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1) What are some of the qualities that make an employee a professional?

Professional employees possess several key qualities. They think critically, which means they can analyze
situations, identify problems, and find innovative solutions. They communicate effectively, expressing
ideas clearly and listening attentively to others. They set goals, staying motivated, focused, and
productive. Additionally, they are accountable, taking responsibility for their actions, learning from
mistakes, and fulfilling commitments. These qualities contribute to a positive work environment and
help build trust and credibility in the workplace.

2) Discuss the role of attitude in the workplace.

Having a positive attitude at work is important for both the organization and employees. When
companies encourage positivity, it improves communication, teamwork, and collaboration. This boosts
morale, reduces stress, and increases productivity. Positive employees are more motivated and
innovative, leading to less fatigue and stress. This also means fewer absences. Higher productivity helps
companies reach their goals and be profitable. By promoting positive attitudes, companies motivate
their employees to do well, offer great service, and compete by delivering quality products and services.

3) How can adapting to change enhance your career?

Adapting to change can boost your career by making you more flexible, resilient, and receptive to
learning. Gracefully adjusting and responding to changes can enhance your value as a team member,
enabling you to effectively tackle challenges, seize opportunities, and flourish in a constantly changing
work environment.

4) Discuss how professionals’ approach problem-solving.

Problem-solving involves several key steps. First, identify the problem clearly by considering different
perspectives. Second, understand everyone's interests to find a solution that satisfies all parties. Third,
brainstorm and list possible solutions. Fourth, evaluate these options by considering their advantages
and disadvantages. Fifth, select the best option and document the agreement. Finally, plan for
contingencies, monitor progress, and evaluate the solution over time.

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