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ANRV305-PU28-20 ARI 9 February 2007 11:10

Health Impact Assessment:

A Tool to Help Policy
Makers Understand Health
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

Beyond Health Care

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Brian L. Cole and Jonathan E. Fielding

Department of Health Services, School of Public Health, University of California,
Los Angeles, California, 90095-1772; email:,

Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007. 28:393–412 Key Words

The Annual Review of Public Health is online at public policy, policy making, decision making, determinants of
health, risk assessment
This article’s doi:
10.1146/annurev.publhealth.28.083006.131942 Abstract
Copyright  c 2007 by Annual Reviews. Health impact assessment (HIA)—a combination of methods to ex-
All rights reserved
amine formally the potential health effects of a proposed policy,
0163-7525/07/0421-0393$20.00 program, or project—has received considerable interest over the
First published online as a Review in Advance on past decade internationally as a practical mechanism for collabo-
December 15, 2006 rating with other sectors to address the environmental determinants
of health and to achieve more effectively the goals of population
health promotion. Demand for HIA in the United States seems to be
growing. This review outlines the common principles and method-
ologies of HIA and compares different approaches to HIA. Lessons
learned from the related field of environmental impact assessment
and from experience with HIA in other countries are examined. Pos-
sible avenues for advancing both the field and the broader goals of
population health promotion are outlined.

ANRV305-PU28-20 ARI 9 February 2007 11:10

HIA AS A NEW TOOL FOR AN determinants of disease lies outside the tra-
OLD WAY OF DOING PUBLIC ditional province of public health agencies,
Health impact
HEALTH intersectoral cooperation in creating healthy
assessment (HIA): public policy (46) has been a common theme
From the time of Hippocrates public health
a combination of throughout these declarations and initiatives.
practitioners have looked to the environment
methods to examine Questions remain, however, about how to put
to identify the causes of ill health and for
formally the these principles into practice (68).
potential health potential opportunities to advance well be-
Health impact assessment (HIA), which is
effects of a proposed ing. The seminal “Report on a General Plan
policy, program, or a combination of methods to examine for-
for the Promotion of Public and Personal
project mally the potential health effects of a pro-
Health” to the Massachusetts legislature, au-
posed policy, program, or project, has received
thored by Lemuel Shattuck (69) in the mid
considerable interest over the past decade as
nineteenth century, and the writings of Rudolf
a practical mechanism for collaborating with
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

Virchow (72, p. 72) in that same century sug-

other sectors to address the environmental
gest a continuing recognition of the centrality
determinants of health and achieve more ef-
of social and physical environmental effects
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fectively the goals of population health pro-

on health. Snow’s apocryphal removal of well
motion (52, 84). Support for HIA grew most
pump handles to stem an outbreak of cholera,
rapidly in Canada (5), Europe (7, 65), Australia
Gorgas’ efforts to control yellow fever and
(87), and New Zealand (89), perhaps not sur-
malaria during the building of the Panama
prisingly because other initiatives rooted in
Canal, the dramatic improvements in motor
an environmental approach to public health
vehicle safety in the United States as a result
promotion, such as Healthy Cities (5) and
of improved vehicle standards and roadway
“healthy public policy” (46), also garnered
infrastructure, and reductions in tobacco use
considerable interest in these countries, in
over the past several decades demonstrate the
contrast with the United States, where a nar-
potential of an environmental approach for
rower, more individualistic approach to health
improving public health. Although a more in-
promotion has been more prevalent.
dividualistic approach, emphasizing biomed-
Although interest in HIA in the United
ical and behavioral paradigms, has frequently
States has been relatively slow to develop,
dominated the field since the mid-twentieth
it is now growing. Formal HIAs have been
century (72), concern about the environmen-
conducted by a number of groups across the
tal determinants of disease remains a vital
United States (see Table 1), examining the
principal of public health (45).
potential health impacts of a range of projects
Over the past quarter century the World
and policies, ranging from local land-use plans
Health Organization has set forth a number
and wage ordinances to state funding for after-
of major declarations and initiatives calling
school policies and federal agriculture subsi-
for a return to an environmental approach
dies. In the past year proposals to mandate
to improving population health, including the
HIAs have been put forth in Washington State
Alma Ata Declaration (82), the Ottawa Char-
(79) and the U.S. Congress (75). As demand
ter on Health Promotion (82a), the Jakarta
grows and HIA becomes more common, is-
Declaration on Health Promotion (83), the
sues must be addressed regarding dissemina-
Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion (86),
tion of technical capacity, standardization of
and the Healthy Cities movement (5). Similar
protocols, and institutional arrangements for
declarations have been made at the national
funding, coordination, and implementation.
level, including most significantly the Lalonde
This growing interest in HIA in the United
Report (39) in Canada and the Acheson Re-
States is driven by a combination of factors
port (2) in the United Kingdom. Because the
including the following:
ability to modify many of the environmental

394 Cole · Fielding

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Table 1 Health impact assessment in the United States: completed and in-progress HIAs (as of September 9, 2006)1,2
Location of the
proposed policy or Key impacts and
Title or topic project Organization(s) involved Date pathways
Los Angeles City Living Los Angeles, UCLA school of public health 2003 Income
Wage Ordinance (16) California (published Health insurance
After School Programs— State of California UCLA school of public health 2003 Education
Proposition 49 (74) Crime
2002 Federal Farm Bill (74) United States UCLA school of public health 2004 Subsidies/nutrition
Biofuels/air pollution
Sacramento Safe Routes to Sacramento, UCLA school of public health 2005 Physical activity
School (74) California and CDC, Project Move Injury
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

