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in Computer Science and Engineering

Internship Report on Web App Development at Spectrum IT

Solutions Ltd.

Submitted by

Raisa Fabiha


Supervised by

Md. Bayazid Rahman

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Notre Dame University Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh

May 2024

Candidate’s Declaration i

Commercial Certification ii

Academic Certification iii

Acknowledgements iv

Executive Summery v

List of Figures viii

List of Tables viii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Background Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Objective of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.4 Scope of the Study: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.5 Organization of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Organization 5

2.1 Introduction of the Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2 Organization Mission and Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.3 Objectives of the Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.4 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.5 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


2.5.1 Structure of the Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.6 Valuable Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Activities, Tasks and Projects 13

3.1 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.2 Technological Tools Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.2.1 HTML5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.2.2 CSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.2.3 JavaScript and jQuery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.2.4 Bootstrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2.5 PHP Language and MySQL Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.2.6 Laravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.3 Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.3.1 Machine Learning Education Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.3.2 TCB Smart Family Card Sheba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4 Learning Experiences 26

4.1 Knowledge Acquired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.1.1 Proficiency in Web Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.1.2 Developing competency in PHP language and MySQL database . . . . . . 27

4.1.3 Introduction to Laravel Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.1.4 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Implementation: . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.2 Skills Earned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.2.1 Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.2.2 Communication Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.2.3 Organizing Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.2.4 Time Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

5 Discussion and Conclusion 31

5.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

5.2 Scope for Future Career . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

References 33

List of Figures

2.1 Organizational Structure of Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Valuable Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.1 Technological Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.2 Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3 Blog Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.4 Blog Page 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.5 TCB Online Sheba Home page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.6 Login Page: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.7 Duplicate Family Card Application Form Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Chapter 1


Internships offer a range of benefits for individuals looking to gain practical experience in a

particular field. Internships provide an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge gained in

the classroom to real-world situations. This hands-on experience is invaluable for developing

practical skills and understanding how concepts learned in an academic setting are implemented

in a professional environment.

1.1 Background Study

The Institute of Notre Dame University Bangladesh requires that students pursuing a Bachelor’s

degree in Computer Science and Engineering (BSc in CSE) undertake an internship program

as part of their academic curriculum. This internship program serves as a bridge between

theoretical knowledge acquired in classrooms and practical application in real-world scenarios.

The ultimate goal is to equip students with hands-on experience and industry insights essential

for their professional growth.

I fulfilled this academic requirement by undertaking an internship at Spectrum IT Solutions

Ltd., a software development company delivering splendid business IT Solutions and related

services to customers home and aboard. Throughout the internship tenure, I had the opportu-

nity to immerse myself in various facets of software development and gain valuable experience

in the field.

The internship experience provided me with a platform to apply and enhance my skills across

multiple domains of software development. These include proficiency in fundamental web de-

1.2. Motivation Chapter 1. Introduction

velopment technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, and Bootstrap, essential for

crafting dynamic and visually appealing web interfaces. Additionally, I gained practical ex-

posure to PHP language, a cornerstone of server-side web development, along with MySQL

database management for efficient data storage and retrieval.

Furthermore, the internship enabled me to delve into more advanced concepts such as the Lar-

avel framework, a robust PHP framework widely utilized for building scalable and feature-rich

web applications. Through hands-on assignments, I refined my skills in object-oriented pro-

gramming (OOP) implementation, a paradigm essential for crafting modular and maintainable

software solutions.

My internship experience at Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. was instrumental in bridging the gap

between theoretical learning and practical application. It provided me with a conducive en-

vironment to develop and showcase my skills while contributing to real-world projects. This

internship report aims to document and reflect upon the knowledge gained, challenges encoun-

tered, and lessons learned during this enriching journey.

1.2 Motivation

Entering the vast world of software development opens up countless exciting opportunities.

Among the many advanced technologies, being skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Boot-

strap, PHP, MySQL, Laravel, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is crucial for driving

innovation across different industries. These skills empower developers to create dynamic and

user-friendly applications, build scalable and efficient databases, streamline development pro-

cesses with frameworks like Laravel, and design robust and maintainable software systems.

In essence, they enable developers to solve complex problems and meet the evolving needs of

businesses and users in today’s digital landscape. Here are the motivations:

• Proficiency in essential web development languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery,

and Bootstrap inspired me to explore front-end development. This field allows for crafting

seamless user experiences with precision and creativity, bringing ideas to life on the web

and transforming digital communication and interaction.

• Delving into PHP language and MySQL database management, I became fascinated by

the intricacies of data handling. These skills not only enable the creation of functional

1.3. Objective of the Study Chapter 1. Introduction

and secure applications but also lay a strong foundation for backend development.

• Introduction to the Laravel framework unlocked a world of streamlined development and

efficient codebase management. Driven by its elegance and productivity-enhancing fea-

tures, I immersed myself in learning Laravel to expedite the development process and

enhance code maintainability.

• Exploring Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) implementation enriched my understand-

ing of software design principles and practices. This proficiency not only facilitated my

comprehension of complex codebases but also empowered me to design resilient and ex-

tensible software systems.

1.3 Objective of the Study

This report aims to provide insights into the practical application of theoretical knowledge

within a professional software development environment. It also emphasizes the value of experi-

ential learning in bridging the gap between academic theory and industry demands, underscoring

the importance of adaptability and continuous skill development in the rapidly evolving field

of technology. Through detailed analysis and reflection, it aims to offer actionable insights for

both academic and career advancement.

The objective of this study is to describe the fundamental aims guiding the pursuit of pro-

ficiency in various technical domains.Through a structured approach, the study endeavors to

outline specific goals that encompass skill acquisition, practical experience, and communication

enhancement within the technical sphere. The objectives are as follows:

• Skill and Knowledge Acquisition: To acquire and demonstrate proficiency in various

technical skills relevant to the field of web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScrip-

t/jQuery, PHP, MySQL, and Laravel.

