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Student I’D: bc230420111


a. Compare and contrast that how Geometric Shapes are different from Free-form or
Organic Shapes?
b. List down the types of applied arts.

(a). Compare and contrast that how Geometric Shapes are different from Free-form or
Organic Shapes?

Geometric shapes and freestyle (natural) shapes are two key classifications in visual plan, each
with particular attributes:

 Geometric shapes:
These are exact, regular shapes that can be characterized utilizing mathematical formulas.

They have predictable sides and angles. For example: Square have four equal sides and 90
degree angles.

These are associated with the human creature and architectural structure.

For example:

Models include circles, squares, triangles, and square shapes.

Free form shapes:

Free form shapes are irregular and asymmetrical, frequently looking like normal structures
tracked down in the climate.

They need characterized edges or points and are more liquid and unpredictable.

They don’t have consistent sides and angles.

Frequently look like shape found in nature like leaves, bloom and clouds.

For example:

Leaf, flower, hand, cloud, tree bunch are example of these shapes.
(b). List down the types of applied arts.

Applied art envelop different disciplines where imaginative standards and strategies are utilized
for practical purposes. Here are a portion of the significant kinds of applied expressions:

 Graphic Design:
Graphic design includes the formation of visual substance to impart messages or thoughts.

It envelops a large number of mediums, including notices, logos, sites, magazines, and bundling.

 Textile Design:
Textile design includes the production of examples and plans for textures and materials.

Material originators utilize different procedures, like printing, winding around, and coloring, to
make novel examples and surfaces for use in style, inside plan, and different applications.

 Fashion Design:
This is the art of designing clothing and accessories.

Style originators utilize their creative abilities to configuration articles of clothing that are both
tastefully satisfying and useful.

 Interior Design:
Interior design focuses on creating functional and aesthetically pleasurable interior spaces.

Inside originators consider factors like design, furniture, lighting, and variety plans to establish
conditions that address the issues and inclinations of their clients.

 Glass Art:
Glass craftsmanship incorporates a large number of methods for making improving and useful
items from glass.

Glass specialists might utilize methods like blowing, intertwining, and projecting to make
models, vessels, gems, and compositional establishments.

 Jewelry Design:
Adornments designs include the making of enhancing extras like rings, neckbands, wristbands,
and hoops. Gems originators utilize various materials, including valuable metals, gemstones, and
dots, to make pieces that are both delightful and wearable.

These are only a couple of instances of the different fields inside applied expressions, each
requiring an interesting mix of imaginative expertise, specialized skill, and creative vision.

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