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1‐烧饼 shaobing Clay oven rolls 53‐葱烧豆腐 congshao’doufu bean curd (tu’fu)

2‐油条 youtiao Fried bread stick 54‐喜饼牛肉 xibing’niurou Beef Cake

3‐水饺 shuijiao Boiled dumplings 55‐咖喱饭 galifan curry rice
4‐饭团 fantuan Rice and vegetable roll 56‐白饭 baifan plain rice
5‐豆浆 doujiang Soybean milk 57‐打卤面 dalumian noodles with gravy
6‐简蛋卷 jiandanjuan omelette 58‐阳春面 yangchunmian plain noodle
7‐甜点 tiandian pastries 59‐辣椒炒菜 lajiao'chaocai Veggie Dish
8‐煎蛋 jiandan fried egg 60‐菠菜炒粉条 bocai'chaofentiao Spinach dish
9‐奶油 naiyou butter 61‐铁板鱼片 tieban'yupian Shrimp Chips
10‐奶酪 nailao Cheese 62‐菠菜炒爬虾肉 Bocai’chao’ spinach fry shrimp
11‐熏肉 xunrou bacon 63‐原汁海鲜 yuanzhi’haixian Sea Food
12‐橘子汁 juzizhi orange juice 64‐金牌毛公肉 inpai’maogongrou Meat
13‐蜂蜜 fengmi honey 65‐农家炖鸡 nongjia’dunji Home Chicken
14‐保久奶 baojiunai long‐life milk 66‐风味烤羊腿 fengwei’kao Lamb roasted leg
15‐咖啡 kafei Coffee 67‐肉末炒粉条 roumo’chao’fentiao meat fry silk noodle
16‐雪糕 xuegao ice‐cream 68‐白菜煮豆腐 baicai’zhu’dufu boil cabbage and tofu
17‐茶叶 chaye Tea 69‐白菜粉皮炖五花肉 baicai’fenpi’ cabbage ,pork
18‐冰水 bingshui Water 70‐莱芜生炒鸡 Laiwu’shengchaoji Laiwu fry chicken
19‐汽水 qishui soft drink 71‐牛肉炖西红柿 niurou’dun beef stew tomato
20‐紫菜汤 zicaitang Seaweed soup 72‐西兰花炒虾仁 xilanhua’chao Broccoli fry shrimp meat
21‐牡蛎汤 mulitang Oyster soup 73‐松子玉米 songzi’yumi pine nut and sweet corn
22‐蛋花汤 danhuatang Egg & vegetable soup 74‐香酥芋卷 xiangsu’yujuan sweet and crisp dessert
23‐鱼丸汤 yuwantang Fish ball soup 75‐葱油饼 cong'youbing fried chive cake
24‐鸡米豆腐羹 jimi’doufugeng Chicken rice soup 76‐胡萝卜丝饼 huluobosi'bing carrot cake
25‐酸辣汤 suanla’tang pepper soup 77‐油豆腐 youdoufu Oily bean curd
26‐榨菜肉丝汤 zhacai’rousi’tang shredded meat soup 78‐拔丝水果 basi’shuiguo floss fruit (Sweet snack)
27‐三鲜汤 sanxian’tang Seafood soup 79‐酸甜菠萝蜜 suantian’boluomi sweet pineapple
28‐烧麦 shaomai Dumplings with beef 80‐清炒木耳 qingchao’mu’er Stir Fried Dish
29‐民族酥羊肉 minzu’suyangrou Mutton Stew 81‐芝麻茄条 zhima’qietiao Sesame seed eggplant
30‐清洪羊肉丸 qing’yangrouwan Mutton ball stew 82‐辣炒豆芽 lachao’douya Spicily fries the bean
31‐白菜炖豆腐 baicai’dundoufu Tofu cabbage stewing 83‐糖醋里脊 tangcu’liji Sugar vinegar tenderloin
32‐牛肉炖土豆 niurou’duntudou Potatoes beef stewing 84‐芝麻肉饼 zhima'roubing Baked Meat
33‐家常炖花鲢 jiachang’dunhualian Fish Stew 85‐白菜肉水饺 baicairou’shuijiao cabbage dumplings
34‐牛腩干豆角 niunan’gandoujiao sirloin stew 86‐韭菜肉水饺 jiucairou’shuijiao leek dumplings
35‐时疏鸡肉丸 shishu’ji’rouwan chicken balls stew 餐巾 canjin napkin
36‐汤烧鱼块 tangshao’yukuai fish steak stew 碟子 die‘zi Plate
37‐家常炖笨鸡 jiachang’dunbenji chicken stew 杯子 bei’zi Cup
38‐清炖羊肉 qingdun’yangrou Mutton Stew 牙签 yaqian tooth pick
39‐木须肉 muxu’rou Pork‐Egg Stir fried Do you have western food?
40‐孜然羊肉 ziran’rou Stir fried mutton 你们有西餐吗?
41‐生炒羊肉 shengchao’yangrou fried mutton Do you have spoon & fork?
42‐肉沫粉条 roumo’fentiao fried meat 你们有勺子和叉子吗?
43‐辣炒花蛤 lachao’huage fried clam Which items in my list you have for today?
44‐宫爆鸡丁 gongbao’jiding Fried diced chicken 今天你们有哪些菜在我所列的这个单上?
45‐滑子菇土豆片 huazigu’tudoupian fried mushroom potato Please give me 2 dishes of today's special by your choice
46‐香菇扒油菜 xianggu’payoucai mushroom fried 请给我推荐两种今天的特色菜
