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Hands-On Python Programming with HTTPX

Interact with various HTTP services and REST APIs
using this modern package

Nick Russo
Network and Automation Engineer
About This Class
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• Lots of
• Pragmatic examples
• Hands-on demonstrations
• Absolutely no
• Academic "foo" and "bar" examples
• Gimmicks and trivia
• Have questions? Please:
• Use Q&A widget, not attendee/group chat
• Keep them timely and relevant
• Don't ask about your specific job
Section 1: HTTP Refresher
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Basic request/response structure

Request methods

Return codes

Use cases
HTTP for Kindergarteners
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• Stuff Transport Protocol (Russ White)
• Data exchange on the web

• Variety of operations/methods
• Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD)

• Variety of payload types and real-life applications

• Browsing, API exchanges, file transfer, etc.
HTTP Components
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• A client sends requests, a server sends responses

• Both messages have:

• A request line (request) or status line (response)
• Headers
• An optional body, separated by blank line
Common HTTP Methods/Operations
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• GET: Read a resource
• POST: Create a resource
• PUT: Update a resource
• DELETE: Delete a resource (together, CRUD)

• Less common
• HEAD: Get the headers only; no body
• PATCH: Update part of a resource
HTTP Status Codes – "Successes"
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• 100 – 199: Continue
• 200 – 299: Success
• 200: OK
• 201: Created (new resource)
• 202: Accepted (asynchronous OK)

• 300 – 399: Redirect

• 301: Moved Permanently
• 307: Temporary Redirect
HTTP Status Codes – "Errors"
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• 400 – 499: Client errors
• 400: Bad Request
• 401: Unauthorized (authentication)
• 403: Forbidden (authorization)
• 404: Not Found
• 405: Method not allowed
• 500 – 599: Server errors
• 500: Internal Server Error
• 501: Not implemented
HTTP Transaction Example - Success
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Client Server

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
GET / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1796
Accept: */*
Server: AmazonS3

Request/status line <!DOCTYPE html>

Headers <html
HTTP Transaction Example - Error
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Client Server

GET /bad HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Host: Content-Type: text/html
Accept: */* Content-Length: 338
Server: AmazonS3

Request/status line <html>

Headers <head><title>404 Not
Body Found</title></head>...
Section 2: Exploring HTTPX Basics
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HTTPX package overview and usage

Installation and documentation

Basic operations using REPL and scripts

What is Python HTTPX?
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• Python HTTPX is an HTTP client
• Easy way to interact with web services
• Universally applicable across use-cases

>>> import httpx

>>> resp = httpx.get("")
>>> resp.status_code
>>> len(resp.headers)
>>> resp.text
'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html xmlns=...'
Issuing HTTP Requests with HTTPX
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• Two main options

• Generic function:
• httpx.request(method="get")
• httpx.request(method="post")

• Specific functions:
• httpx.get(),, httpx.put(), etc.
• Simple wrappers for the generic function
Specifying Headers
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• Headers are key-value pairs
• Great fit for a Python dictionary
• Often carries API keys/tokens, accepted encodings, etc.
• Very application-dependent

>>> import httpx

>>> my_headers = {"Accept": "text/html"}
>>> resp = httpx.get("",
>>> resp.headers["Content-Type"]
Specifying Query Parameters
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• Query parameters are key-value pairs
• Great fit for a Python dictionary (again)
• Appended to URL in "?key=value&key=value" format
• Often not required; just a selection/filtering technique

>>> import httpx

>>> params = {"limit": 5, "type": "tech"}
>>> resp = httpx.get("",
>>> resp.request.url
Specifying the Body
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• Can use "data" to specify key-value pairs or plain-text
• Other techniques exist (discussed later)

>>> import httpx

>>> body = {"name": "nick", "kids": 2}
>>> resp ="", data=body)
>>> resp.request.content

>>> resp ="", data="hi")

>>> resp.request.content
It's Not Over!
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• Many more options to be revealed in code examples

• SSL verification
• Long-lived TCP sessions
• Content caching
• REST API interaction
• File upload/download
Installing HTTPX using pip
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• Python package manager
• Works like yum/apt for Linux distributions
• "pip install httpx" (includes dependencies)

$ pip install httpx

Collecting httpx
Using cached httpx-0.23.0-py3-none-any.whl (84 kB)
Installing collected packages: httpx-0.23.0
A simple Python Script using HTTPX
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• Typically, just "import httpx" and go

$ cat
import httpx
resp = httpx.get("")
print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)

$ python
200 OK
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
Python Logging
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• Set basic configuration
• Timestamp formatting
• Log level

• Create a "logger" object

• Call the logger's methods to write logs

•, logger.debug(msg), etc.
Python Debugger (pdb)
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• Four core actions
• list (l): reveal the code +/- 5 lines
• next (n): step over function
• step (s): step into function
• continue (c): run until next breakpoint

• Add breakpoint
• "breakpoint()" in py3.7+
• "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" in py3.6-
Section 3: Handling HTTP Redirection
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Real-life project from my private business

Follow or ignore HTTP redirection

Verify nuanced behavior with pdb

Handling Redirects
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• Identified by HTTP redirects (status code 3XX)
• Target URL carried in "location" header

• HTTPX does not follow redirects by default!

