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Dr. YOGESH Page 1
Table of contents
1. Basics
2. Drugs
3. Histopathology
4. Leprosy
5. Std
6. Dermatological Tests
7. Dermatology
i. Arterial and venous disorders
ii. Atopic dermatitis
iii. Contact dermatitis
iv. Cutaneous photobiology
v. Disorders of hair
vi. Disorders of nail
vii. Disorders of keratinization
viii. Disorders of skin colour
ix. Disorders of sweat glands
x. Disorders of sebaceous glands
xi. Eczema, lichenification, prurigo and erythroderma
xii. Genetic blistering disorders
xiii. Genodermatosis
xiv. Immunobullous disorders
xv. Infections and infestations
xvi. Lichen planus and lichenoid disesases
xvii. Mechanical and thermal injury
xviii. Metabolic and nutrition disorders
xix. Necrobiotic disorders and sarcoidosis
xx. Neonate
xxi. Nevi and other developmental defects
xxii. Occupational dermatosis
xxiii. Oral cavity
xxiv. Pruritis
xxv. Psoriasis
xxvi. Psychocutaneous diseases


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xxvii. Purpura and microvascular occlusison
xxviii. Recent advances
xxix. Rosacea and perioral dermatosis
xxx. Skin and skin disese throught life
xxxi. Subcutaneous fat
xxxii. Systemic disease and skin
xxxiii. The connective tissue disease
xxxiv. Tumours
xxxv. Urticaria and mastocytosis
xxxvi. Vasculitis , neutrophilic dermatoses


Dr. YOGESH Page 3

Paper 1 consists mainly of basics in dermatology, venereology and leprosy.

It includes anatomy, function, pathology, pathogenesis, immunology and

dermatological tests and their applied aspects.

Pathology and dermatological tests are dealt under separate section as they can be asked
in any paper.

Questions that are asked more than twice in previous 10 years are marked in bold.

Separate section for dermatology venereology and leprosy helps in knowing the
weightage given for these topics and thus help in preparing.


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Venereology and leprosy

1. Discuss the lymphatic drainage of male external genitalia (lq -april 2005)

2. Describe the lymphatic drainage of the male and female genitalia (sq- sept


3. What is the relevance of lepromin testing in a patient of suspected leprosy (sq

-sept 2005)

4. Describe the pathogenesis of nerve damage in leprosy? How will you

diagnose silent neuritis (lq - sept 2005)

5. Mycobacterium – w (sq -2006)

6. Prostate (sq -2006)

7. Discuss the lymphatic drainage of the male and female genitalia and how it is

affected in various sexually transmitted infections (lq -may 2006)

8. Ultra structure of mycobacterium leprae (sq -may 2006)

9. Discuss the role of mucus in the genital tract (sq -may 2006)

10. Discuss the normal vaginal flora and its defensive mechanism in various

diseases. (lq -sept 2007)

11. Describe the anatomy of male genitalia. How is it affected in gonorrhea ( lq -

nov 2007, aprill 2015)

12. Physiological causes of urethral discharges (sq -sept 2007)

13. Immunology of Leprosy (lq –aprill 2008, nov 2012)

14. Biology of neisseria gonorrhea (sq- aprill 2008)


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15. Mycobacterium leprae (sq- aprill 2008)

16. Describe the anatomy of male urethra. Discuss the investigations in a case

of urethritis in male. (lq – oct 2008)

17. Anatomy of female urethra. (sq – oct 2008)

18. Describe in detail the pathogenesis of leprosy ( lq- may 2009)

19. Describe immunological basis of lepra reactions ( sq -may 2009)

20. IRIS ( sq – aprill 2008, may 2009, may 2011,)

21. Armadillo ( sq may 2010, oct 2010, nov 2013, may 2014)

22. Male urethera ( sq- oct 2010)

23. Penile erection ( sq - oct 2010)

24. Describe microbiology of m leprae ( sq -may 2010, nov 2012)

25. Describe normal genital flora in female, also describe investigations for the

diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis ( sq - may 2010)

26. Discuss mechanism of CD 4 cell depletion in HIV infection (sq -oct 2010)

27. Phenolic glycolipid. (sq- may 2011)

28. Mechanism of sweat formation and relate it to a patch of hansens. (sq- may


29. Life cycle of chlamydia trachomatis. (sq- may 2011)

30. Bacterial persistence in leprosy (sq- may 2011, nov 2011)

31. Structure of Trichomonas vaginalis with a diagram (sq –nov 2011)

32. Jarisch hexmier reaction ( lq -may 2011)


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33. HPV ( sq - may 2011)

34. Discuss in detail about the anatomy of male genitalia ( lq - may 2012)

35. Write in detail about anatomy and lymphatic drainage of the female genitalia

( lq -may 2013)

36. Draw the saggital section of a female genital organ and enumerate the

complications of gonococcal infection in a woman (lq - nov 2013)

37. Describe the cross section of a peripheral nerve. What is silent neuritis and

add a note on management (lq - nov 2013)

38. Write short notes on a) Neuritic leprosy b) Plasma cell (sq- nov 2013)

39. What are the consequences of peripheral nerve dysfunction? ( lq -may 2014)

40. Normal vaginal flora (sq - nov 2014)

41. Herpes group of viruses

42. Structure of HIV ( sq aprill 2015)


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1. Describe the pathogenesis and management of autoimmune chronic urticaria

(sq sept 2005)

2. Describe the structure of Hair with a diagram and describe the hair cycle (lq -

april 2005, oct 2009, nov 2011, nov 2012)

3. Apocrine gland (sq -april 2005)

4. Complement and skin (sq -april 2005)

5. Describe the anatomy of human hair follicle (sq- sept 2005)

6. What are chemomediators of itching in the human skin (sq- sept 2005)

7. Describe the mechanism of melanin formation in the human skin. What are

the current advances in the management of vitiligo (lq- sept 2005)

8. Discuss briefly anatomy and functions of skin (lq -may 2006)

9. Describe the structure and functions of sweat glands in detail (lq- 2006)

10. Describe in detail the vasculature of skin (lq -2006)

11. Describe the various hypersensitivity reactions in relation to dermatology (lq

may 2006)

12. Basal cell layer of epidermis (sq -2006)

13. Antigen presenting cells of the skin (sq- 2006)

14. Keratinization (sq- 2006, oct 2008)

15. Discuss the anatomy, embryology and physiology of non keratinocyte cells of

epidermis (lq -may 2006)


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16. Dermatoglyphics (sq -may 2006, may 2007)

17. Neonatal skin ( sq -nov 2007)

18. Dermoepidermal junction ( sq -nov 2007)

19. Epidermal melanin unit (sq -sept 2007)

20. Describe Glomus body and its clinical significance. (sq – may 2007, oct 2009,)

21. Odland bodies. (sq- may 2007, may 2011, may 2013)

22. Discuss in detail keratinization and mention the disorders associated with

keratinization ( lq- aprill 2008)

23. Interferons (sq – aprill 2008, nov 2014)

24. Describe the cutaneous nerve supply and sensory receptors of the skin (lq-

aprill 2008)

25. Define pruritus and enumerate investigations in a case of chronic urticaria

(sq- aprill 2008)

26. Describe Electron microscopy of Dermo Epidermal Junction. Enumerate

disease in relation with it. (lq– oct 2008)

27. Describe the cutaneous microflora. (sq – oct 2008)

28. Describe mast cell and enumerate its disorders. (sq – oct 2008)

29. Discuss about cutaneous Innervation. (lq – oct 2008, may 2009)

30. Write an essay on cytokines in dermatology. (lq – oct 2008, may 2009)

31. Hemidesmosomes. (sq – oct 2008)

32. Dendritic cells. (sq – oct 2008)


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33. Keratinosomes. (sq – oct 2008)

34. Mast cells. (sq – oct 2008, oct 2010, sq nov 2011, may 2014, nov 2014)

35. Trichophyton violaceum. (sq – oct 2008)

36. Write an essay on melanogenisis. (lq – oct 2009, may 2009, may 2010, may


37. Fungal dimorphism (sq -oct 2009)

38. Describe in detail the functions of skin ( lq- may 2009)

39. Sarcopets scabeii ( sq -may 2009)

40. Discuss the lipids of epidermis, sebaceous gland and their applied importance

( lq -may 2009)

41. Describe with illustrations, the structure of hair follicle ( lq -may 2009)

42. Give an account of percutaneous absorption of skin ( lq -may 2009)

43. Discuss briefly the mechanism of temperature regulation. (lq – oct 2009, aprill


44. Discuss anatomy of sweat gland and its role in thermoregulation. (lq – oct


45. Arthus phenomenon ( sq- may 2009, nov 2012)

46. Lymphokines ( sq- may 2009)

47. Essential fatty acids ( sq -oct 2010)


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48. Describe the structure of eccrine sweat glands? Discuss its role in

thermoregulation? Write the causes of hypo and hyperhidrosis? ( lq - oct

2010, may 2011)

