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1. Genetics is the ____________________ study of the ways in which different characteristics are passed from
each generation of living things to the next. (science)
2. They look ____________________ at the success of their European counterparts. (envy)
3. We all want to make the peace process ____________________. (success)
4. An outbreak of flu was ____________________ to people who travelled in the winter months. (limit)
5. She is angry about the neglect and ____________________ of these animals. (treat)
6. The 20th century brought about ____________________ changes in our lifestyles. (revolutionize)
7. State officials responded ____________________ to the report, saying it is based on inaccurate information.
8. He thinks there’s great ____________________ in being out of work and unable to provide for his family.
9. Social workers who look after abused or ____________________ children often have stressful days at work.
10. They are ____________________ awaiting the birth of their first child. (anxiety)
11. We suspect he means to dishonour the agreement made three years ago. (suspicion)
12. They have a very old-fashioned management structure. (manage)
13. The temperature is almost 80 degrees, and the humidity 35%. (humidify)
14. The reliability of this smoke detector is guaranteed. (rely)
15. Somehow she knew, with deep-down certainty, that her son was still alive. (certain)


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following sentences.
1. A. provide B. solution C. stop D. lesson
2. A. takes B. predicts C. asks D. begins
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following sentences.
3. A. interest B. discourage C. advertise D. exercise
4. A. problem B. leisure C. result D. future
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
5. She fancies _____ her hand at painting, and therefore she is going to enrol in an art class.
A. to try B. to have tried C. trying D. that she tries
6. I regret _____ the opportunity to attend the concert last night.
A. and miss B. missing C. having missed D. both B and C
7. Without her support, I _____ my overseas study.
A. hadn’t completed B. wouldn’t have completed
C. will soon complete D. didn’t complete
8. Positive feedback gave me a boost _____ motivation to exceed my targets.
A. in B. on C. towards D. into
9. Some experts point to the importance of _____ children make their own decisions.
A. allowing B. to let C. to allow D. letting
10. Parents can set their children up for success and help them become _____ in sports and in life.
A. winning B. winners C. won D. to win
11. After a long and _____ day at work, all I wanted to do was relax and unwind.
A. enjoyable B. unforgettable C. memorable D. exhausting
12. Mountaineers possess exceptional physical and mental strength to cope well with _____.
A. genetics B. emotions C. extremes D. vessels
13. Excessive exposure to electronic devices, which _____ large amounts of blue light, keeps us awake.
A. reduce B. emit C. digest D. filter
14. The sudden change in _____ pressure often accompanies approaching storms.
A. peer B. blood C. atmospheric D. room
15. They are looking _____ protect their identity on the Internet.
A. for B. at C. to D. forward to
16. The increase in crime rates highlighted the urgent need for the situation to be _____.
A. remedied B. created C. accepted D. affected
17. Twitter has allowed people to easily connect with others who they _____ to in the past.
A. would have access B. would access
C. would have accessed D. would have never had access
18. Implementing effective time management strategies can significantly enhance _____ in this office.
A. production B. productivity C. producer D. reproduction
19. He decided to _____ an election in order to bring about positive change in his community.
A. struggle B. fight C. stand D. go
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
20. Tom: “How well you are playing!” Susan: “_____”
A. No doubt. B. Thanks! I've been practising a lot lately.
C. I know, right? I'm the best! D. I'm okay. Thanks anyway.
21. Peter: “I like your attractive new haircut.” Lily: “_____”
A. You know, it took a lot of courage to try this new style.
B. I think I look better than everyone else now.
C. Well, it's about time someone noticed.
D. I really appreciate your kind words.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Though he heard the loud crash, he didn't bat an eyelid and continued reading his book.
A. ignited B. reacted C. blinked D. frowned
23. The memory of that beautiful sunset on the beach will be etched on my heart forever.
A. forgotten B. remembered C. treasured D. cherished
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. After months of intense training, running a 5K race felt like a walk in the park for Sarah.
A. challenging B. arduous C. effortless D. demanding
25. He paid for his dinner on the nail, handing exact change to the waiter.
A. without reservation B. without delay C. in default D. in time
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning
to each of the following questions.
