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The goal of this report is to discuss the advantages anddisadvantages

of social media. Social media is an digital technology that allows the

sharing of ideas and information, including text and visuals, through
virtual networks and communities.
One of the best aspect of social media is its use for educational
purposes. There are many people willing to teach others what they
know, posting guiding videos on how to do certain things, both
school related and hobbies. You can also meet new people, that have
similar interests as you, and maybe build a friendship thatll last. In
addition to this, you can keep in touch with ur family or friends, in an
easier way. Also, if you are starting a company of ur own, you can
promote it through social media, and most of the time succesfully
make a known platform.
There are also disadvantages to social media, if you let yourselves
get carried away and spend too much time on ur phones. Also,
Without socializing in real life there could be a decrease in ur
communication skills, making everyday life more difficult.
In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages to
social media, but if we are careful we can use it only for the good,
avoiding the bad aspects.

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