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Insert 1

It was supper time and the whole family was sitting in

the lounge and watching Isibaya while eating. I was on
edge and uncomfortable. My mother was making me
feel this way.
The thing is everything Luhle and I do annoys her. If
anything wrong happens in The house, it is our fault.
I was trying to eat my food as fast as I could, so my son
and I could go to our room. Being here with my family
was suffocating.
Luhle stood up from the floor with his empty plate since he
was finished and walked to me to show me.
Me: "Gqibile wena nono, good boy"
He gave me his biggest smile. I guess he was proud of
himself. I giggled at the way he smiled and took his bowl.
Mom: "Uze unyube into engapheliyo instead of cleaning
that mess your child made" I sighed and internally rolled my
eyes. And then it starts. I seriously did not think getting
pregnant would make my mother this angry and this vile.
I stood up to go fetch the mop so I could clean the mess
Luhle made with his food. Once I was done, I went to the
kitchen to wash the dishes since everybody was done eating.
I cleaned the kitchen and then went to my room with my
son. We left the rest of the family watching tv. I heard them
starting to make conversations and laughing. I silently cried.
This was my life everyday. They made sure to show us that
our presence was not needed amongst them. Even my 16
year old sister had my mother's attitude towards me.
My mother barged in my room while I was wiping my tears.
Mom: "Nantsi into oyaziyo, you cry and cry your crocodile
tears thinking that we will feel sorry for someone who
decided to open their legs for a stranger" There we go again
Me: "Mama ndakcela, can you not do this in front of Luhle"
Mom: "Rhaa, who do you think this house belongs to. I will
shout in front of anyone mna, even that child of yours"
Me: "Mama what did this child do to you? He is innocent.
How can you treat your grandchild this way?"..........

Insert 2 �
That same day, i decided to ask my neighbour MaLetty
to look after Luhle the following morning so i could go
job hunting. She knew the situation at home and she
always kept her door open for us if we needed anything.
At exactly 5:45 i woke up, wore my gown and went to go
shower. My younger sister was already up because she
was preparing for school. Once i was done showering i
dried myself and went to my room to lotion and get
dressed. I didn't have much clothes. In fact one would
argue that i barely had anything decent to wear. I
decided to wear my black knee length pencil skirt, a
white blouse and a black blazer. And then i wore my
green pumps. It was the only pair of shoes i had.
As i was dressing up, i felt a small pain on my lower
back. I knew it was that time of the month. I was getting
my periods and i hated it. It meant i would have to go
and ask my mother to buy me pads as i could not afford
my own. And you can imagine how that conversation
turns out.
Once i was done, i picked Luhle up while he was
sleeping and took him to the bathroom. I put him down
and undressed him while the shower was running. He
smiled with his eyes still closed. This child is always
happy in the morning. I looked at him and smiled. I
started tickling him and he laughed.
Me: "Molo boyzin zam"
Luhle: "Moyo Mama"
Me: "Unjani"
Luhle: "Phiyiye"
Me: "Awundibuzi uba ndinjani mna"
He shook his head and i laughed.
Me: "Mxm uright ke"
Luhle: "Umbi" and then he smiled. Yho haike i had no
comeback for that unexpected shot.
I put him in the shower and gave him a bath. Once i was
done i wrapped him in a towel and took him to our room.
I lotioned his body while i was tickling him. I then got him
dressed in a blue shirt and black skinny jeans and a
sandle. Most of his clothes were hand-me-downs. When
we were done, i packed his bag with extra clothes and 4
weetbix. I knew MaLetty would cook for him. We then
left our room to go out.
As we were about to reach the door, i turned around and
decided to go knock on Lisanda's door. I hate what I'm
about to do but andina choice.
Lisa: "Ngena" I opened and walked in. She looked at me
with a 'what do you want' type of look. I internally shook
my head.
Me: "Hey Lisa, i remember you mentioned getting
tampons for free kwi promo from a certain store. You
also said you weren't going to use them. Can you please
give me a few cause my period has started"
She rolled her eyes at me and i wish i could slap the
lights out of this girl. Imbheko akanayo
Lisa: "I decided that I'll use them when we go on our
December holiday. So no" I was not surprised. My
mom's ill treatment of me has spread to even my
younger sister.
Me: "Ndakcela, its still September. I'll make sure i
replace them before then"
Lisa: "With what money? You forget that you are
unemployed sisi. So no and please close the door on
your way out"
I looked at this girl for a good minute. Tears slowly left
my eyes. I was embarrassed and i felt so small. I cannot
believe this is how a 16 year old was treating me. I
quickly wiped my tears and walked out of her room.
I rushed for the door before monster mother wakes up
and walked to MaLetty's house to drop Luhle off. He
cried and my heart tore into pieces. MaLetty gave me
R100 to travel and print my CVs. I thanked her and
promised to pay it back when i get a job. I kissed Luhle
goodbye and walked to the train station.
It was now 3pm and tired does not even begin to
describe the way i was feeling. I have been going door
to door handing in my CV everywhere you can think of.
Im talking about houses, small to big shops, clinics and
even a somalian shop. Desperate times call for
desperate measures. I was hungry and probably smelt
like sun and sweat. But luckily for me my period had not
come so for that i was grateful.
I was down to my last CV and i was praying that it brings
me luck. As i was walking i came across a beautiful
office building which looked to have about 20 floors. It
was tall and looked like it was only made from glass.
The sign MM Holdings was big and silver at the top. This
is it, i thought to myself. I decided to walk in while saying
a silent prayer. Gosh i hope i don't smell too bad. The
few people who were standing outside the building
looked like money. This building and its people made
me feel like i was out of place.
I slowly walked towards the reception area with my head
down. At the reception desk sat the most gorgeous lady
who hadthe most beautiful curly hair i have ever seen. It
was big and brown. She looked like she was coloured.
As i approached her, she looked at me and gave me the
biggest smile. Uveze nelokugqibela mntase. I smiled
Her: "Hello there, Welcome to MM Holdings. Im are just in time, the other ladies are
already in the boadroom. You can take out your CV and
fill in this form while i show you the boardroom and wait
to be called" she talked while handing me a clipboard
with some application forms.
Okay, im confused right now and somehow words are
not coming out of my mouth. I was following this lady
while she talked and talked. We got to the elevator and
she pressed for the 5th floor.
Shirley: " Oh I'm sorry. I didn't even ask your name. I
tend to talk too much sometimes"
Me: "Uhm...its okay. I happen to like people who talk too
much" She looked at me and smiled.
Me: "My name is Lulu"
Shirley: "Nice to meet you Lulu. So as i was saying, one
of the cleaners we had turned out to be a thief. So i
really hope you are one of the good ones. You are going
to be the last one for today's interviews"
We got out of the elevator and walked down a passage.
We approached to big brown doors and Shirley opened
one. When we walked in, there were two ladies who
seated at a big round table that looked like it could
accommodate at least 20 people. I slowly walked in as
Shirley whispered goodluck and turned to walk away. I
sat down next to the other two ladies and said hi. No
response. Yho amen. I decided to fill in my application
form to kill time.
A few minutes later, a woman who wore a red power suit
with a black lingerie bodysuit and black six inch heels
walked carrying a black file. She was dark in colour and
her aura screamed power. She had her long weave tied
into a bun. Her perfume quickly filled the boadroom. Yho
umhle lomntu.
She sat down in front of us without greeting. Rude
much. She looked at us one by one. Then she pointed
at the other two ladies.
Her: "You two go wait outside" Hee isile lentombi. They
quickly took their bags and left leaving me with the lady
in red.
Her: "We are looking for a cleaner who is willing to work
shifts and one that is a hard worker. I cannot stand lazy
bitches who sleep on the job. So, why should we hire
you for the job?"
Me: "Well, i think I'm very good....."
Her: "Sis, cut the crap. I need to know the real reason
why you want us to hire you" Okaaaaaaaaay. Tense
Me: "I need this job because I'm desperate. I have a two
year old son that needs to be fed"
Her: "Hand me your clipboard and CV" I did and she
went through both of them. I was nervous. Then she
looked at her file.
Her: "I can't seem to find your name here on the
appointments listed here. Which agency do you come
from?" Now i was really nervous.
Me: "In all honesty, i was not sent by an agency. I just
walked in here to look for the job, but before i could say
anything, the lady at reception, who is very nice by the
way, just started talking like she was expecting me and
led me here where....."
Her: "Okay, okay, okay. Yho you can talk" She smiled
with one corner of her mouth. I looked down
Her: "Well, Thank you Ms. Matyila. We'll be in touch.
You can leave"
I stood up dissapointed and left the boardroom.
As i approached the elevator, its doors were about to
close but luckily the person inside saw me coming and
held the doors from closing. I walked in looking down
and said thank you. Just then a familiar scent hit. I just
don't know where i knew it from. I slowly looked behind
me and i regretted it. The air left my lungs and then
everything went blank.....
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Insert 3 �
I opened my eyes to the sound of two voices speaking.
One male and the other female. I looked around and
realised that i was in a bed so big at least 10 people
could fit in here. The room was big and had white walls.
There were built-in-cupboards that had a greyish colour.
There was a small fireplace on the wall facing the bed
and huge TV above it. The windows were cieling high.
You could see the whole of Cape Town from there. I
would love to wake up to such a view every morning.
How in the hell did i get here though? And who's bed is
this? Its very comfortable by the way.
I sat up and the two people who were speaking stopped
and looked at me. The lady smiled and walked towards
Her: " Miss Matyila, I'm so glad you finally woke up. You
gave my brother here quite a scare" she said pointing
towards the face i never thought i would see again. He
had a straight face and he looked very angry. He was
looking straight into my eyes. I looked down. Thixo why
now? And why in the hell did i have to faint? Drama
Me: "Wh...where am i?" I asked the lady who was sitting
on the bed next to me. She was really pretty. She had
nice short curly weave on. Her makeup was minimal.
She had big brown eyes that were inviting and her smile
showed her perfect white teeth. She smelled good too.
Gosh what is it with me and smelling people?

Her: "You are in my brothers condo. You apparently

collapsed in the elevator at MM Holdings and so he
brought you straight here" All this time brother man is
Her: "He called me because i am a doctor. Tell me, did
you have anything to eat this morning?" I looked down. I
remembered that i hadn't eaten the whole day. I slowly
shook my head. She looked at me and smiled.
Her: "Well that was the cause of your collapse. Plus you
seem like you have been walking in this heat the whole
day. But other than that, you are okay. By the way I'm
Phelisa Makeleni-Smith and over there is my brother
Lubenathi King Makeleni" I nodded looking down. Hee
sana this guy's intense stare was making me super
uncomfortable. I need to leave.
Me: "It was nice meeting you but i really need to go.
Thank you very much for everything" I said as i was
getting up.
Him: "You are not leaving without eating" And then he
turned to walk out of the room leaving his scent behind.
Haibo. He looks even sexier than the last time i saw him.
And that voice....Oh my God. I wonder if he remembers
me? I doubt it though. He looks like the type to go to bed
with a different woman every night. And i don't blame
him. He is sex on legs mntaka dad.
Phelisa: "Don't mind him. He's always rude and grumpy.
Although i get the feeling that you two know each other
already" She looked at me with squinted eyes. I laughed
Me: "No, no i have never met him before" i lied. I
definitely have met him before.
Phelisa: "Oh well. Lets go eat shall we" she took my
hand and led me out of the room we were in. Kanti how
big are condos kakade. This seems more like a house
than a condo. I feel so out of place. Like this place
should be on Top Billing ke qha.
We get to the dining room and the table is just filled with
food. How many people are going to eat apha kanti?
Just then my stomach grumbles. Rolls eyes. I look at at
a plate full of ribs and they looked so good. Phelisa
motions me to have sit and i do. Mr Grumpy is not here
and thank God for that. I say a quick prayer and dive in.
Hee Bawo. Ndithi I'm in heaven right now. Foodgasms
zodwa. Guys i love food.
I am brought back to earth by a giggle from Phelisa. I
open my eyes to find her and her brother looking at me.
Okay this is embarrassing. I look down because brother
man is staring once more. Tense. He sits down and
starts typing something on his phone. I take two more
bites of the food and wipe my mouth and hands with the
Me: "Thank you very much for everything, but I'm afraid i
have to go home. My must be worried" I said
standing up. Phelisa stands too and comes around to
hug me. She is really nice.
Phelisa: "Take care of yourself hey. There is a driver
waiting to take you home downstairs" A driver? I can
already imagine the looks I'll be getting at home.
Me: "Uhm....there really isn't a need for a driver. You
can just drop me of at the train station and I'll go home
from there" Lol they looked at me like i am crazy.
Him: "You are not taking a train. I'm taking you home
myself " I was about to protest when he gave me the
deadliest look ever. Hayi vala umlomo Lulu.
Phelisa: "Alright then. King will take you home" I nodded
and followed King out after saying goodbye to Phelisa
once more.
The drive was awkward and quiet. Like bekhu tense
people. The fact that he kept looking at me was making
things worse. I watched him from the corner of my eye.
If Greek Gods were black then he would be one. He was
not dark or light. His hair was in a nice fade that looks
like the types Americans have. He has pinky lips that
were on a constant pout mode. His eye lashes were
long and he had nice thick brows. His muscles were
promising to bulge out of his shirt. The two top buttons
of his shirt were undone. And i could see the tattoo on
his chest wanting to reveal itself. And the way he
gripped that steering wheel Bawo.....reminds of the way
he grabbed my thighs that night. Aarg Lulu stop it. Sbwl
King: "Take a picture, it lasts longer" Mxm he had to ruin
the moment.
King: "So Lulu, we meet again" Oh My Gosh, he
remembers me.
King: " What, did you think i would forget the face that
gave me a good time and disappeared the following
morning?" He clenched his jaw as if the memory hurt.
Me: "Shame, did i bruise your ego?" He chuckled and
tightened his grip on the steering wheel. The rest of the
ride was quiet until it was time to give him directions to
my house. Well to MaLetty's House.
Me: "Well thank you for the ride" I tried to open the car
doors but they were locked. I looked at him and this idiot
had a smirk on his face.
King: "You know, the next time i have you in my bed, I'll
make sure you don't run away again" Uphambene lona.
Me: "Who said you will have in your bed again?" He just
chuckled and unlocked the doors. I got out and walked
into MaLetty's yard. I could feel his eyes on me. I quickly
rushed to the door and walked in. I felt like i could
breathe for the first time. Phweeew�

Insert 4 �
Its been two days since my fainting incident. I still cannot
believe that happened. Just thinking about it makes me
cringe. And why it had to be in front of King, I don't
know. Its funny how i didn't even know his name and yet
he is my baby daddy.
3 years earlier
It was a Saturday night and i had just finished writing my
first exam paper for my 2nd year. Gosh i cannot believe i
have lasted this long in this God forsaken course. I hate
it. But then i cannot disappoint my parents. Now
everyone knows that the Mofokeng's daughter is going
to be a lawyer. Its too much pressure for me honestly.
Especially because i dont want to be a lawyer. Lord the
things we do to please our parents.
Anyways we were in Mbali's res room getting ready for a
girls night out while sipping on some Gin and juice. Pre
drink ntoz. All roads lead to Jade's Champagne Lounge
in Green Point baby.
Me: "Mbali bruh, you need to hurry up. That bus is going
to leave without us" She rolled her eyes.
Mbali: "Perfection takes time sweety" I laughed
Me: "Ndakbetha perfection" She laughed at me. Mbali
needs at least half a day prep time to get ready. Or else
niyofika next year wherever you going.
Once she was done, we took some selfies and videos
while twerking. We were crazy. We looked amazing
though. Mbali was wearing a short deep V-neck and low
back white jumpsuit, which had a gold belt. She paired it
with a nice nude heel with straps. I had on very short
high-waisted black flowy shorts, a black lacy crop top
that put my boobs on full display. Then i topped my look
off with a long black blazer that i put on my shoulders
and a black heel with strings as straps. My bob braids
were loose.
We then made our way out to meet the other girls.
Megan and Siya. Siya was gay and fabulous. They
looked so amazing.
Siya: "Bitches, y'all look haaaaaat" he can be very extra
and crazy ke.
Mbali: "Cause we slay, we slay, we slay" She sang while
twerking. And we hyped her the fuck up. The
champagne bus came while we were going crazy. It
looked amazing and there were people already inside
and the vibe was lit. Plus we got some free champagne
When we got to Jades, we went straight inside and left
people in the queue. Thanks to Siya who was the club
promoter for Jade and Chez Ntemba. That meant Vip
access darling. We got in, found a table and we sat
down. The dancefloor was packed. The vibe was fire
Siya and Mbali went to the bar to buy our drinks. They
came back with three buckets of ciders and two bottles
of Vodka and a jug of cranberry juice. Makunyiwe.
A few hours later, we were drunk and twerking to every
song. Haike haike Beyonce's Formation came on and
morals went out the window. That is our squad song
yall. As were dancing, i felt like i was being watched. I
looked around and my eyes landed on the most
beautiful yet intense eyes i have seen from a man. He
was looking straight at me. Hot does not even begin to
describe this specimen. Those eyes though. Our intense
stare was disturbed by Siya who talked loudly in my ear
over the music.
Siya: "He looks dangerous, but oh so yummy" I looked
at him and laughed
Me: "Mthathe kalok chommy" He rolled his eyes at me.
Siya: "I would if he wasn't undressing you with those
scary eyes" I looked at this guy one more time. He
wasn't staring anymore. I just shrugged and continued to
dance. We were having so much fun.
It was almost an hour before closing time at Jades and
me and the girls decided to call it a night. But before we
could leave, i told the girls that i need the bathroom. So i
left them to go relieve myself and luckily there was not
much of a queue. Once it was my turn, i did my business
and flushed. As i opened the door to get out, i was
pushed back inside and i heard the door being locked.
Me: "What in the h........" suddenly it was tense. It was
him. He was looking at me straight in the eyes. I looked
down. Hayi i can't with the intense gaze mntkbw. He
lifted my chin up and came closer. He was so close it felt
like i was breathing in his breathe. He smelt so good and
intoxicating. I felt chills on my spine, butterflies in my
stomach and some wetness in my panties. My back was
against the wall. Suddenly the whole cubicle felt super
Me: "What do you want?"
He looked at me and brushed my lower lip with his
thumb. Then he lowered his head until his lips brushed
against mine. His right hand held my face while the
other snaked around my waist. My panties were
drenched. What is happening? Ke phof this person
could kill me in this toilet.
Him: "I want you" i was shocked. It felt like a plea but
maybe i was wrong. His voice was deep and
authorative. Before i could say anything, his lips touched
mine. At first the kiss was sensual and slow. Then it got
hungrier and i felt his hands grab my butt bringing me
closer to feel his erection. I moaned in his mouth and he
groaned. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood
on my toes so i could drink all of him in. He tasted like
alcohol and mint. This felt so good and oh so right. I
pulled out of the kiss to try and catch my breathe. He
looked at me like he was searching for something.
Him: "Go home with me tonight .......please" I looked at
him. How is it that this hot guy wants me out of all these
beautiful girls out here? Somehow i found myself
nodding to his request. He pulled me towards him and
kissed me again.
Our moment was disturbed by someone knocking on the
door. I opened and there stood my friends looking
worried. Kanene i came here to pee. I was trying to
come up with an excuse but mystery man had to come
out and to top it off he held my hand. My friends looked
at me, our intertwined hands and then at each other.
Me: "Friends..... i uhm....i...." hee sana.
Him: "Your friend here will be going home with me. I
promise to take care of her" i prayed one of them could
try and convince me otherwise. But nah. Instead i got a
"have fun bitch" from Siya. Well, Megan made me
promise to take a picture of his car and my location and
send it to them.
The drive to his place was silent. He drove a matte black
Merc G-Class. The beauty of this car though. For some
reason i felt nervous. This is not the first time i would go
home with a man, but this time it felt different. He
passed by a KFC drive through and got me some zinger
wings and streetwise 5. Uyabaxa though. But ke i
finished most of the food. I kept him two pieces at least.
I noticed he was driving towards Tableview. He must be
monied because the houses this side were amazing. He
parked in front of this huge mansion that had beautiful
lights. I was suddenly scared to get out of the car. He
held my chin and made me look at him.
Him: "Iza....i won't hurt you okay?" I nodded and got out
of the car. He held my hand and we walked inside the
house. This house is beyond words. The interior was
mostly white and grey. It looked so clean, like no one
lived in it. He led me to the kitchen that was probably as
big as all 3 of the bedrooms at my house combined.
Everything was white except for the appliances. This
guy must be a neat freak. He put me on the counter and
stood in front of me. I put the KFC bag next to me.
Me: "I kept you some food" i touched the bag next to
me. He shook his head.
Him: "I only want to eat you" i blushed yhu. He had a
smirk on his face. He then licked his lips before he
captured mine. I think I'm addicted to this guy's lips. He
stopped and looked at me. I looked down. All of a
sudden i was being thrown over his shoulder and i
giggled. He went up the stairs.
Me: "Nice ass" he laughed and spanked mine. I loved
the sound of his laugh. It made me smile.
Him: "You too" i giggled.
Suddenly i was thrown on top of the bed. He looked at
me hungrily.
Him: "Are you ready?" I nodded.
Him: "Words baby, i need words"
Me: "Yes daddy" he smiled and kissed
I didn't sleep. This man worked me and my nuna is
burning. I've been watching him sleep for the past 30
minutes. I kissed his head and slowly got of the bed. It
was around 8 am in the morning. I quickly took all of my
stuff and got out of the bedroom. I then got dressed in
the hallway. I don't know what would happen if someone
sees me doing this. My uber was 2 minutes away. I
tiptoed down the stairs and went to the kitchen. I took
the KFC bag on the counter and went out the door.
Luckily it wasn't locked. I quietly opened this big ass
door and went out and closed it behind. My uber was
here. I jumped in the car and off we went. I would never
forget the mystery man.
A month later
Me: "Whaaaat?" My body went cold
Nurse: "It says you are 3 weeks pregnant" This cannot
be happening to me right now. I mean who get pregnant
for a stranger. Why in the hell did i not use protection.
Oh fuck me. Tears made their way down my face. I was
beyond upset and disappointed in myself. I was not
ready to be a mom.
Nurse: "Its okay mntanam....pregnancy is not the end of
the world. You know it is a bl....."
Me: "Can i get a referral letter for an abortion please?" I
blurted out.
Nurse: "Are you sure?" I nodded and looked down. She
nodded and went out of her office.
Mbali: "So chommy you are keeping the baby?" I
nodded. I decided to give this child a chance. My
parents are going to kill me yes, but i want this baby. I'm
going to give him/her all the love i have to give. I smiled.
Maybe things won't be so bad hey. I thought to myself.

Insert 5 �
I felt small wet kisses on my face very early in the
morning. And then out of the blue, a small hand slapped
me right on the face. Yhu i quickly woke up ready to give
Luhle hell. He had his face covered with his hands while
laughing. I was a bit angry but seeing how cute he is just
made me melt. This child has me wrapped around his
little finger shame.
I got up and went to the bathroom with Luhle on my hip.
In the bathroom i washed our faces and then we
brushed our teeth. We went back to our bedroom where
i made the bed and tidied up the room. I then turned to
look at my son who was focusing on his toy car.
Me: "Luhle?"
Luhle: "Mhm" haibo, and he wasn't even looking at me.
Me: "Luhle, cela undihoye" he looked at me and smiled
Me: "What do you want to eat?"
Luhle: "Stokie" Never shame
Me: "Uyavuya. Masambe sokwenza iAce" i said as i
walked to out to go to the kitchen. He followed me while
driving his car on his knees.
As he was busy eating, a call came through my phone. I
checked the number and it started with 021. Okay
hopefully its a job offer.
Me: "Hello"
Voice: "Hello, can i speak to a Miss Lulu Matyila?" I
recognized the voice
Me: "Speaking"
Voice: "Miss Matyila, you are speaking to Miss Booi
from MM Holdings. I believe i conducted your interview"
Me: "Oh yes yes, uhm how can i help you?"
Ms Booi: "Well i called to let you know that we are
pleased to inform you that we would like to offer you the
job as a cleaner at MM holdings. Do you accept this
offer?" I screamed. I even had tears in my eyes.
Me: "Yes yes thank you very much. Oh my Gosh you
have no idea how grateful i am"
Ms Booi: "Very well then. Please be here tomorrow
morning at 8am to sign your contract and get your
uniform. And then at 10am your shift will start. Is that
Me: "Yes that is perfect. Thank you so much"
Ms Booi: "Its a pleasure Ms Matyila. Enjoy the rest of
your day and see you tomorrow. Goodbye"
Me: "Thank you. You too. Bye" She dropped the call and
i screamed. I picked Luhle up and kissed him all over his
face. He laughed while trying to get away from.
Me: "Nana, mama uyaphangela ngoku" i said as i
twerked and Luhle joined me. He is so cute. And he
twerks better than a lot of a girls. Kalok im a good
teacher bantu.
I decided to go to MaLetty and ask her if she could look
after Luhle for me until i get paid. After that he'll start
creche. She agreed. She was really happy for me and
even gave me some cash to buy myself a bus ticket.
MaLetty is a blessing shame.
Later that night, the family was in the lounge watching tv
while i was pacing up and down in my room. I didn't
know how to approach my mom and ask her for more
time. Month end was just a few days away. I wss really
nervous. I walked out of my room and into the lounge. I
sat down on the couch and looked at her. They all
stared at me. I looked down.
Me: "Mama....uhm...bendi...i wanted to ask if you could
please give another month. I found a job and i promise
to move after my first salary" i couldn't even look at her.
Mom: "Inoba uphambene wena......what job did you
Me: " i got a job at MM holdings as a cleaner" She
Mom: "Imagine taking someone to school only for them
to become a cleaner. Yho hayi usisdenge uyeva" And
on cue, tears fell
Dad: "Thats enough. I think we can be patient for
another month Lulu. Its okay" Okay I'm shocked and
from what i see my mom was shocked too
Mom: "Tata ka Lulo, i see no reason to...."
Dad: "No Lulama. The child asked for a month and we
are giving it to her. That is final" i smiled inwardly.
Me: "Enkosi bhuti" i quickly stood up and left for my
Luhle was asleep on the bed. I walked in and changed
into my pyjamas. Just as i was about to get in bed, my
mother barged in. I sighed.
Mom: "Mamela ke sisi, if you think you can trick us into
letting you stay in this house then you have anotherthing
coming. You are lucky that man has a soft spot for you.
Especially after you spit on his face and all the money
we spent on you by coming home pregnant. After one
month i want you and that child of yours out.
Anina ndawo apha kule family sisi. Ndenzele nje lo
favour. Nx" I was silently crying.
She then walked out leaving me in tears once again.
Honestly i hope i find a cheap place so me and my child
can live in peace. This environment is not okay for us.
Its draining. The constant emotional and verbal abuse is
tearing me apart and i don't want it to end up affecting
my son. I want him to grow up in a happy home filled
with love and warmth. And if it means staying away from
the toxicity that is my mother than so be it. Hopefully one
day she can learn to forgive me and treat me as her
child once more.
The following morning i woke up at 5am. My eyes were
again red and puffy. Gosh, i dont need this today. I was
praying they go down. I wore my gown and went to go
take a quick shower. 10 minutes later i was done. I
brushed my teeth and made my way to my room. I then
lotioned my body and wore the same outfit wore the day
i fainted. Lol i still cannot believe that happened. I
wonder if I'll bump into King again. I need to tell him
about Luhle and I'm dreading that conversation.
Anyways once i was done, i packed Luhle's bag and
took out out his clothes. I put the clothes in a seperate
bag. MaLetty did not want me waking her baby up at
5am so she told me to bring him while he's sleeping with
all of his stuff. I picked Luhle up and gosh he is so
heavy. I kissed his head and walked out with him in my
arms while carrying his stuff. We got to Maletty's house
and i knocked. She put the lights on and opened the
Me: "Molo Ma" she smiled. MaLetty was really beautiful
and her smile was infectious.
MaL: "Molo mntanam. You can come put him in my bed"
i followed her to her room where i put Luhle down on the
bed. He looked so beautiful. I kissed him once more and
put his stuff on a chair next to the bed. I then walked out.
Me: "Enkosi kakhulu Ma ngalento. I'm seriously taking
you out uphela kwenyanga" she laughed.
NaL: "Don't be silly. Ningabantwana bam kalok nina.
The Lord is still going to bless you abundantly. I'm just a
helping hand sent by him" i smiled. She truly was a
beautiful soul. She walked me out after i hugged her
goodbye and she wished me goodluck.
I went back home to make myself one of Luhle's
porridges. I did not want another fainting incident. I ate
and then washed my plate once i was finished. I went
back to my room and quickly made my bed. I then took
my sling bag and left for the bus stop.
I got to MM Holdings at 7:45. I quickly walked in and
Shirley was already smiling at reception.
Shirley: "Girl, I'm so glad you got in. I had a good feeling
about you. I heard you fainted the last time you were
here. What happened? Oh and i heard the big boss
carried you? Aren't you lucky. I would faint everyday if it
meant i would be in those arms" i laughed at her. This
girl is crazy.
Me: "Lets chat later. Right now i have 10 minutes to get
to Ms Booi's office" she smiled
Shirley: "No problem. 6th floor, down the passage, first
door on your right" i nodded and smiled at her. I made
my way to the elevator.
Once i was on the 6th floor, i looked for Ms Booi's office
and i found it. I stood in front of her door and knocked.
She said "come in" and i did.
She looked at me and smiled. Umhle lo sisi maan. Her
melanin is just nyising me nje.
MsB: "Ah Ms Matyila, please have a seat" i smiled and
sat down.
Me :"Thank you" she handed me a brown envelope.
MsB: "That is your contract and basically the rules and
regulations of the company. It stipulates everything from
your duties and shifts to your salary. I will need you to fill
in the necessary forms that are attached which include
your banking details for payment purposes. Any
Me: ""
MsB: "Good. Now lets go get your uniform and I'll show
you around" i nodded and she led the way.
This building is big. Ms Booi showed around and by the
time we got the cleaners cafeteria, i was tired. She
introduced me to everyone and it wss mostly middle-
aged women and a few men. I'm probably the youngest.
I also got my uniform and thank God it doesn't look
hideous.But my ass is on full display in those pants. I
was assigned to 3 floors with 3 other women. It was the
3 top floors actually. I would be cleaning the offices,
boardrooms, bathrooms and cafeterias. I can't complain
though. Ijob yijob.
By the time lunchtime came, we were done with the 23rd
and 24th floor. After lunch we would tackle the 25th floor
which is the top floor of the building. Andidinwe that
time. It was 1pm and i would knock off at 4pm. When i
got the cafeteria, Shirley was waiting for me. She was
having a conversation with the other ladies. When she
saw me she smiled and cam to me.
Shirley: "There you are, come lunch is on me"
Me: "Shirley you really don't have to"
Shirley: "Oh come on, i insist. Plus its I've already
brought it" i nodded and followed her. We sat down at
an empty table. I then noticed the Steers bag she had.
My kind of girl. She took out the food and we started
eating. I looked around.
Me: "I feel so young" i whispered to Shirley. She
Shirley: "Thats because you are. Maybe one day you'll
tell how you got here" i shrugged. I hated talking about
my life.
Me: "How are you so comfortable with chilling with
cleaners? I mean most people pay them no mind"
Shirley: "I was raised by one. My mom took me to
school with the money she made as a cleaner. She also
taught me to never look down on people but to look at
their heart"
Me: "She seems like an amazing women" she smiled.
We spent the rest of the lunchtime talking about different
stuff. We had a lot in common.
After lunch, i made way to the top floor. I met the other 3
ladies there. We started cleaning. I decided to clean an
office since its door was wide open and no one was
inside. It was big and had white and grey interior. The
windows were so big you could see Table Mountain
from there. I started cleaning. I noticed a door and i went
to go open it. It was a bathroom. Who has a bathroom
inside an office? Anyways i started cleaned the
bathroom. I then went on my knees so i could mop the
bathroom floor with a towel. Old school style. Mops are
for 2000s.
"Nice ass" Oh shit. I quickly stood up and turned around.
And there he was looking so hot in a 3 piece grey suit
and a white shirt. He leaned on the door and he raised
his one eyebrow. So cocky.
Me: "Wh...what are you doing here?&quot; He smirked.
King: "This is my office" he slowly walked towards me
while i walked backwards. My back hit the basin and i
was trapped.
King: "So....what are you doing here?" I feel so hot right
Me: "I was just uhm..." he out his
index finger on my lips.
King: "Shhhhh" he brought his face towards me. I
quickly pushed him back.
Me: "Im sorry sir, I'll be on my way now. I think I'm done
here" i quickly turned and ran for the door.
King: "You know we still have unfinished business
right?" I turned and he looked at me with a straight face.
I chuckled. Those eyes.
Me: "Shame" i walked out. Does he really think i would
sleep with him again? Well maybe i do. But he doesn't
need to know that.
And he still needs to learn about Luhle.

