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past perfect continuous

had + been + v + ing

1: Something that started in the past and continued up to another action or time in the past.
The past perfect continuous tells us 'how long', just like the present perfect continuous, but
this time the action continues up to a point in the past rather than the present. Usually we
use 'for + time'. (We can also use the past perfect simple here, often with stative verbs.)

Ex: He had been playing football for two hours before his father arrived.

2: Something that finished just before another event in the past. This is usually used to
show a result at a time in the past. It's very similar to the present perfect continuous, but
the action finishes before another time in the past, rather than finishing before the present.

Ex: I was very tired. I had been cleaning the house all morning.

Keywords: before, after, because, since, for, all.

Do as shown between brackets

1. I …………………………… (wait) all evening before he finally …………. (come).

2. We needed some rest. We…………………………… (walk) all day.

3. After he …………………………........ (study) for ten hours, I ………………… (have) a

4. Hany was exhausted. He …………………………… (travel) for ten hours.

5. Before they ………………………… (go) out, they …………………………………….

(watch) for two hours.
6. The servant was sick. She …………………………… (sweep) all morning.

7. Her eyes were red. She …………………………… (cry) for half an hour.

8. I found my keys yesterday. I …………………………… (look) for them for days.

9. I ……………………….. (work) all day, so I didn't want to go out.

10. He …………………………. (live) in Beijing for three years when he lost his job.
1 6th Primary 1st Term 0100 848 90 60 - 012 79 79 17 47 Mr. Zakaria El-Masry
Full Blast LESSON 2a
(PP. 24 and 25)
New words:
Dedicated ‫مكرس‬ Ambitious ‫طموح‬
Courageous ‫شجبع‬ Responsible ‫مسئول‬
Reliable ‫يعخمذ عهيه‬ Strict ‫دبزو‬
Patient ‫صبور‬ Sociable ‫اجخمبعي‬
Unselfish ‫غير انبني‬ Intelligent ‫ركي‬
Achieve ‫يذقق‬ Admire ‫يعجب‬
as for ‫ببننسبت نـ‬ Behaviour ‫سهوك‬
Communication skills ‫مهبراث انخواصم‬ Community ‫مجخمع‬
Deal with ‫يخعبمم مع‬ Emergency ‫دبالث انطوارئ‬
Encouraging ‫مشجع‬ Extremely ‫ بشكم مببنغ فيه‬/ ‫بعنف‬
For instance ‫عهي سبيم انمثبل‬ Hard working ‫عمم جبد‬
Influence ‫حأثير‬ Outgoing ‫منفخخ‬
Paramedic ‫مسعف‬ Passionate ‫عبطفي‬
Athlete ‫ريبضي‬ Receptionist ‫موظف اسخقببل‬
Quality ‫قيمت‬ Respect ‫يذخرو‬
Risk ‫مخبطرة‬ Role model ‫نمورج‬
Sense of humour ‫دس فكبهي‬ Stand out ‫ببرز‬
Trust ‫ثقت‬ Under pressure ‫حذج ضغط‬
Heroic ‫بطوني‬

Choose the correct answer:

1. Our teacher is very (strict – selfish – patient). If we are late, she doesn’t allow us to
enter the classroom.
2. He always tells clever jokes and he has a great sense of (tumour – rumour – humour).
3. Don't let him (influence – risk – respect) you - make up your own mind.
4. He did what his boss told him to do because he didn’t want to (risk – wrist – rest) losing
his job.
5. Whenever I have a problem, I go to my friend Jack. He’s very (reliable – liar – rely).
6. You need to be (selfish – stubborn – responsible) if you want people to rely (of – at –
on) you.
7. Going to the jungle alone was a (coward – encourage – courageous) decision.
8. He was a very (ambitious – stubborn – dishonest) young man who wanted to rise to the
top of the company.
2 6th Primary 1st Term 0100 848 90 60 - 012 79 79 17 47 Mr. Zakaria El-Masry
9. It was a (coward – heroic – timid) act to enter that burning building and save that boy.
10. Rock climbing is a(n) (extremely – humour – safe) dangerous sport.
11. I (admire – stand – laugh) the way that you’re always confident before taking an
12. Lucy still (replies – relies – achieves) on her parents for money.
13. Mother Teresa is a (rule – roll – role) model.
14. Paul’s colleagues think that he is very (selfish – lazy – dedicated) and hard-working.
15. My sister has great communication (skins – skills – silks.
16. I thought I wasn’t ready to take the test but my teacher was very (courage –
encourage – encouraging) and I did really well in the end.
17. To become a teacher you have to be (passionless – passionate – passion).
18. My mum is a nurse so she knows how to deal with (emergencies – humour –
19. My son can deal (with – of – to) all the homework he gets.
20. John is under (pressure – emergency – passionate) at work at the moment.
21. She works as a (polite – athlete – receptionist) in a large hotel.
22. Mrs Smith was lying on the floor when the (receptionists – paramedics – athletes)
23. You must (trust – rust – fist) Tom. He’s very honest.
24. Bill is friendly and (aggressive – outgoing – selfish) person.
25. Kevin is a(n) (stubborn – intelligent – quick tempered)boy and he does well in school.
26. He pays no attention to his own needs. He’s very (selfish – unselfish – useless).
27. They are very (sociable – selfish – strict) people and love to have parties.
28. Jamie is very (patient – sick – ill) with children. He loves them.
29. There are lots of things to do here. For (instant – instance – stance), we can go rock
climbing or swimming.
30. Young people should show (selfishness – disrespect – respect) to the elderly.
31. Everybody in the (community – commutation – communication) was angry to hear
that the library was closing down.
32. As (for – of – at) food for the party, I’ll take care of it.
33. The Taipei 101 is a building that really (stands – sits – laughs) out because it’s taller
than other buildings in the city.
34. Tina has many great (qualities – quantities – risks). She has a great personality.

3 6th Primary 1st Term 0100 848 90 60 - 012 79 79 17 47 Mr. Zakaria El-Masry
35. If you want to be a(n) (athlete – paramedic – receptionist) and win medals, you need
to be hardworking.

4 6th Primary 1st Term 0100 848 90 60 - 012 79 79 17 47 Mr. Zakaria El-Masry

Waitperson: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?

Customer : Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?

Waitperson: Certainly, here you are.

Customer: Thank you. ……………………………………………………………………………...?

Waitperson: meatballs and spaghetti.

Customer: That sounds good. I'll have that.

Waitperson: …………………………………………………………………………………………….?

Customer: Yes, I'd like a coke.

Waitperson: Thank you. (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy your meal!

5 6th Primary 1st Term 0100 848 90 60 - 012 79 79 17 47 Mr. Zakaria El-Masry
Wuthering Heights Chapter 5
New words:

Stranger ‫غريب‬ Recognize ‫يخعرف عهي‬

1- Why was Thrushcross Grange a happy home for Catherine?

- Thrushcross Grange was a happy home for Catherine because Edgar and Isabella loved
Catherine very much and paid great attention to all her needs.
2- "Don't you know who I am? Look, I'm not a stranger.” Comment.
- These words were said by Heathcliff to Mrs. Dean when he returned after three years. She didn’t
recognise him.
3- "Well,well. Calm yourself. You're behaving as though a brother has returned than a servant
boy.” Comment.
- These words were said by Edgar to Catherine when she was excited and told him that Heathcliff
was back. Edgar wasn’t happy as he didn’t like Heathcliff.
4- How was Heathcliff changed when he returned after three years?
- He grew into a tall athletic man. He was smartly dressed. His manner was dignified and polite.
His features were keen and intelligent.
5- Why did Hindley agree to let Heathcliff stay at Wuthering Heights although he disliked him?
- Hindley was in great need of money and Heathcliff offered him a lot of money to stay at
Wuthering Heights to stay close to Catherine.
Read and answer:

1. Where is Lake Titicaca?
2. What does Titicaca mean?
3. Why does it have this name?
4. Lake Titicaca is 281 (metres – litres – kilometres) deep.
5. The lake is shaped like a(n) (plant – bird – animal).
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