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Workshop 1

Freddy Israel Banchon Coello

Tell us about your favorite TV show/movie: Give some details about why

you like it.


One of my favorite series or the one that has caught my attention because of its

plot is DARK. This series has been highly acclaimed by international critics as it tells the

story of a young man. One of my favorite series or the one that has caught my attention for its

plot is DARK. This series has been highly acclaimed by international critics because it tells

the story of a young man who in his adolescence loses his father due to suicide, this is not just

another theme of the series because with this act takes place a series of events that go hand in

hand with others because as one of the characters says, “everything is connected”.

It also deals with even stranger situations as it includes time travel through

machines as well as through a cave in which they enter an era and leave in the past or the

future depending on the time in which it is done.

Create your own news (use the passive voice)

 The series is German

 Was launched on December 1, 2017

 It can be viewed through the streaming platform NETFLIX

 It was created by: Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese

 Has three seasons

Tell us about your skills

⋆ What can you do best in any field.

What I know and do best is selling as I am a born salesman, all this thanks to

the fact that I have taken countless courses that have helped me in my training


⋆ Tell us about what you definitely cannot do.

I find it very difficult to hide my dissatisfaction with injustice and even more

so when I witness it.

Tell us the direction to get to your house (from Unemi or any other public

place near your house).

I choose from the terminal Terrestre, because I live in sauces 4, first you must

go through the terminal of the metro via followed by the academy naval

Guayaquil, turn right to the traffic circle of brisas del rio then left straight

ahead until the first traffic light and turn right again at the green house.
Teacher disculpe que pegue mi parte así, lo que pasa es que yo no había tomado contacto con

los compañeros desde el principio y estaba un poco perdido acerca de los workshops.

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