Insert 6�
I've been working at MM holdings as a cleaner for about
a month now. I don't hate my job, but i don't like the fact
that i am a cleaner at 23. This is not where i imagined
my life to be. But ke i guess its true when they say life is
I also haven't seen King since the day i was cleaning his
office. That man makes me want to lose my morals.
I was at home and i had just gotten paid my first salary
and it was the weekend so that meant i was off. I
decided that i would take my son out to do some
shopping. MM Holdings pays its cleaners really really
good. So ighel ibiright mntase.
I was busy getting Luhle ready so that we can leave. I'm
so glad i was finally going to afford to buy my son proper
clothes. He really needs them since he'll be starting
creche next week monday. That reminds me, i need to
get MaLetty a little something even though she asked
me not to. That woman has been a life saver.
My mom walked in our room while Luhle was trying to
put on his shoes. She looked at me for a few seconds. I
looked down. I knew why she was here.
Mom: "Yayazi the month is over and i don't see you
doing anything about the fact that you have to get out" I
Me: "Mama i have been looking, i just haven't found an
affordable place for us yet" She looked even more
Mama: "Don't come and tell me ikaka apha. I don't care
about you finding an affordable place. Sisi i want you out
and for some reason, you are not letting that sink in your
thick skull. Since I'm sure you have gotten paid, you
need to pay us for the food and electricity you have
been using while staying here. Nx" She walked out. As
always i was crying. Imagine getting emotionally and
verbally abused by the same person who is meant to
protect you. Honestly i have been looking for places to
stay and all of them demanded at least 2 to 3 months
deposit which i definitely cannot afford. The cheaper
ones were in the worst neighbourhoods.
Luhle looked at me and wiped my tears. He then pouted
his lips for me to kiss him and i did. I was feeling better
already. This child though. I continued getting us ready
and we left a few minutes after that. We went to take a
taxi to town and then from there to the Waterfront. Luhle
fell asleep along the way. When we got to the Waterfront
we did some shopping for Luhle. It was not a lot of stuff
but i was just happy that he would eventually stop
wearing hand me downs. I also brought myself a few
items at MrP because thats the only store i can afford for
now. We walked around for about an hour doing some
window shopping. When we were hungry i decided that
we should go eat at Spur. It would be Luhle's first time
eating there. Or anywhere actually.
We walked inside Spur and a waiter took us to a table.
Because it was full, we got a big table that seats 6
people and the waiter asked me if i wouldnt mind if other
people could join if there were no tables. Honestly i
really didn't mind. We sat down and i ordered Ribs and
chicken for myself and a burger for Luhle. I then decided
to take him to play inside the playroom they had for kids
while we waited for our food. He looked so happy. This
was the moment I've been waiting for. Having to look at
my child laughing and being happy without me stressing
about food or shelter. It was just us in our happy bubble.
Every now and then he would come and kiss me and the
run back to go play. He also made friends cause he's
such a social butterfly.
I decided to leave him with the lady who works there to
check if our food was not ready yet. When i got to our
table i got the shock of my life. Oh Nkosi can i not faint
today. King was sitting at our table with a beautiful
yellow bone lady. She had a very long weave that
looked to be about 30 inches. Her makeup was flawless
and she had Rose gold nails on her hands. I could see
she was wearing a very tight black dress that was
strapless. Now this is what you call a Slay Queen babes.
I could see that King was also not expecting to see me.
Him and the lady were holding hands. I looked at the
intertwined hands and then i looked back at him. His
eyes were intense as usual. I saw that he removed his
hands from the lady. We looked at each other for about
a strong minute before i saw yellow fingers with nails
snapping in front of my face. I looked at this girl and
raised an eyebrow.
Her: "Girl you need to stop ogling my man because from
what i see, he is way out of your league. Rha" i
Me: "Whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart" and
then i walked away to find my waiter. I found him and
asked to talk to him.
Him: "Hello, Ma'am is there a problem?"
Me: "No...yes.....Is there no other available table? Like i
said before, i don't mind sharing" he shook his head
Him: "Unfortunately your table is the only one that was
available" i sighed and thanked him, then i walked away
to go find my son. Gosh I'm really not looking forward to
this. Maybe he won't notice. But then again who am i
kidding? Luhle looks like King so much. I'm just not
I found Luhle still playing but because he was hungry,
he didn't even need to be called twice to come eat.
When we approached our table, our food was there. The
lovely couple was lovey dovey. I put Luhle next to me
and then i sat down also. All this time i could feel King's
eyes on us. It was intense. Oh i felt it. They kept quiet. I
started eating. I seriously did not want to look up.
Luhle: "Moyo bhuti" his smile was big. Oh mntanam ke.
King did not reply. Luhle then focused on his food
making comments here and there about cars and balls.
The waiter came with King and his date's food.
Everyone was just silently eating. This is awkward.
Luhle: "Mama yihluti mna" he pouted and held his
stomach. He almost ate all of his food. I kissed and gave
him my phone so he could play games. I looked up and
King was staring at Luhle. He then looked at me and
then him again. Oh oh. I was sweating. The slay queen
looked so annoyed shame.
Girl: "Sisi what is your issue with my man? You need to
stop looking at him like he is yours. Rha know your type"
This is girl is crazy shame.
Me: "Well you need to tell your man to stop looking at
me. And trust me he's definitely not my type" she
Girl: "Ewe kalok your types are probably thugs from the
location. You probably don't even know your baby
daddy. All you people from the township know is to give
birth" Haike haike, she messed with the wrong one. I
Me: "Trust and believe that i know my baby daddy. King
umntana wakho greeted you" i looked at him. Slay
queen looked like she was thrown with a bucket of
Girl: "Baby in...." i guess she
was not expecting that. Neither was King.
King stood up and grabbed his girl's hand and stormed
off with her. Okay now i feel like shit. I seriously did not
want him to find out like this. Yeses but that girl just had
to try me. I hate people who look down on others just
because of where they come from and what they lack.
There is nothing wrong with being from elokshin bruh.
Mandalay may be a bit boujee but its still a kasi of some
sort. Why do our people feel the need to think they are
better once they make it in life? Like they've never eaten
umphokoqo before? Bitch please.
After some time i was done eating and asked for the bill.
My waiter told me that it was already paid for and i
figured that it must be King's doings. Kanti is he not
pissed at me. Anyways i packed up our bags and just
before i could tell Luhle to stand up so we can go,
someone cleared their throat behind me. I turned around
and i found his eyes. Yho guys if looks could kill, i would
definitely be six feet under and having conversations
with my ancestors. I looked down. Luhle was still sitting
down playing on my phone like his life was not about to
change. Its nice being a kid.
King: "Sit your ass down" his jaws were clenched. I did
as told. I was really scared. This man has power and a
lot of money. He could try and take my child away from
me if he wanted to. I don't even have Clientele Legal. He
looked at Luhle once more and then at me.
King: "Why? Why would you keep my child away from
me? You planned this didnt you?You knew what you
were doing when you slept with me that night. You
realized im worth a lot and you planned to get money
using a child. You disgust me. I'm sure his not even
mine" tears made their way down my face. I couldn't
believe my ears right now. How could he?
Me: "Uphambene could you even accuse
me of such nonsense? You think i had fun going through
my pregnancy alone? Not being able to call my baby
daddy for my cravings? You think it was fun having to
wake up alone in the middle of thr night because of a
crying baby? Do you know what its like to wonder if your
child will ever get the chance to call someone dad. I'm
the one who went through shit the past few years
because i slept with a stranger. Can you imagine that
type of embarrassment? I didn't know you until the day i
fainted. So why would i plan to mess with my life like
that? My child came at a wrong time but i vowed to take
care of him. And even though we barely made it
sometimes, we are still here. Sundinyanyisa mna.
Telling me about money and shit. And if you think I'm
lying then you can organize for a DNA test. Sdenge" i
was pissed. The tears wouldn't stop falling.
Luhle: "Mama" he looked like he wanted to cry. Thats
when i noticed that everyone was looking at us. Maybe i
was loud. King brushed his face frustratingly. I stood up
and took our bags and then told Luhle to come. I
needed to get out of here.
King just picked Luhle up and walked out with him. Luhle
just layed his head on King's shoulder. Traitor. I followed
them with the bags of our clothes. We walked next to
each other like we were some happy family. I needed a
few things for Luhle like his food and my toiletries so i
told King and we went to Pick n Pay. I took the trolley
and we started walking in and around the isles. I would
take the small stuff that we needed but King kept on
putting stuff in the trolley.
Me: "Wenzani?" He just shrugged and kept on walking.
He looked like he was still pissed about the whole
situation. Luhle fell asleep on his shoulder. King kept
kissing him on his head. It was cute. I realized then that
maybe i didn't try hard enough to look for him. He has to
live with knowing that he missed the first few years of his
child's life. I sighed and kept on pushing the trolley.
Once we were done we went to go pay for the groceries.
I put the ones i took from the shelves on the till counter.
King just put everything on there and the cashier kept on
hitting them on the scanner. I dont even have the money
for all of this. When the cashier was done i took out my
card and just before i could give it to her, King was
already tapping his black card. Rolls eyes. Hee sana the
cashier was blushing and kept on smiling at King. She
looked at me.
Cashier: "You must feel lucky for having a handsome
man with a black card. How did you do it?" I just rolled
my eyes.
King: "Its actually her black card. She focused more on
getting her own than having a man with one. You should
try it. Ina baby" He gave me his card and i put it in my
wallet and we took our bags and left the cashier with a
face like she just walked in a glass door. Shame.
King insisted on taking us home so we went to the
parking lot and he opened the doors of porshe SUV.
Kanti how many cars does this man have? I loaded the
groceries inside the boot and then went to go sit down
on the passenger seat. He looked like he was deep in
though while Luhle was still in his arms.
Me: "Whats wrong?" He looked at me then closed the
doors and locked me inside the car and left. I cried.
Please don't let him take away my son God. I called out
his name while he walked away with my son. I prayed. I
looked for my phone and realised its in my bag in the
boot. How stupid. About 20 minutes later he came back
with someone who was carrying a car seat. Okay no
lies, my heart melted. I wiped my tears quickly. He
opened the car and the guy put the car seat at the back.
King thanked him and the guy left. He then strapped
Luhle inside and kissed his forehead before he took the
driver's seat. I looked at him. Seyo type maan.
We drove in silence. Well Luhle was snoring loudly. I
guess he really was tired. I put my head against the
window and fell asleep too. I felt King shaking my thigh
softly telling me to wake up. I looked up and he was
parked in front of MaLetty's house. I got off and i noticed
that all of my stuff were outside. I walked to my house
and tried opening the gate but it was locked.
Me: "Mama, Mama" please she cannot do this to me
right now. She walked out and stood inside the yard.
She gate was between us.
Me: "Haibona Mama why are my stuff on the streets?"
Tears were already on my face cause i knew the
Mom: "Did i not tell you that i want you out? So ke sisi
this is me kicking you out. You do not belong here. Go
and find your own place to stay umdala ngoku" i cried
and kneeled on the floor.
Me: "Please I'm begging you. Don't do this" i felt two
strong arms lifting me up. Shit i forgot about him.
King: "Get in the car, I'll put your stuff in the car" i was
about to protest but he gave one look that told me to
shut up.
Mama: "Shame, we'll see how fast this man gets tired of
you. Bhuti you are wasting your time here with this one.
You just leave her on the streets" King looked at my
King: "You have no shame. Sies" she looked at him with
so much anger. I looked at this woman one more time
and just walked away. King took our stuff and put them
in the backseat. Luhle was awake now. I think he was
happy to be inside a car. I feel so defeated because i
have nowhere to go right now. I got inside the car and
just cried. King got in after a few minutes and looked at
me. He then drove off. I wonder where he's taking
Happy Reading

Insert 7�
If anyone told me that i would be treated in such a
manner by own mother 5 years ago, i would laugh in
their face. When i look back at my childhood, i realise
that the verbal and emotional abuse was always there.
But it wasn't to this extent. Whenever i did do wrong,
which was not always, i did it to get my parents
attention. I would give up a lot just to hear my mom tell
me she loves me. Its never happened before. She has
told my younger siblings but not me. Maybe one day I'll
find out why mom hates me so much.
I have been silently crying ever since i stepped foot into
King's car. Luckily for me, he has been entertaining
Luhle's conversation about i don't know what. Funny
how they understand each other. Eventually i fell asleep.
I woke up when King brushed my thigh and told me we
have arrived. He looked me straight in the eyes. I looked
down a played with my fingers. Im sure my eyes were
King: "Are you okay?" I nodded. Then I looked around.
We were parked in front of a mansion. It was so big it
looked like it was about 3 floors high. Yho. I have never
seen a house so big. I got out of the car and noticed that
there was a driveway but i couldn't see where it starts.
Basically i can't see the front gate. The house had
mostly ceiling high glass walls so you could basically
see some of the inside. The lights made it look even
prettier since it was around 6pm.
King nudges me and i realise i have zoned out. Luhle
was on his shoulders looking very happy.
King: "When you are done being amazed, pick up your
jaw from the floor and come in. Its getting cold" i rolled
my eyes at him. Sadiki.
Me: "Mxm. I've seen better than this" He laughed.
King: "Im sure you have sweetheart" Mxm. I just left him
laughing. Luhle started laughing too. I looked back at
them and just rolled my eyes. They are so cute though.
Its as if they have known each other for a long time,
kodwa they just met today.
I walked in the front door. Oh my God this place is
beautiful. The house is very modern but it feels like a
home. I turned around to find King smirking at me. Mxm
let me compose myself.
King: "Follow me and don't faint"
Me: "Haha very funny" he led me through the house
giving me a tour. He then led us upstairs and stopped in
front two doors on either side of the hallway opposite
each other.
King: "This is your bedroom and the one opposite we
can it into Luhle's bedroom" wait what? I was confused.
Me: "What do you mean our bedrooms? And who said
we want to live here with you?" He stared at me
King: "From where I'm standing, you have two choices.
One you stay here until you can find a suitable place for
you and my child. Two you go to the streets. And quite
frankly i don't really care about you, but there is no way
my child is staying on the streets with you. Take a pick" i
looked at this crazy asshole who was annoyingly right. I
didnt have much of choice.
King: "Also you need to send me your account details so
i can send you maintenance money. We also need to
find a school that is a bit closer for Luhle. I will also need
his documents so i can add him on my will and stuff. We
will need to do imbeleko for him and change his
surname" Now i am pissed.
Me: "We will not do any of those things. Im sorry Mr.
Daddy of the year but you talk things out before you just
make decisions about someone's life like that. Whats
next huh? You'll try and make me look like the
incompetent parent so that you can take my son away
from me? My son keeps my surname and whatever
surname i use. Like it or not. And we will decide on the
stuff you will pay for like school and food. But you will
not send money into my account. You can rather open
up a savings account for him" he looked at me like i was
King: "My child is taking my surname"
Me: "You have only been a dad for a few hours so i
highly doubt you can make such demands. Nx" he
clenched his jaws. He put Luhle down and walked away.
Mxm asshole. Okay maybe i was a bit harsh but i don't
play when it comes to my child. He can't just rock up
and make demands like its a normal thing to do. I'm also
Luhle's parent kalok.
Luhle and i have been sitting in my supposed room for
about two hours playing before i heard a knock on the
door. King walked in. He had our bags with him and he
went to go put them in the closet. The room is very big
for one person. Luhle stands up and goes to him.
Luhle: "Bhuti funquye" King smiled and picked him up.
King: "Come there is food in the kitchen" I sighed and
followed him. I was still very much pissed about our
argument. Honestly I'm scared that he will become
much more of a parent than i ever was because he's got
everything. Mna im just struggling to make ends meet.
I followed them to the kitchen where there was a Steers
box. My favourite. He put Luhle on the counter and
opened the box taking out a King Steer burger for me
and him and their lame grilled chicken for Luhle. We all
ate in silence.
King: "Honestly I'm hurt more than anything. Knowing
that i was not there for the birth of my son will forever
haunt me. I'm still trying to process everything and i
don't know what to do or where to start. All i know is that
i want him to have everything that he wants and needs.
Regardless of how he happened, thank you for making
me a father" i cried. This man had a good heart even
though he acts tough.
Me: "I'm really sorry for shouting at you. Thing is its
always been Luhle and i so it might take me some time
to get used to having another person involved. I guess i
also panicked thinking that you might want to seperate
me from my son" i looked down.
King: "Tell me why didn't you try and find me?" I sniffed
and wiped away my tears. Gosh kunini ndikhala
Me: "I did. I went back to Jades almost every weekend
for about two months but i never saw you again. A part
of me was also scared that you might not even want to
do anything with us considering how we met"
King: "I would've never sent you away. That night is a
night i will never. Now more than ever" he looked at
Luhle and smiled.
King: "He looks like me. But i think he has your
personality" i giggled
Me: "You wish were as cute as my baby" i kissed
Luhle's head.
King: "Thats definitely your big head though" What?
Me: "Please you know that big head belongs to you" he
King: "Whatever helps you sleep at night sweeery" i
laughed at the way he said that. Oh that reminds me.
Me: "Uphi uSlay Queen?" He frowned.
Me: "Your girlfriend. The one you were with today" he
King: "Slay Queen? I sent her home. She was annoying
anyways" i laughed and shook my head
Me: "Such a hoe and ayikho cute" he stared at me and
tensed. Oops
Me: "I'm sorry" i continued eating my food in awkward
After eating i took Luhle upstairs to my room and gave
him a bath. I then put him in his pyjamas. King walked in
when i was about to tuck him in. We sat down on the
other side of the bed and kissed Luhle on his forehead.
We both watched him fall asleep. I looked up and saw
King wipe away a tear. Is he really crying? He then got
up and walked to the door. Just before he could open i
called his name. He stopped without turning. I looked at
those broad shoulders and the way his pants hugged
Me: "Thank you and again I'm sorry if i offended you
earlier on" i think i saw him nod.
King: "That big head still belongs tou though. He opened
the door and walked out. I laughed. I went to change
into my pyjamas. I then got in bed and closed my eyes
and slept immediately. I was so tired.
The following morning i woke up to find myself in bed
alone. I panicked and rushed out of bed and out of the
room. Tears were on the verge of falling. Damn this
house is big. Where is the lounge again? I walked and
walked until i found it. I froze. 3 Old men and 3 women
were sitting in the lounge. King was not there. Luhle was
sitting on top of one of the men playing with his tie. They
all looked at me. Well this is awkward.
Me: "Uhm.....Molweni bantu badala"
Them: "Molo Ntombi" i then stood again not knowing
what to do.
Old man1: "Nontombi, my name is Khuse Makeleni. I'm
Lubenathi's father" He looked very scary but handsome.
He has King's intense eyes. I nodded he is the one who
was playing with Luhle.
Luhle: "Moyo mama" i smiled. The men laughed
Me: "Molo Luhle"
Khuse: "The men next to me are my younger brothers
and sitting over there are our wives" the ladies smiled at
me. Immediately i could spot which one was King's
mom. She looked like him. That is why this man was
beautiful, he took it from his mama.
Me: "I'm glad to meet you. My name is Lulu......uhm let
me go upstairs to freshen up and then I'll come and
make tea" they nodded.
I practically ran to my room and took a quick shower. Its
obvious King called them but I'm curious as to what they
will say about the whole situation. I'm really scared
actually. After showering i brushed my teeth and went
back to the room to lotion. I took out my black maxi
dress that i brought yesterday at MrP and wore it with
my pump. I put a black cardigan over my shoulders,
quickly combed my hair and walked out.
I went to the kitchen to make tea for the elders. Finding
what i needed was a bit of a struggle. This kitchen is
waaay to big. I decided to also make breakfast. I made
scrambled eggs, bacon, viennas and sliced some
cucumber, tomatoes and avocados. Someone cleared
their throat. I turned around and found one of the aunts
looking at me with disgust. I knew that look very well
from my mother.
Aunt: "Need help"
Me: "Uhm its okay. I think I'll be fine thank you" she
walked towards me and stood a few inches from my
Aunt: "I don't know how you managed to get pregnant
from a one night stand which happened to be with one
of SA's richest bachelors. But I'm no fool. I know your
types. If you think you will milk this family dry using that
bastard of a child then you have another thing coming.
You played with the wrong one" i looked down. She
walked away. Tears fell from my eyes. Bloody tears. I
quickly wiped them and continued making the tea and
breakfast. Once done i put everything on a tray and took
it to the elders. I served the men first and then the
women. I then put the teapot and cups on the table. I sat
down on the floor with Luhle's bowl of food and he
walked to me and i sat him on my lap. Only now he
notices me. He started eating. Just then King walked in.
He was sweating and was wearing grey sweatpants and
nothing on top. I stared. More like drooled. I then looked
down when i saw his mom looking at me smiling. He
greeted and went upstairs.
About 30 minutes later he came back wearing black
formal pants that barely covered his ankles and black t
shirt with and red versace loafers. Wow. He smelt good
too. He sat down on a chair just as i was collecting the
dirty dishes. I put everything in the dishwasher and went
back to go sit down. When i came back, Luhle was now
sitting on his father's lap with his head on his chest.
Looking at them made my heart smile. I sat down next to
them on the couch.
Khuse: "Ntombi yam, Lubenathi called me last night and
told me about the situation at hand. Honestly i am very
happy that we have a grandson as he is my first and I'm
in love with him already" i looked down and smiled.
Uncle1: "But we came here to talk to you about the
surname change of this child" i looked at King. He dared
not look at me. I looked down again. Gosh I'm pissed
Khuse: "Now Lubenathi told me that you want your son
to use a surname that you use. Is that right?" I nodded.
Khuse: "Well then, we decided that you two should get
married so that everyone gets to use the same surname.
And, you can raise your son as a unit"
Me &King: "Whaaat?"

Insert 8�
I'm sorry to say but these people are crazy if they think
I'm about to get married to a stranger, no matter how
handsome he is. Tuu shame.
King looked at me and then back at his father and
uncles. The mom was smiling at us. She seems to be
overly happy about this. Hee bawo.
King: "Tata, you cannot be serious right now. I don't
want to get married, especially to her" Ouch.
Khuse: "What is wrong with her?" I looked at King cause
nam I'm curious.
King: " I.....I..i don't know, but we cannot get married "
Khuse: "Well son, you don't really have much of a
choice. Both of you don't. This wedding needs to
happen. Soon" they all agreed nodding their heads,
except for the nasty aunt. This cannot be happening.
Me: "With all due respect bantu badala, but I'm sorry I
cannot accept such a decision about my life. Yes, King
and I did not meet under usual circumstances and
during all of that a child was the result. But I refuse to be
forced into a marriage just because of a surname or the
sake of my child. We don't know each other. I don't
know the type of person he is. King and I have to figure
this new journey that we found ourselves in. More
especially him since he is now a new dad. Adding a
marriage will just complicate things between us and
therefore create a toxic environment for our child. We
might end up resenting each other or even the child
because it would be because of him that we found
ourselves in an arranged marriage. I on the other still
want to have my independence. I want to study and
travel. I want to get a good job, buy my first car and
house. I ave dreams that I want to achieve. I don't want
to find myself not being able to do any of those things
just because I'm married to a rich man. No, I want to get
rich with my own money before I get married so that
Luhle has an example of the type of woman he should
go for when he's older. Someone who doesn't want to
be a trophy wife. So marriage is not going to work for
us" They all looked at me. Tata Khuse smiled like he
was a bit impressed and then went back to his intense
stare. He then looked at his brothers like they were
having a conversation with their eyes. I looked at King
and mouthed 'do something' to him. He looked annoyed.
After a minute of silence, they all looked at us.
Khuse: "Ntombam we heard you loud and clear and we
agree with most of what you said, however, no child in
this family has been raised in a divided home. So I
propose that we give you six months to get to know
each other. All in all this marriage is happening. I have
faith in you" did this man hear anything I said? Asoze
Me: "And what if I don't agree to this?"
Uncle1: "Then we will take you to court for full custody of
Luhle. I'm sure you know we are monied and can afford
the best lawyers" this is what I feared for the most.
King: "Tata" his dad just gave him look and he looked
down defeated. I'm starting to regret telling King about
Luhle right now. Tears fell from my eyes. I took my son
from King and went upstairs to my room. Kanti what did I
do to life to deserve such?
I cried while Luhle kept on wiping my tears. I looked at
him. Gosh I would do anything for this child. I would
commit murder willingly for him. And yes, I would also
marry a stranger for him. But I'm not ready. There is a
lot that could go wrong with this. And it seems like I
stand to lose more than anyone else. I seriously cannot
believe this. I went from one problem to another. Just as
I was crying, someone knocked on the door. I looked up
and King's father walked in and sat on the chair that was
in front of the bed. He looked at me with soft eyes for the
first time today. I looked down.
Khuse: "Mntanam, I know what we are doing is wrong in
so many ways. Trust me, if circumstances were different
we wouldn't be here." He looked down.
Khuse: " My wife has cervical cancer....." I looked at him
Khuse: "We have two children and the one is married.
Unfortunately her children carry the Smith surname so
they will continue the Smith legacy. When King called
me last night, I knew that this was the time to fulfill my
wife's dying wish. All she wanted was to see her son get
married. We have been to the best doctors in the world
and all of them told us she has about 2 years to live.
Unfortunately King doesn't know and he cannot know. I
know we asking a lot from you especially because you
do not know us. But I'm here to beg you to consider
doing this please" I looked at this man. How I wish
someone me loved the way he loved his wife. He seems
to be a gentle beast like his son.
Me: "My son......"
Khuse: "We will set up a contract that ensures that both
of you are okay. Your son will be a beneficiary of a big
part of MM Holdings and we will give you a percentage
of the company" I was shocked. Also i didn't think they
own MM Holdings. This is big and could change my life.
Me: "Tata, I'm sorry but I cannot accept your offer....."
He looked defeated
Me: "I don't want to take a part of something you worked
so hard for. So I propose that
a study fund to be set up for me. I would like to go back
to school. My tuition and necessary fees would be paid
for. I would like to continue working as cleaner part time
that way I can make my own money" he looked shocked
and a tear fell from his eyes. Yeah im just not that
greedy bantu. I believe in working your way up.
Khuse: "Enkosi kakhulu mntanam, you have no idea
how grateful I am. But I cannot accept you to work as a
cleaner. We can find something small for you in admin
with one of our other companies. School will not be an
issue. I'll get my lawyer to set up everything for you.
Again thank you. We also need to keep you and Luhle
safe at all times. I know people who would do anything
to get my legacy into their hands" I raised an eyebrow
Khuse: "Kalok I'm so whipped I signed everything to my
wife who would sign everything to her first grandchild"
Okay, now I'm really scared.
Khuse: " Don't worry, nothing will happen to you. Also, If
it doesn't work out for you and King after two years, then
you can divorce. I don't want you to nyamezela when its
not beneficial for you" he stood up and motioned me to
hug him. Luhle went to him first. Uyaphapha lo. We both
laughed and he picked him up and kissed his forehead. I
went to him and hugged him and it felt warm and
fatherely. Something I have never experienced. He then
walked out with Luhle in his arms smiling. I said a silent
prayer to give me guidance and protection for this
unbeknownst journey that I'm about to take. Yho
marriage it is.
A few minutes after they left King walked in looking very
King: "You agreed to this. How could you? Are you that
desperate for money?" I looked at this asshole and I
swear my hand just connected with his face. My hand
has a mind of its own. But how dare he.
King: "Let that be the first and the last time you pull that
shit" he said through clenched teeth. Okay now I'm
scared but I won't let that get to me.
Me: "Money is not everything bhuti so stop acting like a
spoilt brat" he stared at me livid.
King: "There is no way I am marrying you. You are
annoying as hell and you will embarrass me in public. I
cannot be seen with such" that really hurt me. I wiped a
tear from my eyes. Nx. Yazi he deserves way more than
just a slap on the face ngoku.
Me: "Funny how you made a baby with this annoying
and embarrassing girl" he looked like he regretted what
he just said but it was too late. I walked out and left him
standing there. Sdenge
King's mother asked me to take a walk with her outside
in the garden. She introduced herself as Nokhanya. She
was really beautiful and her eyes lit up when she smiled.
We walked around the garden which was really pretty
and huge. There was a big pool that had a small jacuzzi
on the end. Who needs to go on vacations when such
houses exist. I was really bothered by what King said. I
don't know how this marriage will work out. But it doesn't
matter because I have 2 years before I leave his ass.
K'Mom: "Yazi mntanam, I am so happy that you agreed
to marry Lubenathi. His stilubborn ass doesn't want to
settle down" she shook her head.
Me: "The one thing I want more than anything is to raise
Luhle with a lot of love from both of us. I hope we can
achieve that. But I don't think there is love between us"
she looked at me.
K'Mom: "Hmm we'll see. You never know what the
future holds. I dont know how i can thank you for
agreeing to this marriage. You decided to take a
stramger's problems and made them your own. It shows
you have a good heart. I know my husband and child,
and i know the state they will be in once i leave this
world. That is why i will need you to be strong my baby.
People will try to take advantage of their vulnerability
and try to take my husband's hard work from him. I can
tell that you are exactly what King needs. You are
beautiful and smart. And I can sense a whole lot of
strength in you" I nodded blushing and looked down.
This family really has a lot of love for each other sana. I
dont know if im doing the right thing here but we''ll have
to see how it works out. Am i even ready?
We continued to chat getting to know each other.
K'Mom: "King told me what happened with your mother.
You have a family now and we will always have your
back. But please for your sake, find it in your heart to
forgive your mother. Not for her, but for yourself. We as
parents tend to think we know better when it comes to
everything. I'm sure she'll see her wrongs eventually" I
sighed. I doubt that will happen anytime soon. My mom
hates my guts and she made sure I felt it everyday. I'm
actually happy that I won't be seeing her for a while.
They do say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Maybe this time apart will bring us closer eventually.
Who knows?
After our long walk, we back inside the house and I saw
that the elders were getting ready to leave. Thank God
because Nasty Aunty's eyes were making holes in my
body bantu. I wonder what her issue with me is. Luhle
was being kissed by his grandmother several times on
the face and tickled, his laugh filled the room. I smiled. I
swear that moment made me want to cry because I
realized then that my son's life was about to change for
the better. He was about to be overloaded with love,
something he is not used to. But, its something that I
have always wanted for him.
King's dad looked at me with a smile, and then he
Khuse: "Makoti, we expect to see our grandson for the
weekend next week" I nodded. We all said our
goodbyes and Khuse asked to speak to his son in
I took Luhle's hand and led him to the kitchen to make
him food. I made him a sandwich with polony. He ate on
top of the kitchen counter. I looked at him smiled. He is
so cute. King walked in and picked up his son with his
food and walked out. Seyo drama bantu. Please God
give me strength for this marriage.
I went upstairs to go take a nap but I kept tossing and
turning. I kept thinking of what my mother would make of
all of this. I hope she is at least proud of me getting
married. Andaz. I decided to go look for these two. I
searched and searched until I approached to big red
doors. I opened and walked in an indoor cinema with
black leather seats. It had about 6 seats per row and
there were three rows. They were watching Sing.
Luhle: "Iza Mama" they were sitting in the second row
with popcorns all over the seats. I went to go sit next to
Luhle. He was in a seat between me and King. I took
some of the popcorn from King. I don't care how mad he
is wethu. He looked at me with those intense eyes. I
rolled mine and looked forward. He chuckled.
King: "The next time you roll those eyes at me I'll tie you
up and fuck you so much you won't feel your legs. So
please try me" I swear my panties drenched at that
moment. I had a feeling that was a threat more than
anything. Also was he not angry at me? Oh wait no, I'm
the one who is supposed to be pissed. Mxm.
Me: "Just watch the movie and stop wanting to be
Christian Grey wethu" he smirked.
King: "Why did you suddenly close your legs? Feeling a
little heat Anastasia?" Guys this person is so annoying. I
fought the urge to roll my eyes because I don't want to
be tied up mna.
Me: "Oh plea....."
Luhle: "Shhh Mama angxola" haibo.
Me: "Luhle kuthe....."
Luhle:"Ssshhhh....habetha ke mnake" King and I
laughed and we both kept quiet and watched the movie.
This child though.

