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Research Proposal

Research Methodology (Trường Đại học Ngoại thương)

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Class code : KTEE206(GD1-KH2-2223).6
Group 10 : 1. Luu Dinh Phuc 2212530038
2. Ngo Minh Phuong 2213530040
3. Ong Khac Trong Phuc 2213530039
4. Hoang Nam Quyen 2211530042
5. Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong 2212530041

Subject : Research Methodology in Economic and Business

Lecturer : Ph.D Nguyen Minh Phuc

Ha Noi, 2023

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Full name Student ID Contribution level

Luu Dinh Phuc 2212530038 20%

Ngo Minh Phuong 2213530040 20%

Ong Khac Trong Phuc 2213530039 20%

Hoang Nam Quyen 2211530042 20%

Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong 2212530041 20%

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Abstract ......................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................1
2. Literature review ...................................................................................................3
2.1. Domestic research .............................................................................................3
2.2. Foreign research ................................................................................................4
2.3. Research gap .....................................................................................................6
3. Research objectives ...............................................................................................7
3.1. Research objectives ..........................................................................................7
3.2. Research questions ............................................................................................7
4. Research subjects and area of research ..............................................................7
4.1. Research subjects ..............................................................................................7
4.2. Area of research ................................................................................................7
5. Research framework .............................................................................................7
6. Research methods................................................................................................11
6.1. Methods of data collection..............................................................................11
6.2. Data analysis methods ....................................................................................12
7. Implementation plans .........................................................................................13
8. Contribution of the topic ....................................................................................15
9. Limitations of the topics .....................................................................................15
10. Research structure ............................................................................................16
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................17

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Purpose: The purpose of this proposal is to determine factors in green 4Ps marketing
affecting the purchase of products in F&B industry in Hanoi and their influence.
Methodology: Quantitative research methods: collect, synthesize and analyze the
primary data.
Findings: Green 4Ps marketing play a vital role in promoting the consumption of
products and raising people’s awareness about healthy lifestyle.
Research limitations/implications: The proposal provides knowledge of green
marketing applied in F&B industry, puts forward some recommendations on the
enterprises’ marketing strategies, and contributes to stable development of society.
Originality/value: Despite the importance of Green 4P marketing, relatively little is
known about the factors affecting consumers’ purchasing behaviors especially with
respect to their extent of impacts.
Keywords: Green Marketing, F&B, Consumers’ behaviors.

1. Introduction
A number of mass media outlets have recently claimed that the COVID-19
outbreak is "shocking" the global economy. Small companies and huge F&B chains
are feeling the effects and could be subject to the most severe "purification" since the
2008 financial crisis.
The food and beverage (F&B) business has long since stopped "fighting" over
product quality; instead, it has started to progressively change its focus and compete
over the consumer experience it offers through outlets for direct sales. However, as a
result of repeated lockdowns, these companies' direct sales channels started to exhibit
"exhaustion" symptoms. A number of well-known food and beverage businesses had
to close some of their stores in order to concentrate on online sales, which shows that
the community and the company both concern the use of the food delivery service.
The environment must hold an additional amount of waste, in accordance with rules
on how to pack and deliver used materials that can't be recycled.

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Recently, the topic of environmental degradation has never failed to attract

people’s attention and provoked controversy. In order to be “environmentally
friendly”, companies are using different methods to attract customers to buy green
products instead of normal ones.

Using single-use packaging and concentrating on delivery as a cost-cutting

approach has led to criticism from environmental groups, other corporations and
green customers. Perhaps for this reason, some companies have employed marketing
initiatives to promote environmental conservation in an effort to win over the public.
However, the community has reacted negatively due to the lack of a serious attitude
and limited experience. The recent wave of brand boycotts has caused companies to
reevaluate their conventional marketing strategies.

For F&B businesses looking to reinvent themselves and provide a better client
experience, this is a very new and challenging problem. Although consumers who
care about the environment make up a small portion of the target market, media
influence and, most importantly, global waste treatment regulations have compelled
companies to reconsider their approach to the environment. Vietnam's government
has improved its level of environmental management throughout time. Pressure from
governments is used to encourage companies in general and F&B firms, in particular,
to use environmentally friendly practices like resource access, operation, and
marketing in place of more conventional approaches.