Air pollutant exposure

Social capital
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Buford Highway/NE Plaza Atlanta, Georgia UCLA school of public health 2005 Physical activity
(74) and CDC, Project Move Injury
Injury liability protection State of California UCLA school of public health 2005 Physical activity
for recreational physical
activity (74)
State physical education State of California UCLA school of public health In progress Physical activity
Modification of a public Trenton, New Jersey UCLA school of public health In progress Nutrition
market Physical activity
Social capital
Economic development
Health Benefits of a Local San Francisco, San Francisco department of 2001 Income
Living Wage Ordinance California public health/UC Berkeley
(9) occupational and
environmental health
Eastern Neighborhood San Francisco San Francisco department of 2006 Land-use policy
Community eastern public health/UC Berkeley Housing
HIA—Development & neighborhoods occupational and Transportation
Urban Planning (14) environmental health Employment
Oak to Ninth Avenue (73) Oakland, California UC Berkeley, environmental 2006 Pedestrian safety
health studies/school of Parks
public health Housing
Air quality
Affordable Housing and State of Child Health Impact 2005 Housing
Child Health—rental Massachusetts Assessment Working Group
voucher program (13)
Puyallup City Planning (71) Tacoma/Pierce Tacoma-Pierce County of In progress Physical activity
County, Public Health and Puyallup Injury
Washington Crime
Economic development
Housing Redevelopment North Minneapolis, Minneapolis department of In progress Housing, built
(15) Minnesota health and family support environment
(Continued ) • Health Impact Assessment 395

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Table 1 (Continued )
Location of the
proposed policy or Key impacts and
Title or topic project Organization(s) involved Date pathways
Land Use and Health Mid-Michigan area Ingham county health In progress Built environment
department, Michigan
department of community health
and Michigan State University
Coal-Fired North Florida North Florida Healthy Development Inc. 2005 Airborne pollutants
Power Project (29) Counties Employment
School siting Austin, Texas School of Architecture, UT In progress Physical activity
Austin Injury
Air/water pollution
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

HIAs identified through search of Internet, NLM PubMed, HIA listserv reports, and follow-up of requests for technical assistance to conduct HIAs
received by UCLA HIA group and colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Association of City and County Health
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Officers and the American Planning Association.

Abbreviations: CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; UC: University of California; UCLA: University of California, Los Angeles;
UT: University of Texas.

1. the increasing importance of health and of a proposal is considered in a structured

its underlying determinants as topics of framework . . . based on a broad model of
public concern; health which proposes that economic, po-
2. growing recognition of the influences of litical, social, psychological, and environ-
other sectors on public health coupled mental factors determine population health
with a clearer recognition of the limits (55).
of traditional public health practice for
promoting population health; This definition incorporates five generally
3. interest in bringing to bear the results of accepted key characteristics of HIA:
systematic reviews of research evidence,
1. a focus on specific policy or project pro-
such as the Community Guide for Pre-
ventive Community Services (http://
2. a comprehensive consideration of po-, on
tential health impacts,
policy decisions; and
3. a broad, population-based perspective
4. the realization by groups in other sec-
that incorporates multiple determinants
tors, such as housing developers and en-
and dimensions of health,
vironmental housing groups, that find-
ings from HIA can be used to support 4. a multidisciplinary systems-based ana-
their proposals. lytical approach, and
5. a process that is highly structured but
maintains flexibility.
WHAT IS HIA? The general tenet underlying HIA is
Among the numerous definitions of HIA, that by bringing consideration of health is-
a particularly useful one is provided by re- sues into decision-making in other sectors
searchers at the Northern and Yorkshire Pub- whose actions affect population health, HIA
lic Health Observatory in Great Britain: can provide a practical means for facilitat-
ing intersectoral action for health promo-
A multidisciplinary process within which a tion (84). Its greatest value lies in its abil-
range of evidence about the health effects ity to identify and communicate potentially

396 Cole · Fielding

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significant health impacts that are under- the table” by adding health information to
recognized or unexpected, addressing, for ex- considerations of specific proposals in other
ample, the potential health effects of policies sectors. For example, is it likely that a new
such as agricultural subsidies, wage laws, ed- highway will increase asthma rates for those
ucation programs, and urban redevelopment living near its route? Will it affect walking or
projects. biking routes to school and within neighbor-
HIA has taken on a wide variety of forms hoods? What could be the health impact of
depending on the sociopolitical environment the increased noise? It can highlight counter-
of the different countries where it is con- intuitive and differential impacts, such as how
ducted, the characteristics of the particular a specific approach for funding after-school
policy questions to which it is applied, the programs (e.g., California’s Proposition 49)
disciplinary backgrounds of practitioners, and could actually be detrimental to the health
the expectations of stakeholders who use its of low income residents (74) or how a plan
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

results. to relocate a school from a town center to

From its very start HIA has evolved along an outlying area to allow expansion of facili-
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two distinct, sometimes intersecting paths ties for physical education and school athletics
(35). Some of the earliest systematic efforts to might actually decrease physical activity levels
develop HIA came from Canada (63) where among the most sedentary children and low-
HIA has been integrated into existing pro- income families with the least access to places
cedures for environmental impact assessment for physical activity. Second, HIA provides an
(EIA) (1). This more narrow approach to HIA explicit method of assessing possible positive
(34) is typically, but not always, based on a and negative health effects with a transparent
biomedical model of health. It tends to be audit trail for others who may want to ques-
project focused. Reflecting the paradigmatic tion the methods or results or redo the analysis
and methodological parallels of EIA, it is well with different assumptions. Third, if carefully
suited for integration with existing EIA pro- performed, it provides a reasonable projection
tocols. In contrast, the “broad approach” to of health effects over time that can be impor-
HIA (34) draws from models that consider the tant in public justification of decisions by pub-
social and behavioral, as well as physical, de- licly accountable elected decision-makers. It
terminants of health. Correspondingly, it is can, for example, quantify the health benefits
the approach used by HIAs examining pro- to future generations by improving walkabil-
posed policies, which typically impact health ity of neighborhoods or reducing the injury
through a range of pathways. These narrow accident rate from requiring motorcyclists to
and broad approaches to HIA overlap but are wear helmets.
not synonymous with the terms project HIA Besides contributing information that can
and policy HIA. For instance, Sweden’s ap- bear on a specific decision, the HIA pro-
proach to HIA, which is conducted by local cess can have more general, strategic effects.
government policy-makers, focuses largely on First, it can increase decision-makers’, plan-
projects but considers a broad range of social ners’, and other stakeholders’ general aware-
and economic factors contributing to health ness about health issues and the health effects
(7, 24). of actions outside the health sector (20, 34,
68), much as EIA in general has succeeded in
increasing awareness of environmental issues
THE VALUE OF HIA across sectors (18, 80). Second, HIA can also
HIA could add value to public decision- help build working relationships and alliances
making in several ways. First, it can provide for health promotion among stakeholders and
a means for “bringing the public’s health to across sectors (20, 34). • Health Impact Assessment 397

