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Applying hydraulic lift in an agroecosystem: Forage plants with shoots

removed supply water to neighboring vegetable crops

Article in Plant and Soil · April 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s11104-010-0581-1


51 488

3 authors, including:

Nobuhito Sekiya
Mie University


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Bio-sprinkler: Application of Hydraulic Redistribution in Agroecosystems View project

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Plant Soil
DOI 10.1007/s11104-010-0581-1


Applying hydraulic lift in an agroecosystem: forage

plants with shoots removed supply water to neighboring
vegetable crops
Nobuhito Sekiya & Hideki Araki & Katsuya Yano

Received: 6 June 2010 / Accepted: 14 September 2010

# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract When a plant encounters spatially heteroge- their shoots removed to minimize the effect of light-
neous soil moisture within its root system, usually drier interception by them on the ‘receiver’ plants growing
surface and moister subsurface soils, water can move alongside them. In a horizontally split-root experiment,
between these layers through the root system, a plant where an upper container was filled with sand and a
process known as hydraulic lift or redistribution. The lower one with water, superior donor species could
water thus transferred is available not only for the plant maintain the upper sand in a fully hydrated condition for
itself but also for its neighbors. We examined applica- several weeks, increasing stomatal conductance in the
tion of this process as a possible biological irrigation receivers. The effects were also confirmed in a water-
tool. As ‘donors’, we used perennial forage plants with limited agricultural field, as significant differences were
found in canopy temperature and yield in neighboring
crop plants in the presence or absence of donor root
systems. These results suggest that deep-rooting associ-
Responsible Editor: Hans Lambers. ate plants with their shoots removed function as an
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this irrigation tool and improve crop production in water-
article (doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0581-1) contains scarce environments.
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

N. Sekiya (*) Keywords Deep roots . Drought stress . Facilitation .

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Intercropping . Positive plant–plant interaction .
JICA Tanzania Office, P. O. Box 9450 Dar es Salaam, Sustainable agriculture
e-mail: kapinivilage@yahoo.co.jp

H. Araki Introduction
Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture,
Yamaguchi University,
Plant roots absorb water from the soil but occasionally
Yamaguchi 753-8515, Japan release it back (Caldwell et al. 1998; Jackson et al.
2000). Water efflux from roots is regulated by the same
K. Yano mechanisms as water influx into roots. Water influx
Laboratory of Crop Science, Graduate School
takes place along a water potential gradient from the
of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University,
Chikusa, soil to the root xylem, and this gradient is generated by
Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601, Japan transpirational water loss from the leaves. At night,
Plant Soil