Insert 9�
We were on our 3rd movie when i heard a loud snore
next to me. Guys, my child snores so loud, you'd think
an old man was sleeping next you. I looked at him and
admired his features. This one will have all the girls after
him, or the boys. Whichever way he chooses to go. But i
really don't want him to grow up. I'm enjoying him as a
small human shame. Like he's really cute right now and
I'm not ready for that to end just yet.
I looked up and found King looking at me. Our eyes met
for a strong minute before i looked away. I don't know,
there is something about the way he just looked at me
now. That moment when our eyes, everything just
somehow felt right. Please don't fall for him Lulu. In fact
don't look at his handsome face. Issa trap. He chuckled.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
Me: "And then?"
King: "Trying to figure out how my handsome face is a
trap" Oh shit. I hate it when the brain and the mouth are
this insync.
Me: "I said that out loud?" He nodded. I blushed and
looked away.
King: "You are really beautiful, especially when you go
pink from blushing" Yhu i smiled and looked away. Don't
fall for him Lulu. Remember 2 years qha.
Me: "Being cute doesn't suit you Makeleni" he looked
King: "Yazi, normally girls say thank you and then drop
their panties when i compliment them" i rolled my eyes.
So arrogant.
Me: "Well I'm sure you've figured out that I'm not like
other girls" he raised an eyebrow at me.
King: "You have a baby with me and accepted a
marriage you supposedly didn't want. I'd say you worse"
Wow. What a low blow.
King: "Uhm......Lulu...I'm s...." i raised my hand at him.
Me: "You are right. I was looking for a way out by getting
pregnant for a millionare. Such a gold-digger." I looked
forward. If only he knew how much i don't want this. But
i can understand how it looks to him and how it will look
to everyone else. People are going to judge me and call
me names. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. Name
calling triggers my mommy, emotional and verbal abuse
issues so much. He looked forward. I looked at my son.
If this is the only way i can get myself to be at a good
place for both of us financially then so be it. Like I've
said before. I would do anything for Luhle.
I stood up and attempted to take him but King asked to
put him down himself. I nodded. He picked him up and
went to his bedroom. I stopped him.
Me: "And then"
King: "Since he's room is not ready yet then he will sleep
with me tonight" Haibo.
Me: "What happened to asking?" He rolled his eyes.
King: "He's my son too and i think my son can sleep with
me in the same bed" i looked at him. Okay i know I'm
probably being crazy but i don't trust him to sleep next
my child. I don't trust anyone to sleep next to my child.
With the type of country we live in and the type of men
we have, i can't help but feel a certain way when it
comes to my child.
King: "I would never do anything to my child. I'm not sick
so get whatever thoughts that are in your head out bruh"
he walked away. I followed. He stopped and turned to
look at me.
King: "What? You wanna join us?" I quickly shook my
head because it would be torture sharing a bed with this
man shame.
Me: "No....i just want to tuck him in and give him a
goodnight kiss"
He turned and walked to his bedroom which is on the far
end of the top floor of the house. It had two doors. The
drama. He opened one door and switched the lights on
using his phone. This guy is still carrying Luhle like he is
nothing ke phof. Those muscles people. As soon as the
lights went on the room i was amazed. I swear
whenever i see another room in this house i become out
of words. Thats how beautiful this house is. The interior
was grey and white. There was a balcony that
overlooked Cape Town and i swear it had the most
captivating view ever. He walked to this massive bed
and put Luhle inside. I walked to the bed and bent down
to tuck my son in and then i gave him a kiss on his
mouth. King did the same and we watched him sleep for
a few minutes before we walked out of his room. I didn't
think i would be tucking in my child with his father next to
me. In fact two months ago that seemed impossible.
And now I'm getting married to him.
I made way to the kitchen with King on my tail. You
know that feeling of not wanting to fuck up your walk
when a man walks behind you? Yep, thats exactly what i
was feeling. God please don't let me fall. Lol i made it to
the kitchen in one piece and went straight to the fridge. I
opened it too see what i could make for dinner. King sat
on the chair next to the kitchen island. I looked at him.
Me: "And then wena? Don't you have things to do?" He
looked at me smiling. Gosh even his smile is perfect.
King: "I am getting married soon so might as well get
used to having someone at home to look at. So wifey,
whats for dinner" i rolled my eyes and turned to look at
the fridge once more.
Suddenly i felt strong hands pull me backwards and then
i was turned to face the the kitchen counter. He was
behind me breathing in my neck. I tried to move but held
the counter behind me. His crotch was directly on my
ass so i could feel all of him.
Me: "Wha...what...are you doing?" Oh man, what
happened to my voice?
King: "I told you the next time you rolled your eyes at me
i would tie you. But you just keep on testing me neh. Tell
me, do you want me to show you how serious i am?" I
really wanted to scream yes but i had to calm the hoe in
me down. I shook my head.
King: "Good. I would hate to see my future wife not
being able to walk for a week" he whispered that part in
my ear. I swear my mouth dried up. Also it was very hot
in this kitchen. He let go and i felt like i could finally
breathe. I didn't want to face him shame. My panty was
drenched and I'm sure i was as red as tomato. I quickly
turned and walked out of the kitchen. He laughed.
King: "Haibo what about dinner wifey?"
Me: "Order in. Asshole" i mumbled the last part.
I practically ran to my room. I decided to take a shower
just to calm myself down but that didn't help. I tossed
and turned in the bed. One, i was really horny. The last
time i had sex was when i had sex with him and we
made our baby. So trust me its been long. I'm sure its
filled with dust down there. Secondly, i miss my son. I
reall fought the urge to go knock on King's door. That
would make his head even bigger and I'm not about to
give him that satisfaction. Eventually i fell asleep.
I woke up and i checked the time. It was 7am. Okay i
think that should be enough time for me to get ready for
work. I got up, made my bed amd went to go shower.
After showering i brushed my teeth and went back to the
room when i was done. I lotioned and decided to wear a
simple white T and blue jeans with sandles. I combed
my short hair and looked at myself on the mirror. I need
a new hairdo shame.
I made my way down stairs and a beautiful aroma hit my
nose. I got to the kitchen and King was making
breakfast. Luhle was on top of the counter playing on a
Tab. I went to him and kissed him but he just ignored
me. Yho.
Me: "Aren't you going to work?"
King: "Good morning to you too Lulu"
Me: "Oh sorry. Morning. So? Work?
King: "Nope. We both not going to work. You however
are not going back to work as a cleaner. Ever. Dad
called me and told me to tell you to report Monday
morning at MM logistics for your new job.
Congratulations" well that was sarcastic.
Me: "That is a week away. What am i supposed to do for
the rest of this week?" He shrugged
King: "I don't know. Go shopping or plan your wedding.
I'll just show up for the vows since i don't have a choice"
Me: "You act like i had one"
King: "I thought you didn't but then you suddenly
changed your mind. I don't get it? What were you
promised? Money? The companies?"
Me: "Not everything is about money or materialistic
things. Sometimes we make decisions for the better goid
of others"
King: "Right" he handed my plate. It was a full
farmhouse breakfast. I for one hate having to keep such
a huge secret from King. Especially because its about
his mom. I know he will hate me after he finds out that i
knew all this time.
I ate in silence while he ate with Luhle. Well it looks like
I'm being replaced and it doesn't feel good.
After breakfast i washed the dishes and King left with
Luhle. He said something about boy's time. He did leave
me his black card and insisted that i change my look
since I'm going to be his wife now. Annoying. After
cleaning the kitchen i went to his garage to go pick a
car. Yes your girl can drive. I had my license done when
i was in my first year of varsity. But its been long since
I've driven a car. I chose the Range Rover evoque. Im a
sucker for big cars. I got in amd started the car. Yaaaas.
I drove out of the garage and down the driveway and
left. I decided to go the V&A because that is where all
the expensive shops are.
About two hours late and a trolley full of shopping bags,
yes im that dramatic, i realised i was hungry. So i went
to go order a Steer burger and quickly ate there. I hate
eating alone in public. Its the ghetto. After eating i
decided to go put the bags in the car. I did that and went
back inside the mall to do my hair and nails. I found a
cute salon inside and told the stylist what i wanted. She
gave me a haircut and dyed my hair. Yes im keeping my
hair short. I chose bleach blonde. I was so pretty. Then
they did my makeup and nails. All this time i was sipping
on some champagne. Guys its nice being rich hey. But it
would feel even better if this money was mine. Once
everything was done i asked the lady if i could buy some
wigs and she showed me the types of wigs they had. I
brought a short kinky malasyian wig and a 30 inch
Malaysian hair. Both had 360 full closures. I took out the
black card and swiped. I feel sorry for King. Just then my
phone rang. It was King.
King: "I see you are enjoying my money"
Me: "I don't want to embarrass you in public kalok" he
kept quiet.
Me: "I have to go. Bye" and i dropped the call. Yep, I'm
still lowkey mad about that. I looked at my phone. I need
a new one. I said my goodbyes at the salon and went
straight to the iStore. I looked around and i was
surprised to see Siya there as a consultant. He
screamed. Oh my Gosh. I missed his crazy ass.
Siya: "Bitch where your ass been? How's the baby?
How are you? What have you been up to? You look so
pretty" i laughed.
Me: "Siya, calm down. One question at a time bruh" he
laughed. He hugged me again.
Siya: "I really missed you. You dissapeared from all of
us after that bitch Mbali decided to talk shit about you" i
sighed. Mbali decided to tell everyone we knew about
how i got pregnant and then dragged me on twitter.
Me: "I'm sorry wethu. I just couldn't be there anymore.
Anyways since you work here, we can catch up while
you sell me the best iPhone"
Siya: "Yeesss bitch. Come this way"
After about an hour later i left the iStore with a brand
new iPhone X. It was black and oh so pretty. Siya was
amazing. I'm glad i met up with him. He graduated in
BCom Accounting but has been struggling to get a job.
So thats why he's been working at the iStore. He told
me that Megan lives in the UK now and graduated in
BCom Marketing. Mbali dropped out apparently and is a
full-time slay queen. And well there's me. I told him
everything that has happened the past few years.
Including the past few days. I guess i needed to vent a
bit. He's excited about the wedding. And he apparently
the wedding planner. I trust him though.
I drove home listening to Rich Sex by Nicki Minaj. I got
home and looked for the two boys. I heard laughter
outside and followed it. It sounded like my son but i
swear i heard a woman's voice to. I got the pool area
and found King braaing and my son with a lady in a red
bikini and a long weave. Haibo. I scratched my throat.
King looked stunned. He looked at me for a few good
minutes. His jaw was practically on the floor. I smiled.
Lady: "Lulu?" I looked at this person.
Me: "Mbali?" Okay I'm really shocked. She looks good
but why is she here?
Mbali: "Baby is this the annoying baby mama?" I looked
at King. Annoying? He scratched his head.
King: "Wait, how do you two know each other"
Me: "She was a friend. Can i have my son? I missed
him" she walked out of the pool with Luhle and stood in
front of me. She looked really beautiful people. She
gave Luhle to me. He was wet. He looked at me and
smiled. Then he laid his head on my shoulder. I kissed
his mouth and then looked at Mbali.
Me: "Mbali, you look good"
Mbali: "Thank you. I try. I see you managed to find baby
daddy" that came out bitter
Me: "I guess it was meant to be" she chuckled.
Mbali: "Oh please, he doesn't want you. You are low
class, with a child and no degree. In fact no man would
want you"
Me: "Unayo wena i degree babes?"
- Do you have a degree?
She looked shocked by that. I guess she was about to
Mbali: "Oksalayo i have a lot of money and wena you
are just a cheap hoe from the township" i chuckled.
Me: "Right. Cheap hoe neh. Who gives you money
cause I'm sure you don't work?" She looked pissed.
Mbali: "Are you calling me a gold-digger?"
Me: "I mean if the shoe fits, then slay us wena
Cinderella" i turned around and went back inside with
my son. King was still rooted in the same spot. Typical.
Look, i don't judge on anyone's hustle in this life. Make
money they way you want to make money. But don't be
looking down on other people and judging them on their
life choices no one does it to you. Nx.
Insert 10 �
Fuck I'm pissed. Like who does such? OoKing have
huge livers i tell you. And as for Mbali, I'm not about to
entertain thirsty bitches who try to bring other ladies
down just for a man. This is a clear indication that i need
to focus on my son and myself.
I took Luhle to the kitchen with me and put him down on
a chair. I then took out bread and nutella and made him
a sandwich. I gave it to him and he ate while dancing on
his chair and humming. Cute. When he was done i took
him upstairs to give him a bath. I put my son in the
bathtub which was full of water and bubbles and washed
him and then watched him play. He was making the floor
so wet. I decided to take him out and wrapped a towel
around him. I told him to get on top of the bed while i
cleaned the bathroom. After a few minutes i went back
to the bedroom. I found King putting lotion on Luhle.
Just the sight of him made me want to lash out but i
decided to keep my mouth shut. I went to the closet and
took out a simple tee with shorts for Luhle. I put them on
top of the bed and then walked out and let them be. I
walked back to the kitchen and decided i wanted to cook
later on. So i took out some beef stew pieces and put
them in the sink to defrost. I took out flour and some
other ingredients i needed to make dough. I was going
to make sweetcorn steamed bread. I put my ingredients
together in a Tupperware and started kneading my
dough. This is exactly what i needed to because as i
was kneading, King and Mbali's face would pop up in my
Once i was done i closed the Tupperware with a lid and
went to go put my dough outside on a table since the
sun was out to play. I went back to the kitchen and i
found King cleaning. Mxm.
Me: "I can clean my own mess Lubenathi" He looked at
me with pleading eyes.
King: "Look, Lulu I'm really sorry about bringing Mbali
here. I realise it was disrespectful of me and she's gone
now" i looked at him livid.
Me: "I don't care about uMbali wakho being here. I hate
the fact that you decided to play happy family with my
child kula Hodoshe" Hodoshe is that green disgusting fly
that flies around shit. He looked down.
Me: "King look, i get it. Your life is being turned upside
down and there is nothing you can do about it. You just
found out that your are a dad and now you are getting
married. I'm sorry if we came and fucked up your life.
This is also not easy on me. I'd rather marry your ass
than to lose my son. Thats how much i love him. I'm not
asking you to love me or treat me like a wife. Hell i
couldn't even give a fuck. What i will ask you is to stop
acting like a spoilt brat that was denied candy for the
first time. If you have an issue with this arrangement
then be mad at your father not me. I'm tired of your
asshole tendencies ngoku" he looked at me and then he
walked out. Nx.
I heard a laugh and i turned around to find Phelisa
standing there. I smiled at her.
Phelisa: "I thought you didn't know each other. Kanti y'all
have an entire child" she walked up to me and hugged
me. I laughed. I remember denying even knowing King.
Phelisa: "Yazi, no one has ever spoken Nana that way.
You got balls. I see why he likes you" Like me? Please.
Me: "Nana?"
Phelisa: "Thats what mom calls him. But don't ever let
him hear you call him by that name" i nodded.
Phelisa: "So where is my nephew?" She looked excited.
I realised King was down here without him.
Me: "Check upstairs with King" She ran upstairs and i
laughed. I think i like her more now.
It turns out Luhle had fallen asleep. So Phelisa stayed
over for about two hours and i filled her in about what
happened earlier today. She was also pissed on my
behalf. She went off on King the moment he came
downstairs. He looked scared after Phelisa threatened
to call their dad. I had to beg her not to. It was great
talking to her. She is 26 while King is 28. She got
married to a rich white man and they have two beautiful
children together. Amile and Avery. She is also a Doctor
at a private hospital here in Cape Town. She is goals
I decided to start on dinner even though it was early. I
can't deal with eating supper at 8 or 9 pm shame. 6 or
7pm is fine. I put my bread dough in an iron bowl and let
it steam inside a big pot. Then i started on my beef stew.
As i was busy, i got startled by King who snaked his
hands around my waist. I tried to turn around but he
wouldn't let me.
King: "Please just listen to me" i nodded
King: "I'm sorry about everything that happened today.
I'm sorry for being an asshole most of the time. Honestly
I'm a bachelor who is used to living a certain way. I don't
know how to wrap my head around the fact that I'm
getting married soon. I don't do marriage and love. The
morning you left me alone, it fucked me up real hard
because i wanted to get to you. But you disappeared
like some thief and then you show up 3 years later with
my child that i never knew about. You must see how that
looks on my side. Im just so confused because it feels
everyone is hifing something big from me and i hate
feeling that way.
I don't know if i am ready for this or not, but i know i can
try. Andazi Mami, you just frustrate me sometimes. Like i
want to be mad at you but i can't. So the question is, are
you willing to try too?" I had tears in my eyes. He is so
He's right. I think no one thought about him and how he
feels in this whole arrangement. I also cannot expect
him to suddenly change his habits just because Luhle
and i are around now. But do i want us to give this a try?
King's P.O.V
Fuck why is she so quiet? Maybe i scared her. Shit King
maan. You've only known her for a month and already
I'm just so whipped. Honestly I've been whipped since
that night. But whrn she left me in bed, yho it bruised my
ego serious. I'm used to girls who hang around and ask
'what are we' the following morning. No girl has
disappeared while i slept. But she did. Also this position
we are in right now is making me really hard.
Lulu: "King...." she exhales. Shit. I fucked up. I put my
head on her shoulder. She smells so good.
Lulu: "Yes i agreed to this marriage but i don't think me
and you would do right now. Lets not complicate things.
Enjoy being a dad right now. I also want to start living
my life the way i want. Being in a relationship will
complicate things for me. I still want to grow and find
myself. I want to go out and make friends. I want to
study and make my own money. Relationships are the
last thing on my mind. I will respect you as my husband
but thats as far as we can go. The only thing i can offer
you right now is friendship" i exhaled. I swear i want to
cry but i won't. Dissapointed does not even begin to
describe what i feel right now.
Just then i hear small feet on the stairs. Must be mini-
me. I remove my hands from Lulu and i hear her
breathing out. I turn to find my son standing at the door
looking sleepy and cute. I still cannot believe I'm a dad.
My name is Lubenathi King Makeleni. Im 28 years old
and I'm about to get married. Honestly when my dad
mentioned marriage, i was ecstatic. I just didn't think
Lulu would agree to it. When she did, i had my
suspicions. Ive been rude to her trying to get me to hate
her but i can't. This girl is in my thoughts, dreams and
everywhere else. I really love her but i don't want to
scare her off. She's still young and i hope she doesn't
meet someone better. I'd kill that person anyways.
I picked up my son and put him on the counter. I went to
the cupboard and took out his milkshake powder and
made it for him. It was quiet and tense. I guess i can't
blame Lulu for not wanting me. I've been a dickhead to
her these oast few days. I watched Luhle drink his
milkshake. He is so cute and he looks like me. I knew he
was mine the moment i saw him at Spur.
I left them in the kitchen and decided to go out to my
usual spot to meet up with my friends. I have 3. Sipho,
Tyson and Brandon. We all met in high school and we
are very close. I decided to change into black skinny
ankle grazer formal pants, black polo neck that i tucked
in my pants, suede black loafers and a black jacket. I
also wore a black beanie. I put my cologne and wore my
rolex and took my phone. I went out and passed by the
lounge to say goodbye to Luhle. I found them watching
TV. I don't know how to act around Lulu. When she saw
me she was practically drooling. I smirked and she rolled
her eyes and looked forward. I sighed. How i wish i she
was mine. This girl is driving me crazy, she has me
acting like a wierdo. I kissed Luhle and her on the
forehead then i left.
I drove my G-Class to our Club in Green Point. Yes it
was ours but Sipho mostly handled everything. I found
the boys chilling at the office which had a good view of
the whole club downstairs. I poured myself some
whiskey and downed it.
Brandon: "And then? Baby Mama already driving you
nuts?" They know everything.
Me: "You have no idea. I can't even think
straight......Yazi lemedi i poured my heart out to her
today and she tells me lets be friends. Like can't she see
i don't want to be her friend. Maybe i should just stick to
my hoes" they looked at each other and then burst out
Me: "Ekse nilaagani?"
-What you laughing at?
They continued laughing.
Sipho: "Yho hayi mfethu, i need to meet this girl who got
you like this. Bruh I've never seen you get frustrated
over a chick" mxm.
Tyson: "When's the wedding joe? Kalok we must
practice istep" They laughed
Me: "Ndzokdubula unye saan"
-I'll shoot you.
Tyson: "Unganya mngqundu"
-You'd shit yourself asshole.
We continued chatting and drinking.
It was 9pm and King wasn't home yet. I had just put
Luhle down to bed. I don't even know why I'm waiting for
him. This two years will drag guys shame. Look, i was
really happy when King asked us to try. And showed me
that maybe he does like me. But guys like King are used
to beautiful girls who throw themselves at them. So the
chances of getting my heart broken are great. Yes i like
him, i might even love him but i don't want set myself up
for disaster and heartbreak. Like i said, a friendship will
be better and maybe after some time, we could try and
see what happens. But not now.
I heard him walk in and i pretended to be watching the
TV. He came to sit next to me. He looked at me.
Me: "Ndikuphakele"
-Should i dish up for you?
He nodded. I went to the kitchen and dished up for him
and put his food the microwave. I got a bowl and filled it
with warm water. I took out a beer for him and opened it.
I then put everything in a tray and took it to him. He
King: "I could get used to this everyday" i laughed. I
could tell he was a bit tipsy but he hid it well. The smell
of whiskey and his cologne were doing things to me.
King: "Why do you like breaking my heart?" Okay i
wasn't expecting that.
Me: "King, it wasn't my intention okay. I just don't think
this will work right now"
King: "Why? I mean i get you being young and wanting
things for yourself. But, what else could be a reason?" I
sighed. Honestly I'm scared. The last time i was in a
serious relationship was when i was 17. But even that
wasn't that much of a trainsmash because i didn't really
love the guy. I've always avoided relationships because i
knew they led to heartbreak. So i just had flings wethu.
He ate in silence and i just watched him.
Once he was done he washed hid hands and i took the
tray from him. I decided to wash his plate because I'm
avoiding sitting with him. As i was busy, i felt his hands
around my waist. This guy.
Me: "I'm beginning to think you are addicted to my
behind" he chuckled and turned me around slowlyand i
was caged in his arms. My arms were on the sides
because i was avoiding touching him. He lifted my chin
so i could look at him. His eyes met mine. Gosh he is so
beautiful. His skin was really smooth. His haircut was
really suited him. His eyes were hazel brown and looked
deep into my soul.
King: "I know you feel this Mami. Ndakuncanwa mfethu.
Like ngaske uyivume lento and stop denying the
connection we have. I know we could be good together.
But i won't force you Mami. I'll wait for you in fact
because both you and Luhle are worth it. But if you think
you will get someone else besides me then yilabale
-I like you and i wish you could just agree to this
Me: "Seyo drama mntkbw"
- So dramatic
He chuckled.
King: "Kanti ndiserious. If any man tries anything, then i
won't hesitate to put a bullet in his skull" that sounded
like a promise. Mxm the drama.
Me: "King you look like a bullet kulendawo umekuyo
wethu. Subane drama wethu Nana"
-Where you standing. Dont have drama.
He laughed. Then he looked at me serious. I looked
down. I can't stand those eyes bethunana.
King: "Lulu cela ungaphinde undibize ngelo gama torho"
- Please dont call by that name again.
The way he said my name made butterflies in my
stomach. His crotch was on my stomach so i could feel
him getting harder. I laughed
Me: " Okay Lubenathi" Did i just whisper?
King: "Cela undiphuze bruh"
- Please kiss me bruh
I blushed so hard.
Listen, i get that Zulu men are romantic and all. But
guys, a Xhosa man is a type. And they are not scared to
be straight forward with you. A Xhosa man will make you
want doing ivosho in your sleep mntase. They are
dangerous as fuck though.
He lifted my chin up and brushed my lips with his thumb.
He then licked his lower lip and i bit mine. He groaned
and went in slowly. I met him halfway with my lips. As
soon as they touched, i swear i saw stars guys. The kiss
was slow and passionate. It felt like he was pouring out
his whole heart and soul into this kiss, and i was willing
to recieve it all. It started getting more sexual and i knew
i had to let go but niether of us wanted to. I pushed him
back and caught my breathe.
Me: "Shit"
King: "Wena, you'll be mine uzobona"
-You'll see
With that he walked away and left me standing there like
someone told me i won the lotto and wathi ndiyadlala.