• Field Work Experience: To gain practical experience in a professional software de-

velopment environment, contributing to real-world projects and tasks under the guidance

of my supervisor at Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. in another form

• Linking Theory with Practice: To bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge

and practical application by effectively implementing learned concepts and principles in

1.4. Scope of the Study: Chapter 1. Introduction

real-world scenarios, particularly in web development projects.

• Enhancement of Communication Skills: To improve communication skills through

interacting with team members and supervisors at Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd., fostering

effective collaboration and seamless project execution.

• Reflective Learning: To reflect on challenges encountered during the internship, strate-

gies employed to overcome them, and lessons learned in the process of applying theoretical

knowledge to practical tasks.

By achieving these objectives, this report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the

internship experience, showcasing the development of technical proficiency and communication

skills in a professional environment.

1.4 Scope of the Study:

An internship is a valuable addition to any resume, significantly enhancing one’s professional

profile. This web development internship, in particular, serves as a substantial boost to my cre-

dentials, positioning me as a web developer. Through this internship, I’ve had the opportunity

to not only expand my technical knowledge but also to refine my professional skills.

This report offers a comprehensive overview of my two-month internship at Spectrum IT So-

lutions Ltd., with a primary focus on web development. It delves into the skills acquired,

challenges faced, and contributions made towards Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd.’s IT transfor-

mation objectives. Through a detailed examination, it provides valuable insights into practical

web development and its significance in the technology industry.

1.5 Organization of the Report

The report is structured as follows: Chapter 2 provides an overview of the organization, detailing

its mission, vision, objectives, services, products and valuable projects. The internship program

is the focal point of Chapter 3. In this section, I outline the tasks and duties undertaken within

the company, discussing activities, technological tools used, tasks, and projects. Chapter 4

focuses on learning experiences, encompassing the knowledge acquired and skills developed.

Finally, Chapter 5 concludes the report and discusses the scope for future career development.

Chapter 2


I undertook my internship at Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd., a distinguished software develop-

ment company with over a decade of experience in providing cutting-edge IT solutions. They

excel in offering comprehensive support to clients, guiding them through every stage of their

projects, from initial conceptualization to seamless implementation and ongoing support. Spec-

trum IT Solutions Ltd. is dedicated to empowering national and international companies to

leverage today’s opportunities effectively, thereby creating innovative industry solutions that

drive profitability.

2.1 Introduction of the Organization

Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. is a software development company delivering splendid business IT

Solutions and related services to customers home and aboard [1]. At the core of their operations

is a team of devoted professionals who combine industry best practices with deep technological

expertise and business knowledge to drive the digital transformation for their clients. Founded

in 2012 with a solid foundation built on honesty and family values, Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd.

has cultivated enduring relationships that have propelled them to the forefront of innovation

within the IT sector.

Their core areas of expertise encompass a wide range of services including Software development,

Biometric Authentication System, Digital Identity and Security System, Smart Card Person-

alization and Printing Solution, Web and Mobile Application Development, Payment Gateway

and API Integration, E-commerce, Tracking System, Facebook and Other Social Media Mar-

2.2. Organization Mission and Vision Chapter 2. Organization

keting, Email marketing, SMS marketing, etc. This comprehensive suite of offerings ensures

that Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. is well-equipped to address the diverse needs of their clients

across various industries.

Committed to upholding high standards of corporate behavior, Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd.

maintains a rigorous Code of Business Conduct that guides interactions with employees, cus-

tomers, suppliers, government entities, and the communities they serve. This code ensures that

management and employees across the organization understand and uphold the ethical values

that are central to the company’s reputation as a responsible and trustworthy business partner,

employer, supplier, and corporate citizen.

In addition to their service offerings, Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. boasts expertise in research

and development, providing end-to-end R and D services to drive continuous innovation. They

are at the forefront of developing groundbreaking technologies in areas such as biometrics,

blockchain, and IoT, further solidifying their position as a leader in the IT industry.

2.2 Organization Mission and Vision

Their mission is to produce excellent services in the field of IT Services and Consultancy with

maximum efforts driven towards customer satisfaction. They promise to deliver exceptional

services, putting in their utmost effort to ensure that customers are happy. This unwavering

dedication serves as the cornerstone of their operations, driving them towards excellence in

every endeavor.

Looking towards the future, their vision is one of empowerment, aiming to equip dynamic

organizations with the tools and capabilities needed to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of

technological change. Through their innovative products and services, they seek to facilitate

seamless adaptation, enabling businesses to embrace transformation swiftly and cost-effectively.

Their vision extends beyond mere technological advancement; it encompasses a broader ethos

of fostering adaptability and innovation within the business ecosystem.

In essence, they aspire to cultivate a landscape where businesses flourish through their ability

to embrace change, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and forward-thinking strategies. This

vision of empowerment and progress underpins their commitment to driving meaningful impact

in the realm of IT Services and Consultancy.

2.3. Objectives of the Organization Chapter 2. Organization

2.3 Objectives of the Organization

In the dynamic landscape of digital innovation, Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. stands out as a

beacon of excellence, dedicated to empowering businesses with cutting-edge web solutions. The

objectives for achieving business goals at Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd are as follows:

1. Turning Ideas into Exceptional Web Experiences: Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd.

focuses on transforming client ideas into outstanding web experiences. This objective

involves understanding the client’s vision, requirements, and goals for their web presence.