49. Describe vascular supply of skin. Discuss the investigations to be undertaken

for a case of vasculitis ( lq -may 2010)

50. Discuss epidermal cell kinetics and keratinization ( lq -may 2010)

51. Discuss pathophysiology of pruritis ( sq- may 2010)

52. Discuss physiological changes in skin and its appendages in pregnancy ( sq-

may 2010)

53. Inter leukins ( sq- may 2010)

54. Inflammation and its mediators ( sq -may 2010)

55. Describe process of melanogenesis. Discuss non nevoid hyperpigmentation

disorders (lq -oct 2010)

56. Discuss autoimmunity with special reference to dermatology (lq -oct 2010)

57. Discuss langerhnas cell (sq- oct 2010, aprill 2015)

58. Discuss structure of basement membrane zone and its importance

vesiculobullous disorders (sq- oct 2010)

59. Discuss in detail the structure of nail apparatus. (lq – nov 2011, may 2013)

60. Morphology of anagen and telogen hairs. (sq – nov 2011)

61. Anatomy of leg veins in relation to the development of gravitational eczema.

(sq- may 2011)


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62. Define poikiloderma and each term used in the definition in relation to the

structure of skin and physiopathogenesis. Explain its significance in

dermatomyositis, mycosis fungoides and para psoriasis. (lq- may 2011)

63. Describe the structure of the Melanocyte and melanogenesis. Enumerate the

applied aspects (lq -nov 2011, may 2011)

64. Corpuscular receptors (sq -nov 2011)

65. Cryoglobulins (sq -nov 2011)

66. Gene therapy (sq- nov 2011, aprill 2015)

67. Toll like receptors and its significance to dermatology disorders (lq -nov 2011)

68. Discuss in detail the structure of eccrine gland. Add a note on composition of

sweat (lq - nov 2011)

69. Cornified evelope (sq- nov 2011)

70. Discuss in detail about hair cycle and note on telogen effluvium ( lq - may


71. Short notes on mechanism of flushing ( sq - may 2012)

72. Brief note about epidermal growth factors ( sq - may 2012)

73. Brief notes on elastic fibers ( sq - may 2012)

74. Normal skin flora (sq - nov 2012)

75. Apoptosis ( sq- nov 2012)

76. Discuss Epidermopoiesis (sq -may 2013)

77. Write briefly on keratins (sq- may 2013)


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78. Write in detail about biology of nail unit, briefly mention about

onychodystrophy ( lq -may 2013)

79. Short notes on collagen fibres ( sq -may 2013)

80. Describe the biochemical changes in Kertinization. Classify ichthyosiform

dermatoses ( lq- may 2014)

81. Describe the structure of the Basement membrane zone. Classify blisters

bellows the basal lamina ( lq -may 2014)

82. Mosaicism ( sq- may 2014)

83. Describe the various biological phases of wound healing ( lq -may 2014)

84. Plasma cells ( sq -may 2014)

85. Blaschko’s lines (sq - nov 2014)

86. Describe epidermopoiesis and factors affecting epidermopoiesis (lq - nov


87. Discuss the natural defence mechanism of skin (lq- nov 2014)

88. Describe the factors influencing percutaneous absorption

89. Discuss dermo epidermal junction and newer diagnostic techniques in the

diagnosis of vesico bullous disorders

90. Discuss differential diagnosis of annular skin lesions

91. Describe the development of skin and various functions of skin ( lq- aprill



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All the questions on drugs used in dermatology,
venereology and leprosy is given in this section.

1. Cyclosporine ( sq- sept 2005, may 2013)

2. Discuss the immunoprotective effects of BCG ( sq- sept 2005)

3. Describe the adverse effects of dapsone therapy (sq - sept 2005)

4. Puva therapy (sq- april 2005)

5. Anti retroviral therapy (sq – may 2006, oct 2009, may 2009, nov 2013)

6. Protease inhibitors (sq- may 2006)

7. Dapsone syndrome (sq 2006, may 2010, may 2012, nov 2013)

8. Antiandrogen used in dermatology (sq- may 2006, nov 2007)

9. Discuss interferons in dermatology (sq -may 2006)

10. Enumerate the anti retroviral drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action of reverse

transcriptase inhibitors (lq -may 2006)

11. Newer antifungal agents (sq- may 2006)

12. How do you distinguish between toxic epidermal necrolysis and staphylococcal

scalded skin syndrome (sq -2006)

13. What is dapsone resistance? How will you treat a dapsone – resistant lepromatous

leprosy (sq -2006)


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14. Describe lyell’s syndrome (sq -may 2007)

15. Classify penicillins. Discuss the mechanism of action and side effects. How do you

manage a case of anaphylaxis (lq -nov 2007)

16. Side effects of dapsone and clofazamine (sq -nov 2007)

17. Anti histamines (sq -sept 2007, oct 2010)

18. Famciclovir (sq- aprill 2008)

19. Sun-screens (sq – oct 2008)

20. Enumerate newer antileprosy drugs (sq – oct 2008, aprill 2015)

21. Classify antiretroviral drugs and describe their common side effects (sq- aprill 2008)

22. Drug hypersensitivity syndrome (sq – oct 2008, nov 2012)

23. Invermectin (sq – oct 2008, nov 2013)

24. Side effects and toxicity of retinoids (sq – oct 2009)

25. Newer drugs and regimens in leprosy (sq – oct 2009)

26. Classification of liquid formulations in dermatology (sq – oct 2009)

27. Podophyllin (sq – oct 2009)

28. Describe briefly the mechanism of drug reactions ( lq- oct 2009)

29. Write short note on boosted anti-retroviral therapy (sq – oct 2009)

30. Discuss topical steroids (sq – oct 2009)

31. Rom therapy (sq- may 2009)


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32. Dapsone hypersensitivity (sq -may 2009)

33. Role of immunomodulators in dermatology ( sq- may 2009)

34. Discuss the pathophysiology of adverse cutaneous drug reactions ( lq- may 2009)

35. Discuss the rationale of anti retroviral treatment ( lq- may 2009)

36. Rituximab (sq -oct 2010, nov 2011)

37. Foscarnet ( sq -oct 2010)

38. Describe the rationale, regimen, advantages and disadvantages of multi drug therapy

(MDT). (lq- nov 2014)

39. Write notes on a) antiperspirants b) gottron’s sign (sq- may 2010)

40. Discuss newer drugs in leprosy (sq- oct 2010, aprill 2015)

41. Define the structure , mode of action, general functions and side effects of the drug

that is used in the therapeutic test for the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis.

Enumerate the various other indication in dermatology (lq- may 2011)

42. Thalidomide (sq- may 2011)

43. SCORTEN ( sq- oct 2011, aprill 2015)

44. Discuss briefly on antiviral agents (sq- may 2011)

45. UVA1 phototherapy ( sq- nov 2011)

46. Discuss in detail indications, drugs used and their side effects in highly active anti

retroviral therapy (HAART) and Mega HAART ( lq -nov 2011)

47. Dapsone resistance (sq- nov 2011)


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48. Azathioprine (sq- may 2012)

49. Valcyclovir ( sq -nov 2012)

50. NLEP ( sq- nov 2012)

51. Drug Hypersensitivity reactions (sq - nov 2012)

52. Classify cytotoxic drugs used in dermatology. What are the side effects of

methotrexate (sq nov 2012)

53. Write a notes on Nevirapine (sq- oct 2008, nov 2012)

54. Accompanied MDT – merits and demerits (sq -nov 2013)

55. Differences between creams, ointments and lotions (sq- nov 2013)

56. Minocycline in leprosy (sq- may 2013)

57. Mega HAART (sq- may 2013)

58. Sulfasalazine in dermatology (sq -may 2013)

59. Topical calcineurin inhibitors (sq- may 2013)

60. Short notes on retinoid receptors ( sq- may 2013)

61. Discuss the various mechanism of drug induced hyperpigmentation ( sq -may 2014)

62. Discuss the pharmacology of oral antifungals (lq- may 2014)

63. Amorolfine (sq- may 2014)

64. Echinocandins (sq -may 2014)

65. Ketotifen (sq -may 2014)

66. Write short notes on a) Thalidomide b) Acyclovir (sq -nov 2014, aprill 2015)

67. Write short notes on (a) Methotrexate (b) Hydroxyurea ( sq- oct 2014)

68. Write short notes on (a) Podophyllin (b) Imiquimod ( sq -oct 2014)

69. Pimecrolimus (sq -nov 2014)


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70. Moisturisers and skin (sq -nov 2014)

71. Side effects of rifampicin ( sq- nov 2014)

72. Colchicines (sq- nov 2014)

73. Side effects of clofazamine (sq- aprill 2015)


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This section covers all the questions since 10 years.

