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Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.

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A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study



Ogunyemi, J, 2Adetona, Z. A., 3Mbamaluikem, P. O. and 4Okufuye, O. A.
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering
Works and Services Department
The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ilaro.

For dynamic academic and research activities, a steady power supply ranks number one in the
list of infrastructural requirements. Most often, standby generators are used to keep the system
running with huge resources expended annually on fuel and maintenance. Solar energy is
abundantly available in Nigeria with an average of 5.25 kWh irradiation and is proposed for an
energy mix utilising mains utility supply, diesel generators and solar PV system for Federal
Polytechnic Ilaro. For a total daily energy demand of 10.72 MWh for the institution, when only
90% of the proposed system is implemented, the mix would be: mains 4 % (380.23 kWh), diesel
generators 5 % (526.13 kWh), proposed solar PV system 90 % (17.814 MWh), existing solar
PV/inverters 165.5 kWh of energy daily, reducing the 2.75 MWh currently supplied from diesel
generators daily by 81 % and saving the monthly cost of fuel by N6.48m. The total cost of the
proposed PV system is N 2.028 billion.

Keywords. Academic activities, energy mix, Nigeria tertiary institutions, solar PV renewable
1. INTRODUCTION Even so, half of the population in Nigeria is
Nigeria’s power sector is facing several predicted to stay without access to electricity
challenges, chiefly because of low up to 2030, regardless of the fact that the
generation capability that has restricted state is endowed with a variety of renewable
electricity supply, leading to low access and energy (RE) sources, including wind, solar,
self-generation through fossil-fuel based hydro, tidal, biomass, and so on. As a result,
power generation. However, fossil fuels are low academic research output in tertiary
the most expensive means for generating institutions, sustained economic growth, and
electricity, and this might be exacerbated by industrial development in Nigeria have been
high fuel costs. This, no doubt has hampered (Asiyai, 2013; Mukhtar et al.,
magnified the price of products and services 2021; Nwankwo & Njogo, 2013; Ohajianya,
in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Abumere, Owate, & Osarolube, 2014;
Electrical energy is required for rapid Olówósejéjé, 2020).
development in almost every aspect of life.

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

For Nigeria to fare well in the comity of energy (Ley, Gaines, & Ghatikar, 2019;
nations in terms of education, there is a need Olujobi, 2020). In Nigeria as a whole, solar
for a steady power supply across the energy alone is said to be capable of
institutions and research centres in the producing 207,000 GWh per year of
nation. A consistent power supply is the electricity if 1% of the total landmass were
most important infrastructural requirement to be used for the installation of the state-of-
for dynamic academic and research the-art polycrystalline PV modules with an
activities. Typically, standby generators are electricity yield of 1500Wh/Wp per year
used to keep the system running, with (NESP, 2015).
significant resources spent on fuel and
Thus, the solar energy PV system is
maintenance each year. To improve The
proposed as part of an energy mix that
Federal Polytechnic Ilaro (FPI) campus'
includes mains utility supply and diesel
insufficient power supply, and to reduce the
generators for continuous power supply at
huge resources expended annually on fuel
the minimum possible cost to the FPI.
and maintenance, RE (solar energy) is
Similar efforts have been made for other
proposed as a viable, sustainable energy
tertiary institutions and rural off-grid
mix. This is because, at an average of 5.25
communities, and these have been reported
kWh irradiation, solar energy is abundant in
in the literature (Ali, Ahmar, Jiang, &
Nigeria and ranks first among available RE
Alahmad, 2020; Babatunde et al., 2021).
sources in Ogun State. The State has
massive solar resource of 3.5 kWh/m2–7.0 RE should be made to account for the lion's
kWh/m2 daily (4.2 x 106 MWh/day using share of the energy mix in order to achieve
0.1 per cent land area), of which an ecologically sustainable environment,
approximately 6 MWh/day is produced, as low GHG emissions, and vibrant economic
shown in Table 1 (Khan, Pasupuleti, Al- growth (Holtz & Golubski,
Fattah, & Tahmasebi, 2018).Reducing 2021), (Anomohanran, 2011; Kweku et al.,
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 2018; Mohammed et al., 2012). Exploiting
invariably overreliance on fossil fuels RE sources and liberalizing the energy
necessitated the search for new technologies sector to attract private-sector participation
coupled with advanced technology resulting could reduce the cost of producing
in lower prices of these materials. Globally, electricity and increase access to it.
RE has gained a tremendous position in the Although the short-term cost of generating
energy mix. Figure 1 shows the installed electricity from RE sources may be
solar PV capacity per capital in some of the prohibitive, in the long run, fixed costs are
EU countries with Germany in the lead. likely to be offset by the implementation of
feed-in tariff schemes and economies of
Furthermore, many locations in Nigeria have
been assessed and identified as having the
potentials to provide sustainable solar