Insert 10
I felt small wet kisses on my face. I opened one eye and
found Luhle smiling and looking at me.
Luhle: "Heyo Mama" I laughed.
Me: "Hello my baby" I kissed his face and he giggled. I
started tickling him and he laughed so loud. He's got the
cutest laugh ever. Just then, King walked in nothing but
grey sweatpants. The way they hung on his waist made
me want to just lick him. His abs were tempting me to
run my hand down them. He smirked.
King: "Like what you see?" The arrogance. Its going to
be worse now that last night happ......oh shit last night.
Everything came back like a flood. The way he kissed
me, how he touched me and sent me places I never
knew existed. I thought about how big he was and fit me
like a glove. My nuna was burning and it felt heavy.
King: "Ha.ana Mami don't do that. There is a child in the
room" I blushed and looked down. I don't know he
always seems to know what I'm thinking. He put the tray
down next to me on top of the bed and Luhle started
eating. Haibo.
Me: "Haibo Luhle"
Luhle: Ha.a Mama yeyam"
- No Mama its mine
he pouted. I laughed and shook my head. I was about to
get up but King stopped me.
Me: "And then?"
King: "Let me carry you"
Me: "What? Why?"
King: "Trust me, I must carry you"
Me: "Mxm Lubenathi khawuyeke idrama. I can walk on
my own" he laughed.
- Stop being dramatic
King: "Suit yourself" Mxm he's stupid lona. I stood up
and took one step and my whole body hit the ground.
Haibo. I swear my legs feel like they have no life in
them. King laughed so hard and Luhle joined him.
King: "Uyaphapha kalok. I told you but awumameli"
- You are forward. You don't listen
I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Can you just help ke up and stop being stupid" he
laughed harder as he came to pick me up from the floor.
Arg I hate sex Bantu. There is absolutely no reason for
my legs to stop working just because of sex.
When we got to the bathroom, he put me down on the
toilet seat and then he prepared a bath for me. I smiled
while looking down. Ladies, do your men do such for
you? He then helped me take off my T shirt and picked
me up bridal style. He put me in the bath and yho I
winced. This guy did a number on me. He smirked. Of
course he's enjoying this. Once I was in, he took my
towel and put some soap and carefully washed me. He
washed my back and my boobs. He made me lay head
on the edge of the bathtub so I could relax. He washed
my feet and then my legs. He then went up my thighs
and he slightly opened then with his hand. He slowly
washed my nuna using his fingers. He was massaging
in and around my pussy lips. I closed my eyes and bit
my lower lip. He stopped. Haibo. I opened my eyes. He
King: "Hurry up and get ready, we are going out" my
mouth hung. Is he seriously about to leave me like this. I
was about to protest but he quickly shut me up with a
peck and left the bathroom. Damn you King.
After the bath, I took a towel and dried myself. I looked
at myself in the mirror. I was glowing. King ustrongo
guys hey. I laughed at my thoughts. I got out of the
bathroom and found Luhle and King playing toy cars on
the floor. I smiled at them and walked out. This isn't my
room kalok. When I got to my room I lotioned and
decided to wear a high waisted ripped jeans that were
on my ankles , a tight white deep v neck bodysuit and
my white fila sneakers. I wore a rose gold watch,
combed my hair and put on some perfume. I took a few
pictures on my phone and then I went downstairs. I
made myself a fruit salad since Luhle at my breakfast. I
sat down to eat and once I was done I called King to
come down so we could go. They came down looking
hella fine. King was wearing blue skinny jeans, a plain
white crow neck jersey and white air force sneakers. My
baby was wearing a blue denim dungaree with a white
tee and white air force sneakers. Copy cats.
Me: "So you guys decided to copy me today neh? King
King: " We have no idea what you talking about. Aneh
mfethu?" Luhle nodded smiling. Seeing your child happy
is really the best feeling in the world.
We left and King said I could drive. So I chose his G-
Class because sis likes big things. I strapped Luhle in
and then we got in the car and hit the road. King gave
me GPS coordinates so I just followed those. We drove
for about 45 minutes before we reached our destination.
Now I'm excited. We were at a Strawberry farm. I've
always wanted to take Luhle here but just never had the
cash. I smiled at King and he winked. Seyo type. He
took Luhle from the car and held my hand my hand. We
walked in looking oh so amazing. People were looking at
us. We got in and he paid for the buckets and our entry
fees. We walked in the farm was beautiful. There were
strawberries all over. There were also ferry rides, face
painters and sweet vending machines. Now this is what
you call a family outing. We walked around the farm
picking up as many strawberries as we could. Some we
would just throw in our mouths. Then we decided to get
Luhle face painted. They drew spiderman's nask on his
face. After a few hours we were hungry. The farmluckily
small section for food. So we found a place to sit and
King went to go buy us boerewors rolls. I looked at my
son and just kissed his forehead.
Luhle: "Yavyu Lulu" I laughed.
Me: "Hayi hithi Mama tshiin"
- No say Mama
he just shook his head. I tickled him and he laughed.
King walked back to us.
King: "Let my son be, you finishing him" I rolled my eyes
Me: "Our son"
King: "Hamba our son. Worse you don't even want us to
be together" I laughed.
Me: "Where does that fit in though"
King: "Andaz nam, qha I just had to include it" This guy
is crazy. We both laughed.
Me: "Since I'll be starting work on Monday, I was
thinking we get a nanny for Luhle and I have just the
right person in mind" I was thinking about MaLetty. I'm
not sure if she would agree or not but I wanted to ask
her anyways. Tomorrow I'm taking her out for a spa day,
courtesy of King's black card.
King: "I don't mind. Tomorrow we are going to look for a
creche for him that will be close to the house" I nodded.
I like Daddy King. He really loves he's son. I know Luhle
will get the best in the world from him. We continued
eating and enjoying each other's company. I smiled
looking at my family. I cannot believe that my life has
changed so drastically in a matter of a few days. But I
welcome these new found changes with open arms. I
can only hope the future is filled with many more great
moments as these.
Everything was pure bliss. Honestly I was loving my new
life. Luhle started creche and that place is amazing. My
son is two and he comes home with homework. He now
knows at least 4 English words, which is pretty
impressive for me. I started at MM logistics as a PA to
the COO of the company Mr. Sikhulu. He is a
handsome, scratch that, very hot Zulu man from Durban
who likes to flirt. His first name is Smangele and he is 26
years old. He doesn't play like that with me though
because I gave him a piece of my mind the day he tried
such kum. I had learned that Bhut khuse and Mr.
Sikhulu Snr were very close friends, so it only made
sense for his son to work for the company. The first few
days were a bit hectic because I had never been a PA
before. But, because I am a fast learner, I learned the
ropes very quickly. The pay was very good. I was glad to
be making my own money instead of using King's.
Although I have access to his black card every now and
King and I are taking things very slowly. We are getting
to know each other more. I realized that I don't want us
to rush things, or else we will have a disaster of a
marriage. So once a week, we go on a date. So right
now we are girlfriend and boyfriend. Its cute to see his
romantic side. And no, we haven't had sex since that
fateful evening.
It was 1 hour before knock off time before I recieved a
call on my desks landline.
Me: "You through to Mr. Sikhulu's office"
Voice: "Makoti" I blushed
Me: "Molo tata. How are you today"
Khuse: "I am very well ntombam. My wife would like to
invite you and King for dinner tonight at our home"
Me: "That won't be an issue at all tata. What time should
we be there?"
Khuse: "At 7pm will just fine. Pack some clothes for
Luhle, we miss him" ke phof he slept over there just last
week. I laughed.
Me: "Akhongxaki Tata"
- No problem father
We said our goodbyes and he dropped the call.
Just then, Mr. Sikhulu called me into his office.
Me: "Sir?" I never liked the way he looked at me. Ngathi
I am a piece of meat. Arg men.
Sma: "Lulu, please can you book me two return flights to
Nigeria for next week Tuesday. I have to close that deal
with Mr. Uchokwo and the only way I can do that is if I
go there myself"
Me: "Yes sir. I'll make sure your accommodation and
transport is sorted and I'll get in touch with Mr.
Uchokwo's office to set up a meeting" he smiled.
Sma: "Good girl. Make sure you pack light because we
are only staying for 2 days" Andiva
Me: "I'm sorry sir, you said we?" He raised an eyebrow.
Sma: "Yes, Lulu you are my PA, you are required to
travel with me when I feel its necessary" I slowly
nodded. I don't know how I feel about being in another
country alone with this man. I'm sure it won't be bad
though and I want to learn as much as I can from this
man. He knows he's stuff.
Sma: "That will be all" I nodded and left his office. I did
what I was asked until it was time to knock off.
I left for the taxi rank. King hated the fact that I was
using a taxi. He thought I was just wasting time and
money. But I enjoyed using the taxi because it was the
one time I had to myself. That 30 minute drive was a
moment for me to breathe while I listened to music. I got
off at my spot and walked and as usual, I found King
and Luhle waiting for me in his car. The house was 10
minutes away by foot from where the taxi drops me off. I
quickly crossed the road and got into the car.
Me: "Hey babies"
Luhle: "Heyo Mama" I smiled and kissed him. And then I
gave King a peck. He smiled.
Luhle: Siiieeeeesssss maan" we laughed. We drove
straight to his parent's house, luckily wearing a skirt. The
drive was filled with conversations about how each of
our days went. Not that Luhle could say much, but we
listened to him anyways.
Me: "So, next week I'm accompanying Mr. Sikhulu to
Nigeria to close of a deal" he clenched his jaw.
King: "So wena ungenaphi apho?"
- So where do you fit in all of that?
I rolled my eyes.
Me: "I'm his PA King, he will need me there" his fist
tightened around the steering wheel. Ookaaaay.
King: "Lulu just be careful around him okay. I won't stop
you from going cause I can see you uyafuna uhamba.
But be careful" dramatic much.
Me: "Yes sir" I saluted and he laughed. We got to his
parents house and before we even climbed out the car,
they came out running for Luhle. As much as they love
Phelisa's kids, I think Luhle is their favourite shame.
Luhle: "Makhuyu, makhuyu"
- Grandmother, grandmother
Khuse: "Yhu enkosi NGO disaapointa Luhle"
- Thank you for dissapointing me We all laughed. We
greeted the parents and we walked in the house. I
thought King had a nice house, but hayi shame, this one
takes the cup. Even Top billing doesn't afford this house.
Supper was had over great conversation. Phelisa and
her kids were here. I'm yet to meet her husband.
Apparently he's always away on business. The mood
was very jolly and it felt amazing to be a part of a family.
After desert, Tata called me to his office. Okay now I'm
I got to his office and I sat down like a school kid waiting
to be disciplined. This man has that vibe kalok. He sat
down on his big office chair and looked at me.
Khuse: "My child, the reason I wanted us to talk was
because of the lobola matter. I understand you and your
family are at odds, but we need to do things the right
way. And that means you will need to go back home for
the lobola negotiations. Today we sent a letter to yourñ
house. We haven't gotten a response yet, but I think its
better that you also go home to tell your family what is
happening" I slowly nodded. I really didn't want to go
back there but I have to. The last time I left that house, I
was heartbroken. No one has gotten in touch just to
even check if siright na. MaLetty says my mom has
been telling people that I stole from her and ran away
with my child. Now I sell my body to Nigerians. How a
woman can spread such lies about their own child is
appalling really.
Me: "Kulungile Tata" he nodded and I left the office. I
was in a sombre mood the rest of the night.
We went home around midnight and I wasn't in anyone's
mood so I decided to just go straight to bed. King was a
darling and let me be. Honestly I'm really worried about
what will happen when I go back home. I've got a feeling
that it won't be pretty though.
The following morning I decided to call my mother. I still
remembered her number because she's always had the
same number for many years. I dialed the number on
my phone and it rang.
Mom: "Hello"
Me: "M..mama"
Mom: "What do you want?" I see nothing has changed.
Me: "Uhm...I wanted to know if you guys received the
letter for lobola negotiations" she chuckled.
Mom: "Yazi unesibindi. Life has hit you so bad that you
decided to just get married to the next man you found.
You are a disgrace and you will embarrass me with this
sham of a wedding. Kukho abantwana who have cars,
houses and degrees, but wena, the only thing you can
do is open your legs. Sies maan" i cried as I listened to
her words. She was right. I was in another man's house
with not even a degree to my name. Even I'm going
back to school next year, I felt disappointed in myself.
Maybe she is right. I'm a disappointment that got
pregnant for a stranger and now I'll be marrying that
same stranger. I just sat on my bed and let the tears

Insert 11�
It was a Sunday morning and I didn't want to get out of
bed. Honestly my mother's words hit me really hard. So,
I've been feeling really sad ever since that call. Its hard
not letting the stuff my mother says not get to me. She's
my mother. I take whatever words she says to heart
because she is the woman who gave birth to me. The
emotional and verbal abuse is coming from her, the one
person who is meant to support and protect me, that is
why I am confused as to what do with that. How does
one heal the constant hurt that is caused by their own
parent? Its even harder to stand up for myself because I
grew up knowing that standing up for yourself or saying
anything back to an adult is disrespect. Those lessons
were deeply embedded in me so getting rid of them will
not be easy. Just thinking about everything makes me
want to cry. I cry for our relationship, I cry for the lack of
love for me and my son, I cry for the ill treatment we
received. I also cry while praying and hoping that one
day she will see me as her daughter once more.
I checked my phone and it was 11:30. I sighed. Let me
get up and go take a shower. I dragged myself out of
bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the
mirror and gave a sad chuckle. I looked ugly. My hair
was a mess and I had bags under my eyes. I was also
feeling a bit light headed and dizzy. I got naked and got
in the shower. I adjusted the temperature to be cold. I
sat on the floor and just let the tears flow. I just need her
to tell me that she loves me. Even if she doesn't mean it.
I swear it would do a lot for me. I long for a mother's hug
and supportive words. Why won't she love me? Maybe if
I didn't go to that club then things would've been
different. Maybe if Luhle did not exist then she would
love me. Yeah. I rocked myself back and forth. The
water hit me from my head and it was really cold but I
didn't care. I was shivering. My toes and fingers felt
Why won't she love me?
Why won't she love me?
Why won't she love me?
Why won't she love me?
Why won't she love me?
I felt like I couldn't breathe. The water was getting in my
nose. It felt like I was drowning. And then it was lights
I woke up and looked around. I was in a white room and
I could tell that its a hospital room. I sighed. Just then a
handsome coloured doctor walked in with a nurse.
Dr: "Ah I see our patient is awake. Hello Ms. Matyila, I'm
Dr. Abrams. How are you feeling?" I shrugged. It felt like
a trick question.
Me: "W...wa..water" he looked at the nurse and she
helped me take a sip.
Me: "What happened?" He looked at me.
Dr: "Well you passed out in the shower and you almost
drowned. Luckily someone found you and brought you
here" King.How will I face him now. I hope he doesn't
know that I tried to take my life by sitting in that shower.
The doctor looked at me for about a minute.
Dr: "Miss Matyila, tell me, did you stay under the shower
willingly?" I looked down. I want to tell him that I enjoyed
the feeling I got.
Dr: "You know, drowning in a shower is very much
possible. However, the mind will not allow your body to
stay under those conditions for very long. Breathing is a
subconscious action and we will do it no matter what
until you are out cold. As your mind tells you to breathe,
your body is under the water. I guarantee you wont force
yourself to stay under there. It is all in the mind. The
reason people drown, is because they have no choice to
get out. When in the shower, or other area where not
much water is being produced, you can move away,
unless being withheld there. The mind and body are
taught to avoid death at all costs--- for the most part at
least. So I'm guessing that you are a case of the most
part, and chose to stay under the water" Tears made
their way out. He looked at me with a smile.
Dr: "Hey, don't be ashamed about it. It happens to the
best of us. Depression is a silent killer, but you can
overcome it okay?" I nodded. I never really thought that I
could be depressed. I always thought thats white people
Dr: "I will prescribe you therapy and some flu meds
because that water will definitely cause you to be sick.
And we don't want you being sick with a little one on the
way" Wait what?
Me: " you mean...a He
looked at me and smiled.
Dr: " Well well, looks like someone doesnt know the
good news. You are 4 weeks pregnant " Everything just
went silent. I saw the doctor moving his mouth but I
wasn't listening. How can I be so stupid? How will my
mother love me now that I am pregnant with another
child? She was right after all. I'm only good for opening
my legs and making babies. The doctor asked me
something and I nodded. He left with the nurse. I hate
myself right now.
King walked in with Luhle. Oh my baby. How can I try
and end my life without thinking about my child? What
type of a mother am I? The type who is going to be a
mother of two at 23. There is no way I'm keeping this
child. I cannot do it shame. King will have to forgive me.
Luhle ran to me and I picked him up to put him on top of
me on the bed. I kissed his cute face all over and he
giggled. Then I hugged him. Gosh i love this child. The
way he smiles just melts my heart. He is a pure
blessing. I was avoiding looking at King even though his
eyes were making holes in my body.
Luhle: "Akhumbuya mna"
-I miss you
I smiled.
Me: "Khumbulile nam my baby"
-I also missed you
He put his head on my chest. Finally I decided to look at
King. He had tears in his eyes but looked pissed at the
same time and I could understand why. Luhle almost
lost his mother. He stared at me for about a minute
before he walked out. I guess the doctor told him about
my suicide attempt. I sighed. There is still the pregnancy
issue. Honestly I don't even know how I will tell him that
I don't want our child that I'm pregnant with. I ended up
chatting with Luhle. Well, he was doing most of the
King came by about an hour later to fetch us. The Dr
had come in to tell me that I'm being discharged
because I was okay. But before I left, I had to do a
prenatal check up and ultra sound. He also gave me the
details of a therapist I was to see Luhle was sleeping on
the bed when King walked in. We looked at each other.
He then handed me a bag.
King: "I brought you clothes to change" I thanked and
took the bag. I went to the bathroom that was in the
room and changed. He brought me my black tights, long
sleeve white t shirt, my knee length cardigan and
slippers. Hayi sana. Once I was done I got out and he
was waiting for me with Luhle sleeping peacefully in his
Me: "King...I"
King: "Sothetha endlini M....Lulu" I knew he was about to
say Mami.
Dr. Abrams sent us to another doctor by the name of Dr
Perumal. He was Indian. We got to his office and
knocked. He told us to get in and we did.
DrK: "Oh hello. You must be Miss Matyila. Please have
a sit" I nodded and I sat down on the bed he showed me
while King sat on the chair next to it. Him and the doctor
shook hands.
Dr: "I hear you are expecting. So we will do an
ultrasound and see how far baby is and if everything is
okay" I nodded. He asked me to take of my jacket and
lift my shirt up and I did. I layer back on the bed and he
put some cold gel on my stomach. He told us to look at
the small screen next to him. He put the grey thing on
my stomach and started moving it. He moved around a
few times until he stopped at a certain point. He pointed
at the screen and there it was. I really am pregnant.
Dr: "And there is your little one. Its obviously way to
early to learn the sex but........." I wasn't listening. I
looked at King and he had a huge smile on his face. He
was listening to everything the doctor was saying and
even asking questions. I hate to do this to him. This will
be his first pregnancy he would experience.
Me: "How soon can I get an abortion?" The room fell
silent. I looked at the doctor who looked at King first,
then looked at me.
Dr: "Ms Matyila are you sure about that? I'm sure you
would like some time to talk and think about everything"
I shook my head.
Me: "No I'm okay. Can you book an appointment for me
or refer me to a doctor who can do it?" He slowly
nodded. King stormed out. Luhle was still in his arms.
The doctor gave me an appointment that is two weeks
away. Mxm. I left after that. When I got outside there
was no sign of King. I sighed. I went back inside the
hospital. The nurse in front seemed friendly. I asked her
if she could order an uber cash payment for me and she
did. I waited for about 4 min before it notified that it had
arrived. I went outside and found the uber guy waiting
for me. I greeted and got inside. The drive to home was
rather quick. I asked the driver to wait while I went to
fetch the cash inside. I quickly ran inside the house and I
could here MaLetty cooking and cleaning in the kitchen.
I went up to my room and found my wallet inside my
bag. I took out the cash and rushed downstairs to pay
the driver. I paid him and off he went after
complimenting the house. I went back in to find MaLetty.
She was happy to see me. She opened her arms and I
went straight in. I just cried in her arms. She brushed my
back humming.
MaL: "Yonke into izolunga mntanam. Sukhala kalok sisi"
-Everything is going to be okay. Don't cry sisi.
she led me to my room and tucked me inside the bed.
She sang for me and I smiled. Then I gave in to sleep
I woke up and it was dark outside. I got up and looked
for my phone but I couldn't find it. I'll look for it later
again wethu. I went downstairs to the kitchen. I opened
the oven and I found two covered plates of food.
MaLetty though. I love her. I took one and uncovered it.
A whole 7 colours meal mntase. I didn't even warm it up.
I just started eating because I was really hungry. I
finished everything. I then took a bottle of wine and a
glass. I opened it and poured myself a glass. I took a sip
and it tasted amazing. I went to the dining room and it
was dark. I switched the lights on and got the fright of
my life when I found King sitting with a bottle of cognac
at the dining room table. I froze.
King: "Please do join me" his voice sounded different.
I walked to the other end of the table and sat down. We
Both sitting at the table ends. Silence. Honestly I'm a bit
scared hey because I've never seen pissed of King, but I
had to keep my cool.
King: "So ndibulala bani?"
-So who am I killing?
King: "Who got you pregnant?" I chuckled.
Me: "Really? Semdala for lento uyenzayo"
-You are too old for what you doing
He looked at me and was livid. Mxm I don't care. How
dare he accuse me of getting pregnant with someone
else's child. His eyes softened
King: "Then why wouldn't you want to keep umntana
Mami?" I sighed.
Me: "Because andimfuni lomntana King. I had Luhle
young. I had to drop out of school. The life I knew
stopped. My mother hates me now, imagine if she hears
I'm pregnant again. I've already disappointed my family
before, I don't want to do it again okay" I was crying
King: "Lulu, do you regret us? Luhle? I thought about it.
Me: " I don't regret my son. I just wished everything
could have happened at a different time. Luhle is the
best thing to ever happen to me. But, I went through a
lot with that child. When my age mates were busy going
to school or going out being kids, I was at home feeding
a hungry baby water. You were living your life oblivious
to everything. Mentally and emotionally I'm not okay. I
cannot afford to get a second child right now when I
have to deal with a lot. I would like to be in a good and
happy place when I have my next child. I want to have
an education, a car and houses. I want to travel. In fact I
want to go out every now and then. I just got a chance to
go back to school next year and I'm not willing to lose it"
he scoffed.
King: "You are being fucking selfish right now. All I hear
is you, you and you. Mna Mami. That is my baby as well
and you tried to kill yourself" I sipped my wine. He
looked even angrier and raised his eyebrow.
Me: "You know what, yes I am selfish. All my life I have
been doing things for everyone except myself. I raised a
child on my own for 2 years. I longed for my mother's
love and would do anything to get it. So let me be
selfish. No one cares about me and its high time I do it
myself. Do you know mental illness? Do you know what
it does to you? I barely made it with Luhle because after
he was I had PPD and that was a nightmare because I
had no support whatsoever. And with the phone call I
had with my mother, I realised that maybe it would be
better if I just end things okay. I hate my life right now. I
dont have shit to show for the past five years of my life
except a two year old and a 4 week pregnancy. So
please shoot me for not wanting to mother a child while
I'm still mentally fucked up. Ndiyeke ndibe selfish" I was
crying. He looked at me. He downed his shot and then
got up and left. I screamed so hard and threw the wine
bottle at him. It didn't even go near him ke phof. It
splashed on the ground. He just kept walking. I sat on
that chair and just cried and cried. Honestly I was tired
emotionally, physically and mentally. I dragged myself to
bed and got in the covers. I knew Luhle was safe. He
was probably with his grandparents. I cried some more
before it was lights out

Insert 12�
I woke up with a banging headache and a sore body. I
cannot believe I slept on the dining room table. The
things I do though. I got up and used my shirt to wipe
the drool of the table. I went upstairs to my room and got
inside the bed, then i texted my boss telling him that I
will not be coming in. I put my head on the pillow and
just slept.
I was deep in Lala land when the covers were just pulled
of me. What the hell? I opened my eyes and found King
staring daggers at me. I rolled my eyes and just pulled
back the covers to try and sleep again.
King: "Don't fucking try me Lulu" he pulled off the covers
again. Kanti what's wrong with this person?
Me: "Lubenathi, ndicela ungandidiki please. I just want
to sleep bruh"
-Please don't annoy me
King's POV
Honestly I was really excited when I heard that uMami is
pregnant. I thought she would be too but I guessed
wrong. When I found her in the shower, I realised how
much I fucking love this woman. I would do anything for
her and the thought of losing her drove me crazy. I really
thought I had lost her that night. When I heard that it
was an attempted suicide I was angry, but more
confused. Mami was happy and glowing, so how did
things get to this point kuye. I know she and her mom
are at odds but I didn't think it was affecting her that bad.
I'm more mad at myself for not noticing how hurt she
really was after that phone call with her mother.
But, I cannot believe that she wants to abort my baby.
I've always been for women and supporting their rights
to abortion. And maybe if it was somebody else
pregnant with my child, I would've agreed, but because
nguMami I can't. I love this woman and it would be
amazing to actually go through this pregnancy with her. I
know with Luhle she was alone, so it would be a new
experience for the both of us to some extent. But now
she does not want our child. The things she said last
night were really hard to here. I didn't know Mami
suffered this much and I hate myself for not being there
for her. I just don't know what to do. I feel torn because I
don't want to force her to do anything she does not
want, but at the same time I want her to keep our child.
Last night I just left her because I was hurting on her
behalf but I didn't want to show it to her. I drove to my
mom's place and she asked me to give Lulu time. She
needs to heal and I will hold her hand through it all.
Right now she looks so annoyed. She has tensed her
eyebrows and her nose is scrunched. So cute. But I
don't care right now. I have gotten her a therapist and
her appointment is in an hour.
Me: "Phakama before I lift you up myself"
-Get up
Lulu: "Lubenathi ndiyaphi? Can't you see I'm tired and I
want to sleep?"
-Lubenathi where am I going?
Me: "I really don't care. You need to get up and take a
shower. My parents are downstairs" she instantly shot
her eyes at me with so much anger. I had to lie to get
her out of this bed and I know she really respects my
parents. Its very sexy.
She reluctantly got up and mumbled about my big head
and annoying cute ass. I chuckled. She showered while
I took out a black tight maxi dress for her and a white
pair of vans sneakers. She got out minutes later looking
even grumpier. She lotioned her body and God she
looked sexy. Her caramel skin looked smooth and
velvety. Her ass was round and out there. Her boobs
were hanging a bit low but were very beautiful. I felt
myself getting hard but now is not the time for such. I did
notice she lost a bit of weight though. I looked at her
stomach and wondered how it would look as a bump. I
guess I stared for long because she put her hand on her
stomach trying to hide it.
Lulu: "Please don't...." I looked away. She quickly wore
her clothes and she looked really beautiful. She combed
her blonde hair and put on some Vaseline on her lips.
Lulu was pissed when she found out that I lied about my
parents waiting for us. After a some arguing I managed
to convince to get into the car.
Lulu: "King uphi umntanam?"
-King where is my child?
I chuckled
Me: "Oh so now you remember you have a child.
Yesterday you were ready to end things. Ubumcingile
-Did you think of him then?
She looked at me and had tears in her eyes. Fuck I'm
supposed to be supportive right now. She looked out the
Me: "Lulu.....I...I"
Lulu: "You are right. I'm a selfish bitch of a mother. I
don't deserve my child"
Me: "Baby.....that's not what I meant. I'm really sorry if it
came out that way" she ignored me and closed her
eyes. Shit. I would watch her as I was driving. I really
hope we make it of this hurdle.
King slightly shook my thigh and I woke up. I wasn't
really sleeping. I was just avoiding talking to King. What
he said hit me real hard and he was right. How do I ask
about Luhle when I was ready to just leave him
motherless in this world. But I don't know how to get out
of the state I'm in. I feel like I'm trapped in a dark place
and I'm screaming and screaming for help but nobody
helps me. Its emotionally and spiritually draining being
like this.
I looked around and noticed we were at the beach. It
looked a bit secluded and so peaceful. I could smell the
ocean and hear the waves from inside the car. I raised
an eyebrow at him.
Me: "Uzondiqubhisa?"
-You want to make me swim?
He laughed
King: "No, there is someone I want you to meet" I rolled
my eyes and got out of the car.
Me: "King if you came to kill me and dump my body in
the ocean then tell me kwangoku" he clenched his jaws.
Me: "Relax it was a joke"
King: "Death is not funny Mami" Mxm.
I took my Vans off and walked on the sand. I loved the
grainy feeling on my feet. This place is beautiful. Cape
Town has some really hidden treasures. We walked for
about a minute before I saw a figure playing with a dog. I
looked at King. I don't fucks with dogs ke mnake. King
took my hand and we walked towards this person. It was
a male coloured with cute curly hair. He kinda looked
like Shane Eagle. He was tall and well built. Really hot if
I may say. We stood in front of him. He smiled at us.
King: "Chadwin my man"
Chad: "King, How are you" they shook hands and bro
King: "I'm all good man. Oh this is Lulu, Lulu this is Chad
your therapist" Chad shook his head at King who just
shrugged his shoulders. Mxm I just walked off. Couldn't
he just warn me before throwing me into therapy. I was
really pissed. When I looked behind me, Chad was
running after me and King was dog sitting. I'm very mna.
I sat down and just watched the ocean. Have you ever
noticed how beautiful the sea really is. Its a wonder how
its the one thing that actually connects the world. It has
no borders. No start and no finish.
Chad sat next to me. I paid him no mind.
Chad: "For a short girl, you really can walk fast moghyel"
I looked at him. He laughed.
Chad: "Yes, I'm gay and all that glitter honey" I laughed
Chad: "Aah, and we have a laugh" I smiled and looked
Me: "Well you are very beautiful with all that glitter" he
smiled too.
Chad: "You are beautiful too" I looked down and smiled
Chad: "But you don't believe it. I see it in the way you
always look down when you smile. You are hiding.
I thought about it.
Me: "Its easier to hide. I cannot have people seeing the
true inner scars I have. They might run away"
Chad: "Why do you think that?"
Me: "Its what people do. Well its what they always do to
me. So I make sure I hide my scars, my fears and
insecurities. I don't want to open up myself just to face
Chad: "Ah yes, rejection. I want you to close your eyes
and think about everything that has happened to you.
Every scar, every wound, rejection and disappointment.
Think about it all" I closed my eyes and started thinking
about everything that has happened in my life. Every
word that has been said to me by my mother. Every
moment where I watched my child go hungry. Tears
made way. I felt like I wanted yp scream but I was
holding back.
Chad: "Let it go. Don't hold back honey" and that was
my cue. I just screamed so loud the dog barked. I
cursed and punched the sand. Then I just cried. I cried
out loud. Like ugliest cry ever.
After a few minutes I calmed down. I sniffed and sniffed.
Chad looked at me and smiled.
Chad: "Now, did I run away? Umbi when you cry but I
stayed. You need to stop crying and suffering in silence.
You are just filling a balloon with water every time. How
long do you think it will be before that balloon pops? You
can not hide your emotions all the time. You are human.
Its okay to be angry or sad. No one expects you to be
strong all the time. Trust yourself to let go" I thought
about that. Somehow I felt lighter. Like a ton had been
lifted off my shoulders.
Chad turned out to be a good listener. He really knows
how to get one to talk. And he is funny.
After a while he left me looking at the sun about to set. It
looked breathtaking. I felt King sitting behind me. He
wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. This
feels good.
King: "Andazi Mami why we were brought together like
this. And I don't know what the future holds for us. But I
do know that I love you. You have rooted yourself inside
of my heart. Its a foreign feeling but I love it. You are a
strong beautiful woman, and I really hope we get
through this together. You can count on me baby" I
cried. How can this man be willing to love a damaged
soul like myself.
We watched the sun set before we decided to leave. I
wanted to see my son so I asked King to drive to his
parent's house. When we got there MamKhanya walked
straight to me and gave me those warmest hug I have
ever received. It felt amazing. She touched my cheeks
and looked at me.
Mama: "Uright mntanam?"
-Are you okay my child?
I nodded. She smiled at me and took my hand and led
me to the dining room table where she had prepared a
feast. King and his father were already seated. Tata
stood up and motioned me to go hug him. I smiled and
went to him. He gave me a warm fatherly hug and
kissed my forehead. I giggled
Mama: "Sit down so we could eat" hayi mna I wanted to
see my child.
Me: "Ma ndicela ubona uLuhle kamcinci before I can
-Can I see Luhle for a little while
she shook her head
Mama: "Hayi Lulu, look at how thin you are. You used to
be nice and thick" i started crying. Everyone looked at
me worried. King quickly came to me.
King: "Mami, hintoni ngoku"
-Mami what is wrong?
Me: "uMama....she..she called me fat" they looked at
each other and then burst out laughing. Oh okay ndiyi
Joe mna neh. Mxm. I stormed upstairs to my son's
bedroom while they called out to me to comeback. Mxm
bloody hormones.
I found my beautiful baby sleeping in a very weird
position. He was kneeling with his head on the bed. I
quietly laughed at him. I fixed him up and then sat on the
bed and watched him sleep. Akasemhle. I wiped a tear
that fell. Man I love this kid. And I owe it to him to be the
best version of myself, so I can be a good mom. I
needed to do it for him and myself. But I am still
determined to not continue with this pregnancy. I kissed
my baby's forehead and I left his room.