1. Describe the histopathology of darrier’s disease. (sq -sept 2005)a

2. Dyskeratosis (sq -may 2006)

3. Cutaneous micro abscess (sq -may 2006, oct 2010, nov 2013)

4. Giant cells (sq- may 2006)

5. Histopathology of rhinoscleroma (sq -2006)

6. Write briefly on a) acantholysis b) dermal deposits (sq- may 2006)

7. Enumerate the dermatological disorders causing lichenoid tissue reaction.

Discuss histopathology of lichen planus (lq - may 2006)

8. Granulomas in Dermatology (lq -sept 2007, nov 2012)

9. Describe spongiosis and epidermotropism ( sq -nov 2007)

10. Lupus band ( sq -nov 2007)

11. LE cell phenomenon (sq- aprill 2008)

12. Histopathology of chancroid (sq- aprill 2008)

13. Describe histopathology of granuloma annulare and sarcoid granuloma. (sq-

aprill 2008)

14. Staining techniques in dermato pathology.(sq – oct 2008)


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15. Discuss the histopathology of lichenoid reaction (sq – oct 2009)

16. Histopathology of lichen planus ( sq- may 2009)

17. Write notes on a) dyskeratoses b) superantigens ( sq -may 2009)

18. Histopathology of histoid leprosy (sq -may 2009)

19. Z n stain ( sq - may 2009, nov 2014)

20. Write notes on a) pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia b) acantholysis ( sq-

may 2010)

21. Fite faraco stain ( sq- oct 2010)

22. Clue cells (sq - nov 2011, nov 2013, nov 2014)

23. Interface dermatitis (sq – nov 2011, may 2013)

24. Parakeratosis (sq -nov 2011)

25. Acantholysis ( sq -may 2011)

26. Histopathology of ulcus molle cutis correlating it with clinical features (sq- may


27. Short note on Histopathology of Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum ( sq -

may 2012)

28. Flame figure ( sq- nov 2012)

29. Short note on histopathology of bullous disorders ( sq- may 2013)


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30. Histopathology of basal cell carcinoma (sq -may 2013)

31. What are the various types of degeneration? What is its diagnostic

significance? (sq- nov 2013)

32. Write notes on a) Microabscesses b) Parakeratosis (sq - nov 2013)

33. Write short notes on a) Interface dermatitis b) Nevus sebaceous (sq- nov


34. Write short notes on a) Macula Uvulae b) Micromunro’s abscess (sq- nov


35. Granular degeneration ( sq- may 2014)

36. Histopathology of squamous cell carcinoma (sq -may 2014)

37. Civatte bodies (sq- nov 2014)

38. Giemsa stain ( sq -may 2014)

39. Define granuloma? Describe the types of granuloma giving examples for

each? ( lq- aprill 2015)

40. Necrobiosis ( sq- aprill 2015)

41. A) bacteriological index b) Henderson- Paterson bodies ( sq – aprill 2015)


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This section has questions on whole of lprosy not covered in

basics and that has been asked mainly in paper 3.

1. Histoid leprosy (lq -sept 2005, oct 2008, may 2009, oct 2010, may 2014)

2. Describe endocrinological effects of leprosy (sq -sept 2005)

3. Describe the differential diagnosis of macular lesions in leprosy (sq –sept


4. Anaesthetic deformities in leprosy (sq- may 2006)

5. SFG index and biopsy index (sq- may 2006)

6. Subclinical leprosy (sq -may 2006)

7. How is leprosy transmitted ? what steps would you take to prevent its

continued spread (lq- 2006)

8. Discuss the hurdles in eradication of leprosy and give your suggestions to

overcome them. (lq- 2006, sept 2007)

9. Dimorphous leprosy (sq -2006)

10. How would you recognise indeterminate leprosy (sq -2006)

11. Discuss the pathogenesis of plantar ulcers in leprosy (sq -2006)


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12. Ocular leprosy (sq – 2006, may 2010, oct 2010, may 2012)

13. Discuss the immunological complications in leprosy and its management

(lq - may 2006)

14. How will you diagnose and treat a case of relapse of leprosy? ( lq - sept

2007, may 2014)

15. Vaccines in leprosy (sq – sept 2007, aprill 2008, oct 2008, nov 2011, nov


16. Trophic ulcers in leprosy. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features and

management (lq – sept 2007, aprill 2008, may 2010, may 2011, nov 2011,

nov 2013, may 2014)

17. Describe the reactional states in leprosy and discuss their management

(lq – nov 2007,aprill 2008, oct 2008, oct 2009, nov 2013)

18. Role of physiotherapy in leprosy (sq -oct 2008)

19. Describe reactions in leprosy. Discuss management of Type II reaction (

lq- oct 2008, nov 2011, nov 2012 )

20. Discuss the differential diagnosis of hypopigmented patch of Leprosy (sq –

oct 2008)

21. Discuss the various deformities in leprosy. Outline the treatment for

trophic ulcer (lq - oct 2008 )


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22. Plastozote (sq – oct 2008, may 2012)

23. Fixed duration therapy in leprosy (sq – oct 2008)

24. Lucio leprosy (sq – aprill 2008, oct 2008)

25. Disability grading systems (sq- aprill 2008)

26. Discuss mechanism of bone involvement in leprosy (sq- aprill 2008)

27. Discuss the clinical features, investigations and treatment of type II lepra

reaction (lq- may 2009, may 2011)

28. Discuss deformities due to leprosy ( sq - may 2009, may 2010)

29. Role of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in Hansen’s disease (lq- may


30. Bacterial index (sq -may 2009)

31. Discuss the immunology of lepromatous leprosy ( sq- may 2009)

32. Discuss national leprosy eradication program ( sq -may 2009)

33. Silent neuritis (sq – oct 2009)

34. SFG index (sq – oct 2009)

35. Immuno therapy in leprosy (sq – oct 2009)

36. Animal models in leprosy (sq – oct 2009, may 2009, aprill 2015)


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37. Write short note on Lepra Bonita (sq – oct 2009)

38. Lucio phenomenon (sq- may 2010, may 2012)

39. Discuss the structure and biochemistry of Mycobacterium leprae ( lq -oct


40. Indices in leprosy ( sq -oct 2010)

41. Discuss differentiating features between relapse and late reversal reaction

in leprosy ( sq- may 2010)

42. Systemic involvement in leprosy ( sq- may 2010, may 2014)

43. Ridley- jopling classification (sq – nov 2011)

44. Discuss the multidrug therapy and its effects in controlling leprosy in India

(lq- may 2011)

45. Discuss the clinical features of claw hand (sq -may 2011)

46. Discuss cranial nerves in leprosy (sq- may 2011)

47. Discuss the management of nerve abscess in leprosy (sq- may 2011)

48. Indeterminate leprosy (sq- may 2011)

49. Discuss in detail immunology and immune therapy in leprosy (lq -nov


50. Discuss disability prevention in leprosy (sq- may 2011)

51. Foot drop and its management (sq- nov 2011, may 2013)


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52. Leprosy and genitalia ( sq -nov 2012)

53. Discuss the emergening trends in the management of leprosy and leprosy

reactions (lq – may 2012)

54. Molluscum leprosum (sq – may 2012, may 2013)

55. Describe the classification used in Leprosy. Discuss its merits an demerits

(lq -may 2012)

56. Discuss the effects of leprosy on pregnancy and vice versa (lq- nov 2012)

57. Write notes on Armadillo (sq - nov 2012)

58. Describe the various types of deformities and disabilities in leprosy? (lq -

nov 2013)

59. Discuss the various bone changes in leprosy and mention the preventive

measures (lq -may 2013)

60. Latapi stated that leprosy is the thermometer of civialization. Discuss (lq-

may 2013)

61. SET programme of leprosy (sq- may 2013)

62. Lucio leprosy is also called lepra bonita- substantiate with clinical features

(sq- may 2013)

63. Eradication of leprosy in India. Discuss the present scenario ( sq -may


64. Discuss unstable leprosy ( sq -may 2014)

65. Immune zones in leprosy ( sq -may 2014)

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66. Reconstructive surgery in leprosy (sq- nov 2014)

67. Write short notes on (a) Neuritic Hansen’s disease (b) Partial claw hand

(sq- nov 2014)

68. Write short notes on (a) Epidemiology of leprosy (b) Leprosy control (sq -

nov 2014)

69. How can leprosy be controlled in endemic regions? (lq- aprill 2015)

70. Calssify the various disabilities in Hansen’s disease and their management

(lq- aprill 2015)

71. Leprosy elimination campaigns (sq- aprill 2015)

72. Pure neuritic hansen’s (sq- aprill 2015)


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Section includes all questions on std except the basics.