The company employs a collaborative approach, involving clients in brainstorming sessions

and idea generation processes, and translates these ideas into innovative and engaging web


2. Elevating Brands with Exceptional UI/UX Design: Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd.

aims to elevate client brands by delivering exceptional user experiences through intuitive

and visually appealing interfaces. This involves in-depth research into user behavior,

preferences, and industry trends to craft designs that optimize usability and accessibility

while reflecting the brand identity.

3. Web Development Excellence: Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. is committed to achieving

excellence in web development by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, robust coding prac-

tices, and agile methodologies. This objective revolves around the efficient and scalable

development of web solutions that meet client requirements while adhering to industry

standards and best practices.

4. Ensuring Software Reliability through Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance

(QA) plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and performance of software developed

by Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. This objective focuses on rigorous testing and quality

control measures throughout the development lifecycle to identify and address any defects

or issues before deployment. The company employs various testing methodologies to

validate functionality, usability, and security, ensuring clients receive stable, secure, and

performant software solutions.

2.4. Services Chapter 2. Organization

2.4 Services

Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. offers a wide range of IT solution services. Their approach is deeply

solution-focused, guiding and supporting clients from conceptual design through to implemen-

tation and ongoing support. They provide full-scale assistance, ensuring that clients’ projects

receive dedicated attention and expert guidance at every step of the journey. With a focused

attention on addressing the unique needs of national and international companies, they help

them utilize today’s opportunities profitably and develop outstanding industry solutions.The

services they provide are:

• Biometric Technology: The Spectrum Biometrics Framework simplifies biometric inte-

gration into new or existing applications across various platforms. They employ biometric

technologies such as Biometric Terminals, Fingerprint Scanners, Fingerprint Modules, Iris

Scanners, Face Cameras/Webcams, and Signature Pads.

• Digital Identity and Security: They integrate advanced Liveness Detection, ID Verifi-

cation, and Face Recognition into a user-friendly 4-step verification process. Their system

ensures that the identity document provided is authentic and untampered, meeting strin-

gent security requirements.

• Smart Card Technologies: Smart Card Technologies provide a broad range of solutions

such as Citizen ID, Bio-ID, Biometrics on Cards, Smart Identity Verifications and License

Systems. Smart Card hardware includes Contact Smart Cards, Contactless Smart Cards,

RFID Cards, NFC Tags, Printers and Smart Card Readers.

• Cyber Security: The cyber security solution offers a user-friendly interface, advanced

security measures, diverse payment options, exceptional support, speed, efficiency, ana-

lytics, customizable payment experiences, and integrations for enhanced effectiveness and


• Business Security System: The features of business security include a user-friendly

interface, advanced security measures, diverse payment options, exceptional customer

support, speed, efficiency, analytics, customizable payment experiences, and integrations

with other applications for enhanced functionality.

• eSign Solutions: Their eSign technology offers a streamlined and secure method for

2.4. Services Chapter 2. Organization

digitally signing documents, enhancing efficiency and reducing paper waste. With its user-

friendly interface and advanced security features, eSign Solutions revolutionizes document

management processes.

• Smart Office Management: Transform the office into a smart workspace with our

comprehensive management solutions. From digital scheduling and resource allocation

to seamless collaboration tools, Smart Office Management optimizes productivity and

enhances workplace efficiency.

• Smart Access Control: This system provides secure and convenient access management

for facilities of all sizes. With advanced authentication methods and real-time monitoring

capabilities, it ensures optimal security while simplifying access for authorized personnel.

• Smart City Solution: Empower the city with the Smart City Solution, leveraging

cutting-edge technology to improve infrastructure, transportation, public services, and

citizen engagement. From smart traffic management to environmental monitoring, the

solution enhances urban living experiences.

• ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): An integrated business process management

software that allows its users to manage their day-to-day operations, supply chain activi-

ties, human resources and payroll procedures. The fully integrated Spectrum ERP system

bridges all the different software solutions together to provide you with with a complete

package that any business can use to grow and meet their customer expectations.

• Time Attendance: Utilizing biometric authentication and real-time monitoring, it

streamlines attendance tracking processes while ensuring accuracy and compliance with

labor regulations.

• Tracking: Enhance workforce productivity and task management with tracking solu-

tions, providing real-time insights into employee activities and project progress. From

GPS tracking to task assignment, it streamlines workflow processes and improves team


2.5. Products Chapter 2. Organization

2.5 Products

Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd., a premier software development firm, introduces an extensive array

of exclusive IT solution products meticulously crafted to cater to diverse organizational needs.

These encompass an expansive range of cutting-edge technologies meticulously designed to

streamline operations, fortify security measures, and optimize efficiency across various domains.

Their products include:

• Smart Card and Printer: Their Smart Card and Printer solution offers secure and effi-

cient card production capabilities, ensuring the seamless generation of identification cards

for various purposes. With integrated software and hardware components, it provides a

comprehensive solution for organizations seeking reliable card printing services.

• Access Control: Ensure premises security with their Access Control solution, featur-

ing advanced authentication methods and real-time monitoring capabilities. It provides

seamless access management for authorized personnel while maintaining optimal security


• Digital signage: Their Digital Signage solution empowers businesses to deliver engag-

ing visual content and messages to targeted audiences. With customizable displays and

scheduling features, it enhances communication and brand visibility in various environ-


• Kiosk: Streamline customer interactions and service delivery with their Kiosk solution,

providing self-service options for various applications. From information kiosks to ticketing

and payment kiosks, it improves efficiency and enhances user experiences.

• Biometric Devices: Ensure secure access and authentication with their Biometric De-

vices, offering advanced fingerprint, iris, and facial recognition technologies. With fast

and accurate identification capabilities, it enhances security and minimizes unauthorized


• CCTV Camera: Enhance premises security and surveillance with their CCTV Camera

solution, providing high-definition video monitoring and recording capabilities. With re-

mote viewing and motion detection features, it enables proactive monitoring and incident


2.6. Valuable Projects Chapter 2. Organization

2.5.1 Structure of the Organization

Figure 2.1: Organizational Structure of Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd.