The average consumer today is more aware of environmental protection than

ever before, eager to pay more for eco-friendly items, and ready to boycott companies
that harm the environment. As a result, each stage of the brand's marketing campaign
must be carefully considered to prevent offending customers.

Numerous studies have been conducted on consumer behavior in relation to

the environment, but the majority of them simply pay attention to one or two
components of the marketing mix and do not relate these features to the variables that
businesses use to influence consumers' opinions toward green products and their
decision to purchase them. Additionally, prior research on consumer attitudes toward

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environmentally friendly products has produced contradictory results. For instance,

some studies indicate that consumers believe conventional products to be of higher
quality than environmentally friendly products, while other studies' findings indicate
the opposite. Consumers may be prepared to pay more for green products in some
studies, whereas this may not be the case in other studies or the additional cost must
be minimal.

It is clear that environmental marketing analyses of the F&B industry are

necessary to improve the campaign's success for both the company and the client.
This research wants to make clear the variables influencing the green marketing
strategy of F&B companies in Ha Noi based on the aforementioned issues.

2. Literature review

2.1. Domestic research

The 2019 publication: “Green Marketing Research Trends: Theory and
Practical Application” by Nguyen Hoang Tue Quang, Hoang Thi Hue, and Nguyen
Doan Hanh Dung explains how green marketing is changing in several areas. In the
years 1998 to 2018, the contents of theory, approach, and research were increased.
The work has proposed a number of research directions appropriate to the current
context of Vietnam in order to further expand green marketing research in the nation,
thereby catching up with international research trends. The 4Ps of conventional
marketing strategies—Product, Price, Promotion, and Price—were also reexamined
by the author. The 4Ps have been remodeled in a greener direction as a result. The
green distribution strategy (green place), green product strategy (green product),
green promotion strategy (green promotion), and the green price strategy (green
price) are the 4Ps strategies. Additionally, there is green consumer behavior. Some of
the aforementioned green marketing tactics have been used by F&B company
marketers, but because they are not used fully, their communication and marketing
strategies have several problems.

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Hoang Van Hai and Nguyen Phuong Mai (2013) deepened their investigation
of Vietnam's customer views toward environmentally friendly shopping practices.
Vietnamese consumers' perceptions of environmental problems and green products,
as well as their attitudes toward green purchasing behavior, were addressed by the
writers. The author, in particular, made clear how much Vietnamese customers care
about environmental issues. This document will be crucial for further research on
both this subject in general and its specifics.
Research on green consumption intention of consumers in Ho Chi Minh City"
(2016) by authors Nguyen The Khai and Nguyen Thi Lan Anh. The study was
conducted in two stages: preliminary qualitative research and formal quantitative
research. The research results showed the impact of five factors: (1) environmental
concerns, (2) awareness of environmental issues, (3) generosity, (4) social influence,
(5) perceived effectiveness on green consumption intention of consumers in Ho Chi
Minh City. In addition, the study also found differences in green consumption
intention among consumer groups classified by income and education level.

"Factors influencing the green consumption behavior of consumers in Hue

City" (2018) by authors Hoang Trong Hung, Huynh Thi Thu Quyen, and Huynh Thi
Nhi. The study model was established based on the expanded model of the Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB). Using a direct survey method with 200 consumers and
applying the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the research results showed that
there were two main factors affecting green consumption intention and indirectly
impacting green consumption behavior of consumers in Hue City: attitude towards
green consumption and environmental concern."

2.2. Foreign research

Studies from other countries reveal a significant difference between

experimental research and theoretical research, in contrast to the situation in domestic
research. Statistics specifically indicate that experimental research makes up roughly
71.6% of all studies. It is clear that the subject of marketing in general, or Green

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Marketing in particular, is one that is very practical and encompasses a variety of

