Passage 3

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This article is about mandatory parenting education and presents the views of

both supporter Kai Fernandez and opponent Sophic Thomas. Kai Fernandez argues
parenting education should be mandatory while Sophie Thomas argues that all parents
should have a choice to choose. Looking at the both arguements Kai Fernandez makes
stronger claim with substantiated evidence.
Firstly, Kai Fernandez point out that becaming any profession involve
extenseive specific training while raising a child require no training. This is
problem as Kai Fernandez is a nurse practitioner in a pediatric office and have a
knowledge on accidental mistreatments of children due to the lack of parenting
knowledge. Sophie Thomas rebuttal the Kai's arguement with the sensational claim of
american value and claim any parents know better about their children than random
instrutor. Sophie Thomas claim is very patriotic with some sense of logic but Kai
Fernandez already pointed out that the training is to educate people about the
basic information about nutrtion, health and safety on childern rather than raising
children in one "correct" style. This will not only prevent unnecessary and
accidental children mortality but will also make parents understand and adjust
their behavior contrary to Sophic Thomas claim.
Secondly, Kai Fernandez also point out that Centers For Disease Control "Safe
to Sleep" campaign which reduced Sudden Infant Death Sydrone by fifty percent since
1994 which prove the efffectiveness of government funded parenting education
contrary to Sophie Thomas suggestion of trial and error method which will far more
likely to result in children mortality. Additionally, Sophie claim that hospitals
and community centers can provie the same service parents can participate
voluntarily but it's clear that hospitals and community centers will not have a
same funding and resources compared to dedicated goverment agency not to mention
children safety is a must and making it voluntarily could risk children life.
Thirdly, Kai Fernandez argues that raising children used to be group effort
in the past but it is now only left to father and mother on their own and it's our
obligation as a society to make sure parents can do their chanllenging job by
introducing mandatory parenting class which counter the Sophie's claim of funding,
enforcing and government intrusion.
After considering the both arguement, it is clear that Kai Fernandez has much
stronger and convincing arguement which prioritize safety of children compare the
Sophie Thomas point of view which prioritize her own political agenda regardless of
the safety of the children.

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