2.6 Valuable Projects

The organization has undertaken several valuable projects, showcasing their commitment to

excellence and innovation. Figure 2.2 showcases the collaborations with esteemed institutions

that the organization has undertaken. These collaborations exemplify the organization’s com-

mitment to excellence and innovation.

These projects highlight the organization’s versatility across different sectors. Initiatives like the

Ecourt and Department of Explosives underline their contributions to improving administra-

tive processes and safety measures. Involvement in projects like the Smart License Management

2.6. Valuable Projects Chapter 2. Organization

Figure 2.2: Valuable Projects

System reflects their dedication to leveraging technology for efficient governance. Partnership

with institutions like the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre, Officers’ Club

Dhaka, and Islamic Foundation underscores their commitment to cultural and social develop-

ment. Through these projects, the organization showcases its expertise and profound impact

on various facets of society, contributing to the advancement and betterment of communities.

Chapter 3

Activities, Tasks and Projects

Spectrum IT Solutions stands out as one of the fastest-growing IT firms in Dhaka City. At the

peak of its expansion, the company is scaling new heights with each passing day. It’s an honor

for me to be a part of this esteemed organization during such an important period. Over the

past two months, I have dedicated myself to utilizing my existing knowledge and skills, while

also actively engaging with my supervisors, coordinators, and colleagues to further develop and

refine my expertise.

Within this dynamic environment, every day presents a new opportunity for learning and

growth. Collaborating closely with experienced mentors and talented peers has not only en-

riched my understanding but also honed my abilities in various facets of IT solutions. Whether

it’s through tackling challenging projects, participating in training programs, or engaging in

insightful discussions, I have continuously strived to broaden my skill set and deepen my un-

derstanding of the industry.

3.1 Activities

I participated in a variety of activities that aided my professional development and growth during

my time at Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd..These engagements have provided me with invaluable

opportunities to hone my skills, broaden my knowledge, and make meaningful contributions to

the company’s objectives. I’ve notably enhanced my skill set in the following areas:

1. HTML5 and CSS: For crafting front-end structures and adding vibrant visual elements

to websites, enhancing their aesthetic appeal and user experience.

3.2. Technological Tools Used Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

2. Bootstrap: Implementing Bootstrap to ensure responsiveness across various devices and

screen sizes.

3. JavaScript and jQuery: JavaScript to enhance design interactivity, alongside jQuery

for streamlined development processes.

4. MySQL database and PHP with Laravel Framework: Managing MySQL databases

and employing PHP with Laravel Framework to develop dynamic websites.

5. OOP Implementation: Applying Object-Oriented Programming principles to create

cleaner, modular code, fostering scalability and maintainability in projects.

These experiences have been pivotal in shaping my expertise and understanding of the IT indus-

try, enabling me to contribute effectively to the company’s success. My continuous commitment

to professional development ensures that I remain equipped to address evolving challenges and

opportunities in the ever-changing IT landscape.

3.2 Technological Tools Used

My internship experience immersed me in a dynamic environment where technological inno-

vation was at the forefront. It provided an invaluable opportunity to engage with a diverse

range of tools, empowering me to develop practical skills and expand my technical knowledge

base. Technological tools that were employed throughout my internship program are shown in

Figure 3.1. These tools have helped build my skill set, laying a solid foundation for my future

endeavors in the field.

Figure 3.1: Technological Tools

3.2. Technological Tools Used Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

3.2.1 HTML5

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed

to be displayed in a web browser [2]. It defines the content and structure of web content. HTML

is a combination of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between web

pages. A markup language is used to define the text document within the tag to define the

structure of web pages. It uses predefined tags and elements that tell the browser how to display

the content. HTML elements include an opening tag, some content, and a closing tag.

HTML5 is the fifth and current version of HTML. It has improved the markup available for

documents and has introduced application programming interfaces(API) and Document Object

Model(DOM). Most of the websites are built using HTML5, which is the latest and most recent

version of HTML. The features of HTML5 are as follows:

• Introduced new semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <section>, and <article>

for improved structure.

• Enhances multimedia capabilities with native support for audio and video elements.

• Provides the localStorage API, allowing web applications to store data locally on the user’s


• Enables websites to access a user’s geographical location.

• Uses SQL database to store data offline.

HTML forms the foundation of web development, employing tags and elements to organize

content and determine its appearance. Elements are enclosed within angle brackets, often paired

with attributes to provide additional information. Paragraphs (<p>) and headings (<h1>,

<h2>, etc.) organize textual content, while line breaks (<br>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), and

tables (<table>, <tr>, <td>) aid in layout and organization. Color codes and font styles are

specified for visual enhancements, and hyperlinks (<a>) facilitate navigation and linking to

external resources, including email addresses via the mailto: protocol. Images (<img>) and

background images (via CSS) enrich content presentation. Understanding these fundamental

elements empowers web developers to craft engaging and well-structured web pages.

3.2. Technological Tools Used Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

3.2.2 CSS

CSS (Cascading Styling Sheet) is the language that defines the presentation of a document

written in a markup language like HTML [3]. CSS is the language that transforms a basic

HTML structure into a user-friendly and visually beautiful webpage. It can change the font,

color, size, and spacing of content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other

features. CSS frameworks are pre-prepared libraries of CSS code and sometimes JavaScript,

designed to simplify and expedite the process of web development.These

CSS frameworks provide a set of standardized, reusable components and a predefined structure,

allowing developers to create responsive and aesthetically pleasing websites with reduced effort.