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

Table 1: Nigeria’s RE and non-RE reserves, and potentials (Emodi & Boo, 2015; Ley,
Gaines, & Ghatikar, 2019)

Resource Reserve Production

Crude Oil 5.24 Btoe (37,453 million bbl) 1.83 x 109 bbl/day
Solar About 4.2 x 106 MWh/day using 0.1% land 6 MWh/day
of 3.5 kWh/m2 −7.0 kWh/m2 daily)
Natural Gas 1.93x1014 scf 2.78 x 1012 scf
Small 3,500 MW (0.34 Btoe) 30 MW
Large 11,250 MW (0.8 Btoe) 1938 MW
Wind 4 m/s at 12% probability, 70 m height, 20 m rotor -
(2−4 m/s
at 10 m height)
Coal and Lignite 2.175 x 109 tonne -
Animal Waste 245 x 106 assorted animals in 2001 7.81 x 105 ton of
Tar Sand 3.1 x 1010 bbl equivalent -

Germany 590.4
Netherlans 400.6
Belgium 395.5
Italy 345.7
Malta 305.1
Greece 260.5
Luxemborg 229
United Kingdom 204.3
Czechia 197.2
Spain 196.7
Austria 187.5
Denmark 186
France 157.9
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Figure 1: Installed solar PV capacity per capita in EU

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

According to IRENA (2020), replacing 500 considerations to the current utilisation of

gigawatts of existing coal plants (with the energy, sources and the periodic electrical
highest operating costs) with new solar PV load of the institution as a whole.
and onshore wind could:
2.1 FPI Physical Structure and
i) cut annual system costs by up to
Current Power Supply Setup
USD 23 billion per year;
ii) reduce annual CO2 emissions by The FPI community comprises three
around 1.8 gigatonnes, or 5% of last sections namely the East Campus, West
year’s global total; Campus and Gbokoto staff quarters. The
Institution has a robust power supply
iii) yield a stimulus worth USD 940
network with both overhead and
billion, or around 1% of global
underground supply systems. Figure 2
shows the single line diagram of power
The need for RE has been well captured in supply to FPI from Ikeja transmission
the Nigeria Energy Policy (NEP) which station. The various sections of the campus
made provision for effective utilisation of all are supplied simultaneously from the same
forms of energy including RE. The Nigerian electric energy source. Presently, the three
Energy Policy (NEP 2003) stated thus: the main sources of power supply at FPI are
level of energy utilisation in an economy Public power supply, Standby generators
coupled with the efficiency of the and Solar PV/inverter supply system. The
conversion of energy resources is vital for study looked into the present energy mix
the development of the economy. and determine the ratio of mains supply vis-
a-vis diesel generator supply and existing
solar photovoltaic (PV) system that would
The current energy mix and its component yield an optimal power supply to the
parts were established and proportions Polytechnic community.
determined. The mains utility supply record
and fuel consumption data of the generators 2.2 The power supply at FPI
on the FPI campus were obtained from the
The institution is connected to the national
Department of Works, FPI. An energy mix
grid on a 33 kV power supply. A 33/11 kV
of the existing three components is
2.5 MVA transformer on the FPI campus
determined with appropriate proportions.
steps down the distribution voltage to 11 kV
The new energy mix is worked out to ensure
and this is transmitted and distributed
economic viability and sustainability (Ali,
through nine (9) 11/0.415 kVA transformers
Ahmar, Jiang, & Alahmad, 2020) and
situated around the campus premises. Figure
adequate power supply to the Polytechnic
3 shows the power distribution network of
community. This was done giving
the campus. About N800,000 is usually