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SHOULD HIA BE EMBEDDED IN within the guidelines of 150 maximum pages

Some of the early interest in HIA in the Furthermore, NEPA-mandated EIAs
EIA: environmental
impact assessment United States focused on links between HIA presently consider human health impacts
and existing efforts in the field of environmen- tangentially at best, even though the stated
NEPA: National
Environmental tal impact assessment (EIA). Our study of the purpose of the act is to protect the “human
Protection Act state-of-the-art in EIA, which included con- environment” and “stimulate the health and
CEQ: Council on sultation with a number of experts in that field, welfare of man” (53). The categories of
Environmental led us to conclude that at this point in time, impacts considered in EIAs in the United
while HIA can learn from EIA, efforts to ad- States are determined largely by other federal
vance HIA in the U.S. would yield the greatest statutes, such as the Clean Air Act, which
dividend if focused on developing HIAs inde- require that a particular environmental im-
pendent of existing EIA efforts (17, 19). This pact be considered in EIAs, and conventional
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

conclusion largely derives from how environ- practice, along with some guidance from
mental impact assessment has evolved in the state and federal committees, such as the
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U.S. federal CEQ. California is one of the few

The National Environmental Protection states to require a consideration of human
Act (NEPA) of 1969 mandated that federal health impacts, but this is typically limited to
agencies consider the environmental effects a consideration of cancers linked to exposures
of their actions using explicit methods (53). to chemical pollutants subject to EIA (17).
NEPA requires the preparation of an envi- Because of concern about potential legal
ronmental impact statement, which summa- challenges, and the fact that it is the project
rizes the findings of an environmental review proponent whose employees or consultants
to help inform agency decisions and make prepare an EIA, it is a highly prescribed
the process more transparent by making the process not particularly open to investigating
statement a public document. Whereas the areas of impacts that are not explicitly
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in mandated, such as human health (17).
conjunction with the White House’s Coun- Another important caution about embed-
cil on Environmental Quality (CEQ) estab- ding HIA primarily as part of an existing EIA
lishes general guidelines for EIA, different processes is that EIA rarely considers impacts
lead agencies are chosen to coordinate each outside place-based projects (17). The CEQ
EIA, depending on which agency has the most itself has acknowledged that “NEPA is virtu-
direct responsibility over the project being ally ignored in formulating specific policies
examined. and often is skirted in developing programs”
Many volumes have been written about (18). The place-based focus of EIA persists
the shortcomings of EIA as it is currently despite NEPA and CEQ guidelines that call
practiced in the United States. The meth- for the assessment of environmental impacts
ods, which have been either mandated by of most “major federal actions,” including
individual agencies or accepted as appropri- projects, programs, and policies (54). Thus,
ate by convention for a particular proposed key nonplace-based policies, such as mini-
project, are laborious. Environmental impact mum wage laws, agricultural subsidies, and
statements often take years to complete, rang- education policies, which are likely to have
ing in cost from hundreds of thousands to substantial effects on human health, would not
millions of dollars (76). Completed docu- be addressed by HIA incorporated into EIA as
ments are often thousands of pages in length. currently required and conducted.
The EPA estimates that only 37% of fed- In addition to specific problems related to
eral environmental impact statements stay the legal and methodological frameworks that
support existing EIA practice, most of which

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could be potentially ameliorated in the right Each of these three approaches to HIA
political circumstances, a more fundamental serves slightly different functions and reflects
problem may exist linking the variety of EIA different paradigms, corresponding closely to
extant in the United States with a robust, com- Goulet’s classification of alternative techno-
prehensive approach to HIA. Because of the logical, political, and ethical rationalities for
wide range of determinants of health and the decision-making (26).
variety of policies and sectors that affect these In the quantitative/analytic approach to
determinants, HIA needs to be open-ended, HIA, effect estimates from the research lit-
broadly focused, and highly flexible. Meshing erature and descriptive information on a tar-
HIA with a narrowly prescribed approach to get population are combined to estimate the
EIA that is inherently conservative and deeply range, direction, and magnitude of potential
concerned about legal defensibility will lead health impacts of a policy or project on a pop-
to conflicts. Given that EIA has been in place ulation. This approach draws heavily from the
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

in the United States for more than 35 years field of risk analysis; however, unlike risk anal-
and that millions of dollars are invested ev- ysis, HIA considers a broad range of potential
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ery year in EIA, it is far more likely that HIAs health impacts, not just a single pathway (36).
linked to EIA will conform to the limits of EIA Among the many impacts examined by an
rather than HIA truly expanding the scope HIA many may not lend themselves to quan-
of EIA. The two are necessarily incompat- tification, but qualitative assessments using
ible, however. Indeed, researchers have ar- this approach will still follow the same logic,
gued that HIA should be linked to EIA to which requires a clear specification of an expo-
help institutionalize HIA (89). Perhaps some sure, an outcome, and the dose-response re-
HIAs can be linked to EIA when appropri- lation between them for each of the pathways
ate. In nations with other political and le- examined (85).
gal systems it may be easier and more feasi- To date quantification in HIA has been rel-
ble to link HIA with EIA. In fact, integrated atively rare (78). Examples of this approach,
HIA/EIA is the dominant approach to HIA which is not necessarily labeled “HIA,” in-
being pursued in Australia and New Zealand clude work in the Netherlands on risks as-
(89). sociated with airport siting (3); research in
Germany on air pollution policy (23); and
analyses in the United States of the potential
TYPES OF HIA effects of dietary modification (11), munici-
Approaches to HIA can be categorized in nu- pal “Living Wage” ordinances (9, 16), resi-
merous ways, such as Kemm’s (34) catego- dential building codes (27), recommendations
rization of HIA methodologies as “broad” to increase fish consumption (60), alternatives
(holistic, sociological, qualitative) or “tight” for water treatment (64), and measures to de-
(limited, epidemiological, quantitative). A crease air pollution (50).
useful typology considers variants of HIA The strengths of this approach are the ease
based primarily on the different fields from with which potential impacts can be compared
which they draw: epidemiology and risk anal- across policy alternatives and scenarios and
ysis, evidence-based evaluation and practice apparent objectivity of the approach and its fit
guidelines, community-based health promo- with prevalent paradigms in health, environ-
tion, and environmental impact analysis. Al- mental, and policy science. It is well suited for
though a given HIA may draw from all these evaluating trade-offs between different policy
fields, HIAs tend to emphasize one or another options, such as requiring employers to pro-
of these fields, clustering into three general vide health insurance in lieu of a marginal in-
approaches to HIA: (a) quantitative/analytic, crease in wages (16). However, limited data
(b) participatory, and procedural. on the effect estimates of interest and the • Health Impact Assessment 399

