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ĐỀ 2-NQ Environmental pollution is a term that (1) refer to all the ways by which man pollutes his
Học kĩ từ in surroundings. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (2) even the water with chemicals and
đậm và các other substances and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and (3) pesticides. Man, also
từ có số pollutes his surroundings in various other ways. Environmental pollution is one of the most
serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water, and soil are necessary to the survival of all
living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and (4) increases death. Polluted water kills fish
and other marine life. Pollution of soil (5) contaminates the amount of land that is available for
growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s naturally beautiful world.

Gợi ý từ cần học:

Refer to (v) nhắc tới
Environment (n) môi trường -> environmental (adj) thuộc về môi trường
Pollution (n) sự ô nhiễm
Term (n) thuật ngữ
Dirties (v) làm bẩn = pollutes = contaminates
Damage (v) làm hư hại = spoil
Surroundings(n) môi trường xung quanh
Air (n) không khí -> sau khi bị ô nhiễm => gases = smoke (n) khí ga, khói thuốc
Chemical (v) chất hóa học - substances (n) chất
Pesticide (n) thuốc trừ sâu # herbicide (n) thuốc diệt cỏ
Fertilizer (n) phân bón
Illness = disease =sickness (n) bệnh tật,ốm đau
Survive (v) sống sốt => survival (n) sự sinh tồn
Various = different (adj) khác nhau, đa dạng
One of + N số nhiều ( đếm được)
Available (adj) có sẵn
Ugliness (n) sự xấu xí
ĐỀ 13 To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always share
joys and sorrows (= the good times and bad times), help you when you’ve got problems, never
judge you and never turn their (1) backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have
known all your life, or someone you have grown up with and been through lots of ups and downs
There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special relationship. It may be the result of
enjoying the same activities, having the (2) outlook on life, and sharing similar experiences. Most
of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with (3)as if we had known them for
ages. However, it really takes you years to get to know someone well enough to consider your
best friend.
To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than
anyone else. It's the person you can turn to for impartial advice and a (4) shoulder to cry on when
life gets you down. (185)
Gợi ý từ cần học:
joys and sorrows (= the good times and bad times)
grow up with (phrasal verb) lớn lên với
ups and downs (n) thăng trầm trong cuộc sống
bring about (v) mang lại
to be result of Ving/N/Nph (n) là kết quả của việc gì
outlook (n) quan điểm
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as if (prep) = as though: như thể là
take sb + khoảng thời gian to V(nguyên thể) : mất bao lâu để ai làm gì
the majority of sb/sth (n) phần lớn, đa số trong
major (n/ adj) chuyên ngành/ lớn, chính, chủ yếu
get /let sb down (pv) làm ai thất vọng
ĐỀ 01 Researchers have found out that the size of an animal is important when it (1) comes to extinction.
Scientists have determined that the biggest and the smallest animals are more at risk of dying out
than medium-sized animals.
Heavy animals are mostly endangered by hunting and poaching while the smallest creatures may
die out (2) because their living area is being polluted. Among the most endangered animals are
elephants, lions and rhinos. Public awareness is large and campaigns to save such animals have
been around for a long time. It is the smallest (3) species that get the least attention. Especially
fish and frogs are in danger of dying out.
The species that are most at risk have a weight of over one kilogram. They are in danger of being
(4) killed because we need food, skin and other items.
According to the study, animals that are (5) becoming extinct affect large ecosystems, like
forests, deserts and oceans. (158)
Gợi ý từ cần học:
Find out (v) nhận thấy rằng
When it comes to (v) khi nói/nhắc đến
Determine (v) xác định
To be at risk of / in danger of (adj) ở bờ vực
Endangered animals (n) động vật bị nguy hiểm
Study (n) nghiên cứu
Become extinct (v) trở nên tuyệt chủng
Ecosystem (n) hệ sinh thái
Fauna (n) quần thể động vật
Flora (n) quần thể thuộc về thực vật
Vegetation (n) thảm thực vật
Landscape = scenery (n) cảnh quan

