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Dear Valued Reader,

We are pleased to introduce our latest exercise book on US foreign policy, exclusively
created for you by MA. Tran My Hai Loc. This exercise book is designed to help you better
understand the principles, strategies, and key themes of US foreign policy towards different
world regions.
Our exercise book contains 81 multiple-choice questions and answers that cover the
general information of the US political system, US strategies via presidents, and the general
principles of US foreign policy towards various regions of the world. Additionally, 10 essay
questions provide you with the opportunity to delve deeper into specific topics within US
foreign policy.
To make the most of this exercise book, we recommend that you first review the key
concepts and themes in US foreign policy. This will help you understand the context of the
questions and essays presented in the book. You can then use the multiple-choice questions
and answers as a way to test your knowledge and reinforce your understanding of the material.
For the essay questions, we encourage you to use outside sources, news articles, and
documentaries to supplement your learning and gain a deeper understanding of specific topics
within US foreign policy. Organize your thoughts before beginning to write, and make sure to
carefully review the background information provided for each essay question.
We would like to remind you that this exercise book is confidential and copyrighted by
MA. Tran My Hai Loc. Please do not use it for any other purposes without his permission, and
do not share it with anyone else as it is intended for your personal use only.
We hope that this exercise book will be a valuable resource for you as you deepen your
understanding of US foreign policy, and we wish you all the best in your studies.

MA. Tran My Hai Loc

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The objective of this course:
• is to provide a comprehensive understanding and critical analysis of the United
States' past and present foreign policies.
• examine the reasons behind U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts and interventions,
assess the outcomes of U.S. policies, and determine whether alternative policies
would have produced better results.
• evaluate the validity of the beliefs that shaped U.S. foreign policy and analyze the
misperceptions that may have led to negative outcomes.
• how to predict and recommend policies for current and future crises.
• explore a range of contemporary issues, including the threats posed by Al Qaeda
and its affiliates, and by ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State; the potential spread of weapons of
mass destruction to states and non-state actors; possible threats emanating from
Syria, Iran and Iraq; North Korean nuclear weapons; managing China's rise; the
Ukraine/Russia conflict; climate change; threats to global public health; and human
The course will cover significant foreign policy events in U.S. history, including World
Wars I and II, the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Korean and Indochina Wars, the
2003 Iraq war, and the 2001–present “War on Terror.” Additionally, the course will cover
functional topics such as U.S. national security policy, U.S. foreign economic policy, and U.S.
policy on human rights and democracy overseas.

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• Is to provide students with an understanding of the history, theories, and current
practices of US foreign policy.
• Be able to analyze the factors that shape US foreign policy, including political,
economic, cultural, and security considerations.
• Is to develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the effectiveness of US foreign policies
in achieving their objectives and addressing global challenges.
• Be able to apply their knowledge and skills to analyze and develop recommendations
for US foreign policies in specific regions or issue areas.

1. American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century by Bruce W.
2. Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History by
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. and David A. Welch
3. The American Century: A History of the United States Since the 1890s by Walter
4. The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations by John
Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens
5. The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism by Andrew J. Bacevich
6. War and Peace: International Relations Since 1945 by David G. Haglund and Kai He
7. Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary Theory by Valerie M. Hudson and
Christopher S. Voss
8. American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays edited by G. John Ikenberry
9. The United States and the World Economy: Foreign Economic Policy for the Next
Decade by C. Fred Bergsten
10. U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic by Walter Lippmann

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The framework of 4Ps (peace, power, prosperity, and principle) provides a

comprehensive lens to study and analyze US foreign policy. Each P represents a different
aspect of US foreign policy and can help to explain the motivations and actions of US

• PEACE: This P represents the US commitment to maintaining global peace and

stability through diplomacy, multilateralism, and the use of force if necessary. US
policymakers prioritize conflict prevention and resolution, promoting human rights and
democracy, and reducing the risk of global threats such as terrorism, nuclear weapons,
and climate change.
• POWER: This P represents the US focus on maintaining and increasing its global
power and influence, including its military and economic power. US policymakers use
various means to exercise this power, including alliances, economic sanctions, military
interventions, and other tools of statecraft.
• PROSPERITY: This P represents the US commitment to promoting economic growth
and development around the world, including through trade agreements, foreign aid,
and investment. US policymakers prioritize fostering economic stability, reducing
poverty and inequality, and promoting sustainable development.
• PRINCIPLE: This P represents the US commitment to upholding and promoting its
core values and principles, such as democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. US
policymakers prioritize promoting these values both at home and abroad, supporting
civil society and independent media, and advocating for greater freedom and equality

