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Program to calculate Factorial using a subroutine

section .data
prompt db 'Enter a number: ', 0
result_msg db 'The factorial is: ', 0
format db "%d", 0

section .bss
num resd 1
factorial resd 1

section .text
global main
extern printf, scanf

; Prompt for the number
mov eax, 0
lea edi, [prompt]
call printf

; Read the number

lea edi, [format]
lea esi, [num]
call scanf
; Call subroutine to calculate factorial
mov eax, [num]
call calc_factorial

; Print the result

mov eax, 0
lea edi, [result_msg]
call printf
mov eax, [factorial]
lea edi, [format]
call printf

; Exit the program

mov eax, 0

; Input: EAX = number
; Output: EAX = factorial
; Modifies: EAX, EBX, ECX

mov ebx, eax ; Copy number to ebx

mov ecx, 1 ; Initialize factorial to 1

mul ecx ; Multiply factorial by current number
inc ecx ; Increment current number
cmp ecx, ebx ; Compare current number with input number
jle .loop ; Loop until current number <= input number

mov eax, ecx ; Store factorial in eax


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