reduced transpiration allows xylem water potential to practical benefit arises based on the hydraulic lift/
rise (become less negative) and can reverse the redistribution process.
direction of the water potential gradient. Under these Therefore, a series of experiments was conducted
conditions, water may exit the roots to the soil along a both in the laboratory and the field to examine the
reversed water potential gradient. hypothesis that the process of hydraulic lift can be
In deep-rooting systems that penetrate dry, upper applicable to irrigation of neighboring crops. We first
soil layers to reach wet, deeper soil layers, reduced evaluated water lifting capabilities of donor plants in
transpiration induces water efflux, mainly from the a horizontally split-root system to determine the
shallow roots to the dry soil (Caldwell et al. 1998; potential water supply. Next, using a similar but
Jackson et al. 2000). This process drives an upward larger system, we assessed effects of water supply
water movement within the root system that has the provided by donor plants on water relations of
effect of rendering the soil water status within the receiver crops. Finally, the effects were tested in a
whole root zone more homogeneous. The process is water-limited agricultural field.
termed hydraulic lift as water is often lifted from
deeper to shallower soils through the root system
(Caldwell and Richards 1989; Richards and Caldwell Materials and methods
1987). In fact, water will actually move from one
body of soil to another, just so long as a water Selection of plant species
potential gradient exists between them so the water
movement is not necessarily in an upward direction Attempts were made to find effective donor species
(Hultine et al. 2004; Oliveira et al. 2005; Schulze et having high water-lifting capability. We considered
al. 1998; Smart et al. 2005; Warren et al. 2007). the following two criteria as prerequisites for candi-
Therefore, in a more expanded concept, hydraulic lift date selection. 1) Deep rooting: hydraulic lift is more
is sometimes termed hydraulic redistribution (Burgess likely to occur with a deep-rooting species. 2) Forage
et al. 1998, 2000). species: Removal of leaves by cutting the shoot is
Water efflux was first observed about 80 years ago expected to minimize the adverse effect of light-
in a split-root experiment in which the root portion in interception on the receiver plants growing alongside
a dry soil exuded water while the roots of the other them. For this purpose, forage plants seemed suitable
portion were in a wet soil (Braezeale 1930). Subse- considering their tolerance to shoot removal (grazing).
quently, new techniques, using a stable isotope The following species were investigated: guinea grass
method in particular, made it possible to detect water (Panicum maximum), tall fescue (Festuca arundina-
efflux and hydraulic lift even under field conditions cea), white clover (Trifolium repens), smooth brome-
(Burgess et al. 2000; Dawson 1993, 1996). As a grass (Bromus inermis) and sun hemp (Crotalaria
result, examples have been noted in many species at juncea). Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) was also
not only laboratory (Hawkins et al. 2009; Leffler et al. compared with these species because it was previous-
2004; McMichael and Lascano 2010; Valenzuela- ly reported to have water-lifting capability (Sekiya
Estrada et al. 2009; Wan et al. 2000; Xu and Bland and Yano 2004).
1993) but also field scales (Caldwell et al. 1998;
Espeleta et al. 2004; Jackson et al. 2000; Liste and Comparison of water-lifting capabilities
White 2008). The stable isotope method further
revealed that the hydraulically lifted groundwater is Split-root experiment Two plastic containers (0.32 m
even transferred to neighboring plants as if the lifting long × 0.1 m wide × 0.1 m high) were placed one on top
plant irrigates its neighbors with groundwater (Armas of the other (Fig. 1a). A rectangular hole (0.1 m long ×
et al. 2010; Dawson 1993; Ludwig et al. 2003; 0.025 m wide) was first cut in the bottom of the upper
Moreira et al. 2003). Based on these reports, a new container near one end. This hole was covered with
idea emerged that roots could function as an irrigation 0.15 mm nylon mesh to contain the rooting medium
system if the hydraulic lift was managed appropriately while still allowing root penetration. The upper
(Liste and White 2008; Sekiya and Yano 2004). If this container held 3.5 kg of sand while the lower one
can be arranged in an agricultural field, a novel and was filled with 2.0 kg of water. There was an air gap
Plant Soil

(defined as the medium’s water content 24 h after

saturation) and the amount of water in the lower
container was maintained at 2.0 kg. Between 1 and
3 weeks after sowing, seedlings were thinned to
leave several uniform and healthy plants. To avoid
too marked differences in rooting volume between
the donor species, C. juncea and C. cajan seedlings
were thinned to 4 individuals, P. maximum to 5, B.
inermis to 7, F. arundinacea to 12 and T. repens to
10. A commercially available liquid fertilizer (Hypo-
nex 6-6-6; Hyponex Japan, Osaka, Japan) diluted
100 times with deionized water was applied to the
upper container twice and a thousand-times solution
to the lower one three times during growth. By 10 to
13 weeks after sowing, roots were well developed in
the lower container for all donor species. The shoots
were then cut at the base and the exposed surfaces
covered with Parafilm. To measure the amount of
water lifted from the lower to the upper container
(HL), the water supply to the upper container was
withheld. HL was calculated as

HL ¼ Llow  Elow

where Llow was water loss from the lower container

measured by weighing the container every day, and
Elow was evaporation from the lower container
estimated by weighing the lower container of the
controls every day. Evaporation from the upper
container (Eup) was also calculated as