ĐỀ 02 Culture has a strong influence on non-verbal communication. Even the simple act of looking
someone in the eye is not at all that simple. In the USA, Americans are (23) encouraged to look
directly at people when speaking to them. It shows interest in what they are saying and is thought
to carry a (24) sense of honesty. Meanwhile, in Japan and Korea, people avoid long periods of
eye contact. It is considered more polite to look to the side during a conversation. The Lebanese,
(25) in contrast, stand close together and look intensely into each other's eyes. The action shows
sincerity and gives people a better sense of what their counterparts want. (26) Given such
differences with even the most common expressions, people who travel or work abroad have a real
need to learn the other culture's body language. People tend to be unaware of the messages they
are sending to others. So, it is useful to (27)consider your own body language before dealing with
people from other cultures. Knowing about the body language of friends, clients, and colleagues
can be very helpful in improving understanding and avoiding miscommunication.
Gợi ý từ cần học:
Have strong influence/ impact/effect on(v) có tác động lớn
Non-verbal communication(n) giao tiếp không dùng lời nói
To be encouraged to V (v) được khuyến khích, động viên làm gì
A sense of honesty (n) cảm giác chân thật ( a sense of + các từ chỉ cảm giác, giác quan.. )
Avoid + Ving: tránh làm gì
In contrast (conj) = on the contrary: trái ngược với
Sincerity (n) sự thành thật = honesty
To aware of (v) nhận thức về điều gì

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Miscommunication (n) truyền thông sai lệch

Đề 10/15 The covid-19 coronavirus (1) outbreak is a new illness and scientists are still assessing how it
spreads from person to person, but similar viruses tend to spread via cough and sneeze droplets.
When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they release droplets of saliva or mucus. These
droplets can fall (rơi) on people in the vicinity and can be either directly inhaled or picked up on
the hands then (2) transferred when someone touches their face, causing infection.
For flu, some hospital guidelines define exposure as being within six feet of an infected person
who sneezes or coughs for 10 minutes or longer. Viruses can also be spread through droplets
landing on surfaces such as seats on buses or trains or desks in school.
(3) However, whether (liệu rằng) this is a main transmission route depends on how long viruses
survive on surfaces – this(điều này) can vary(thay đổi) from hours to months. There is unreliable
evidence that the virus can be spread by people before they have symptoms. Some (4) other
illnesses such as flu can be passed from one person to another before symptoms occur – but the
(5) extent to which this is happening with the new corona virus is not well understood yet. (201)
Gợi ý từ cần học:There is/are: có…
outbreak(n/v) sự bùng nổ, sự bộc phát (dịch bệnh)
breakout (adj/n) nổi tiếng đột ngột / sự trốn thoát khỏi nhà tù, nổi mụn
breakdown (n) sự hỏng hóc máy móc) / sự tan vỡ, suy sụp, thấp bại, sự suy nhược( thần kinh)
break-up (n) sự tan rã/nứt vỡ/ giải tá , sự kết thúc ( mối quan hệ/tổ chức)
assess (v) ước định, đánh giá = estimate
# Have access to (n) quyền truy cập, sự truy câp
Access sth (v) truy cập
Tend to (v) có xu hướng
Via (prep) thông qua, theo đường
Droplet (n) giọt nhỏ
Saliva (n) tuyến nước bọt
Mucus (n) dịch nhầy
Vicinity (n) sự gần nhau về quan hệ/không gian / vùng lân cận
Pick up (v) bị nhiễm bệnh gì
Inhale (v) hít vào >< exhale (v) thở ra ( breathe in >< breathe out)
Breath (n) hơi thở
Infection (n) sự nhiễm trùng -> infectious (adj) mang nguồn gây nhiễm bệnh, infected (adj) bị
Define (v) xác định, định rõ
Exposure (n) sự tiếp xúc => expose (v) tiếp xúc
Transfer (v) chuyển sang, chuyển giao
Exchange(n/v) sự trao đổi
Transform sb/sth from/into sb/sth (v) biến đổi
Emerge (v) nổi lên, xuất hiện rõ nết
Surface (n) bề mặt
Spread through (v) lan rộng
Transmission route (n)tuyến đường lây lan
Symptom (n) triệu chứng
Can be spread = can be passed = có thể được lan truyền
Occur (v) diễn ra
The extent to which (n) mức độ
ĐỀ 03 Some U.S. schools, however, have tried to limit or remove technology to improve learning. One
of them is in Silicon Valley, the center of the American tech industry.
The Waldorf School of the Peninsula does not use any computers or (1) digital technology in its
education programs up to the seventh grade. The school’s website says while Waldorf teachers
recognize the role technology can (2)play in the classroom, it must wait until the student reaches