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baseline characteristics of the affected pop- cus of this approach tends to be more process-
ulation may make this approach infeasible. It rather than outcome-oriented (47). One of the
is also highly time- and cost-intensive. Time, chief limitations of this approach is that the
money, and data limitations often restrict information generated may be given little le-
its application to a consideration of single, gitimacy in some social contexts, for instance
unmixed, noncumulative exposure, whereas in a litigious legal system that puts a premium
other impacts addressed in an HIA are exam- on quantitative “scientific” data. Comparisons
ined descriptively. Although this type of quan- between alternatives and with standards are
titative assessment can be more objective than also difficult because they do not have com-
other approaches, it incorporates numerous mon metrics. Because it draws on common
value- and model-based assumptions that are knowledge, it may easily neglect unantici-
not always explicit (4, 12, 38, 61). Among the pated or long-term effects. Issues may also
potential pitfalls of HIA, Krieger et al. (37) arise about who represents the “community”
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

identified erroneous impressions of precision (44, 59, 88). As a result, this approach to HIA is
and confidence in predictions, a problem ex- probably better suited for the analysis of local
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acerbated by quantification which may give projects, not for broad policies and programs
an unwarranted patina of robust science to an that affect larger geopolitical units.
HIA. It may also omit or de-emphasize stake- The procedural approach to HIA com-
holder participation, which a number of HIA bines elements of the other two approaches
practitioners suggest is a core element of HIA to HIA. Like its progenitor, EIA, this ap-
(47, 67). proach to HIA puts a premium on efficiency
The participatory approach to HIA draws and is typically driven by procedural concerns
heavily from the field of community-based to comply with bureaucratic mandates to per-
health promotion as outlined in the Ottawa form an impact assessment. This may range
Charter on Health Promotion (82a) and from a short impact checklist that must be
demonstrated in the World Health Organi- completed prior to issuing a building per-
zation’s Healthy Cities Initiative (5). Most mit to a comprehensive analysis of all poten-
HIAs have some provision for soliciting stake- tial impacts related to the physical and so-
holder input, but this is emphasized partic- cial determinants of health. When the level
ularly in this approach to HIA, in which of required analysis is more extensive, this ap-
stakeholder participation is the main input for proach to HIA may be virtually indistinguish-
analysis and is the primary rationale for con- able from the quantitative/analytic approach
ducting an HIA. Examples of this approach to HIA. What sets it apart is the underlying
include much of the HIA work in the United imperative focusing on compliance and reg-
Kingdom, such as Fleeman & Scott-Samuel’s ulation. Differences between these two ap-
seminal HIA of the Merseyside Transport proaches to HIA are akin to those seen be-
Strategy (25) and Winters’ work on assessing tween the Occupational Safety and Health
the health impacts of a space exploration cen- Administration (OSHA) and the National In-
ter (81), along with HIA in Sweden conducted stitute of Occupational Safety and Health
through community councils (23) and Bhatia’s (NIOSH) in assessing workplace chemical
work with community groups reviewing plan- hazards.
ning decisions in San Francisco (8). Many of the best examples of the proce-
The strength of this approach is that it pro- dural approach to HIA are efforts to couple
vides a mechanism for public participation and HIA with existing EIA procedures, such as
the democratization of government decision- HIA initiatives in Canada (1) and Australia
making. Whether this leads to “better” deci- (22). In their proposal for incorporating work-
sions or more efficient decision-making may place health impacts into EIAs, Rosenberg
be of secondary importance because the fo- et al. (66) suggested a similar approach in the

400 Cole · Fielding

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United States. This approach gains efficiency HIAs are still rare (19). The gap between in-
by utilizing and adapting standardized proto- terest and practice may be attributed partly to
cols and models. For example, a highly techni- a lack of practitioners trained in HIA. This gap
cal predictive model of the effects of air pol- may also be due in part to a lack of precedent
lution on health (50) can be used in a rapid and imperatives for HIA. However, the term
assessment of transport policies (51). is increasingly used by public health lead-
Much of what can be said about the ers and planners and in some form is on the
strengths and limitations of EIA (17, 70) ap- agenda of many public health and planning
plies to the procedural approach to HIA. Like conferences. The UCLA Health Impact As-
EIA, the procedural approach to HIA utilizes sessment Group and the National Association
whatever mix of methods is most expedient of City and County Health Officers (NAC-
in producing information relevant to a par- CHO), in conjunction with the Centers for
ticular regulatory mandate, whether the man- Disease Control and Prevention, have begun
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

date specifies consideration of a specific im- training public health agency staff and their
pact, such as impacts related to air pollution, counterparts in other agencies in the funda-
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or the application of a specific technique, such mentals of HIA methodologies. A Congres-