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

Figure 1: Single line diagram of power supply to FPI

spent on utility energy bills depending on the public power supply. There is a litany of
availability and consumption for each month other small generators virtually in every
with the least monthly cost of N 600,000 Department and section to augment these
only. main ones as well. Generally, in the evening,
a dedicated generator is usually turned on by
There are 14 diesel generator sets serving 7 pm and shut down by 11 pm or 12 am,
the entire FPI campus. These generators and leaving 6-9 hours without power supply on
their locations, sections served and total days with a total outage from the mains
ratings are identified in Table 2. Few of supply.
these (Gbokoto and East Campus
generators) are centralised and connected to The data collected from the FPI Department
two 0.415/11 kV transformers linked to the of Works, showed that the cost of mains
central distribution network to supply power utility supply for one year is about N5
to the entire Polytechnic. Others produce million and the cost for diesel for the
415V to be used in various buildings served generators is about N 48 million, servicing
using a change-over switch at the location. cost and other expenses for electricity,
These generators are the main ones operated engine oil, etc are close to N10 million
by the Polytechnic Management to augment (about N833,000 per month). The fuel

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

consumption rate of a 500 kVA diesel generator is about 110 litres per hour.

Figure 2: Single line diagram of power distribution at FPI

Generally, all the generators consume FPI. As is indicated in the Table, a total of
33,000 litres per month. This quantity of 165.4 kVA of solar PV/inverter system is
fuel is rationed among the generators within available to augment the mains and diesel
the month to ensure continuity of services in generating sets on the campus. Note that few
all sections when there is power failure from of these installations are only inverter-
the mains. With the present cost of diesel operated without any solar panel
being N 242.43 per litre, the total cost of installations.
diesel in a month is therefore given as 33000
x N242.43 = N 8,000,190. Thus, in a year 2.3 Current Energy Mix and Electric
this will translate to N96,002,280. Power Requirement for FPI
The current energy mix is derived
Apart from the mains and diesel generators
considering the hours of usage of the power
operated in the FPI campus, there are
supply from the various sources on the
installed RE systems in form of solar
polytechnic campus. Average monthly
photovoltaic systems and AC inverters.
mains energy consumption stands at
Table 3 gives the number, location, capacity
1,140.69 MWh per month on the average of
and ownership of these RE installations in
5 hours daily supply. Generating sets total

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

energy supply is determined by using standard fuel consumption generation value

Table 2: Statistics of Generators at FPI

S/ Generator Capacity Areas served

N Location (kVA)
1 Gbokoto 500 Entire campus on base-load
2 East Campus 500 Entire campus on base- load
3 School of Engineering Building, Lecture
Engineering 250 rooms, and some offices at
West Campus
4 Admin Block 250 Central Admin only
5 ICT 60 ICT
7 Library 40 Library complex
8 Auditorium 40 Auditorium 2&3
9 Auditorium 1 150 Auditorium
10 Food Tech 250 Departmental buildings
11 Health Centre 40 Medical Centre and Staff
12 Rector’s house 60 Gbokoto Staff Quarters
13 Mass 60 Departmental buildings
14 Agric Farm 500 Agricultural Technology farm
Total 2760

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

Table 3: Solar/RE Installation at FPI Ilaro

S/N Location Capacity Ownership

1. ICT (West 30.0 Institution
2. ICT East Campus 3.5 Institution
3. Dept of Elect 4.0 Department
4. Dept of Computer 3.5 Department
5. School of Part- 2.4 Institution
6. PTDF* 24.0 Institution
7. Library* 30.0 Department
8. Telecomm Lab. 5.25 Department
9. Basic Electricity 3.75 Department
10. Control Lab. 3.0 Department
11. TIKC 10.0 Institution
12. Mass 23.5 Institution
13. Auditorium 1 15.0 Institution
14. Auditorium 3 5.0 Institution
15. Health Centre* 2.5 Institution
* Only inverter-operated