By applying the 4 Ps framework to the study of US foreign policy, students can gain a
deeper understanding of the complex motivations and actions of US policymakers, and the
challenges and opportunities facing the US in its role as a global leader.

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1. Which of the following is a key principle of the US political system?

A. Democracy B. Communism C. Autocracy D. Monarchy
2. How many branches of government does the US political system have?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
3. Which of the following is NOT a branch of government in the US political system?
A. Executive B. Legislative C. Judicial D. Diplomatic
4. Which of the following documents outlines the US political system?
A. The Constitution B. The Bill of Rights
C. The Declaration of Independence D. The Articles of Confederation
5. How many amendments are there to the US Constitution?
A. 10 B. 13 C. 27 D. 30
6. What is the name of the highest court in the US?
A. The Supreme Court B. The Superior Court
C. The Circuit Court D. The District Court
7. Which of the following is a power of the US Congress?
A. Appointing judges to the Supreme Court B. Declaring war
C. Enforcing immigration laws D. Negotiating treaties with other countries
8. Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the US military?
A. The President B. The Vice President
C. The Speaker of the House D. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
9. How many terms can a US President serve?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
10. Which of the following is a foreign policy strategy used by some US Presidents?
A. Isolationism B. Interventionism C. Capitalism D. Communism
11. Which US President is associated with the "Monroe Doctrine"?
A. George Washington B. Thomas Jefferson
C. James Monroe D. Abraham Lincoln

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12. Which US President is associated with the "Truman Doctrine"?

A. Harry S. Truman B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
C. Dwight D. Eisenhower D. John F. Kennedy
13. Which US President is associated with the "Eisenhower Doctrine"?
A. Harry S. Truman B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
C. Dwight D. Eisenhower D. John F. Kennedy
14. Which of the following is a foreign policy strategy used by some US Presidents to
promote economic growth?
A. Protectionism B. Liberalism
C. Socialism D. Anarchism
15. Which of the following is a foreign policy strategy used by some US Presidents to
combat terrorism?
A. Diplomacy B. Economic sanctions
C. Military intervention D. Humanitarian aid
16. Which of the following is a foreign policy strategy used by some US Presidents to
promote democracy and human rights?
A. Engagement B. Containment
C. Realism D. Idealism
17. Which of the following is NOT a goal of US foreign policy?
A. Protecting national security B. Promoting democracy and human rights.
C. Expanding the US territory D. Advancing economic interests.
18. Which of the following is a power of the US President?
A. Declaring war B. Confirming Supreme Court justices.
C. Approving legislation D. Vetoing legislation.
19. Which of the following is NOT a requirement to become US President?
A. Be a natural-born citizen of the US.
B. Be at least 35 years old.
C. Have at least 10 years of political experience
D. Be a resident of the US for at least 14 years.

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20. Which of the following is a primary function of the US Senate?

A. Introducing legislation B. Confirming presidential appointments.
C. Approving treaties D. Overseeing the executive branch.
21. Which of the following is a primary function of the US House of Representatives?
A. Approving presidential appointments B. Approving treaties.
C. Introducing legislation D. Overseeing the executive branch.
22. Which of the following is a foreign policy strategy used by some US Presidents to
maintain stability in international relations?
A. Multilateralism B. Unilateralism C. Isolationism D. Protectionism
23. Which US President is associated with the "Nixon Doctrine"?
A. Richard Nixon B. Lyndon B. Johnson C. Ronald Reagan D. Jimmy Carter
24. Which US President is associated with the "Carter Doctrine"?
A. Richard Nixon B. Lyndon B. Johnson C. Ronald Reagan D. Jimmy Carter
25. Which of the following is a foreign policy challenge facing the US in the 21st century?
A. The spread of communism B. The threat of nuclear war
C. The rise of China D. The collapse of the European Union
26. Which of the following is a foreign policy challenge facing the US in the Middle East?
A. The threat of cyber-attacks B. The spread of infectious diseases
C. The rise of terrorism D. The shortage of water resources
27. Which of the following is a foreign policy challenge facing the US in Africa?
A. The spread of communism B. The rise of terrorism
C. The threat of nuclear war D. The collapse of democratic governments
28. Which of the following is a foreign policy challenge facing the US in Latin America?
A. The spread of communism B. The threat of cyber attacks
C. The rise of terrorism D. The refugee crisis
29. Which of the following is a foreign policy challenge facing the US in Asia?
A. The spread of communism B. The rise of terrorism
C. The threat of nuclear war D. The shortage of oil resources

