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In a historic ruling, the Commission raised the minimum salary for individuals performing direct aged
care by 15% in the short term. Long-term service delivery challenges have afflicted the aged care
industry, many of which have their roots in concerns about the availability of workers and the calibre of
positions available (Carnemolla et al., 2022). The quality of the aged care system in Australia has come
under intensive scrutiny. The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (2021) identified
issues related to employee turnover, understaffing, continuity, training, and communication.,5&q=%22employee+turnover%22+

The purpose of this article is to analyse employee age diversity in the Slovak Republic's postal industry
and determine how it affects the sector's ability to sustain its human resource base. The primary
research used the personnel audit method to diagnose the postal company's human resource structure,
while the secondary research employed methods of analysis and synthesis. According to the information
gathered from this survey, the postal sector is seeing an increase in workplace age diversity as a result of
the ageing population. The age group of 44 to 58 years old has the largest representation of employees,
and the professions with the highest fluctuation are delivery drivers, postmen, and item sorters.

In in accordance with U.S. Labour Bureau. According to statistics, employees between the ages of 55 and
64 have, on average, worked for their current job for 9.9 years. Compared to the average of 2.8 years for
workers between the ages of 25 and 34, this is more than three times longer. Furthermore, compared to
10% of workers aged 30 to 34 who had retained their post for the same duration, 53% of workers aged
60 to 64 had held their current position for at least 10 years as of January 2020.

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