1. Discuss the pathogenesis , diagnosis and management of recurrent herpes

labialis (lq -sept 2005)

2. Describe the clinical features of early congenital syphilis (sq –sept 2005, nov


3. What is genito – ano – rectal syndrome? Discuss its management (sq -sept


4. Discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of

vulvovaginal candidiasis(lq- sept 2005, may 2011)

5. Serodiagnosis of syphilis (sq -may 2006, nov 2014)

6. Discuss the specific problems of conventional sexually transmitted infections

in an HIV infected patient (lq -2006)

7. Prenatal syphilis (sq- 2006)

8. Premalignant lesions of genitalia (sq -2006)

9. Sexually acquired reactive arthritis (sq -2006, oct 2010, may 2013)

10. Complications of sexually transmitted infections in women (sq- may 2006)

11. Differential diagnosis of inguinal bubos (sq- may 2006, nov 2011, may 2013)


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12. Late complications of LGV (sq -may 2006)

13. How would you evaluate and treat a patient with genital ulcers following

sexual exposure, where laboratoratory support not available (lq -2006)

14. Discuss the natural course of syphilis in an HIV patient. How will you manage

such a case (lq -may 2006)

15. Describe the causes of opthalmia neonatorum as it is related to your speciality

(sq -2006)

16. How would you diagnose and treat streptococcal balanoposthitis (sq- 2006)

17. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of bacterial vaginosis

(sq -2006, oct 2009, may 2009, oct 2010)

18. Discuss metaplasia in relation to female genitalia (sq -may 2006)

19. Describe in detail about the syndromic approach to the sexually transmitted

diseases. Its advantages and disadvantages. ( lq- sept 2007, oct 2010)

20. Lab diagnosis of gonorrhoea and non- gonococcal urethritis (sq- nov 2007)

21. Various types of chancroid and its management (sq- nov 2007)

22. Asymptomatic neurosyphilis (sq- nov 2007)

23. Epidemic Kaposis sarcoma ( sq -sept 2007)

24. HIV disease in children ( sq- sept 2007)


Dr. YOGESH Page 29
25. Hutchinson’s triad (sq - nov 2007,nov 2011)

26. Discuss in detail mucocutaneous lesions in HIV disease (lq - sept 2007, oct

2008, oct 2010, may 2012, nov 2014)

27. Chancroid (sq- sept 2007, oct 2008, nov 2013)

28. Enumerate viral std and their management (lq- aprill 2008)

29. Discuss interaction of HIV infection and STD (sq- aprill 2008)

30. Discuss cardiovascular syphilis (sq- aprill 2008)

31. Write notes on a) palse positive STS b)PEP for HIV (sq- aprill 2008)

32. Describe the differential diagnosis of genital ulcers. Discuss management of

Donovanosis (lq - oct 2008 )

33. Peyronie’s disease (sq -oct 2008, may 2009)

34. Condyloma accuminata (sq -oct 2008)

35. Discuss the different causes of vaginal discharge (sq – oct 2008)

36. Write a short note on Condom (sq – oct 2008)

37. Differential diagnosis of molluscum lesions in seropositive patient (sq – oct


38. Describe the structure of HIV virus (sq – oct 2008)

39. Serology in HIV infection (sq – oct 2008, 2009)


Dr. YOGESH Page 30
40. Discuss the various causes of genital discharge in a female. How would you

proceed to investigate and manage? (lq – oct 2008 )

41. Diagnostic criteria for pelvic inflammatory disease (sq- aprill 2008)

42. HIV councelling (sq- aprill 2008)

43. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of LGV (lq- aprill 2008,

nov 2012)

44. Bowenoid papulosis (sq – oct 2008)

45. Ano genital warts (sq – oct 2008, may 2009)

46. Diagnosis of HIV infection ( sq - may 2009)

47. Gay Bowl syndrome (sq – oct 2009)

48. Describe aetiology, clinical features and management of non – gonococcal

urethritis (lq - may 2009, may 2011)

49. Discuss the clinical features, investigations and treatment of secondary

syphilis ( lq – oct 2009, oct 2010, may 2011)

50. Discuss prophylaxis in Herpes Genitalis (sq – oct 2009)

51. Describe the clinical manifestations and morphological variants of chancroid.

Mention the extra genital involvement ( lq -may 2009)


Dr. YOGESH Page 31
52. Discuss the differential diagnosis of an erythematous plaque on the glans

penis of a 50 yera old male ( sq -may 2009)

53. Describe the anatomy of female genitalia. Discuss vaginitis (lq – oct 2009)

54. Describe post exposure prophylaxis in HIV (sq – oct 2009, may 2011)

55. Gonorrhoea (sq- may 2009)

56. Opportunistic mycoses in AIDS (sq- may 2009)

57. Neurosyphilis (sq- may 2009)

58. Discuss extra genital manifestations of STDS ( sq- may 2009)

59. Discuss reiter’s disease in detail (lq- may 2010)

60. Stigmata of congenital syphilis (sq- may 2010, may 2012)

61. Laboratory diagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum ( sq -oct 2010)

62. Bowenoid papulosis (sq- may 2010)

63. Pregnancy and acquired immuno deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (sq -may


64. Granuloma venereum (sq -may 2010)

65. Describe the non venereal ulcers on the genitalia (lq - may 2010, nov 2013)

66. Discuss manifestations and complications of gonococaal infection in male

and female ( lq -may 2010)


Dr. YOGESH Page 32
67. Discuss non infective cutaneous manifestations of HIV infection ( sq -may


68. Write notes on a) peyronie’s disease b) chancre redux ( sq -may 2010)

69. Discuss pelvic inflammatory disease (lq -oct 2010)

70. Discuss the impact of hiv infection of different aspects of STD ( lq -may 2010)

71. Discuss differential diagnosis of genital ulcer (sq- oct 2010)

72. Write notes on a) protease inhibitors b) complications of LGV (sq- oct 2010)

73. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (sq -may 2011, may 2012,

nov 2014)

74. Describe the clinical features, complications and management of donovanosis

(lq- may 2011)

75. Discuss briefly on nonspecific urethritis (sq- may 2011)

76. Discuss gential ulcer adenopathy syndrome (sq-may 2011)

77. Write a shorts note on Molluscum contagiosum and HIV (sq-may 2011)

78. Describe the complications of Gonococcal infection in the male (lq –nov


79. Prozone phenomenon (sq - nov 2011)

80. Clutton’s joints (sq - nov 2011)

81. Write a short note on Trichomoniasis (sq- may 2011, nov 2014)

82. Hemophilus ducreyi (sq -may 2011)


Dr. YOGESH Page 33
83. Post gonoccal urethritis (sq- may 2011)

84. Esthiomene (sq -nov 2011)

85. Sex crimes and law (sq- nov 2011)

86. Chancre redux (sq - may 2012 )

87. Describe the clinical features and management of Types II Herpes simplex

virus infection

88. Gumma (lq -may 2012)

89. Buschke Lowenstein tumor (sq - may 2012, nov 2014)

90. Lagophthalmos (sq - may 2012)

91. Extra genital cutaneous manifestations of LGV (sq- may 2012 )

92. Discuss the skin infections in HIV in developing and developed countries (sq

– nov 2012)

93. Discuss Phagedenic ulcer (sq - nov 2012)

94. Write notes on biology of Neisseria gonorrhea (sq -nov 2012)

95. Discuss the therapy of recurrent herpes genitalis (sq- nov 2012)

96. Discuss complications due to LGV and management (sq – nov 2012, aprill


97. Discuss the opportunistic infections in HIV? Write about three infections in

detail? ( lq -nov 2012)

98. Jarish Hexheimer reaction ( sq -nov 2012)


Dr. YOGESH Page 34
99. Sonk’s solar dermatitis (sq -may 2013)

100. Comment on 2020 vision of sarcopteams in the era of HIV infection (sq

-may 2013)

101. Write short notes on a) almedia’s cross reactivity of warts b)meralgia

paraesthetica (sq -may 2013)

102. Speed zone epidemiology (pepi- epi)in relation to venereology (sq -

may 2013)