Insert 13�
I've been seeing Chadwin everyday for two weeks now.
I'm not completely healed, but it has been good to
offload some of the issues I have kept in my heart for so
long. Chad and I would take walks, have lunch and go
on picnics. These activities make it easier for me to
open up in a more informal and relaxed environment. I
don't think I could deal with doing therapy in some
doctor's office, laying upwards on the couch facing the
In these past few days, I have learnt a lot about myself
and I realized that there are few stuff that I need to
change about myself. For instance, I get in my head a
little too much sometimes and I start over thinking. Chad
told me to get an activity, so now I journal. Its not bad.
On the other hand, morning sickness has me by the
balls. I puke every day. I sometimes get dizzy spells but
nothing hectic. King had to change his cologne because
it smells horrible to me. I don't have weird cravings yet
except for my mixture of choc flavoured rice crispies and
Tin Roof vanilla flavoured ice cream. Honestly, I'm at a
point where I don't know how I feel about this
pregnancy. I'm not attached to it. In fact I try to forget
that I'm pregnant most of the time. King told his parents
about the pregnancy and now I cannot bring myself to
abort because I respect his parents so much, and I don't
want to dissapoint them. They are so excited about
getting a new grandchild. But it seems like no one is
taking into consideration my feelings on the matter. It
seems like I have to sacrifice my happiness to put a
smile on someone's face once more.I have also been
ordered to stop working by Tata Khuse immediately after
he heard about this pregnancy. He told me to enjoy the
last 4 months of the year before I go back to school next
year. This is what I was afraid of. But fuck what Lulu has
to say.
It was a Thursday afternoon and I was in black tights
and a black t shirt and socks, watching a movie in the
Theater room. I have been avoiding King as much as I
could because his presence annoys me shame. He tries
to talk to me about the pregnancy but I can't do it. I was
watching all the Harry Potter movies in order. Luhle is at
creche and Kings fetches him from work. I offered to do
it myself, but he doesn't want me driving. MaLetty only
comes to help me out for only 3 days in a week. She has
been the best. Honestly I wish she wasy mother. My
phone started ringing. The number was unfamiliar so I
Me: "Hello"
Caller: "Ngoku uphinde wamitha? Lulu why do you insist
on making me look like a fool and an incompetent
parent? Heh, like I didn't raise you properly. You make
me sick honestly"
-You got pregnant again?
I chuckled with tears in my ears.
Me: "Yazi yintoni Mama? I forgive you. I realise now that
I gave you so much power over me. Whenever you
insulted me, I would still want your love and acceptance.
I made excuses for your behavior towards us. I blamed
my child and myself thinking that we are the ones who
did wrong. You are the one who has issues. Yes I fell
pregnant and left school, so what? Its not the end of the
world. Kwanele kodwa ngoku. So for my sanity and my
heart, I forgive you. And I can only hope that you forgive
me for whatever it is that I've done wrong that led you to
have this much hatred for me. I'm finally accepting that I
am no longer your child. I haven't been for a while now.
So after the lobola negotiations, you will never see me
and my child again. I'm choosing to stay away from you
and your toxicity"
Mom: "Hee Lu...." I dropped the phone. Damn that felt
good. I exhaled and wiped my tears. I think its time that I
forget about my mother and what she thinks of me.
King: "I'm proud of you" I turned my head and I found
him leaning on the door looking all yummy. I rolled my
Me: "You listen to my phonecalls now Lubenathi?"
King: "No I came looking for you and I found you on the
Me: "Mhmm" He came to sit next to me and he got busy
on his phone. I noticed it was too quiet. Luhle always
comes looking for me after creche.
Me: "King uphi umntanam?"
-King where is my child?
King: "At my parent's house"
Me: "Without talking to me about it? You can't just take
my son to your parents ndingayazi"
-Without my knowledge
I was really pissed.
King: "Our son. And why should I get permission for
taking Luhle to his grandparents" I sniffed. Waterworks
ke ngoku.
Me: "Because that is my child King. In fact ndicela
uhambe ubuye nomntanam Lubenathi ngoku"
-Please go and come back with my child
he looked at me like I'm crazy.
Me: "Awufuni? Its fine I'll fetch him myself"
-You don't want to?
I stood up and wore my slippers. Then I stormed out the
theater room.
King: "Mami. Lulu maan" I ignored him. Nx. I ordered an
uber and it said it was 5 minutes away. So I went to the
kitchen to fetch my ice cream because I was going to go
with it. Suddenly my phone was snatched from my hand
by King. Haibo. I tried fighting for it but who am I kidding.
King is twice my size in height so he just stood there
unfazed while I was trying to reach for my phone. He
cancelled my ride and took out his phone and dialed
someone, and before I knew it his mother answered.
MamK: "Nana"
King: "Mama maan" he was annoyed at being called
MamK: "Xolo ke mntanam. Uphi umakoti"
-I'm sorry my child. Where is makoti?
he looked at me
King: "Nanku ulapha. She wants to talk to Luhle. Can
you call him to the phone?"
-She's here
She giggled.
MamK: "Hlehle. Hlehle" I heard him running.
Luhle: "Makhuyu, atya mna"
-Granny I'm eating
I laughed because it sounded like he was annoyed for
being disturbed.
MamK: "Hawethu Hlehle, nanku Mama"
-Come on Hlehle, here's your mother
King gave me the phone while Mam'Khanya gave hers
to Luhle.
Luhle: "Nanku uMamam, Nanku uMamam, Nanku
-Here's my mommy
he screamed while jumping up and down. I smiled.
Me: "Molo baby maan"
Luhle: "Moyo Mama, unjani"
Me: "I'm okay baby wena"
Luhle: Ahmm okaay baby wena" I laughed.
Me: "Baby ubuya nini kalok? Ndakhumbula mna"
Baby when are you coming back? I miss you
Luhle: "Really?" Haibo. King laughed
Me: "Hehake Really. Khawenze ubuye wethu"
-Hurry up and come back
Luhle: "Ha.a afuni"
-I don't want to
Me: "Ngoba? Haibo mntanam"
Luhle: "
Hayi hayi hayi hayi hayi. Yavyu" then he ran off.
Ndigqibo phoxwa mgumntana wow. King laughed. Mxm.
I walked off and went to my room with my Tin roof. I got
in bed and started eating. King walked in.
Me: "What now?" He looked at me
King: "Why do you hate me Mami?" I shrugged my
shoulders. Honestly I didn't hate him. I just hated the
situation we were in. We are expecting a child and he is
excited while I'm dreading it. I hate that he cannot see it
from my point of view. I hate that I'm not as connected to
this pregnancy as I was with Luhle. I just hate everything
about this.
King: "Sulila kalok Mami. I know you are not really
thrilled about this child but I promise you that I'll be there
every step of the way. Before and after the birth. Fuck
Mami sometimes I don't know how to help you nam, but
I'm going to keep on trying either way" I looked down
with tears in my eyes. I know he is trying his but
somehow I cannot seem to get myself to be as excited
as him. And I'm afraid that I might end up resenting him
about this. He hugged me and we cuddled until I fell
asleep in his arms.
I was woken up by a very nice sensation on my nuna. I
moaned. My mind wasn't fully awake. I felt my bean
being slowly licked and sucked. Chills went down my
A week later, I was called to go home with Luhle. Home
being my mother's house, for the lobola negotiations. I
was not looking forward to it. My anxiety was on a high
and i didnt know how to deal with it. Morning sickness
was showing me flames on the side.
I was busy packing my stuff. I packed Luhle's clothes
yesterday. I don't know how these negotiations are
going to go, but I am hoping everything goes smoothly
given the fact that my mother is going to be there. Luhle
ran in the room.
Luhle: "Lulu, Lambiye mna. Cela food?"
-Lulu I'm hungry. Can I get food? I laughed
Me: "Yeke iEnglish bhuti"
-Leave English alone
Luhle: "Haike haike haike Mama. Axela mna Ku Daddy"
-I'll tell daddy I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Baleka ubuye netshintshi"
-Run and come back with some change
Luhle: "Okay" he ran out. I laughed. He's growing up so
A few minutes later, King walked in being pulled by
Luhle. I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms.
Luhle: "Daddy, Lulu anbetha mna"
-Daddy Lulu hit me
haibo this liar
King: "Mami, kutheni ubetha umntanam?"
-Mami why did you hit my child?
Me: "I did no such thing. Luhle thetha inyani"
Luhle: "No, no, no, no" I laughed and charged for him.
He tried to run behind his father but I quickly caught him
and tickled him on the floor. He was laughing and out of
breathe. I smiled and looked at him. What a beautiful
sight. I really wish he could stay this happy forever. King
looked at me and winked. I blushed so hard I'm sure my
cheeks were red.
King: "Sablushi"
-You blushing
he smirked
Me: " Mxm Sadiki"
-You annoying
he chuckled and slowly walked towards me. Oh no. I
quickly stood up to run for the bathroom but he caught
me before I could even take my second step. He picked
me up and threw me on the bed. He pinned my hands
on the side and got on top of me. Luhle followed. Now
I'm in trouble. They both attacked me with tickles and I
laughed so hard.
Me: "K.....Kin....King...Ndakcela.....King" they wouldn't
stop. I laughed until tears came out and I felt pee
coming out. Then I cried. Haibo. King quickly stopped
and looked at me worried.
King: "I'm so sorry Mami" I sniffed and looked down.
Luhle: "Utheni Mama?"
-Mama whats wrong?
I shook my head while looking down. I'm really
King: "Lulu" he gave me a warning look. I sniffed.
Me: "I....p...peed" I whispered looking down. For a
moment it went quiet. Then all I heard was laughter from
King followed by Luhle, who probably didn't even know
why his father was laughing but he joined in either way.
Mxm. After what seemed like forever, they calmed
down. King went to the bathroom and I heard him
running the bath water. Luhle hugged me and followed
his dad. They came back to find me in that same
King: "Mami maan. You can't be embarrassed by such" I
looked down.
Me: "But you laughed at me" I pouted.
Luhle: "Uned-lama Mama"
-You have drama
I was shook. Yho. His father laughed and then picked
me up bridal style. He put me in the bathroom floor and
demanded that I strip or he'll do it himself. They both
watched me. I then got in the bath that was Filled with
aromatic bath salts. Now this is nice. I close my eyes
and relax. Next thing I know, King and Luhle are getting
in the bath with me. Haibo.
Luhle: "Mama, nam avasa"
-Mommy I'm also bathing
I smiled at him
Me: "Okay baby wam" King sat on the other end while
Luhle sat in the middle. We played in the water
splashing water all over the floor. Whenever the water
got cold, we refilled with it with warm water. We were
laughing and having. This is it. This is what I have
always wanted for Luhle and myself. A family.
This moment was perfect for me.

Insert 14�
The following morning, we all woke up very early
because Luhle and I had to be home by 8am. The
negotiations would take place tomorrow morning so that
meant we would be sleeping there. Gosh. I was busy
making breakfast while King and Luhle were playing
hide and seek. I don't know where they get such energy
to run around so early in the morning. I on the other
hand, was feeling all kinds of sick. Sick from my morning
sickness and sick due to not knowing how my encounter
with my family will go. The pork bangers that I was frying
were making things worse for me. The smell is just
horrid to me. I was really fighting the urge to throw up all
of my intestines out.
Once I was done with breakfast I went to go put
everything on the dining room table. I heard small
giggles and I knew who they were from. I looked under
the table and found Luhle doing a really bad job at
hiding. He smiled at me.
Luhle: "Shhh Mama. Azimela mna"
-Sssh Mama. I'm hiding
I laughed because he was trying to whisper but it was
not working out for him.
Me: "Okay baby. Ungahambi ke apha"
-Dont move from there
he nodded. Just then King walked in looking oh so sexy
in grey sweatpants and a white vest and socks.
King: "Mami, have you seen our son?" I pointed to the
table and he nodded.
Me: "Nope. I haven't seen him at all" he giggled. This
person is supposed to be hiding.
King: "Oh well. I guess ndizom khangela ngomso.
Ndidiniwe mna ngoku and ndifuna iOreos"
-I'll look for him tomorrow. Im tired and I want Oreos
I raised an eyebrow. He knows better than to mention
Oreos at this time of the morning to Luhle. I rolled my
eyes and walked to the kitchen to fetch the jug of juice.
When I came back, Luhle was on his father's lap. So
much for hiding. We all sat down to eat our breakfast. I
was having a fruit salad while King and his son were
having the greasy breakfast. Sbwl.
At 07:30 King put our bags in the G-Class and then he
handed the keys to me. I was confused.
Me: "And then?" He smiled.
King: "I know its not your car, but since we are getting
married then technically it belongs to you. So I want you
to drive it to your home just so you could shut their
mouths before they can even say something. Banyise
nge Benz baby" I blushed. This man is amazing and I
fall in love with him everyday but I'm not ready to tell him
Me: "Enkosi Lubenathi" he smiled before strapping his
son in. He kissed both our foreheads and I got in the
driver's seat.
King: "Be strong okay and remember that I'll always be
here for you" I nodded. I think he was more scared than
I was and I could understand why. We said goodbye and
we left for Mandalay.
When we got to my street, I found 2 other cars parked in
front of my house. I knew those cars belonged to my
other family members. I parked in front of one of the
cars which was a VW Tiguan. I took a deep breathe and
opened the door. Luhle fell asleep on the way here. I
opened the back door of the car and unstrapped my son
and carried him. I walked with him to the gate. Okay, this
is it. I was about to knock when the door opened and
there stood my little sister Lisa. She looked at me from
head to toe and then turned around to go back inside.
This child is rude. I went inside and I found my mother's
aunt's inside the house. They all kept quiet.
Me: "Molweni" Only one answered. All the others just
looked at me like I grew a pair. I stood there awkwardly.
My mother came in from the kitchen.
Mom: "Lulu hamba uyobeka lomntana ekamereni" oh
okay. She seems different. I nodded and went to my old
room with Luhle. It was still the same. I put Luhle on top
of the bed and then I sat down.
My sister Lelethu walked in. We've never really been
close because she was not raised with us in the same
house. She lived with her father so we barely saw her. In
fact the last time I saw her was at the family meeting
that was held because of my pregnancy.
Lelethu: "Lulu" Yho hehake.
Me: "Lelethu"
Lelethu: "I just need you to tell me what exactly is wrong
with you? Awudinwa zizinto ezithethisayo? So you now
have a Blesser and you are going to marry him? Shame
-Don't you get tired of things that make people talk
I chuckled.
Me: "Ugqibile? I'm sure the Blesser part came from your
mother. You actually have no right to question me about
anything. And I don't owe you any explanations about
my life. If you were someone who was interested in what
happens kum then you would've found out a very long
time ago"
-Are you done?
Lelethu: "Sisi ndimdala kuwe. So I suggest you fix your
tone kum. I'm not your mother. Trust me I will slap the
shit out of you" I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Close the door on your way out" I took my phone
out and texted King. I heard her say mxm and walked
out. This will be a long day. One of my mother's aunts
walked in.
Aunt: "Khawubeke lo phone uzoncedisa upheka
-Put that phone away and come help with the cooking
Me: "Okay" I covered my son with a fleece and went to
the kitchen. I found most of my cousins there and at first
it was awkward because it seemed like they didn't know
what to say around me. But after a few minutes we all
started talking. It was always fun to be around them.
Olona: "So, is it true that you are marrying a Nigerian
drug dealer? Yhu unzulu sisi"
-You are deep sisi
she clapped her hands once.
Me: "What?" Honestly ndishook.
Nosi: "Ewe sisi. We heard that you also sell those drugs.
And, your parents asked you to come home but wena
you refused" Okay, this is crazy.
Lelethu: "Ungayilibali leyo ba she tried to seduce Bhut'
Me: "Now you being stupid, why would I try to seduce
my own stepfather?"
Roro: "Your mom told abantu badala everything Lulu so
there is no use denying it" Tears made their way out. I'm
so pissed right now. I marched out of the kitchen to the
lounge where all of the adults were sitting and talking.
Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Disgust
was written all over their faces. I'm not surprised though.
I pulled the coffee table that sat in the middle of the
room and put it in front of my mother. I sat down on the
table and I opened my legs and leaned forward. I looked
at this woman. How could she be so evil?
Me: "Who are you?"
Mom: "Intoni? Uthini na wena?"
-What? What are you saying?
Me: "Ndithe who the fuck are you?" She seemed
shocked. A slap hit me hard on my right cheek. Shit that
was painful.
Mom: "Can you see? This is what we dealt with all the
time" I heard her aunys mumbling things but I was not
Me: "Ngubani uMama wam Lulama?"
-Who is my mother?
She widened her eyes.
Aunt: "Haibo Lulu. Hintoni le uyibuzayo ke ngoku"
-Lulu what are you asking now?
Me: "Makazi, uMama must tell the truth because there is
no way a mother would do the things she has done to
me. I loved you so much but you couldn't be bothered by
my existence. You showed me so many times that you
do not love me. Oomakazi bakho bayayazi that when
Luhle was 4 months old, I would feed him water
because you refused to buy anything for a child who
was fathered by a stranger?" I heard gasps
Me: "Do they know that you made us sleep on the floor
for a whole year because you thought we were going to
break the beds you brought. Do they know that everyday
you abused me verbally and emotionally? Do they know
that you once made us stand outside in the rain just
because my child was crying at night and making a
noise? And then you have the audacity to lie and tell
them that I ran away when you are the one who kicked
us out knowing very well we have nowhere to go. Again
who are you, because there is no way you are my
Everyone was silent. I guess they didn't know all this
Aunt1: "Lulama, hintoni le ithethwa ngulomntana?"
-What is this child saying?
She was quiet still shocked. I stood up to leave.
Mom: "I was 20 when I met your father. He was such a
handsome man and all the ladies loved him. Qha waye
ngumnqundu. I loved that man and uthando lwam was
enough for the both of us. I fought a lot of women for
him. He was my everything and I was willing to do
anything for me. But he never loved me the way that I
loved him. I was not ready for another child but he
wanted one. So I decided to get pregnant for him. The
first pregnancy I miscarried at 3 weeks. The second one
I miscarried at a 9 weeks. The third one was you. I
thought he would change and love me me more when I
got pregnant the third time. When I was 6 months
pregnant, he came over to see me one day. He said he
wanted to talk. I thought he was going to ask me for
marriage. But instead he told me that he was getting
married to someone else and the fiance was also
expecting. I couldn't understand what it was about me
that was different from this other woman. So I decided to
hurt him where it hurts. I knew it was too late for an
abortion so I decided I would just run away instead. I
dissapered for about 4 years before I came back with
you to Cape Town. When I got back I heard that he had
moved to the Eastern Cape. I never could love you
because the love I had for him turned to hate, and that
hate I directed to you because you remind me so much
of him"
Dad: "So you treated your child like shit because of a
man? And to make things worse, I let you. I can't believe
you" then he walked away. I don't even know when he
walked in. I stood up and looked at this woman.
Me: "You are pathetic" I walked away and went to my
room. I called the one person who I could talk to.
An hour later, a text came through. Great he's here. I
walked out of the house. And I saw his car parked about
3 houses away. I walked to it and I knew I was being
watched. I got to his car and got inside. He looked at
Me: "I'm so glad you are here"
Chad: "Girl I was on a date but you are more important.
What's up?" I sighed before I started telling him
everything I just learnt. After some time the car fell
Chad: "How do you feel?" I looked down.
Me: "Unwanted. Like a pawn in a game. Unloved"
Chad: "Don't you think that those are the exact same
feelings your mother felt after she was left by your
father? Its obvious that she is still hurt but she is
directing that hurt to the wrong person. But you need to
forgive her. But before you can forgive her, forgive
yourself first" I looked at him.
Me: "Forgive myself?" He nodded.
Chad: "Lulu, your mother's words have affected you so
much over the past few years that you started believing
them. If you can forgive yourself for not having the
perfect life or not doing things the right way, then maybe
you can start looking at your pregnancy from a different
point of view. You do not want to find yourself resenting
your child the same way your mother resents because of
things that didn't go according to plan? You blame
yourself for a lot of things when you shouldn't .Then
forgive your mother because clearly she was obsessed
with a certain dick" I laughed. This therapist is crazy. I
thought about what he said and he's right. If I could
forgive myself then maybe the the things she says
wouldn't get to me as much. We talked for a while longer
before I saw on of my cousin's carrying Luhle and
walking towards the car. I hugged Chad and said
goodbye. I got out of car and went to my baby. He's so
cute when he wakes up. My cousin handed him over
and he just put his face on my neck.
My stepdad called me and asked to talk to me. He was
standing outside in the yard. He looked at me and just
hugged me and Luhle.
Dad: "I don't think your fiance would be happy about you
being in cars with other men" I rolled my eyes.
Me: "That was my therapist who was hired by my fiance"
He looked down ashamed
Dad: "Lulu, I'm really really sorry. I didn't know your
mother was that cruel"
Me: "Bhuti you may not have known about the past but
you saw how she treated me. In fact you joined her. And
for me, that makes as guilty as she is. You could've
done something a long time ago but you chose to be
quiet. Besides my mother's abuse, you never really
accepted me as your child until I was in my late teens.
So I don't really need your apology now because the
damage has already been done by both of you" I walked
away and left him standing.
I avoided my parents for the rest of the day. The house
was buzzing because of the lobola negotiations though.
Food was being prepared for tomorrow. The adults
would come to me one by one to tell me how sorry they
were for being blinded by mothers lies. Honestly I don't
care anymore. I just can't wait to become Mrs. Makeleni
so I can move on with my life.

Insert 15�
I was peacefully sleeping when I felt a small hand slap
my cheek so hard it stung. I opened my eyes shocked at
the audacity of whomever that slapped me. I heard a
giggle next to me. Luhle was covering his face with his
small hands.
Me: "Luhle undibethelani bruh?"
-Why did you hit me
I was really mad.
Luhle: "Mama avusa mna"
-Mama I'm waking you up
Me: "Bendithe ndifuna uvuswa mna? Hayi hayi Luhle
mfondin masingaqhelani. Ndijonge"
Did I say I want to be woken up.
-Let's not take each other for a ride. Look at me
He shook his head giggling. I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Mxm. Undivuselani mna?"
-Why did you wake me up?
He removed his hands and pouted.
Luhle: "Yambiye mna Mama"
-Im hungry
I sighed dramatically and pulled my phone from under
my pillow. I checked the time and it was 6am. You have
got to be kidding me.
Me: "Dude its 6 in the morning and wena sowulambile?"
He nodded. I shook my head and got out of bed to wear
my gown. I walked with him to the kitchen where I made
soft porridge for him and everyone else in the house. My
mom walked in the kitchen. She looked at me from head
to toe and back up. She shook her head and took a
frying pan out. She started making breakfast while I
waited for the porridge to be ready. She turned to look at
Mom: "Congratulations on making me look like the bad
guy izolo. You really fooled everyone by playing victim.
But sisi if you are expecting an apology kum then you
have another thing coming. You and your father are my
life's biggest regrets. I could've left you at a dumping site
but I didn't. But wena you fail to be appreciative for that.
I raised you instead of my first born. Your stepfather did
everything for you, but what did you do? You spit in our
faces by having two children and no education. I hope
this family you marrying into see that you are worthless.
With one child and another on the way, I'm surprised
you found a man willing to put up with you. I'm not even
going to ask for much for wena because you are not
worth much" Lord knows I wanted to cry but shame, I
was not about to give this bitch the satisfaction. So I
smiled at her. She looked at me like I was crazy.
Me: "Enkosi kakhulu Mama. I don't care if I'm not worth
much, after all, I am my mother's daughter. Now if you'll
excuse me, ipapa yam iyatsha"
-My porridge is burning
She threw one slap across my face that made me see
stars. I sent a backhanded slap to her that instantly left
her face red. She looked at me livid.
Me: "Laphela sisi ixesha lobethana nam"
-The time of hitting me passed sisi
I touched my face. I felt her fingers printed on my face.
RHA nx. I picked up my son and walked away.
I hate what just happened. More especially because it
happened in front of my son. But I just couldn't hold in
my anger any longer. I fail to understand how a person
can be soo vile and evil towards their offspring. Why
me? Out of all her children, why did I have to be the one
she hates? I don't get it. I mean I get that she is hurt by
her past love, but mna ndingena phi? I decided to go
knock on MaLetty's door. I knew she would be up
already. As soon as she saw us at the door she smiled
and Luhle put his hands up so she could pick him up.
They are so close.
Me: "I hope wenze ibreakfast because silambile" I
kissed her cheek and walked past her to the kitchen.
She laughed.
MaLetty: "Molo nawe Lulu. And no, I haven't made
breakfast, but since ulapha khawitsho usenza"
-Get on it
I laughed. MaLetty and I have gotten even closer the
past few months. I would say she is more like a
grandmother to me. I quickly whipped up some eggs
and bacon for us. Big mistake. As soon as I smelt the
bacon, I felt it coming. I ran to the bathroom and knelt in
front of the toilet and let everything out. I hate this. With
Luhle I never had morning sickness. So this is a first for
me. I felt a hand brushing my back. I stood up and went
to rinse my mouth in the sink. MaLetty was looking at
MaLetty: "You will see that this was all worth it when she
gets here. Don't worry" I rolled my eyes internally. I
haven't gotten to terms with this pregnancy. For some
reason I'm still in denial.
Me: "I wonder who said its a girl"
MaLetty: "You'll see. Now sisi please leave me and my
grandchild to bond. Wena you were not even supposed
to leave your house until the negotiations are done"
Me: "But..."
MaLetty: "Ha.a Lulu. Hamba" She actually kicked me
I quickly ran to the house and I found the family having
breakfast. I went to my room and there was a traditional
blue traditional attire on top of my bed. I decided to go
get a shower. After the shower I went back to my room
and I got dressed. My older sister and a cousin of mine
got in ky room. They were dressed the same way I was
dressed. They sat down on the bed and said nothing.
After a few minutes an aunt came in. Kanti when did
people arrive?She looked at us.
Aunt: "Yhu anisebahle maan. You guys have to stay
here until someone comes and calls you. Food will be
brought to you if nilambile. Your in laws came in a
convoy of rich people cars. The shock we had to find
that they are not Nigerians. Imagine if we went with
Nomcebo's idea to cook Nigerian cuisine. Ungasilabali
ntombi since uzotshatela emalini"
Dont forget us since you are marrying into money
I rolled my eyes while my cousin giggled. We sat there
for a while. I heard King's family at the gate shouting my
family's clan names. They stood outside for about two
Me: "Haibo kunini bemiswe phandle. This is ridiculous"
Lelethu: "Relax will you sisi. This is how things are
done" I rolled my eyes. After a few minutes they let them
in. I started pacing up and down the room. I'm really
nervous right now. What if my mother is right and I'm not
worth much. What if they cannot settle on an amount?
After some time we were called out. Me and the girls
went to the lounge filled with men. I saw King's father
and uncles from the corner of my eye. We knelt on the
floor while looking down.
Uncle: "Nazi iintyatyambo zalapha ekhaya. Ngeyiphi le
nithi iboniwe yathandwa ngunyana wenu?"
-These are the flowers that we have in this home. Which
one did your son see and love?
King's uncle pointed at me.
Uncle: "Lulu, uyabazi ababantu?"
-Lulu do you know these people?
Me: "Ewe Malume Ndiyabazi"
-Yes uncle I know them
He nodded and told us to leave. We went back to the
room. After about another hour we heard ululations in
the house. One of the aunts walked in.
Me: "Hee sisi yindoda le uyfumeneyo. He paid your
lobola and damages for both your children? I thought
you said you didn't know the man who got you
-You found a man
I shrugged.
Lelethu: "Wait, you getting married to your baby daddy?"
I nodded. My mother came in to give me a beautiful two
piece white Xhosa attire. The top part had off the should
straps and it was a tight crop top. The bottom part was a
high waisted mermaid skirt that showed of my figure.
Then I wore a black doek and did my make up. I looked
in the mirror and stunning didn't even describe how I
Lelethu: "Awusemhle Lulu"
-You look beautiful Lulu
I looked at her and thanked her. When I got out of the
room, the house was busy. I went to the kitchen and I
was given a plate to serve to my husband. I put the plate
on a tray and I went to the yard to look for him. I found
him dressed in the same traditional print as me. Luhle
was sitting on his lap dressed the same way. I smiled
and walked to them with my head bowed. I knelt in front
of him and the women ululated. I heard him chuckling.
King: "Awusemhle Mnkam"
-You look beautiful my wife
I blushed and stood up and turned to walk away.
Later on the day I was sitting on the floor in my room
while my aunts adviced me on marriage. I heard a lot of
"Kuyanyamezelwa emtshatweni" and I laughed to
myself. They are crazy if they think I am going to settle
for nonsense. After a while they told me that I will be
sleeping at my in laws house where the next day, I will
be put in my traditional makoti attire, eat utsiki and be
named. Once they were done I packed our stuff and
went to go put them in my car. Luhle went home with his
grandparents. As I was putting our stuff in the car I
heard someone scratch their throat behind me. I turned
to look at who it was and I found my little sister standing
Lisa: "Nice car"
Me: "Thanks" I went back to what I was doing.
Lisa: "Mom said I should ask if you could please give me
a R100 for a school outing next week Friday. Ndicela
undithengele netakkie ye Nike that I saw at Archive"
God is good Bantu.
Me: "Wait a minute. You asking from the same person
who you couldn't even help with a pad? Unesbindi sisi.
-You have the liver. I don't want to
she looked shocked and turned to walk away. I got in
the car and drove away.
I got to my grandparents house and Mamazala was
waiting for me at the door. She smiled and opened her
arms out wide. I hugged her.
MamK: "You must be tired. You can straight to King's
room and sleep. We have an early morning ngomso
ekuseni" I nodded. I was really tired shame. As soon as
I got upstairs I undressed and went to go find a t shirt
and shorts in King's closet. He keeps some clothes
here. I found what I needed although they were pretty
big on me. I got in bed and it was lala land for me as
soon as my head hit the pillow.
The following morning I was woken up by Nasty Aunty.
Remember her? She poured a glass of water on my
face. I felt like punching the smirk on her face.
Her: "I must hand it to you. Liyasebenza iyeza lakho
-Your potion is working
Me: "Excuse me?"
Her: "You chose the wrong family. I will not let you come
and get in our way" what is she talking about and what
does she mean when she says our? I stood up and left
her there to go to the bathroom. Something tells me that
this aunt is dangerous as hell. I shrugged it off though
and I took a shower.
Once I was done I walked in the room to find nasty
aunty with other aunts and my mother in law. Mam
Khanya helped me get dressed in my makoti attire. Then
they took me to an empty room where I sat on a mat in
the middle. They sat around me and one by one they
adviced me on marriage and how I needed to conduct
myself as a married woman. I giggled at some of the
stuff they were saying.
Aunt: "Iyatyiswa indoda ke sisi. Ityiswa emini nase
busuku. Iphinde ityiswe nesnack"
-A man must be fed. In the morning and at night. And
then you must feed him a snack
I laughed because I knew what utyisa means. My
mother in law named me Likhanyile. I liked it.
After a while they came with a big bowl full of meat that I
had to eat. This is called ukutya utsiki. I ate a lot of that
meat. It was tender and juicy. Imnandi inyama yesXhosa
Bantu. I got a text from King who called me to his room.
When I got there, he was wearing overalls that looked
dirty with blood. I got in and stood by the door. He
looked at me with hungry eyes. He slowly walked
towards me. I held my breathe. He stood in front of me
and lifted my chin so I could face him.
King: "I know this was arranged but for some reason I
feel like the luckiest man in the world. Enkosi ngondenza
indoda emadodeni Likhanyile"
-Thank you for making me a man amongst men
I blushed. He bent his head down and kissed me. It felt
even better now that we were married. Butterflies were
making circles in my stomach. I think I'm in love.