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30. What is the goal of the US-ASEAN Strategic Partnership?

A. To promote economic development in ASEAN countries.
B. To increase military cooperation between the US and ASEAN countries.
C. To support democracy and human rights in ASEAN countries.
D. All of the above
31. Which US President announced the US-ASEAN Strategic Partnership in 2015?
A. Barack Obama B. George W. Bush C. Bill Clinton D. Donald Trump
32. What is the main area of cooperation between the US and ASEAN?
A. Security B. Economic development
C. Education D. Environmental protection
33. Which ASEAN country is NOT a party to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?
A. Vietnam B. Singapore C. Malaysia D. Indonesia
34. Which US President withdrew the US from the TPP?
A. Barack Obama B. George W. Bush C. Donald Trump D. Joe Biden
35. Which ASEAN country was visited by US President Barack Obama in 2014?
A. Indonesia B. Philippines C. Vietnam D. Thailand
36. What is the significance of the Indo-Pacific region in US foreign policy to ASEAN?
A. It is a major economic and strategic region that includes both Asia and the Indian Ocean
B. It is a region where the US has no interests or presence.
C. It is a region where ASEAN countries are not included.
D. None of the above
37. What is the US policy towards the South China Sea?
A. The US supports China's claims to the South China Sea
B. The US opposes China's claims to the South China Sea
C. The US takes a neutral stance on China's claims to the South China Sea
D. The US does not have a policy on the South China Sea
38. What is the US policy towards the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar?
A. The US does not have a policy towards the Rohingya crisis.
B. The US supports Myanmar's actions towards the Rohingya.

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C. The US condemns Myanmar's actions towards the Rohingya and provides humanitarian
D. The US provides military aid to Myanmar to help resolve the Rohingya crisis.
39. What is the main goal of the US foreign policy towards South Asia?
A. To promote economic development B. To combat terrorism
C. To support democracy and human rights D. All of the above
40. What is the current status of US-India relations?
A. Strained due to trade disputes B. Strong and improving.
C. Non-existent D. Hostile
41. Which US President announced the US-India Civil Nuclear Agreement in 2005?
A. Barack Obama B. George W. Bush C. Bill Clinton D. Donald Trump
42. What is the significance of the US-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement?
A. It ensures US military presence in Afghanistan for the next 50 years.
B. It provides economic aid to Afghanistan.
C. It strengthens the US-Afghanistan relationship in the areas of security, economic
development, and governance.
D. It condemns the Taliban and supports their takeover of Afghanistan.
43. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in Kashmir?
A. The US supports Pakistan's claims to Kashmir.
B. The US supports India's claims to Kashmir.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the Kashmir conflict.
D. The US does not have a policy on the Kashmir conflict.
44. Which US President signed the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009?
A. Barack Obama B. George W. Bush C. Bill Clinton D. Donald Trump
45. What is the goal of the US-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue?
A. To increase economic development in Pakistan.
B. To improve US-Pakistan relations in security, economic development, and governance.
C. To promote democracy and human rights in Pakistan.
D. All of the above