• Set explicitly with follow_redirects=True
• Tracks redirected requests in "history" list

• Design choice
• Disable for security and step-by-step inspection
• Enable for ease of use, especially for trusted use-cases
What is tweeter-lite?
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• Validates a Twitter message (called tweets)

• Start with library of known-good tweets

• Validates two important components

• Message is not too long
• URL in message is reachable

• Full version is more complex (but irrelevant today)

Section 4: Basic REST API Theory and Basic REST
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API theory and interaction with Cisco SD-WAN

REST architectural style

SSL validation

HTTP body formats

Persistent sessions

Cisco SD-WAN (DevNet sandbox) demonstration

What is REST?
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• Representational State Transfer

• An architectural style for web service interaction

• Not ...
• A protocol
• A framework
• A language
• A package
REST Constraints
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• To be RESTful, a system must have/be:
• Uniform interface: resources directly accessible
• Client-server: separate user interface from data storage
• Stateless: requests are independent; no server state
• Cacheable: temporarily storable for improved performance
• Layered system: hierarchical servers, load balancers, etc.
• Code on demand (optional): server extends functionality of
client at runtime by sending code (JavaScript, etc.)
Why HTTP Is Usually a Good Fit
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• Most constraints are met using HTTP
• Don't HAVE to use HTTP, but it's a natural fit
• One URI per resource à HTTP URL in a request
• CRUD operations easily map to HTTP methods
• Client-server and load balancing are inherent
• Caching can be public (CDN) or private (temp Internet files)
HTTP Body: Using "data"
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• Relates to HTTP bodies

• If "data" is a dict, unpacks to HTML key/value pairs

• Automatically adds proper Content-Type header

• Commonly used for webform interaction

• Can also be plain-text (no transformation/header)

HTTP Body: Using "data" Example
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>>> import httpx
>>> resp =
data={"name": "nick", "age": 36}

# request failed, but it doesn't matter

>>> resp.request.content
>>> resp.request.headers["Content-Type"]
HTTP Body: Using "json"
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• Looks similar at a glance

• Must be a dictionary, but serializes into JSON as text

• Automatically adds proper Content-Type header

• Commonly used for interacting with REST APIs

HTTP Body: Using "json" Example
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>>> import httpx
>>> resp =
json={"name": "nick", "age": 36}

# Very different headers and body!

>>> resp.request.content
b'{"name": "nick", "age": 36}'
>>> resp.request.headers["Content-Type"]
What is Cisco SD-WAN?
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• Software-defined Wide Area Network

• If you're not a network engineer, don't worry!

• "data" and "json" together
• Persistent sessions
• Authentication/error handling
• TLS certificate checking

• Free and public!

Section 5: Intermediate REST API Interaction
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with pokeapi
Programmatic data collection and exploration

Navigating hierarchical data structures

HTTP pagination for large/unknown data sets

What is pokeapi?
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• A free, read-only (GET) REST API

• Features 1,000+ Pokémon characters

• Tons of data, JSON-encoded, and well-documented

• Hosted at
Our Goals
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• Project #1: Get details from some Pokémon
• Grab small number of Pokémon once
• Programmatically drill deeper into them

• Project #2: Get all Pokémon sequentially

• Use iterative HTTP pagination to "catch them all" J
• Grab large number of Pokémon with each request
Section 6: Advanced REST API Interaction with
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pokeapi and asyncio
Concurrency for faster performance

Handling API throttling errors

Introducing asyncio
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• One of many "concurrency" strategies in Python

• Single process and single thread

• Switches execution between tasks when busy

• Great for IO-bound operations
• e.g., establishing network connections

• asyncio is complicated; we are keeping it simple today!

Terms and keywords
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• New terms
• coroutine: A function marked as async to perform a job
• task: awaitable instance of a coroutine
• future: represents the eventual result of a task or task list

• New syntax in Python 3.7+

• async: Mark a function as a coroutine (other uses also exist)
• await: Wait for a task or future to complete
Our Goals
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• Project #3: Get all Pokémon concurrently

• Use asyncio to optimize the previous project

• Unanswered questions
• What about API rate limits?
• How do we know when to stop?
Section 7: REST API Interaction Involving File
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Transfers and Asynchronous API Processing
Complete view of business application

OOP-based composition design

File upload and download

Error and status checking

Method customization
What is py-auphonic?
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• Python client for REST API

• Used for post-production of audio files

• Great for VoD/AoD, podcasts, and music

• Well-documented, reliable REST API

My Workflow – Building a Preset
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• Preset is a template for producing audio files

• Many options
• Encoding type (mp3, wav, etc.)
• Noise cancellation
• Loudness adjustment
• Audio smoothing
• Metadata (title, artist, album, track, etc.)
My Workflow – Building a Production
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• A production is a container for files

• Can do one file per production, or many ("batch")

• Basic steps
• Create production from preset
• Upload file(s) into production
• Produce the audio
• Download the resulting file
Recap and Q&A
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HTTP/REST fundamentals

Using HTTPX to solve complex problems

Minor options (headers, params, data, json)

Troubleshooting (logging, debugging)

Optimization (persistent sessions, asyncio)

Composition design with OOP

Additional Resources
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• Website as code (extensive "requests" usage at present):
• Videos:
• Process:

• More Python Training by Me

• O'Reilly: Real-World Python By Example
• Pluralsight: Automating Networks with Python

• Twitter: @nickrusso42518

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