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OCR-X 8 styles Design by Eurostandard & Maximage www.maxitype.


OCR-X Font Information

Designed by Eurostandard and OCR-A was created in 1966 (1) by the American Type Founders (ATF)
on a commission by the American National Standards Institute

Maximage, OCR-X is both a (ANSI, the North American equivalent of the Deutsches Institut for
Normung – DIN – to whom we owe standardized paper formats). The
homage to and an extension of ANSI required a highly differentiated monospace to ensure
successful recognition with the comparatively low-resolution optic
the infamous OCR-A typeface readers available in the 1960s. This restrictive logic determined
OCR-A’s unusual letter shapes, evidenced for instance in its
from 1966. lozenge-shaped O, skewed Q, kooky C, flat S and unusually high M.
Its construction was meant to be recognizable on a small optical grid
of five by nine units.

Taking its predecessor’s skeleton OCR-A’s numerals also draw from its predecessor E13B (1958),
which was developed over ten years at the Stanford Research
as a starting point, OCR-X Institute under the direction of Kenneth R. Eldredge after a
commission by the American Bankers Association to develop an
reinterprets it and expands it in automated cheque-processing system. Neither E13B nor OCR-A
were ever designed as futuristic-looking typefaces – the ANSI was
six weights. The versatility across probably as dry a client as there could be – the beauty of their
shapes is embodied in a tense dance of form and function that sees
the cuts means that OCR-X can the logic of the computer converging with the human eye.

be used on both screen and print. […]

Its extended character set makes in the early 2000s Maximage and Eurostandard were more
interested in Isostar than ISO standards. Scrolling through the fonts

it a highly functional typeface, on their school computers, they were struck by the enigmatic power
and the promise held by the OCR-A typeface, which they intuitively

fully aligned with today’s picked to design their first posters, flyers and bootleg record covers.
By contrast, under no circumstance would they have resorted
standards. A variable version of to using OCR-B. In art school a few years later, it seemed natural to
continue using OCR-A. Soon enough however, their modernist
the typeface is also available. teachers were encouraging them to swap the A for their top Gs –
that is, respectable sans-serifs like Akzidenz Grotesk (and perhaps
Helvetica Bold at a stretch). At the time, the youngsters felt like
school was taking the fun away. With OCR-X, they now have their

Today, the question of forcing characters, bonsai-like, into specific

shapes to pass the test of optical recognition sounds almost
far-fetched. As telephone cameras can recognize even pixelated
portions of handwritten text, there is no need for an OCR typeface –
if anything, we need machine-unreadable type. Liberated from its
predecessor’s computational requirements, OCR-X is free to take on
other meanings on the walls of the city. Maxitype propose an
extension and homage to letterforms that were created for function,
not for style; still, OCR-X is the most stylish system font with that
drop of Alien Lean. [Excerpt from OCR–X Type Specimen] OCR-X Type Specimen, 2023
Designed by Eurostandard, with an essay by Jonas Berthod
Softcover, 48 pages, 21 × 29.7 cm, offset printed with 5 PMS
OCR-X Family

OCR-X Thin
OCR-X Light
OCR-X Regular
OCR-X Medium
OCR-X Bold
OCR-X Black
OCR-X 72 pt Basic Character Set

a b c defghijklmn
op qrstuv wxyz
1 234567 890
(; ”#€$@!?&*)

Black Regular Ultra Light

OCR-X 96 pt Black Heavy Bold Medium Regular

Zion Township
Isostar Lemon
Matrix Reload

Organic grids
96 pt

Medium Regular Light Ultra Light Thin
OCR-X 96 pt Uppercase


Black Heavy Bold Medium Regular
OCR-X 96 pt Numbers

4275 3156 0372

80% 75% 0.5‰
1/4 81/4 51/2 1/3
OCR-X 96 pt Liguatures and Discretionary Liguatures

fi fi fl fl
Œ Œ œ Æ Æ æ
aa st SS OO
Black Heavy Bold Medium Regular
OCR-X Open Type Features (Alternates)

Techno Techno
LX1589 LX1589
Metro Metro
39.90$ 39.90$
5€ 8£ 5€ 8£
OCR-X Open Type Features (Alternates)

OCR-X Open Type Features (Alternates, Case, Fraction)

