Tomato Production 4 Beginers Chapter1

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COMPILED BY NJANJI TM CELL +263717890121 / +263772703082

WHATSAPP +263772703082
This documents contains an extract of chapter one from the forthcoming tomato production book.
The book is yet to be published and this extract has been distributed to selected few farmers for
reviews, recommendations and suggestions. Although the document contains considerable
technical information it is being specifically designed for tomato growers rather than scientists as a
practical grower guide.

The document has been distributed to only selected few farmers for review it is still work in
progress. All rights are received reproduction and dissemination of materials in this document by
any form including social media with the author’s approval is strictly prohibited

We value your feedback please


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Successful tomato production begins with basic knowledge of the plant: morphology, growth habits,
life cycle and basic parts and their functions. This chapter gives a brief introduction of tomato crop
to the farmer.

Key concepts:

1.1 Growth habits of a tomato plant

1.2 Tomato seed types hybrid vs open pollinated
Variety (O.P.V)
1.3 Morphology of tomato plant
1.4 The life cycle of a tomato plant

Growth habits of a tomato plant.

Tomatoes portrays different growth habits as they grow same grows as high as two meters others
reaches a final height of 1 meter. Farmer needs to understand fully these growth characteristics
before making a decision on type of crop to grow. Tomatoes growth habits are categorized
into three different main classes that is: Determinate, Indeterminate and Semi determinate.

Indeterminate (RSA_Dep_Agric_foresrty, 2010)

Indeterminate tomatoes are characterized by a long

lifespan and tall growth habits that requires
substantial trellising for optimum growth. Yield per
unit area is very high. The crop is best grown under
protection (greenhouse) It can successfully be
grown under open filed but pest, diseases and hash
conditions will reduce life span and its yield.
Indeterminate varieties are capable of exceed 2.5
meters in height as long as prevailing conditions
permits. Yields of 20kgs per plant are common.
Commonly grown determinate varieties are:

Stark Ayers •Trinity • Star 9081 •Star 9082.

Prime Seedco •Alambra • Candela •Thomas f1

Other good cultivars •Newton f1 •Anna F1 • Royal Figure 1 Determinate and indeterminate tomato
1.1.2 Determinate
Determinate tomatoes also called bush tomatoes have a compact growth habit. Its top bud
sets fruits and it stops further vegetative growing. It gets fatter and starts to focus more on its
fruits. Its average growth height is 1.4 meters but may differ with cultivar. Determinate
tomatoes maybe grown without or with minimum trellising. Pruning do not provide much
benefit but rather reduce the yield. The fruit set typically is concentrated into one or two
waves and its growth cycle completes.

1.1.3 Semi determinate

They are neither determinate nor indeterminate. They possess characteristics of the two.
They can reach a height of 2 metres. Fruit bearing period may exceed 8 weeks. They are
mainly for fresh market under open field. Hybrid semi determinate has a potential to reach
8kgs per plant

1.2 Classification according to breed type

Tomato variety can either be a hybrid or an open pollinated variety.

1.2.1 Hybrid
A tomato hybrid seed is created when two different tomato varieties are cross-pollinated
aiming to produce a superior progeny, that possess best characteristics of each parent.
Superior traits are maintained whilst inferior traits are dropped from the parent hence the
offspring will outperform the parent.

Characteristics of a hybrid tomato

Improved yield improved daises tolerance better fruit quality long shelf life

1.2.2 Open pollinated variety O.P.V

Seed is obtained from natural pollination without man’s interference. OPV plants bear seeds
that will produce plants that are identical to the parent plant. Yield from these types of
tomatoes is very very low. They susceptible to diseases

Advantages of O.P.V

Cheap to buy Localy available Seeds maybe kept for future use.
Table 1 hybrid and O.P.V


cross-pollination between two different plants Self pollition between similar plants.
offspring is different of parents Offsprings are identical to parents
Seed can not be retained from previous crop Seed maybe retrained and planted again
if planted it will produce characteristics
different from parent
Hybridization is complicated process hence Seed is produced by natural pollination
the seed expensive making the seed very cheap
Hybrid seed is available in selected agro Readily available in most agro shops
shops. Some need to be booked before
High yields able to produce twice more than Yield is lower than hybrid
OPV in same class
Fruits are uniform with high shelf life Fruit shelf life is less than hybrid
depending on variety
Breed to tolerate a number of problematic Disease tolerance is not comparable to a
diseases with out significant yield loss hybrid. Prone to a number of diseases

The tomato plant


Tomato plant have a large

central taproot, with smaller
lateral roots branching off from
it. Other secondary lateral
roots may subsequently
extend from the first lateral
roots. Roots of tomato
performs three crucial roles:

1. Anchoring and
supporting the plant:
This enables the plant to
withstand rains and wind.
2. Absorption of water and
nutrients: Rubost root
system ensures maximum
absorption of nutrients and
plant will be in a better
position to with stand
moisture stress because it will Figure 2 The tomato plant
be drawing the water down the
3. Storage of manufactured food: important nutrients from photosynthesis like sugars and
protein are stored in the roots.

The stem

It is the back born of the plant well all the parts of the plant are attached. Stern houses the
vascular bundle which transport water, nutrients and manufactured within the plant. Stem
of tomato mainly indeterminate are not strong enough to support the plant and needs
assistance in supporting the plant by trellising.


The major function of leaves is to manufacture food for the plant by the process of
photosynthesis. Tomato plant has compound leaves. It is made up of leaflets which are
distributed along the leaf rachis. While the entire leaf is connected to the stem by the petiole.

Life cycle of a tomato plant.

The length of a tomato life span suffers with its growth habits. Determinate completes life
cycle from sowing seed to final harvest in 20 to 27 weeks (4.5 months) depending with
cultivar while indeterminate green house may last upto 33 weeks. time frame including
seedbed period.

Figure 3 typical life cycle of a tomato

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