Insert 16�
I've been a married woman for 3 months now and
everything has been blissful. King has been treating me
like a queen. We have gotten closer ever since the
lobola negotiations. My baby bump is visible now. I am
almost 18 weeks pregnant and the glow up is popping
bantase. It was getting to accept this pregnancy but with
the help of Chad and King, I'm starting to fall in love with
my baby slowly. Yes, you heard right, my baby. I can't
really change things now. What's done is done. All I can
do is just give this child the same amount of love as I
give Luhle. I would hate it if my child grew up thinking
that I don't love them because of some sort of
resentment I have towards them.
I haven't seen or spoken to any of my family members
since the negotiations and honestly I'm not bothered. In
fact, I think being chased out of the house by mother
was the best thing to ever happen to me. It changed my
whole life and I'm grateful to her for that. But as for me
and her having a relationship, I don't know. All I know is
that I'm choosing to stay away from their toxicity. I don't
need negativity in my life now that I'm expecting.
However I am curious to know about my father though. I
wonder if he ever thought about me. Or maybe he just
forgot about me and moved on with his life. I guess we'll
never know.
It was a Tuesday afternoon and I was in the kitchen with
a tub of ice cream. This baby and ice cream though. I'll
start with supper later on. My phone rings and I see that
its Siya. We have gotten even closer ever since we
reunited. He was a bit mad at me for cancelling the
white wedding shame. I decided we would have it after I
gave birth. And besides, we don't know how long things
are going to last between King and I. I answered.
Me: "Chommy"
Siya: "Bitch. Get ready I'm taking you out for lunch" I
rolled my eyes. Siya and going out.
Me: "Ufumene indoda entsha?"
-Did you get a new man
He laughed.
Siya: "Undazi kakhle sisi. Anyways I'll be there in a 10
minutes. Hurry. Mwah"
-You know me well
He hung up. I'm so lazy to go out but I know Siya is not
playing when he says he'll be here in 10 minutes.
I went upstairs and quickly changed into my short tight
black dress. It showed my really cute baby bump. I wore
my Fila white sneaker with Fila socks. My hair grew a bit
so I decided to get long braids. I put them in a bun and
wore my white half moon shades. Skkrrr skkrr. I took a
small bag and went downstairs. When I got to the
lounge to wait for this guy I heard a car hooting outside
loudly. And then? I wonder who it is. I went to the
window to check. I saw Siya standing next to a brand
new GTI. It was white with black tinted windows. I
screamed and quickly ran outside.
Me: "Oh My God Siya. Nguwe lo"
-Is this you
he just smiled and waved the keys in the air. I laughed
and gave him a big hug. We screamed together jumping
up and down.
Siya: "And its all thanks to you baby girl" I smiled and
cried. When Siya and I got reunited, I decided to put a
word in for him ku King. I mean this guy was in family
that had a lot of companies. I'm sure he could find
something for my friend who has a Bcom Accounting
degree wethu. So it turns out King has shares at an
accounting firm. So he found Siya a junior position that
seems to paying him really good. I was really happy for
him though. I think everyone deserves to do what they
spent a lot of years in school for.
I let go of him and pushed him aside to quickly get in the
driver's seat. There is no way I'm not test driving this
He laughed.
Siya: "Awusena drama. You could've just asked nicely
for me to move bitch" I laughed.
Me: "Where is the fun in that?" He chuckled. I started
the car and Siya got in the passenger seat.
Me: "So, where to?"
Siya: "Clifton babes. Ke December so we should be
eating while looking at beach views" I laughed. I pulled
out of the driveway and off we went. Cardi B's Money
was blasting through the speakers. Now I know why
people love this car. I'm totally smitten shame. We drove
to Clifton singing very loudly.
We found a nice restaurant that was literally on the
beach. We sat down and a very cute waiter came to
take our orders. We decided on a seafood platter and I
got a virgin Mojito while Siya got a cocktail.
Siya: "Chommy, on the real though. Thank you so much
for hooking me up with that job connection. You have no
idea how it made my parents happy to hear that I found
a job. My mom actually cried because she was worried I
would become like a lot of other young South Africans
who were at home with degrees. So thank you so much"
tears made their grand entrance.
Me: "No need to even thank me. I did nothing babe. I
just spoke to King. But I'm happy that you are happy" he
slid down his chair and put his hand on his face like he
was hiding from someone. I looked at him.
Me: "And then?"
Siya: "Chommy you are crying and people will think I'm
your boyfriend and I'm making you cry. Yhu hayi idrama
onayo nawe Lulu maan" I laughed.
We got our orders and had a great time laughing and
eating. It honestly felt good to have a friend again. I
ordered a burger and a Steak with a salad for my two
boys. Once we were done Siya drove me home.
As soon as I opened the door Luhle ran to me looking
very happy to see me. I knelt down so I could be on his
level and hugged him. I tickled his stomach and he
laughed. I kissed his cheeks and he giggled.
Me: "Hello Baby"
Luhle: "Heyo Mami ka Tata" I rolled my eyes and
blushed. Yep, Luhle calls me Mami because he heard
his father calling me by that name.
Me: "Uphi uTata?"
-Where is daddy?
He pointed to the lounge and I walked with him holding
my hand to see his father. My clit was already dancing.
The thought of seeing King just makes me lose my
mind. That's what I do everyday. I just think about when
he walks through the door from work looking all kinds of
sexy. I don't know what this pregnancy is doing to me. I
got to the lounge and there he was with a beer in his
hand watching soccer highlights. I went to go sit on his
lap and laid my head on his chest. Luhle decided to go
eat his noodles that were on top of his small table. He
has his own table and chair kalok. King kissed my
forehead. I smiled
King: "Hey" Yho guys that voice. He put his hand on top
of my tummy and brushed it.
Me: "Hi"
King: "Usukaphi mfethu?"
-Where do you come from bruh?
Me: "Siya took me out for lunch. He brought his first car"
he smiled.
King: "That's good. He's actually been working hard. I
think he might get promoted within a year" I smiled. I'm
proud of Siya. I snuggled my face in his neck and
smelled his cologne.
Me: "I missed you"
King: "Oh really" he put his hand in between my thighs. I
start breathing heavily. His hand went up my dress and I
slightly opened my thighs so he could get access. His
hand reached my underwear and I instantly
remembered we have a child in the room. I snapped my
thighs together locking his hand inside. I pecked his lips.
Me: "To be continued" he smirked. I stood up and went
upstairs to go change. I wore a long flowy maxi dress
and went downstairs again. King and Luhle were now
watching Cartoon Network. I got some snacks from the
kitchen and went to sit next to them. We all enjoy
watching Teen Titans. Its our favourite show shame.
After a while we sat down for supper. I made a sandwich
for myself and my boys ate the takeaways I brought.
After supper I took Luhle to his room. He had a beautiful
Paw Patrol themed room. The wall was actually hand
painted with all the characters painted on it. He had a
Paw Patrol bed and his room had its own play corner
that had his toys. Its also has its own. I decided to not
give him a shower because shame I was rushing to go
get some dick. I read for him a book and after some time
he fell asleep. I kissed his cheek and switched off the
lights and went to our room. I moved in King's room
officially. He was in his study doing some work so that
gave me time to quickly freshen up. I put on a white
lingerie two piece set that showed my bump perfectly.
The lace sat nicely on me. It had a lace gown so I put
that on and my nude heels. I let my braids lose. I walked
to his study and the door was slightly open. He looked
busy but shame, I didn't care. I opened the door and
stood there with a sexy pose. He looked up and I could
see his jaw on the ground. Yaaaaaas. I slowly walked to
Me: "Close your mouth baby" he quickly closed his
mouth but his eyes were still wide. I chuckled. I
connected my phone to his Bluetooth speaker that he
always kept here. Janet Jackson's Would you mind went
on. Here we go........
The following morning my whole body was tired. It was a
good tired though. In fact I felt great. King knows his way
around the bedroom. He was snoring next to me and I
kissed his cheek before I got up to go to the bathroom. I
say down on the toilet to pee but regretted that because
my nuna was burning. Once I was done I had a quick
shower, lotioned and got dressed in King's shirt and
shorts. I was about to take out a suit for him but he woke
up for a few seconds just to say he's not going to work
and slept again. I smiled. I went to go wake my baby up
because he's definitely going to school. I took out his
clothes and then I took him to go bath. Luhle is a
morning person so I never get any hassles when I'm
getting him ready for school. We was playing in the
bathtub as usual. Once he was done I took him out,
dried him and then lotioned him. I put him in clothes and
carried him to the kitchen. I put him on the counter and
made his instant porridge. I fed it to him because if he
did it himself he would mess up his clothes. After
feeding him I wiped his mouth and then took him down.
He quickly ran for the TV which he knew how to switch
on. I rushed upstairs and wore a maxi dress. I went
downstairs and took Luhle and the car keys. I strapped
him the car seat and off we went. When we got to his
school, I walked him in and gave him a hug and a kiss.
He adoringly waved goodbye at me. I smiled and waved
back. He's such a cutie. I rubbed my tummy. Luhle will
make a good brother.
I drove back home and pulled up my driveway. The door
was slightly open. Okay. I hope we are not being robbed
while King is sleeping upstairs. I approached the door
and I heard voices speaking. One voice was of a female
and the other belonged to King. I stopped to listen.
Girl: "But King, why would I lie about such. I seriously
cannot believe you right now" That sounds familiar.
King: "Mbali, ndakucela bruh. My wife will be home
soon. I'm not about to fall for your tricks now" What in
the hell is she doing here.
Mbali: "Well then your wife can find me here for all I
care. Plus since I'm pregnant with your baby, this affects
her as well"
King: "Stop lying. You know very well that is not my
baby. We always used protection"
Mbali: "Remember that time we went to Zimbali? The
night we had a steamy shower session?"
King: "You said you were on the pill"
Mbali: "I missed one day on the pill and I guess it wasn't
working because of that" suddenly it went silent. I felt my
heart break. Why now? Why her? I decided to turn
around and got back into my car and I drove off. Tears
were blinding eyes. I kept on wiping them away but they
just wouldn't stop. My phone rang via the car's
Bluetooth. I ignored it. I don't know how to deal with this.
My mind was so far and the tears were making it hard
for me to see, that I didn't even notice that I drove past
the red lights. I heard a car hoot and I saw a car coming
straight at me. There was nothing I could do. It all
happened so fast. I felt my head hit the steering wheel
and the car rolled twice, then it was lights out.

Insert 17�
I woke up very confused. I looked around and I realised
that I was in hospital. Everything that happened came
crashing through my head. Mbali is expecting my King's
child. I remember being hit by a car. I realised that my
head was hurting and my left leg was in excruciating
pain. I looked at it and saw that it was elevated and in a
cast. It must have broke or something. A bandage was
wrapped around my head. I wiped my tears. Doctor
Abrams walked in and looked at me.
DrA: "We need to stop meeting like this Miss Matyila. I'm
starting to think that you have 9 lives" I looked down.
Me: "W...wat.." He quickly reached for the jug of water
and poured some in a glass, then helped me drink using
a straw.
Me: " Thank you. How long have I been here?"
Dr. A: "You have been out for about two days. How are
you feeling right now?"
Me: "Like I got hit by a car" he laughed
Dr. A: "You were really lucky since you were driving a
big car. The car wasn't so lucky though. But at least you
and baby are okay. Miss Matyila I cannot stress this
enough, you need to take care of you and your child.
Your pregnancy is turning out to be a high risk one
because of stress. So please stay away from things that
put you under pressure. And no more driving. Are we
clear?" I nodded
Me: "Yes sir" he nodded. He then did some checkups on
me. It turns out that my leg was broken so i had to stay
with that leg cast for 2 months, and I had been stitched
on my forehead because I hit my head hard. He also put
me on bed rest. Once he was done he left me.
My hands quickly reached for my tummy so I could feel
my baby. I silently cried.
Me: "I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry for hurting you like
After a few minutes my parents-in-law walked in with
Luhle. I smiled so hard when I saw him, and so did he.
He ran to my bed and put his hands up so I could pick
him up. I thought I could but I was too weak so my father
in law picked him up and put in bed with me. Luhle gave
me a big hug and kiss on my cheek. A tear fell on my
face. He then looked at the bandage on my head.
Luhle: "Utheni uMama apha?"
-What happened to Mama here?
He pointed at it.
Me: "Uwile uMama nana"
-Mama fell
he then brushed my shoulder.
Luhle: "Xoyo Mama vah" I nodded and kissed him. I
then looked at my parents in law.
Me: "Ndicela uxolo ngoni nyusela ngamaxhala oluhlobo"
-I'm sorry for scaring you
Bhut'K: "Don't be silly ntombam. We are just happy that
you and our grandchild are safe" I nodded.
Mam'K: "What happened sthandwa sam? uLubenathi
uthi you just drove away without getting into the house" I
looked down.
Me: "I.....I... I was craving for some prawns and so I
turned around to find a place that sold them" they didn't
look like they brought my story but oh well. Just then,
the devil walked in looking all kinds of sexy. I really did
not want to face him yet. He looked at me like he was
King: "Mami. Uright?" I nodded. Then it was silent. Bhut
Khuse cleared his throat.
Bhut K: "Lolly masambe siyothenga ice cream" Luhle
beamed and quickly jumped of the bed and ran to his
grandfather's arms. I dont know how many nicknames
Luhle has shame. He walked out, and Mam'K winked at
me before walking out too.
King: "Mami why did you drive away?" I shrugged. He
looked at me. I looked down and played with my fingers.
Me: "So is it true? Is she having your child?" He sat
down on the chair and looked at me. He clenched his
King: "I really want to fuck you till you break your other
leg just for asking that stupid question" I flushed. That
sounded so sexy.
King: "Mami, I love you. I heard you driving in and I
knew you were listening. I just thought you knew me
better and trusted my love for you than to believe
anything that comes out of Mbali's mouth. She is
pregnant but it is not my child. I never fucked girls like
Mbali raw and I made sure of it" I nodded and looked
Me: "I'm sorry" I was crying. Fuck these tears actually.
King: "Mami why can't you trust me, us? How can I
prove to you that my love for you knows no boundaries?
That you fill my heart with pure happiness? That you
make me look forward to going home every night? Bruh
ndikuwe blind and intliziyo yam ngeyakho wedwa. Ufuna
ndide ndithini Lulu ukuze ingene intoyoba
ndiyakuthanda kuwe entloko?
-What must I do for it to sink in your head that I love
I wiped my tears.
Me: "Ingxaki ndishook loluthando Lubenathi. I'm not
used to this so I don't know how to handle it. I am
always waiting for you to say tsek ndadlala. I'm waiting
for you to hurt me and dissapoint me like everyone else
has done before. I don't understand why you like me, let
alone love me. I don't even think I deserve your love" he
King: "Mrs Makeleni. I love you because you are
beautiful inside and out. You are a rare breed. Your are
smart and funny. You gave me a beautiful son and
another one is on the way. You are not afraid to tell me
ikaka. And ibox yakho ilit" I laughed at the last line. King
and sex though.
King: "You are my heart in human form Lulu"
Me: "Sekho deep"
King: "Seyo type mntkbw" I laughed. I love this guy. But
if Mbali can just try and claim that she is pregnant with
King's child, then that means she is willing to do
anything to get King. And I'm not going to let her try and
destroy my family. Mandinganyeleki kalok.
I stayed in hospital for about a week before I begged the
doctor to discharge me. Hospitals are depressing. King
came to pick me up. I got dressed in a black Adidas
tracksuit and slippers. He put me in a wheelchair and
then packed my stuff. I was going to use the chair for a
week until I felt strong enough to use crutches on my
legs. I hated everything about this and King was loving
it. He wheeled me to the car after signing the discharge
forms. He picked me up bridal style and put me in the
passenger seat. He quickly put the chair in the boot and
got inside the car. He started the car and drove off. I
connected my phone to the car's Bluetooth and played
Msaki ft Tresor Sondela. We both sang along looking at
each other. Thank God this car is automatic. He held my
hand until we got home. He parked the car and got off to
get the chair. He opened the chair and then my dporto
pick me up. He smirked because he knew how annoyed
I was with this. I rolled my eyes.
King: "Mami. You know what happens when you roll
your eyes" I blushed and looked down as he put me in
the chair. He pecked my lips and pushed me into the
house. I was met with a very loud "Surprise" from the
family. Siya and Phelisa were there. King's uncles and
their wives were there too. Yes,including Nasty Aunty.
Lol I really need to find out her name. I smiled at
everyone. This was very thoughtful of them. Everyone
gave me a hug and I thanked them all.
Phelisa: "Okay now that our patient is home, can we
eat?" We laughed. I thought I loved food but yho hayi
The food was dished and served by aunty Nasty and
Phelisa. Luhle was outside playing with his cousins,
Phelisa's children. I saw Aunty Nasty calling them inside
to serve them their food. I looked at her and for some
reason my heart started beating fast. It was as if
something bad was going to happen. I said a quick silent
prayer and then continued to eat. I'm probably just tired
from the day. Siya, Phelisa and I were having a great
conversation about men obviously. I was having so
much fun.
Me: "Phelisa, what is your aunt's name?"
Phelisa: "Owumphi mntase" I pointed with my head at
Nasty Aunty's direction.
Phelisa: "Oh, Aunty Nozi. Her full name is Nozibele" I
Siya: "Aunty Nozi sana has been throwing daggers at
your direction ingathi umtyele indoda. She gives me the
Phelisa: "Me too. Andimva ncam. Even uMama doesn't
like her"
Me: "Yho I thought ndim ndedwa. She has an issue with
me and I don't know what it is" Phelisa and Siya
After the lunch everyone left except for Siya and Phelisa
and her kids. They offered to stay behind and clean the
kitchen. I decided I needed the bed so King wheeled me
to our new room. He decided to move into one of the
rooms downstairs so it could be easier for me. He
helped me put on my pyjamas and take my pain meds.
He then kissed my tummy and my lips before he
changed and got into bed with me. As soon as I hit the
bed, I went to lala land.
It was around 8pm when Siya walked in with Luhle in his
arms who was crying. I quickly sat up and opened my
arms for him. He was hot. And his eyes were looking
Me: "Baby? Nana? Kubhlungu phi?" He pointed to his
stomach. I looked at Siya.
Siya: "Chommy I'm not sure nam utheni. Avery is with
her mom because naye she's complaining about the
same issue. Amile is fine though. He says Luhle and
Avery shared Luhle's plate and that was during the
lunch" Luhle and Avery were a year apart while Amile is
8 years old. I remembered that Aunty Nozi served them
their food and a chill went down my spine. We heard a
scream and just then King woke up while Siya ran out.
He looked confused. Tears were making their way down
because I was scared that what I was thinking might be
King: "Mami what's going on?" He looked at Luhle.
Me: "Can we please take my child to the hospital?" Siya
ran in.
Siya: "We need to get to the hospital. Avery is having a
seizure" he ran out again. I tried to stand but failed. King
quickly got up and opened my chair. He picked me up
while I had Luhle in my arms who was still crying. He got
dressed in sweats and he took us to the car. Phelisa
came with Avery and Siya had Amile with him. I said a
prayer. I prayed and prayed until we got to the hospital.
King ran inside and came back with nurses, doctors and
two stretchers. They opened the door and took the
children. Everybody else followed while King put me in
my wheel chair and pushed me inside. I hate this chair.
We found Phelisa, Siya and Amile at the waiting room.
King sat down and we waited.
Phelisa: "I don't get it. These kids were fine. Avery
noLuhle were fine. What is going on?"
Me: "Poison. I suspect they were poisoned. Amile, did
Avery eat her food baby?" She liked at me. And looked
Amile: "No Aunty, she wanted to eat with Luhle so i
mixed her food with Luhle's and they ate together " I
King: "Mami, why would anyone poison the children?"
Me: "Andazi Lubenathi. But I had a bad feeling earlier
today and I ignored it. I hope and pray that it is not true
because if it is then I'm killing someone kula family
yakho King" I got very angry. After a while a doctor
came through.
They all stood up.
Phelisa: "Please tell me they are okay"
Doctor: "We found rat poison in their system but we
managed to drain it out from both of them. They will be
okay but they are still unconscious for now. You can go
see them when you are ready. You have little fighters
there because they were not meant to survive the
amount that we found in their system" he walked away
after Siya thanked him. Phelisa sat down crying and
dialed her phone. I think she was calling her husband.
King: "Mami who is it?" They all looked at me. I kept
quiet. A part of me was hoping that I was wrong. But I
wasn't. The bitch tried to kill my child.
Siya: "Ngu Aunty Nozi isn't it? She was the one who
served the kids their food and it was only her in the
kitchen by then" I nodded looking down. I am so angry
but King looked angrier. He took out his phone and
pressed a few buttons and looked at something. It
looked to be a video. After some time he sat down
looking defeated. He passed the phone to me and it was
a CCTV footage of Aunty Nozi pouring something in one
plate. She then gave that plate to Luhle.
Me: "But why?"

Insert 18�
NB: father in law will be Tata
I am failing to understand why life hates me so much. I
don't get it. I try to be happy and positive. I try to be a
good person all the time but still, the world throws it back
to my face. I almost lost my son tonight and I am beyond
furious. What is that I did so wrong? What did my
innocent child do? How can you posses so much venom
in your heart that you would try to kill a child?
I was sitting in my chair next to Luhle's room at the
hospital. He was sleeping so peacefully. Like he didn't
just almost lose his life. I looked at his face. Lips pink
and slightly pouted. His cheeks were chubby. Long
lashes and thick eyebrows could make one think he is a
girl. He surely will break hearts when he is older. I listen
to him breathing. Somehow it has been all I wanted to
listen to ever since I came into this room. His heartbeat
has been music to my ears tonight. Every time I see his
chest move I remind myself that he's okay. The fact that
I almost lost him is enough for me to break down. I
muffle my cries behind my hand. I almost lost my best
friend. And I don't even know why. Phelisa is in the other
room with Avery. She probably hates us right now. Her
child almost died because of some issues Aunty Nozi
clearly has with me. Siya went home to get refreshed
and go to work. He said he would come back tomorrow.
King walks in and stands next to me. He kisses my
forehead and then kisses his son's. He turns to walk out
again. I hold his hand.
Me: "Lubenathi, where are you going? Baby please don't
leave" he quickly turns my chair around so it could face
him. He crouches before me.
King: "I love you and our child too much. But I cannot sit
here and look at my son knowing that I failed him. He
almost died ndikhona Lulu. I failed him" he looked down
as a tear fell from his eye. I sighed. How I love this man.
I put my hand on his cheek.
Me: "Ndicela undijonge" he shook his head.
Me: "Lubenathi?" He looked at me. I saw a mixture of
emotions in his eyes. But most of all, I saw rage.
Me: "You are the best thing to ever happen to Luhle and
I. You showed us what it means to be a good father and
husband. You are our pillar of strength and our hero.
You saved us when you didn't even know you were
doing it. So don't you ever say that you are a failure.
Manintsi amadoda that fail their families. But you,
Jwarha are not one of them" he put his hand over mine
and brought it to his mouth to kiss it.
King: "I love you Mrs Me"
Me: "I love you more Mr. Me" he smiled. We sat there
for a while talking about the crazy stuff that Luhle would
say and do.
I woke up to find myself in bed. When did I get here. I
get up and get on the wheelchair. Mxm fuck this. I wheel
myself to the closet to look for my crutches. I open it and
I don't find them. I wheel myself throughout the whole
bedroom looking for these crutches but they are
nowhere to be found. I hear someone clear their throat.
Phelisa was standing at my bedroom door.
Phelisa: "If you are looking for your crutches then give
up because King took them"
Me: "What? Why would he do that?"
Phelisa: "For the same reason why you are looking for
them. The doctor ordered you to be on bed rest, to not
stress and to not rush your leg" I rolled my eyes. She
laughed and I smiled. Her face looked sad behind her
laugh though. I could understand why.
Phelisa: "I never want to relive the moments we went
through last night Lulu. Every time I think about it, I want
to shoot someone. I hate that lady. I hate for not being a
mother first. I hate for wanting to try and kill my nephew
and my child. I just hate her" I looked down.
Me: "I don't think I will ever let Luhle eat a plate from
anyone anymore. Ndishook mntase. I don't know why
she hates us so much" she chuckled.
Phelisa: "I don't care. She better hope I don't see her
anytime soon. Anyways come let's get you refreshed so
we can go see our babies" I nodded.
After getting some help from Phelisa to get in and out of
the bathtub. She took out a white short dress for me with
slippers. I got dressed after I lotioned my body. I then
put on my curly Bob wig. I wheeled myself out of the
room and a text came through my phone from King. It
read "Tell Phelisa to not do anything stupid". Okay I'm
confused. I showed Phelisa and she was also confused.
We were eating breakfast when a the door bell rang.
Phelisa went to open the door. She came back with the
whole family. My parents in law. Uncle Jongi with his
wife Aunty Hlubi, and Uncle Gcina with his wife Aunty
Nozi. Siya also came in with them. My blood boiled at
the sight of this woman. I looked at Phelisa and the
butter knife was already gripped hard in her hand. I gave
Siya a Wtf look. He shrugged and sat next to me.
Siya: " I came to visit but we drove in at the same time" I
nodded. My parents in law gave me a hug and everyone
satat the table. Guess what? Aunty Nozi was wearing
black from head to toe like some mourning woman.
Shame. Everyone sat down and Phelisa decided to go
make more breakfast. At the dining table it was
Tata: "Makoti, do you know why King called this
meeting. He said he had to break some heartbreaking
news to the family"
Me: "I think we should wait on him Tata" he nodded. My
mother in law looked at me worried and mouthed Are
you okay. I smiled and nodded at her. This woman really
loves me and I appreciate that. Aunty Nozi was looking
at me disgusted. I looked at her.
Me: "Ikhona ingxaki?" She looked at me shocked. In fact
everyone did.
Aunty Nozi: "Look at how disrespectful this child is. RHA
how dare you speak to me like that? Ndanditsilo uba this
child does not belong to this family"
Voice: "If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut"
Everyone turned to find King standing next to the sexiest
white man I have ever seen. I heard Siya mumble shit
underneath his breath. King is beautiful, but this man is
like the white and sexier version of King. They walked
towards the table and Phelisa came out of the kitchen.
He saw the white guy and ran to his arms.
Phelisa: "Baby, why didn't you say you were back?" She
was crying. I guess this was the rich white man. He
kissed his wife and went to go greet his parents in law.
They looked like they adored him. He came to me and
introduced himself as Christian. Shame I got lost in his
deep blue eyes. King greeted everyone and stood next
to me. He kissed my forehead and grabbed a chair and
dragged it to where Aunty Nozi was sitting. He sat in
front of her and Christian went to stand behind him.
They both looked ready to kill. Yho wanya satana.
Christian: "Aunty Nozi, why the all black? Are you in
mourning? For your death maybe?" The elders gasped.
Uncle Gcina: "Yabona ke mlungu, I will not let you
disrespect your elders like that. This is my wife so
respect me" he shook his head.
Christian: "Not today Uncle G. Your wife is not your wife
King: "Hee Aunty Nozi, wakhe wa qhekezwa umnqundu
Me and Siya: "Yhu"
Tata: "Lubenathi" he looked at his father and then his
mother and sighed.
Aunty Nozi: "Are you all going to keep quiet while I get
disrespected like this? What nonsense is this?" King
took out his tablet and gave it to his father so he could
watch the video. His father passed it to his brothers. The
look he had on his face was scarier than King and
Christian's combined. Both uncles watched the video
and Aunty Nozi's husband sat back and looked at his
wife defeated. He threw the tablet at her face but she
caught it.
Aunty Nozi: "Kanti what is going on?"
Siya: "Hehake usabuza Nozimanga"
-You are still asking Nozimanga
I swear if the moment wasn't serious I would've laughed
at Siya. She watched the video and you could see the
sweat forming on her face. Christian reached for his
back and took out a gun and cocked it before putting it
on her head. King took out one too and put it in her
mouth. Everyone looked chilled while I was freaking out.
What the actual fuck? Why does he own a gun? He
looks sexy holding it though.
Christian: "You fucked with my family Nozi. I almost lost
a daughter and a nephew I never met ngenxa yakho"
haibo the mlungu can speak isiXhosa.
King: "Two children are laying in hospital because of rat
poison you put in my child's plate that was meant to kill
him. Ngoba?"
Mam'K: "Haibo Nozibele"
Tata: "THETHA"
Siya and I jumped. Nozi was shook because she was
busted. She started crying.
Aunty Nozi: "Because I did all of this shit for wena
Gcinumzi. I'm tired of you being second best to your
brothers. You deserve a piece of the Makeleni legacy
and I was trying to get it for you"
Uncle Gcina: "Awunyi perhaps? How many times have I
told you I am happy with what I have. I own two farms
and a vineyard. I never went into business because that
is not what I want. Why is nothing ever enough for you
heh Nozibele? You get everything you want but you still
greedy. Greedy for somebody else's hard work. RHA
sies maan. Nx"
Me: "So you did all of this for money?"
Aunty Nozi: "Vala lomlomo wena. You ruined everything
for me" This lady is cookoo.
-Close that mouth
Christian: "Your greediness almost cost me a child. Last
Aunty Nozi: "Voetsek wena"
King: "Nice choice of words"
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Insert 19�
I froze as my eyes were closed. Please don't tell me
they just killed a woman in front of everyone just like
that. I can never look at my husband the same if he has
killed Aunty Nozi. I mean I get that she deserves to be
punished, but I don't think I'm okay with murder. Soon
after those gunshots it went quiet. There is no way I'm
opening my eyes shame. That way I cannot be charged
with being an accomplice, and I won't be a witness. I
then heard someone groaning and crying.
Siya: "Sena drama. Khawuvule amehlo wethu" I opened
one eye and everyone was looking at me. They were all
stifling a laugh. Mxm. I opened both my eyes and saw
that Aunty Nozi was shot on both her arms and legs. No
one looked or seemed bothered by her cries and
bleeding. In fact even her husband was just as chilled.
This family though. I shook my head. I'm glad she is not
dead and I'm satisfied with the fact that she at least got
some punishment.
Christian: "Khawuthule uyangxola. Can we go see my
baby now?" Phelisa jumped up and stood next to her
husband. She looks like a teenager in love. Its really
cute. I looked at her and she winked. Everyone stood up
to leave.
Aunty Nozi:
Uncle Gcina: " Inoba unyile. Do me a favour, get
yourself sorted and go and pack all of your shit from my
house. Nombulelo will move in the main house. Wena
ubuyele kokwenu. We are getting a divorce " she cried
louder. Who the fuck is Nombulelo? King came to push
my wheelchair and we all left her in the house just like
that. Everyone got into their own cars. Christian was
driving a Porsche matte black sports car. I don't even
know what model it is but it looks so sexy. King pushed
me to our Range Rover and put me inside the car. He
then put my chair in the boot and took the driver's seat
soon after. He then drove out. He looked so sexy when
driving. I looked at King and smiled. He raised an
King: "Ufuna ntoni?"
Me: "What makes you think I want anything?" He gave a
"really" look and I laughed. I decided to play my cards
the right way.
Me: "King how could you shoot someone in front of me
like that? Do you understand the amount of trauma I
could through especially because I'm pregnant. And
since when do you own guns heh?" he looked down.
King: "Mami, I'm really sorry. Its just that lamama made
me so angry and.....look sthandwa Sam I ready didn't
mean.... Mami I just didn't think and..... Fuck" I seriously
wanted to laugh at him. He was so cute. I could never
be angry at a man who showed me that they would kill
for their family. It gives me assurance that my children
will always be protected.
King: "Please forgive me" I looked at him and smiled.
Me: "I will but only on one condition" he looked at me
and rolled his eyes.
King: "Ufuna ntoni Mrs Me?" I blushed.
Me: "Ndifuna isports car" I smiled. This guy just burst out
laughing. He then called Christian from his phone which
was connected to the car's Bluetooth.
Christian: "Sbali"
King: "Sbali, guess what my dear wife just asked me
please?" Christian chuckled
Christian: "I saw the look she had when she saw my
beast. So I'm guessing she wants a sports car" King,
Christian and Phelisa laughed. I rolled my eyes.
Phelisa: "Kalok mntase your sports car is in the boot of
the car you in now" I ended the call myself and looked
outside the window. Tears made their way out. Damn
hormones. This asshole thought he could embarrass me
like when I was only playing with him. When would I get
to drive a sports car if I'm currently pregnant and on a
wheelchair with a broken leg.
The rest of the way to the hospital was quiet because I
was angry at King. He kept on apologizing but I didn't
want to hear it. He drove into the hospitals parking lot. I
called my father in law.
Tata: "Ntombam"
Me: "Tata bendicela uzondilanda emotweni ka
Lubenathi" King looked at me like I had just ended his
life. He is really scared of his father.
Tata: "Yenze ntoni lonja?" I giggled
Me: "I will tell you later" He said he'll be here in a
minute. I sat there in silence while King walked off. Now
he's the angry one mxm. Tata came after a minute or
two after King left. He opened the door and chuckled.
He fetched my chair and opened it, then picked me up
bridal style to put me in my chair. We started
conversating about sports. He didn't know that I was a
fan and he loved it.
We got to Luhle's room and my baby was on King's lap
looking very happy. I smiled and watched him talking
and talking while his father answered with a nod. A tear
left my eye. He saw me and jumped up and down on his
father's lap.
Luhle: "Mama, Mama, Mama wamu" I laughed and Tata
pushed me closer to my family. I took him from King's
lap and put him on mine. I kissed him all over. He felt
like he lost a bit of weight and that instantly reminded
me how I almost lost him. He hugged me tightly.
Luhle: "Yavyu Mama"
Me: "I love you more baby wam" Christian and Phelisa
walked in with Avery and our kids ran to each other and
Avery: "Luhe, Luhe, chommy yam"
Luhle: "Aveyi, yavyu" Phelisa and I were balling with
tears now. I realised that our kids might grow up as best
friends. They were so cute. The whole family watched
them as they played and laughed. I think we were all
truly grateful for not losing these wonderful souls.
Its been a few weeks since the whole poison incident
happened. We haven't seen Aunty Nozi. That day we
got home and it was clean. Not even a drop of blood
was on the floor. It turns out that Uncle Gcina had two
wives, and Nombulelo was the second wife. She is really
nice. Things have been good with my family. Phelisa
and I have become closer. We are now a small clique
with Siya. Speaking of Siya, he has a gorgeous coloured
man by the name of Chad. Yep Siya is seeing my
therapist all thanks to mwah. I'm happy for him.
I stopped using the wheelchair and crutches, but I still
have the cast on my leg so you can imagine how difficult
it is to walk especially since I'm pregnant and my bump
is big. The pregnancy has been a pure bliss. I'm really
enjoying it. We found out that we are expecting a baby
girl. Both King and I are really excited. We haven't heard
or seen anything from Mbali. And for me, that is a good
thing. I don't need her trying to ruin my family.
I was woken up with some morning glory from
Lubenathi. He took me to places I never thought I could
go to and I knew I would have a good day. I got up and
went to go take a shower. Showering is a mission
sometimes because I get tired quickly. After the shower I
wrapped myself in a towel and walked to the closet. I
took out a short white dress. Its all I can manage to wear
nowadays. I litiined and wore a bra with underwear and
my dress with slippers. I went downstairs and I found my
man cooking breakfast. He looked so sexy with just
sweatpants on. Luhle was sitting on the countertop
playing with his building blocks. I walked and kissed
Luhle on the forehead.
I wrapped my arms around his body and kissed his
Me: "Morning"
King: "Molo baby. Breakfast will be served in a few"
Me: "Okay I'll get the table ready" I went to go set the
table and right enough King came through with the food.
We sat down, prayed and then ate. We were having a
good time eating and conversing. King took out a small
box and put it in front of me. I raised an eyebrow and
looked at him.
Me: "Babe, what's this?"
King: "Open it" I slowly opened the box and I was met by
a small car key. No way. Does this say BMW i8? I
screamed and walked slowly to him crying.
Me: "Baby thank you so much" he kissed me.
King: "I love you sthandwa sam. You deserve it all" I
snuggled my head on his neck and he stood up with me
in his arms. We went outside and there it stood. It was a
custom made matte black i8 with shiny black rooms.
How can this guy love me so much. Luhle looked more
excited than me. I'm really happy people.