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46. Which South Asian country is the largest recipient of US military aid?
A. India B. Afghanistan C. Pakistan D. Bangladesh
47. What is the significance of the US-Taliban Peace Agreement?
A. It ended the war in Afghanistan.
B. It ensured US military presence in Afghanistan for the next 50 years.
C. It provided economic aid to Afghanistan.
D. It allowed the Taliban to take control of Afghanistan.
48. Which South Asian country is NOT a member of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
A. India B. Pakistan C. Japan D. Australia
49. What is the main goal of the US foreign policy towards China?
A. To promote economic development in China.
B. To contain China's military and economic influence.
C. To establish a military alliance with China.
D. To support China's territorial claims in the South China Sea
50. What is the status of the US-Japan alliance?
A. Strained due to trade disputes B. Strong and improving.
C. Non-existent D. Hostile
51. What is the US policy towards North Korea's nuclear program?
A. The US supports North Korea's nuclear program.
B. The US has no policy on North Korea's nuclear program.
C. The US supports complete denuclearization of North Korea.
D. The US is neutral on North Korea's nuclear program.
52. Which US President announced the "pivot to Asia" policy?
A. Barack Obama B. George W. Bush C. Bill Clinton D. Donald Trump
53. What is the significance of the US-India Civil Nuclear Agreement?
A. It ensures US military presence in India for the next 50 years.
B. It provides economic aid to India.

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C. It strengthens the US-India relationship in the areas of security, economic development, and
D. It condemns India's nuclear program.
54. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict between India and Pakistan over
A. The US supports India's claims to Kashmir.
B. The US supports Pakistan's claims to Kashmir.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the Kashmir conflict.
D. The US supports the independence of Kashmir.
55. What is the status of the US-Australia alliance?
A. Strained due to trade disputes B. Strong and improving.
C. Non-existent D. Hostile
56. What is the US policy towards China's territorial claims in the South China Sea?
A. The US supports China's territorial claims in the South China Sea.
B. The US opposes China's territorial claims in the South China Sea.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on China's territorial claims in the South China Sea.
D. The US does not have a policy on China's territorial claims in the South China Sea.
57. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict between China and Taiwan?
A. The US supports Taiwan's independence.
B. The US supports China's claim to Taiwan.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the Taiwan conflict.
D. The US does not have a policy on the Taiwan conflict.
58. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict between Japan and China over
the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands?
A. The US supports Japan's claim to the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.
B. The US supports China's claim to the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands conflict.
D. The US supports the independence of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

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59. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in Yemen?

A. The US supports the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
B. The US supports the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the conflict in Yemen.
D. The US is not involved in the conflict in Yemen.
60. What is the US policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
A. The US supports Israel's claims to the West Bank and Gaza.
B. The US supports Palestine's claims to the West Bank and Gaza.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
D. The US supports the creation of a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine living side-
61. What is the US policy towards Iran's nuclear program?
A. The US supports Iran's nuclear program.
B. The US has no policy on Iran's nuclear program.
C. The US supports complete denuclearization of Iran.
D. The US is neutral on Iran's nuclear program.
62. What is the US policy towards ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)?
A. The US supports ISIS. B. The US has no policy on ISIS.
C. The US supports the complete elimination of ISIS. D. The US is neutral on ISIS.
63. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in Yemen?
A. The US supports the Houthi rebels.
B. The US supports the Yemeni government.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the conflict in Yemen.
D. The US has no policy on the conflict in Yemen.
64. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in Syria?
A. The US supports the Syrian government.
B. The US supports the Syrian opposition.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the conflict in Syria.
D. The US has no policy on the conflict in Syria.

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65. What is the US policy towards Iran's nuclear program?

A. The US supports Iran's nuclear program.
B. The US has no policy on Iran's nuclear program.
C. The US supports complete denuclearization of Iran.
D. The US takes a neutral stance on Iran's nuclear program.
66. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in Libya?
A. The US supports the Libyan government.
B. The US supports the Libyan opposition.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the conflict in Libya.
D. The US has no policy on the conflict in Libya.
67. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine?
A. The US supports Israel's right to exist. B. The US supports Palestine's right to exist.
C. The US supports a two-state solution.
D. The US has no policy on the conflict between Israel and Palestine
68. What is the US policy towards Boko Haram in Nigeria?
A. The US supports Boko Haram.
B. The US supports the Nigerian government's fight against Boko Haram.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on Boko Haram.
D. The US has no policy on Boko Haram.
69. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in Somalia?
A. The US supports the Somali government.
B. The US supports the Somali opposition.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the conflict in Somalia.
D. The US has no policy on the conflict in Somalia.
70. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in South Sudan?
A. The US supports the South Sudanese government.
B. The US supports the South Sudanese opposition.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the conflict in South Sudan.
D. The US has no policy on the conflict in South Sudan.

