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Level 3 Diploma Unit 8 Project Proposal pro forma

Level 3 Extended Diploma Unit 12 Project Proposal Proforma

Name Lilly Lockley

Pathway UAL level 3 performing and production arts.
Project A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Section 1: Rationale (Yr 1 approx. 100 words) Yr 2- 150 words

• What have I learnt from the projects I've done so far?

I have learnt many things from the projects I have done so far. I have learnt how to understand
characters through what I find in my research independently and portray my characters in a way
the audience will understand them to a degree. I have learnt how to share my ideas to a group
and listen to other people’s ideas to suggest and work out different ways to include those ideas
and see which will be best and which will be saved for another project.

• What does all the work I have completed/ learnt so far on the course mean to me?
The work I have completed/learnt will help me improve my performance skills in the near future
for our collaborative play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The skills I have learnt will help me
communicate and work with a group, discussing and sharing ideas for scenes I am in. Using
these skills, I can develop my character/s in detail and find information easily.

• How has this helped me to think about my skills as a creative/performer?

This has helped me look back on how my skills were like before I joined this course and compare
the improvements I have made throughout my projects. I would like to acknowledge more on
what I’m doing in future rehearsals so I can improve on my acting skills for the next project.

• What are my strengths and weaknesses form my last project?

My strengths and weaknesses will help me learn throughout the time I’m at college. My strengths
so far are, projection when facing an audience, getting into character and knowing when to
pause to let the audience laugh before listening to the rest of the performance. My weaknesses
are, projection in a grouped performance, working on volume for certain emotions and using
different tones to represent moods.

Section 2: Project concept (Yr 1 approx. 200 Yr 2- 200 words


• What are my interests and ideas that I want to explore in my final project?
I am really interested in the history of Shakespeare and would like to know more about his
ambition to create the most popular plays we know about today. I want to find out more about the
play itself as I don’t know much about the play, and I want to be able to find out more before we
do activities about the play. I also want to find out where and when this play was set so I have an
idea on what every character thought about each situation I researched on.

• What will I research?

I will research the multiple different versions of my character/s in different productions of A
Midsummer Night’s Dream. Whatever character/s I get, I will research in depth how my character
acts throughout the play to help create my own version of the character/s I get. I will research the
perspective of an Elizabethan audience against mythology and fairies to compare A Midsummer
Night’s Dream to the myths the audience back then would’ve believed. I will also research when
the play was set to help research the perspectives of the characters in the play.

• Why do I want to explore this?

This will help me create the best version of this character which will give me confidence to make
my character/s the best the audience have seen. I will know the point of views for each character
and how they may interact with me as a part in the play.

• How will you use this research to help you shape your practical work?
I will use this research to give me a challenge to bring this character/s to life and make them the
best I have done so far.

Section 3: Evaluating the Process (Yr 1 Yr 2- 150 words

approx. 50 words)

• How will I check that I have achieved my personal aims within the project?
I will be asking for feedback as much as I can after each rehearsal for a scene, I am in. I would
like to improve my projection in my voice and work on self-directing for my characters, so I feel
confident with my character’s personalities. If there is clear improvement, then I know I am going
the right way.

• How will I know when all this has been achieved?

I will look back at recordings of the play and the scenes I am in to listen out for me speaking and
see if I’m loud enough for the audience. Or I will ask someone to sit close to the back during a
performance to the rest of the cast and ask them if they could hear all of us especially me.

• How will I measure my own progress?

I will compare my evaluation videos from each unit to this unit to see what I did and what I need
to improve on, while checking what skills I have improved on since units 1-7. I will see the dates
when I mentioned a certain skill and see when I clearly improved that skill to see how much time
it took to improve.

• How will I record high and low points of the process?

I will note them down in my practical skills and list them separately in a word document,
organizing them into my high and low points of the rehearsal process. I will be able to use this list
later to compare how they impacted my performance, noting the differences between them.

• How can I best evidence and show my skills in decision making?

Whenever I get stuck deciding something, I will ask someone what will be best suited for my
character, theme or personality. This will show them that I have very creative and multiple ideas.
I will note down my ideas for each practical evaluation I rehearse/workshop.

• How can I best evidence and show my skills in collaboration?

I will openly suggest ideas and will always listen to other cast member’s ideas. If we all agree to
experiment with different skills, then I will happily agree to create ways we could interpret the
skills and give feedback to the people I am working with.
Proposed research sources and bibliography (Harvard format)
• What sources of material will I look into?
Websites, Videos, podcasts and images.

• Why do I think these will be helpful?

I think these will give me enough information to transfer onto my practical skills and character/s.

Project action plan and timetable

Week Date week Activity/what you intend to Resources / what you will need to
beginning do - including independent do - including access to resources
1 08/01/24 Figuring out the plot Website, video

2 15/01/24 Find out more about each Website


3 22/01/24 Getting to know my character/s Website, other performances

4 29/01/24 Research theme Website, video

5 05/02/24 Elizabethan audiences and website

how they would act

6 12/02/24 Further character/s website


7 19/02/24 Mythologies about fairies Website, blog

8 26/02/24 Location of Athens and how it’s Website, images
like living there

9 04/03/24 The theme’s style for costume Images, videos

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