26. I couldn't go to the party as I had to finish an important project for work.
A. Since nobody wanted me to attend the party, I focused on an important project for work.
B. I wasn’t able to attend the party because I had to get an important project for work done.
C. I would have presented myself at the party in the event of an important project for work.
D. I chose not to go to the party despite an important project for work.
27. In most discussions of cultural diversity, attention has focused only on explicit aspects.
A. Other important factors haven't been neglected in most discussions of cultural diversity.
B. Explicit aspects have stopped receiving exclusive attention in the case of cultural diversity.
C. People have lost interest in explicit aspects when talking about cultural diversity.
D. The majority of discussions on cultural diversity only consider explicit aspects.
28. His teacher encouraged him to take part in the International Piano Competition.
A. It was he who voluntarily took part in the International Piano Competition.
B. He hadn't heard of the International Piano Competition until his teacher told him about it.
C. Without his teacher, he wouldn't have gone in for the International Piano Competition.
D. His teacher insisted that he should not think of the International Piano Competition.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
29. Regular exercise is really important for maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind.
30. She go to the gym every day to keep her body in shape.
31. Running in the morning and drinking plenty of waters helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
32. I’d love to learn German. I really haven’t got time.
A. Because I really haven’t got time, I’d love to learn German.
B. I really haven’t got time; therefore, I’d love to learn German.
C. I’d love to learn German; however, I haven’t got time.
D. I really haven’t got time; as a result, I’d not love to learn German.
33. I ate the soup. After that, I realised I had forgotten to give my little sister some of it.
A. Only after eating the soup did I realise I had forgotten to give my little sister some of it.
B. As soon as I realised I had forgotten to give my little sister some of the soup, I ate it.
C. When I ate the soup, I realised I had forgotten to give my little sister some of it.
D. Hardly had I forgotten to give my little sister some of the soup when I ate it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38.
Insomnia, a sleep (34) _____ that affects millions of people worldwide, is a condition characterised by
difficulty (35) _____ falling asleep or staying asleep. Individuals suffering from insomnia often experience
fatigue, lack of concentration, irritability, and impaired performance during the day.
The causes of insomnia can vary, ranging from stress and anxiety to medical conditions and lifestyle
factors. For example, the constant (36) _____ to screens, irregular sleep schedules, and high levels of stress
have disrupted our natural sleep patterns.
Managing insomnia requires a comprehensive approach. Healthy sleep habits, such as maintaining a (37)
_____ sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, and practising relaxation techniques, can
significantly improve sleep quality. (38) _____, therapy or medication may be recommended to address
underlying issues or regulate sleep patterns.
34. A. disorder B. ordering C. orderly D. orders
35. A. on B. with C. in D. at
36. A. addiction B. exposure C. satisfaction D. improvement
37. A. gradual B. constant C. persistent D. consistent
38. A. In some cases B. In the event C. In case D. In contrast
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.
Physical injuries are an inherent risk when participating in sports activities. Whether engaging in high-
impact contact sports or individual athletic endeavours, the human body is susceptible to various types of
injuries. From minor bruises to severe fractures, sports-related injuries can have both short-term and long-term
effects on an individual's physical well-being.
One common type of injury in sports is sprains and strains. These occur when ligaments or
muscles/tendons are stretched or torn due to sudden movements or excessive force. Sprained ankles, strained
muscles, and ligament tears are frequent occurrences in sports like basketball, soccer, and tennis.
Another prevalent injury is fractures, which are breaks or cracks in bones. These can result from direct
trauma, falls, or overuse. Fractures can range from hairline fractures to complete breaks, requiring immediate
medical attention and often necessitating a period of immobilisation and rehabilitation.
Concussions, particularly in contact sports such as football or rugby, are also a concern. A concussion is a
traumatic brain injury caused by a sudden blow to the head, resulting in symptoms like dizziness, confusion,
and memory loss. Proper diagnosis and adequate recovery time are crucial to prevent further complications.
Additionally, overuse injuries are prevalent in sports that involve repetitive motions. Examples include
tennis elbow, runner's knee, and stress fractures. These injuries occur gradually over time due to excessive
strain on specific body parts, often requiring rest, physical therapy, and modifications in training routines.
39. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. The Risks and Injuries Associated with Sports Activities
B. The Impact of Sports on Physical Well-being
C. Preventing Sports-related Injuries
D. The Importance of Proper Diagnosis in Sports Injuries
40. According to paragraph 3, immobilisation is _____.
A. a common type of sports injury B. the result of direct trauma to the bones
C. a period of not going about D. a treatment for fractures
41. The word "these" in paragraph 3 refers to _____.
A. sprained ankles, strained muscles, and ligament tears
B. fractures
C. sports-related injuries
D. basketball, soccer, and tennis
42. The word “crucial” in paragraph 4 mostly means _____.
A. insignificant B. essential C. harmful D. optional
43. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Concussions are a common concern in contact sports.
B. Overuse injuries occur gradually over time.
C. Fractures can be caused by falls or overuse.
D. Sprains and strains are the most prevalent sports injuries.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.
The Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) is a crucial ligament found within the knee joint, responsible for
connecting the thighbone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia). It plays a vital role in preventing lateral movement of
the knee. In the event of excessive stretching, the MCL can tear partially or completely, resulting in a Medial
Collateral Ligament Tear.