Researchers Suraporn Onputtha, Pawaris Makerd, and Dr. Pallsan
Rojanapanich have studied how green supply chains have an impact on
environmental duties in the food and beverage industry in Bangkok and the
surrounding Thai metropolitan region.
Eneizan, B. M., and Wahab, K. A. (2016) conducted research in Malaysia on
the elements influencing Jordan's Green Marketing strategy on consumer satisfaction.
In this study, the author identified several variables that affect consumer satisfaction,
including: green product, green price, green distribution, and green people.
Additionally, studies demonstrate a strong correlation between Jordanian sample
satisfaction and green marketing. The findings demonstrate that companies' green
marketing initiatives will increase consumer brand awareness and decision-making.
Customer satisfaction will rise as a result of the quality and environmental safety that
the green marketing campaign brings.
In 2016, Shahira Ariffina, Jamaliah Mohd Yusofa, Lenora Putita, and Mohd
Izwan Azalan Shaha conducted research on the variables influencing the perceived
quality and propensity to repurchase green products. The dependent variables are
perceived value and intention to repurchase. The independent factors are green
values, green emotions, and environmental awareness. Although the theoretical
underpinning is sound, investigation reveals to the author that environmental
perception does not suit the model. The findings also indicate that although emotional
value and repurchase intention are not connected, perceived value is.
The Green Marketing efforts of a F&B system differ from those of regular
enterprises in a few key ways, according to EunHa Jeonga, SooCheong (Shawn)
Janga, Jonathon Daya, and Sejin Ha (2014). F&B is a service sector with significant
tangible assets, necessitating the addition of observable elements like People,
Process, and Physical Evidence. The association between the dependent variables
Green Action, Green Perception, and Customer Attitude in the model was
investigated by the authors using the SEM network model. The restaurant's

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ecologically friendly practices, such as sorting waste or employing sustainable

materials, have enhanced the brand's perception and consumer value.
Investigation of the Impact of Green Marketing Tools on Customer Purchase
Intention of Fast Moving Consumer Goods: With Special Reference to the Youth
Sector" (2020) by Rathnayake, P.A, Siyambalapitiya, J and Perera, K.J.T. The study
was conducted on young consumers in Sri Lanka, with 384 individuals selected as
research samples. The study was quantitative in nature, and primary data were
collected through a questionnaire. Simple linear and multiple regression analysis
were performed to test the research hypotheses. The results and findings showed that
each tool has a significant and positive impact on customer purchase intention.
Accordingly, the study concludes that eco-labels have a more prominent impact on
purchase intention compared to eco-branding and environmental advertising.

2.3. Research gap

Only a few smaller-scale studies in Vietnam have concentrated on quantitative
research methods, but the vast majority of large-scale and credible studies in Vietnam
have relied on qualitative research methods. The absence of theoretical foundations
may be traced back to the origin of this phenomenon as the cause. The majority of
research consists only of case studies or short reports, particularly in the food and
beverage industry.
There has been numerous research on consumer attitudes and purchasing
patterns in relation to green products which have been already mentioned above.
Furthermore, there are a few researches about green marketing within a particular
field. Being aware of that, our group decided to choose: “IMPACTS OF GREEN
INDUSTRY IN HANOI”. This topic concentrates on products of F&B industry.
These are items that customers frequently buy and consume on a daily basis, and they
are often sold in restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, retail stores, convenience stores,...
and consumed in a short period of time.

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3. Research objectives

3.1. Research objectives

The objectives of this study is to identify, analyze and evaluate the factors of
Green marketing that impacts on consumers’ purchasing behavior in F&B industry
in Hanoi.

3.2. Research questions

What are the factors of Green marketing that impact on consumers’ purchasing
behavior in F&B industry in Hanoi?
To what extent does each factor of Green marketing impacts on consumers’
purchasing behavior in F&B industry in Hanoi?
How to promote consumers’ purchasing behavior in Green marketing in F&B
industry in Hanoi?

4. Research subjects and area of research

4.1. Research subjects

The research subjects of this essay are factors of green 4P’s marketing
affecting the consumers’ purchasing choices towards environmentally friendly
products in F&B services and the extent of their impacts.

4.2. Area of research

Spatial range: F&B industry in Hanoi, Vietnam
Time range: the data collecting period is from April, 2023 to June, 2023.