There are three ways to apply CSS styles to HTML elements:

• Inline CSS: Add styles directly to HTML elements within the body section. This method

is suitable for applying styles to individual elements.

• Internal or Embedded CSS: The CSS rulesets are placed within the HTML file, typ-

ically within the <style> tag in the head section. This allows for styling specific to that

HTML document, keeping the styles encapsulated within the file.

• External CSS: Create a separate CSS file (.css) where all style properties are defined.

This file is then linked to the HTML document using the <link> tag. External CSS

is ideal for maintaining consistent styles across multiple HTML files and simplifying the

management and updating of styles.

3.2.3 JavaScript and jQuery

JavaScript is a programming language used for creating dynamic content on websites. It is a

lightweight, cross-platform and single-threaded programming language. JavaScript is an inter-

preted language that executes code line by line providing more flexibility [4]. It is a commonly

used programming language to create dynamic and interactive elements in web applications.

JavaScript can be added to HTML file in two ways:

• Internal JS: Add JavaScript directly to our HTML file by writing the code inside the

<script> tag. This tag can either be placed inside the <head> or the <body> tag.

• External JS: Write JavaScript code in another file having an extension .js and then link

this file inside the <head> tag of the HTML file in which we want to add this code.

3.2. Technological Tools Used Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

JavaScript is an essential programming language for web developers to learn as it grows rapidly.

It is responsible for behaviour of the web pages. The features of JavaScript are as follows:

• Functions in JS are objects, having properties and methods like other objects. They can

be passed as arguments in other functions.

• Can handle date and time.

• Performs Form Validation although the forms are created using HTML.

jQuery is a library written in JavaScript, simplifying tasks like DOM manipulation, event han-

dling, and AJAX requests, making JavaScript code more concise and readable [5]. It has an

inbuilt feature of cross-browser compatibility. With jQuery, fewer lines of code are required

compared to JavaScript. One just needs to import the library and utilize its specific functions

or methods in the code. The features of jQuery are as follows:

• Simplifies HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, allowing easy selection and mod-

ification of elements on a web page.

• Ajax is much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.

• A wide range of plugins available for various tasks.

3.2.4 Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a popular open-source front-end framework used for developing responsive and

mobile-first websites and web applications [6]. It allows the creation of web pages that adapt

to various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience whether users are on a large desktop

monitor or a small mobile device.

Bootstrap primarily utilizes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s a powerful toolkit for building

modern web applications.Incorporating Bootstrap into a project can be done by either down-

loading the Bootstrap files and linking them directly in the HTML code or using a content

delivery network (CDN) for remote inclusion. It provides a collection of pre-built design tem-

plates, CSS and JavaScript components, and other tools, making it easier and faster to create

visually appealing and functional web projects.

Bootstrap’s grid system is essential in creating flexible layouts, allowing for easy organization

of content into rows and columns with behavior adjustments based on the screen size. The

3.2. Technological Tools Used Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

basic layout component is called the ”Container”, as every other element on the page is placed

within it. Developers can choose between a fixed-width container and a fluid-width container.

Bootstrap offers a wide range of pre-built components such as navigation bars, buttons, forms,

modals, tables, image carousels, alerts, cards, dropdowns, and pagination, among others. These

components not only save development time but also maintain consistency across the project.

Furthermore, Bootstrap comes with several JavaScript components in the form of jQuery plu-

gins, providing additional user interface elements such as dialog boxes and carousels. Overall,

Bootstrap streamlines the web development process and enhances the user experience.

3.2.5 PHP Language and MySQL Database

PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited

for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It can perform various tasks, including

handling form data, generating dynamic page content, managing databases, and interacting

with servers. Also, PHP files can support other client-side scripting languages like CSS and


PHP can actually do anything related to server-side scripting or more popularly known as

the backend of a website. For example, PHP can receive data from forms, generate dynamic

page content, can work with databases, create sessions, send and receive cookies, send emails,

etc. The file extension of PHP is “.php”. These files can contain a mix of text, HTML, CSS,

JavaScript, and PHP code. PHP code is embedded within <?php ... ?> tags. The features of

PHP are as follows:

• Dynamic Typing: PHP is dynamically typed, meaning there’s no need to declare the

data type of a variable explicitly.

• Cross-Platform: Runs on various platforms, making it compatible with different oper-

ating systems.

• Database Integration: Provides built-in support for interacting with databases, such

as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and others.

• Server-Side Scripting: PHP scripts are executed on the server, generating HTML that

is sent to the client’s browser.

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system, to store and access informa-

3.2. Technological Tools Used Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

tion in real-time. As the web was becoming more and more dynamic in the 2000s, developers

needed a way to store data safely and display it fast on the visitor’s web browser. MySQL

has been created with web usage in mind, so it was a natural choice for web developers[7].

Databases and their tables serve as fundamental components for countless websites and appli-

cations, facilitating the storage and exchange of data over the web. Major online platforms such

as Facebook, Twitter, and Google heavily rely on MySQL data, which is optimized for their

specific needs. Given its performance and suitability for web applications, MySQL has emerged

as the default choice for storing data in the web ecosystem.

MySQL has been integrated with the most common languages (like PHP) and it was easy

to use it with them, that’s why it has been so popular. PHP and MySQL complement each

other seamlessly, making them a popular choice for building dynamic and database-driven web

applications. PHP handles the server-side scripting tasks, while MySQL manages the database

operations, facilitating the dynamic generation and manipulation of web content. With the help

of this connection, developers can easily save, retrieve, and update data to construct dynamic

websites and web applications that offer users a rich and engaging experience.

