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Naizak Global Engineering Systems

Revision No.: 00


A job safety analysis, or JSA, is a structured method for developing, reviewing, and observing
task-specific procedures (behaviors) for routine and non-routine tasks. A JSA is a multi-step
process that breaks a job down into basic steps or tasks; identifies potential hazards associated
with each step; and recommends actions for each step to eliminate, control, or minimize
hazards that could lead to incidents, environmental damage, or possible occupational illness.
It is particularly useful for maintenance applications such as those involving integrated tasks.
The technique can be taught quickly and stresses the involvement of employees

1.1 Objectives

 To identify all potential hazards for a specific job.

 To eliminate hazards or provide adequate protection to personnel.
 To form the basis for the development of safe operating procedures.
 To gain personnel commitment for adhering to safety procedures.
 To assist in training employees in safe job procedures.
 To study jobs for possible improvements in job method and efficiency

1.2 General Requirements

 This program applies to all Department of NAIZAK and to contractors performing work.
 The need to perform a JSA shall be considered at the planning stage and shall be prepared
for all work activities which involve a significant risk, which are not adequately controlled
by existing control measures, such as operating procedures, and safe work practices, etc.
 Activities requiring JSA shall include but not be limited to:
o Jobs that are routine and have frequent accidents or near misses, even if the degree
of injury or damage is low.
o Jobs that are non-routine, and have a potential for a very serious loss.
o Jobs that is new or repetitive, and not covered by an operating procedure.
o Other activities for which a JSA is deemed necessary by the Unit Head.
 The preparation of JSA’s shall, where possible, involve personnel actually doing the job.
 JSA’s shall be documented and the documents filed appropriately by the responsible
 Unit Heads, or their designee must review the completed JSA’s with all personnel (Clint
or Contractor) involved in carrying out the job.
 Where there has been an accident or a near miss, a JSA shall be prepared to prevent
recurrence of similar incidents.
 In a job for which a JSA has been prepared previously, the issuer and the receiver shall
both make sure that workers review the JSA before a work permit is issued.

 If an injury occurs on a specific job, the JSA shall be reviewed immediately to determine
whether changes are needed in the job procedure.
 If an incident has resulted from an employee’s failure to follow a JSA, such JSA shall be
discussed again with all employees performing the job.
 Any time a JSA is revised, training in the new job methods, procedures, or protective
measures shall be provided to all employees affected by the changes.
 A JSA can be used to train new employees on the steps and job hazards.

1.3 Job Safety Analysis Procedures

 Identify the critical/high risk job to be studied.

 Form a JSA Team with a Team Leader assigned.
 Team members should include individuals affected by the JSA.
 Discuss the procedure with the employee performing the job and explain its purpose.
 Break the job down into steps.
 Check the step breakdown and sequence with individuals performing the job.
 List the job steps on a Record Sheet (see Supplement No. 2).
 Review each step for potential hazards then document the problems or hazards next to the
step. The JSA Checklist (see Supplement No. 1) shall be used to assist the identification of
all possible hazards. Apart from potential personal injury, the potential for mechanical or
environmental damage shall also be considered. Each worksite has its own requirements
and environmental conditions. Considerations shall be given to any special or unique
hazards at the worksite.
 Develop control measures for the problems or hazards identified. These measures may be
design changes, equipment changes, procedure changes, or personal protection.
 Record the control measures. Go over the control measures (recommendations) with all
 Employees performing the job to seek their input and understanding of what changes are
 The listing of controls shall be restricted to mandatory items and the responsibilities for the
actions are to be defined.

1.4 Hazard Type Include

o Impact
o Contact with Chemicals
o Caught on or between
o Fall or Slip
o Over exertion
o Repetitive Motion

o Vibration
o Over-reaching
o Bending
o Pushing
o Pulling
o Pinch Grip
o Awkward Posture
o Prolonged Standing
o Lifting
o Carrying
o Poor lighting
o Tool Design

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