103. Congenital syphilis (sq -nov 2013, nov 2014)

104. Bacillary angiomatosis (sq- nov 2013)

105. Discuss ‘syphilis in HIV era’ and its management (lq -may 2013)

106. Oral hairy leukoplakia (sq -may 2013)

107. Approach to a patient with genital ulcer disease (GUD) ( lq- may


108. Discuss the diagnosis and management of vulvo vaginitis before

puberty ( sq -may 2014)

109. Discuss the pathogenesis of syphilis. Add a note on lues maligna ( sq-

may 2014)

110. Discuss HIV in pregnancy ( sq -may 2014)


Dr. YOGESH Page 35
111. Write notes on a) Dhat syndrome b) Hunterian chancre ( sq- may


112. Classify psychosexual disorders and add a note a drugs correcting

erectile impotence. ( lq -may 2014)

113. Causes of balanitis ( sq -may 2014)

114. TORCH complex ( sq- may 2014)

115. Natural mucosal defenses against STDs ( sq -may 2014)

116. Morphology and movement of T pallidum ( sq -nov 2014)

117. Culture methods for Chlamydia trachomatis ( sq- nov 2014)

118. Write short notes on a) Lymphogranuloma venerum b)Cutaneous

candidiasis (sq -nov 2014, aprill 2015)

119. How will you establish the diagnosis of gonococcal infection. (lq- aprill


120. FLA- ABS Test (sq- aprill 2015)

121. Donath – Landsteiner law (sq- aprill 2015)

122. HPV Vaccine (sq- aprill 2015)

123. Management of chancroid (sq- aprill 2015)


Dr. YOGESH Page 36
124. Disccuss the differential diagnosis and management of vaginal

discharge (lq- aprill 2015)

125. Vaccines in HIV (sq- aprill 2015)

126. Gonococcal resistance (sq- aprill 2015)


Dr. YOGESH Page 37
This section includes questions on all the dermatological tests that have been
asked from 2005 till 2015.

As noted these can be asked in any of the four papers and there is no

If a question has been asked more than twice in preceeding 10 years it has
been marked bold.


Dr. YOGESH Page 38
1. Photo patch test (sq- april 2005, nov 2012)

2. Diagnosis of monialisis (sq -april 2005, may 2013)

3. Various biopsy techniques (sq- may 2006, may 2011)

4. Write a note on wood’ s light examination (sq -may 2006, may 2011, may


5. Discuss the procedure, diagnostic and prognostic value of formol- gel test (sq

-may 2006)

6. Iontophoresis (sq -may 2006)

7. Woods lamp and its principle (sq -2006, may 2009)

8. Prenatal diagnosis in dermatology (sq- may 2006, oct 2009, oct 2010)

9. Sweat function tests in Hansen (sq- may 2007,may 2011, may 2013)

10. Sero diagnosis of HIV infection (sq -sept 2007)

11. Discuss on the principle, technique and indications of Immunofluorescence in

Dermatology (lq - sept 2007, aprill 2008, may 2010, nov 2012,)

12. Patch test (sq -sept 2007, oct & aprill 2008)

13. Write short note on intradermal test in dermatology (sq -oct 2008)

14. Cytodiagnosis in dermatology (sq -oct 2008, 2009, nov 2012, lq may 2013,)


Dr. YOGESH Page 39
15. Intradermal tests in STDs (sq- oct 2009)

16. Capillary microscopy ( sq - may 2009)

17. VDRL test (sq- may 2009, oct 2009, nov 2011, sq may 2014)

18. ELISA for human immuno deficiency virus infection (sq – oct 2008)

19. Uses of electron microscopy in dermatology ( sq - may 2009)

20. Anti nuclear antibody (ANA) (sq- may 2009, oct 2010)

21. Write notes on a) Anagen effluvium b) Wood’s light (sq - oct 2010)

22. Slit skin smear ( sq - may 2010)

23. Discuss the different types of immunofluorescence techniques and its role in

diagnosis of bullous disorders (lq - nov 2011)

24. Polarizing microscopy (sq - nov 2011)

25. Short note about lepromin test (sq- nov 2011, sq may 2012, nov 2013)

26. Tzanck test (sq- nov 2011)

27. Dermatoscopy (sq - nov 2011, may 2014)

28. Ultrasonography and skin (sq- may 2012)

29. Early lab diagnosis of HIV (sq - nov 2012)

30. Repeat open application test ( sq -may 2012)


Dr. YOGESH Page 40
31. Discuss dark ground microscopy (sq - nov 2013)

32. Write short notes on a) Patch test b) Tzanck test (sq -nov 2013)

33. ELISA test (sq- nov 2013)

34. Write briefly about role of direct immune fluorescence in dermatology ( sq -

may 2013, nov 2013)

35. Western blot test ( sq -nov 2013)

36. Immunohistochemistry ( sq -may 2014)


Dr. YOGESH Page 41


Dr. YOGESH Page 42
Arterial And Venous diseases

1. Classify leg ulcers and discuss on the management of leg ulcers (lq- sept

2007, nov 2011, may 2013)

2. Classify causes of leg ulcer. How will you investigate a case of leg ulcer?

Discuss management of venous ulcer (lq- aprill 2008)


3. Discuss the management of Atopic dermatitis (lq – oct 2008)

4. Write briefly on diagnostic criteria of atopic dermatitis (sq- may 2011)

5. Discuss aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment on

Atopic Dermatitis ( lq -nov 2012)


6. Discuss the pathomechanism of allergic contact dermatitis (sq- may 2006,

may 2013, may 2014)

7. Immune pathogenesis of contact dermatitis ( sq- may 2011)

8. Systemic contact dermatitis ( sq- oct 2011)

9. Non eczematous contact dermatitis (sq -may 2013)


10. Idiopathic photodermatosis – how will you investigate and manage (lq- may



Dr. YOGESH Page 43
11. Discuss chronic actinic dermatitis (sq- oct 2009)


12. Trichotillomania ( sq sept 2005)

13. Menkes hair disease ( sq sept 2005)

14. Classify alopecia (sq 2006)

15. Cicatricial alopecia (sq sept 2007)

16. Discuss management of Hirsutism (sq oct 2008)

17. Pseudo Pelade of Brocq (sq oct 2009)

18. Hair cycles (sq oct 2009)

19. Discuss the hair disorders in children ( sq may 2009)

20. Hirsuitism (sq oct 2010)

21. What are the causes of nonscarring alopecia. Write briefly on the

management (lq may 2010)

22. Discuss aetiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of

androgenetic alopecia ( sq may 2011)

23. Anagen effluvium (sq nov 2011)

24. Discuss evaluation of a patient with hirsutism (lq nov 2012)


Dr. YOGESH Page 44
25. What are the causes of cicatricial alopecia? Describe the clinical features of

Folliculitis decalvans (sq nov 2012)

26. Discuss on causes, and management of a Hirsuitism in a 20 year old female

(lq nov 2011, may 2013)

27. Loose anagen syndrome (sq may 2013)

28. Trichorrhexis nodosa (sq- aprill 2015)


29. Write a short note on yellow nail syndrome (sq 2006)

30. Enumerate the skin diseases with nail involvement (sq may 2007)

31. Thyroid acropachy ( sq sept 2007)

32. Discuss nail changes in systemic disorders ( lq sept 2007, may 2009, may


33. Discuss treatment of onychomycosis ( sq may 2009)

34. Discuss nail abnormalities associated with congenital and hereditary disorders

(sq may 2010)

35. “Nails” Appearance and therapy – A Dermatologists’ Delight. Discuss (lq nov




Dr. YOGESH Page 45
36. Lamellar icthyosis (sq sept 2005,may 2011)

37. Acanthosis nigricans (sq may 2006)

38. Acquired keratoderma (sq may 2006)

39. Acanthosis nigricans (sq may 2009)

40. Colloid baby (sq oct 2010)

41. Oasthouse disease (sq nov 2011)

42. Discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of

darrier’s disease (lq may 2012, sq nov 2012)

43. Classify Ichthyosis. Describe the clinical features of X linked Ichthyosis (sq

nov 2012, may 2014)

44. Porokeratosis of Mibelli ( sq nov 2012)

45. Acrokeratosis verruciformis (sq may 2013)

46. Ruds syndrome (sq may 2014, aprill 2015)


47. Describe in detail the surgical management of vitiligo (lq 2006, may 2009)

48. Neurocutaneous syndromes (sq sept 2007)

49. Enumerate zosteriform lesions and how will you treat segmental vitiligo (sq

oct 2008)


Dr. YOGESH Page 46
50. What is neurocutaneous melanosis? ( sq oct 2008)