47‐蒜爆羊肉 suanbao’yangrou garlic explodes mutton Can I call(phone) you and you bring the food to my home
48‐干炸里脊 ganzha’liji fried tenderloin 我可以给你打电话把饭菜送到我家里吗(叫外卖)?
49‐牛肉红烧茄 niurou’hongshaoqie Beef red‐roast eggplant I want to take the food home. Please put it in plastic bag
50‐水煮肉片 shuizhu’roupian water boils the sliced meat 我想把这个带回家吃,请给我打包
51‐腰果虾仁 yaoguo’xiaren Fresh Shrimps How long should I wait for the food to get ready?
52‐干炸小黄花 ganzha’xiaohuanghua Dry Small Fish 在菜做好之前,我需要等多久?
How much money is left in my account? 请问我的户头上还有多少钱?
How much money should I pay for this month? 这个月我应当支付多少钱?
I have some problems with my ATM card. 我的银行磁卡出了问题。
Please take me to the Airport. 请带我去机场。
Please take me to the train station. 请带我去火车站。
Please take me to a massage center. 请带我去按摩中心。
Please take me to a 3 ‐star hotel. 请带我去一家三星级宾馆。
Please take me to the shopping center. 请带我去购物中心。
I want to change this. 我想把这个换了。
Where can I buy the ticket to? 我到哪里能买到去….的票?
How long does it take to go to ? 去….要花多长时间?
I want a first class ticket with sleeping bed. 我想买一张头等的卧铺票。
I have lost my keys. 我丢失了钥匙。
I have lost my passport. 我丢了护照。
I need to see a policeman. 我需要见警察。
Please take me to the hospital. 请带我去医院。
I have lost my bank cards/ money. 我丢了银行卡/钱。
I need to see a doctor. I am sick. 我要看病,我病了。
I have lost my ticket. 我把票丢了。
I need a map of the city. 我需要一张本市的地图
I have lost my suitcase. Where should I go? 我把手提箱丢了,我应该去哪里?
Where can I get my boarding card? 我到哪里领取登机卡?
Where is my gate? 我因该从哪一个门走?
Is the flight on time? 飞机按时吗?
Can I take this in the cabin? 我能在机舱里带这个吗?
I work in the metal products field. 我在金属制造基地工作。
Where is the washroom? 洗手间在哪里?
I can not speak Chinese. Do you speak English? 我不会说汉语,你能说英语吗?
I need a travel agency 我需要一家旅行社
Where can I find some food/water? 在哪里能找到食物/水?
Where is the entry/Exit office in this city? 本市的出入境管理处在哪里?
At what time you open in the morning? 你们上午什么时候开门?
At what time you close in the evening? 你们晚上什么时候关门?
How much is the massage per hour? 按摩一小时多少钱?
Do you have a cheaper one? 你有更便宜的吗?
Can I invite you for a drink? 我能请你喝些什么吗/
Do you study? Where? What? 你在学习吗?在哪里?学什么?
Where/When can we meet again? 什么地方/什么时候我还能再见你一面?
I am from Canada and single. 我来自加拿大,是单身。
I want a bigger one. 我要一个更大的。
I want a smaller one 我要一个小一点的。
Please give me a cold one. 请给我凉的。
When can you come to my house? 你什么时候到我家里来?
We can practice Chinese and English together. 我们可以在一起练习汉语和英语吗?
When can we go out together? 我们什么时候可以一起出去?
Please cut my hair short at the sides and a bit longer in the middle. 请把我的头发边沿剪短,中间略长一些,就像军人那样
Gas:新奥燃气公司‐Address:香江一期路西‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Electricity: 电业局‐利民路百元裤业对面 (铁塔商场东,路南)
中通三期时代豪园44‐1号楼601室‐ 中国山东省聊城市‐ Mr.Yousef Zadeh‐ # 9 ‐ 5th Alley‐ Peivand St.‐ Paiam
252000///zhong tong san qi shi dai hao yuan‐ # 44‐1‐ hao lou 601 Blvd.‐ Sarv Sq.‐ Saadat Abad‐Tehran‐IRAN‐
shi ‐ zhong guo‐ shan dong sheng ‐ liaocheng shi‐ 252000 P.C:1981916151 Phone: +98‐21‐2211 5364
聊城市开发区邮政局 ‐ 中国山东省聊城市252000 ‐ 寄给 先生 ‐ The post office of Liaocheng developing zone (
电话:86‐635‐8516661 ‐ 移动电话:13606350149 Liaocheng Shi Kai Fa Qu You Zheng Ju) Liaocheng City‐
Shandong Province – China‐ 252000

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