Insert 21�
I found Luhle looking very serious in his room, writing or
rather scribbling in his colouring book in his room. I
chuckled. He was sitting on his paw patrol themed chair
and table. He looks so much like his father. I realise now
that he has grown so much. Like I cannot believe that he
is now a walking and talking human being. I remember
when he was just a baby. He was so small, but look at
him now. I stood by the door and watched my son. How
I love this little human. I love him more than life itself and
I would do anything for him. As much as there is a new
baby on the way, Luhle will always be my little pumpkin.
I smiled at the thought.
Speaking of babies. Honestly, I did not want to even
think about the current situation because I would have to
face my fears. Yes, I'm at a point where I fear losing
King. I fear losing the family we have managed to create
together. I fear being heartbroken. I fear being rejected
after everything. I fear it all. What King has done really
hurt me. And I don't know if I want to be in a position
where I have to fight for his love.
Luhle: "Mama" he ran to me and hugged my legs. I bent
down and kissed his head. He ran back to his desk while
I walked to the couch inside his room to sit down. Being
on my feet is tiring with this pregnancy. I sat down and
he came to me with his book excitedly.
Luhle: "Jonga Mama. Luhle abhala iname yam" What?
First of all what am I looking at, and secondly, what
language is this child speaking? I giggled and kissed his
Me: "Wow boy. Is this your name?" He looked at me for
a moment and then nodded. I smiled. The school he
goes to did warn us that it would take some time for him
to fully understand English. But the fact that he knows
certain words is progress. I've got a clever baby. We
started doing his ABC's. I've been teaching him the
alphabet in song. So far he knows from A to G. His
father walked in while we were busy and sat down next
to me. I tried to stand up but he stopped me. I gave him
one look and he let me go. I went downstairs to warm up
Luhle's food. It looks like Madam Slay Slay had left the
building. I then called him to come eat and he came
running down the stairs.
Me: "Luhle subaleka endlini maan" he slowed down. I
told him to sit on his chair and I gave him his food. I then
opened the oven to take out King's plate. I warmed it up
and put it on a tray. I poured his beer in a tall glass and
put that on a tray also. I found him already sitting at the
dining table. I put the food on the table and passed a
bowl with warm water to him so he could wash his
hands. Then I dried them with him looking at him. This is
what I do for him every night with a happy heart, but not
tonight. Once I was done I gave him his food and he ate
silently. I watched as my two boys ate and I wondered
how long this would last.
After dinner I gave Luhle a bath while King did the
dishes. After bathing my child I tucked him in bed and I
read him a bedtime story. He was out in less than 10
minutes. I kissed his cheek and switched off the light.
I decided to take a shower. Honestly, I was just avoiding
any interactions with King. He knew that also. Which is
why I was not surprised when I heard the shower door
open. He walked in and wrapped his arms around my
stomach. His member pressed against my behind.
King: "Mama wabantwana bam. Sthandwa sentliziyo
yam. Mnkam. I know I fucked up. I just panicked and I
got scared. Please don't leave me. I love you so much.
Me: "That night. The night before my baby shower. You
got home very late without an explanation. Ubusuka
kuye andithi?" He froze for a moment and then I could
feel his head nod on my shoulder.
Me: "Okay" I turned around and walked out of the
shower leaving him there. Tears just wouldn't stop
coming out of my eyes. I am so hurt.
I dried myself and walked to the room naked. It was very
hot at night so I never bother with wearing clothes
anymore. I lotioned my body with tissue oil and I
watched my stomach as my baby moved and kicked
whenever I brushed my stomach. King walked in with a
towel wrapped around his waist. Mxm. I rolled my eyes
and tried to go to bed but he stopped me and caged me
in his arms. I couldn't look at him.
King: "Ndicela uthethe nam Mami"
-Please talk to me
Me: "Why? You failed to talk to me when it mattered, so
why should we talk now? You left you heavily pregnant
wife with your 3 year old child alone in the house, just to
go see Mbali without any explanations Lubenathi. You
lied to me. You chose to sideline me and just hurt me.
And now I must talk? Ndicela undiyeke Lubenathi" I was
shaking with anger.
King: "Mami, please don't say that. I know I hurt you and
I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.
Honestly, I.... I was scared that you wouldn't accept that
child" he looked down.
Me: "Then clearly you don't know me as well as I
thought you did. You broke my trust in you and you
know I have major issues in that department. Imagine
how stupid I looked as uMbali wakho walked into our
home, carrying a baby that belongs to my husband, and
I had no idea about it. Inoba ndibhalwe sdenge apha
ebusweni neh?"
-My baby my face has the word fool written on it
He sighed and knelt down on the floor. He kissed my
tummy and whispered something to his daughter.
King: "Mami, I am so sorry for making you feel like a
fool. I'm sorry for breaking your heart and your trust in
me. I'm really sorry for being a liar and failing to talk to
you. Sthandwa Sam, you have no idea how deep the
love I have for you runs. Just the thought of losing you
makes me go crazy. You make me feel whole. Life
would have no meaning without you. I love you to the
galaxy and beyond. If your love would ever run out for
me, then I would share some of mine because for real,
uthando lwam alunasiphelo for wena mfazi wam. I know
I messed up big time. But please, don't leave me" he
had tears in his eyes. I wiped away mine. This man has
a way with words I tell you. I looked at him in the eyes.
What a beautiful sight. Any man who is willing to profess
his love for you in such a manner is a keeper bantase.
Me: "I love you to. But we need to work on a lot of things
if we are going to make this marriage work. First being
communication King. And you dear husband are going
to have to work for my forgiveness" he nodded and
stood up to kiss me.
The rest of the week went by smoothly. We talked about
the baby issue and he confirmed that the baby was
indeed his. Honestly I was not mad about that because I
know the child was conceived before me. I'm mad
though that the baby mama is Mbali. That girl calls King
every day on some, the baby is craving for ice cream.
Hayi Bawo.
Today its a Saturday and Mbali is coming over with the
child so I can officially meet him. We were sitting in the
lounge watching cartoons with Luhle while waiting for
them. I could tell King was nervous. He should relax. I
could never hate a child. Its not in me, especially
because of what I've been through. After a while we
heard a knock. King went to ho open the door and when
he came back, he was not only with Mbali and the baby,
but also the whole family. I'm confused while Mbali had
a sinister smirk on her face. I greeted everyone and
offered to go make tea for everyone. Thank God I had
baked muffins this morning, so I put them on a muffin
tray and went to go put it on the coffee table. The tea jug
and cups with everything they would was there also. I
quickly excused myself to go put a fork on my head and
shoulders and a scarf in my waist. I went downstairs and
I sat down on a chair while Mbali sat down on the floor
like the perfect Makoti. Hehake. My mother in law
passed King's new baby to me and I took him in my
arms. He was beautiful and he looked so much like
Luhle. I fell in love instantly. I learned that his name is
Prince. I'm not surprised at the name choice. Clever girl
that Mbali.
Tata cleared his throat and looked at me. I have a
feeling I'm not going to like anything that is going to be
said here. In fact the meetings in the house never have
good news.
Tata: "Eeh, makoti. I think you know the reasons why we
are here" I nodded. Andisaxoki that time. I have no idea
what they are doing here.
Tata: "We are faced with a situation again, where King
has made a baby with another woman. But to my
understanding, this was before we met you" I nodded
Tata: "I don't know if you realise or not, but this scenario
we are facing is the exact same scenario we faced when
you were introduced to us" I started sweating. Please
don't say what I think you are about to say. I looked at
my mother in law and she was wiping a tear away. Fuck
Tata: "Like with Luhle, we cannot have Prince be raised
in a divided home. We want him to grow up in a family.
So we have decided that uLubenathi takes uMbali as his
second wife" silence. I chuckled and shook my head.
Me: "Do I have a choice?" He shook his head. I nodded.
I stood up and took off my ring and put it on the table.
King: "Ma..." I walked off but before I could reach the
stairs, I heard a huge splash on the floor and suddenly
my thighs were wet.
Oh shit, I think my water just broke.............

Insert 22�
King froze, in fact everyone froze. I looked down and i
just saw a pool of water. Well here we go again. I guess
its time for baby number two. I decided to put the events
that just happened a few minutes ago at the back of my
head because i wanted to have a very safe and peaceful
labour. But King's father uyanya because really there is
no other way i could describe his request. King started
panicking for no reason. I would be lying if i said i am not
pissed because really i am. How many wives could a
father want for his son kanti? Sena drama mntkbw.
King: "Mami, Are you okay? How far are the
contractions? Do you feel any pain? Oh my God what
should i do?"
Me: "Lubenathi dammit, just shut up" He kept quiet and i
slowly went upstairs. I have no idea why i am so calm. I
think it helps that i am not in pain yet. I went into our
bedroom and decided to take a quick shower. King
came in while i was still busy.
King: " Haibo Lulu, you are busy showering while my
baby is ready to come out? Why are you not screaming
and acting crazy? I prepared to deal with lonto, not this
calm you that i'm seeing" I laughed. Its funny how we
are going on like nothing is wrong or his father did not
just drop a bomb on us.
Me: "Babe, you need to stop watching chick flicks" I got
out of the shower and dried myself. I waddled to the
room and put on my maxi dress with no panty or bra.
King gave me a dissaproving look. I went to the closet
and took out my labour bag which had everything i
would need for my stay at the hospital. King came to
hug me from behind and man he smelled so good.
King: "Mami, i know i disappointing you with the whole
Mbali situation. And i promise to make it up to you for
the rest of our lives. But in everything that my parents
decide on, just know that i will always choose. I would
rather lose them than lose you and two babies"
Mami: "Three, Our three babies" I felt him smile on my
King: "I love you mnkam" i giggled
Me: : I love you too myeni wam"
The drive to the hospital was calm and fun. We even
passed by a KFC drive thru for a Oreo crusher. When
we got to the hospital King filled in the necessary form
for our stay and we shown a private room. It looked
spacious and the whole family could fit in there. The
nurses came to set me up and make sure that i was
comfortable. They put something around my belly which
was to track my contractions or something.
A few hours later, gone was the cool and calm Lulu. I
think i forgot how painful giving birth was. I screamed
and cried. I swore at almost everyone in the room. But,
at 23.52 a beautiful baby girl was put in my arms for the
first time and i was completely in love. She had my lips
but those thick eyebrows and long lashes belonged to
her father. She was the spitting image of Luhle. I cannot
wait for the to meet. We named her Luniko Makelini
because together with our son, we realised oLuniko
siluphiweyo Luhle. I was in the hospital bed
breastfeeding my baby for the first time and words
cannot describe this moment. Its a bit different now
because with Luhle King was not here, and to be honest
having him here felt really good. He was watching me
feed our baby with so much adoration. His parents
walked in while we were still admiring our baby. I
internally rolled my eyes. I do not want to be dealing with
this right in all honesty. They came towards us and
gushed over their granddaughter. I slowly gave Luni to
her grandmother. She had tears in her eyes.
Tata: "Makoti?" i looked at him
Tata: "Sena drama mntkbw" King and his mother
laughed. Okay wait? Am i missing something right now?
I looked at them confused.
MamK: "You seriously did not think we would want
uMbali as our makoti now did you? Okay I'm still
Tata: "The only reason we came with uMbali to your
house was to officially see our grandchild and to make
her confess on how she really got pregnant with King's
child" Hayi shame i am still confused
King: "Subana worry. I'll explain everything later" I
nodded. I'm not even sure i want to hear this whole
story. A few mintues later Phelisa walked in with her
husband who was carrying my other baby. Yhu the smile
on my face people.
Luhle: "Mama uphi uBrada wam?" Haibo lomntana. We
all laughed
King: "Sister wakho Luhle" he rolled his eyes and i
giggled. King gave me a look. I knew i was going to be
blamed for Luhle rolling his eyes because its apparently
my thing. Chris put Luhle on my lap and King took his
baby from her grandmother and brought her closer to
Luhle: "Sembi" yho the way we all laughed. Except for
King, and i realised that Luni was going to be daddy's
King: "Akambanga lomntana. Nguwe ombi" Luhle looked
at me and he started to cry. I giggled and brought my
baby to my chest.
Me: "Xolo baby kalok. Daddy uyaxoka vha. Umnhle
wena mntanam neh?" he nodded and his father gave
him a kiss on the forehead. He smiled. At that moment
we became the perfect family. I seriously wish uMbali
does not become a serious issue because right now
ndihappy mntkbw.

Insert 23�
About two weeks later, I was already used to having a
small baby in the house. Luniko was the precious gem
of the family because everyday her grandparents, or
Phelisa or Siya and King's friends were here to see her.
Whatever happened to seeing a newborn only after 10
days nah? Anyways, Luhle was definitely enjoying being
a baby brother until King told him he would have to
share his toys with Luni. Haike haike the way he sulked.
Of course mommy had to sweet talk the little guy into
being a good and sharing big brother. I love the way he
loves his sister though and I really hope they grow up to
be besties. I would hate for my kids to have the same
type of relationship I have with my siblings. I want to
raise them to be best friends because at the end of the
day they, including my future kids, will only have each
I was really scared about slipping back to depression or
having PPD after having this baby. I know exactly what
its like to have PPD and at the the time I didn't even
what it was until I decided to google my symptoms. All I
knew was that the way I felt towards my son was not
normal. The way i felt about myself and the way i felt
inside was also not normal. I resented Luhle a bit for the
sudden change in my life. The worst part was not having
any support or anyone to talk to. So finding out I would
be a mom again certainly gave me anxiety because I
never want to be in the mental space I have been in the
last couple of years. I did not want to be that person who
would be in a dark hole once more. I have been talking
to Chad since Nikho has been born just to be on the
safe side though.
It was a Monday afternoon and I was busy in the kitchen
preparing lunch because it was apparently time for us to
finally deal with the Mbali situation. Honestly, I'm
nervous. I sometimes feel as though I can't just be
happy without having to worry about something or
someone. I really hope we get to put this whole Mbali
situation to rest. And I really hope that uTata was not
kidding about not having King take Mbali as a second
wife. That would really tear me apart. But I would have
to accept it and move on with my life without King.
I felt strong arms circling my waist. I love it when he
holds me like this. I leaned my backwards on his
shoulder and nuzzled his face on my neck. He started
giving me small pecks on my neck and I moaned with
my eyes closed. He held me tighter and tried to lift my
dress up. My eyes shot open and I tensed. I felt him
remove his arms disappointed and I sighed. Ever since I
gave birth I have been really shy about my body. So shy
that I get undressed in the dark and go to bed with a
night gown on. I make sure to take showers in the other
bedrooms where King won't see me. I know he's my
husband and all, but somehow I am embarrassed about
the way my whole body looks.
King: "Why do you keep pushing me away?" I looked
down and he turned me around so I could look at him.
King: "Mami, ndiyathetha" I just looked down. I don't
know why I do honestly. I just feel like he will be
disgusted as I am when he sees my body. I cleared my
Me: "Let me go check on Niko" I gave him a peck on the
cheek and practically ran out of that kitchen. I heard him
chuckle. Whenever he tries to get me to talk about my
body or why I always hide myself from him, I just avoid
the conversation by deflecting or running away.
I went upstairs to the nursery and I found my baby
sleeping peacefully. I watched her as she took her small
breaths. I smiled to myself because the more she grows
the more I see Luhle and King in her. I swear I feel like
my genes do not exist with her. In the afternoon she
sleeps like a dead person. But at night, the little diva
comes out to play. Yes, we have a night rider for a baby.
But daddy always comes to the rescue and let's me rest
sometimes. He is such a good dad to both our kids.
A few hours later, the whole family was here swooning
over Nikho. We were all in the lounge. Oh, and Mbali
was also here with her son. Hee guys, this girl was out
here wearing like a true Makoti endlini yam. She had a
long dress on and a black doek, with a scarf around her
waist. Isbindi sabanye osisi. I must say, she looked good
in her attire though, but like no man. She even had the
audacity to try and dish up for my husband. Rhaaa,
kwabani mntase?
-In who's house?
There are just some things that you do not do guys. Like
intloni ziyamakha umntu.
I can't get over how much all of King's children look
alike. Igazi lakhe listrongo shame.
-His genes are strong
My father in law had both Nikho and Prince on his lap
and Luhle was definitely not liking it. He was sulking on
his Granny's chest. It was really funny.
Me: "Yhu hayi Luhle umona"
-Luhle, the jealousy though
He stuck his tongue out and ran to his bedroom. He
thought I was going to chase him. We all laughed. Luhle
is a bit of a crazy kid sometimes.
Tata cleared his throat. Here we go. I wonder what is
Tata: "Eeh Mbali, siyacinga intoyoba uyayazi uba
kutheni silapha"
-Mbali, i you know why we are all here
She nodded looking down. Wow akasablushi people. I
really wanted to laugh.
Tata: "Khawutsho ke Mbali. How did you get pregnant?"
Oh, this I really want to hear. She looked confused.
Mbali: "Tata? I don't think I understand you kakuhle"
UncleGcina: "Chaza uba umfumene njani lomntana"
-Tell us how you got this baby
She looked up at King and then at everyone else
shocked. But somehow after that, the look on her face
changed. She suddenly looked like she had just been
caught stealing candy. She looked and I saw tears
falling from her eyes.
King: "Dude, we seriously don't have all day. Chaza uba
wenze ntoni" she looked at King with begging eyes. A
part of me suddenly felt sorry for her.
Mbali: "I.....I....I be....bendicela uxolo"
-I'm sorry
Tata: "Ntombazana asikafiki apho. Sungxama. Thetha.
-We have not gotten to that part yet. Speak. Now
You guys have no idea how deep King and his Dad's
voice are. They are both really intimidating. Mbali shook.
Mbali: "I...I stole his sperm" she whispered. I think ndive
wrongo maan.
Me: "Uthi kutheni na wena?" She shot me a nasty look.
Sana lona and Aunty Nozi, same WhatsApp group.
Mbali: "I stole his sperm. King never had sex with me
unprotected. And I knew the only way to get what I want
was to fall pregnant. You fell pregnant for him and he
married you as plain as you are. He surely would've
done the same with me"
Me: "I swear I keep on attracting crazy enemies" My
mother in law laughed.
Tata: "How did you do it? And do not lie because I have
footage as evidence" she looked really scared.
Mbali: "I spiked his drink and we still used protection.
But when he fell asleep, I took his sperm from the
condom and inserted it inside me. I did that about 3
times when we met and I guess it worked" Hee guys.
Never have I been so shocked. Who even thinks about
such kanti? Yho hayi abanye abantu banzulu.
Me: "Wow" for a moment it went quiet. I had no other
words to say.
Mam'Khanyi: "You should be ashamed of yourself
ntombazana. Ngase ndikuse kokwenu bave ngokwabo
uba unzulu kanjani. Sies"
-I wish I could take you to your family so they can hear
how deep you are
Mbali looked down.
King: "Enkosi Mbali, you can go" she looked a bit
shocked and honestly I was too. She got up and as she
went to go fetch her son from Mam'Khanyi, King's words
stopped her in her tracks.
King: "Ndicela ushiye umntana lowo ngoba ngowam. His
mother from today onwards is Lulu"
Me & Mbali: "King looked at me with begging but
intimidating eyes. I looked down. Uyanya lona if he
thinks I'm going to let him separate him separate that
child from his mother. Mbali turned around and looked at
Mbali: " Well good luck with the little brat. I never wanted
a child anyways" She walked out banging the door on
her way out.
Aunts: "Haibo"
Wait, what just happened? I ran outside while King tried
to pull me back but I managed to slip through. I found
Mbali about to get into an uber. Clearly its been waiting
on her.
Me: "Mbali. Mbali hima" she stopped and turned around.
She quickly wiped her tears and looked at me. Okay, so
I was not expecting to see this.
Mbali: "What do you want? Are you not happy you
Me: "I didn't even realise we were in competition Mbali.
What happened to you?" She looked down and then at
Mbali: "Life happened to me Lulu. You wouldn't
understand. Please take care of my baby. I am in no
condition to be a mother to him right now"
Me: "B..but Mbali" I swear I had no words.
Mbali: "No, its okay. Just love him as if he were your
own child......please" years rolled down her eyes. I
Mbali: "I'm sorry" she got in the car and the driver drove
I don't know for how long I stood there as the car
dissapeared, but I felt King's hands on my shoulder. I
turned around and looked at him. Honestly I was really
pissed at him. The fact that he was ready to separate
that child from his mother like that, and did it without
speaking to me made me really mad.
Me: "I suggest you move yourself to one of the
guestrooms. You and I are on a break" I left him
standing there and I walked inside the house.

Insert 24�
Once i got inside the house everyone went quiet. I
looked at all of them. It sucks to not have family or
anyone to stand up for you. Once again I find myself in a
position where i am forced to make do things that will
make someone else happy. Its tiring really. I looked
down and went to the kitchen because wow ndinxaniwe
and i seriously need some wine my life. Qha the gyhel is
I got to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of juice.
uMam'Khanyi walked in carrying baby Prince. He really
is cute though. The spitting image of King, Luhle and
their grandmother. She looked at me with her soft eyes.
Mam'Khanyi has the type of face that would make you
spill all of your deepest and darkest secrets. She just
has that 'You can talk to me' kind of face.
Mam'Khanyi: 'Lulu mntanam. I know this is a lot for you
take in and we are probably asking way too much of
you. But Lubenathi needs you, and he also needs his
children by his side. So ndakucela mntanam, ndicela
ungamshiyi ngenxa yalento"
-Don't leave him because of this
I sighed.
Me: "Mama, ndidiniwe. I have sacrificed a lot for this
family. I have done so much for Lubenathi in the little
time that we have been married. Why is it so hard to
consider me as a person in this family? Why am i always
put last? Why are decisions always made on my behalf?
Kwakulo mtshato ndangena njani? I don't regret it but i
am just trying to point out that all this time, all i have
been doing has been for you and your family, but still no
one has even the decency to ask for my opinion in a
matter that will need me ke phof. I am not trying to be
disrespectful, but i feel like uLubenathi utshate nina
family yakhe and i'm here just for show"
-Lubenathi is married to you, his family
Mam'Khanyi: "Oh Yhini mnatanam, I did not know this is
how we made you feel. I can assure you that you are the
best thing to happen to this family. King loves you, We
all love you, and....."
I don't know what happened next. All i remember is
jumping to make sure i get her and the baby she almost
dropped. I screamed for help and uTat came rushing in
then King followed by the rest of the uncles. I held
Prince who was screaming his lungs out tightly. I'm so
Uncle Gcina: "Makoti, kwenzeke ntoni?"
-Makoti what happened
Me: " I.....I...don't....we...were just...andaz"
King: "Stop fucking stuttering. What did you do to my
mother?" Oh wow. I looked at him. I then looked at
uTata, he just nodded to me and i knew right there and
then that it was the cancer.
Tata: "Lubenathi take the keys to the car. Makoti you are
driving with me. The rest of you will follow" He quickly
carried Mam'Khanyi in his arms and rushed out. One of
the aunts took Prince from my arms. I had even forgot
that i had him in my arms. I had tears in my eyes. The
reality that we might lose Ma after all that i said to her
was breaking me apart. What scared me was how King
would react after he finds out about his mother's
sickness. I would definitely be in the firing end of the
line. I quickly rushed to the car avoiding King's stare at
all cost. I mean definitely understand how he would think
i did something to his mom because we were alone in
the kitchen. But wow his assumptions hurt me. Anyways
we'll deal with that later. Tata asked me to drive and i
did. How he was not freaking out about all of this was
truly beyond me. He kept on brushing her head which
was on top of his lap in the backseat. He would
frequently kiss her forehead and i admired the love
between them for the first time.
I think i flew to the hospital but King practically catapult
there because he was there before me. When i parked
at the emergency door he already had a doctor and
nurses on standby with a bed. They helped uTata take
Mam'Khanyi out.
Tata: "Just take her to a room, her doctor is on the way"
Doctor: "But sir, we have the best..."
Tata: "That will not be necessarry, but thank you" The
doctor looked at King with a confused face and King just
gave him the same confused look. But fortunatly King
knew better than to question his father, so he just looked
to the side. The doctor shrugged and and wheeled
Mam'Khanyi inside with the help of the nurses followed
by Khanyi. I was about to walk in when i felt a tight pull
on my arm.
King: "What the fuck is going on?" I felt like holding him
in my arms. I just looked down. Where would i start? Do
i even want to be the person to break these news to
King: "Mami????"
Me: "Not now Lubenathi, your mother needs us" I puled
my arm out of his hand and just walked. I found a
waiting room and sat there while King went to go find his
father. About 30 minutes later the uncles the uncles
walked in without their wives. They just sat next to me
and both of them took my hand into theirs and looked
forward. Wow okay. If the circumstances were different,
this moment would 1, be very awkward and 2, be very
About an hour later, uTata walked towards us with King
lagging behind. I tried to read his face but it was not
giving anything away. uTata had a calm face but you
could see the fear in his eyes. I think that the reality of
losing his wife has just hit him. I stood up quickly with a
beating heart. Tears were already making their way
down on my face. If i was given money for every time i
cried i swear i would be rich right now.
Me: "What is happening? Is she okay? Is it the cancer?"
I felt King's eyes bore a hole in my body, but right he
can wait.
Tata: "Her doctor just arrived. She would like to speak to
you" i swallowed
Me: "M..mna?" He nodded
King: "Follow me" i looked down and played with my
fingers while he led the way. Tata put his hand on my
Tata: "Its okay mntanam" i nodded and followed King.
The way to Ma's room felt really long. I had so much that
i wanted to say to Lubenathi but now was not the
moment. I found myself bumping into a very hard chest
and i knew from the intense cologne that it belonged to
my husband.
Me: "I'm sorry i was not looking where i was walking" i
said looking down. He cleared his throat and looked to
the side.
King: "Silapha" Only then i realized we were in front of a
door. My heart felt like i had ran a marathon. I even
started sweating. I took two breaths and opened the
door. There se lay so peacefully on the bed looking so
fragile. She looked like she had aged a couple of years
but she still looked beautiful nonetheless.
Mam'Khanyi: "Sondela mntanam. I don't bite"
-Come closer
I chuckled and walked closer. She held her hand out for
me and i took it. It felt so warm. I sat on the chair next to
her bed while her hand was in mine. I sniffed and looked
Mam'Khanyi: "Yhu Lulu uyathanda ulila kodwa"
-You love crying though
I sniffed and laughed. For real kodwa. She tried to laugh
but she looked to be in pain.
Mam'Khanyi: "Its so nice to see you laughing and
smiling. When we first met you, you looked to have the
whole world on your shoulders. You looked sad, like you
had so much hurt in your heart. Seeing you transform
into this beautiful happy, caring and loving wife, mother
and daughter that you have become has been the best
things i have seen in this world. Mostly because it gives
me assurance as a mother that i did a good job because
wow sisi iglow up ialive and well" I laughed. Haibo
Mam'Khanyi: "I don't have any deathbed soppy requests
for wena because that is so cliche. But the only thing i
want to tell you is that your happiness lies in your hands.
Only you have the power to control how happy you can
be in this life. Do not depend on your husband, your
children , friends or even family to be the best person
you can be. Make sure your mental health is okay. Be
good spiritually and physically okay. Be okay. Breathe
when you feel like you are drowning. Nam i have been
where you are right now, but the difference with you is
that you have all this support and these resources.
Utilize them okay. I love you Lulu. We all do. So please
take care of yourself and then of your children. King
angagqibela wethu"
-He can come last
She smiled at me. This woman is really amazing.
Lulu: "Enkosi mama. For everything. You gave me a
family and loved me with no bounds even though you
did not know me so i thank you so much" She nodded.
Mam'Khanyi: "Khawuhambe kengoku funu lala mna"
-Go now i want sleep
She said trying to imitate Luhle and i laughed.
Lulu: "Yhu anafana kengoku"
-You looked so much alike after that. She rolled her
eyes and closed them. For a moment a watched just to
see if she was breathing and once i was happy i waled
out. King was standing next to the vending machine a
couple of feet away from the door. I walked to him. He
turned to look at me and his eyes would bury me shame
if they could.
King: "I will be moving into one of the other rooms
tonight" With that said, he walked away leaving me
feeling complete and utter shit.

