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Hard elements are under

direct control of
management because they
are easy to define and
identify. The next element is
the difficult element of the
organization. Strategy: An
action plan, roadmap, or
blueprint for an
organization to gain a
competitive or leadership
advantage. Structure: This
refers to an organizational
structure or report pattern.
System: This includes the
day-to-day activities that
employees perform to
ensure they complete their
assigned tasks. Soft
elements are less specific
and are more culturally
driven, making them
difficult to define and
identify. However,
according to proponents of
this model, these soft
elements are just as
important as the hard
elements in determining the
success and growth of an
organization in the industry.
The next element is the soft
element of the organization.
Shared Value:
Comprehensive goals or
core values that are
reflected in the
organizational culture or
influence the Code of
Ethics. Style: This focuses
on the style of leadership
and how it affects strategic
decisions, employee
motivation, and
organizational performance.
Personnel: General
personnel or employee skills
Skills: Employee core
competencies or key
qualifications can make a
big difference in a
company's success. This
model can be applied in
many situations and is a
valuable tool when it
comes to organizational
design. The most common
uses of the framework are:
To facilitate organizational
changes. Helps implement
new strategies. See how
each area will change in the
future. To promote
organizational mergers.
Opportunities- This helps
both individual employees
and senior management
understand the various
elements of organizational
change that affect the entire
organization. This helps
individuals better
understand their role in the
organizational change
process and how much they
can contribute to its
effective implementation.
For top-level leaders,
this model provides a
framework for
understanding how
organizational changes
affect all areas of the
organization and produces
the most effective results.
Allows you to develop and
execute your plans. People
who use this model usually
report that it helps motivate
employees and is a great
way to align the entire
organization towards a
common goal. This model
builds trust among different
levels of managers within
an organization, especially
when used for “bottom-up”
change work focused on
involving people in the
design and implementation
process of organizational
changes. It also helps to

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