51. Discuss management of facial hyperpigmentation (sq aprill 2008)

52. Incontinentia pigmenti (sq- aprill 2008)

53. Discuss in detail the recent advances in treatment of vitiligo ( lq may 2009)

54. What is surgical repigmentation? Describe the technique of epidermal blister

grafting for the treatment of stable vititligo (lq oct 2009)

55. How do you investigate and manage a case of generalized melanoderma (sq

oct 2009)

56. Discuss the merits and demerits of therapeutic options in vitiligo (sq may


57. Short note on Dowling Degos Disease (sq may 2012)

58. Cafe au lait macules ( sq may 2014)


59. Write a short note on fox- fordyce disease (sq aprill 2008)

60. Discuss aetiopathology, clinical features and management of hidradenitis

suppurativa (sq oct 2009)



Dr. YOGESH Page 47
61. Discuss the role of hormonal therapy in the management of acne vulgaris (sq


62. Discuss a)pomade acne b) acne fulminans (sq -may 2007)

63. Follicular occlusion triad. (sq – oct 2008)

64. Enumerate and discuss variants of acne (sq- may 2010)

Eczema, lichenification, prurigo and erythroderma

65. Persistent generalized dilatation of peripheral blood vessels in the basis for

etiopathogenesis for exfoliative dermatitis. Discuss (sq 2006)

66. Dermatogenic enteropathy (sq may 2009)

67. Prurigo nodularis ( sq may 2009)

68. Oid Oid disease. Discuss (sq nov 2011)

69.Pathogenesis of erythroderma (sq nov 2013)

Genetic blistering disorders

70. Classify epidermolysis bullosa. Discuss in detail the functional variant of

epidermolysis bullosa (lq -may 2012)

71. Classify Epidermolysis Bullosa? Write in detail about junctional EB? ( lq- nov


72. Hailey hailey disease ( sq- nov 2012)


73. Pachydermoperiostosis (sq aprill 2008)


Dr. YOGESH Page 48
74. Neurofibromatosis (sq may 2011)

75. Discuss etiology, clinical features and treatment of Xeroderma pigmentosum

(sq nov 2012, nov 2013, may 2014)

Immunobullous disorders
76. Classify vesiculobullous diseases. Discuss the causes of bullous lesions in an

infant. (lq- may 2006)

77. Pemphigus and diet (sq -may 2006)

78. Newer developments in the laboratory diagnosis of vesiculo- bullous diseases

(sq- may 2006)

79. Classify the blisters in relation to the epidermis and sub epidermis and add a

note on butchers pemphigus (lq- 2006)

80. Hebra was first to describe pemphigus vulgaris. Do you call it as hebras

disease? Comment (sq- 2006)

81. Write a note on a) impetigo herpetifirnis and b) dermatitis herpetiformis (sq -


82. Paraneoplastic pemphigus (sq- nov 2007, may 2009)

83. Discuss immunobullous disorders and outline their management (lq- aprill


84. Epidermolyis Bullosa Acquisita (sq- may 2009, may 2010)


Dr. YOGESH Page 49
85. Newer variants of pemphigus ( sq- may 2009)

86. Write notes on a) paraneoplastic pemphigus b) thalidomide (sq- oct 2009)

87. Short note on nikolsky sign (sq - may 2011)

88. Discuss in detail about aetiology, pathology, clinical features and

management of dermatitis herpetiformis (lq- may 2011)

89. IgA pemphigus. Discuss (sq -nov 2011)

90. Pemphigus herpetiformis (sq- aprill 2015)


91. Discuss complication and management of herpes simplex (sq -sept 2005)

92. Diptheroids (sq -april 2005)

93. Write short notes on a) leishmaniasis b) PXE (sq -sept 2005)

94. A) Albright syndrome b) cutaneous candisiais ( sq aprill 2015)

95. Mention the significance of a) milian ‘ sign b) psudo darrier’s sign (sq 2006)

96. Necrotizing fasciitis (sq -may 2006)

97. Keroin (sq- may 2006)

98. Staphylococcal pyodermas (sq- may 2006)

99. Discuss in detail the management of a case of fever with rash (lq may 2006)


Dr. YOGESH Page 50
100. Classify the cutaneous tuberculosis based upon the manner in which

the skin is invaded by the bacilli and describe the clinical manifestation and

management of king’s evil (lq- 2006)

101. Briefly describe a)bacillary angiomatosis b)botryomycosis (sq- 2006)

102. Larva migrans (sq- sept 2007, oct 2010)

103. Classify cutaneous tuberculosis and discuss in detail about

tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (lq – oct 2008)

104. Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption (sq – oct 2008)

105. Describe the life cycle of head louse and the clinical features,

complications and treatment of pediculosis capitis (lq – oct 2008)

106. Describe viruses involved in skin disorders. What are inclusion bodies

? discuss kaposi’s varicelliform eruptions (lq- aprill 2008)

107. Piedra (sq- aprill 2008)

108. Write notes on a) lichen scrofulosorum b)toxic shock syndrome (sq-

aprill 2008)

109. Malignant pustule (sq - oct 2008 )

110. Kawasaki’s disease (sq – oct 2008, aprill 2015 )

111. Botryomycosis ( sq – aprill 2008, oct 2011)

112. Lobomycosis (sq - oct 2008 )


Dr. YOGESH Page 51
113. Tinea imbricate ( sq- oct 2009)

114. Fungal dimorphism ( sq- oct 2009)

115. Discuss management of recurrent bacterial infections ( sq- oct 2009)

116. Discuss about human herpes virus infections ( lq -may 2009)

117. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome ( sq- may 2009)

118. Discuss resistant scabies ( sq- may 2009)

119. Describe the etilogy, clinical features and management of mycetoma

(lq -may 2009)

120. Acrodermatitis chronic atrophicans (sq- may 2009)

121. Erythrasma (sq- oct 2010)

122. Rhinosporidiosis (sq -may 2010)

123. Cryptococcosis (sq -may 2010)

124. Cysticercosis (sq -may 2010)

125. Classify skin tuberculosis. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis,

complication and management of lupus vulgaris. (lq- oct 2010, nov 2014,

aprill 2015)

126. Tinea incognito ( sq-may 2011)

127. Write a short note on Genital scabies ( sq- may 2011)

128. Write a short note on Genital Herpes (sq -may 2011)


Dr. YOGESH Page 52
129. Cutaneous myiasis ( sq -oct 2011)

130. Subcutaneous Zygomycosis (sq -nov 2011)

131. Majochi’s granuloma. Discuss (sq - nov 2011, nov 2014)

132. Actinomycosis (sq- may 2011)

133. Erysipeloid (sq- may 2012)

134. Write notes on a) Periporitis b) Pseudoporphyria (sq –nov 2012)

135. Write a note on pediculosis ( sq- may 2013)

136. Dirofilariasis (sq - nov 2013)

137. Tuberculids (sq- may 2013)

138. Write short notes on a) Bacillary angiomatosis b) Pediculosis pubis

(sq -nov 2014, aprill 2015)

139. Write short notes on a) Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

b)Sezary cell (sq- nov 2014, aprill 2015)

140. Sporotrichosis ( sq- oct 2014)

141. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis and

management of tinea capitis (lq- aprill 2015)

142. Describe the distinction between bullous and nonbullous impetigo (sq-

aprill 2015)


Dr. YOGESH Page 53
143. Describe the various types of cutaneous candidiasis. Add a nota on

laboratory diagnosis and treatment (sq- aprill 2015)

144. Describe the clinical features and management of lymphocutaneous

sporotrichosis (sq-aprill 2015)

145. Discuss the clinical features and management of ramsay- hunt

syndrome (sq-aprill 2015)

146. Enumerate the cutaneous manifestations of HPV infection. how will you

treat plane warts on the face (sq-aprill 2015)

147. Write notes on a)dysplastic nevus b)dermatophytids (sq-aprill 2015)

148. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and management of anthrax

(lq- aprill 2015)

149. Borreliosis (sq- aprill 2015)

150. Sporotrichosis (sq- aprill 2015)

151. PKDL (sq- aprill 2015)

Lichen planus and lichenoid disesases

152. Nekam’s disease ( sq oct 2011)

153. Lichen striatus ( sq nov 2012)

Mechanical and thermal injury


Dr. YOGESH Page 54
154. Erythema ab igne (sq may 2009)

155. Describe the cutaneous reactions to cold. (lq may 2013)

156. Discuss thermal injury and skin (sq nov 2013)

157. Define erythromelalgia. Describe the clinical features and treatment. (

sq may 2014)

