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IRV302 Danfoss External Start-Up Troubleshooting

1. Parameter 6-12 not visible- Slide switch S210 must be at right

position for current input on terminal 53. (S210 located above
terminal 50 and 53. (NOTE: pressure may show above 230 before the
change is made)

2. Drive does not go from Setup 1 to Setup 2. Hardware: Check that

there is an input to drive at terminal 33. Software: check that setup 1
is linked to setup 2, setup 2 is linked to setup 1 and that input is
enabled to change setups. Related parameters 0-12, 5-15

3. Drive does not start. Check that there is a jumper at 13 to 37 and 12 to

18. On new release check that drive E stop contact is closed. Check
for input to 27. If there is 24 VDC from these points to terminal 20
then check programming. Also drive ships as local stop so you must
hit the start button to enable the drive’s operation. Also note that the
negative of the 24 VDC is not connected to earth ground.

4. Pressure does not display in Setup 1. Make sure Set-Up 1 3-03 is set
to “200” instead of “65” per the older guides. The pressure is
programmed to display in both setups. In order to display the pressure
in setup 1 it was required to program it as process control, even
though the process loop is not used. The display of pressure in both
setups was done to display pressure while in the unload condition.
Related parameters, 0-24, 1-00, 3-01, 3-03

5. Incorrect pressure is displayed when it should be much higher. Make

sure on any sensor sold after 2017 that the BLACK wire is NOT
connected to terminal 55. The older guides and schematics show the
black wire being used, this does not work with new style Sensata
transducers. Check that pressure transducer was wired correctly and to
correct input. (13, 53) and that the correct input is set to the process
loop. Related parameters, 6-12, 6-25. 7-20,
6. Drive does not ramp down as it approaches drive’s set point. Check
that the drive is in setup 2. If pressure is displayed correctly then
check that setup2 is in the process mode and that the feedback is set to
the correct analog input. Drive’s set point must be lower than the set
point of the Intelisys’s set point minus any pressure drop. Related
parameters; 1-00, 3-01,

Drive trips on A7, DC Over volt. If it occurs when pressure
disturbance occurs. Reduce the drive’s gain. Related parameters, 7.33
which is P, its range is (.01-10), higher number is more gain, 7.34
which is I, (.01 – 10000) higher is less gain and parameter 7.35 which
is D (.00-10000), smaller is more gain except if it is set to 0.
Setup1 could be locked in at 60 Hz. If drive starts up and goes over 35
Hz then check setup1 parameters 3-02 and 3-03. Also, set 2-17 to
choice “2”
If this does not fix the problem then there could be a programming
issue. Download the blank parameter list and email it to tech support.

8. Drive trips on A9, A13, or A59 over current; Increase motor current
setting; reduce ramp time/gain; related parameters; 1-24, 3-41, 3-42,
7-33, 7-34, 7-35. If the VFD runs the fan motor, also, make sure 1-24
includes the amperage draw from both motors. Most newer machines
run the motor to the top of the Service Factor, so settings 1-24 to the
SFA instaead of rated Amps may help. If the Current warning occurs
only between 45 and 57 Hertz, then set 14-51 to “off” and 1-64 to 0%

9. 0-10 Sets the active setups, make sure it is choice “9” multi. Also at
the upper right hand corner the active setup and the setup that is being
edited. I.e. 1(2), 1 is the active setup and (2) is the setup that is
selected for editing.

Updated Setpember 2021

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