as modeling traffic-related injuries. sional bill introduced in 2006 (75) included
The strength of the procedural approach requirements for HIA for certain kinds of fed-
to HIA is that the assessment can be per- eral projects and policies. Despite the growing
formed in a relatively transparent, repro- momentum, HIA is still a tool whose highest
ducible manner with methods that are broadly value applications are still being defined. Its
disseminated and understood. In theory, it use to advance the goals of population health
can be relatively quick and efficient, but in is not always technically feasible, valuable, or
practice, agency rules and regulations spec- easily understood, nor is it the best approach
ifying content and methods in great detail to address all policy questions.
could greatly increase resource requirements The technical feasibility of HIA depends,
for this type of assessment, as has been the of course, on how it is defined. Some level of
case with environmental impact statements in HIA is always possible, but to conduct a com-
the United States (17). prehensive HIA that yields information not
The hybrid nature of this approach to readily known to policy-makers is challeng-
HIA and its emphasis on bureaucratic expe- ing, especially if the aim is to estimate po-
diency are at the root of many of its limi- tential impacts quantitatively. Often, hypoth-
tations: Bureaucratic imperatives may com- esized pathways of health impacts are not well
promise analytic rigor; numbers may be used elucidated or supported by data from well-
merely to give a patina of objectivity and ex- controlled studies. For example, although a
pert sophistication (41); public participation strong body of research supports the multi-
may also be de-emphasized, becoming little tude effects of housing on health, insufficient
more than a vetting of decisions already made; data exist to specify the magnitude of those
and whether these procedural assessments are effects in most circumstances. The number of
really used in the decision-making process is relevant studies is often small. In conducting
questionable. an HIA of the health insurance provisions of a
living wage ordinance, we identified only two
studies that estimated the effect of health in-
DETERMINING THE surance status on mortality (16). Sometimes
FEASIBILITY AND VALUE OF A uncertainty goes beyond simple data uncer-
PARTICULAR HIA tainty. Divergent models with different as-
Although interest in HIA in the United States sumptions may exist, each giving different
has surged in recent years, U.S. examples of results. • Health Impact Assessment 401

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It is not just constructing models of the gree of uncertainty about whether and how
downstream effects of policies and finding and a proposed policy could affect health, or poor
assembling relevant information that are dif- timing with respect to the policy-making pro-
ficult. Frequently, even getting baseline infor- cess can argue against performing an HIA
mation on the prevalence of particular health at a particular time. In the political process,
determinants and risk factors in the affected the timing of decisions, both in the executive
population is challenging owing to small pop- and legislative branches, is difficult to predict.
ulation sizes; differing administrative, geo- Some bills, for example, can be reintroduced
graphic, and demographic definitions of pop- every year or every legislative term, but they
ulation boundaries; and the lack of survey data move only when a number of factors difficult
on the specific determinants of interest. For to foresee converge to push an issue to a de-
example, while data may be available on the cision point. However, in some cases where
household incomes of residents in a certain there are prospects for proposals similar to
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

area, information about the wages and in- one voted down or postponed, information
surance status of the population affected by from an HIA may still be of value. Also, likely
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a living wage ordinance—employees of cer- health-relevant decisions in other sectors are

tain types of municipal contractors—is much worth assessing for HIA if they have a good
harder to obtain. chance of coming to center stage in the near
In another example, for an HIA related future.
to physical education in schools, we were Even when an HIA is technically feasible,
surprised to find that key baseline data on the value of the information may be insuffi-
how much time children spend each week cient to justify the expense of an HIA. High-
in physical education classes was not avail- quality HIAs are expensive. Therefore, a pro-
able at the state or school district level. Even cess for assessing which are likely to be most
relevant data may not be conducive to the cost-effective is appropriate. Although HIA
required analysis. For example, data may be costs are highly variable—depending on the
available on the number of days children meet nature of the issue, the scope of the desired
a given threshold of physical activity (e.g., 30 analysis, and the experience of the analysts—a
min of moderate physical activity) but not on comprehensive HIA, analyzing several differ-
the total minutes of daily physical activity— ent pathways, including a defensible quanti-
information necessary for modeling the ef- tative estimation of impacts and a report, can
fects of interventions that increase physical easily cost $100,000 to $200,000.1 Of course,
activity. if an HIA is completed in a single day by an
Whether an HIA is worth performing de- assembled panel of experts, as some have sug-
pends on the potential value of the informa- gested is possible (58), then costs will be sig-
tion it generates. The decision to proceed with nificantly less, although commensurately such
an HIA is usually based on the HIA’s poten- an HIA might not contribute much signifi-
tial to contribute new or previously unrecog- cant, new information to the decision-making
nized information that can be used by policy- process.
makers and stakeholders to evaluate, modify, In deciding whether to conduct an HIA,
support, or reject a specific project or pol- analysts need to consult with policy-makers
icy proposal. Although different HIA users, and stakeholders to assess whether the po-
including policy-makers, impacted commu- tential value of information produced from
nity stakeholders, regulators, and others, may
value different kinds of information, they all
need information that is understandable, ac- Cost estimates for HIA are based on our experience work-
ing on eight different HIAs, not all of which contained all
tionable, and based on the strongest avail- the elements listed in the estimate for the cost of a com-
able evidence. Lack of evidence, a high de- prehensive HIA.

402 Cole · Fielding

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an HIA warrants the investment of resources. able for communicating the results of an HIA
Sometimes the perceived added value of HIA (16).
information can be judged by whether policy-
makers are prepared to provide or assist in
procuring funding for the HIA. HOW SHOULD AN HIA BE
Once the focus of the HIA is determined
WHICH IMPACTS SHOULD BE and the pathways to be examined have been
EXAMINED IN AN HIA? preliminarily mapped out, the actual impact
The primary value of an HIA lies in its abil- assessment can begin. At a minimum this
ity to provide to the policy-making process consists of describing the relevant existing
a thorough, credible assessment of evidence health conditions in the affected population
pertaining to potential health impacts of in- and assessing the research evidence on the
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