Fig. 1 Comparison of water lifting capability. a A schematic of

the split-root container. b Sand surfaces grown without associated Eup ¼ Lup þ HL
donor plants (Cont) and with Cajanus cajan (Cc), Crotalaria
juncea (Cj) and Panicum maximum (Pm). c The amount of water where Lup was water loss from the upper container
lifted from the lower container per unit of water evaporated from measured by weighing the container every day. The
the upper one (HL Eup−1) in split-containers with Cc, Cj, Bromus
inermis (Bi), Trifolium repens (Tr), Festuca arundinacea (Fa) amount of water lifted relative to the amount
and Pm. Each bar represents mean ± S.E. (n=5). The letters evaporating from the upper container (HL Eup−1)
above the bars represent significant differences at the 5% level as was calculated by dividing HL by Eup to compare
analyzed by Sheffe’s F test water-lifting capability among the plant species.
Water was supplied to the lower containers to
maintain their initial 2.0 kg volume after every
between the containers. Between 10 and 20 germinated measurement. The upper containers were supplied
seeds each of P. maximum, F. arundinacea, T. repens, with water to field capacity when their water
B. inermis, C. juncea and C. cajan were sown in the contents fell below 50% of field capacity to avoid
upper container just above the hole. The same setup root desiccation and death. At 122 days after sowing,
but without plants served as a control. Each test the roots in the top containers were gently washed
donor species and the control were replicated five free of sand under running water above a 2-mm
times. Water was supplied at 2- to 3-day intervals sieve. The collected roots were preserved in FAA
to the upper container to maintain field capacity (formalin : acetic acid : 70% ethanol = 1 : 1 : 18, v/v/v)
Plant Soil

for root length measurement. The roots were then container was withheld. Volumetric soil moisture con-
stained with 0.2% (w/v) methylene blue for 48 h and tent (m3 m−3) was measured using a soil moisture sensor
spread on a transparent sheet, without overlap. Digi- (ECH2O EC-5; Decagon Devices, WA, USA) buried
tized images were produced using a scanner with 0.2 m from the donor plants and 50 mm below the soil
resolution of 300 dpi and an output format of 256 grey- surface in each upper container. Data readings were
scales. The root length was determined using a macro- made using a data logger (Em 50; Decagon Devices,
program developed by Kimura et al. (1999) on NIH WA, USA) 5, 9, 13, 17, 24, 27 and 30 days from
Image software (version 1.60). Water-lifting capability sowing C. sativus. The sensor was calibrated with the
per unit of root length in the upper containers was same sand as used in this experiment adjusted at 0, 0.06
calculated by diving HL Eup−1 by root length. and 0.10 m3 m−3 soil moisture content. Stomatal
conductance (gs) was measured on the abaxial surface
of the leaf using a hand-held diffusion porometer
Effect of hydraulic lift on neighboring crop growth (Porometer AP4; Delta-T, Cambridge, UK) at 22, 29
and 34 days from sowing. C. sativus plants were
A similar but larger split-root system was employed harvested 35 days after sowing. The plants were dried
using a container (0.4 m long × 0.32 m wide × 0.25 m at 80°C for 48 h and dry weights were measured.
deep) as shown in Online Resource 1. This was placed
on top of a smaller container (15 L). A rectangular hole Effect of hydraulic lift on crop production under field
(0.3 m long × 0.02 m wide) was cut in the bottom of conditions
the upper container and covered with nylon mesh as
before. The upper container was filled with 30 L of The field experiment was conducted at the Jinzai
sand while the lower one was filled with 15 L of water. Sand Dune Experimental Field of Shimane University
Again, there was an air gap between the two containers. (N 35° 20′ 6, E 132° 41′ 3) between March 2007 and
The sand was mixed with 1.10 g kg−1 of compound October 2007. Seedlings of P. maximum, F. arundi-
fertilizer (N : P2O5 : K2O=0.08 : 0.08 : 0.08 g g−1), nacea, T. repens, B. inermis, C. juncea and C. cajan
0.5 g kg−1 of compound trace element fertilizer (MgO : were established in PVC tubes (0.5 m diameter × 1 m
MnO : B2O3 =0.14 : 0.003 : 0.003 g g−1) and long) 9 weeks before the start of the experiment. Ten
0.29 g kg−1 of slaked lime. Twenty germinated seeds seedlings of each donor species were transplanted
each of T. repens, C. juncea, F. arundinacea and B. along the center line of each plot (3 m long × 1.5 m
inermis were sown in the upper containers just above wide) at 0.15-m intervals on 11 May, 2007 as shown
the rectangular hole. The same setup but without donor in Online Resource 2. Iron sheets were buried
plants served as a control. Each species and its control vertically to a depth of 0.5 m to prevent root
were replicated four times. Water was supplied at 2- to interactions between plots. At 80 days after trans-
3-day intervals to maintain field capacity in the upper planting, transparent PVC covers were constructed
containers. At 99 days after sowing, the donor plant over the experimental plots to eliminate rainfall and
roots started to grow into the lower containers and the water was supplied directly to the plants by drip
water there was then aerated to maintain good aerobic irrigation. At 110 days after transplanting, the shoots
conditions. Water was supplied to the lower containers were cut at a height of 0.1 to 0.3 m from the soil
at 2- to 3-day intervals to maintain the initial amount. At surface and the drip irrigation was replaced with
127 days after sowing, the donor shoots were cut at the sprinklers to supply water evenly over the whole plot.
base and the exposed surfaces covered with Parafilm. At Next, 250 g of compound fertilizers (N : P2O5 :
153 days from sowing, cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) K2O=0.14 : 0.26 : 0.14 g g−1) and 250 g of
seeds were sown adjacent to the donor plants at magnesium lime were spread over each plot. At
50×50 mm spacing. Before sowing, 5 L of nutrient 130 days after transplanting, komatsuna (Brassica
solution (containing 3.90 mg N, 1.80 mg P2O5, 6.10 mg rapa var. peruviridis) seeds were sown at 0.1×0.05 m
K2O, 3.45 mg CaO, 0.90 mg MgO, 0.023 mg MnO, spacing in each plot as shown in Online Resource 2.
0.023 mg B2O3, 0.04 mg Fe, 0.45 μg Cu, 1.35 μg Zn At the two- to three-leaf stage, the B. rapa seedlings
and 0.45 μg Mo) was applied to each upper container to were thinned to leave a single plant at each sowing
field capacity, and further watering of the upper point. Then, the roots on one side of the donor species
Plant Soil

