Geography Question

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Class- 10th BY:- Srikant sharma


1What is resource ?

2. Which is not example of biotic resource.

a.Forest b. Milk c. Mineral d. Food grain

3. On the basis of ownership iron ore is which type of resource.

A .renewable b. non renewable c. Biotic d.None of these

4.Which is community resource?

A. Household b.School c.Picnic sports d. None of these

5. Resources are enough for everybody need and not for any body greed.this statement is given

a.GC Bose b .MK Gandhi c.Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose d.Jawaharlal Nehru

6. In which step of resource planning maping comes

a. First b.second c. third d.fourth

7. How many percentage land of India are plane?

a.40% b.43% c.35% d. 45%

8. How many percentage land of India are served?

a.90% b.91% c.93% d.95%

9. How many percentage land of India are net sown area?

a.33% b.45% c.54% d. 100%

10 In which state deforestation due to mining are major cause of Land Degradation?

a.Bihar b.Jharkhand c. West Bengal d. Punjab

11. In which state overgrazing is a major cause of Land Degradation?

a.Maharashtra b.Kerala c.west Bangal d.Odisha

12. Which factor is not responsible for soil formation?

a.climate b. vegetation c. Bedrock or parent rock d.wind

13. Parent Rock of black soil is

a.sand stone b. lime stone c. Granite d.Basalt

14. In which state red soil are not found

a. Bihar b. Jharkhand c.odisha d.Punjab

15. Which soil is a specialized for cultivation of cotton?

A. Red soil soil c.Alluvial soil d.laterite soil

16. Which soil is famous for cultivation of cashew nut.?

a .Black soil soil c.laterite soil d.Arid soil

17 Tidal energy is which type of resource ?

18 what is the main cause of Land Degradation in Punjab?

19. Which state terrace cultivation practiced?

20. In which river basin Badland is called Ravines

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