terest and highlight information about previ- putative causal pathways linking the policy
ously unrecognized impacts. The HIA needs or project with eventual health outcomes.
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to gather and assemble carefully the best avail- Because many potentially significant impacts
able evidence linking potential health impacts cannot be quantified for an HIA, evidence per-
with the policy decision under discussion. taining to these impacts will be assessed and
Early on in the HIA process, a determina- described qualitatively (32).
tion needs to be made as to the scope of the Quantitative analysis in HIA can be ei-
analysis: which pathways and impacts and the ther descriptive or predictive. Although many
range of policy alternatives to be examined, HIAs include quantitative information, often
given available time and resources. As with this information is used only to describe con-
the initial decision on whether to proceed with ditions and associations rather than to con-
an HIA, this determination needs to consider struct mathematical models to predict the po-
both what is feasible and what is likely to add tential effects of proposals. If feasible and if
value for decision-makers. it adds sufficient value to justify the added
In our experience, this scoping process is costs, information on some effects can be
iterative, involving both standardized check- quantified and combined in a model to es-
lists of potentially impacted determinants timate magnitude and likelihood of poten-
of health and consultation with experts and tial health impacts. Although information and
stakeholders to focus the analysis on the most resource needs for prediction are sometimes
important potential impacts. Also during the prohibitive, a sound, predictive model can il-
scoping phase a logic framework, which may lustrate the magnitude of different health ef-
have been outlined earlier in screening dis- fects, which is especially important when the
cussions, is refined to represent graphically posited effects include both health benefits
the specific causal pathways to be examined in and harm (17, 49). Regardless of the strength
the HIA (see Figure 1). Linking policy, prox- of the data, assumptions must be explicit; sen-
imate policy effects, determinants of health, sitivity analyses are needed to show outcomes
and eventual health outcomes, logic frame- under a range of reasonable assumptions.
works for HIA are not comprehensive repre- The process of describing the prevalence
sentations of all the determinants of health, and distribution of health conditions and risk
but rather are change models focusing on the factors in the affected population in an HIA is
specific changes and pathways important to sometimes referred to as “profiling.” Its aim
understanding the health effects of a particu- is to (a) provide a broad picture of health
lar policy (31). Besides helping organize the and sociodemographic conditions prevalent
review of the research literature and guiding in the affected population, and (b) assess the
the analysis (33), logic frameworks are valu- prevalence or incidence of specific factors that • Health Impact Assessment 403

ANRV305-PU28-20 ARI 9 February 2007 11:10

Policy components Proximal impacts

Motor vehicle Exposure to air
use pollution

Air pollution

Noise Stress
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from
Access provided by on 11/05/21. For personal use only.

Patterns of
physical activity

Neighborhood safety
(actual and perceived)


Additional Social
public transit capital

Access to
health services

Figure 1
A typical logic framework for a policy or program that seeks to improve transportation infrastructure.

might be modified by the proposed policy or often surprisingly challenging. One of the
program, along with factors that may mediate chief problems is that HIAs are often done
key effects. on small or specially defined populations
For instance, in an HIA that involves ef- for which the relevant health, demographic,
fects on children’s physical activity, one would and other data may not be routinely col-
want to assess current physical activity levels, lected. Improving, standardizing, and rou-
along with factors such as body mass index tinizing methodologies, such as small area es-
levels, education, income, and ethnicity in the timation (56, 62) to make easier for analysts
target population, which from the research lit- the estimation of the prevalence of various
erature are known to mediate the effects of determinants of health for the population sub-
environmental and programmatic changes on groups of interest to HIA, will be vital to ad-
children’s physical activity levels. vancing and disseminating HIA. Profiling is
Although profiling may seem straight- also complicated by particular data gaps and
forward, compared with trying other as- ways in which data are reported that inhibit
pects of quantitative impact assessment, it is incorporation into predictive models. HIA

404 Cole · Fielding

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practitioners need to encourage evaluators ting HIA accepted as an integral input into
and epidemiologists to report effects in terms decision-making; and (b) technical challenges
of relative (or attributable) risk and mean involving the methods of HIA design and
amount of change in outcomes more often, conduct. However, these challenges are differ-
instead of levels of significance and change ent for different types of HIAs (i.e., project-
in percent meeting a particular outcome based versus policy-based HIA) and for dif-
threshold. ferent locales with different political and legal
The credibility of an HIA hinges on the systems.
quality and presentation of evidence. How- Achieving the larger population health
ever, the evidence base is often quite thin promotion goals of HIA requires some de-
owing to the intersectoral nature of most gree of institutionalization, which in turn
HIAs and uncertainty surrounding many of requires governmental support. But this sup-
the socioeconomic and behavioral pathways of port can be difficult to obtain and inconsis-
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

concern. In contrast to more traditional sys- tent. Experience from other countries shows
tematic reviews, such as those conducted by that enthusiasm for HIA can quickly change
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Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations and to disillusionment if there are unmet (perhaps
the U.S. Task Force for Community Preven- unrealistic) expectations, difficulties incorpo-
tive Services, HIAs must typically examine ev- rating HIA into decision-making processes, or
idence from a wide range of fields and sources shortcomings in the credibility, significance,
(30, 49), usually not collected with an HIA in or utility of information that HIA contributes
mind, and which may be difficult to integrate to the decision-making process. Canada, espe-
quantitatively. The aim of evidence review for cially the province of British Columbia, which
an HIA is also different. Systematic reviews was one of the early innovators in HIA, largely
typically examine the intended effects of care- abandoned efforts to institutionalize HIA fol-
fully controlled interventions, whereas HIA lowing a change in government in the late
is usually more concerned with unintended 1990s (5). Support for HIA of local project
health effects of policies in other sectors (48). proposals in Sweden (7) and of national policy
If the bar for high-quality evidence is kept as proposals in the Netherlands (10, 65) has been
high for HIA as it is for systematic reviews, tempered by recognition of the challenges of
finding adequate evidence for HIAs would be routinely incorporating HIA into decision-
a rarity (37); it would be virtually impossi- making, although both countries continue to
ble to find any evidence on which to base any have in place governmental policies that sup-
HIA, yet policy makers would still make deci- port using HIA. In the United Kingdom gov-
sions without the benefit of information that ernment support for project-based HIA also
an HIA could make available. Still, the limita- seems to be declining (42); however, some lo-
tions of this evidence must be communicated cal U.K. governments, such as London (43),
to all stakeholders clearly in HIA reports, have made HIA a cornerstone of health pro-
not just full reports but also policy briefs, motion policy, promoting the use of both
which may be the only documents seen by project- and policy-based HIA.
policy-makers. In contrast, HIA seems to be well incor-
porated in government decision-making and
planning in New Zealand (40) and Quebec,
CHALLENGES Canada (6). Factors that seem to be associ-
Two types of challenges confront prospects ated with the viability of HIA in these juris-
for more widespread use and acceptance dictions include longstanding experience with
of HIA here in the United States and in coordinated government planning and legis-
other developed countries: (a) challenges to lation calling for a commitment to health pro-
the institutionalization of HIA, that is, get- motion across sectors, such as Quebec’s Public • Health Impact Assessment 405