Metabolic and nutrition disorders

158. Discuss porphyria. ( lq sept 2005)

159. Turkish porphyria ( sq sept 2005)

160. Enumerate the causes of pellagra ( sq sept 2005, may 2011)

161. Cutaneous markers of primary systemic amyloidosis ( sq sept 2005)

162. Clasiffy porphyria . Describe in detail about porphyria cutanea tarda (lq

2006, may 2014)

163. Classify amyloidosis of skin and describe the clinical features (lq sept


164. Refsum’s syndrome ( sq oct 2008, nov 2013)

165. Diabetic and skin (lq may 2011)

166. Ariboflavinosis (sq oct 2008 )

167. Lipoid proteinosis ( sq oct 2008, nov 2012, may 2013)

Dr. YOGESH Page 55
168. Diet in dermatology ( sq oct 2008, may 2011)

169. Classify porphyrias and give a detailed account of erythropietic

porphyria (lq aprill 2008)

170. Phenyl ketonuria (sq aprill 2008)

171. Hartnup’s disease ( sq oct 2009)

172. Porphyria cutanea tarda ( sq oct 2009, oct 2010, nov 2012)

173. Zinc and Dermatology ( lq may 2009, oct 2010)

174. Fabry’s disease (sq may 2010, nov 2013)

175. Ochronosis (sq may 2010)

176. Discuss the cutaneous and systemic manifestations of vitamin

deficiencies and toxicities ( lq may 2010)

177. Hypervitaminosis A (sq oct 2010)

178. Stains used in amyloidosis (sq nov 2011)

179. Discuss the various skin manifestations in nutritional disorders ( lq may


180. Discuss in detail about haem synthesis and defects in various

porphyrias (lq may 2011)

181. Short note on Acrodermatitis entero pathica (sq may 2012)

182. Mention the various types of aminoacidurias. Discuss the clinical

features, diagnosis and management of phenyl-ketonuria (lq nov 2013)

Dr. YOGESH Page 56
183. Write notes on a) Lymphangioma circumscriptum b) Osler’s sign ( lq

may 2014)

184. Hypervitaminosis A (sq- aprill 2015)

Necrobiotic disorders and sarcoidosis

185. Necrobiotic disorders (sq oct 2009)

186. Write an essay on sarcoidosis ( lq oct 2009)

187. Granuloma annulare (sq oct 2010)

188. Granuloma multiforme ( sq oct 2010)

189. Lupus pernio (sq may 2011)

190. Describe the skin manifestations of sarcoidosis (lq nov 2014)


191. How will you proceed to investigate and mange an infant with blistering

eruption of the skin (sq sept 2005)

192. Congenital immunodeficiency syndromes (sq may 2006)

193. Discuss about pustular eruptions in new-born (lq oct 2008)

194. Discuss dermatoses in neonates (sq- aprill 2008)

195. Describe the distinctions between neonatal cold injury, sclerema and

subcutaneous fat necrosis (sq nov 2013)


Dr. YOGESH Page 57
196. Characteristics of neonatal skin ( sq may 2014)

Nevi and other developmental defects

197. Nevus anemicus (sq 2006)

198. Phakomatosis (sq 2006)

199. Discuss angiokeratoma (sq oct 2008)

200. Define hemangioma. How will you manage hemangioma on the face
(sq oct 2008)

201. Angio keratoma corporis diffusum. Discuss (sq nov 2011)

202. Klippel – Trenaunay Weber syndrome (sq may 2013)

203. Nevus cell nevi (sq may 2014)

Occupational dermatosis
204. Describe the various industrial dermatoses. Discuss the management

and preventive aspects (lq may 2010)

Oral cavity

205. Discuss the differential diagnosis of recurrent ulcers of oral mucosa

and outline their management ( lq sept 2005, nov 2007)

206. Granulomatous chelitis (sq may 2011)

207. Cancrum oris . (sq may 2011)

208. Melkerson Rosenthal syndrome (sq may 2012, sept 2007)

209. Discuss the pathophysilogy of itching. Mention the systemic causes of

itching (lq may 2006)


Dr. YOGESH Page 58
210. Aquagenic pruritus (sq oct 2008)

211. Actinic prurigo (sq may 2012)

212. Discuss the recent advances in the management of psoriaiss ( lq sept


213. Psoriatic arthritis (sq may 2006, may 2010, may 2013, aprill 2015)

214. Newer biological agents for the treatment of psoriasis (sq may 2006)

215. Describe various criteria for stable psoriasis and its management (sq


216. What are papulo-squamous disorders? Enumerate. Discuss the

management of a case of psoriasis (lq may 2006)

217. Write briefly on etiopathogenesis of Psoriasis (sq oct 2008)

218. Discuss systemic therapy of psoriasis (sq oct 2009)

219. Discuss how would you manage palmo – plantar psoriasis ( sq may


220. Comorbidities with psoriasis (sq may 2012)

221. Discuss in detail aetiopathogenesis of psoriasis and rationale of

cytostatics in therapy (lq may 2012)


Dr. YOGESH Page 59
222. Classify pustular lesions of skin, etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and

management of pustular psoriasis (lq nov 2013)

223. Discuss the recent advances in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and add

a note on squirting papillae (lq nov 2013)

224. Biologics in psoriasis (sq nov 2013)

225. X ray findings of psoriatic arthritis (sq nov 2014)

Psychocutaneous diseases
226. Discuss psychocutaneous disorders and their management ( lq sept

2007, oct 2009)

227. Dermatitis artefacta ( sq may 2007, oct 2009)

228. Discuss erectile dysfunction ( sq oct 2009)

229. Obscessive - compulsive disease and skin (sq may 2013)

230. Dysmorphophobia (sq may 2013)

Purpura and microvascular occlusison

231. Raynaud’s phenomenon (sq may 2006, nov 2007, may 2009, nov

2012, may 2013)

232. Snedden’s syndrome (sq aprill 2008)

233. Purpura pigmentosa chronic (sq may 2009)

234. Atrophie blanche (sq oct 2009)

235. Cryoglobulinemia(sq may 2011)


Dr. YOGESH Page 60
236. Methhaemoglobinemia (sq nov 2011)

237. Schambers purpura (sq may 2012)

238. Management of Raynaud’s disease (sq nov 2013))

239. Causes of purpura (sq may 2014)

Recent advances
240. Classify the different lasers based on the medium used in the laser

system and discuss the role of various lasers in dermatology (lq may 2007)

241. Discuss phototherapy in dermatology (lq sept 2007)

242. Short note on chemical peels (sq sept 2007, may 2012)

243. Discuss surgical treatment of acne and its scars (sq- aprill 2008)

244. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of Anti-aging treatments (lq

oct 2008)

245. Cryosurgery in dermatology (sq oct 2008 )

246. Write short note on microdermabrasion ( sq may 2009)

247. Chemo exfoliation (sq may 2009)

248. Discuss cryogens and their therapeutic applications in dermatology (sq

may 2010)

249. Short note on carbon dioxide laser(sq may 2011)


Dr. YOGESH Page 61
250. Meso botax (sq nov 2011, aprill 2015)

251. Hair removal techniques (sq nov 2011)

252. Photodynamic therapy – Definition, mechanism of action, methodology

and side effects (sq nov 2013)

253. Discuss the various types of LASERS in dermatology practice.

Mention the various side effects of LASER surgery (lq nov 2013)

254. Targeted phototherapy (sq nov 2013)

255. Mesotherapy (sq nov 2013)

256. What are the indications for PUVA therapy? Discuss the mechanism of

action and treatment protocol in vitiligo. ( sq may 2014)

257. Lactic acid peel (sq may 2014)

258. Skin rejuvenation techniques (sq may 2014)

259. Heliotherapy (sq nov 2014)

260. Pulsed dye laser ( sq may 2014)

261. Narrow band UVB (sq- aprill 2015)

Rosacea and perioral dermatosis

262. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and

treatment of rosacea. ( lq - sept 2007)


Dr. YOGESH Page 62
263. Discuss the pathogenesis, pathology, clinical features, differential

diagnosis and management of “Acne Rosacea’ ( lq- aprill 2008, may 2010,

oct 2011)

264. Lupus miliaris disseminate et facei ( sq -nov 2012)

265. Discuss Perioral dermatitis (sq may 2012)

266. Discuss the differential diagnosis and treatment of perioral dermatitis

(sq nov 2012)

267. What is flushing? Describe the various flushing syndromes (lq nov


Skin and skin disease throughout life

268. A man is as old as his skin is. Discuss ( lq- sept 2005)

269. Mention any four skin diseases, which improve during pregnancy and

describe the multi system granulomatous disorder among them and its

management (lq may 2007)