were cut by inserting an iron sheet with a sharp edge calculated based on gravimetric measurements of the
to 0.5 m depth along the center line while the roots on water balance in the split-root container (Fig. 1c). The
the other side were left intact as shown in Online values of P. maximum, F. arundinacea and T. repens
Resource 3. At the four- to five-leaf stage, water was ranged between 0.913 and 0.996 g g−1, indicating that
supplied to the B. rapa plants only when most of the the amount of water evaporating from the upper
plants had wilted. Images of the B. rapa plants were container was almost fully replaced by the water lifted
captured using thermography (Thermo Tracer from the lower one. B. inermis, C. juncea and C.
TH7800N Fusion; NEC-Sanei, Osaka, Japan). At cajan had the small values compared with those
45 days after sowing, the B. rapa plants growing species with high level of water-lifting. The value for
within 0.3 m of the center line were harvested and C. cajan, which was the smallest among the tested
their fresh matter weights were measured. species, was 0.148 g g−1, showing that only 15% of
the water evaporating from the upper container was
Statistical analyses lifted from the lower one. Surprisingly, roots of
P. maximum and F. arundinacea maintained high
The water lifted per unit of water evaporated (HL Eup−1 levels of water lifting even after 1 month and the total
or water-lifting capability), root length and the amount of water lifted was far greater than expected.
water-lifting capability per unit of root length were Root length and its relationship with water-lifting
analyzed by Sheffe’s F test, soil moisture content and capability were analyzed to investigate causes of
gs by a fixed-model two-way analysis of variance interspecific differences in water-lifting capability
(ANOVA) in which sources of variation were the (Table 1). Root length ranged between 18 and
measurement date, the donor species and their 524 m container−1 among the species. The multiple
interactions, C. sativus dry weight by Tukey- comparisons indicate that the species can be divided
Kramer test and B. rapa fresh weight by a mixed- into two groups; one with longer roots (P. maximum,
model ANOVA (strip-plot design) with the donor F. arundinacea and B. inermis) and the other with
species as a horizontal factor and the root cutting shorter ones (T. repens, C. juncea and C. cajan). The
treatment as a vertical factor. Correlations between correlation coefficient test was carried out to analyze
water-lifting capability and root length were ana- the relationship between the water-lifting capability
lyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient test. (HL Eup−1) and root length. The results showed that
there was no significant correlation between the two
parameters (R=0.280, P=0.157). To further investi-
Results gate causes of interspecific differences in water-lifting
capability, the water-lifting capability per unit of root
Comparison of water-lifting capabilities length was calculated. The multiple comparisons
indicate that there was no significant difference in
The water-lifting capabilities of selected plant species this value among C. cajan, C. juncea, B. inermis, F.
were compared in a horizontally split-root container arundinacea and P. maximum while the value of T.
(Fig. 1a). After withholding water from the upper repens was almost 23 times larger than those of the
container, the split-container without roots (control) others. Thus, the relationship between the water-
rapidly lost water from the upper container due to lifting capability and root length was tested again
evaporation, as could be seen by the pale color of the after excluding the data of T. repens. The results
sand (Fig. 1b). In contrast, the split containers with roots showed that the capability was significantly correlated
maintained substantial water content, depending on the with root length (R=0.607, P=0.003). These results
species (Fig. 1b). For instance, P. maximum kept all the suggest that while the interspecific differences in
sand’s surface wet until the end of the experiment, while water-lifting capability was caused by root length or
C. juncea partially wetted it. C. cajan roots, however, root length density among C. cajan, C. juncea, B.
kept little water on the sand’s surface. inermis, F. arundinacea and P. maximum, the high
To determine water-lifting capability, the amount level of water-lifting in T. repens was due to the high
of water lifted from the lower container per unit of level of water-lifting capability per unit of root length
water evaporated from the upper one (HL Eup−1) was or water permeability of roots.
Plant Soil