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

power utilisation. Figure 5 shows an

illustration of three sources being proposed
in this paper.
2.5 Sizing of the Proposed Solar PV
of 0.4 litres per kWh. Thus, 33,000 litres of System
fuel gives 82,500 kWh of energy per month.
2.5.1 Inverter Sizing
The solar PV/inverter systems are operated
on average for 6 hours daily. The current In an off-grid solar system, the total wattage
energy mix is presented in Figure 4. Thus, of the appliances the inverter is to supply
the total energy supply from the renewable should be lower than the rating of the
system in the mix stands at: inverter. Hence, the inverter is rated 25% -
30% higher than the total wattage of the
E=165.5 x 4 x 30 (1)
appliances it is meant to supply
¿ 19,860 kWh per month. (Mbamaluikem & Okeke, 2021). For this
Presented in Table 4 are the present electric
power supply requirements for various inverter rating = total appliance wattage x
locations at the FPI campus. Thus, different 1.3 (2)
hours of use and diversity factor were = 3,000 x 0.45 x 1.3
imposed on different locations to determine = 1,755 kW
the current energy demand. The weekend
energy demand is quite low for most or ≅ 2,193.75 kVA
locations and has been embedded in the Applying an average diversity factor of 0.45
daily estimates. Thus, the total energy for all the loads and marking it up, the size
required was calculated as in Table 5. The of the inverter required is 2,500 kVA.
proposed energy mix is to cater for the total
energy demand as indicated in the table. The 2.5.2 PV Module Sizing
solar PV system requirements in terms of Table 5 shows the data of the solar panels
inverter, batteries and solar panels shall now used in this study. The kilowatt-hour (kWh)
be presented. consumption of the Polytechnic using the
energy demand estimate from Table 4 is
2.4 Estimation of Total Solar
10,718.55kWh and this is marked up to
Requirements for FPI Community
11,000 kWh daily.
The various locations on the FPI campus The kWh needed from the PV module/day
utilise electric energy for varying hours each using a diversity factor of 0.6 =
day. The FPI campus comprises residential total kWhload x 1.3 ( systemloss factor )
buildings, office buildings, academic areas,
commercial centres and outdoor electric

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

¿ 11,000 x 0.6 x 1.3 ¿ 8,580 kWh /day

Table 4: FPI Energy demand estimate

Location Total Usage (hr) Energy Diversity Total Estimated

Electrical Demand Factor Energy Demand
Load (kW) (kWh) (kWh)
Residential Building 1260 15 18,900 0.3 5670
Health Centre 16 24 384 0.25 96
Religious Building 14 1.67 23.38 0.75 17.535
Library 84 10 840 0.7 588
Poly Staff schools 26 4.5 117 0.6 70.2
Lecture Rooms 56 8.66 484.96 0.3 145.49
Laboratories/Workshops 485 3.5 1697.5 0.35 594.13
Enterprises/Business 260 10 2600 0.45 1170
Offices 760 5.86 4453.6 0.5 2226.8
General Services 18 12 216 0.65 140.4
Total 10,718.55

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

In- Mains
verte 10%

Generating sets

Figure 3: FPI current energy mix

Figure 4 Energy mix power sources under consideration

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

Therefore, total Watt-peak (Wp) needed for or 4,660 panels of 270 Wp, 24 V rating. The
kWh design can be modified for higher wattage of
PV modules = day PV modules say 300W or 320W to reduce
Panel generation factor the number required.
2.5.3 Deep Cycle Battery Sizing
¿ ¿ 2,516.13 kWp A depth of discharge of 60% is used in this
design to ensure that the battery is returned
Minimum number of PV Panels to fully charge again every day and the
total ℘ lifespan is maintained. Therefore,
¿ (4)
Rated output ℘ of Panel
Battery capacity (Ah) ¿
Using a panel output power of 270 W as BLF∗DOD∗NBV
given in Table 5: (5)

Minimum number of PV Panels 8,580,000 x 1

0.85 x 0.6 x 96
2,516.13 x 1000
¿ ¿ 175,245 Ah .
≅ 9,319 panels. Where:

The proposed solar PV system would DOA = Days of autonomy

require 9,319 panels of 270Wp, 12 V rating
Table 5: Solar panel data

Panel Model: 270M-60

Maximum Power 270 ± 3%
Maximum Power voltage 30 V
Maximum Power current 9:00 AM
Open-Circuit Voltage 36 V
Short-circuit Current 9.81 A
Maximum System Voltage IEC1000V
Maximum fuse current 15 A
Electrical data at standard test conditions: AM 1.5,
irradiance 10000 W/m, cell temperature 250C
BLF = Battery loss factor

