Christianity Poverty

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As Christian, how must one dialogue with poverty?

Poverty is a human condition. It is the inadequacy or absence of sustenance like

food and shelter that is needed to maintain a healthy and complete life. Various factors
interplay and affect the stimulation or alleviation of poverty. This includes social,
economic, psychological and political factors. However, in the lens of Christianity and as
Christians, there is a unique and inclusive way to deal and address this phenomenon of
Jesus has been known not only for the sacrifice He made on the cross but on His
love for the children and the poor. He has a great heart and compassion to those that
are weak and needy. Thus, as His followers and as Christians, we should emulate the
same compassion. First, we should acknowledge the presence of this phenomenon and
know that it is not rooted on being lazy and not being hardworking enough that people
suffer from poverty. A lot of people are born and raised in a poor environment that what
they always prepare for and work hard for is only enough for a day’s worth of survival.
They could not assume and prepare for the future, and as such, we should always take
this opportunity to understand their situations, and reflect and thank God that we are
born with privilege. We should never in any way invalidate their experiences because
we have never been on their shoes. Second, as Christians, we can influence the
society’s response to poverty by fostering an attitude of generosity and willingness to
help. If we practice generosity and giving, it is likely that others would be influenced and
we can educate the society the moral obligation of generosity. As the Scripture says, it
is more blessed to give than to receive. And as we learn to give a part of us, we are
able to receive God’s blessings a hundred fold. Finally, as Christians, we should always
treat the poor and the needy as an equal to us. This means that we should never be an
instrument of creating class difference in society but we should remind the people the
equality of human existence and that all should have equal and the same access to
basic necessities. We should therefore act as moral fibers that enable the society to
secure the sanctity and importance of life.
Poverty is not new and will probably be unending. However, as Christians, we
must act according to our Christian duties making sure that even if we cannot totally
eradicate poverty, we are able to educate ourselves, our families and the society of the
moral consciousness of generosity. We should always be thankful to God for all that He
provides to us that are privileged and extend this provisions to those that are not.

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