3.2.6 Laravel

Laravel is a PHP web application framework that uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) ar-

chitectural pattern. It is open-source and offers efficient ways of building web applications with

its syntax and features[8]. It’s designed to make web development tasks easier and faster by

providing a rich set of functionalities.

Learning Laravel opens doors to exciting job opportunities. Many companies use Laravel for

their web projects, making it a sought-after skill in the industry. Mastering Laravel equips

developers with valuable skills to build modern, high-performance web applications efficiently.

The features of Laravel are as follows:

• Elegant Syntax and Robust Features: Laravel’s syntax is both expressive and elegant.

It provides developers with a clean and intuitive way to write code.

• Authentication: It offers a box authentication that allows you to build a fully functional

authentication scheme using an easy command.

• Artisan: It is the name of Laravel’s command-line tool. It includes dozens of pre-built

3.3. Projects Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

commands which can be used to perform tasks with a command-line interface.

• Migration System: Laravel’s migrations provide a version control system for your

database schemas, making it possible to modify and share the application’s database

schema definition.

• Scalability and Maintainability: Laravel’s modular structure allows developers to

build scalable applications. With features like Dependency Injection and Service Providers,

maintaining large codebases becomes manageable.

3.3 Projects

3.3.1 Machine Learning Education Website

This project entails the creation of a fully responsive website utilizing Bootstrap, a powerful

front-end framework.

1. Features of Home Page: The Home Page showed in Figure 3.2 incorporates several

key features to enhance user engagement and functionality. Each feature is designed to

enhance user experience through intuitive design, accessibility, and responsiveness. The

integration of a Services section with language and state selection, a Portfolio section

using card elements, and a comprehensive About section ensures that the website meets

the needs of its users effectively. The features homepage are as follows:

• Services Section: The services section covers up the Course Content, Instructor Sup-

port, Community Support, Certification. Information is organized in a user-friendly

manner, using Bootstrap’s grid system and typography to ensure readability and ac-

cessibility. Users can select their preferred language and state from dropdown menus.

Dropdown elements are used, styled with Bootstrap classes to ensure responsiveness

and compatibility across devices.

• Portfolio Section: The portfolio section showcases various projects using card ele-

ments. Each card includes an image, title, brief description, and a link to more de-

tailed information. Cards provide a visually appealing and organized way to present

multiple items, allowing users to quickly browse through the offerings. Bootstrap’s

card components are utilized for consistency in styling and responsive behavior, en-

3.3. Projects Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

suring that the layout adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes.

• About Section: This section provides information about the Machine Learning field.

The About section builds credibility and connection with the audience, offering in-

sight into the values and background of the website or organization. Bootstrap’s grid

system is employed to create a responsive and aesthetically pleasing layout.

Figure 3.2: Home Page

3.3. Projects Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

2. Features of Blog Page: The Blog Page of the website showed in Figure 3.3 is designed to

provide users with an engaging and visually appealing platform to access various articles

and posts. Utilizing Bootstrap’s grid system, the Blog Page arranges the cards in a

responsive layout, ensuring that the design adapts well to various devices.

Each blog post is presented as a card element, which helps create a consistent layout with

responsive behavior. The cards include a featured image, title, brief excerpt, and a ”Read

More” link. This provides users with a quick overview of each post, making it easy for

them to browse and select articles of interest. The Blog Page also includes pagination

to navigate through multiple pages of posts, improving user experience by allowing easy

navigation through the blog’s content.

Figure 3.3: Blog Page

After clicking the ”Read More” link, users are directed to the detailed description of

the blog post 1 page, as showed in Figure 3.4. Here, they can read the full content,

including in-depth analysis, insights, and relevant information. To encourage engagement

and interaction, the Blog Page also features a comment section using a form fill-up element.

Users can share their thoughts, feedback, or questions about the blog post, fostering a

sense of community and facilitating discussion among readers.

3.3. Projects Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

Figure 3.4: Blog Page 1

3.3.2 TCB Smart Family Card Sheba

Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. is actively involved in implementing the TCB Smart Family Card

Sheba. It is an initiative by the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) to provide essential

products to low-income families. The existing family cards are being converted into smart cards

to ensure greater transparency and accountability. Users have the option to check the status of

their digital family card either by clicking on the provided link or scanning the QR code on the


In consideration of the poor and vulnerable individuals living below the poverty line, Prime Min-

ister Sheikh Hasina has decided to distribute one crore family cards to provide daily necessities

at affordable prices. The government has initiated the process of converting approximately 10

3.3. Projects Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects

million family cards, previously allocated to low-income groups for purchasing essentials from

the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) shops, into smart cards. The key features of the

website are as follows:

1. Home page: The Home Page showed in Figure 3.5 serves as the entry point for visitors,

offering a visually appealing and informative introduction to TCB Online Sheba. A user-

friendly interface that provides a welcoming introduction and easy navigation to essential

services such as beneficiary registration, product sales information, and digital family card

status. Users can check their family card status, and access a QR code scanning feature

for product distribution verification.

Figure 3.5: TCB Online Sheba Home page

2. Login Page: The login page showed in Figure 3.6 allows registered users to access their

accounts, probably to manage their beneficiary status or to view personal transaction

3.3. Projects Chapter 3. Activities, Tasks and Projects


Figure 3.6: Login Page:

3. Duplicate Family Card Application Form Page: The Duplicate Family Card Ap-

plication Form Page showed in Figure 3.7 is designed to assist users in applying for a

replacement of their family card in case it is lost or damaged. It requires filling out an

application form and providing necessary identification documents.

Figure 3.7: Duplicate Family Card Application Form Page

Chapter 4

Learning Experiences

Undertaking an internship in the dynamic field of software development has been an enriching

journey, providing me with invaluable learning experiences across a spectrum of essential areas.

