Biology PAG 12

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Biology PAG 12.

To do;
- Method (Use DICERS)
- Create table-use checklist
- Prepare for poster-do background (referenced)
- Research on stomata
- Do PAG 12.5 Exam Question

Independent Research Project – Stomatal density

Dependent Variable: Stomatal Density
Independent Variable: Size of leaf
Control Variable: Same species, same age, same area of leaf tested (Nail varnish sample taken
from same area of each leaf), plant must have stomata
Ethical Issues: Plant Sample needs to be killed beforehand.
Repeats: Use 5-10 leaves as the sample size, take a mean of stomatal density of each leaf
(sample three locations on the same leaf imprint)
Safety: Nail varnish inhalation could cause an allergy for some people, Use a non dangerous
species of plant

1) Select a leaf from a live plant
2) Place a leaf on a piece of graph paper, calculate the area of the leaf laid flat by
counting the number of graph paper squares the leaf covers.
3) Paint a layer of nail varnish on a specific chosen area (When do practical note down)
of the leaf and note its location
4) Wait for the nail varnish to dry, within 10 minutes
5) Use a piece of Sellotape to remove the nail varnish imprint from the leaf once it has
6) Place the Sellotape sample underneath a microscope slide
7) Adjust the magnification of the microscope slide until at least 20-100 stomata are
8) Count the number of stomata visible, include the stomata visible at the edge and count
as 1.

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