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PAGE \* Glossary- English Language II- 2nd “C”


Unit 1: New Things

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● To come along: to arrive; ● To keep oneself to oneself:

to appear; to go to stay apart from other
somewhere with sb; used people.
in orders to tell sb to hurry
● Witty: able to say or write
or to try harder.
clever, amusing things.
● To look for: to hope for sth;
● Down-to-earth: sensible
to expect sth.
and practical, in a way
● To avoid: to prevent sth that is helpful and friendly .
bad from happening.
● (To be) a good laugh:
● To discuss: to talk about used to say that someone
something to other is amusing and fun to be
people, often exchanging with.
ideas or opinions.
● Spontaneous: something
● To be at your best that has not been planned
(expression/phrase): to be or organized, but happens
as active or intelligent as by itself.
you can be.
● (To be) a morning person:
● (To be) a people person: used to say that someone
someone who is friendly rise from sleep fairly easily
and enjoys meeting and and are most productive
talking to people. and/or active in the
● (To be) a computer geek:
someone who is extremely
interested in computers.

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● Out of the ordinary: sth ● To make up one's mind: to

unusual. make a decision about sth;
to decide.
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arrange, to organize a
● To hold a meeting
(collocation): to have, to

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deal with, not moving in an
● To feel about
easy way, not
(Collocation): to have
decided opinions
concerning. ● Impressed: feeling
admiration for sb/sth
● Skill: the ability to do sth
because you think they
are particularly good,
● To put pressure on interesting, etc.
someone (Collocation): to ● Fascinated: to be very
force or try to persuade sb
to do sth.
● To be over the moon: to
● To feel scared out of one's
be very pleased about sth.
wits: to make someone
very frightened or worried. ● To shake like a leaf: to
shake in a way that you
● Relieved: feeling happy
cannot control because
because sth unpleasant
you are very nervous or
has stopped or has not
● To stare: to look fixedly
● To make someone's
often with wide-open eyes.
stomach turn: to make
someone feel ill or ● Frustrated: feeling
uncomfortable usually due annoyed and impatient
to being offensive or because you cannot do or
disgusting. achieve what you want.

● Awkward: making you feel ● To wish the earth would

embarrassed, difficult to swallow someone up:
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when you are so want to suddenly

embarrassed that you disappear.

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● Outside the comfort zone ● To go through: undergo a

(expression): it does not difficult period or
make you feel experience, search
comfortable, secure, or in through or examine
control. something.
● To overcome: succeed in ● To dig into: to try to learn or
dealing with (a problem or uncover information by
difficulty), defeat (an studying sth.
opponent). ● To make an effort
(collocation): to put time
● To get on: used to talk or and energy into doing sth.
ask about how well sb is ● To focus on (collocation):
doing in a particular
give all your attention to
situation, to be successful
in your career, to manage
● To focus: the centre of
or survive.
interest or activity.
● To have (more) time on
● To carry on: continue an
one's hand: to have
nothing to do. activity or task.

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● Paranoid: unreasonably; or ● Creative: relating to or

obsessively, anxious, involving the use of the
suspicious, or mistrustful. imagination or original
● Embarrassed: feeling or ideas to create sth.

showing embarrassment. ● Disappointed: upset

● Embarrassment (noun): because sth you hoped

for has not happened or
shy, awkward or guilty
been as good, successful,
feelings; a feeling of being
PAGE \* Glossary- English Language II- 2nd “C”

● Disappointment (noun): ● Worry (noun). the feeling

sadness because sth has of being anxious about
not happened or been as something.
good, successful, etc. ● Nervous: anxious about sth
● Anxious: feeling worried or or afraid of sth.
nervous, waiting sth very ● Nervousness (noun): the
state of being worried or
● Anxiety (noun): the stage slightly frightened.
of feeling nervous or ● Amused: thinking that
worried that sth bad is
sb/sth is funny, so that you
going to happen.
smile or laugh.
● Angry: having strong
● Amusement (noun): the
feelings about sth that you
feeling that you have
dislike very much or about
when sth is funny or
an unfair situation.
amusing; or it entertains
● Anger (noun): a strong you.
feeling of displeasure and ** Please include also the
usually of opposition noun form of the words
toward someone or sth. above.
● Worried: thinking about ● Comment on
unpleasant things that (collocation): give your
have happened or that opinion about sth or give
might happen and an explanation.
therefore feeling unhappy
and afraid.

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● Spare ● Guarantee

● Full-time ● Non-refundable

● Rent ● Flyer

● Negotiable ● To fill in

● Enrolment ● To sign up for

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● Worth ● To schedule

● Two-for-one ● Trial

● Deal

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● To bear with someone

● To hold on

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● To stop someone from doing something (collocation)

● Overwhelming

● To range from… to… (collocation)

● Faint-hearted

● Hard-core

● To take something in

● Where something is at (expression)

● The thing to do

● Yet

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● To swap

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● Cautious ● Moody

● Eccentric ● Naïve

● Flexible ● Sympathetic

● Genuine ● Trustworthy

● Mean ● Outgoing
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● To learn ● React

● To laugh At ● Refer

● Identify ● Argue

● Contribute ● Develop

● Interfere ● Defend

● Involve ● Sign

● Prefer ● Please

● Prepare ** Add the noun form of

these words.
● Donate
● To look after
● Prevent
● Heated argument
● Treat (collocation)
● Exist ● To have a influence on

● Fail someone (collocation)

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● To come in ● To stick with

● (To be) bright and cheerful ● To enquire

● To do the fair share ● To book

● Bill ● To do a test (collocation)

● To afford ● Fee

● In advance ● Refund

● Adventurous ● Colleague

● Hesitation ● Daredevil

● Messy ● Build-up

● Non-judgmental ● Epic
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● Rush

● Hilarious

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