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Home Page

Live Dates

Purpose of Website:
The following is the commercial website for a musician - meant to streamline the user
experience. It gathers all the important information for the interested users in one place - the
tour dates, merch, music and any other important information under the more tab.Further, in
order to enhance the experience further, the link provided lead to outside links and reroute users
to the concerned pages, even outside this domain.
Target Audience:
The targeted audience of this website is the general listeners of the artist and dedicated fans
alike. The website is thus tailored for a smooth navigation experience, without too many over
elements to over complicate search for the basic amenities and queries.It is minimal and
modest. Most of the text on the website are links themselves, saving the user from the arduous
task of looking up the information.
Graphics and Colors:
The website is darker in theme, with light colored text against a gradient background. A good
chunk of the screen is taken up by images in order to consolidate the image of the artist’s work
and present it to the user neatly. Product, album and other descriptions are kept short and
crisp. Most of the fonts are pretty minimal and simplistic in order to be less stylistically diverting
from the main content of the page.
The website has a constant navigation bar right at the top of the page, unhampered regardless
of the specific webpage being visited. Further, for non-home webpages, the logo of the artist in
top left corner leads back to the main home page, in order to avoid the cluttering of the
navigation bar.

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