5. Research framework

5.1. Theoretical basis

Green Marketing:
According to Kotler (2011), "green marketing" is defined as marketing efforts
that help meet human needs and wants while limiting harmful environmental
repercussions. In order to prevent negative effects on people and the environment,

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green marketing is a comprehensive and responsible management approach that

includes recognizing, predicting, meeting, and fulfilling stakeholder needs.
McCarthy (1960) initially put forth the idea of the marketing mix, sometimes
known as the 4Ps (product, price, distribution, and communication) of marketing. The
marketing mix is a collection of controllable factors that can be used by interest to
affect customer reaction (Kotler & Armstrong, 2018).
In order to protect the environment, products must also follow the green 4Ps
of product, pricing, communication, and distribution. The organization's pledge to
produce safe, biodegradable products and services is known as the "Green 4Ps" and
includes the use of recycled and eco-certified packaging, sustainable production, and
energy efficiency (Kotler, 2011).
F&B stands for "Food and Beverage."
The process of preparing, presenting, and serving food and beverages to
consumers is known as food service (F&B). F&B can be separated into two groups:
On-site - Meals are provided on-site. Customers come here to take advantage of the
restaurant service. A restaurant or a bar are two examples.
Off-premises or outdoor catering include cooking, preparing, and serving food at the
client's location. This category mostly offers services for major events with plenty of
Different configurations for food service operations:
Commercial - The primary industry in this group is food service. Hotels,
restaurants of various kinds, bars, cafes, pubs, and bars are the most common
locations to offer this service.
Common F&B service types include:
Catering is a business practice where customers are served food and beverages
at a specific location. Organizing culinary services for a wedding reception at a
family's home.
Fast food establishments known as QSRs (Quick Service Restaurants) prepare, buy,
and typically consume meals rapidly. Convenience has been a major consideration in
their design. QSR stores include those with well-known names like McDonald's,
KFC, or Lotte.

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FSR (Full Service Restaurants) - The term "Full Service Restaurants" refers to
upscale eateries that specialize in particular themes. where a wide-ranging menu
fulfills client expectations. operated with the customer's experience and happiness as
the primary consideration.

5.2. Research hypothesis

Green Product
Green products (SPX) are defined as recyclable, environmentally friendly,
non-toxic goods made from substances that have no harmful effects on people. By
producing and buying more eco-friendly items, SPX awareness helps to ensure a
flawless world in the future by reducing human environmental damage. school.
Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious. Customers prefer to
purchase SPX from well-known and reputable businesses (Mohd.Suki, 2013).
Businesses put more emphasis on SPX and altered their perceptions of consumer
purchasing behavior through numerous commercials. Companies that manufacture
SPX are attempting to create a favorable impression in the minds of their consumers
by advertising (Suki, 2013). According to findings from other studies, SPX also has
an impact on consumers' purchase decisions (Bathmathan & Rajadurai, 2019; Davari
& Strutton, 2014). Therefore, hypotheses H1 are as follows:
H1: Green products has a positive impact on green buying decisions.

Green Price
Green price (GX) is the price attached to environmentally-oriented products,
which are more value-oriented than conventional products due to their eco-friendly
features and views.A green product might be more expensive than a comparable non-
green product, but the cost must be justified by the benefits it offers the customer. To
cut production costs and ensure business sustainability, this can be accomplished by
implementing appropriate and reasonable pricing strategies. Although there aren't
many consumers who want to buy SPX right now, those who do are prepared to pay
more for it (Dunlap, 1991). People who value SPX highly will be prepared to pay

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more for it (Wang & Tung, 2012). Ha (2020) asserts that GX influences consumers'
purchasing decisions. The following is therefore hypothesis H2:
H2: Green price has a positive impact on green buying decisions.

Green Promotion
Green promotion (TTX) consists of advertising and marketing initiatives
aimed at raising consumer awareness of the value of and advantages associated with
using green products. To increase the value of the product and the community, green
communication frequently uses social media, online advertising, events, conferences,
sponsoring partners, or green sponsorship programs. encouraging consumers to buy
green. Previous research has demonstrated that TTX is a factor influencing SPX
buyers' decisions (Bekhet et al., 2012; Ha, 2020). The following is therefore
hypothesis H3:
H3: Green promotion has a positive impact on green buying decisions.

Green Place
Green Place (PPX) are distribution channels and sales techniques that are
efficiently developed and implemented, reducing adverse effects on the environment
and community. As a result, businesses must include operational safety requirements
in the transportation of green manufactured items (Arseculeratne & Yazdanifard,
2014). Use online sales channels to cut down on waste and emissions, for instance,
or distribution agents who have a mindset and commitment to developing eco-
friendly items. According to earlier research (Astuti et al., 2021; Hayat et al., 2019),
there is a connection between PPX and purchasing behavior. The following is the
final hypothesis:
H4: Green places have a positive impact on green buying decisions.