270. Discuss about various dermatoses of pregnancy ( lq may 2009)

271. Write briefly on autoimmune progesterone dermatitis . (sq may 2011)

272. Discuss the Skin manifestations in pregnancy? Write in detail about

Prurigo nodularis of pregnancy? ( lq nov 2012)

273. Describe the physiological skin changes related to pregnancy (lq may



Dr. YOGESH Page 63
274. Skin changes in elderly (sq may 2013)

275. Enumerate the pregnancy dermatoses and write in detail about

impetigo herpetiformis ( lq oct 2014)

276. Write a note on a) dercum disease (sq may 2007)

277. Well’s disease ( sq oct 2010)

278. Discuss the classification and various types of panniculitis? ( sq oct


279. Lupus panniculitis ( sq nov 2012)

280. Discuss the causes of septal and lobular panniculitis (lq may 2014)

Systemic disease and skin

281. Describe the cutaneous manifestations of chronic renal failure ( lq sept

2005, may 2009, nov 2011)

282. Skin changes in hepatic failure ( sq sept 2005, aprill 2015)

283. Endogenous hypertriglyceridemia ( sq sept 2005)

284. Diabetic dermopathy ( sq sept 2005)

285. Discuss the cutaneous manifestations of internal malignancies ( lq may

2006, oct 2008, may 2011, may 2012)

286. Discuss calcium metabolism and describe the features of calcinosis

cutis (lq 2006, aprill 2008, may 2014)


Dr. YOGESH Page 64
287. Mucinosis (sq 2006)

288. Glucagonoma syndrome (sq sept 2007)

289. Calciphylaxis ( sq sept 2007)

290. Wiscott aldrich’s syndrome (sq- aprill 2008)

291. Write briefly on Dystrophic calcification ( sq may 2012

292. Carotenemia ( sq oct 2008)

293. Eruptive xanthomas ( sq oct 2008)

294. Pretibial myxoedema (sq- aprill 2008)

295. Discuss the relationship between skin and gastro intestinal tract? (lq

aprill 2008, may 2014)

296. Haemochromatosis (sq may 2009)

297. Cutaneous features of GVHD (sq may 2009)

298. Classify mucinoses. Discuss in detail the clinical features and

management of lichen myxedematosus ( lq oct 2010)

299. Scleredema of Buschke ( sq oct 2010, may 2013)

300. Describe the cutaneous manifestation of hypothyroidism (sq may


301. Lichen myxedematosus (sq nov 2011)

302. Tangier’s disease (sq nov 2011)


Dr. YOGESH Page 65
303. Skin changes in thyroid diseses (sq may 2012, oct 2014)

304. Antiphospholipid syndrome (sq oct 2009, nov 2011)

305. Discuss the cutaneous manifestations of diabetes mellitus (lq may

2010, may 2012, nov 2012)

306. Discuss oral manifestations of systemic disease (lq may 2013)

307. Enumerate annular erythemas. Describe the etiology, clinical features

and treatment of erythema chronicum migrans ( sq may 2014)

308. Discuss skin as an endocrine organ. Briefly mention the clinical

features of endocrine diseases on the skin? (lq may 2014)

309. Describe the cutaneous manifestations associated with renal disease.

Discuss in detail about nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy ( lq may 2014)

310. Xanthelasma palpebrum ( sq may 2014)


311. Diagnosis of dermatomyositis ( sq- sept 2005)

312. Describe the etiology, pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and

management of progressive systemic sclerosis ( lq- sept 2005, nov 2013)

313. Discuss the newer developments in the laboratory diagnosis of

vesiculo bullous disesee (lq- may 2006)

314. CREST syndrome (sq -may 2006)


Dr. YOGESH Page 66
315. Mixed connective tissue disease. Discuss the causes, clinical features

and management (lq -may 2006)

316. Describe different variety of discoid lupus erythematosus (sq -2006)

317. Anti phospholipid syndrome (sq may 2006)

318. Mention eleven ARA criteria that are listed for the diagnosis of lupus

erythematosus (sq -may 2007)

319. Discuss pregnancy and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (sq – oct 2008)

320. Discoid lupus erythematosus and its management (sq – oct 2008)

321. Rheumatoid nodules (sq- aprill 2008)

322. Describe in detail the clinical manifestations and management of

systemic lupus erythematosus( lq - aprill 2008, may 2009, oct 2014)

323. Discuss in detail the classification, etiopathogenesis, clinical features

and management of dermatomyositis (lq - lq oct 2010, may 2011, aprill 2015)

324. Discuss aetiopathogenesis, clinical features and treatment of discoid

lupus erythematosus ( sq -may 2011)

325. Neonatal Lupus erythematosus (lq-nov 2011, aprill 2015)

326. Nephrogenic Fibrosing dermatosis. Discuss (sq- nov 2011, aprill



Dr. YOGESH Page 67
327. Discuss the immunological tests of connective tissue disorders? How

do u manage a case of progressive systemic sclerosis? (lq -may 2012)

328. Skin manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis (sq -may 2012)

329. Rowell’s syndrome ( sq- nov 2012)

330. Notes on Pseudo Xanthoma Elasticum (sq oct 2008, oct 2011, may


331. Lupus band test (sq- nov 2013)

332. scleredema adultorum of Buschke (sq- may 2013)

333. Classify scleroderma and pseudoscleroderma. Discuss progressive

systemic sclerosis (lq -may 2010)

334. Pseudoscleroderma ( sq -may 2014)

335. Lupus anticoagulant ( sq- may 2014)


336. Write short note on a) sezary syndrome b) bowen’s disease (sq sept


337. Describe a) tumour d emblee b)glomus tumour (sq may 2007, may


338. Pseudolymphoma (sq sept 2007)

339. Mycosis fungoides (sq sept 2007)


Dr. YOGESH Page 68
340. Bowen’s disease ( sq sept 2007)

341. Skin manifestations of breast cancer ( sq sept 2007)

342. Sezary syndrome (sq oct 2009)

343. Malignant melanoma ( sq oct 2009, nov 2011)

344. Langerhans cell histiocytosis (sq oct 2008 )

345. Dermatofibromas (sq- aprill 2008)

346. Write a short note on Kaposi’s sarcoma ( sq oct 2009, nov 2013)

347. Nevoid basal cell epithelioma syndrome (sq may 2009)

348. Trichoepithelioma (sq may 2009)

349. Leiomyoma (sq may 2010)

350. Para psoriasis (sq may 2010)

351. Mohs micrographic surgery (sq may 2011)

352. Seborrrheic keratosis (sq may 2011)

353. Classify Lymphomas. Discuss in detail clinical features, investigations,

staging and management of mycosis fungoides. Discuss (lq nov 2011)

354. Keratoacanthoma (sq may 2012)


Dr. YOGESH Page 69
355. Discuss the pathogenesis of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Add a note

on Worringer – Kollop disease (lq may 2013)

356. Tumors of eccrine gland (sq may 2013)

357. Treatment of epidermoid cyst (sq may 2013)

358. Painful skin tumors (sq may 2014)

359. Pilomatricoma (sq may 2014)

360. Treatment of mycosis fungoides (sq nov 2014)

Urticaria and mastocytosis

361. How do you investigate a patient with cold urticaria (sq 2006)

362. Urticaria pigmentosa (sq may 2009)

363. Classify cutaneous mastocytosis. Describe clinical features and

treatment of urticaria pigmentosa (lq oct 2009)

364. Cold urticaria (sq may 2010)

365. Dermographism (sq may 2011)

366. Cutaneous mastocytosis Discuss (sq nov 2011)

Vasculitis , neutrophilic dermatoses

367. Classify Vasculitis, discuss the aetiology and management of

Leucocytoclastic Vasculitis ( lq may 2006, sept 2007, oct 2008, oct 2009) *

(asked in different synonyms)


Dr. YOGESH Page 70
368. Classify various types of vasculitis on the skin? Discuss the clinical

features, pathology and management of pyoderma gangrenosum? (lq nov

2007, oct 2008, nov 2011, may 2014)

369. Describe aetiopathogenesis , clinical features, diagnosis and

treatment of behcet’s disease (lq aprill 2008)

370. Henoch Schoenlein’s purpura ( sq oct 2009, may 2011)

371. Classify neutrophilic dermatoses. Describe the clinical features,

diagnostic criterias and management of Sweets syndrome ( lq may 2010, may


372. Describe the approach to a 30 year old female patient presenting with

tender erythematous nodules over legs (lq nov 2011)

373. Nodular vasculitis (sq may 2012)

374. Write short notes on a) Pyoderma gangrenosum b) Kerion (sq nov


375. Write short notes on a) Norwegian scabies b) Sweet syndrome (sq

nov 2013)


Dr. YOGESH Page 71

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