Throughout this period, I have not only deepened my technical knowledge but also honed a range

of practical skills that are instrumental for success in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

This experience has not only strengthened my understanding of theoretical concepts but has

also instilled in me a sense of confidence and adaptability to navigate the complexities of the

software development ecosystem.

My internship experience has been an incredible journey, providing me with the knowledge,

skills, and competencies necessary to thrive as a software developer in today’s digital age. From

mastering critical technologies to developing practical skills, every aspect of my learning journey

has contributed to my development and prepared me for the challenges and opportunities that

await me in my professional career.

4.1 Knowledge Acquired

My internship tenure has been marked by significant acquisitions in various domains, each

contributing to my comprehensive understanding of software development. Throughout this

enriching experience, I’ve delved into diverse facets of software engineering, expanding my

knowledge base and refining my skills. This immersion has not only deepened my understanding

of theoretical concepts but has also equipped me with practical insights essential for real-world


4.1. Knowledge Acquired Chapter 4. Learning Experiences

4.1.1 Proficiency in Web Development

During my internship, I started to learn about web development, diving into the basic tools

that make websites work. Through hands-on practice, I got a really good grasp of HTML, CSS,

JavaScript/jQuery, and Bootstrap – the main stuff you need to know for making websites.

As I delved deeper into each of these technologies, I uncovered their distinct functionalities

and learned how to use them effectively to structure and style web pages. From the detailed

intricacies of HTML markup to the cascading stylesheets of CSS, I refined my skills in creating

visually appealing layouts that resonate with users. Moreover, delving into JavaScript/jQuery

enabled me to inject interactivity into web interfaces, enhancing user engagement and usability.

One of the pivotal aspects of my learning journey was mastering Bootstrap, a powerful frame-

work renowned for its responsiveness and flexibility in web design. Through hands-on experi-

mentation, I familiarized myself with its grid system, components, and utilities, enabling me to

streamline the development process and create responsive web applications that adapt seam-

lessly to various screen sizes and devices.

As I delved into web development, I also learned about the importance of cross-browser com-

patibility. Understanding the differences in various browsers and how they display content, I

discovered ways to make sure websites look and work well on all platforms, making them easier

for people to use.

These foundational skills not only served as the foundation of my ability to craft visually

captivating and functionally robust web interfaces but also empowered me to create immersive

user experiences that transcend conventional boundaries. As I continue to refine my expertise

in front-end technologies, I am excited to explore new horizons and embrace emerging trends

that will shape the future of web development.

4.1.2 Developing competency in PHP language and MySQL database

Developing competency in PHP language and MySQL database during my internship journey

has helped me become a skilled software developer. My understanding of web development has

been greatly influenced by my exploration of the complex inner workings of PHP, a flexible

server-side scripting language. I have become proficient in form processing, server-side logic

implementation, and dynamic content creation through extensive study and practical experience

4.1. Knowledge Acquired Chapter 4. Learning Experiences

with PHP.

In parallel with PHP, I immersed myself in MySQL database management, gaining comprehen-

sive insights into database design principles, querying techniques, and optimization strategies.

This proficiency has empowered me to design and administer relational databases with efficiency

and precision, ensuring seamless data storage and retrieval for web-based applications.

Through diving deep into the intricacies of PHP language and MySQL database management,

I’ve acquired the expertise needed to develop dynamic and scalable web applications. This

experience has not only broadened my technical skills, but it has also enhanced my awareness

of the relationship between server-side scripting and database management in the context of

web development. As I continue to refine my knowledge and skills in these areas, I look forward

to applying them to solve real-world problems and contribute to the advancement of technology

in meaningful ways.

4.1.3 Introduction to Laravel Framework

Delving into the Laravel framework opened doors to a modern approach in web application

development. It introduced me to a set of tools and conventions designed to streamline the

development process and boost productivity. Features like routing, which determines how the

application responds to different requests, and middleware, which provides a convenient mech-

anism for filtering HTTP requests entering your application, offered me new avenues to explore

in crafting robust web solutions.

Authentication, another crucial aspect of web development, was made more accessible through

Laravel’s built-in authentication system. It allowed me to implement user authentication and

authorization effortlessly, ensuring secure access to web applications. Additionally, Laravel’s

Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) provided an intuitive way to interact with the

database, simplifying data manipulation tasks and enhancing the efficiency of database opera-


Overall, my introduction to the Laravel framework was a transformative experience. It not only

equipped me with practical tools and techniques but also introduced me to modern development

paradigms that prioritize simplicity, efficiency, and maintainability. Through hands-on explo-

ration and experimentation with Laravel, I gained invaluable insights into building sophisticated

web applications that meet the evolving needs of users and businesses.

4.2. Skills Earned Chapter 4. Learning Experiences

4.1.4 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Implementation:

Immersing myself in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles during my internship

significantly expanded my understanding of software design and development. By embracing

concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, I discovered new ways to structure

and organize code, leading to more modular and extensible software systems.

Through hands-on practice and experimentation, I learned how to apply OOP principles ef-

fectively to real-world programming challenges. This experience not only improved my coding

skills but also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for software architecture and design patterns.

Embracing Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles has revolutionized my approach to

software development. It has empowered me to create codebases that are not only modular and

maintainable but also adhere to industry best practices and standards. As I continue to refine

my OOP skills, I am excited to apply them to future projects and contribute to the advancement

of software engineering practices.