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the right developmental age.
“We observe that a child’s natural, instinctive, creative and curious way of (3) relating to the
world may be repressed when technology is introduced into learning environments at an early
age,” the website says. When students reach high school, they are allowed to use computers and
digital tools in the classroom.
There are many independent Waldorf Schools throughout North America. The schools center
heavily on (4) hands-on learning and aim to teach skills in “creativity and innovative thinking.”
They also (5) place importance on students developing “social and emotional intelligence” as part
of the educational experience.(175)
Từ vụng cần học:
Limit (v) hạn chế
Remove (v) loại bỏ
Improve (v) cải thiện
Technology (n) công nghệ
Education programs (v) chương trình giáo dục
Play an important role (v) đóng vai trò quan trọng ( role ở đây là vai trò)
Observe (v) quan sát
Repress (v) đè nén, đặt áp lực lên
Introduce (v) giới thiệu
Be allowed to do something (v) được cho phép làm gì
Digital tools (n) công cụ kĩ thuật số
Centre (v) tập trung, đặt trọng tâm vào …
Aim to (v) nhắm tới
Hands on (adj) thực tế
Handily (adv) khéo léo
Automatic (adj) tự động hóa
Statistical (adj) thuộc về số liệu, thống kê
Mathematical (adj) thuộc về toán học

ĐỀ 04 How can a person offend people just because they cross their legs? In Thailand, it is rude for a
person to show other people the bottom of their feet. This is considered unclean, and Thais can
(1) take serious offense at it. Another thing people do in the West is to touch people on the head
especially children, It is very normal to see an old woman walking up to a young boy and (2) mess
up his hair tenderly while saying what a handsome young man he is.
In Thailand, touching a person’s head is strictly taboo because that is the (3) highest part of the
body, and it is where the (4) soul is thought to reside in a person. Although very close family
members might touch a child on the head, even this is considered rude after a child grows up.
In the Middle East and some parts of Asia, the left hand is used to wash oneself after using a toilet.
(5) Therefore, the left hand can never be offered to another person or used to eat with. Food must
always be passed with the right hand, and it is considered polite to always use the right hand for
social interactions. (200)
Từ vựng cần học:
Take something serious (v) coi cái gì là nghiêm túc
Offense (n) sự xúc phạm
Rude (adj) thô lỗ >< polite (adj) lịch sự
Mess up (v) làm bừa bộn, trong bài được hiểu là xoa đầu
Strictly (adv) một cách nghiêm khắc
Taboo (n/adj) điều cấm kị, bị cấm kị
Soul (n) linh hồn
Reside (v) cư trú
Grow up (v) lớn lên

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Be offered to (v) được yêu cầu làm gì
Be passed with (v) được truyền với
Be considered adj (v) được xem như là …
Social interactions (n) tương tác xã hội

ĐỀ 05 Today, supermarkets are found in (1) almost every large city in the world. But the first supermarket
was opened only 50 years ago. It was opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen. A
supermarket is different from (2) other types of stores in several ways. In supermarkets, goods are
placed on open shelves. The (3) customers choose what they want and take them to the checkout
counter. This means that fewer shop assistants are needed than in other stores. The way products
are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores; for (4)
instance, in supermarkets, there is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of the
checkout counter: candies, chocolates, magazines, cheap foods and so on. Most customers who go
to a supermarket buy goods from a (5) shopping list. They know exactly what they need to buy.
They do the shopping according to a plan. (152)
Vocab cần học:
Almost (adv) hầu như
Different from (adj) khác biệt với
Other (adj) khác
Shop assistant (v)người bán hàng (trợ lí)
Products (n) sản phẩm = goods (n) hàng hóa ( bắt buộc goods phải có “s” thì mới là danh từ)
For instance = for example: ví dụ
Display of small inexpensive items (n) sự trưng bày các vật phẩm nhỏ rẻ tiền
Checkout counter (n) quầy thanh toán

