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Setting up Samba in FSD

Under Settings, activate Samba share.

STEP1 Configure GaDaBaMa

If you have ESET security suite installed check this video.

STEP2 Databases/reports [optional GameData] SAMBA CONNECTION REQUIRED

DDS conversion/copy All images (except icons) are downloaded from xbox.marketplace as JPG. FSD uses DDS files for all images. In order to see the images in GaDaBaMa they need to be converted to JPG. Icons are stored in the database file as BLOB. They are NOT extracted. After downloading the databases youll be confronted with this option:

Optional converting Smb:../GameData/*.dds to local dir *.jpg Pressing YES will open DDS2JPG form:

Copy DDS locally. Activating this function will make a 1:1 GameData (Samba) folder copy. This is ONLY useful, if you decide to CLEAR your DATA every time a FSD update comes out. As clearing your data will wipe all content of GameData using this function prevents from doing a new JPG to DDS conversion! You can even use your local DDS files after a new fsd2data.db database with new ContentItemIds for your Games. GaDaBaMa has a built-in sync logic. More about this function under the section SyncContent.

STEP3 Getting/modifying Content

Get Content for current Game

Delete folder content first deletes local JPG folder content AND local DDS folder content, but NOT Samba GameData folder content. Therefore no Samba connection required.

Get Content for ALL games

Exclude Boxarts and Covers: If activated these pictures will not be delete nor will they get overwritten. Use this option if you have/will download/ed these pictures from Manual editing

All visible content can be modified. Green means locally available, red no image present.

STEP4 Synchronizing local/Xbox data SAMBA CONNECTION REQUIRED

JPG to DDS conversion

Save DDS files locally. If you have a copy of your DDS files (done in Step2) select this option. As it says all JPG files will be converted locally and then copied to Samba GameData. This way you have all your DDS files locally. If you do a clear data you dont have to convert them again.

PNG to DDS conversion

Icons are saved as blobs in Assets Table. But first they need to be converted to DDS. As this files are very small a local copy is not necessary. Conversion gets done in few seconds. Sync

At the moment create new database is a fixed option. However, you can choose between setting local DB as default or not. Setting it will search all DDS files in Samba GameData folder and delete them if the same file as JPG does not exist locally. This way your FSD database will have exactly the same as your local database. Only recommended if your local database has all pictures! SyncContent The logic used here for JPG and DDS is: Recursively search for (PNG) JPG files or DDS files in GameData folder and write them as Content in local database or in Assets Table in FSD database. Your Assets Table will only have existing DDS files. Icons will be stored as blobs. Before that happens all content is moved to a SYNC folder. Reason: A new fsd2data.db database will likely have different ContentItemIds for your Games. That also means, that each game will have a different GameData folder. This is because ContentItemId is used to create a ContentItem Folder (hex(ContentItemId)). For example ContentItemId 15 is stored in ..Data\GameData\0000000F. After moving your local GameData Folder with all your JPG/DDS (only if a copy exists) to a SYNC folder, all your content is moved back to the new GameData ContentItemFolder according to its new ContentItemId. If no Ids changes happened it will just move the content without changing its parentfolder. No harm done. All data stored in ContentItems table will ALWAYS be overwritten by the local table.

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