Insert 25�
The couple of days after have been tense in the house.
King has been avoiding even being in the same room. I
don even want to mention what that does to my very
insecure self. When i walk in the room, he would rather
leave. He eats his supper during the night when we are
asleep. I know this because i always check the oven for
his plate, and every morning its not there. So at least he
is not angry at my cooking. Honestly i am going crazy
because of the tension in this house and ngapha i am
trying to handle 3 little children at once. A newborn is
work enough, and then i have Prince who is a couple of
months older than Niko and Luhle who is always a
bundle of energy. Honestly i don't even know if i can do
this, but MaLetty has been Prince has officially moved in
and for now he is sharing a room with Luhle. I brought
him a really nice little crib that fits in perfectly in room
Luhle's room. I want to start decorations of his room
soon and i am excited about that because the theme will
be royal. He name is Prince so he might as well might
have his own little kingdom. Taking Prince in as my own
was never going to be an issue. Its the fact that the
decision to do so was made without me that got me
pissed off. But im okay now. I am scared that i will love
this child completely and then Mbali might come back
and just take him away from us. We'll see.
It turns out that Ma is on her deathbed if i could say. She
does not want to do anymore treatments and chemo.
She says she is ready to go be at peace. You can
imagine how King is taking those news. I don't even
want to imagine what uTata is going through. The family
has been by her side ever since. Everyday i make sure
that the kids go see her. Luhle does not understand why
uMakhulu needs to be in bed all the time.
It is a Thursday afternoon and Siya has just invaded my
space. MaLetty took Luhle and Prince to the park, and
i'm home with the little princess.
Siya: "Bruh you need to go out though. You look like a
mess right now." I looked at myself. He was right, i
looked like an absolute mess. My hair was looking
weird, i just had on sweats, my eyes had bags and i do
not remember the last time i had proper sleep. Or even
shower for more than 10 minutes. I think i would be the
perfect example of what it means to let go. I sighed and
rolled my eyes.
Me: "Mxm khawuyeke Siya maan" He rolled his eyes.
Siya: "You know what? I'm not giving you a choice. Go
take a shower and i will pick a cute outfit for you. You
are going out and mna Aunticle will be babysitting" I
giggled at the aunticle word. Apparently it is aunt and
uncle put together. Yes he came up with it.
Me: "Siya im not in the mood to go outside. I can use
some sleep ewe but going outside will be too much" He
just walked away and went my closet.
Siya: "By the time im back, i don't want to even see your
ass in here. Go shower........NNNNOOOOWWWWW!" I
jumped and ran to the bathroom. Siya nedrama though.
After showering i took a towel and dried myself. I too a
look at my body and i felt like crying. Everything was just
hanging. I looked disgusting shame. I covered myself in
a robe and walked out. Siya was sitting down next to my
favorite little white dress that was flowy and short. He's
crazy if he thinks i am going to expose my legs like that.
Me: "Siyaaa, that dress is so short" He gave me a crazy
Siya: "And what? You only realized this now? Hayi
sundidika mna. Khawunxibe wethu"
-No don't annoy me. Just get dressed.
He looked at me. I stood there awkwardly. Does he
really expect me to get naked in front of him right now?
He looked at me and rolled his eyes.
Siya: "Dude, you do know King would make me feel
some type of way if i could see him naked than you.
-Just get dressed
I giggled and slowly took my robe off to lotion my body. I
then got dressed and put on the nude heel he took out
for me. He sat me down and put some makeup on my
face, and then he put on my 20 inch curly hair on me,
and i looked hot. I barely could recognize myself.
Siya: "Yabona ke chommy. Undenza ndiphefumle
ngenxeba saana"
-Do you see friend. I'm breathing through the wound
I laughed. I twirled for him and he hyped me up. Guys i
love friends like Siya. I think everyone needs a friend
like him.
After so much convincing from Siya, i managed to stop
kissing my baby goodbye and left the house. Although,
to be honest i am kinda nervous about him babysitting. I
took the G_Class and decided to go get myself
pampered. I decided on a Spa in Lagoon beach. I spent
about two hours there getting all kinds of treatments. I
don't think i have felt that relaxed in my life. I then let
and drove to the closest Woolies which was in Table
View. I wanted to surprise King with a picnic at his office
so i brought a bunch of fruits, sweets, and some non-
alcoholic sparkling wine. Once i was done, i drove to his
work feeling really excited. I know we haven't been
okay, but i was willing to be the one to make things right.
I hated how things were between us and i needed to
make sure that we are okay once more. I parked my car
inside their parking lot and walked to reception. Shelia
was her usual bubbly self when she saw me.
Sheila: "Babe, i haven't seen you in years." I laughed.
She is so dramatic because sis was at my baby shower.
Me: "Sheila suxoka tshiin"
-Do not lie
She laughed. I learnt that she was actually mixed race.
Her father was Xhosa so she could speak it.
Sheila: "So is the new baby in the family? The pictures
you post of her are so cute. Yhu umhle umntana wakho
sana" I smiled. She really is beautiful though.
Me: "She is such a joy. Daddy's princess though.
Speaking about daddy, can i go up to see my husband"
She smiled and nodded.
I left her and walked to get in the lift. I pressed for the
top floor. Once the doors of the lift opened, i strutted my
way to his door and no one was at his PA desk. I got to
his door and knocked once before i opened the door
and walked in. He was sitting on his chair and there was
a woman on top of him. I felt my chest tighten. I cleared
my throat and he practically threw this lady off him. He
looked scared and i decided to stay calm, i mean i don't
know what was happening. He got up and walked to me
and i saw his dick print, and the asshole was hard. I felt
my heart break in two. Wow. I showed him the basket i
had and smiled.
Me: "Hey baby, i brought you some lunch" Shame he
looked so confused. I look at the woman behind me and
she looked so beautiful i actually felt like crying. But i
was not about to crack in front of the bitch. I kissed his
cheek and held his hand.
Me: "Are you not going to introduce me?" He scratched
and his head and had this dumb look that i wish i could
wipe off with a punch.
King: "Uhm, yeah, uh.....this is....uh"
Woman: "Jade, my name is Jade" Yho hehake Jade
with the good hair. No I'm serious, her weave was
impeccable. I smiled at her.
Me: "Hi Jade, I'm Lulu his wife. So since you two
seemed busy, i will make my way out to go mother our
three beautiful babies" I saw her roll her eyes ughyel. I
put the basket on King's table and turned to walk away. I
closed his door and went to the lift. I heard him run after
me and he held my hand as soon as he got to me.
King: "Mami.....Its not what you think" I nodded and kept
quiet. The doors of the lift opened and i got in. He
followed. I don't know why he could not see that i don't
want to talk to him, let alone see him.
King: "Babe.." I shot him a look and he looked down. We
got out of the lift as soon as the lift hit the ground floor. I
waved by to Sheila and this man was following me like a
sick puppy. I got in the car and so did he. I let him be.
after about 10 minutes into the drive i looked at him.
Me: "Am i not beautiful enough?"
To be continued.....

Continuation ��
I was woken up by the sounds of the ocean. I looked
beside me and there slept my husband so peacefully.
What happened was truly amazing but unfortunately it is
not enough for me to just forget that there was a woman
on top of him in his office. Or the fact that he was
attracted to her, judging by the buldge in his pants that I
saw. I watched him as he saw snored lightly. He looks
like a Black Greek God if I must say so myself.
Unfortunately, I don't think I want to live a life of
competing for this God's love. I don't think I have the
strength and the will for such. I slowly untangled myself
from his embrace and winced to the bathroom. Rha, he
really did a number on me hey. I did my business and
then stood up to look at myself in the mirror. I looked at
my body and I just hated it. Yes, King made me feel so
good about myself but I can't help the thoughts that are
running through my head. I tiptoed back to the bedroom
and looked for a closet. Once I found it, I realized that
some of his clothes were here. I sighed. Looks like there
is a lot we need to uncover about ourselves. I took a T-
shirt and and went downstairs. I admired the view of the
sea as I came down. I love how wide and open this
house is. I went to the kitchen to try and find something
to eat. I found some eggs and vienna and decided that
would be enough for a decent meal wethu. I decided to
call Siya just to check on my babies. I was a little bit
worried that Niko would get cranky for Siya since I'm not
there. Him and Maletty seemed to be having fun,
although Siya kept on telling me to have my tubes tied
because two kids are enough for him to be Aunticle to. I
laughed at his dramatic ways. I'm really grateful for him
and Maletty though. After talking to them and my babies,
I continued with the food and as I was busy, I felt his
hands around my waist and he nuzzled my neck. I
looked to the other side.
King: "Hey Mami" I stayed quiet. He turned me around
and lifted my chin so he could see me. He sighed and
went around to go sit at the barstool.
I continued preparing the food with him staring at me.
Once I was done, I got some plates and dished up. I
served him his plate and some juice and then I dragged
a barstool to the other side of the kitchen island so I
could stare him dead in the eye. Those eyes will not
intimidate me today shame. We ate in silence with me
shooting daggers at him.
King: "Are you going to say what you want to say or you
just going to look at me? I don't understand what's going
on ngoku. I thought siright mna nawe Mami" I chuckled.
Me: "Ingxaki yakho ucinga ndisidenge sakho. You think
you can just shut me up with dick and make me forget
about everything?" In fact let's unpack all the shit today,
shall we?" He looked kinda scared and it really was
funny but this was not the time to laugh about it.
Me: "When are you going to start treating me like your
wife? Like your partner and someone you actually love?
Ever since I met you, all I have been doing is making
sacrifices for you and your family. Yes, I admit, not
telling you about your mother was wrong of me. But I did
make a promise to your father. He knew how much it
would affect you. It killed me knowing that I was keeping
something from you and for that I am sorry. But for you
to think that I would do something to your mother really
hurt me. You actually thought that I would physically hurt
the woman who decided to love me and accept me as
her daughter. I really thought you knew me better than
that. Then you questioned my love for you and why I
married you. I have given you my heart and my soul in
these few months and you still doubted me.
King: "What did you want me to do or say? I was
shocked okay? I just was not expecting you to be the
one to keep things from me. I feel as though you should
not have made the decision for me. She is my mother
and I deserved to know.
Me:" And yet you make decisions on my behalf all the
time despite how I feel about them. In fact you and your
family. Getting married to you was not my decision.
Having Luniko, that was you. Now I love my baby, but
you practically went crazy just because I didn't want to
keep her. You decided that I would mother Prince
without even running it passed me. So tell me King, am I
even your wife? Is this how things are going to be? Will I
have to be the submissive wife and listen to everything
you say?"
He kept quiet and looked down. I wiped the tears that
had fallen. I realized that eventually I was going to end
up resenting this man, so I really needed to get
everything out.
Me:" W..why was that sitting on your lap?" Quiet.
Me:" Are you cheating on me?" tears were falling
because I knew his answer had the power to break me
beyond repair. He quickly looked up.
King: "What? Mami, no I'm not. I swear on our babies
lives. I would never cheat on you. Jade, was an old
friend of mine but she had left the country. We used to
go to school together and at some point we dated. I
guess she came back thinking that we could pick up
where we left of. She was trying to seduce me and yes
my dick did react but baby I would never hurt you that
way." I looked down. Andaz. I don't know if he's lying or
telling the truth, but he does sound sincere.
Me:" You have hurt me King. You would not even be in
the same room as me at home. You could not even look
at me and I convinced myself that you were disgusted
by me and how I looked. And when I saw you with that
woman, I just.. I.... " muffled a cry and he quickly rushed
to my side.
King: "I'm so sorry babe. I really am sorry Mami" He put
me on his chest and just held me. After a few minutes I
calmed down. He lifted my chin up so I could look at
King: "Mami, we were both unexpectedly thrown into this
marriage thing. I realize now that I have not been a good
man to you and for that I'm really sorry. You have no
idea how much I love you. It actually scares me. I get
scared of losing you because I know it would be the end
of me. Trust me, I would never intentionally hurt you or
make you feel worthless and unloved. If I have before
then please forgive me. I love you so much Lulu. I love
you for the woman you are. I love you because you
mothered my children. I love you because you love my
family as if they were yours. I love you because you
turned me into the man I am today. You are my life and
my heart in human form. Your scent is what drives me
everyday. You were made for me and I can only thank
God for that. I promise to be open with you and to talk to
you Mamekhaya before I do anything. I promise to never
make you feel like you should doubt yourself or your
position in my life. I promise to be a good man to you
forever and always. You are my lifeline baby girl" So you
can imagine how much of a crying mess I was at this
point mos neh. Yhu Bawo.
Me: "Rha, zibe njani ivows zakho ke ngoku?" He burst
out laughing and shook his head.
King: "Yhu Mami, you just ruined the moment rha.
Andiphinde shame" I laughed at him. At this moment I
feel like the luckiest woman on earth. I looked at him
and cupped his face.
Me: "I love you too baby" he had a tear and he dipped
his head to capture my lips. It felt like we were pouring
our souls and saying a lot of unspoken words with that
kiss. After a while I stopped him to catch my breathe. He
just hugged me and held me tightly.
King: "Can I ask you question?" I nodded
King: "Do you regret having Nikho?" I sighed
Me: "No baby I don't. I do feel like the decision to keep
her was more foy than me. But I love her more than
anything. So I don't regret having her"
King: "I'm sorry" I nodded still in his arms
We were now driving home and my hand was in his.
Sabrina Claudio's Frozen was playing softly. King really
loves my playlist of music ke shame. This felt perfect in
so many ways. I need to pray very hard because I have
a feeling that this Jade woman is here to cause a shit
storm in my marriage. Lord knows i will need the

Insert 26�
It's been almost 3 months now and we are in a new
year. Mam'Khanyi's health is getting worse and she is
getting weaker by the day. The doctors informed us that
she may have less than 6 months to live. The family is
really taking this hard because she is the pillar of this
family. I don't know how things will be when she is gone,
and quite frankly I don't want to find out. King and
Phelisa are really struggling to come to terms with the
whole situation. It's just been a very emotional few
months. But we tried to make our Christmas really
special for the whole family and it was shame. Each
weekend we were being hosted by a family member for
a braai. The uncle's and their wives hosted, we hosted,
Phelisa and Chris hosted and the big Christmas lunch
and New Year's party was at the parents in law's house.
Despite everything that was happening with uMa, we
managed to make great memories.
We are already in the second month of the year and my
babies are really growing. Luhle will be turning 4 this
year, Niko 3 months in the next month and Prince will be
turning 9 months. Let me tell you something, I will not be
having anymore babies shame. King should be happy
with the 2 boys and 1 girl. I can't shame. If it's not Luhle
with his naughty self, then I'm dealing with diaper
changes and formula feeding for two little human beings.
I love my babies more than anything though. Nikho is
daddy's favorite though. That girl has her father wrapped
around her little finger. Traitor.
I decided to to go back to school. There was no way I
was going to forget about school just because I have a
family. King thought it was too soon but I didn't let him
even think he can change my mind about it. Besides, it's
UNISA so I don't need to be on campus unless I have
exams, or need to submit something or get a few
classes. I'm really excited about it. I decided on a Bcom
Business Management degree. I want to have my own
empire, a legacy for my kids. I decided on UNISA
because I was going to pay for everything myself. This
means that I will have to be going back to work full time.
It's going to be hard but I'm ready for it. Mr. Sikhulu has
been made aware of my return and he seemed weirdly
excited about it. That guy creeps me out honestly.
The two babies were sleeping and Luhle was playing in
his room while MaLetty was in her cottage. She stays
with us full time now. Honestly I couldn't let her live all
alone in that house eLokshin. Plus she really loves
helping me out with the babies. So I convinced her to
move in with us. It took me some time but eventually she
gave in to my really cute smile and pout. King went to go
see his mom. He makes sure to visit her everyday. I
accompany most times, just not today. I hate seeing
uMa that way.
It's a Sunday, so I was going to cook a nice meal for the
family. I went to the kitchen and took out my ingredients.
I decided on Seafood paella, and a small cottage pie
because MaLetty and Luhle hate seafood. As I was
busy, firstborn yam came in running in the kitchen. He
looked at me and pouted. I raised an eyebrow. He
looked really brown and I knew something was up and it
had to do with my makeup I wonder wenze ntoni
Me: "Luhle, what are you up to?" He looked to the side.
Luhle: "Andim Mama. NguPyins" I chuckled. That how
he pronounces Prince.
Me: "Wenze ntoni ke uPrince?" he took my.
Luhle: "Iza Mama abonise mna" he pulled me towards
my room and did I not find my whole makeup bag and
it's contents spilled on my white rug. Mntase everything
was spilled all over. My pallettes were destroyed, there
was foundation on the walls which was handprints
zalomntu. Everything was a mess. Lord, please let me
not kill this child today.
Me: "What the...... Luhle wenze ntoni apha? Oh my God
jonga icarpet injani, the walls, my makeup Nkosi yam!"
Luhle: "NguPyins Mama" my eyes shot to him and I took
off my slipper. This child is seriously lying about his 9
month old sibling.
Me: "Izapha" he tried to run but I quickly grabbed him
and swatted his butt four times and he cried. He
Me: "Phinda umoshe izinto zam Luhle. Please
uzuphinde vah" he just cried and MaLetty walked in and
saw the mess. She was holding in her laugh. I was really
pissed shame.
MaLetty: "Iza bhabha. Let's get you cleaned up. Hayi
kodwa awumameli nawe" they left me and right then
Prince cried from his bedroom and I sighed. I quickly
rushed to him and picked him up. He is so adorable. I
wonder wayaphi uMamakhe.
Me: "Xoyo kalok mntana ka Mama njena. Thula bhabha"
I strapped him on my back with a towel and went back to
my bedroom to go clean. As I was busy, my nose
sensed a wierd smell, like something was burning. Shit. I
quickly rushed to the kitchen. I totally forgot I was
cooking. The whole kitchen was filled with smoke. King
walked in and he panicked when he saw the smoke and
he filled the pots with water and put them outside. I went
to go sit at the lounge at that point and I just cried. I can't
believe I was that careless. What kind of a mother am I
After a few minutes King walked in and came straight to
kneel in front of me. Prince was still on my back.
King: "Lulu... Babe are you okay?" I shook my head no.
He sighed.
Me: "I'm just tired" I looked down. Honestly I was. I don't
know how I'm going to deal with all of this and a job and
school on top.
He put his hand on my cheek.
King: "Tell you what, let's all go out for dinner okay.
Don't worry, I'll get the kids ready. Okay?" I nodded. He
was such an amazing husband and father shame. He
comes home earlier from work now since we have a
crèche, just to help out. Ke phof yinzala yakhe Lena, it's
not like he had a choice.
I got ready while King was busy with the kids. I decided
to just wear a black fitting ankle length maxi dress that
hugged me oh so perfectly, showing my booty. I put on
my Bob maroon wig and I slipped on my Gucci slippers.
Yes sis wears Gucci now.
We decided to go eat at Nomad bistro. Maletty also
came along. Luhle was between his dad and Maletty
while I was next to King and Prince's baby chair. Niko
was on daddy's lap. We ordered and conversed while
waiting for our food. And then nje out of the purple and
during the people, Luhle decides to stick his tongue out
for me. Haibo.
Me: "Ndzokuphinda"
-I'll hit you again
Luhle: "Xeya ku Daddy"
-I'll tell Daddy
Me: "Xela ngoku"
-Tell him now
he looked at his father.
Luhle: "Daddy, Mama abetha, w...waayuma,
w...w...wathuka uBoy wakho"
-Daddy, Mama hit me, then bit me and swore at me
Haibo. Maletty laughed. Rha lomntana. King laughed at
his dramatic child
Me: "Luhle, do you want to go to the naughty corner"
Luhle: "Ewe imnandi noti corna"
-Yes, the naughty corner is nice
I sighed and shook my head.
Me: "Okay I'll take Mr. Teddy ke" he sulked. Mr. Teddy
is his big teddy bear that his father got him for
Christmas. He is so attached kuye.
Luhle: "Xoyo ke Mama. Lavyu" I laughed.
Me: "Awu clever. I love you too Luhle" he smiled.
Luhle: "I keep Mr. Teddy neh?" King just burst out
MaLetty: "Rhaaaa. Awuna mntana apha Yhu"
-You don't have a child here.
I laughed.
Me: "Don't laugh kakhulu ke bhuti. Wena nonyana
wakho have a whole makeup bag to replace.
King:" Why am I involved ngoku?"
Me:" Sperma sakho esi bruh"
-It's your sperm
he laughed. Smbwl ke sana because uhleka kamnandi.
We got our food and ate. We were having so much fun.
My phone ringed and I answered.
Me: "Hello"
Voice: "Ndim uMama wakho" I sighed.
Me: "Ufuna ntoni Lulama?"
-What do you want Lulama?
Mom: "Hehake, so now that you have a rich man you
call me by name. Anyways I need to meet up with you
sincokole" I chuckled.
Me: "Ndibusy"
Mom: "Lulu yazi ndikuzele. Sundiqhela. Do you know
what is going to happen with you? That family will get
annoyed nguwe and they will throw you out of londlu
unamatshambha ngayo. And then you will come
crawling back to mommy dearest. Rhaa... Yazi you
thin.." I hung up. How do you call someone just to be
mean to them. I don't get it. I don't know why this lady
hates me so much. King held my hand and his eyes
asked me if I was okay. I smiled at him and he looked
relieved. He knows what my mother's phone calls do to
me so I can't blame him for being worried.
When we were done with eating we took the leftovers
and paid the bill. The kids were tired so the three of us
carried one child each. Maletty had Prince, I had Niko
and daddy had Luhle. As we walked out of the doors of
the restaurant. That Jade lady was about to get in with
about three other ladies. She was wearing a short white
jumpsuit and hot was not even the word to describe her.
She looked amazing and unfortunately she saw us too.
Well more like she saw King.
Jade: "Luu, hey how are you? Oh my is these your baby
boy? He looks so much like you" she said as she
touched my husband's arm. Uncoma umntana so why
touch my man? Bitch did not even acknowledge me.
King put his hand over my mine.
King: "Yeah this is my family. You remember my wife
right?" her smile turned to a fake one.
Jade: "Sure. Hi" this girl's hand was still on my man.
Me: "Hi, cela ususe isandla sakho from my husband.
Thank you"
-Please take your hand off my husband
She chuckled and kissed King on the cheek.
Jade: "Oksalayo izinto ziya phela" She laughed and
walked away. I shook my head and walked away to the
car. Bitches be testing me today shame.
I think I need to get a sjambok because clearly
ndiyanyeleka. Gosh what a night.

Insert 27 �
Mom: "Asoze mna ndikthengele lomntana wakho ubisi.
Mselise amanzi uxole mntanam. I'm not the one who
said go to school and come back with a child"
-I will never buy your child formula. Give him water and
be good.
I cried and I begged her. My 4 month old baby was
hungry and for some reason my breasts had dried up.
Me: "Ndakcela Mama. Please I will do anything" she
scoffed and looked at me.
Mom: "Yazi Lulu uyandingxolela. Cela usuke phambi
-Lulu you are making a noise. Please get out of my face
I looked down and went back to my room. We were
sleeping on the floor with only a comforter and one
blanket. I sat next to my son who looked so peaceful
sleeping. He had not eaten anything since last night
when I gave him his last bottle of formula and I knew he
was really hungry. I asked my mother to borrow me
some cash to buy him the small tin of formula but she
refused. I rocked myself back and forth crying. Luhle
woke up a few minutes later crying. I picked him up and
I could tell he was hungry because he was suddenly
really light on the hands. He looked weak.
Mom: "Can you please get that child to shut up.
Sibukele apha thina" I sighed and took his bottle that
had water and fed it to him. He drank it like it was his
first and his last. My heart broke into a million pieces. I
was a crying mess. I am a sorry excuse for a mother. I
can't even afford to feed my own child or produce milk
for him. I hated myself so much.
King: "" he shook me and I felt like I
was woken up from a nightmare. I realized that I was in
the bathtub and the water was cold. I had zoned out
completely. King wiped my face and it turns out I was
crying. He picked me up as wet as I was and walked
with me back to our room. He took a towel and dried me
up. He then opened the bed covers and put me inside
the bed. Yes, we have a no clothes policy in this room.
He got undressed and got in next to me. I layed my
head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.
His kissed my head and I sighed.
King: "Her call triggered you again" That was more of a
statement. I nodded anyways. I could hear from the
beating of his heart and his breathing patterns that he
was pissed. I hugged him harder.
Me: "I'm going to be okay"
King: "Babe, you have been in that bathtub for more
than an hour. I was worried about you. And when I found
you zoned out like that, you were crying. I panicked
because I thought...." tears fell from my eyes.
King: "What can I do to heal your heart baby? I want you
to move on with your life and be happy without her to
dragging you to the same darkness over and over
again" I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly didn't know.
Somehow my mother had some type of power over me
because whenever she calls and starts calling me these
names and insulting me, the memories of being in her
house trigger me.
King: "You seeing Chad tomorrow." there would be no
use arguing with him so I just nodded. After some time
my eyes failed me and I went to lala land. But honestly I
didn't see how seeing Chad would fix all this hurt that I
have in my heart. I'm damaged sana.
The following morning I felt someone breathing on my
face. Then a small hand slapped me so hard I shot my
eyes and got up same time. I heard a small giggle and
he ran out. What is with this child and slapping people
awake. I checked the time on my phone and it read
06:45. Shit I cannot believe I have been asleep for that
long. That means I was really tired and I am sure King
took care of the babies during the night. Those two
dislike sleeping ebsuku shame. I got up and wore my
gown. I went to the bathroom and I took a shower. After
the shower and brushing my teeth, finding an outfit for
work was first on the agenda. I made my way to the
closet and I decided on my black knee length dress with
ruffles at the bottom. It was formal but really sexy
because it showed all of my assets. I quickly did a
natural look with what was left of my makeup and I
combed my now afro. I paired my look with a black
stiletto with straps and I took my black Micheal Kors
bag. I look smashing. I took out my husband's clothes
and shoes for him. Luckily they were already ironed
izolo before I had my episode yase bathroom. I sighed. I
rushed to the nurseries to check on my babies and they
were still sleeping. Mxm aba they probably just slept. I
went downstairs and I found hubby and Luhle in a deep
conversation about God knows what. They looked so
cute though. It smelled like a good English breakfast
was prepared and I realized sis was really hungry. I
cleared my throat and they both turned with their
mouthed open. Luhle ran to me and hugged my legs.
Luhle: "Mami yam ihle"
-My mommy is beautiful
I smiled.
Me: "Enkosi baby. Now umbetheleni umama?"
-Why did you hit Mommy?
he quickly ran out of the kitchen.
Luhle : "Tshotshooo" and then he laughed. I giggled. He
is so naughty rha. King was still looking at me.
Me: "Haibo Tata wabantwana close your mouth before a
fly falls in it" he smirked and I walked to him and gave
him a kiss. He had his hands on my ass. The way he
gives me butterflies bethunana.
King : "Molo mfazi wam. Siyaphi namhlanje?"
-Hello my wife. Where are we going?
I laughed.
Me: "Asiyi ndawo. I am going to work and so are you I
believe" I walked away to him and opened the
microwave to get my food. I could feel his eyes creating
holes in my body.
King: "I thought we decided you won't be going to work
anymore" I raised my eyebrow.
Me: "And when exactly did we decide on that?" he kept
quiet and I saw him trying to come up with answer.
King: "But babe, the kids are still too small for you to
leave them. And I thought sizobona uChad namhlanje" I
rolled my eyes. King would do anything for me to be a
housewife but andizi shame. He can forget.
Me: "Babe can we please not do this today. We both
agreed that once Niko is 3 months, I would go back to
work. So ndim lo going back, ndicela ungasokolisi
-Don't be difficult
King: "I don't understand why you feel like you need to
work when I can clearly provide for you" I kept quiet
because akho use in arguing about this. My mind was
made up and no one could change it.
He shook his head and walked out. I sighed and ate my
Maletty walked in while I was eating. I smiled at her and
she gave me a hug.
Me: "Molo Mama"
Maletty : "Molo baby. Are you ready for your first day
back at work?"
Me: "I'm really nervous but excited at the same time.
Ndigqibele dala uphangela yhuu"
-I haven't been to work in a long time
she laughed and then she looked at me.
Maletty: "I'm so proud of you mntanam. I'm proud of the
woman that you have become. Do not let people and
their words make you feel you are nothing. You are a
wife, a mother and a daughter kum and we all love you.
Forget anyone who says otherwise" I nodded and
hugged her. I love this woman shame. I don't know how
she had so much love for me and I'm not even hers.
When I count my blessings, she is right at the top.
King was still sulking about me going to work. He was
driving me and he was silent the whole way. We had
dropped Luhle off at school first. The babies were with
Maletty. It took a whole lot of arguing but she insisted
that she could take care of both of them. I really want a
nanny though because I really don't want her to strain
herself with those two little humans of mine.
My husband is so cute when he is angry shame. The
way he gripped the steering wheel was somewhat of a
turn on kum. His jaw was just perfect and he kept on
humming to Jay Rock ft Jeremiah's Tapout that was
playing from my playlist. I looked at him and had an
idea. I've always wanted to do this actually. I took off my
seat belt and got closer to him. I started kissing his face
and neck. He tensed a bit and groaned.
King: "Wenzani Mami?"
Me: "Sssssh tatekhaya and please focus on the road"
This was really risky but the adrenaline was I dropped
my head low to his thighs and I touched the front of his
pants. His breathing pattern changed. I quickly
unbuttoned his pants and pulled his dick out from his
pants. I love how it's always ready for me. It was so
beautiful, with veins throbbing and precum oozing. I
licked the top of him with my tongue and he grunted. We
didn't have much time so I have to make this quick. Plus
he's driving so I don't want to drive him completely wild.
Suddenly, Beyoncé's Speechless played. Rha that was
my motivation ke ngoku. I put all of him in my mouth and
I could his breath hitch. I swirled my tongue around him
and he groaned. I went up and down his dick with my
mouth and my tongue pressed against his dick.
King: "Sssssss.... Fu..." i sucked the tip of his dick and
then I spit on it. I watched my saliva go down his dick.
That excited me more. I put him in my mouth again and
then I went crazy. I sucked, grazed my teeth and blew
on his dick. I felt his hand on my head begging me to go
deeper. I responded by making him hit the back of my
throat. I gagged a bit and I sucked him again. I would
suck him and deep throat him. I went faster and faster
and he groaned. I quickly spit on my hand to make it wet
and cupped his balls and played with them while I
sucked him. He squealed and my inner bitch smiled. I
moaned with my mouth on him and I felt his veins
throbbing in my mouth. I went sucked faster and deep
throated him while my hand was rubbing on his balls.
King: "Maaaam...... Fuck" he spasmed and twitched so
hard as he came in my mouth and I drank all of him, to
the last drop. I got up and looked at him him smiling. His
head was on the headrest and he looked dead. Mission
accomplished. He looked at me and cupped my face, he
smashed his lips and kissed me so hard my panties got
King: "I love you fuck. I can't believe you just did that" I
smiled and looked down. I was blushing bethuna. I
noticed that we were on the side of the road. I looked at
and he just shrugged.
King: "Hayi I didn't trust my driving anymore mfondin"
He fixed himself and drove me to work. He got off and
came to my side to open the door for me. I got out and
he walked me to reception. It's his father's company so
everyone was staring at us. King uyawathanda amehlo
yhu. When we got to reception he held me tight and
kissed me. Someone cleared their throat and there
stood my boss. He had an irritated look on his face
which confused me. We turned to look at him.
Sma: "Lulu, Makeleni" King nodded.
King: "Bye baby. I'll come fetch you namhlanje vha" I
nodded and blushed.
Me: "I love you husband"
King: "I love you too wife" He winked at me and walked
away. The receptionist was smiling at me.
Sma: "Lulu, I will not accept such inappropriate behavior
in this company like that. Next time keep that shit
outside. Are we clear?" I nodded. There was a bit of an
audience and I felt like the ground could just swallow me
whole sana.
Sma: "Don't you all have work to do?" Everyone shuffled
and moved along. Yho hamba first day.
What a day, worse it has not even started �♀�

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