5.3. Relationship among hypotheses

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6. Research methods
In this research, our group decided to choose quantitative methods. Data used
in this research is primary data, and this kind of data was collected through a survey
analyzing the impacts of green marketing on consumers’ purchasing behaviors in
F&B industry.

6.1. Methods of data collection

The authors selected a quota sampling technique to accomplish the study's
objective: This approach has the benefit of assisting the authors in choosing subjects
based on practicality, accessibility, and ease of collection, free of resources and
information. This might include choosing a sample of locals, acquaintances of the
researcher, or members of social network groups.

Because the precise number of samples is unknown, the authors conclude that
it is not possible to study the huge sample because it includes all consumers in Hanoi,
and the group lacks the resources and skills to do this. In order to research, the authors
used a convenience sample.

To perform multiple correlation and regression analyses, the sample size will
be calculated using the formula by Tabachnick and Fidell (2007). In this study, the

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minimum sample size required for the study is 82. In statistical analysis, the sample
must be large enough to ensure a certain level of confidence. According to the
common method in the case of an unknown population size, the sample size will be
calculated using Cochran's formula (1977).

After all, the necessary sample size for the study is 385. However, the research
team plans to distribute 450 questionnaires to increase the representativeness of the
sample and to account for the possibility of a significant number of invalid

To test the hypotheses, the author conducted a survey to examine the influence
of green marketing on consumers' buying behavior and decision-making for green
products in Hanoi, Vietnam. The survey was conducted through structured
questionnaires consisting of four parts. Part A is related to the demographic
characteristics of consumers, Part B collects consumers' experiences regarding green
marketing, Part C includes factors that inquire about the relationship between
independent variables and the dependent variable, and Part D is relevant to
consumers' purchasing decisions regarding green products.
The investigation was carried out in two forms: Online and Offline.
For the Online form, the research team distributed the questionnaire via Google
Forms on social media platforms.
For the Offline form, 300 questionnaires were printed and the survey was conducted
at retail stores in Hanoi.

6.2. Data analysis methods

After surveying 450 consumers, the authors analyzed and processed the data
using SPSS 22.0 software. We checked the reliability with Cronbach's Alpha, factor
variance, correlation analysis, and model structure testing. Then we drew conclusions
about the influence of independent variables on the purchasing decision of green
products by consumers in Hanoi city.

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7. Implementation plans

7.1. Implementation time

Implementation time is within 12 weeks with the time allocated specifically for each
step as follows:

No. Job to be done Duration

1 Read the documents related to the study 3 weeks

Identify the basis, data collection sources, keywords of the
topic, collect and analyze documents, research to find
common grounds, research gaps…

2 Research design 1 week

3 Collect data 3 weeks

4 Analyze data 3 weeks

5 Write a report 2 weeks

7.2. Human resource

The research includes 1 coach and 5 students.

7.3. Expected budget

STT Things to spend Amount Price Total spend

1 Finding documentaries - 2.000.000 2.000.000

2 Stationery (Photocopy, - 200.000 200.000


3 Making survey Google Form - 0 0

4 Advertising for Facebook 20 0 0

survey Group

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KOL’s fanpage 5 200.000 - 1.000.000 -

(1000-10.000 500.000 2.500.000

5 Moving expenses - 300.000 300.000

Total 5.000.000

7.4. Risk analysis

7.4.1. External risk

The precision of resources. With a variety of information on the Internet,
finding a high-quality one which was already qualified is a big barrier.
Limitation of research time. Real time research will take more time than the
expected one.
Budget to spend during the research may higher than the expected budget
In addition, the research can face a problem of not receiving enough forms of
the surveyee or the forms are not qualified.

7.4.2. Internal risk

Knowledge and skills. Analytical skills, the ability to synthesize, rate also the
application of data analysis is still limited. With a limited ability of the students, the
survey questions may be underqualified. The disorder in the questions also cannot
bring the result as expected.
Commitment. Research requires the effort and constancy of all the group
members. If members are impatient, the research topic cannot be finished on time
with an under expected outcome.

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8. Contribution of the topic

8.1. Theoretical contribution

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of consumers' repurchase
intention on green marketing efforts in Hanoi using a model that incorporates both
domestic and international research. Additionally, additional components will be
introduced into the model, and the model's influence on those new aspects will be
analyzed in order to provide a more comprehensive framework for future research on
the repurchase intention of consumers in relation to green marketing campaigns in
the food and beverage sector.