–>1968 →1968
[low] [CASE]
«quote «QUOTE
3 5/8 i3⅝ inch
OCR-X 96 pt Symbols

OCR-X Waterfall

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

OCR-X Thin 18 pt OCR-X Light 18 pt

Traditionally, text is composed to cr

Traditionally, text is composed to cre-
readable, coherent, and visually sati
ate a readable, coherent, and visually
typeface that works invisibly, withou
satisfying typeface that works invisi-
bly, without the awareness of the awareness of the reader. Even distrib
reader. Even distribution of typeset typeset material, with a minimum of d
tions and anomalies, is aimed at prod
material, with a minimum of distractions
OCR-X Regular 18 pt OCR-X Medium 18 pt

Traditionally, text is composed to cr

Traditionally, text is composed to cre-
readable, coherent, and visually sati
ate a readable, coherent, and visually
typeface that works invisibly, withou
satisfying typeface that works invisi-
bly, without the awareness of the awareness of the reader. Even distrib
reader. Even distribution of typeset typeset material, with a minimum of d
tions and anomalies, is aimed at prod
material, with a minimum of distractions
OCR-X Bold 18 pt OCR-X Black 18 pt

Traditionally, text is composed to cre-

Traditionally, text is composed to cr
ate a readable, coherent, and visually
readable, coherent, and visually sati
satisfying typeface that works invisi-
typeface that works invisibly, withou
bly, without the awareness of the awareness of the reader. Even distrib
reader. Even distribution of typeset typeset material, with a minimum of d
material, with a minimum of distractions
tions and anomalies, is aimed at prod
OCR-X Thin 12 pt OCR-X Light 12 pt OCR-X Regular 12 pt

Traditionally, text has been composedTraditionally,

to Traditionally,
text has been composed to text has been composed t
serve as a vessel for the written word. serve
It as a vessel for the written word. It as a vessel for the written word.
is a medium that can carry ideas and is a medium that can carry ideas and is a medium that can carry ideas and
thoughts, expressing them with clarity and thoughts,
expressing them with clarity and expressing them with clarity
precision. To achieve this goal, textprecision. To achieve this goal, text precision. To achieve this goal, text
typography aims to create a readable,typography aims to create a readable, typography aims to create a readable,
coherent, and visually pleasing typefac
coherent, and visually pleasing typeface
coherent, and visually pleasing typeface
that works invisibly, without distracti
that works invisibly, without distracting
that works invisibly, without distracting
the reader from the message. One of the reader from the message. One of the reader from the message. One of the
primary goals of text typography is to
primary goals of text typography is to primary goals of text typography is to
achieve an even distribution of typeset
achieve an even distribution of typeset
achieve an even distribution of typeset
material. This means that the text ismaterial. This means that the text is material. This means that the text is
arranged in such a way as to minimizearranged
dis- arranged
in such a way as to minimize dis- in such a way as to minimize d
tractions and anomalies. The ultimatetractions
goal tractions
and anomalies. The ultimate goal and anomalies. The ultimate g
is to create clarity and transparency,
is to create clarity and transparency, is to create clarity and transparency,

OCR-X Medium 12 pt OCR-X Bold 12 pt OCR-X Black 12 pt

Traditionally, text has been composedTraditionally,

to text has been composed to
Traditionally, text has been composed t
serve as a vessel for the written word. It as a vessel for the written word.
serve It as a vessel for the written word.
is a medium that can carry ideas and is a medium that can carry ideas and is a medium that can carry ideas and
thoughts, expressing them with clarity and expressing them with clarity and
thoughts, expressing them with clarity
precision. To achieve this goal, textprecision. To achieve this goal, text precision. To achieve this goal, text
typography aims to create a readable,typography aims to create a readable, typography aims to create a readable,
coherent, and visually pleasing typeface
coherent, and visually pleasing typeface coherent, and visually pleasing typefac
that works invisibly, without distracting
that works invisibly, without distracting that works invisibly, without distracti
the reader from the message. One of the reader from the message. One of the reader from the message. One of the
primary goals of text typography is to
primary goals of text typography is to primary goals of text typography is to
achieve an even distribution of typeset
achieve an even distribution of typeset achieve an even distribution of typeset
material. This means that the text ismaterial. This means that the text is material. This means that the text is
arranged in such a way as to minimizearranged
dis- in such a way as to minimize dis-
arranged in such a way as to minimize d
tractions and anomalies. The ultimatetractions
goal and anomalies. The ultimate goal
tractions and anomalies. The ultimate g
is to create clarity and transparency,
is to create clarity and transparency, is to create clarity and transparency,
OCR-X Light 9 pt OCR-X Regular 9 pt OCR-X Medium 9 pt

