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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

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Activity No. : 4 Rating:

Then and Now

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing the difference in terms of teacher,
students and instruction then and now.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Then Now
1. Mostly viewed as authoritative people 1. Take on a more facilitator role, helping
with knowledge that needed to be shared students along the way, promoting critical
with the students. thinking, and organizing group projects.

2. Use textbooks and lectures, teachers were 2. Select a range of materials, such as e-
frequently the only sources of information in books, films, lectures, and guest writers, to
the classroom. offer a diversity of viewpoints and improve
educational chances.

3. One-size-fits-all instruction was the main 3. Use different instruction, modifying their
focus of didactic teaching approaches. lesson plans to meet the needs of students
with a range of learning preferences, skill
levels, and interests.

4. Transferring factual knowledge to 4. Place a high priority on helping students

students was the main goal of instruction. improve their critical thinking, problem-
solving, communication, and teamwork
5. kept a tight rein on the classroom 5. Enable learners to assume responsibility
atmosphere, emphasizing order and for their education by promoting
discipline above all else. independence, self-governance, and
dynamic engagement in class activities and
decision-making procedures.

Then Now
1. Frequently expected to learn material 1. Students are urged to take an active role
passively, to memorize facts, and to comply in their education by participating in
with orders without actively participating. debates, practical projects, and problem-
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solving exercises.

2. One-size-fits-all approach to education, 2. Personalized learning is embraced by

with the expectation that all pupils would education, acknowledging that pupils
finish the curriculum at the same speed. possess a range of learning styles, interests,
and abilities.

3. Limited chance for autonomous thought 3. Critical thinking ability, problem-solving

because students frequently relied on capabilities, and self-directed learning
teachers for direction and clarification. habits are promoted for students.

4. Printed resources and textbooks served as 4. A vast array of multimedia materials is

the main sources of learning materials. available to students, including as articles,
films, interactive simulations, and
educational apps on the internet.

5. Students primarily looked to their 5. Students work in groups, utilizing their

teachers. combined expertise and abilities to resolve
issues, exchange concepts, and finish

Then Now
1. Lectures, were frequently used in 1. instruction is on active learning strategies,
instruction to impart knowledge to obedient in which students interact with the content
pupils. through debates, group projects, practical
applications, and problem-solving exercises.
2 Learning was center on memorizing 2. instruction is on conceptual
procedures and facts by heart, with minimal understanding, which aids pupils in
attention paid to comprehending the comprehending the fundamental ideas and
underlying ideas. relationships between concepts.
3 the teacher served as the main authority 3. teachers serve as facilitators, assisting
and source of knowledge in the classroom students in exploring subjects according to
and instruction was teacher-centered. their requirements and areas of interest.
4 received the same curriculum and pace of 4. Teachers modify their approaches and
instruction thanks to a standardized resources to fit different learning styles
5. Students would frequently read or listen to 5. Interactive learning is promoted by the
material during instruction without actively instructor, and students actively take part in
participating in it. debates, discussions, problem-solving
exercises, and group projects.

Short Discussion:

In the past, learners were passive recipients of knowledge that they had to memorize, and
professors served as authoritative figures by presenting subject through didactic methods. The
emphasis of instruction was on standardized procedures and rote memorization. Teachers
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now support learning by adopting student-centered strategies like tailored instruction and
active learning. Student are urged to participate fully in class by working in groups,
exercising critical thought, and solving problems. In order to create a more dynamic and
engaging learning environment, instruction places a strong emphasis on conceptual
comprehension and individualized learning experiences catered to the needs of varied

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