Table 1 Relationship between root length and hydraulic lift

Cc Cj Bi Tr Fa Pm

Root length (m container−1) 132±29b 87±7b 498±45a 18±4b 394±35a 524±10a

Water-lifting capability per root legnth (g g−1 m−110−3) 3.53±3.1b 3.67±1.5b 1.24±0.3b 60.29±12.6a 2.54±0.2b 1.89±0.04b

Root length of Cajanus cajan (Cc), Crotalaria juncea (Cj), Bromus inermis (Bi), Trifolium repens (Tr), Festuca arundinacea (Fa) and
Panicum maximum (Pm) were determined using a macro-program developed by Kimura et al. (1999) on NIH Image software (version
1.60). Water-lifting capability was determined as the amount of water lifted from the lower container per unit of water evaporated from
the upper one in split-containers as shown in Fig. 1c. Each value represents mean ± S.E. (n=5). The values with different letters in a
line are significantly different at the 5% level as analyzed by Sheffe’s F test

Effect of hydraulic lift on neighboring crop growth (P< 0.001). There was no significant interaction
between the two effects (P=0.419). These results
The effect of hydraulic lift on neighboring plants was suggest that water lifted by the donor plants can
assessed in terms of their water status and growth in a increase the gs of neighboring C. sativus plants. The
similar but larger split-root container (Online Re- C. sativus plants irrigated by T. repens, B. inermis and
source 1). After saturating the sand in the upper layer, C. juncea had significantly higher gs than those in the
C. sativus seeds were sown next to the water-lifting control, resulting in greater biomass accumulation
plants, and water was withheld from the upper layer at (Fig. 2d).
sowing. Five days after sowing, all containers still
maintained similar moisture levels ranging between Effect of hydraulic lift on crop production under field
0.081 and 0.106 m3 m−3 (Fig. 2a). While the value in conditions
the control declined due to evapotranspiration after-
wards, they remained relatively high in the presence The effect of hydraulic lift on crop production was
of the donor plants. For instance, at 17 days after tested in a water-limited field situation (Online
sowing, the soil moisture content of the control was Resource 2). The plants of each donor species were
0.015 m3 m−3, and those with the donor plants ranged established along the center line in each experimental
between 0.054 and 0.076 m3 m−3. The soil moisture plot, and the roots on one side of the donor plants
contents were shown by a two-way ANOVA to be were severed to prevent water supply through
significantly different among the measuring dates hydraulic lift while those on the other side were left
(P<0.001) and the donor species (P<0.001). There intact (Online Resource 3). As expected, the presence
was no significant interaction between the two effects of intact donor roots allowed B. rapa to maintain
(P=0.994). These results suggest that the donor roots fresh and turgid leaves while in the absence of intact
can maintain soil moisture content at relatively high roots, the B. rapa leaves wilted due to water deficit
level by water-lifting. As a result, the C. sativus plants (Fig. 3).
had wide, turgid leaves in the presence of donor roots Thermal images of B. rapa leaves captured during
while in their absence the leaves wilted (Fig. 2b). the growth period show that leaf temperatures of B.
During the C. sativus growth period, the stomatal rapa plants associated with the intact donor roots
conductance (gs) of the leaves was also measured were lower than those without (Fig. 4). The differ-
three times (Fig. 2c). At the first measurement, gs of ences in leaf temperature between the intact- and
C. sativus leaves from all containers were relatively cut-treatments were particularly distinct in P. maxi-
low due to low light intensity. At the second and third mum, F. arundinacea, C. juncea and B. inermis. Leaf
measurements, gs became higher in the presence of temperature is lowered by transpiration, so reduced
the donor plants, though the extent in the presence of leaf temperature demonstrates that these B. rapa
F. arundinacea was lower than with T. repens, B. plants associated with intact donor roots had en-
inermis or C. juncea. In contrast, gs in the control hanced transpiration. This also implies increased
remained low. gs values were shown by a two-way stomatal opening and hence increased photosynthesis.
ANOVA to be significantly different among the The fresh matter weights of B. rapa shoots
measuring dates (P=0.001) and the donor species associated with intact donor roots were shown by a
Plant Soil

