


(B) Opportunities View lists of current opportunities and details such as sales stage, win probability, status, close date and estimated value.

ABC HR Implementation Opportunity

(C) Opportunity Detail View the details of an opportunity, including: the sales team, the customer contacts and the purchase interests.

Sales Team (E) Projects (D) Sales Team View the members of the sales team and their roles, which can be used to determine their roles on any associated projects. Projects Given that the opportunity has been qualified, we can initiate a project, to create a pipeline project for resource planning. (Future Functionality) Return to Opportunity Detail

Initiate Project

(F) Initiate Project With appropriate authority, you can create projects or project requests for this opportunity. Create Project

(G) Select Project Template Select the project template from which you wish to create the new project. Select Template

(H) Create Project We can use the opportunity information to create a new project

Go to Project Home

(J) Project Directory (I) Project Home Moved into the project home for the new project. Directory SubTab Named resources have been copied from the opportunity to the project based on the mapping of their roles. Relationships SubTab

(K) Project Relationships You can see the relationships between the project and its associated project request and opportunity Return to Relationships

Resource Tab (N) Budget & Forecasts Budget & Forecasts Subtab View the financial forecast plans being created for this pipeline project, including estimates and bids. View Current Baselined icon (O) View Plan: Bid View the detailed breakdown of a version of your plan, including labor hours, revenue, cost and margin, over the life of the project.

(L) Project Resource Schedule You can start scheduling resources and roles to the project in the event that it is won. Financial Tab

(M) Financial Overview View the financial summary of the project at a high level.


Initiate a Project from an Opportunity in Sales Online The following flow shows how you can initiate a project from an opportunity in Sales Online. Note: this demo includes an integrated flow from Sales Online to Projects, which will be available in a future release. To see the existing Opportunity to Project integration with Sales Online, use the Operations Manager (Manage Project Requests) flow. Page Name (Reference id) Talking Points Click Youve now drilled into the Home Page for Oracle Sales Online, where you can customize your graphs and bins to view the sales information you are interested in. Sales Online is integrated with Oracle Projects to provide functionality for opportunity management, lead management, customer and contact tracking activity management and marketing collateral.



Oracle Sales Online (A)

Opportunity tab This is the list view of your opportunities, showing details of each opportunity such as the sales stage, win probability, status, close date and Link for "ABC opportunity value. HR Implementation Opportunities Now were going to drill down into an existing (B) " opportunity opportunity. This page shows all the key info about the opportunity which is tracking a sales deal for the implementation of Human Resources applications. The opportunity is in the Proposal stage of the sales methodology, with a win Opportunity probability of 60%. The value of the sales Details (C) Sales Team link opportunity is 1,100K. On this page you can view the list of the members of the sales team for this opportunity. During implementation, you can define mappings between these opportunity roles and equivalent project roles. Then, when you create projects from opportunities, these team members are automatically included as part of the project team. This opportunity has a Bid Manager, a Project Manager, a Project Administrator and a Sales Sales Team Projects link (D) Representative. On this page you can view a list of projects and project requests that are already associated with this opportunity. This opportunity has one project associated with it that tracks the team effort for the pursuit of the opportunity. There is also a project request that was used to create this Initiate Project project. The project request has a status of button. Closed.

Projects (E)



Page Name (Reference id) Talking Points Click Using the Initiate Project button, you can also create a new project for this opportunity. Depending on the security privileges that a sales person has, they may be able to create a project directly, or they may need to create a request for a project that will be routed for completion by an Operations Manager. In this case, we will create a project directly, without a request, for this opportunity. (The ability to create a project on-line from within the Sales application is future functionality. Current functionality exists to create projects from sales opportunities using the Manage Project Requests flow for the Operations Manager role) Using this page, you can create a project or a project request. Alternatively you can associate the opportunity with an existing project or project request. The list of available options here will depend on the security privileges that the sales person has. The Create Project option is selected by default. When you create a project you can create a Pursuit project for tracking the pre-sales activity for the opportunity, or a Delivery project to plan the actual delivery effort for the opportunity while the project is in the pipeline stage. Now we are going to create a delivery project. Initiate Project You should enter Delivery from the drop-down (F) list and select Continue. Enter Delivery and Continue button. Enter Time & Materials and Continue button.

Select Project Select the project template that you want ot use Template (G) to create this project (Time & Materials). Using the information from the opportunity, you can create a new project. Information copied to the new project includes the customer information, pipeline information (win probability, expected approval date and value) as well as any sales team members with mapped roles. Apply and Go to Project Create Project: You can accept the defaulted information, or Details (H) override any of the defaults. Home button. Now you are in the Project Home for the new delivery project. You will see all of the standard tabs available for a project. Now we can go to the Directory tab to show the Project Home customer organization information and the project (I) Directory tab team members for the project. Directory (J) The customer organization ABC has been copied Relationships

8 9



Page Name (Reference id) Talking Points Click from the opportunity, along with three of the sales tab team members. We will now see how we can also track the relationship between this new project and the opportunity. Using the Relationships page, you can view and navigate the relationships between opportunities, projects and project requests. Clicking on the Opportunity links in this page will ABC HR allow you to navigate back to the opportunity in Implementation opportunity link the Sales Online application. to 11a You can also continue the demo to show how the OR Resource, as well as Budgeting and Forecasting Resources tab Relationships features can be used in the initial planning stages to continue to step 11b. (K) of a pipeline project. You have returned to the opportunity in Sales Opportunity Online. There are now two projects, one pursuit Detail and one delivery, associated with this opportunity. END Staff and Forecast the Profitability of a Pipeline Project You can use a pipeline delivery project to staff and forecast project work during the sales cycle. Page Name/Drill Down Name

10 11a






Talking Points Click You can schedule people to team roles while the project is in the sales stages. You can use team members from the directory, where they have been copied from the opportunity, or you can use team templates to provisionally assign staff to the Schedule (L) project in the event of the opportunity being won. Financial tab You can view a summary of the financial information for this pipeline project. You can see comparisons of different bids that Budgets and Financial have been used to model different resourcing Forecasts Overview (M) scenarios. subtab. You can view the different financial plans that exist for this pipeline project. Financial plans can Budgets and include bids and estimates during the early View Current Forecasts (N) planning stages. Baselined icon You are now viewing the detail of a particular bid plan. Using a financial plan you can forecast the profitability of a pipeline project over time, based on provisional staffing assignments. View Plan The revenue forecast is based on pipeline (Bid) (O) resourcing information. END


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