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71. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan?

A. The US supports the Taliban.
B. The US supports the Afghan government.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the conflict in Afghanistan.
D. The US has no policy on the conflict in Afghanistan.
72. What is the US policy towards the ongoing conflict in Iraq?
A. The US supports the Iraqi government.
B. The US supports the Iraqi opposition.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on the conflict in Iraq.
D. The US has no policy on the conflict in Iraq.
73. What is the US policy towards Russia's annexation of Crimea?
A. The US supports Russia's annexation of Crimea.
B. The US supports Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on Russia's annexation of Crimea.
D. The US has no policy on Russia's annexation of Crimea.
74. What is the US policy towards EU's immigration crisis?
A. The US supports EU's open-door policy towards refugees.
B. The US supports EU's closed-door policy towards refugees.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on EU's immigration crisis.
D. The US has no policy on EU's immigration crisis.
75. What is the US policy towards Turkey's purchase of Russian S-400 missile defense
A. The US supports Turkey's decision to purchase S-400
B. The US opposes Turkey's decision to purchase S-400
C. The US takes a neutral stance on Turkey's purchase of S-400
D. The US has no policy on Turkey's purchase of S-400
76. What is the US policy towards EU's Brexit?
A. The US supports EU's decision to allow Brexit.
B. The US opposes EU's decision to allow Brexit.

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C. The US takes a neutral stance on EU's Brexit.

D. The US has no policy on EU's Brexit.
77. What is the US policy towards Russia's involvement in the conflict in Ukraine?
A. The US supports Russia's involvement in the conflict.
B. The US supports Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on Russia's involvement in the conflict.
D. The US has no policy on Russia's involvement in the conflict.
78. What is the US policy towards Turkey's military intervention in Syria?
A. The US supports Turkey's military intervention in Syria.
B. The US opposes Turkey's military intervention in Syria.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on Turkey's military intervention in Syria.
D. The US has no policy on Turkey's military intervention in Syria.
79. What is the US policy towards Russia's interference in the 2016 US presidential
A. The US supports Russia's interference in the election.
B. The US opposes Russia's interference in the election.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on Russia's interference in the election.
D. The US has no policy on Russia's interference in the election.
80. What is the US policy towards EU's policy towards Iran's nuclear program?
A. The US supports EU's policy towards Iran's nuclear program.
B. The US opposes EU's policy towards Iran's nuclear program.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on EU's policy towards Iran's nuclear program.
D. The US has no policy on EU's policy towards Iran's nuclear program.
81. What is the US policy towards Russia's involvement in the conflict in Syria?
A. The US supports Russia's involvement in the conflict.
B. The US opposes Russia's involvement in the conflict.
C. The US takes a neutral stance on Russia's involvement in the conflict.
D. The US has no policy on Russia's involvement in the conflict.

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1 21 41 61
2 22 42 62
3 23 43 63
4 24 44 64
5 25 45 65
6 26 46 66
7 27 47 67
8 28 48 68
9 29 49 69
10 30 50 70
11 31 51 71
12 32 52 72
13 33 53 73
14 34 54 74
15 35 55 75
16 36 56 76
17 37 57 77
18 38 58 78
19 39 59 79
20 40 60 80

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1. The United States is currently pursuing an isolationist foreign policy.

2. The United States has always been committed to promoting democracy and human
rights around the world.

3. The United States is currently engaged in a trade war with China.

4. The United States has maintained close relations with Saudi Arabia despite the country's
human rights abuses.

5. The United States is currently engaged in military conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, and

6. The US has a history of supporting authoritarian regimes in the Middle East.

7. The United States has maintained a strong military presence in Europe since the end of
World War II.

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8. The United States has pursued a policy of "containment" towards Russia since the end
of the Cold War.