Fig. 2 Effects of hydraulic lift on neighboring crop growth. a sativus plants. c Stomatal conductance (gs) of the abaxial
Soil moisture content of shallow soils (50 mm below soil surfaces of the C. sativus leaves measured 22, 29 and 34 days
surface) grown without associated donor plants (Cont) and with after sowing. Each data point represents mean ± S.E. (n=4). A
Festuca arundinacea (Fa), Crotalaria juncea (Cj), Bromus fixed model two-way analysis of variance showed that gs was
inermis (Bi) and Trifolium repens (Tr) measured 5, 9, 13, 17, significantly different among the measuring dates (P=0.001)
24, 27 and 30 days after sowing Cucumis sativus. Each data and the donor species (P<0.001). There was no significant
point represents mean ± S.E. (n=4). A fixed model two-way interaction between the two effects (P=0.419). d Dry matter
analysis of variance showed that soil moisture content was weight of C. sativus plants. Each bar represents mean ± S.E.
significantly different among the measuring dates (P<0.001) (n=4). The letters above the bars represent significant differ-
and the donor species (P<0.001). There was no significant ences at the 5% level analyzed by Tukey-Kramer test
interaction between the two effects (P=0.994). b Leaves of C.

mixed-model ANOVA (strip-plot design) to be sig- the control (the absence of roots) and the donor
nificantly larger than those without (P= 0.049) species (the presence of cut roots). This implies that
(Fig. 5). This result suggests that the donor plants the presence of roots, regardless of being dead or
supplied hydraulically lifted water to B. rapa plants alive, increased B. rapa growth. There was no
through their intact roots. The mixed-model ANOVA significant interaction between the cut-treatment and
also showed that the fresh matter weights of B. rapa the donor species (P=0.153).
shoots were significantly different among the donor
species (P<0.001), demonstrating an interspecific
difference in water-supply capability. The increase in Discussion
B. rapa growth was particularly high in association
with P. maximum, F. arundinacea and C. juncea. In The experiments conducted in the present study
the cut-treatment, there was also a difference between clearly demonstrated that the process of hydraulic lift
Plant Soil

can be applicable for irrigation of neighboring crops.