8.2. Practical contribution

The findings of this research reveal the aspects that are impacting Green
Marketing initiatives run by food and beverage companies in Hanoi. On the basis of
this, firms will concentrate their efforts on the resources required to modify or
establish appropriate strategies. At the same time, consumer-specific stimulation
methods that are specific and suitable will be suggested in order to keep clients and
attract new customers.

9. Limitations of the topics

9.1. Limitations of the topic

Although the proposed research has achieved the goal of proposing a
comprehensive framework regarding the impact of Green marketing on consumers
behavior, this study has certain limitations:
Firstly, this study only examined 4 factors of green 4P’s marketing affecting
the consumers’ purchasing choices towards environmentally friendly products in
F&B services and the extent of their impacts. Other factors that might impact the
purchase intention of consumers need to be further researched in future studies. Also,
the existence and magnitude of these factors need to be further investigated to find
out the most feasible and effective plans for F&B companies’ Green marketing
campaigns. .

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Secondly, the methods of data collection are not selective regarding gender,
ages, and literacy, leading to certain limitations in the results, eventually making the
analyzing process less accurate and effective.
Thirdly, this study was conducted in a single city so the findings may not be
generalizable to other cities and nations.

9.2. Future research directions

This study could be used as a base for future studies regarding the impacts of
Green marketing on consumers’ purchasing behavior in F&B industry:
Firstly, a potential future direction is to examine other components of Green
marketing campaigns in F&B industry affecting the repurchase intention of
consumers and the extent of their impacts in order to create a fully-developed
framework which can be applied into F&B firms’ Green marketing campaigns.
Secondly, future studies might have more control over the data collection
process and extend the size of sampling to increase the accuracy in data analysis.
Thirdly, future studies could be conducted in another city in Vietnam or
foreign countries to compare the results in order to have a multidimensional
observation of the topic.

10. Research structure

The research is divided into four chapters as follows:
Chapter 1: Theoretical basis and research models of the impacts of different factors
of Green Marketing on Consumers’ purchasing behavior in Hanoi.
Chapter 2: Research backgrounds and research methods.
Chapter 3: Research analysis and result.
Chapter 4: Research conclusion and solutions.

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Domestic references
Bui Lan Phuong (2013), “Marketing xanh xu hướng phát triển mới của các doanh
nghiệp”, Economy & Forecast Review, No. 12, 64–66.
Nguyen Hoang Tue Quang, Hoang Thi Hue, Nguyen Doan Hanh Dung (2019), “Các
Xu Hướng Nghiên Cứu Marketing Xanh: Lý Thuyết Và Vận Dụng Thực Tiễn”, Hue
University Journal of Science, No. 126, 195-209.
Nguyen The Khai and Nguyen Thi Lan Anh (2016), “Nghiên cứu ý định tiêu dùng
xanh của người tiêu dùng tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh”. Available at:
(Accessed 23 April 2023)
Hoang Trong Hung, Huynh Thi Thu Uyen and Huynh Thi Nhi (2018), "Các yếu tố
ảnh hưởng đến hành vi tiêu dùng xanh của người tiêu dùng tại Thành phố Huế".
Available at: <>
(Accessed 23 April 2023)
Van Duc Vu, Nguyen Viet Bang (2022), “Ảnh hưởng của chiến lược tiếp thị 4Ps
xanh đến quyết định mua sản phẩm xanh: Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm tại Việt Nam”.
Available at: <
(Accessed 23 April 2023)
Trinh Thi Hong Minh, Huynh Tri An, Nguyen Ngoc Hanh, Nguyen Thi Diem Kieu
(2021), “Đo lường mối quan hệ giữa tiếp thị xanh, hình ảnh công ty và ý định mua
hàng”, Journal of Finance and Marketing, Vol 66, 15-26.

Foreign references
Eneizan, B. M, Wahab, K. A. (2016), Effect of green marketing strategy on Customer
Satisfaction in Jordan, Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review
(OMAN Chapter) Vol. 5, No.9; April 2016.
Kilbourne, W. E. (1998), Green marketing: A theoretical perspective, Journal of
Marketing Management, 14(6), 641–655.

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