When an MCL tear occurs, individuals often experience a sharp pain and a distinct "pop" at the moment
of injury. Swelling typically follows, concentrated around the inner part of the knee. Although walking may
still be possible after the swelling subsides, pain is usually felt when stretching the inner knee. Additionally, the
knee may feel unstable, leading to stumbling or falling.
Medial Collateral Ligament Tears are commonly seen in athletic activities involving sudden changes in
direction, twisting motions, or forceful impacts to the side of the knee. Sports like skiing, soccer, football,
basketball, and tennis are particularly prone to such injuries.
To diagnose a torn MCL, healthcare professionals conduct a thorough examination, which includes
pressing on the knee and observing specific movements. Imaging tests, such as X-rays and MRI scans, may be
ordered to assess the severity of the tear and check for other potential knee injuries.
Immediate treatment options for MCL tears include over-the-counter pain medication, RICE (Rest, Ice,
Compression, Elevation), and the use of braces to protect the knee during the healing process. Depending on
the severity, crutches, physical therapy, or even surgery may be recommended.
During recovery, it is essential for individuals with a torn MCL to temporarily refrain from sports,
focusing instead on low-impact activities like swimming. Following the doctor's instructions and engaging in
physical therapy can help prevent future MCL tears and other injuries by improving strength, balance,
flexibility, and teaching proper techniques for sports-related movements.
Parents play a vital role in supporting their child's recovery from an MCL tear, as it may be emotionally
challenging. Encouraging alternative activities or hobbies can help maintain their engagement and positivity.
Following up with scheduled appointments, adhering to at-home exercises, and avoiding activities that may
hinder healing are crucial aspects of the recovery process.
44. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Understanding the Importance of the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) in Knee Stability
B. Unveiling the Mechanism and Treatment of MCL Tears
C. Sports-Related Knee Injuries: A Focus on the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL)
D. The Role of Parents in Supporting Recovery from MCL Tears
45. The word “collateral” in paragraph 1 probably means _____.
A. really important B. not main but parallel C. not worth keeping D. not expected
46. According to paragraph 2, swelling _____.
A. occurs immediately after an MCL tear B. causes instability in the knee joint
C. mostly affects the outer part of the knee D. can lead to difficulty in walking
47. According to paragraph 3, soccer is among _____.
A. the least risky sports for MCL tears
B. the most common sports for MCL tears
C. the sports with the lowest incidence of MCL tears
D. the sports with the highest rate of MCL tears
48. The word “severity” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. extent B. importance C. severity D. intensity
49. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. MCL tears can cause a "pop" sensation at the moment of injury.
B. Sports involving sudden changes in direction are more prone to MCL tears.
C. Immediate treatment for MCL tears includes surgery.
D. Following physical therapy can help prevent future MCL tears.
50. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. MCL tears are more common in younger children than in older individuals.
B. MCL tears can be prevented by avoiding athletic activities altogether.
C. Physical therapy plays a significant role in preventing future MCL tears.
D. MCL tears are exclusively caused by forceful impacts to the front of the knee.


Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. hopes B. suspects C. annoys D. meets
2. A. skin B. shin C. wrist D. sad
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. ankle B. forehead C. goatee D. kidney
4. A. annoying B. envious C. disgusted D. surprising
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
5. - A: “I’m having a backache.” - B: “………………..”
A. Really? Sounds terrible. B. You’re doing too much exercise. It’s not good.
C. Don’t stand on two legs all the time. D. I don’t think so.
6. - A: “I’m too old to do exercise now.” - B: “………………….”
A. You used to do a lot of exercise, so it’s OK now. B. Exercise is good for your body.
C. I love do exercise every day. D. You’re never too old to get fit, Grandpa.
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
7. I suddenly realized that I was alone.
A. became aware of a fact or situation B. got annoyed about something
C. became confused of the situation D. was interested in many things
8. I don’t need the script. I’ve memorized my lines.
A. forgot the answer B. looked up the words C. found the answer D. met the deadline
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
9. The following websites provide useful information on places to stay.
A. withhold B. sell C. give D. hold on
10. Will we ever start a space colony on the moon?
A. begin B. go on C. hope D. finish
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 11 to 15.
We need calories or (11)………………… do the things every day. For example, when we walk to
school or (12) ………………..a bike to school we spend a certain amount of calories and even when we sleep,
we also use them. But how many calories should we have a day to stay in shape? It’s difficult (13)
………………… to calculate. If people want to keep (14) …………….., they should remember that
everyone should have between 1600 and 2500 calories a day.
We get calories (15) …………….the food we eat. If we get too many food and don’t take part in any activities,
we can get fat quickly. So besides studying, we should do some activities, play sports or do the housework,
such as cleaning the floor, cooking etc. Otherwise, we don’t eat enough, we will be tired and weak.
