Network A1 ZeroLesson

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Welcome to

Network Now A1
In this brochure, we’d like to give you some ideas to help you get off to a good start with your Network Now A1 class.
In order to make the most of your lessons, a bit of planning beforehand is worthwhile. Let’s start by compiling
a course profile.

Course profile
Day: _________________ Time: _________________ Lessons per week: _________________
How long is each lesson? _________________
How many lessons will you have with this group? (Remember not to include public holidays.)
1st Semester _________________
2nd Semester _________________

Your course Your lessons

Network Now A1 provides a total of 24 ninety-minute Each step of a unit is designed to last 90 minutes. If your
lessons. This covers a one year (two semester) course. lessons are longer than 90 minutes, or if you want to have
Each of the 6 units has 3 steps (18 lessons) and each unit something extra for a lesson, you can find materials here:
has a revision lesson: Now I can (6 lessons). That gives you
• In every step, there’s a reference to the Language and
a total of 24 lessons.
culture page. Here you’ll find a short text based on a
If the course has more than 24 lessons, here’s where you
topic from the step. These can be read in class and
can find extra lessons:
followed up by some of the tasks which accompany them.
• You can use the Zero lesson in this brochure as the very
• At the end of each unit, there’s a Reading page. This
first lesson (as some of your students may not yet have
has been designed for students to read at home and it
the book).
provides them with a glossary to help them with words
• You can use the Globetrotter sections in class – there which they may not have come across. This page is
are 3 Globetrotter sections and they come after Units 2, also optional classroom material.
4 and 6. Ideas for exploitation of the texts can be found
• The Teacher’s Resource Book provides extra materials
in the Teacher’s Resource Book (Order No: 51922).
for each unit. It also has a resource section from which
Globetrotter consists of two pages – Globetrotter Work
you can photocopy activities or create your own on
and Globetrotter Travel – each providing teaching
templates provided.
material for 45 minutes. Work focusses on English for
work situations and Travel presents English for tourists. • There are downloadable activities on the Internet – see
You can use both pages for a 90-minute lesson. Or you
can choose the Work or the Travel page and use topic-
• There are free beginners’ materials in the
related materials provided on the Internet for the
Network Teachers’ Club:
remaining 45 minutes.
• You can find extra lessons in the Teacher’s Resource
Book, e.g. a Christmas lesson.
• You can download beginners’ materials from the
Network Teachers’ Club:
Here there are extra lessons and materials for your
classes – all free of charge.

The Zero lesson

In the first lesson, not all students have the coursebook, so here are some ideas for classroom activities which you can do
without your students needing a coursebook. The aim is to encourage students to get to know each other and get used to
working together. The activities are also confidence-builders and help learners to overcome their inhibitions in speaking.
In this first lesson, there will, inevitably, be some German spoken. The golden rule about German in the lesson is:
As little as possible but as much as necessary.
For some of the activities on this page, each student will need a copy of the worksheet (page 3 of this brochure).
And if you want to find out more about your students, their linguistic backgrounds and their expectations, ask them to fill
in the Learner profile. For this, each student will need a copy of page 4 of this brochure.