Traditionally, text has been composed to serve as a Traditionally,
text has been composed to serve as a text has been composed to serve as a
vessel for the written word. It is a medium that vessel
can for the written word. It is a medium that vessel
can for the written word. It is a medium that ca
carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with clar
carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with clarity
carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with clarity
and precision. To achieve this goal, text typograph
and precision. To achieve this goal, text typography
and precision. To achieve this goal, text typography
aims to create a adjuste, coherent, and visually pl
aims to create a readable, coherent, and visually
aims to create a readable, coherent, and visually
ing typeface that works invisibly, without distract
pleasing typeface that works invisibly, without dis-
pleasing typeface that works invisibly, without dis-
tracting the reader from the message. One of the tracting
pri- the reader from the message. One of the the reader from the message. One of the primary goa
of text typography is to achieve an even distributi
mary goals of text typography is to achieve an even
mary goals of text typography is to achieve an even
distribution of typeset material. This means that the ofthe
of typeset material. This means that typeset material. This means that the text is
arranged in such a way as to minimize distractions
text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distrac-
text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distrac-
anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create clarity a
tions and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create
tions and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create
focus and transparency, allowing the reader to transparency,
clarity and transparency, allowing the reader to clarity focus allowing the reader to focus on the
on the meaning and content of the text rather than
on the meaning and content of the text rather than the and content of the text rather than the for
The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect of
form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect
form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect
typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography emph
of text typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography
of text typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography
sized the importance of typography in effective
emphasized the importance of typography in effective
emphasized the importance of typography in effective

OCR-X Light (alt) 9 pt OCR-X Regular (alt) 9 pt OCR-X Medium (alt) 9 pt

Traditionally, text has been composed to serve as a Traditionally,
text has been composed to serve as a text has been composed to serve as a
vessel for the written word. It is a medium that vessel
can for the written word. It is a medium that vessel
can for the written word. It is a medium that ca
carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with clar
carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with clarity
carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with clarity
and precision. To achieve this goal, text typograph
and precision. To achieve this goal, text typography
and precision. To achieve this goal, text typography
aims to create a readable, coherent, and visually
aims to create a readable, coherent, and visually
aims to create a readable, coherent, and visually
pleasing typeface that works invisibly, without dis
pleasing typeface that works invisibly, without dis-
pleasing typeface that works invisibly, without dis-
tracting the reader from the message. One of the tracting
pri- the reader from the message. One of the tracting
pri- the reader from the message. One of the pr
mary goals of text typography is to achieve an even
mary goals of text typography is to achieve an even
mary goals of text typography is to achieve an even
distribution of typeset material. This means that the distribution
of typeset material. This means that the of typeset material. This means that t
text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distr
text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distrac-
text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distrac-
tions and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create
tions and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create
tions and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create
focus and transparency, allowing the reader to clarity
clarity and transparency, allowing the reader to clarity focus and transparency, allowing the reader to fo
on the meaning and content of the text rather than
on the meaning and content of the text rather than
on the meaning and content of the text rather than
form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspe
form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect
form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect
of text typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typogra
of text typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography
of text typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography
emphasized the importance of typography in effectiv
emphasized the importance of typography in effective
emphasized the importance of typography in effective
OCR-X Thin 7 pt OCR-X Light 7 pt OCR-X Regular 7 pt OCR-X Medium 7 pt

