19EE307-Unit-5 - 2 Marks

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Unit - 5

2 Marks
1. What is a static error? Categorize the different forms of static error.
● A static error is defined as the difference between the measured value and the true value
of the quantity. The true value is the exact value of the measurement which is
impossible to obtain.Hence the approximate true value of the measurement should be
taken into consideration.
● Types: Human error, systematic error and random error.

2. Compare accuracy and precision.

3. Compare reproducibility and repeatability.

4. What is a transducer? Give examples.

A Transducer is a device which converts one form of energy into another form i.e,. the
given non-electrical energy is converted into an electrical energy.
Examples: Microphones, loudspeakers, thermometers, position and pressure sensors and
antenna. Although not generally thought of as transducers, photocells, LEDs
(light-emitting diodes), and even common light bulbs are transducers.

5. List any four applications of LVDT.

● Displacement
● Force
● Weight
● Pressure
● Position
6. What is the principle of working in RTD.
● Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) operates on the principle that the
electrical resistance of a metal changes predictably in an essentially linear and
repeatable manner with changes in temperature.
● RTD have a positive temperature coefficient.
7. List any four applications of thermistor.
● Measurement of temperature.
● Control of temperature.
● Temperature compensation.
● Measurement of power at high frequencies.
8. List any four applications of piezo electric transducers.
● Measurement of force.
● Measurement of pressure.
● They are mainly employed in high frequency accelerometers.
● They are used in seismographs to measure vibrations in rockets.
9. The true value of a voltage is 100 V. The values indicated by a measuring instrument are
104, 103, 105 and 105 volts. Find the accuracy and precision of the measurement.
Average reading = {Sum of all readings} / {total number of readings} = 104.25
Precision = max { (Average voltage - minimum voltage) , (maximum voltage -
average voltage) }
Average voltage - minimum voltage = 104.25 - 103 = 1.25 V
Maximum voltage - average voltage= 105 - 104.25 = 0.75 V
Precision = max {1.25, 0.75} = 1.25 V
Accuracy = max { (True voltage - minimum voltage) , (Maximum voltage - true
voltage) }
True voltage - minimum voltage = 100 - 103 = -3 V
Maximum voltage - true voltage = 105 - 100 = 5 V
Accuracy = max {-3 , 5} = 5 V

10.Compare Active and Passive transducers.

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