ĐỀ 06 Every child in Great Britain between the age of five and fifteen must (1) attend school. There are
three main types of educational institutions: primary (elementary) schools, secondary schools, and
State schools are free, and attendance is (2) compulsory. Morning school begins at nine o’clock
and (3) lasts until half past four. School is open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays
there are no lessons. There are holidays at Christmas, Easter and in summer. In London as in all
cities there are two grades of state schools for (4) those who will go to work at fifteen: primary
schools for boys and girls between the ages of five and eleven, and secondary schools for children
from eleven to fifteen years.
The lessons are reading, writing, the English language, English literature, English history,
geography, science,(5) nature study, drawing, painting, singing, woodwork and drill(physical
training). (145)
Vocab cần học:
Attend school (v) tham gia, đi học
Main (adj) chính, chủ yếu, quan trọng
Institution (n) học viện, cơ quan
Compulsory (adj) bắt buộc
Attendance (n) sự đi học, có mặt, tham gia
For those who : đối với những người ( those ở đây đại diện cho người)

ĐỀ 08 Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in danger. Many species of
animals are threatened and could easily become (1) extinct if we do not make an effort to
protect them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or
for other valuable parts of their bodies.
Some birds, (2) such as parrots are caught alive and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the
problem is that their habitat - the place where they live - is disappearing. More (3) land is used
for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were. Farmers

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use powerful chemicals to help them (4) grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the
environment and harm wildlife. The most successful animal on earth - human beings - will soon
be the only ones left, (5) unless we can solve this problem. (152)
Vocab cần học:
Aware (v) nhân thức
To be in danger (v) bị nguy hiểm
To be threatened (v) bị đe dọa
Become extinct (v) trở nên tuyệt chủng
Make an effort/attempt to do sth : nỗ lực làm gì
Fur (n) lông
Valuable (adj) đáng giá
Habitat (n) môi trường sống
Wildlife (n) động vật hoang dã
Disappear (v) biến mất
Grow crops (v) trồng mùa vụ
Powerful chemicals (n) chất hóa học mạnh
Human beings = humans = man= mankind (n) con người, nhân loại

ĐỀ 09 Mobile phones: a benefit or social nuisance?

Few people under 30 will be able to imagine a time before the existence of mobile phones. Neither
will they be (26) aware of the harmful effect that many people predicted text language would have
on young people's language skills.
Interestingly, linguists nowadays believe that expressing oneself clearly in texts is evidence of a
good background in grammar and sentence structure. Mobile phones are credited with
encouraging people to communicate more. They can also provide reassurance to people (27)
who_ are alone in dangerous situations. Some people use mobile phones as a kind of barrier to
unwelcome social contact; texting can signal your unavailability to (28) other_ people in the
same way that wearing sunglasses and headphones does.
Some issues with mobile phones are still controversial. Talking loudly on the phone while on
public transport is thought to be rude and (29) inconsiderate by many people in the UK. (30)
However, _, a significant minority of people still do it, despite the sighing and other obvious signs
of disapproval from their fellow passengers.
Vocab cần học:
Imagine (v) tưởng tượng
Existence (n) sự tồn tại
To be aware of (v) nhận thức về điều gì
Predict (v) tiên đoán
Linguistics (n) nhà ngôn ngữ học
Evidence (n) chứng cứ
Good background (n) nền tảng tốt
Reassurance (n) sự cam đoan, sự an ủi
Barrier (n) rào cản
Unwelcome social contact (n) không hoan nghênh giao tiếp xã hội
Controversial (adj) gây tranh cãi
Inconsiderate (adj) thiếu thận trọng/thiếu chu đáo
Disapproval (v) sự không chấp thuận
Fellow (n) bạn/đồng chí

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