1 Introductions: Introduce yourself to the class: Now let me introduce you to the people in Network Now A1.
Hello, my name’s (Eva). Nice to see you again, (Bernd). / Write in the information. Picture 1: This is Anna. Her family
Nice to meet you. name is Turner – that’s T_U_R_N_E_R. Anna Turner. She’s
Some students may be surprised at the use of first names from Ottawa. She has a job in Canterbury for a year. Her
and will need reassuring that it’s common practice in family was from Faversham originally. Anna goes to a family
English-speaking countries. history class at Faversham college.
If there are several students in the group who know each
Now look at picture 2. Cross out the wrong information.
other, get them to introduce each other to the new students,
Dave Evans is the teacher of the family history course at
giving the person’s name and saying something they know
Faversham college. He likes history, it’s his hobby. And it’s
about the person. New students then introduce themselves
his job, too. He’s the director of Faversham Museum.
and volunteer one piece of information.
Students make a name card by folding a piece of paper in In Picture 3, you can see Susan. Susan Davis. Listen and
half and writing their first name on the front and back of write in the missing letters. She’s in the family history class,
the paper (so that classmates in front of them and next to too because she’s interested in her family history. She’s in
them can see it). the same class as Susan. They sit together every week.
Picture 4: Write in the correct words. Susan and Tom are
2 married – Mr and Mrs Davis. He’s in the family history
Getting to know you: Hand out a copy of the work-
class, too. It’s one of his hobbies. And his other hobby is
sheet to each student. Refer them to ▸ worksheet activity A
cooking; he loves cooking, and eating, Italian food.
and give them time to read it through. Demonstrate the
activity by completing some of the relevant sentences
about you and inviting students to ask you questions. 5 Profiles
First students complete the sentences in writing. Then they
Students read the information about Anna ▸ worksheet
sit together in small groups and ask and answer questions
activity D. Then they write their own profile on a piece of
about what they have written.
paper, replacing the underlined phrases with information
Monitor the activity, joining in when appropriate. Don’t
about themselves. Collect their papers and ask individual
worry about correcting mistakes – it’s more important in
students to read out a profile (they should use the first
this first lesson that the students get an opportunity to
person: I …). The class guesses whose profile it is.
speak and feel comfortable working with people in their
class – and that you get a bit of an overview of individual
students’ abilities. After the activity, they can return to 6 Learner profile: Students fill in the Learner profile
their seats (and their name cards!).
page (page 4). This is particularly useful to find out about
students’ previous language experience as there may be
3 students in your class who haven’t come directly from a
Yes, I do / No, I don’t
Network Starter class. As people finish writing, collect their
This is a milling activity to encourage students to
sheets and chat to individuals about what they’ve written.
communicate about English, in English. Each student
needs a copy of ▸ worksheet activity B.
7 Goodbye: As the lesson draws to a close, write on
4 the board, as appropriate:
Your coursebook
Hold up your copy of Network Now A1, ask the students to
Board: Goodbye (Tina). See you (next week / tomorrow /
have a copy with them for the next lesson. Give the students
on Thursday).
time to read about Now A1 ▸ worksheet activity C – and
then introduce the characters by reading out the following
Get students to say goodbye to you and their neighbours.
sentences so that students can complete the information.


A Außerdem gibt es eine Seite Selfstudy mit Übungen für zu

Getting to know you Vervollständigen Sie die
Hause. Wenn Sie lieber online lernen wollen, finden Sie
Sätze mit Ihren persönlichen Angaben.
diese und weitere Übungen auch im Internet unter www.
1 My name is …
Und nun lernen Sie einige der Personen kennen, die Sie im
Buch treffen werden. Hören Sie Ihrer Kursleiterin / Ihrem
2 I live …
Kursleiter zu und vervollständigen Sie die Informationen.
3 I have …
1 This is Anna ______________ .
She isn’t American, she’s
4 I like …
1 ______________ .
5 My favourite …
She has a ______________
in Canterbury.
6 At the weekend, I …
She goes to a ______________
7 My last holiday was … history class at Faversham
8 My last English lesson was … 2
2 Dave Evans is a student /
the teacher at the college.
He likes geography / history.
B Yes, I do / No, I don’t He’s the director of Faversham
Gehen Sie im Klassenraum herum und stellen Sie den college / Faversham museum.
anderen Fragen mit Do you …? Wenn Sie als Antwort Yes,
I do. erhalten, schreiben Sie den Namen der Person auf 3 Susan Davis is in the
die Zeile und stellen Sie weitere Fragen. Versuchen Sie,
3 f__ __ __ __ __ h__ __ __ __ __ __
für jede Zeile einen neuen Namen zu finden. Wenn sich
alle wieder hingesetzt haben, berichten Sie der Gruppe, c__ __ __ __ , too.
was Sie über eine Person im Kurs erfahren haben. She’s in the same class as
S__ __ __ __ and they __ __ __
___________________ knows an English-speaking
4 boyfriend / cooking / gardening
___________________ wants to learn English / husband / Italian / Indian
for work. Tom Davis is Susan’s
___________________ likes speaking English. ______________ . His hobbies
are family history and
___________________ needs English for holidays.
______________ . He really likes
___________________ speaks another language. ______________ food.
(English, German and …)