9. The United States has a history of intervention in Latin America, often in support of
right-wing regimes.

10. The United States has maintained close relations with Israel for decades. True.

11. The United States has a history of supporting coups and overthrowing democratically
elected leaders in other countries.

12. The United States has pursued a policy of engagement with North Korea in recent years.

13. The United States has maintained a close partnership with the United Kingdom since
the end of World War II.

14. The United States has always pursued a policy of free trade with other countries.

15. The United States has a history of opposing and undermining socialist governments in
Latin America.

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16. The United States has always been a strong supporter of the United Nations.

17. The United States has pursued a policy of "pivot to Asia" in recent years.

18. The United States has a history of supporting authoritarian regimes in Africa.

19. The United States has always been a strong advocate for nuclear disarmament.

20. The United States has a history of supporting separatist movements in other countries.

21. The United States has pursued a policy of engagement with Cuba in recent years.

22. The United States has maintained close relations with Japan since the end of World War II.

23. The United States has always been a strong supporter of international institutions and

24. The United States has pursued a policy of military intervention in the Middle East to
promote democracy and protect American interests.

25. The United States has a history of supporting authoritarian regimes in Southeast Asia.

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1. South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, in office since May 2022, is seeking to
transform South Korea into a “global pivotal state” by raising its profile beyond the
Korean Peninsula and becoming a more active partner in the United States’ Indo-Pacific
strategy. Yoon issued South Korea’s first-ever Indo-Pacific strategy in 2022. U.S.
President Joseph Biden and Yoon have capitalized on greater U.S.- ROK strategic
alignment by forging closer cooperation on North Korea policy through both bilateral
and trilateral (with Japan) military exercises. They also have committed to strengthening
economic security in line with U.S. efforts to promote technological development and
supply chain resiliency. South Korea is one of 14 negotiating partners in the U.S.-led
Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) initiative, a proposed new
trade and economic arrangement
Please evaluate the significance of this relationship for the foreign policy of the United
States in the Northeast Asia region specifically and the Indo-Pacific region in general.

2. At the working sessions during the ongoing visit to the US, Vietnamese Prime Minister
Pham Minh Chinh showed great pleasure about the establishment of the comprehensive
strategic partnership for peace, cooperation and sustainable development, thus creating
a new driving force and the framework for long-term cooperation between the two
countries, and opening up a new period for the Vietnam-US economic, trade and
investment cooperation. Please analyze the implications of this development on the
bilateral relationship. Additionally, evaluate the potential challenges and opportunities
that may arise as both countries navigate this new phase in their partnership.

3. Analyze the US role in shaping the political and security landscape of the Middle East,
including its efforts to promote democracy and human rights, and its use of military

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4. Discuss the US approach to promoting peace, security, and economic development in

Africa, including its use of power and resources to advance these goals while respecting
local principles and values.

5. Compare the U.S. and EU principles in global affairs. Assess their key values and
diplomatic strategies, highlighting areas of convergence or divergence and their
implications for international relations.

6. Evaluate the relationship between the United States and Japan and explain the reasons
why the United States consistently includes Japan in alliances and strategies for
deployment in the Indo-Pacific region.

7. The year is 2018, and tensions between the United States and China have escalated into
a full-blown trade war. The two economic giants, once major trading partners, are now
engaged in a series of tariff impositions and retaliatory measures. The dispute spans
various sectors, from technology and intellectual property to agriculture and
manufacturing. The global economy is closely watching as these two influential nations
navigate through the complexities of the trade war.
Against this backdrop, analyze the impact of the U.S.-China trade war on diplomatic
relations, economic stability, and the global trade environment. Consider the strategies
employed by the US to address the conflict and their implications for the broader
geopolitical landscape. And what are the relations between the two countries?

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8. How has the US approached its strategy in the Indo-Pacific region to contain China
while also fostering cooperation with the Quad alliance?

9. How have the US threats to the Indo-Pacific region, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and
the rise of China impacted US foreign policy in the region?

10. Compare and contrast the foreign policy of the Obama, Trump, and Biden
administrations, analyzing their respective approaches to issues such as global security,
trade, and human rights.

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