Traditionally, text has been composed to serve Traditionally,

as a Traditionally, text has been composed to serve Traditionally,
text has been composed to serve as a vessel as a text has been composed to serve as
vessel for the written word. It is a medium that the written word. It is a medium that can carry ideas vessel
vessel for the written word. It is a medium that can for the written word. It is a medium that c
carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with and thoughts, expressing them with clarity and precision.
clarity carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with
To achieve this goal, text typography aims to create a
and precision. To achieve this goal, text typography clarity and precision. To achieve this goal, text
clarity and precision. To achieve this goal, text
readable, coherent, and visually pleasing typeface that
aims to create a readable, coherent, and visually
works invisibly, without distracting the reader from the
typography aims to create a readable, coherent,typography
and aims to create a readable, coherent, an
pleasing typeface that works invisibly, withoutmessage. One of the primary goals of text typography isvisually
to visually pleasing typeface that works invisibly,
pleasing typeface that works invisibly,
the an even distribution of typeset material. This without distracting the reader from the message.
distracting the reader from the message. One ofachieve without
One distracting the reader from the message. O
primary goals of text typography is to achieve means
an even
that the text is arranged in such a way as to of the primary goals of text typography is to of the primary goals of text typography is to achi
the distractions and anomalies. The ultimate goal achieve
distribution of typeset material. This means that is an even distribution of typeset material. This mea
an even distribution of typeset material.
to create clarity and transparency, allowing the reader
text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distrac- to means that the text is arranged in such a that
This way the text is arranged in such a way as to
focus on the meaning and content of the text rather than
tions and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create as to minimize distractions and anomalies. The minimize distractions and anomalies. The ultimate
the form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect
clarity and transparency, allowing the reader to focus goal is to create clarity and transparency, allowi
ultimate goal is to create clarity and transparency,
of text typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography
on the meaning and content of the text rather than the
emphasized the importance of typography in effective
allowing the reader to focus on the meaning andthe reader to focus on the meaning and content of
form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary communication.
aspect text rather than the form. The choice of typeface(
They recognized that typography plays a content of the text rather than the form. The choice
of text typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography
crucial role in shaping the reader's experience and of typeface(s) is the primary aspect of text is the primary aspect of text typography. Both
understanding of the text. For example, the Maxitype typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography Maxitype and Swiss typography emphasized the impor
emphasized the importance of typography in effective
tance of typography in effective communication. Th
plays a clean and simple design made it easier for emphasized the importance of typography in effective
communication. They recognized that typography typeface's
crucial role in shaping the reader's experiencereaders
and to focus on the content of the text without communication. They recognized that typography recognized
plays that typography plays a crucial role in
distractions, while Swiss typography's use of grid systems
understanding of the text. For example, the Maxitype shaping the reader's experience and understanding
a crucial role in shaping the reader's experience
and minimalist designs helped to create a clear hierarchy
typeface's clean and simple design made it easier for and understanding of the text. For example, thethe text. For example, the Maxitype typeface's cle
of information. Different types of writing, such as prose
readers to focus on the content of the text without
fiction, non-fiction, editorial, educational, religious,
anditsimple design made it easier for readers to fo
Maxitype typeface's clean and simple design made
distractions, while Swiss typography's use of grid
scientific, spiritual, and commercial writing, all have on the content of the text without distractions,
easier for readers to focus on the content of the
systems and minimalist designs helped to createdifferent
a characteristics and requirements of appropriate while Swiss typography's use of grid systems and
text without distractions, while Swiss typography's
clear hierarchy of information. Different typestypefaces
of and their fonts or styles. The choice of font minimalist
use of grid systems and minimalist designs helped to designs helped to create a clear hierar

