Asl - Topic 1 Application

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A.Discuss the implications of having a teacher who has a poor grasp of the
assessment roles, types and its principles.

“Our task, regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains,
as high as possible. No one can do more.” —Loris Malaguzzi.

A famous quotation that speaks about the primary goal of a teacher. Indeed, a
task to help students reach their dreams is by teaching them lessons that can
equip them to face the world full of uncertainties. With this, educational
assessment is significantly relevant to measure and synthesize the learning of
students. We need to evaluate how students perform before and after each
academic instruction given. But, what if the educator himself isn’t self-
sufficient in gathering these types information? What could possibly happen to
the learners? Would the assessment still be successful?

One negative implication of this scenario is the failure of evaluation. If a

teacher has a poor strategy in conducting assessments, then there is a greater
chance of failure to evaluate with a risk of low validity of information. If this
happens, the consistency of the said assessment would decline and the
reliability of gathered information would be disregarded.

Additionally, there would be a decline of teacher’s development policy and

strategy. What is the impact of this? Lack of students’ competence. If the
teacher isn’t competent, then there is no chance that the students would be able
to grasp true learning and therefore, the learning outcomes wouldn’t be

It is a must for teachers to be familiarized and master these assessment roles for
they are the backbone of learners in education. Educators must be able to
scrutinize ideas and concepts for an effective assessment in order for them to
track the overall improvements of each and every learner.
B. Situation: You were observed by Dr. Sy during your teaching demonstration
in ASL 1. After the observation, Dr. Sy asks you to list 5 assessment
activities that will cater assessment for, of and as learning.

Task: list 5 each assessment activities for assessment of, for and as learning and
describe how you will implement your chosen activities. Indicate your answers
on the table below.
Assessment for learning

❖ KWL chart- At the beginning of a topic learners create a grid with three columns – what
they know; what they want to know; what they have learned. They start by brainstorming
and filling in the first two columns and then return to the third at the end of the unit.
❖ Peer check- Ask learners to read each other’s written work to look for specific points,
such as spelling mistakes, past tense verbs, etc. During speaking activities such as role
plays and presentations, ask learners to give each other feedback on specific points, e.g.
how interesting it was, whether they understood what was said and any questions they
❖ Use ‘might’- When questioning, use the word ‘might’ to encourage learners to think and
explore possible answers. For example, ‘Why do teachers ask questions?’ and ‘Why
might teachers ask questions?’ The first question seems like there is one correct answer
known by the teacher, but the second question is more open and suggests many possible
❖ Mini-whiteboards- Ask learners to write their answers on mini-whiteboards or pieces of
paper and show it to you (or their peers).
❖ Summary sentence- Ask learners to write one sentence to summarize what they know
about the topic at the start or end of a lesson. You could focus this by telling them to
include e.g. what or why or how etc.

Assessment as learning

⮚ Self- reflection- gives time to students to think about their personal and academic
growth. This activity will promote metacognition.
⮚ Open ended questions- ask students open ended questions to survey their personal
opinions about the discussion.
⮚ Essay- a free form of writing to express the learners’ metacognitive development towards
his/her academic development.
⮚ Self-assessment questions- give students various questions considering themselves in
order for them to present what they have learned.
⮚ Open forum/ sharing of personal thoughts and ideas- this will let students discuss and
have their queries be clarified.
Assessment of learning

∙ Summative tests- to assess their knowledge on a specific Unit.

∙ Final exams-the heaviest assessment where it requires the full understanding of students
about the different academic concepts that has been presented.
∙ Final requirements prior to discussions and lessons- this would allow students to
apply what they have learned.
∙ Unit recitation- Solicit ideas of students at the end of each discussion.
∙ Reflection with criteria to be followed- the students would express their learning
through writing following specific criteria.

C.In your respective classes last semester, based on our observations, to what
extent are diagnostic and placement roles being practiced by your teachers in
the College of Teacher Education compared to formative and summative
roles in making instructional decisions?

As an aspiring future education, I am starving for an extreme amount of

knowledge to fulfill my future profession. Being a sophomore, I’ve witnessed
the supporting system and how the faculty of CTED has focused in delivering
adequate knowledge to us.
With the shift from face to face to online classes, I can say that the faculty staffs
have tried their best to consider self and home-based assessment to each and
every student. When it comes to making instructional decisions, I can say that
summative roles have been taken into more consideration. The different tasks,
quizzes, and assessments tests that evaluate how much someone has learned
throughout a course. It is evident that all of the significant factors to consider in
assessment have been considered and served as the basis for creating various
assessment activities.

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