4.2 Skills Earned

Beyond acquiring technical expertise, my internship journey has cultivated a diverse set of prac-

tical skills crucial for thriving in the competitive landscape of the software industry. Through

hands-on experience and immersive learning opportunities, I have developed a comprehensive

skill set that encompasses not only technical proficiency but also essential soft skills and pro-

fessional attributes. The skills that I have developed are as follows:

4.2.1 Problem Solving

Throughout my internship, I actively engaged in problem-solving exercises that sharpened my

analytical thinking and troubleshooting abilities. Each challenge presented an opportunity

to apply structured problem-solving techniques, such as breaking down complex issues into

manageable components and identifying key factors contributing to the problem.

I learned to approach problems systematically, starting with gathering relevant information

and analyzing the underlying causes. This analytical approach allowed me to identify patterns,

dependencies, and potential solutions more effectively. As a result of these experiences, I de-

veloped confidence in my ability to tackle diverse challenges in software development. Whether

4.2. Skills Earned Chapter 4. Learning Experiences

debugging code, optimizing algorithms, or resolving technical issues, I approach each problem

with a structured mindset and a determination to find viable solutions.

4.2.2 Communication Skills

The internship training has greatly improved my ability to communicate effectively with others.

Through exposure to various communication channels, including verbal and written formats, I

have developed a deeper understanding of how to convey ideas clearly and engage with colleagues

and clients. As a result, I now feel more confident and skilled in expressing myself, listening

actively, and fostering stronger relationships in both personal and professional settings. This

newfound proficiency in communication is a valuable asset that will support me in achieving

success in my future endeavors.

4.2.3 Organizing Abilities

Organizational behavior is a profound study that delves into the behavior of individuals,encompassing

employees and managers, within organizational settings. It emphasizes the significance of per-

sonal beliefs and behaviors, which hold greater importance than any laws or rules that might

govern business conduct in specific sectors. By comprehending the intricate dynamics of orga-

nizational behavior through this course, I have gained valuable insights that empower me to

navigate and succeed in the professional world. This newfound understanding has elevated my

awareness of human interactions within organizations, making me better equipped to thrive and

contribute positively to the workplace environment.

4.2.4 Time Management

Cultivating effective time management skills was a cornerstone of my internship experience.

Through deliberate practice and consistent effort, I learned how to set clear objectives, establish

realistic timelines, and allocate resources judiciously to maximize productivity. By honing these

skills, I was able to navigate the demands of various tasks and projects, ensuring that deadlines

were met and goals were achieved. This experience not only demonstrated my proficiency

in time management but also provided me with valuable insights into prioritization and task

optimization, skills that are indispensable in both personal and professional contexts.

Chapter 5

Discussion and Conclusion

5.1 Conclusion

The supportive ecosystem fostered within Spectrum IT Solutions has been instrumental in my

professional development journey. Open communication channels, constructive feedback mech-

anisms, and a culture of innovation have all contributed to an environment where individuals

are empowered to thrive and excel. As I look ahead, I am confident that my experiences and

growth within this vibrant organization will continue to propel both my career and the com-

pany’s trajectory towards even greater success.

Throughout this period, I’ve had the invaluable guidance of my supervisor, whose expertise in

these domains has been instrumental in my learning journey. His mentorship has provided me

with a comprehensive understanding of these languages and programs, enabling me to tackle

projects with confidence and efficiency.

Spectrum IT Solutions has embarked on significant projects, including the government’s ini-

tiative to convert 10 million family cards into smart cards for enhanced accessibility. Their

involvement in managing TCB card records underscores their proficiency in handling mega

data, further enriching my understanding of the work landscape in Bangladesh. Working here

has instilled in me a deep sense of confidence and a thorough understanding of the country’s

work culture and industry dynamics. I feel well-prepared to take on any challenges and con-

tribute significantly to the development of Bangladesh, aligning with the nation’s vision for a

Digital Bangladesh by 2041.

5.2. Scope for Future Career Chapter 5. Discussion and Conclusion

Furthermore, Spectrum IT Solutions specializes in data management, data entry, and data

resourcing, broadening my exposure to diverse aspects of the IT industry. This experience has

not only enhanced my skill set but also deepened my appreciation for the critical role of data

in modern business operations.

5.2 Scope for Future Career

Internship goals provide a clear understanding of practical and semantic web-based systems.

Throughout my internship, I focused on crafting a proof of concept for a decision-making system,

simulating knowledge to drive innovation. While lacking hands-on experience in real projects

may pose challenges in securing future work, a successful internship can bridge this gap and

pave the way for career opportunities. Given the current landscape of web application design

and development, which offers excellent prospects, my future scopes include:

• Working in an IT company, utilizing my skills and knowledge gained during the internship.

• Pursuing a career as a Software Engineer, employing my expertise in developing systems

and applications.

• Exploring opportunities as a Web Designer, applying my understanding of user interface

and experience design.

• Embarking on roles as a Web Developer and front-end developer, applying my proficiency

in coding and creating interactive web interfaces.

By refining my skills and building upon the foundation laid during my internship, I aim to map

out a rewarding career path within the dynamic realm of web technology. With a strong foun-

dation and a commitment to continuous learning, I’m well-positioned to contribute effectively

and thrive in the dynamic field of web technology.


[1] Spectrum IT Solutions Ltd. Accessed: May 16, 2024 [Online].

[2] HyperText Markup Language (HTML) . Ac-

cessed: May 18, 2024 [Online].

[3] CSS. Accessed: May 18, 2024 [Online].

[4] JavaScript. Accessed: May 18, 2024 [On-


[5] Difference Between JavaScript and jQuery.

difference-between-javascript-and-jquery/. Accessed: May 18, 2024 [Online].

[6] Bootstrap. Ac-

cessed: May 18, 2024 [Online].

[7] The Difference between PHP and MySQL.

difference-php-mysql/. Accessed: May 17, 2024 [Online].

[8] Laravel. Accessed: May 16, 2024 [Online].


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