OCR-X Thin 5 pt OCR-X Light 5 pt OCR-X Regular 5 pt OCR-X Medium 5 pt

Traditionally, text has been composed to serve as a vessel for the written word.textIt has been composed to serve as a vessel for theTraditionally,
written word.text has been composed to serve as a vessel for the Traditionally,
written text has been composed to serve as a vessel for the wri
It is
is a medium that can carry ideas and thoughts, expressing them with and that can carry ideas and thoughts, expressing themword.
a medium
clarity with It is a medium that can carry ideas and thoughts, expressing
clarity word.
themIt is a medium that can carry ideas and thoughts, expressing the
precision. To achieve this goal, text typography aims to create aand precision.
readable, clarity
To achieve this goal, text typography aims to create
coherent, and precision. To achieve this goal, text typography aimsclarity
a readable, to createand precision. To achieve this goal, text typography aims to c
and visually pleasing typeface that works invisibly, without distracting and
the visually pleasing typeface that works invisibly, without
reader a readable, coherent, and visually pleasing typeface that works invisi
a readable, coherent, and visually pleasing typeface that works invisibly,
from the message. One of the primary goals of text typography is distracting
to achieve an the reader from the message. One of the primary goalswithout
even of textdistracting the reader from the message. One of the primary without
of the reader from the message. One of the primary go
distribution of typeset material. This means that the text is arranged is to
in such text
achieve an even distribution of typeset material.
a way typography
This means text typography
is to achieve an even distribution of typeset material. This is to achieve an even distribution of typeset material
as to minimize distractions and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to the text
create is arranged
clarity and means
in such a way as to minimize distractions means that the text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distracti
andthat the text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distractions
transparency, allowing the reader to focus on the meaning and content of theThetext andallowing
ultimate goal is to create clarity and transparency, anomalies. and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create clarity and transparency
theThe ultimate goal is to create clarity and transparency,
rather than the form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect ofto focus on the meaning and content of the text rather than
text allowing theThe
the form. allowing
reader to focus on the meaning and content of the text ratherthe reader to focus on the meaning and content of the text ra
choice of
typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss typography emphasized the importance thanMaxitype
oftypeface(s) is the primary aspect of text typography. Both the form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect ofthan
and textthe form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect of text
Swiss typography
typography in effective communication. They recognized that typography plays a typography.
emphasized the importance of typography in effective communica- typography.
Both Maxitype and Swiss typography emphasized the importance of Both Maxitype and Swiss typography emphasized the importan
crucial role in shaping the reader's experience and understandingtion. They
of the recognized
text. For typography
that typography plays a crucial role in shaping the typography
in effective communication. They recognized that typography playsin effective communication. They recognized that typography
example, the Maxitype typeface's clean and simple design made it reader's
easier for experience
readers and understanding of the text. For example, thea crucial
Maxitype a crucial
role in shaping the reader's experience and understanding of the role in shaping the reader's experience and understanding of
to focus on the content of the text without distractions, while Swiss clean and simple design made it easier for readers to text.
typography's focus For example, the Maxitype typeface's clean and simple design
on the text.
it example, the Maxitype typeface's clean and simple design mad
use of grid systems and minimalist designs helped to create a clear of the
hierarchy oftext without distractions, while Swiss typography'seasier
use offor
grid easier for readers to focus on the content of the text without distrac
readers to focus on the content of the text without distractions,
systems and minimalist designs helped to create a clear hierarchywhile
information. Different types of writing, such as prose fiction, non-fiction, Swiss typography's use of grid systems and minimalist designs
of information. while Swiss typography's use of grid systems and minimalist designs he
editorial, educational, religious, scientific, spiritual, and commercial types of
writing, writing, such as prose fiction, non-fiction, editorial,
all to create
to create a clear hierarchy of information. Different types of writing, sucha clear hierarchy of information. Different types of writing
have different characteristics and requirements of appropriate typefaces as prose
religious, scientific, spiritual, and commercial writing,
and their allfiction,
have non-fiction, editorial, educational, religious,as prose fiction, non-fiction, editorial, educational, religious,
different characteristics
fonts or styles. The choice of font and style can influence the readability, tone, and requirements of appropriate typefaces and theirspiritual, and commercial writing, all have differentscientific, spiritual, and commercial writing, all have different
fonts or
and emotional impact of the text. Traditionally, text has been composed tostyles.
serve as The characteristics and requirements of appropriate typefaces and their
a choice of font and style can influence the readability, characteristics
fonts or and requirements of appropriate typefaces and their fo
vessel for the written word. It is a medium that can carry ideas tone, and emotional impact of the text. Traditionally, text has been
and thoughts, styles. The choice
composed to styles.
of font and style can influence the readability, tone,The choice of font and style can influence the readability, to
expressing them with clarity and precision. To achieve this goal,serve
text as and emotional
a vessel for the written word. It is a medium that can carry
typography and emotional
ideas andimpact of the text. Traditionally, text has been composed to impact of the text. Traditionally, text has been compose
aims to create a readable, coherent, and visually pleasing typeface expressing them with clarity and precision. To achieve serve
that works as a vessel
this goal, text serveideas
for the written word. It is a medium that can carry as a vessel for the written word. It is a medium that can carry
invisibly, without distracting the reader from the message. One of aims
the primary and thoughts,
to create a readable, coherent, and visually pleasing
goals typeface expressing them with clarity and precision. To achieveand thoughts,
this expressing them with clarity and precision. To achieve t
of text typography is to achieve an even distribution of typeset that worksThis
material. invisibly, goal, text
means without distracting the reader from the message. One oftypography
the goal, text typography aims to create a readable, coherent, and visuall
aims to create a readable, coherent, and visually
that the text is arranged in such a way as to minimize distractions goals of text typography is to achieve an even distribution
and anomalies. pleasing
of typeset pleasing
typeface that works invisibly, without distracting the reader fromtypeface that works invisibly, without distracting the reader
The ultimate goal is to create clarity and transparency, allowingmaterial.
the readerThis
to means the
focus that the text is arranged in such a way as to minimize the message.
message. One of the primary goals of text typography is to achieve an One of the primary goals of text typography is to achieve
on the meaning and content of the text rather than the form. The distractions
choice of and anomalies. The ultimate goal is to create clarityeven
anddistribution of typeset material. This means that the text is even distribution of typeset material. This means that the text is arr
typeface(s) is the primary aspect of text typography. Both Maxitype and Swiss allowing the reader to focus on the meaning and contentin such
of atheway
text in such
as to minimize distractions and anomalies. The ultimate goala way as to minimize distractions and anomalies. The ultimate
rather than the
typography emphasized the importance of typography in effective communication. is toof
form. The choice of typeface(s) is the primary aspect
They create
text clarity and transparency, allowing the reader to focusis to
on create
the clarity and transparency, allowing the reader to focus on
Uppercase Superscripts