ANRV305-PU28-20 ARI 9 February 2007 11:10

Health Act (5) and New Zealand’s Local Gov- HIA may be discounted by policy-makers and
ernment Act 2002 (40). Indeed, acceptance of stakeholders in other sectors who may feel
HIA across different sectors seems to have that health is trying to encroach on their do-
come less from specific mandates for HIA main, that it is an attempt to trump their prior-
than from the attractiveness of the method for ities with those of public health. Furthermore,
helping agencies fulfill other government re- the regulated community may perceive HIA
quirements for promoting equitable, sustain- as another onerous government-imposed bur-
able, health-promoting policies (40). den, much like EIA (17). Sound analysis and a
Where and how HIA is institutionalized focus on health impacts of compelling public
will influence its credibility, responsiveness, interest are necessary to minimize these ob-
viability, and visibility. Housing HIA in reg- stacles to implementation.
ulatory agencies or other government agen- Strategic issues in institutionalization co-
cies that are not well insulated from political exist with the more practical. An HIA can be
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

pressure could compromise its neutrality and considered infeasible, impractical, or too ex-
long-term viability. Whereas health agencies pensive relative to the value of information
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may have the technical expertise to conduct produced. The financial and other resource
HIAs, they may not have the broad mandate to costs of conducting a high-quality HIA can be
consider impacts across bureaucratic bound- substantial. Pulling together different strands
aries. Agencies that conduct the kind of cross- of evidence, consulting experts and stakehold-
cutting analysis required in HIA already exist, ers in various fields, using data to construct
although analysis of health impacts may be robust mathematical models, and synthesizing
beyond their current mandates. Most states this information into understandable, credible
have legislative analysts’ offices (LAOs). Some reports require expertise, time, and money.
states have legislatively sanctioned public pol- The long-term viability of HIA hinges on
icy institutes. At the federal level similar func- finding efficiencies in the process. Although
tions are served by the Congressional research each policy proposal, affected population, and
service (CRS) and the general accounting of- corresponding HIA is unique, overlapping
fice (GAO). Such agencies could coordinate methods and common pathways suggest that
HIA of policies within their purview. Depend- mechanisms for systematically sharing ana-
ing on resources and the complexity of anal- lytic approaches and findings can make the
ysis, actual analysis could be done in-house HIA process more efficient, making it fea-
or by partners in academia. At the local level, sible for a wider group of practitioners and
where resources are more limited and pol- lowering the costs of conducting an HIA rela-
icy analysis offices are less common, options tive to the potential value of information from
are more limited. Still, HIA would be well an HIA. One such tool that could facilitate
served by high-level partnerships between dissemination of the technique and showcase
agencies practical examples of its application would be
Regardless of whether government pri- a central repository of HIAs performed in the
orities are conducive to the institutionaliza- United States and abroad that is easily search-
tion of HIA, inherent difficulties persist in able by issue, method, and results. Such a
getting policy-makers to routinely request repository would provide information on spe-
and use HIA. Policy agendas are crowded cific pathways, analyses, and references that
with numerous decisions, goals, and interest could substantially reduce the work and lin-
groups. Public health is but one of many con- ear time needed to conduct an HIA on issues
cerns that most policy-makers must weigh. already addressed in related HIAs (31).
Because HIAs by their nature cross sectoral A common barrier to the wider use of HIA
boundaries, the health concerns raised by an is lack of technical expertise. There is a strong

406 Cole · Fielding

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need for training for HIA analysts. Such train- Although it is a promising tool, its ultimate
ing needs to be adapted to different levels value may be compromised by premature and
and types of analytic needs. Potential users, unrealistic expectations. Despite its limita-
including governmental decision-makers in tions, U.S. demand for HIA seems to be grow-
both legislative and executive branches, need ing, in part owing to recognition that modi-
to know how health information from an fiable determinants of health in populations
HIA can be interpreted and how it can in- are rooted primarily in characteristics of the
form better decisions. Multidisciplinary ana- physical and social environments, thus requir-
lytic teams with the ability to crosswalk be- ing intersectoral analyses of possible health-
tween health and nonhealth-sector research promoting policies and projects.
need to learn the HIA techniques and agree The proper uses of HIA as well as its lim-
on common nomenclature to bridge the per- itations must be well communicated to other
spectives of different disciplines and sectors. public health professionals, policy-makers,
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