11. A. food B. energy C. drink D. money
12. A. ride B. come C. drive D. buy
13. A. for B. with C. in D. of
14. A. health B. fit C. active D. calm
15. A. in B. of C. from D. with
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 16 to 20.
Calories are units of energy. They refer to the amount of energy you get from foods and drinks, and the
amount of energy you use through physical activities. For example, an apple has about 80 calories, while a 1.6
km walk might use up 100 calories. Calories are important for human health, and the key is having the right
amount of it.
Everyone needs different amounts of energy per day depending on age, size and activity levels. An
athlete needs more calories than an office worker. To stay in shape, an average adult requires at least 1,800
calories per day (according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). If we eat just the
number of calories our body needs each day, we will probably be healthy. However, eating too much can make
you put on weight. To lose weight, eat fewer calories than your body burns each day.
These are some experts' tips to reduce calorie intake. First, you must know how many calories you need
each day and always count them in your diet. Have small frequent meals and drink more water too. This will
help you feel less hungry. Furthermore, avoid all sugary drinks and junk food. They are high in energy but low
in nutritional value.
16. What are calories?
A. They are units of energy. B. They are the amount of energy.
C. They are important D. Each person needs different amounts of calories.
17. How many calories does an apple contain?
A. 100 calories B. About 80 calories C. About 160 calories D. None are correct
18. What factor decides the amount of energy a person needs each day?
A. Age B. Size C. Activity levels D. All are correct
19. What is a healthy number of calories per day?
A. At least 160 calories B. About 80 calories
C. At least 1,800 D. None are correct
20. What happens when we eat too many calories?
A. We can put on weight. B. We will be healthy.
C. We can lose weight. D. We can reduce calorie intake.
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
21. You could see the ……………on the children’s faces when we told them about the holiday. (excite)
22. It’s ……………………. to learn all the words in a language. (possible)
23. I don’t understand the ………………….. between ‘on time’ and ‘in time’. (differ)
24. ………………., it started to rain and we didn’t have an umbrella. (fortunate)
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
25. My exams are in May. By June I (finish) ……………………….my exam.
26. If you forget to upload your photos, you (lose) ……………..them
27. Please don’t phone me before 7.00 because I (sleep) …………… that time.
28. I’m sure they (lose) …………………..the match tomorrow.
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
29. He works hard and he’s got a clear objective so he will be highly-motivated.
A. will be B. so C. got D. works
30. My dad is only planning to work to the age of 55. By the age of 57, he will retired.
A. to B. to work C. will retired D. By
31. If a part of your body is stiff, you can move it easily.
A. it B. If C. can D. stiff
Finish second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
32. They’re moving house on 15 February. (use “moved”)
=> By March they ……………………………………………………………
33. We’re going on holiday on 2 August. (use “going”)
=> In August we ……………………………………………………………
34. I’m certain he didn’t give me the money. (use can’t)
=> He ……………………………………………………………
35. I’m not sure, but I think it’s Phong on the phone for you. (use “might”)
=> Phong ……………………………………………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
36. Tom fell on his face in the playground and cut his ………………
A. chin B. toe C. leg D. face
37. Dad fell off his horse and hurt his ………………… He can’t move his arm very well.
A. leg B. neck C. shoulder D. forehead
38. I can’t really talk today. I’ve got a bad ………………..
A. shoulder B. throat C. head D. neck
39. He fell over on the hill and twisted his ………………….
A. ankle B. hand C. leg D. eyes
40. Mary can’t play the piano because she has injured her …………….
A. mouth B. leg C. finger D. toe
41. My brother’s broken his …………….., so he can’t play tennis today.
A. stomach B. thumb C. throat D. tooth
42. I hope he will have found a job …………………..the end of the month.
A. by B. at C. in D. with
43. You shouldn’t ………………people who haven’t gone to the university.
A. look up to B. look at C. look down on D. look up
44. Tom ………………….not doing his homework. The teacher didn’t notice.
A. threw away B. ran out of C. came up with D. got away with
45. That …………… Jane in the shop. She’s on holiday.
A. could B. couldn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t
46. I ………………..your book by the end of the week.
A. will have read B. will read C. will be reading D. am going to read
47. You’ll recognise her …………………..she will be wearing a bright yellow dress.
A. when B. and C. because D. so
48. Are you interested in ……………….other cultures.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions.
49. John passed his exam with a distinction. B: …………..
A. He was too lazy to succeed B. He can't have studied very hard
C. He must have studied very hard D. He needs studying harder
50. I have done this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong according to the answer key.
A. The answer in the book should be wrong! B. The book needn't have a wrong answer.
C. There is a wrong answer in the book. D. The answer in the book must be wrong!


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