The split-root experiment revealed that all the plant
species examined in this study were capable of lifting
a substantial amount of water (Fig. 1c). The lifted
water was further shown to improve the water status
of neighboring crops, and as a result, increase their
shoot dry matter weight (Fig. 2d). The positive effects
of donor roots on the water status (Figs. 3 and 4) and
plant growth (Fig. 5) of neighboring vegetables were
confirmed even in a water-limited agricultural field.
Therefore, we conclude that perennial forage plants
are able to function as an effective biological
irrigation system.
Fig. 3 Brassica rapa plants in Panicum maximum plot with The large split-root experiment demonstrated that
intact P. maximum roots (Intact) and with cut P. maximum roots the donor roots maintain high levels of soil moisture
(Cut) under field conditions content without additional water supply as a conse-
quence of hydraulic lift while the control lost

Fig. 4 Thermal images of

Brassica rapa plants grown
under field conditions with-
out associated donor plants
(Cont) and with Cajanus
cajan (Cc), Trifolium repens
(Tr), Bromus inermis (Bi),
Crotalaria juncea (Cj),
Festuca arundinacea (Fa)
and Panicum maximum
(Pm). The donor roots were
left intact on one side
(Intact) and cut on the
other (Cut)
Plant Soil

role in agroecosystems except in a few reports (Kizito

et al. 2007; Sekiya and Yano 2004). This study
confirms not only that hydraulic lift can occur in an
agricultural situation but also that its influence on
crop production may be unexpectedly high. Several
field studies demonstrated that woody plants supply
hydraulically lifted water to understory grasses
(Brooks et al. 2006; Dawson 1993; Ludwig et al.
Fig. 5 Fresh matter weight of Brassica rapa plants grown 2003, 2004; Moreira et al. 2003). However, few of
under field conditions without associated donor plants (Cont) these studies observed a positive effect of the water
and with Cajanus cajan (Cc), Trifolium repens (Tr), Bromus
inermis (Bi), Crotalaria juncea (Cj), Festuca arundinacea (Fa) supply on understory plant production except for
and Panicum maximum (Pm). Plants with intact donor roots Dawson (1993), who found that understory grasses
(gray bars) and with cut donor roots (white bars) are presented had higher plant water potential and stomatal con-
separately. Each bar represents mean ± S.E. (n=4). A mixed- ductance. These reports argue that the positive effect
model analysis of variance (strip-plot design) showed that fresh
matter weights were significantly different among the donor of water supply is overwhelmed by a negative effect
species (P < 0.001) and between the root cut treatments of soil water competition between woody plants and
(P=0.049). There was no significant interaction between the understory grasses (Ludwig et al. 2003, 2004) or that
two effects (P=0.153) the positive effect is only minimal (Brooks et al.
2006; Moreira et al. 2003). As we proposed previ-
substantial amount of water due to evapotranspiration ously (Sekiya and Yano 2004), defoliation and
(Fig. 2a). In contrast, no distinct differences in soil pruning may enhance the water supply capability of
moisture content were observed between the donor donor plants by reducing their transpiration. Leffler et
plots and the control ones in the field experiment al. (2005) demonstrated that hydraulic lift occurs even
(data not shown). We would attribute this contradic- in senescent or shoot-removed plant roots as long as
tion to a position of sensor in the field experiment. they remain intact and hydrated. Forage plants with
The thermal images suggest that the effect of donor their shoots removed in the present study might have
roots reached only 0.2 m to 0.3 m from the center line also enhanced neighboring vegetable growth through
in each plot (Fig. 4). As a result, the growth a reduction in soil water competition and/or a
enhancement was pronounced only in those B. rapa continued water supply even during daylight. A
plants grown within 0.3 m from the donors (Fig. 5). In further study is needed to reveal and quantify
this experiment, however, a soil moisture sensor contribution of each process to the enhancement of
(Delta-T Devices, Cambridge, UK) was buried neighboring vegetable growth in agroecosystems.
0.6 m from the donors. The sensor is assumed to P. maximum and F. arundinacea displayed partic-
have measured moisture content of soils away from ularly high performances for irrigation under field
which the donor roots could function. Monitoring of conditions (Fig. 5). Previously, biological irrigation
soil moisture change will allow us to predict effects of was demonstrated only with C. cajan in an earlier
hydraulic lift at different scales and environments study of ours (Sekiya and Yano 2004). Using the
(Amenu and Kumar 2008; Araki et al. 2008; Doussan hydrogen stable isotope method, it was revealed that
et al. 2006; Siqueira et al. 2008). Therefore, the extent C. cajan hydraulically lifted groundwater and sup-
to which the effect of hydraulic lift reaches should be plied it to neighboring Zea mays plants in a field in
fully investigated to precisely understand soil mois- Zambia. The performance was shown to be enhanced
ture dynamics under field conditions. further by shading the shoots of C. cajan in a
Previously, hydraulic lift was observed mainly in controlled environment. The present study revealed
the laboratory (Hawkins et al. 2009; Leffler et al. that forage plants possess higher water-lifting capa-
2004; McMichael and Lascano 2010; Valenzuela- bilities than C. cajan (Fig. 1c). The superiority of
Estrada et al. 2009; Wan et al. 2000; Xu and Bland forage plants over C. cajan was also demonstrated in
1993) and in natural ecosystems (Caldwell et al. water-supply capability (Figs. 2d and 5).
1998; Espeleta et al. 2004; Jackson et al. 2000; Liste Interspecific differences in hydraulic lift are con-
and White 2008). Little attention has been paid to its sidered to be caused by differences in root length
Plant Soil