Advocacy groups and other appropriate stake- and ultimately the larger public. It can pro-
holders also need to be familiarized with HIA vide helpful information to policy-makers and
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and learn how they can contribute to the stakeholders about potential health impacts,
process. but it cannot by itself create healthy public
Over time, demand needs to be generated policy. Indeed, HIA seems to be most success-
from decision-makers. Funding may accom- ful internationally in those places where gov-
pany individual requests, but it is also nec- ernments have made a commitment to pro-
essary to have some core funding to create moting public health by actions that cross all
and maintain centers of excellence, such as major sectors. Of course, this presents a bit
the intersectoral policy office set up by the of a “chicken and egg” problem: How can
Dutch Government (65), that can screen ma- we advance understanding of intersectoral op-
jor policy proposals and respond quickly to portunities to improve public health without
ad hoc requests, while pursuing the broader analyses of how changes in other sectors have
set of HIA generic priorities as time permits. affected health? At the current stage of diffu-
The inherent attraction on the part of HIA sion of this technical tool, a limited number
enthusiasts for promoting HIA by making of high-profile analyses highlighting intersec-
it mandatory in some circumstances is bal- toral health linkages could increase demand
anced by the risk that approaches and meth- by policy makers. Wise choice of topics and
ods will become rigid. Furthermore, if such efficiencies in the conduct of HIAs could also
mandates do not set up independent sources contribute to wider demand for them. As HIA
of funding, results could be influenced by the becomes more common and moves are made
funders. to institutionalize HIA learning, the lessons
provided by EIA and other types of institu-
tionalized policy analysis in this country, as
CONCLUSION well as lessons from HIA in other countries,
HIA could help bring attention to the broad can help improve the likelihood that HIA can
determinants of health and suggest ways to fulfill its long-term goals of promoting popu-
promote healthy public policy across sectors. lation health.

The authors acknowledge the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the California Endow-
ment for their support of the authors’ work on health impact assessment that provided the
foundation for this review. • Health Impact Assessment 407

ANRV305-PU28-20 ARI 9 February 2007 11:10

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Annual Review of
Public Health

Contents Volume 28, 2007

Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

Symposium: Public Health Preparedness

Introduction: Preparedness as Part of Public Health
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Nicole Lurie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pxiii

Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools,
and Challenges
Christopher Nelson, Nicole Lurie, and Jeffrey Wasserman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Michael Seid, Debra Lotstein, Valerie L. Williams, Christopher Nelson,
Kristin J. Leuschner, Allison Diamant, Stefanie Stern, Jeffrey Wasserman,
and Nicole Lurie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 19
Risk Communication for Public Health Emergencies
Deborah C. Glik p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 33
First Responders: Mental Health Consequences of Natural and
Human-Made Disasters for Public Health and Public
Safety Workers
David M. Benedek, Carol Fullerton, and Robert J. Ursano p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 55

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Network Analysis in Public Health: History, Methods, and Applications
Douglas A. Luke and Jenine K. Harris p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 69
Methods for Improving Regression Analysis for Skewed Continuous or
Counted Responses
Abdelmonem A. Afifi, Jenny B. Kotlerman, Susan L. Ettner,
and Marie Cowan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 95
New Challenges for Telephone Survey Research in the Twenty-First
Angela M. Kempf and Patrick L. Remington p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p113
Seasonality of Infectious Diseases
David N. Fisman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p127

AR305-FM ARI 26 February 2007 18:0

Health Impact Assessment: A Tool to Help Policy Makers Understand

Health Beyond Health Care
Brian L. Cole and Jonathan E. Fielding p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p393

Social Environment and Behavior

Physical Activity and Weight Management Across the Lifespan
Jennifer H. Goldberg and Abby C. King p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p145
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Tobacco Control: A Global Assessment of
Harms, Remedies, and Controversies
Ronald M. Davis, Melanie Wakefield, Amanda Amos,
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

and Prakash C. Gupta p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p171

Youth Violence Prevention Comes of Age: Research, Training, and
Access provided by on 11/05/21. For personal use only.

Future Directions
Kara Williams, Lourdes Rivera, Robert Neighbours, and Vivian Reznik p p p p p p p p p p p p p195
Church-Based Health Promotion Interventions: Evidence and Lessons
Marci Kramish Campbell, Marlyn Allicock Hudson, Ken Resnicow,
Natasha Blakeney, Amy Paxton, and Monica Baskin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p213
Risk Communication for Public Health Emergencies
Deborah C. Glik p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 33

Environmental and Occupational Health

The Epidemiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Craig J. Newschaffer, Lisa A. Croen, Julie Daniels, Ellen Giarelli,
Judith K. Grether, Susan E. Levy, David S. Mandell, Lisa A. Miller,
Jennifer Pinto-Martin, Judy Reaven, Ann M. Reynolds, Catherine E. Rice,
Diana Schendel, and Gayle C. Windham p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p235
Beryllium: A Modern Industrial Hazard
Kathleen Kreiss, Gregory A. Day, and Christine R. Schuler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p259
Adverse Late Effects of Childhood Cancer and Its Treatment on
Health and Performance
Kirsten K. Ness and James G. Gurney p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p279
First Responders: Mental Health Consequences of Natural and
Human-Made Disasters for Public Health and Public Safety Workers
David M. Benedek, Carol Fullerton, and Robert J. Ursano p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 55

Health Services
Managed Behavioral Health Care Carve-Outs: Past Performance and
Future Prospects
Richard G. Frank and Rachel L. Garfield p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p303

viii Contents
AR305-FM ARI 26 February 2007 18:0

Rationale and Public Health Implications of Changing CHD Risk

Factor Definitions
Robert M. Kaplan and Michael Ong p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p321
Delivery of Health Services to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers
Thomas A. Arcury and Sara A. Quandt p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p345

Public Health Practice

Lessons from Cost-Effectiveness Research for United States Public
Health Policy
Scott D. Grosse, Steven M. Teutsch, and Anne C. Haddix p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p365
Annu. Rev. Public Health 2007.28:393-412. Downloaded from

Health Impact Assessment: A Tool to Help Policy Makers Understand

Health Beyond Health Care
Access provided by on 11/05/21. For personal use only.

Brian L. Cole and Jonathan E. Fielding p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p393

How Can We Increase Translation of Research into Practice? Types of
Evidence Needed
Russell E. Glasgow and Karen M. Emmons p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p413
Community Factors in the Development of Antibiotic Resistance
Elaine Larson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p435
Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools,
and Challenges
Christopher Nelson, Nicole Lurie, and Jeffrey Wasserman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Michael Seid, Debra Lotstein, Valerie L. Williams, Christopher Nelson,
Kristin J. Leuschner, Allison Diamant, Stefanie Stern, Jeffrey Wasserman,
and Nicole Lurie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 19


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 19–28 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p449

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 19–28 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p454


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Public Health chapters (if any, 1997
to the present) may be found at

Contents ix

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