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Fractions, ordinals

¼ ½ ¾ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ � �
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
p q r s t u v w x y z Stylistic Set 01 (alternate punctuation)
Proportional Figures

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , : ; ? ¿ ¨
Stylistic Set 02
Tabular Figures

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A D M P S T W X a e s
Liguatures 5 6 9 [ ] &
fi fl st aa OO SS GG W Stylistic Set 03 (alien)

Punctuation A B C E F G J K M O R S T W X
! " # % & & ' ( ) * , - . Y Z e ə 8 ƒ $ € £ ¥
/ : ; ? @ [ ] [ ] \ _ { } Stylistic Set 04

¡ § « ¶ » ¿ ̀– — ‘ ’ “ † B E K L P Þ a e ə
‡ • … ‹ › Stylistic Set 05 (large width)

Case sensitive Æ Œ W X fi fl → ←
¡ ¿ - – — () {} [] « » ‹› Stylistic Set 06 (credit card figures)

Currency 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -
$ ¢ ƒ £ ¤ ¥ ฿ € ₹ ₿ ƒ $ £ € ¥ Stylistic Set 07 (ascii bubble)

Maths symbols
+ < = > x | ~ ¬ ± × ÷ ⁄ K L M N O P Q R S T
∂ ∆ ∏ ∑ − √ ∞ ∫ ≈ ≠ ≤ ≥ U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3
Arrows 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , : ; !
← ← ↑ → → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ? / - – ( ) & + = → ←
Character Set

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
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Font Specification OpenType Features Supported Languages Maxitype
Name: OCR-X Access All Alternate Afrikaans, Albanian, Asu, Basque, Bemba, Bena, Maxitype Sàrl
Designer: Eurostandard & Maximage Case Sensitive Forms Breton, Catalan, Chiga, Colognian, Cornish, Rue Fendt 10
Year: 2021–2023 Discretionary Ligatures Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Embu, English, CH-1201 Geneva
Styles: 6 styles, 1 package Fractions Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, Switzerland
Features: 7 stylistic sets Localised Forms French, Friulian, Galician, Ganda, German, Gusii,
Glyphs: 860 Scientific Interiors Hungarian, Icelandic, Inari Sami, Indonesian, Maxitype is a collaborative type foundry founded
Spacing: Monospace Slashed Zero Irish, Italian, Jola-Fonyi, Kabuverdianu, in 2020 to encourage type design research. The
Formats: OTF, TTF, WOFF, WOFF2, Standard Ligatures Kalaallisut, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kikuyu, team includes designers and studios connected by
Variable Font (beta version) Subscript Kinyarwanda, Latvian, Lithuanian, Lower the common aim of creating, promoting and
UnitsPerEm: 8000 Superscript Sorbian, Luo, Luxembourgish, Luyia, Machame, distributing new and relevant typefaces. We offer
Mastering: Office for Typography (CH) Tabular Figures Makhuwa-Meetto, Makonde, Malagasy, retail and bespoke typefaces, paying special
Type Foundry: Maxitype Maltese, Manx, Meru, Morisyen, Northern Sami, attention to contemporary visual languages and
North Ndebele, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian historical knowledge. Subscribe to our occasional
Nynorsk, Nyankole, Oromo, Polish, Portuguese, newsletter for news and access to early trials.
Unicode Quechua, Romanian, Romansh, Rombo, Rundi,
Rwa, Samburu, Sango, Sangu, Scottish, Gaelic,
Basic Latin Sena, Serbian, Shambala, Shona, Slovak, Soga, Get in touch for bespoke licenses and/or custom
Latin-1 Supplement Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Swiss typefaces:
Latin Extended-A German, Taita, Teso, Turkish, Upper Sorbian,
General Punctuation Uzbek (Latin), Volapük, Vunjo, Walser, Welsh,
Superscripts And Subscripts Western Frisian, Zulu.
Currency Symbols


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