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

DOD = Depth of Discharge

= 9,319 x 9.81 x 1.3
NBV = Nominal Battery Voltage
= 118,845 A.
No of batteries ¿ Single Solar charge controller rating =
Battery Capacity
No . of panels∥paths x I sc x 1.3 (8)
Battery Nominal amperage
(6) = 8 x 9.81 x 1.3;
¿ ≅ 797 batteries . using eight parallel paths for the panels,
= 102.02 A ≅ 120 A .
The proposed energy mix requires
797batteries rated 96 V, 220 Ah each. Since No. of charge controllers
deep cycle batteries are not rated 96 V,
therefore the design would need: Minimum Solar charge controller rating
Single Solar charge controller rating
No. of batteries = 8 x 797 (9)

= 6,372 batteries rated 12 V, 220 Ah. 118,845

¿ .
2.5.4 Solar charge controller
Minimum Solar charge controller rating =
No . of panels x I sc x 1.3 (7) Hence, 990 numbers of 120 A charge
controller would be required.
Table 6: The Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation for the designed solar

S/ Description Requirement Quantity Rate Amount

N (Nm) (Nm)
1 Batteries Tubular 220 Ah, 12 6372.00 0.145 923.940
V Deep cycle
2 Solar PV panels 270 W, 12 V 4660.00 0.066 307.560
3 Charge controller MPPT 120 A, 48 V 990.00 0.485 480.150
4 Inverter Central 2,500 kVA, 1.00 81.540 81.540
Grid tied.
5 Battery rack Steel construction 1.00 152.928 152.928
6 Panel rack Aluminium Frame 1.00 46.600 46.600
7 Automatic change over Assorted 1.00 6.678 6.678
8 Cables and accessories Assorted; 4 mm2, 6 1.00 9.567 9.567

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

mm2 16mm2
9 Cost of power house 0.09895 % of total 1.00 19.879 19.879
construction and system
Total Cost 2,028.842

2.5.5 System Costing

The cost requirement is presented in Table The PV system setup would require some
6. Due to the skyrocketing cost of materials level of maintenance such as highlighted by
and devalued naira currency, the cost of Adetona, Ogunyemi, & Bitrus, 2020. When
implementation of the proposed energy mix such maintenance work is routinely carried
is quite high. As can be observed in Table 6, out, the system is expected to last its entire
the total cost of implementation is over design lifetime. This maintenance would
N2.028 billion at the current rate. also require a minimum cost to achieve.


The proposed energy mix value will be
adequately equipped to cater for the A RE source that would serve as a viable
10,718.55 kWh daily energy demand for the energy mix for FPI was designed. The
FPI campus without the need for diesel design is to ensure a 24-hour power supply
generators and the epileptic mains supply. to the campus using the new energy mix
That is 321.56 MWh per month and with the proportions of each power source
N8,000,000 saved in the cost of fueling the shown in Figure 6. The implementation can
generators monthly. If only 90% of the be integrated into the FPI power distribution
proposed PV system design is implemented network. Based on the results of data
the generators will take care of only 5 % and analysis, solar energy source was considered
mains supply only 4 % of the energy a viable means because of its availability
demand in the new mix as shown in Figure despite its high initial cost of installation.
6. This will reduce the overall cost by 10%.
Thus, a total of about N6,480,000 (0.81 x Depending on the availability of funds, a
N8,000,000) monthly reduction in fraction of the proposed system can be
generating sets fueling only is achievable. implemented. For instance, one-half of the
Also, the cost of maintenance of the total energy demand can be implemented
generators would drastically reduce. and this can reduce the cost of
implementation by half. Also, a modular,
rather than grid system can be implemented

Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021

Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

A Viable Energy Mix Option For Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro As A Case Study

at various locations on the FPI campus. this system is adopted, the total estimated
Thus, the implementation can be carried out cost would increase in the course of
in phases depending on needs and funds implementation due to skyrocketing cost of
availability. Such a modular approach is component parts required for the
suggested to focus on the areas of critical implementation.
needs for implementation. However, when

Generators Utility
Existing PV/Inverter Incoming PV

5% 4% 2%


Figure 5: Proportions of energy supply in the proposed energy mix

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Ogunyemi, J, Adetona, Z. A., Mbamaluikem, P. O. And Okufuye, O. A.
1 2 3 4

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Proceedings of the 2021 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) November 2021


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