density of donor plants in most cases (Table 1). Araki a limited and precious water resource in water-scarce
et al. (2008) reported that water efflux from roots environments. The technique is also expected to
increases with an increase in root length density. Also increase soil nutrient availability for crops in water-
indicated was that a sandy soil such as that in this scarce environments (Aanderud and Richards 2009;
study reduces water efflux due to low soil hydraulic Caldwell and Manwarning 1994; McCulley et al.
conductivity. As indicated by Hansen and Dickson 2004; Vetterlein and Marschner 1993). Additionally,
(1979), water transfer between plants can be facilitat- using leguminous plants as donors also improves the
ed by closely associated, intertwined root systems. By nitrogen nutrient status of the crops, as has been noted
having a high root length density, therefore, the high- previously (Sekiya and Yano 2004). In conjunction
performance species might have increased root con- with other water-saving techniques such as mulching
tact with the vegetable crops as well as enhanced and minimum tillage (Ali and Talukder 2008;
water efflux, making it possible to transfer more water Stroosnijder 2009; Wang et al. 2007), this technique,
to the vegetable crops with little influence of low involving an association between donor and recipient
hydraulic conductivity of the sandy soils. It is species, is expected to further improve crop produc-
plausible, however, that the high-performance of tion in water-scarce agroecosystems.
T. repens is attained with the large permeability of
roots to water efflux rather than the large root length
density (Table 1). A numerical model to simulate Conclusion
hydraulic lift predicted that the root permeability also
greatly influences water flow rate from roots to soils The perennial forage plants, P. maximum and F.
as was the case in T. repens (Siqueira et al. 2008). arundinaceae in particular, were shown to function as
Factors such as thickness of cortex layer are respon- effective biological irrigation systems. This system
sible for the large root permeability to water influx would allow shallow rooting crops to recover draining
(Huang and Eissenstat 2000; Rieger and Litvin 1999). water without having them deep-rooted, making
The same factors may have also contributed to the possible the efficient use of irrigation water in water-
large water efflux in T. repens in the present study. scarce environments. Potentially, further improvement
This unique feature of T. repens should be a subject of in the efficiency of water use could be achieved by a
further study. joint application of biological irrigation and other
Although not yet properly tested, an idea has been water-saving techniques. Future work should aim at
around for some time that crop yield in water-scarce developing such a comprehensive technique for water-
environments could be improved if new varieties with scarce agroecosystems.
deeper roots were to be bred (Huang 2000; Kramer and
Boyer 1995). However, it should be noted that a deeper Acknowledgements We thank Y. Mizumoto, K. Iwamoto and
T. Furukawa for their cooperation in data acquisition. We are
(higher biomass) root system will likely be associated
also grateful to F. Adachi, M. Kadowaki, N. Yasuda and
with some depression of shoot growth (Ma et al. 2010; T. Yamane for their help with the field work. This research was
Markesteijn and Poorter 2009). Hence, deeper rooting supported financially by the Industrial Technology Research
may not necessarily result in improved crop yield or Grant Program in 2005 from the New Energy and Industrial
Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan, and
aboveground biomass production under water-scarce
in part by KAKENHI (17688015, 20380178).
environments. Any biomass gains made by the deeper
rooting may be substantially used up underground. In
contrast, it is proposed here that the water-lifting plants
are charged the biomass cost of deep root development.
This strategy could allow shallower-rooting crop
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