D Profiles
Lesen Sie, was Anna über sich gesagt hat. Schreiben Sie
C Your coursebook: Network Now A1 nun Ihr eigenes Profil, indem Sie die unterstrichenen
Ihr Kursbuch heißt Network Now A1. In jeder Lektion lernen Informationen durch Ihre persönlichen Angaben ersetzen.
Sie alles, um sich in verschiedenen Situationen auf Englisch
I’m from Ontario, in Canada.
zurechtzufinden. In jedem Step gibt es eine Seite Language
My family was from Faversham originally.
study. Hier können Sie die Grammatik üben, die Sie im
I went to school in Ontario.
Unterricht gelernt haben. Manchmal gibt es auf dieser Seite
Now I live in Faversham.
zwei Abschnitte: You already know (mit der Grammatik, die
I’m not married and I don’t have children.
Sie schon von früher kennen) und And now (mit der neuen
My hobbies? I like history and sightseeing.
Grammatik aus der Unterrichtsstunde).
I’m in this class because I want to know more about my
family history.

Learner profile

Ihr Lehrer / Ihre Lehrerin möchte gerne mehr über Ihre Erwartungen an diesen Kurs erfahren. Daher wäre es schön,
wenn Sie das folgende Profil ausfüllen. Lassen Sie die Fragen, die Sie nicht beantworten möchten, einfach aus.

Name: __________________________________________
Geburtsort: __________________________________________
Nationalität: __________________________________________
Muttersprache(n): __________________________________________

Wenn Deutsch nicht Ihre Muttersprache ist, welche Aussage trifft auf Ihre Deutschkenntnisse zu:
Ich kann vertraute, alltägliche Ausdrücke und ganz einfache Sätze verstehen und verwenden.
Ich kann einfache und häufig gebrauchte Ausdrücke verstehen und mich in einfachen routinemäßigen
Situationen verständigen.
Ich kann die meisten alltäglichen Situationen bewältigen und kann mich einfach und zusammenhängend
zu mir vertrauten Themen äußern.
Ich kann mich spontan und fließend mit deutschen Muttersprachlern ohne größere Anstrengung auf
beiden Seiten verständigen.
Ich kann mich spontan und fließend ausdrücken und mich strukturiert und ausführlich zu komplexen
Sachverhalten äußern.
Ich kann mich sehr spontan, sehr flüssig und ganz genau ausdrücken und auch bei komplexeren
Sachverhalten feinere Bedeutungsnuancen deutlich machen.

Welche anderen Sprachen sprechen Sie? ___________________________________________________________________

Haben Sie Englisch in der Schule gelernt? Wenn ja, geben Sie bitte an, an welcher Art Schule, für wie lange und
wie lange es her ist.
Das hat mir gefallen: __________________________________________________________________________________
Das hat mir nicht gefallen: ______________________________________________________________________________

Haben Sie schon einmal einen Englischkurs besucht? Wenn ja, schreiben Sie bitte ein paar Worte dazu:
Ich habe aufgehört, weil _______________________________________________________________________________
Das hat mir gefallen: __________________________________________________________________________________
Das hat mir nicht gefallen: ______________________________________________________________________________

Warum möchten Sie Englisch lernen? _______________________________________________________________________

Was möchten Sie am Ende des Kurses alles können? __________________________________________________________

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